44404444444444 444444444t) " 1 - i Ol-i..-L C it. f- m J HEATERS I Get Your School Supplies at the ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Gondensod Statement of tho Condition of JJcmusuJn Rational ixxxk of rffaiib $1 A WEEK A wonderful assortment of Heaters, Wood Burn ers nnd Combination Wood add Coal Burners. Priced reasonably on Easy Terms. Wood Burners, Cast Lined 20 Bel $17.50 23 " 20.00' 27 " 23.00 218 Mascott 20.00 220' " 24.75 .222 " 26.50 219 Sunset 29.50 221 " 32.00 Coal and Wood Heaters 18 Daisy $24.25 18 Lilly 29 25 20 " 33. 25 219 Fire Fly 42.25 221 " " 49.50 223 " ' 53.50 All Cast Heaters', Wood Burners 21 Household... $34.50 23 " 38.50 Terms, Any Heater $1 Weekly Payments Your Credit is Good ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns fa0aa0a0oa0taoO4O oooo0oooofo i 1 Universal Lunch Kit Last week we sold copper wash J boilers below present wholesale cost. The demand was more than we i could supply. Here is another rock I bottom special: Universal Lunch Kit fcO OR With Vacuum Bottle W W Call or phone your order early. Fill your empty lamp sockets with Mnzdn Shelby Lamps. We have a complete stock. . imi.i.. ii. 1 1 St. Johns Hardware Co. . Agency for Goodyear Tires 'UOOCfDO4OOOO00 0OOO0O0OO0OC ' St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and ,Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlingtdn St, I The Grabater ia Cash Grocery The sales of the Scales & Currier Grabateria keep up .because the prices are kept down. It is easy to pu-ove that our prices are lower than the regular charge account several-deliveries-a-day Grocery. We make the prices consistent with a large vol ume of buying, with the minimum of overhead ex pense because we employ no bookkeeper, we make but one thorough delivery each day, we are both ac tively engaged in the business, we eliminate the losses on charge accounts and our rent is low. Make up a substantial order for us, give us your check and we will convince you that you are saving money. Try it. SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNffK 8 The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery , The Prescription Store PHONE COLUMBIA 138 COLUMBIA RECORDS Local News Subject for Christian Science services Sunday: "Matter." Cyril Magono is now assisting at the Home Mercantile company. Dr. Jones was caller! to Wood land, Wash., last Monday to con duct the funeral service for Mr. L. M. Love. I Miss Edna Ilollcnbeck has gone to Weston. Orecon. where she will teach again in the school there. o Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Freum have returned from a pleasant sojourn at their cottage at Long lieach, Wash. A new concrete walk is being laid from the factory to the new club house at the Portland Woolen Mills, Clarence Mooro and family of Donald. Ore., were Sundny vis tors ac the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Scelcy. Miss Edith Erickson is at ionic after a visit to the Good Samaritan hospital for an opera tion lor appendicitis. u T. J. Monahan has purchased the handsome residence known as the Blnnding property at 201 West uuchanan street. After a brief sojourn In Ore iron City. Mrs. M. M. Dickcs and family have returned to their home in St. Johns. Mrs. W. L. Montgomery has returned from a sojourn at the Shepard Hot Springs, feeling much improved in health. Announcements arc out for the marriago of Eric Carlson, whose home ia G28 E. Mohawk street, toMissJeasio Uaptio of Bakorsfleld, Cnl., in the near fu ture. A largo class was initiated by Willumbia Assembly No. H00. United Artisans, last Tuesday evening. Another class will be initiated next lueadav even ng. Septt 23d. The new building of tho Chris ian church is rapidly nearing completion. The plaster is all on and the carpenters began tho finish in tho auditorium the first of tho week. 0 Tlin nnonfntr oluh hnnsfi danee 'of the Portland Woolen Mills for the employes will take place Sat urday evening in tho new club touse. A most enjoyable time is anticipated. o Viola, tho littlo daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Chester P. Gates, who had been seriously ill at the hospital, is now much improved and is getting along fine, we are pleased to state. Mrs. A. M. Petty. Americani zation Field Worker for the Hap. tist denomination, will speak at the Baptist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Everybody cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of El Seginedo. Cnl., arrived in St. JohnB Wednesday morning, making the trip by auto. They will sperld some time here visit ing Mr. bmith a parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith. N. A. Gee, after hibernating during the past winter while taking care of a troub esome stomach.and in the spring going to Everett, Wash., to spend some months with his sister, returned to St. Johns, feeling much im proved in health. Willis Vinson left Sunday for Willamette University. Mrs. L. A. Isbcll is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Han kin at Boise, Idaho. The teamor West Segovia is taking on a cargo of lumber for China at the St. Johns Lumber company's dock. Born To Mr. an'd Mrs. Harry M. Peck of 714 Crawford street, Monday Inst, an eight and one half pound baby girl. u E. O. Tripp has purchased tho interests of his partner, Robert SchiiVbaucr, in the confectionery and Boft drink store on Phila delphia street. o F. P. Drinker, president of tho Peninsula Security company, returned yesterday morning from a month's vacation trip in tho Southern States. N. J. Bailey is filling an order for several hundred cedar chests for shipment to California at Mq fnnl nrv nn Erin Htri?rL Tho chests arc made of Oregon ce dar and finished either with lifnau ni' cntiiior trimmini'H. There is snid to bo a big demand for those chests. Wednesday evening, Septem ber 21th. after a abort lodge ses sion, the Rcbekahs wilt celebrate their 08th anniversary in the I. O. O. F. hall. All Odd FoIIowb and Rebekahs and their friends aro requested to he present. Don't forget tho time, 8:15 p. m. C) W. A. Pluln unit wfo. nftor spending a few days in tho hop fields at Independence, returned Monday to the homo of Mrs. Clute'H brother, W. R. Ilollcn beck. After tnk nir in a row more of tho interoatimr sights of this Western country they will return to their homo in ft t 9 iwicmgnn. The St. Johns Lumbor compa ny is handling the famous Rock Springs coal and now facilities unexcelled in Portland, hnvo been installed for loading nnd unload ing. Besides the Rock Springs coal cheaper grades aro handled as well, besides wood of all Kinds nt roasonnblo prices. Every or der placed in this, tho Terminal End of tho city, he its to dm id up tho Peninsula district. R. D. Powell and II. L. Whis- er returned last week from a hunting trip in the Roseburg country. They secured a good- y supply of venison and a large accumulation of opinions con cerning vacations in general, and hunting trips in particular. For Sale Six room modern house, one block to car line and paved street, fine location. A bargain, and terms, as I must sell. Call 907 S. Kellogg street. "Tho Foolishnoss of the Cross" will bo the subject at the morn ing service at tho Methodist Episcopal church at 11 a.m. Sun day. "Tho Groat Companion: Mow to Livo with Him." will be the Epworth Loaguo topic at 7 p. m. Closing the dn;p with God at 8 p. m. The day of worship begins with tho inspiring school service for young nnd old at 10 a. m. J. H. Irvino, pastor. A quiet homo wedding Wed nesday ovening.Soptember 10th, was celebrated whon Mr. R. Grant Ashby of Canby, Oregon, and Mrs. Carrie P. Rogers of this city were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Hev.J.ll. Irvine or tho St. Johns Methodist Episcopal church at tho home of tho bride, 201 W. Richmond street. The fow im mediate friends, tho dainty re freshments and tho social half hour made the occasion a bone-diction. Gus Lucier and son, Alnho.nse. returned last week from Alaska, where they had spent the ivist six months, employed by tho Moore Packing company. Ihia was tho fourth summer that M r. Lucier has spent in Alaska, and the second for his son. Gus re ports the weather quite delight -ful during their sojourn, but was beginning t& cool up quite a bit before they left. He says the salmon pack was rather light this year. o Messrs. Stockum and Hudson have this week sold the Colum bia Garage to A. A. Smith, a newcomer in this coming part of Portland, Associated with Mr. Smith and in charge of the garage from this time on will be C. L. Hickman, one of the best known first class automobile me chanics in Portland, it is said, who will be pleased to care for the wants of all former patrons of the Columbia atid meet f.U other machine owners in nqcd of supplies or repair. GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS' Till; RAINCOAT MAN Itlcctrlc Vacuum Cleaner for rent. It. lClnrk. tf ' Electric Light Globes at CUR RINS. RUBBERS for moii.DollnrTon ROGERS. Wo carry tho UNIVERSAL LINE of electric Goods, such as toasters, percolators, grills, etc. CURR1N SAYS SO. For first class vulcanizing work try tho National Vulcaniz ing Co. at 205 South Jersey. When in need of small arti cles, get them at the 5-l(M5c store, St. Johns; in tho Penin sula National Bank Building. Flashlights and all accessories at Currins. St. Johns Fair Store, E. W. Foy, prop.; household utility supplies and general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Noxt to Electric store. All outdoors invito!) you to KODAK. Currln Says So. Who is the RAINCOAT MAN? Lost Umbrella Wednosdny ; stright carved handle and square knob, either in St. Johns or Portland. Was a prosont. Find er leave at this olllce; reward. Ask your neighbor about our business reputation and ability us druggists. Currins For Drugs. Wanted A high school girl to assist with housework for room and board and salary. Address 1000 Portsmouth ave. ; Columbia 1)7-1. We outfit big and littlo shavers complete. Currln Says So. If my work pleases you; please tell your friends. If not, tell me.-Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. For Sale Good furnituro for five room house, including fum ed oak library table, chairs, etc. Call at 218 N. Jersey stroot, St. Johns. Going East. Our ImslnoHH policy is expens ed in few words: To toll the truth and treat you RIGHT. Currin Says So. The National Vulcanizing Co has a lino lino of dependable tiros priced reasonable. If you need anything in their lino cull in at 205 South Jersey stroot and you will ho treated right. We PERSONALLY GUARAN TEE EACH AND EVERY A. D. S.. NYAL, CURRIN or PUROLA PREPARATION. Cur rinSnys So. Carpet weaving, rugs and car pets of any description. Pricos reasonable. Start Oct. 1st. J. A. Halberg, 812 N. Willametto boulovard; phone Columbia OtfU. Wanted to Exchange-Two city lota for a good automobile, or n small pioco of acreage. For further particulars call at this office. Party loaving state desires to dispose of $225 equity for Slf.u in four room plasturud house, lot fiOxl&O, river viow, fruit of all descriptions; balance $10 per month. Prico $1000. See Jack Webster, 012 Sulem stroot. Why are wo tho most popular Kodak FINISHERS in this part of the city? Ask anyono who has work done hero; they will tell you. Currin Says So. Typewriting pupor for sale at this office. Smallest quantity for sale, 25c worth. Bungalow for Sale- One block from car line, 5 rooms, lot 00x 100, fruit and borrios, garago, splendid location, cement side walks, Price reasonable. Cun be seen at 120 S. Fox street. See photo at this office. 48 DO YOU KNOW THAT iWHEN YOU ARE SICK your druggist is second onI to your doctor. Have you used the same care in your choice of a drug gist? CURRIN SAYS SO. Strayed A young Holstein heifer came straying upon the premises of tho undersigned about August 1st. Owner may I have same by calling for heifer Jjy October 1st, paying cnargos and Droving nronertv. A Wid- N. St. Johns. The Nowville Times remarks: "The newspaper man cortainly has it on all othor tradesmen or i I ...I l. !,. iproi'jssionui iiiuii yviiuii nu ia wiu victim oi a piCKpOCKOl, uccuusc he invarably carries his money In other people's pockets." At the Close of Business Sept. 12, 1919 As reported to tho Comptroller of tho Curroney RESOURCES Lomvi and Discounts . . , Overdtnftt . U. S. Uomls nnd Certificates , Stock in Federal deserve Dank . Bonds and Securities . . Furniture and Fixtures . . Payment Due Us on Victory Loan Ootid Subscription . , Cash on Hand, Due from Banks nnd United Statci Treasurer . . fS7A.33t.-H 534.74 303.014.20 14,120.94 37,000.00 820,02(337 1 1,860,383.33 LIABILITIES Capital Stock fully paid In . Surplus and Undivided Profits National Bank Notes Outstanding Federal Reserve Bank , Deposits . . . . $100,000.00 24.967.41 . I00.000.fi0 55.000.00 l,fS(),.UVJ2 ft.860.383.3i Droits nnd Il.mk Money Orders lotted l'nynlde In All Parti t( the World Interest Paid on Savings and Time Dopoiits MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Our Cash nnd Securities hi llauk nrc covered with Iiimimiico iKlttt IturK ltuy nnd Holdups. Our entire ttnlT In under I'idvlity Howl. illl Peninsula Nationa Bank Open Saturday Evenings 5 to 8 x z i o X I X t X X x I t i GOOD HOUSEKEEPING A WOMAN MAY 1113 GOOD At hoiiBukeepinir. and muuxcol lent cook, but if tho urocorlo she iisoH In her cookinu are not fresh and of uood tpiality, the results are apt to bo unallfau tory. To do kooiI work It In noci cssary that the materials Mhall bo uood. Purchase your Kiocer' ies of us, and then if tho rcnullH are poor tho cook's to blame. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jrrsry Si. I'lionr Col. IIH A Also WOOD Be Sure and Order From St. Johns Lumber Co, PI NO WKAItY IIOI'KS In the homo proviih-d with on of our model talking machines. For tlinre is always nt command entertainment if any kind pre ferrod, The most rltttftiic com positions; or the luttst danct music. Thu moKt thrilling soli or tho rolllokihtf Mnfs of th day. Come and luurn what a per fect companion a talking ma chine can ho. St. Johns Phonograph Company 317 N. JERSEY STREET The St. Johns Shoe Shop 201 South Jersey Street Docs all kinds Shoe Uej umnn. Rubber heels put on in 5 minutes. All work guaranteed Union Stop We aro graduate REGISTER-! El) DRUGGISTS and know the business. CURRIN SAYS SO. i Tiros and accessories at the; National Vulcanizinir Co.. U05 South Jersey street. I'ricos riKht. Records uro arriving in fair quantities now and we are prepared TUKUKNlsil UUUi; , SELECTION OF TITLES. Cur rins FOR DRUGS. If your tires nood rotreadinir see the National Vulcanizing Co., at 205 South Jersey street about it. I'urola Products are made in Oregon and personally GUAR ANTEE each and evory one of them. Spend your money for OREGON PRODUCTS. CUR RIN SAYS SO. A0(yirMT5 Fine line of Vogan's Candles ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS. CONFECTIONERY, BUTTER, HOME MADE PIES, BREAD AND PASTRY, LIGHT LUNCH ES - ' CAKI 2V Ojtjtosltv Coittritl Soliual Ed. Monahan, Prop, United Artisans Willumbia Assembly No. 300 Mt-cU every Tuesday at 1'. it. I. 0. 0. F. HALL, Corntr Jersey and LmM Sis. L. K. Simon. , M. A. SUiy Roberts, Sec'y 1'ru TMt. Tho choapost burglary insur ance is a safe deposit box. Peninsula Security Company.