St. Johns review VOLUME 16 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1919. NUMBER -16 An Interesting Scene Making a Busy Place American and Oriental prod- Activities in conection with ucta met in commercial scrim- the supply depot of the Emergen mage at the big municipal dock cy Fleet corporation are makintr at acjonna wnen imported roous, a uusy place again of the Grant from hemp to tea, crossed the . Smith-Porter shipynrds, says the trails of loganberry juico and Telegram. At the height of tho cow tails billed for the Far East, shipbuilding program G00O men Bays the Oregonian. With the were employed in thcso St.Johns Eccles Gets Permission arrival of the steamer West Munham from Shanghai, Manila, Kobe, Yokohoma and other Or iental ports, and the assem bling of the outbound cargo which will go this week on the steamer West Hartland, thcro was created at the terminal a scene of export and port activ ity which indicated that Port land is hitting its stride ns a seaport of importance in the, world's all airs. One of the unique shipments to tho Orient is a quantity of cowtaiis done up in so von big bales and destined to Yokohoma Tho shipment originated at an eastern destination. Tormina Superintendent Charles E. Stool 'smith had visionsof tho sending to America for materials for f ilso whiskers when ho spied the curious shipment, the purpose of which is still a mystery so far as the superintendent is concern cd. Other articles billed to tho Orient readily suggested the uses to which they will likely bo put. For instance, ther are five carlouds of egg case fillers and oight carloads of shooks in which tho Chinese eggs will be pack cd. Chincso egg importations havo been heavy for some years and tho packing duriccs sent from America in this shipment are taken to indicnto that the Chincso hens are still doing a thrlvinir business. thoro woro three automobilo trucks bound for Yokohoma, thrco cars of nails, six or soven cars of oats, shoot iron and gal vanized iron, mnchinerynnd mo tors, 100 tons of print paper, ono carload of uauutt motai ami enouirh loganborry juico and grapo juico to quench tho thirst of sovcral regiments of Orien tals. Tho outbound cargo will also contain a largo amount of tin plate and steel wire. Both floors of tho pier wero filled with tho froight, which included from tho Or ent 2000 tons of hemp. each bale weighing about 275 pounds. In handling this freight thoro wns practically no damage sustained which could be traced to tho transportation companies. As rapidly as poaaiblo tho Orion tal goods billed for trans-shipment wero loaded on board froight cars which had boon held in readiness on tho siding ad joining tho pier. Tho crews load on an averago 15 box cars a day. Efficient servico on part of tho longshoremen ennbled the West Munham to discharge her cargo in less than three days. Despite the fact that the pres ent pier is 180 feet wide and 000 fcot long, tho congestion of froight temporarily demonstrat ed tho need of the additional improvements which are now go ing on at the terminal under the direction of the public dock com mission. Workmen are now erecting the frame for the shed extension and pier No. 1 will be mado 1500 feet in length. The new pier which is under con struction will also haye a length of 1500 feet. Declines the Proposition Claiming that it Is now sus taining a loss on every passen ger hauled on its St. Johns line and that any addition to this service would only entail addi tional loss at the present basis of fare, the Portland Railway, Light and Power company last Saturday filed with the public service commission an answer in opposition to the application of the city of Portland for an ex tension of the St. Johns line from its present terminus to the new terminal elevator. Opera tiation of the extension as an interurban line, as was propos ed in the application, is declar ed by the company to be im practical unless the entire St. Johns line can be considered as an interurban line and a reason able rate thereon be established on a mileage or zone basis. Fur thermore, the answer states, the company has no funds on hand for constructing the extension, yards. Practically all of tho business of this company has now been finished and at the present time it is maintaining n payroll amounting to only $5000 n month. Urant Smith & Co.. contractors, ure now operating an outtuting plant, and the re mainder of the buildings and yards havo been turned over to the Lmergency Fleet corpora tion. Tho huge covered shin wnys are being used to house materials of dilfcrcnt kinds which arc being nsacmblcd thcro from shipyards and other plants which woro engaged in war con tracts. These materials are gath ered from many sources. Tho government has established on ly three depots for the assem bling of government materials on tho Coast ono at Tncomn, on3 at San Francisco and this ono at St. Johns. Although .the ship ways afford n great deal of housing space, ofilcialb of the licet corporation says that thoro Is not sufficient room for all of the supplies which are being constantly added to. The largo recreation building which was used by employes of the shin- yards will probably bo turned into a warehouse, mid it is ex pected that additional ware houses will bo constructed. In addition to tho mnterials which are being salvaged and stored here, thu supply and sales di vision of tho licet corporation also keeps ship's stores at this depot, and four largo trucks are kept busy all tho timo hauling supplies to various docks whore government vessels are loading. It is estimated that it will ro- qu to thrco years for all of the mntcrinls from tho entiro dis trict to bo assembled nnd dispos ed of. As dill'erent shipyards which woro engaged on govern ment contracts complete their work nnd close down, tho unus ed mnterials nnd machinery will uo brought to this station. Tho business boing handled hero is increasing from day to day and will not reach its height. for some time. Tho shipping board payroll for tho supply depot now amounts to $10,000 n month. The Grant Smith Co., which hns contracted to outfit many of the government wooden hulls, will mnlntnin nn outfitting dock. and will cngngo in mnrino con-t struction nnd other kinds of construction work on n largo scnlo. The weekly payroll, which now amounts to $15,000, is ex pected to increase rapidly as much new work is in prospect. The Portlnnd, Astoria and Pn cific Railroad company, organiz ed under the laws of Delaware and capitalized for $5,000,000, was last Thursday granted per mission to operate in Oregon. The articles state that it is the purpose of the company to oper ate n line of railroads, at pres ent owned by the United Railways-company between a con nection of the United Railways tracks with tho Spokane, Port land and Seattle railroad at Linnton. This connection and extension of the United Rail ways into the great tract of tim ber bought by the Eccles group in Northwestern Oregon, coupled with transfer of the main offices of this group to Portland, is n mnttor of significance for Ore gon, and may mean a 'lot to St. Jdhns. Wooden Ships Sold The disposition cf 21 Portland built wooden ships is given in nn official list of the first 50 ships of the Lake typo sold by the government, which reached Portland last week. In all, 127 of these ships have been sold by the shipping board, and other sales arc to be made soon. Of the 21 Portland-built vessels sold, nine wero constructed by theSupple-Ballin company, seven by the Peninsula OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALJNTEREST Principal Events of tho Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. An exchange relates the fol lowing story of a retiring edi tor, presumably of some other country than the United States: An editor retired from jour nalism and his 'uoodbyo' chronicled in tho following company, four by the G. M stand i tor construction corporn Hon, and ono by the Grant Smith Porter company. Tho Grant Smith-Porter ship ltnnca was purchased by tho French American Line, Inc. All thu others wero bought by. tho Nn clrcmn Steamship company oi New York. Tho Albany post of tho Atnurlcnn Legion 1ms 100 members. Contractu have benii let for tbo iav Shipbuilding M"K of ,liro atrectH In I-'roowntor. Married, at tho altar of tho St. JohnsMcthodistEpiscoim church by tho pastor, Rev. J. II. Irvine, Tuesday, September KUh, Mr. James G. Ruhlatul of Calaveras county.Californin. and Miss Corn was i L. I'ox of this city. The ring cor Inn-! emony of tho church was used. guago: I no undersigned rotiros, mr. Koy i. ihompson and Miss from this paper with the convic- Dora V. I'ox. sister of the br h e. lion that all is vanity. From doing the honors ns best man tno Hour ins paper was started j and maid, ino undo is of one to tho present timo ho hns been of St. Johns' mont estimable solicited to lie on every given! young ladles, and tho best subject.and can't rcinombcr hav- w s hos of a host of fr onds will ing told a wholesome truth with- follow the happy coun o to t ho r out diminishing hla subscription now hearthstone. Mr. and Airs. list or making an enemy. Un- uuhland will make their homo in der these circumstances of trial, and having a thorough con tempt for himself, ho retires in order to recruit his normal constitution." I Wo carry a complete lino of QUALITY FISHING TACKLE. CURR1N SAYS SO. this city. Wo sell VICTROI.AS and HKUNSW1CK PHONOGRAPHS on easy terms. CURRIN SAYS SO. Painters' Ovcralls.ton pockets, iv iss'T incur BRING IT BACK It ilocm't mutter- nut nt nil If from the k , the rain ilnM Mil " KOOKKS K UNCOATS- keen folk dry III price U rllit mid nut too IiikIi SLICKERS RED RUBBER SHOES $4.00 AND $4.25 RUBBERS FOR EVERY ONE $2.90 Receives Large Order A ten-groove sheavo weigh ing J&UO pounds is tho heavy tetn In a largo order for ma chinery being completed this week by tho Peninsula Iron Works for shipment to Everett, Wash. It is !)G inches in diam eter. The Portland Flouring Mills company .is building a new mill at Everett, and the Penin WORK PANTS $1.95, ?2.75, $4.50 Cotton Cloves 15c 2 prs 25c WORK SHIRTS 98c, $1.00, $1.25, $l.35,$l.50, $1.75, $3.00, $3.50 ARROW COLLARS "ROYAL" Mlc to Mi tvurc Clothe "STANDATD" an I GREEN HOOD" I mm l.,il. MtliKS SIIIKTS "BOSS OF THE ROAD" t m n Made OVERALL ami STAG SHIRTS I have a fine selection of HATS, CAPS and NECKWEAR I'on know fs GOOD If you trot It from ROGERS t UI!i RAINCOAT MtM : BANK OF COMMERCE BLOG, Open Evenings j livvrytlilug to licojt you DltV Modern Homes We eight Death of Mrs. Nugent own and olTer for sale tho modern houses located ' ful bidder against several rCn iron workins concerns on Puget.j, ,n nnd Now YnX Mrs. Hester Ann Nugent diod nt the home of her son nt 912 ... buiujiuii imnanua uiu outcvaa- i i 1 i nu ICII. ,.l (ll .. if at... Sound for tho contract for trans- LHPV nrn thnrn ifrhiv and 18 (,a'Sl Liver trou,, wo mission machinery. This com.lmS the cause of her death. She was panyalso has the contract for) dav ln Moores Valley. Oregon, machinery of this character for'wa0yrk SiJ' ld ' ! ;n,! ml bee her0 ony 1)0l,t the new mill being constructed . SSHf&i.f"? i fr three weeks preceding herdeath. by the Portland Flouring Mills 7" ,' She Is survived by throe sonsand for sale at a nrice far less .WJW than they could be built for , i;:x71,'i70V'," h this city, which is to one of the largest cereal mills on the Coast. The Peninsula Iron Works ha? been engaged almost today. We will give surnrising- orKH hup ueen enagea airnuai , . terms tn rpRiionsililo nnr. tPoXC?oh0the0Ev&tnflao"uC''"' Pl"" " mill is practically tne tirst in stance of a return to the manu facture of transmission machin ery, which was its principal line before the war. QUONG TONG GAFE Mrs.II.C. Ross of Mace, Idnho.and Mrs. II. Christensen of Oregon City. The f meral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapel of the St.Johns Undertaking Co. ; in terment in Columbia cemotery. i Cornelius Vanderbilt. Jr.. has turned his back upon the New port season and gone to work as 'cub" reporter on the New York Herald. The heir to num erous millions was hired at $25 a week. "I wanted to be a repor ter," he explained, "because I have always found newspaper rrm Mn,?p known resident of the Irvington xiome iwacie ,iatint ,k,i of r.m .if lipf nf UIOHIVl, UIU OV UC1 IIUIIIl., UU1 a stroke of U p. m. b. Jersey street. - ch tu. 7.1 vnrq nn,i which. iWis estimated, will cost:men the brichtest and most alert approximately ?,uw, ana no means of raising the necesiary capital without selling bonos at a great discount to be redeemed in tbe future at par. The prob abilities are that the extension will be made at the expense of the dock commission. FINE DRESS SHIRTS at LOW PRICES-Rogfcra. our KUUAK. lqjNJbUJNU de partment a very popular place for KODAK ERS. BrTng us your people 1 know. When in France , next roll of films. GURRIN with the Thirty-seventh division, 'SAYS SO. I noticed any duty calling for Try Chop Suey at popular prices. Pastry every day 1 1 w i i. r l i met u. iu aurvc uruuKiusi mm s ..n c dinner. Open from 6 a. m. to , ii " ;iZ ! ago. She was 74 years old t , had been a resident of Portland PROMPTNESS. COURTESY since 1893. Funeral services will AND EFFICIENCY havo made be held today.Friday. at 10 a. m. Ur. hdwaru 11. 1'ence, pastor of Westminster church, officiating. Interment will bo in the River view cemetery, the St. Johns Undertaking Co. in charge. resource and initiative nearly al ways was given to a former newspaperman." Automobile insurance. Direct adjustment and prompt settle ment in case of loss. Peninsula Security Company, EXPRESS We haul any thiug, any time, any place. Prices reasonable Daily Trip to Portland Enquire, 317 N. Jersey St. coiumhu 377 NiU th Ufel n yur fifte. Deceased was the mother of Or mandy brothers, well known furniture men of St. Johns. Pleasure for every member of the family every day in the year is what a VICTROLA BRINGS TO YOU. Currin Says So. Coiulnictlon work 1ms buenn on tho nw $5(1.000 Ullcn ImllilhiK In lloppiior. Hood Itlver cull nppllM Imvo itovor lii'cii In Rttcli iluninnil un UiIh kouhoii. MnrvcttltiK of cronliurrUm In tho low er Colutnblti rlor ling Inmlti Iiuh start ed. Mnrlon county will prudiico more tli tin l!00 carload or tipplo title sun ran. A new Jn ll for tlio Umatilla county court hotmu was rocominondod by tho grund Jury. Thu lunibur Industry or tho Coon liny country Ih HtiffurliiK dm a romilt or .1 far iiortum. I!ail I,. I'IkIht, county umofliior of Mint county for thu punt itovou yoarn, hint rcKlpnthl. Twc babltM woro born In Portland .InrliiK tho month of Annum for ovury Icrtlh tlmt (M!i!iirred. Tnirkun. flour pacl(orn and wheat liiiullorn einphiytHl In flourliiK mills of Portland wont out on strllto. Tho IhiiuI Uuo for tho oouittructloii r n Mtorui mtwnr HyHtoin In Dalian vhh rrrli'd at a Hpeclul ulcotlon. The mint jwiwora of tho Wlllamidlu valloy pouled thulr mint nil for .It) dnyi md ure hotdliiK out for IS a pound. CottRKo (Irnut hooii will havo ono or :ie moiit modern and IkwI viiulnnid uiihi,i In that Mention of tho Mute More than Hill) MudentM are now on 'oiled In Iho I'euilletnu lilt:h mcIiooI, '.litt himent uiirolluient ll Iiiih over had. It wiim with coiiHldorablu difficulty that rooiiiH were found to Iioiihu lenuh- m t'niployed In thu ItuHuhurK kcIiooIh. Aurom uauU morn water and lum leoldiHl to put down uxpnrlmuntal aoIU on both hIiIoh of thu I'uddluit Ivor. All loutraclR for thu KIIih' four- itory temple nt I'midlotuu have been ilducd and work U well under way 011 he excavation. Kxeuvntlon for Iho plauliiK of thu 'ouudatlon for Iho womuu'ii bulldliiK il the ntHte iiMlvemlty In Kukiiu ban )et n completMl. WHIUm (I. MnAdoo, former cre- ury or tne irnttttttry, win lie one of he Mvernl Hutnblwt to vlelt the i'en- Helen Itimnd wp. The I .Inn eiHitity nwd bond Iiniio iiu Ihh'h Npproved ami plane are liehiK ompUdwl for the wile ur thu flrnt jIim K of IWI.IKI0. .MeMiiiuvlllu will hold a moiiHter 'weleome home" coUbmtloii for thu vluniwl KoldlerM aul millorx or Vam it 11 county Friday. . Roveruiitent chemlMt repreiMutliiK lie dlvUloii or hydration. United iialeii depurtment or iiHrluulluru, Ih o m Imatud In 8feui. The llooil Itlver apple crop from rNunt IwllcNtleiH), will approach done to the Koveriiment'M inhl wimmer climate of S.OeO.WH) Imxee. Forty ucoiifjod InnitltKeie will liu liven the nieoluI utleutlou or Iho Unit Hi Ktutwn Kruud jury, which upeuwl wkmIoiih In I 'or I lead Muttduy. Mise Kthel II. (Illtmm, uruduuio or he NorthwoHteru eolleKe. NuMrvlllu, ll, linn looii necurMl un llhrarlun for h" (iruntu J'hhh publlu library. tlhlpiueuu or outlle from I'llot Itock if late have been w hauvy ai to re pilro the ittock cure thut oan put illdy Ii,' gent to thu liruucli lluu. The home of thu late Supreme Jua lee Frank A. .Moore ut Malum In to bu (old lo a club or ill Willamette unlvur ilty men. Thu property will uull for Itiouo. An Inteimlvo cammlnn wan (ijiaiwl 11 I'ortluud by member or thu Ameri can I.eKlou to et former toldlere, null r and marluee Into thu runkH of thu ocul Ht. The IioumIiik sltuutlon lu The Dullue lue liecome acute. Muny or the buiil aeee enterprlRee have hud to curtail thulr work. IjoIiik unable to et help .uto the city. A largu number or sheep have been hrouifhl Into county Oil yuar iiul thu number now In the county la :llml)liiK back' to what ll way four or flvu years ago. Lieutenant Kdwurd dlvurett WlUou, iS, vino president of tho Klrnt Nutloiiul bank or l.lnnton, was klllml ut Car ruthere aviation fluid nuur Fort Worth, Toxiu, while flyliiK- Hearliitf of tho uiiplloatluu or the I'ortlaud Itullwuy, l.loht & I'owur com pany fur an lucreaee or rate on ltn traction Hue hue been But for Mon day, September 22. Mine Florence Kngatrom, who ban kurved a ntunogruplier In tho offlaeH of A'ljutunt-Ueneral Stufrln for eomu time, hag reined. Hlie will outer the University of Oregon. (luorgu U. Haunderu, Indloted In tho Josephine county courts on u chart; of embezzlement of $281 from (ho Itoguu river publle eervleu oorporatlou, waa ocfjultted at Grunt l'aei. Bring in your job printing. Portland' hlnti school tcachar havo organized a union and havo applied for a charter to tho American Federa tion of Tcttchors, which Is allied with the American Federation or Labor. Mrs. Alexander Thompson, Ore gon's only woman legislator, was elect od prosldont of the Portland Federa tion of Women's organizations to suc ceed Mrs. U. J. Frnnkol, resigned. Comparative prices of 60 of tho larger cities of tho United States, as compiled by a Snlem newspaper, show that It costs loss to cat hero than In almost any suctfon of Uie country. What Is considered Ilia worst main road In Oregon, that meandering through the monntaltiB from Itonoburg to Coos Hay, will rccotvo Immediate attention from tho stato highway com mission, Major William a. White of Kugena has been chusen by the state fair man agement to have chargo or tho detach ment or Oregon national guardsmen who will net ns guards at tho Btata fair at Halom. , At a meeting or tho Hoseburg Metho dist Hplscopal church In quarterly sua sion, It wns voted to ask llliiliop Hughes to reappoint C. 8. Hpcnccr, tho present pastor, to this church fur au nt her yenr. After having been conducted as a loll road for many years, tho Old liar- low road through Clackamas county, from Handy, mid extending to Wnplnt tn, In Wasco county, has passed to thu i ilate of Oregon, A new truck, among those senl by tho war department for distribution imoiig the counties of the state, has been drawn by County Judge Htowart 3f Lane county, nnd will bo used In road work In thai county. Assembly of ull officers of thu 3d Oregon Infantry, national guard, lu the Multnomuh county uruiory has been irdered for three days beginning Oc :ober 3, according to a letter sent out 'jy AdJulnnMlcncral Hlafrln. Thu Loyal Legion or Loggers and Lumbermen or Mnrshfluld will upon u (cucrnl store In provide necessities ut Ifo, and some luxuries, at not more linn 10 per cenl over wlioloialo cost, md perhaps as low us 7W per cent. Ml alrplanu flight records between Portland and Kimono wero broken, hou Lieutenant Ilulton, member of .lie government forest patrol crew on luty, flew from Portland to thu Ku- (cno uvlatlou field tu ex'uetly 4S mln ites, Correspondence courses aru not reo- Kiilzod us coming within the - provl lions or the soldiers' eduoatlonal bill, iccordiiiK In an opinion by Attorney iHiuiral llrowu for the guldaucu of km A. Koiur, deputy secretary or date. Illds for furnishing 32,000 bronxu ueduls for Oregon wildlers, sailors and unrlnoH who purtlelputixl In tho world vur are to bo opened in Salmn on i.lober 10, according o a dualslou miicIhmI by members of the so culled )ruHou medal commission. ItefiiNul or Hiilem retull book miliar o handle school books 011 a IS per lent margin bus resulted In a decision in the part or the J. K. dill eompauy if I'ortluud, representative for all pub- Ishers rurnlshliig books for Oregon n'liools. tu lustult a store of Itiolr own 11 KuIhiii. Delegutea to Iho ouutrul labor coun- d of Portland and vicinity voted that r tho usu or the I'ortluud public audi orlum Is reftuud by thu city coinmls- doners for u genural umuesty meeting if labor, tho oounoil shall call for a 'Mfuroudum vote 011 u Mineral strike if protest of S4 hours' duration. Tho war savings stump cumpulgu In Drugou bus beuu placed in the huuds f the Oregon State Klks' association, iccordiiiK to an announcement made olnlly by IMward Couklnghaui, direct r for the war loan organization lu Jregon, uud Hurry (1. Alluu, president r thu Oregon Hlutu Klks' usiioclatlou, The 88 Oregon Imnks reporting dor- Hunt deppidts or more than suveu guars' stuuding under tho recent blen ilal cull, have buon notified by Attor ley (luuerul llrown to rumlt thu same thu stale treasurer, by whom thuy Alii be credited to thu statu's public uihool fund. Thu fund aggregates $12,- 516.86. Illds for the construction of thu 'ulro-NysHu suction or thu John Day ilghwuy, lualudlug nine miles of gruv il surfacing, and the llund-Juffursou ouuty lluu suction of Tho Dalles Call- 'ornla hlghwuy, covering 23.0 mlloa of 1 rail lug, are usked In un advertisement mudu publlo by thu stutu highway com uilsslon. Murchauts, rrultgrowuru and fruit vendors are wurnud by William A. Dul elul, deputy statu sealer, that thu state law forbids thu selling of peaches or jthor slmllur commodities by tho bushel. "The law clearly states thut ill commodities shall bu sold by not weight or numerical count," the warn ing reads. Returns received at tho offico of Adjutant Guneral Stufrln Indicate that Colonel Creed C. Hammond of Port land, formerly or Kuguue, woe una u I mously elected to succeed Colonel John L. Muy, who resigned recently as commanding officer or the 3d Ore gon infantry. The election was held throughout .tho stato, with all field of ficers and captalus of tho organization participating. GEORGIA RICH Studios: Pinnlst Teacher 1515 Alntworth A vr 11 lie 410 Cmvi-k .Httt Phones: Woodtawn 20U2; Columbia Pfrl Mrs. Gabriel Puilin Vocal Teacher DinpliMin llrcnthliiK, I'onwMl TH tdnccmont and Clear dictkm, Pupils tauuhtto tHkr tmtt In Trfc au.1 Quarlcttcs. 1M5 Lomlmrd Ht. Phone Columbia IN Mrs. Frank A. Rice TCACIIKK OI' Violin, Mandolin and Piano . Pupil nt Nnlrr D.unr Studios Coil V. John Htrl Telephone Columbia it-U) Tiipll. may lmir Memtxit of thr JiifMttt Orclitlrn Mhlcli nmki' imMk uniiMtatiiM moothl) ELMER SNEED Violin Instruct ion STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Strett Phone Columbia .'t02 Mrs.BertImC.Burdick (Mccnlltntc of lite Koynl Actltny of Music, I.oikIoii.) Teacher of Piano 1957 Hodge St. Phone Col. 87s Dr. W, J, Gilsfrap Physician and Surgeon Glasses Accurately Pitied oi'Picit nouns 0:00 to 12 M. OlM'ICKH 1:110 to 4::i(l P. M. PenlHsula 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. nully IMp; Sundays, 0.00 to I0i0 A. M. Dr. Evart P. Borden DENTIST Painless lixtrncllon of Teeth titulur NilroiiH Oxide Otis Office I'ciilnsiila llanU hlil. onice phone Col. Olio; res, plmiif Col. 177 llourfc U-lUa. m.; LltO H and . in. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Day Phone Columbia 97 Night Phont Columbia 000 Phone Columbia 379 Rat. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. ScIiuKze Physician and Surgeon Room 10 Peninsula Hunk HuiWIw I)R. L P. PICKKNS, DENTIST (inicc Hours H to lit A. M. I U 4 V. U. KvetiliiKs 7 to 'J Peniiiiiila llank llldu. Ollicc Phoiitt Columliia 1 1) LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING HAUHIiU The idarc win-re kikI crviee ami routieoiis troMtmeul ieai. Childrcu's hair cutting receive cihI utUntiuH. 1O0 BURLINGTON STREET Davis Barber Shop and II ATI I KOOM! S, W, DAVIS, Proprietor 108 Philnddphiu St, Hatha 26c St. Johns Undertaking Co. 208 N. Jersey Street 1'Ih)b Ciluttilii4 Stf Columbia m Automobile lleur;. Gel Our Pr'ces Before Going lo PwiNd PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT i REALTY GO I H, HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jurs.y Alt.ttHcts of Title Prcarl TitUii lU-uuiucd Phone Columbia 366 Not Ova LibcI en your pr. Hauling and Moving OF ALL KINDS Done Quickly and Promptly iMtily Trii to and trout 1'orUaud 7. S. iA'.V phn ci. 1050 718 L:. Richmond St. Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Hauled Daily Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST Wood of all kinds Auto Express Price Reasonable Prompt Sorvtsa AUKE QOARCKE Phune Columbtn 810 Good Secoud hand Sewing; inachiuet lot rut. II, V, Clark. t(