THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Jlarklc, Hdllor Published Friday of Each Week Subaorlptlon prloa $1.00 par year. Outside of Multnomah Connty $2.00 per year in ttdrnucc. AUVaiKTistNO Haths: 26 ccula per inch cacli insertion. J.ocnlg t cents per line miWmum lio cents. Special rates on jonrly coutracts. Tiik Rnvutw is entered nt nost office In Portland, Oregon, as mnll nintter of Uic second clnsa under tuts Act of Con (trees of Mnrch 3, 1879. The concrete foundation for the adminstration buiilding at the St. Johns municipal tormina was poured last Saturday, and conHtruclion of tho building wil proceed at once. The building ia to contain the ofliccu of the operating department of tho tor minal. It will be a two'Story frame structure 40x42 feet. Tho olfico stair is now housed in a corner of pier No. 1. A plant to manufacture veneer is being installed in tho build itur formorly occupied by the Oregon Wood Distilling comna nv at Whitwood Court. The new plant will be owned and op erated by Leo and William Hail uy, ootid of N. J. Iiailoy, tho fur n Hiiro mnnufneturor of St. Johns. Tho Hnilay brothers will manu taciuro only couonwoou veneer and products made from it. Ono of their principal products will bo egg cusos. Draw bottoms and other soft wood veneers will be manufactured, it is said. Tho new municipal terminal dock at St. Johns is the II neat shipping pier on the Pacific coast, in tho opinion of II. S. Scott, president of tho Trans Ocuanic company, who viewed tho pier for tho first tlmo last week in company with T. Hiro ta, managing director of the Ocean Transport company of Kobe, Japan, who was investi gating the facilities offered by Portland harbor with a view to tho possiblo establishment of a steamship line from Portland to tho Orient. o President WIIhoh's appearance in Portland Monday was greet- on uy immense crowds ami tin bounded enthusiasm. His mas terly and inspiring address in the auditorium in the evening waslistenod attentively to by an overllowingaudlonce. His words carried conviction with them and acording to his views none could doubt that thu League ol of Nations Is the host thing that could happen to this country, as won as mo oincr countries. The hearing his remarks rocolvoi clearly demonstrated the fact that this part of tho country is in mil accord with his views o tho Peace League t Kugular hours will horeafter no Kepi ually ny a nurau from the Visiting Nurse association at tho local library. Miss Otelia Hondrlckson, n graduate nurse with special training in public ueaiui nursing, la now giv ng her entire time to thu St. Johns district. Miss llemlricksoii may Do consulted at the library from !:() to 2:H0 daily. The services or mo visiting nurses arc. giren wiinoui cuargo io mo patient whenever tho family is unable to pay, but in the majority o en tho patients or members o thoir family aro able to make Homo payment for services PUns nro under way for tho os tabliahment of a babies' clinic, wnoro momora may receive in struction in hygiene, feeding aim ouier manors, u is said, NO. 314 Krputt of the condition of Tlie Bank of Commerce At INuttaml, In the State of Oregon, ut iuc rwwm uminuu ,-)in. lath, jyitf, KIUSOUUCHS. awl illMtmnts Ottuitufis, ocuri.l uml tin- Mteurl Umub aod warrants .. ,,,, Stork,, m iiritlrs, jmlnmcHU, uto IbHkittg Uuum I'ufHituit' ami tWittrt .. . . Other ical Ut uwuwl. . I Kir from upiuuYPti rrc haukk. Clwcks autl wthr cash iltiiw Out!) on hand Otbr icwHtrcwa: I.ibrrty J.oan advances and War Sttvlni; ttUBIJM a7,Kf0.00 W7.77 -'.076.66 7.94.7f. UU.OO TiUI I.IAMUTI1W. Capitalsteclt paid ill UntllvMetl juoflts, leu ex- prntot aud tasci paid Individual daroMiU iuUjtct to oheck. I)HlUHil ccjtiflcatct uf dHtiil Cakhier I'hwiks ouutunditic Time uiul Savings Itanoiiu, Other liabilities- Honda lr- rowed.. SW.OOO.OO 2.1W.W llKi,135.:tfi 1.760.92 3. -Ills GO 21.4iW.77 . Total .... 1 203.063,64 State of Oregon, I QJ County of Multnumah, f hi- I, C. Detcriojr, Cashier of the above named bunk, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the Ixtt of hit knowledge and belief. C. HltTHR INC., Cashier. Subacribed and sworn to before uie this 18th day of September, 1910. Inu Toombs, Notary 1'ublle. My commission expires Mur, 12, 1021, Correct-Attest 1'. S. Doernbccher, Fred W. Germau, Director. NU the llal ok your pager. Chatter No. 10103. Reserve Dlst. No. 12 Report of the condition of ML AT PORTLAND in the State of Oregon, at the close of buiiucsa September 12, 1919. RRSOURCR3. 4- Loans and discounts, Lncludini; rediscounts . . . $878,331.44 Ovcnlrnfts.un.tecurcd D31.74 U. S. Oovcrnmcnt securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation ICS. bonds par vnfoe) . 100.000.00 Pledged to secuie U. S. dttoslts (par value) aO.0O0.0O Pledged to secure Dostal sfivimrs ile tlis (wr value) . 5,000.00 Pledged n collnlrrnl for State or other deposits or bills payable 77,000.00 Owned and un pledged 83,651.80 War Savings Certifi- catcs and Thrift Stnmtx nctimlly owned 2.5USS.MO Total U. S. t'.ov- ctnmcut securities .10:1,014.20 Other bonds, hccurltlos, etc.t Ilonds other tlinu U. S. bonds pledged torecurc xjtnl savings deposit. . 27,960.00 lloiids and Securities pledged as collateral for State or other de posit or bills tKiyablc (postal excluded) 87.90I.0U Securities other than U, S. bonds (not in cluding (docks) owned unpledged 140,620.22 Collateral Trust and other notes of cor porations Issued for not less than one year nor more than three years time 1.000.00 Total Ixjuds, securities, etc., other than U. S 267,374.26 Stocks, other than l'cdernl Reserve Hank stork Stock of l'cdernl Itcscrvc Hank (60 per cent of subtcrlptloii) 20,000.00 .1.460.00 14,120.91 1.1,9:11.39 t'tititltiire mill fixtures .. . Other real estate owned Lawful Kencrvc with Inderal Kescrvc Hank H7.27I.H2 Cash III vault and net amounts due from national Innks. . . .233.331.77 Due from iHiiiksand Imnkcs (other limn Inclmled 12,13,14) Total of Items PI, ..23I.0.S7.2S 765.51 Clircki on (Milks lintrd out- hide of city or (own of re jxirllng bank nnd other cash Items 2(11,27 Ucilemptloiilund with U. S, I nii Mirer anil Hue front U. S.Trerturcr 6.000.00 Other avicts, payment due us on Victory iniihi Niihscrlii- tlou 37,000.00 Total JI.HIW.JW3.M 1.IAIIIMTIIW. Capllul slock alil In f 100.000.00 Murpius iuiiii iY,rHKj,isj Undivided proliU .. 10,961.93 l.ens current exoiieii, lutereat mid taxes imM 9.1Ki.62 7.IC7.41 Circulating iiotesoutataudliu'. lOO.OOO.IHI ki... .i.... ... i. ....i.- iHiukcranml (rust comia-, uie (other than included In items 20 or 30) Cer Ulled check outstanding Cakhler' check on own hank outktauding Total of (terns 30, 3l.:ii.i:tt 60.I30.IH Demaml deint)!: l.OCO. ID IIH6.00 Indlviilual iliiilta tub jH.'t to check CrrtifkalMof di'Mit 7iflf.:w Hue III lr iimii M day , ... Slute, (Miiiuty, or other iiiu iilciial ilt'ixnityi secured by pledge of iiviota of this bank Dividend uiiMld Total of demand depo.lis "32,763.02 10,885. c: 80.000.00 12.00 I line ichhii: Ceitilic.iU of di ilt. , . , ,, . Statu, county, or other miiitlc- llwd ileiit M-cuitd by Ifi'J.OW.O pledge of hmcIn of this iMiik 20.000.W) U2.WI.02 46U.420.70 lV.tal Snvlngt Ik'tmsiis Other lime dcMiits Total of lime ilcilts sub ject to IteM'rvo Ml.wa.72 War lMii ihHWlt nevH)iint, . . . llilU utyable with l'lilcral KcM-rre IMiik IW.OOO.tO Wi,lKH).tH) Total f l,KC0,3S.i f Of the total livins and dlctiuuUshou uUivv, Ihouiuount on which Interest and discount was charged at rate in exe-M of tltiM? permitteil by bw (Sec MU7 Rev. Stat.), exclusive of note iiimhi which total charge not to exert M cent was nude, was iwne. The number of such loans was nuiie. Stteof Oiegou, County of Multnomah, I. I. N. IMefseii. Cashier of the aImvc iiumi'd Uiuk, do sidemnly swear tliat tlie alHive ktatemeut U true to tlie best of my knowledge and Micf. J, N. Killeisen. Cannier. Sulnoribel and sworn to before me tin 17th day of .September, 1010. L. J. Wright, .Notary Puullo. .Multnomah county. Ore. Correct Attrnt: rnt Smith, 1'. C. Ktmpp, Thos. Autieu, Directors, McKINNEY'S BARGAINS Savon room cottnuo witli larire ot IrixloO. located close in in St. Johns, best residence location. street improved nnd paid. Price $21500. Pay $500 cash, balance ike rent. Five room modern house, ce ment basement, connected with sowor, laruo lot 1)0x100. Price or quick sale S1G50: $300 cash. udance like rent. Three room now modern house n best residence location, lot fiUx 100; price 51000. Small pay ment down, balance monthly. A dandy U room house for $1050; terms. Six room modern house, cor- ner. lot 100x100. well located in St. Johns. Prilo $2000; terms easy. Five room modern house, hard surface street and sewer, Price oritur 52300: nay S600 cash, ba . anco like rent. McKINNBY, SLICKERS ?2.lJ0,-Rok'era. Multnomah Attractions Saturday, Sept. 20 DOROTHY DALTON In "OTI111R MliN'S W1VI1S" Paramount. Sunday, ScpU 21 MARGUERITE CLARK in "OIRLS"--Artcraft. The best of her many good productions this year. Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 22 and 23 MARY PICKFORD in'-llIJIUND THU SCI'.NKS" Panimount. Also TUB BND of "TIOBR'S TRAIL." Wednesday, Sept. 24 - ETHEL CLAYTON l "TMBMYS- TJJRY OIRL" Paramount. Thursday and l'rlihiv. Scot. 25 nnd 20 A Paramount-Artcraft Special in C . acts "TUB WIIITB IlI'.ATHBR" Prom the famous Drury Lane Sue cess. Saturday, Sent. 27 LILA LEE in "DAUOHTBR 01' T11K WOL1'" Paramount. FLOUR RE-SALE Th Unltotl States Groin Corporation Announces that It will sell "Straight" grade Hour, to nil purchasers, in carload lots, in 140 lb, jute sacks, gross weight, delivered to any Rail way Station in .one 10, com prising the Stntes of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, nt not to exceed flO.OO per bbl, net cash. Purchasers will be supplied from nearest avail able mill, which may result in slight saving for buyers' account, Wholesale ind obblsf profilt on itich flour mutt not exceed 75c per bbl. nnd retailer's profits mutt not tKCcd $1.2$ per bbl. Address .communications to United States Grain Corporation 3lo Hoard ol Trod llujldlnf 5. l'ortland, Orrion. The Bank Of Commerce 114 North Jersey Si, officers I. S. DOENNIIMCI O, I'ic.iJent C DETIiMNG, Vira I'iriideiit nnd Ca.liler DIRECTORS F. S.DOEJINDFXIIEU, C DETF-KINC. A. O. NlwU l-'HED W. GERMAN. THE ST. JOHNS GARAGE 216 North Jersey St. Authorized Kord Service Sta tion. Only uemmie lord parts used. Tires, size 30x3 ;, guaran teed 6000 miles, 18.00 up. -CARS STORED Woolley Bros. YOUR EYES Or a MILLION DOLLARS Would vou sell vour stent for a million I tiuiinrr If you vuluc tlinu to that amount is it not fair that vou consult me. n 1 l-nmv your eyes uiul know wlmt they must have. If I art Your Eyci Mill ior)tarjo ureior)n I'hone for uu apiMiutmeut Main 7507 Olfltt Utn 7567 R.i. WoodUn 1 105 I liouf.l V A. M. la 3 r, M. Ccnin be Appointment 20&-7-8 SWCTLAND BIDG. rifth and WasMngten StrU Perttend, Orm MAKE ONE DOLLAR DO THE WORK OF TWO By coming hcrehc-n in need of hardware of the better class. That seems. like an extravagant statement, but it isn't. It is just tho plain truth as wo shall bo jjlnd to demonstrate if you win Honor us witli a call.j Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street RgoI Esfsfo! Central Location Tlilrteen'ycars in the busi ness in St. Johns. ListyourProperty with Us Wc Atuke Sules S. C. Cook 402 N. Jersey Street F. L. WHITE Building Contractor Daylor Job Large or Small PhonTCoi.'im-- 912 So. Syracuse St. Patronize the homo merchant. FUNERALS Donutlful gray or block adult oaiket, honre, box, 2 autoi embalming and rotln ,od lervloe for., $75 MII.I.l'R I'uiieruU if .le.iie.1 for Ut), SQ, f40, f(J0. IliKhcr priced funeral In pro lNiilion. Wc iiunufneture c.iktx, Idy nMktaut. lWtnitiful fuuerul ckicl, MILLER & TRACEY Main 2601 Indapandant Funeral Director A 7005 Wfuhlnuton .it CIU Slrrel, llrlMcrn 20lh and 2Ht Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative Gi l Central Ave. N. PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Wireing, Fixtures, Auto Accessories Diamond Tires Storage Batteries Recharged and Repaired - - AG It NTS IfOR - Western Electric Sewing Machine Come in and get a demonstration of Electricity's latest Portable Sewing Machine. Phone Col. 977 THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS Litcnitur. 8 -ti 4 Ui. ArU. tnJ Uk MUl 8-tcU ct In. 5Illcln., ut IVrtUnJl, Arrhlttniw. Jwmnlnai. Com &rv. lUuulwa kiA Mute. THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF -"MM'jmwKw TRACltY Phone Columbia SSS 418'. Jersey Street OF OREGON SPECIAL FCATURCS A tMtttirul ctmrui. Uctt!U c( flveclU Uu, nV re (i iwk lew c.t, IU bubj OfponuaiUM I-1 hII btlp. ".thlrtk- for ico'-xlr. 4 rviHj i3-motrt: lm ibr. OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. FLAGS We will sell a $4.00 Combi nation Flag Set, consisting of a 4x6 ft. flag, pole, cord and window bracket, for $2.75, while they last. Only 10 sets left. ST. JOHNS REVIEW .'. 404 N. Jersey St. OQAO Dear Mary: Isn't it funny that some men will give their wives all the pretty clothes they want but when it comes to things to furnish the home they "tighten right up?" No, it isn't strange either. Such men are vain, selfish and thoughtless. Why I've often seen a man spend as much on one theatre party- -tickets, autos and supper as it would cost to nicely furnish a whole room. And his wife needed the furniture too. Theatre parties are 0. K. but I think furniture comes first. As ever HELEN. P. S. I hone men will become. better nnd let their wives have all they need of H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. Store closes at S P, Al, Saturdays, other days at 6:30 P. M. FRESH FROM THIS BAKERY a layer cake is a dream to behold aud a joy to taste. Light as a sun beam, with filliusr that simply can not be described, theenke will prove a royal treat. At your next anair order one aud you'll make yourself famous tor your splendid hospitality We lute the Hit. Orders Uken for Wedding Cake. Fennlng's Bakery and Delicatessen 115 North Jersey Sireet PAT'S 3 Barber Shop 2 108 N. Jersey St. EDA10NDS0N & CO. lumblng, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware Phone Col, 92 207 S. Jersey St. ive your -une somz o our the good furniture they keep at DAVIS1 BARGAINS Four room house on lot 50x106, street improvements in , and paid, in direction of new Ter minal. St. Johns. Price SKIM $150 cash, balance at $10 per month with 7 per cent interest. Four room hniiaa in . central part of St. Johns, lot 50x130. lino 1 1 1 M . uuraen ana pioniy oi iruit. This lot is worth close to the total price asked for the place. Price $925; $250 cash, balance S10 per month. 7 per cent inter- lest. Fine riverview house with 11 rooms, with 8 or 10 fine cherry trees; ought to be 20 bushels of fine cherries everv vonr ThJo house is in good shape and could not be built for $2500. Lot 50x100: can be boueht torfnv fnr $1600. Takes about $500 cash. with balance on good terms. Best value I know of. Tho R bed rooms can he rente1 tn in. dustrial workers on water front Fortv acres 5 mile frnm good towns, on the mnin lino of the S. P. Ry. in Douclas county, Oregon. Some of it has been in cultivntinn. All can be cultivated but about 2 acres. No rock. Want to trade for a house nnrl lot nnH will nau cash difference. A. W. DAVIS. 202 N. .lormev street. Phone Col. 824.