St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 12, 1919, Image 4

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Cardinal Merrier, the noted Belgian
prolate, v. ho will pay a visit to the
United Btates.
Hoattto.- It took Ilia jury Iuhh thnn
30 nilnnli'fi lu ncinilt Superior Jinluc
Clny Alton, hrciinimI of holillnR out five
quarto of Hcotcli whltiky for Ills own
11.10 nfler iIInikinImk of lliu on no uKnltmt
AtiKimt HinHi;i)ii. convlotcil Juno 4 of
"Thuy (Iho Hirmtuil of llui prime
cutltiK iittornuy'ii officii) pluyvil inn n
illrty trick, but they fnlloil In innko
II slick," wnn tlin (trim coininnnt voiced
by Jmlttn Allnn nftur ho liml bcun
nliowarml wllli cotiKrattiliitlmiH by
coron of bin frlntnU who ornwml Trial
JikIm.ii llvorntt HnillliV courtroom to
bnar lliu vnnllol.
"I Ntlll think JuilKn Alton In KUllty."
cmmnuiittMl I'romicutliiK Atlnrnny I'rerl
(J. Ilruwu, nit JiiiIiih Alton, nooomimnlwl
by bU uttormty, I'luirlo A. KttynolilH,
mid a Krnup of frlcndn. illMtpponriHl
down tbu corridor IxiiiIIiik from tho
Signing of Troaty is Auth
orized, But Protest is
ifc. Reglstorod.
Vlonnn. Tliu national nBscmbly by
a voto of 07 to 23 decided to dlgn tho
peacu treaty.
Tho nnomb1y, bowevor, protested
afialnst the violation of Austria's right
of ft on dlsporffil of horsnlf.
Tho Herman nationalities voted
against signature of the troaty, while
Rotno memborii of the South Tyrotcuc
party abstained from voting. The voto
was taken after adoption without din
sent of the government'!! resolution of
protest, presented by Christian llatiscr,
tlcclur Inn that the territorial clnuscs
of the treaty motwly vlolato tho na
tlotial claim to sulf ilutormlimtloti and
tbu ImslH on which the armistice ,waa
The resolution also declares thut ultl
nmto union with (lermnuy Is an abso
luto ueceeelty and expresses tho hope
that when the hatred of tho war dies
down this union will bo consummated.
It ends by placlni; responsibility for
steeping Kuropo In revolution and run
fusion on tho shoulder of the entente
and looks to the leaKtio of nntlons to
repair tho wrong done.
C. 0. Amei, assistant attorney gen
eral, who It handling the government's
Investigation of high prices.
Tho Italian chamber of deputlm
adopted tho bill kIvIiik Italian women
the rlitht of suffrage.
The supreme council decided to send
an ultimatum lo Hie Itoumaulaii kov
eminent remirdliiR Iter course In Hun
Tbu boycott Instlluled by lliu Chin
ma nKalnst tbo Jiipntiiiso Iiuh cut
Japanese saloit In C'hliiu nioro thnn fit)
per cent.
Alabama and Vlrr.lnla legislatures on
Wednesday refused to ratify the fed
eral woiiiuu suffrage constitutional
John Hliell, Haiti lo be tilt) olilrst
llvltis man in the United Hltites, eele
brnted the 131st nntilveraary of bis
birth In Islington, y.
('resident Wilson, buforn IwivIiik on
ills tour of tho country, signed the bill
to make permuiient the rank of gen
eral for John J I'erslilng.
Mrs, Oscar limy of (lieen Hay. Wis,
has Just liwonie the mother of it quintet
of balden. Mother ami the five new
Ilrnys are gelling along nleely.
ItepresenlatlveH of more thnn 300.000
railway shopmen have been summoned
to meet In Chicago Heptcmlsir M In
vote on the question of n general strike.
Protest bus been mutle by (Ireat
llrltln MKalnst the Amurlriiii steam
ship Ashburn'a not In entering ()iimma
town's burbar recently with the Minn
IVIn flav flying.
Without h record vote the United
Mates seuute, after a IX hour wniloii.
passed tho bill to make powtlbte the
IrasltiK of public lands having deposits
of oil, resl, gas phosphate end sodium.
II; Marshal Koch's decision, the
Amrrltmns ure again to take over nil
the Cabltmt bridgehead proper or ex
aotly tho name territory en the east
bank of tho Ithlno as the Americans
have occupied nluee llsMinber lust,
Hnntlln. Honltlo had a gasless Sun
day as a result of u strike of 13G la'
liorers nl tho various plants of the
Seattle Lighting company.
Itestniirants, relying on gas, cloned
nt noon; earlier editions of newspapers
went on the street with large handset
typo; subtirlmnltoM and dwellers In nil
residence sections flocked to tho olty
for their Humlay meal when thuy lln-
oovnrotl l hero was no gas on hand,
only In find u waiting lluu at those
restaurants iimIiik coal ranges,
Ho many returned to lako their evete
Iiik meal In tbo good ohl faslitoned way,
over a camp fire.
It was no Infrequent night to auto-
mobile parlies touring tho boulevards
lo sen tho kitchen uueen bent over u
kettlo In tbo sldo or luiuk yard of
moiiii) wealthy homo.
rtiti strike Is mild to have been call'
ml In an effort to put all of tbo unions
whoso members aro engaged at tho
gas plantH on n one big union basis.
lies Moines, In.'-Aflor a day of rest
Hunday In Des Moines, President Wll
sou struck luto tho northwest Monde
for a week of speechmnlclng there In
tho Interest of tho peace treaty
Ills schedule for tho six days will
tako him through uvory. state that bor
tiers Canada vvst of tho lakes, and
will end ut Seattle, whore on .Saturday
afternoon ho will review tho I'acifl
With tho oxcoptlon of Tuesday. In
Ht. Paul nml Minneapolis, Minn., and
Htitiiriluy. when tho president will be
lu Taeoma and Seattle, Wash , th
presidential special wilt bo almost con
tlnuotisly no tint go. Out of about 1"0
hours which will elapso butween the
deiHirlure from Do Moines and the
address at Taeoma Saturday morning
nearly ID0 aro to bu spent on tho
Paiiea Enforcement Bill Without
Amendments to Localise War Act.
Washington.'! no prohliiltlou en
forcement bill was passed by tho Hen-
ale without ii record voto nml virtually
In the form It cumo from tho commit
tttt. The measure now gow lo con
ference for tllsoussloii of amendments
Inserted In the house bill by the sen
Ah It jmssed iho senate nml gees to
conference, the bill defines as nil In
toxicant any beverage containing more
than tine half of I per cent of alaohnl.
The senate modified, however, somo
of the most rigid provisions of tho
hotiH.) hilt, Including that affecting pri
vate stocks of alcoholic bovonigtvs held
for personal use.
Hood Hlver Men Organize to Keep
Out Asiatics.
Hood Itlvor. Or Tho Hood Illvo
Valley Association for the Prevention
of Japanese Land Ownership, an or-
gnuUntlun that came luto being Inst
week, has Its newly appointed com
mlttees actively engaged In perfecting
plans. A membership committee com
posed of Hoy I). Smith, John Kohur
mid Dr. J. It. Cutlery, with a corps
of assistants, plans to canvass every
section of tho valley to secure mem
hers fur tbo organUiitlon, all pledging
themselves against sale or loose of
riHtl estate to Jmwiimo.
All of tho 18 eltUens present at the
meet lug last week nlgnwl a pledge
against mdllng or leasing to Japanem
and numerous growers have voluntar
ily tendered their affiliation.
California Starts Fight on Japanese.
Sacramento, Cel. A movement for
the orgunlwtlon of u statewide nml
then Puclflo coast body to fight tho
Immigration of Japanese Is under way
Famous Attorney It Dead,
Now York. James W. Osborne, for
mer assistant district attorney of Now
York, was found dead In bed lu his
apartment lu tho Sherman Square
hotel. The body was discovered by
bis son. Mr. Osborne's age was given
as (il. .Mr. usoorno win no milium
herwl mainly for his proseoutlou of
tho Mollneux and Patrick custw.
Death for Edith Cavell'a Defrayer.
Paris Ceorges Union, charged with
betraying lMlth On veil to the Her
mans, was convicted and condemned
to death.
Dill to Aid Postal Clerks.
W'ushlngtou. An Inonxiso of 1S0
In tho annual wages of all postofflce
employes Is provided by a bill passed
by the liuuse uud sent to tho senate.
The Inortwse Is retroactive to July 1
lust and affects about 360.000 employes.
Allies Sand fUumanla Ultimatum.
Parts. The supreme couuell of the
peace conference inform! Itnumaiilu
that the must sign the pence treuty
witu Austria wit noil t reeorviitlnu or
abstain altogether from slguluti. The
ItouinaiiUn poaee dtUutlen huu not
yst reaohwl a deotaloii lu iho matter.
Million Member Veterans' Qoal,
Now York. A national campaign to
Increase Its membership to 1)00,000
I veterans of tho groat war, was an
nounced by the American Legion,
A. E. r. Down to 40,000
Washington that to.aofl Ameri
can oldlsrs renmlied lu lCuropc on
eptmber sceording to the weekly
dcmoblllntlou figures of the war do-pwtmwil.
Salt Lake Man Bolivian Minister.
Washington. 3. Abbott .Mtigliiuls of
Salt Lake City, Utah, was nominated
by President Wilson to bo minister to
Fire Hits Preicott, Wah.
Walla Wallu, Wash. Flro nt Proa-
eott Sunday morning burned six wood
en buildings to tho ground.
U. 6. Owet 320,590,701,640,
Washington, Tho United Slates
owed IT96,68,111 iiioru at tho close of
business August 30 than on th last
day of July, making tho total iiatloiul
debt 9S0.69C.7O1.64S.
Redfleld Quit Cabinet,
Washington. William t Itedflold,
secretary of commerce, has tendered
his resignation to President Wilson
and It bat beeu accepted effective
November 1.
Oats No. 3 white feed, i&'i per ton.
Hurley Standard feed, 1 01.50 ton.
Corn Whole. S0; cracked, JSS.
lluy Willametlo vulley timothy. i0
tStl per ton; ulfulfa, 3Q.
Ilutter t'reumory, C5c per pound.
Hggs Hunch, D6c per doien.
Poultry Hens, Sttf iSo; brollers.SBc.
Cuttle Market steady; steers, boat,
flOffll; good to choice. $9010; medi
um to good, JSCS-
Hogs Prime mixed. J17.60O1S; me
dium mixed, 10.5017.60; pigs. W.75
Sheep Market steady; prime
lambs. 13.50(H3; fair to inodlum,
J0.50ai0.50; owes. HO7.60.
1200,000,000,000 la Allies' Var Expenre
Parli. Kinauco Minister Klotx an
nounced lu the chamber of deputies
that tho war expenditure of tbo nt
lies had been estimated ut fSOO.OOO,
000,000. Deafness Gunnot Bo Cured
by local ji'Uctlin, thry cotwl rrscli
Ik OUiJ portion ut ttiv ar Tbr is
'If en wy lo cut Jiiloni, ml Ili4l It
Vj fomtltullonul rtm4l ImIhm K
itixd by u utlm4 .ondlllon el lb mu
llnUx ul lt Luitm-liiaH Tut Wlir
Ihl tub I InfUmtJ yu li rumbllui
tound or lurfi horlnr. nnj lwu It Ii
ntlrlr c!ot, lts(ix la Hi txult, at4
'uaUaa th InDaiiimatlon vat k lakn uut
anA tkla tub t.tlortJ la Ita normal ou,ll-
' Men. htarlnr lll b drtroid forvri iilu
oaatl out of ten ar t-auail liir Catarrh.
'Mklch la nolhlnr but an luttamJ MDjIllan
( Ik niuiom aur(aca.
te will (It On HundrM Dollar (or any
'or lalaaa icamm vr caiarrni irtai
U, S. Soldier Killed Dy German Troopi
Cutdens Prlvuto Ileus Madsen of
Sucruiiututi). Cul., was shot and killed
while hunting deer by Gorman soldiers.
The shooting took place In tho neutral
lotto about a uillo from the bouudury
of the Cubleuz bridgehead.
Huy Kusteru Washington timothy,
f3Ciff37 per ton; nlfalfu. J31CT32.
Ilutter Creamery, flOc per pound.
Kggs ltanch, 50o per doxen.
Potatoes Yakima, $35 per ton.
Poultry Mens, heavy dressed, 3Sc;
light, 33c ; broilers, dressed, 35a
Hega Prime, MSfflO: medium to
choice, $16.50017; pigs. $10 17.
.Cattle - Host steers, $!0.50(f 11.25;
heifers, $7.259; calves, $7.25015.50.
For Sale Cheap
The Store That Cares For You
Dry Goods and Shoes for Everybody
The Retailer must buy his stock of Shoes from four to seven months in advance of
the time they will be on his shelves. The Manufacturer must contract for his raw ma
terial and his labor before he can make and price his samples. You will thus see that
it is a long period between the time the customer wears his shoes and the time the mak
er contracts for his stock.
immediately upon the signing of the armistice buyers of hides from foreign countries
were on this side of the water negotiating for immense quantities of hides and contract
ing for millions of pairs of the finished product. Immediately prices began to soar un
til the price that will prevail when the Spring Shoes come in will make the prices you are
asked now look cheap.
We have within a day or two bought Men's Dress Shoes priced at wholesale from
the factory, in most instances from twentyfive to seventy-five cents more than we are
selling them for at retail.
Now then: all reasonable people know that the retail business cannot be conducted
at less than 20s of the sales and that much at least must be added to the cost of any
shoes. And that leaves no profit to take care of left-overs or the risk of fire and the
hundred other chances of loss.
Just this month and last we are getting the shoes that were bought last March and
April. As explained above the raw material for these was contracted for before the
European buyers were in the field and we own an unusually large stock, for usj at what
are comparatively reasonablonrices. This is particularly true of Women's, Misses and
Children's Shoes. We are NOT placing pn these the replacement price but have only
added to their factory cost a legitimate retailers profit.
You nre nt liberty to jct our prices nml then no over town and sec what you cau do or vice versa.
This has been done so many times recently uud wc linve mndc the stales that wc know arc under the price of
the CityF.Stores.
The Mallory Hats are known as the best medium grade hats on tho market. There are no ten dollar hats;
neither are any $3.00 hats with the Mallory label. But we are well stocked with all the new shapes in the
5-1.50, $5.00 and 5G.50 grades.
Our stores welcome competition; it keeps any firm from traveling in the same old rut. We welcome a com
parison of prices with any store.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Crossott Shoes Regal Shoes MEN'S SUITS BOYS' SUIT'S Kenosha Underwear Best-knit Socks
There Is n tlly no comMrUou
between the cacaml thorough.
liens with which an Itlectric
Cleaner reuiovttl ilirt ami the
iliOiculty o( sweeping.
True, one CAN elwtu rugs ami
ruriwU wltlte-ut mh clsvlrlc
cleaner. A breotit or ermt
sweeper will lirtuli up SO.MK
of the illrt; nml If )ou like the
bxsicIk1 ami have plenty of time
anil strength a bioam and earl
ut benterwlll tlo the work alter
a fashion.
In the same way one can
wtuli without soup, Water a
lone will remove some ilirt if
applied with enough "elbow
Hut lop!e use soap beomiK
it cleans more txully anil better
than water alone.
Pur the Mine tex.oii ptt4e
uc Phwtrle Cleantrrs because
they clean more enslly and far
better than other metliwU,
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
"Buy om letliic Goods at an ledricSlof e''
j, d, Chambeis Sirs. II, K, U'wry
Funeral Directors
248-260 Kllltumwortli Avenue
Telephones: Wooillawu 3306 C 1133
Mr. Chambers is the only CJ. A, R.
uiulertaVer In the city of Portland.
Personal attention ami supervision
Kivcu to arrangements.
Residents of St. Johns hnving
tnxes and city liens to pay m
ortland can make their pay
ments without inconvenience by
availing themselves of our ser-
leos. We will pay same and
secure your receipt without in
convenience to you. Fee, 25
cents. References: Any St.
alms Rank. rentnsula title,
Abstract and Realty Co., by H.
lenderson. Manajier: 402 North
Jersey streot.
Auto Supplies
Paints are advancing "Buy Now"
Enamel your floors with Kyainze
Enamels, all colors
See our Home Fruit Dryer
Contract with us for your winter
supply of Coal before the price ad
vances. Home Mercantile Co.
209 West Burlington Street
nnot t curt tr lulls Catarrh Cur.
i4'for circulars. ftt
r. J. ciikmet CO., Toltao, unto.
t'llll far csoitlastlM.
aid br Dnj(itta, Tl
feka Hall's VaiaUr t
The follawluK list of Icirul blanks
arc kept for sale nt this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds. Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, butisfactlon of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bilk this office.
mi ouitr, i.easv.
FOR RENT urtf mt this tffls
A plot of ground 100x000 feet.
which contuins twelve 50x100 foot
lots, just across the river from St.
Johns, bounded by Wood and Mills
streets, bor quick sale 1000 takes
them, which is less thau S100 per
lot. Good terms given. Call at
NeU th Ubsl on your pfcfw.
Wanted Men or women to
sell guaranteed hosiery to friends
and neighbors. Handsome pro
fits mado in either full or spare
time. Full line of men's, wom
en's and children's up-to date
styles. Largo commission. Ex
perience not necessary.--Phoenix
Hosiery Co. Darley, Ra.
Drtnt la your Job printing while
you think or lu Doat wait until you
are entirely out. We are equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
Knights and Ladies of Security
M. Johns Council 2775
HcKUlnr lltiilncMi UHCtiiiK Ut nml 3rd
MomVayK. 0cu mcctliiK lo the public
ami iiicmlcrt Uml uutl Itli MouUnvn, Vie
(lore ami member cordially Invited to
nttcntl at Ilickucr Hall.
Frank C. Gasscr, Pres.
Lesitcr Teeling, Secretary.
I.ALill LOUUt.
No. 186 I. O. O. r
UnU each Monday evening la Odd Pel
!o linll at 8:00, A cortlUl welcome to
all vliltliiK brotltcn.
I'rr.l lla.ktll. Noble Orand
C. V IMhl. Vice Orand
Joe Kjlwftt, Krc Hcc,
U. W. Norenc, Fin. rkc.
11,1' Clark. Treaa.
Get this straight 99
says the Good Judge
St. Johns Camp No. 754 6
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attendance of
our member at our regular meetings
every Thursday evening.
A. I.. Murcy, Geo. Muhm, Clerk
Cotuul. 108 Smith avenue
Meet & every I'ridav night at
7:30 o'clock In 1UCKNKR
Hall. VUltore always wel
come. J. R. WATSOK, C. C.
Woodmen Ol the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evening; in
I. O. O. V. Hall, teavitt and Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
V. K. COON, Clerk.
A. r. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Wednesday of each month
in iiicitner s nan, vui.
tort welcome
A.R. Davis, W, M,
A. W. Davis. Secretary.
The tobacco that gives
you the most lasting
chew is the kind that
saves you money. You
don't have to take so
ninny fresh chews. The
rich tobacco taste stays
right with it. That's
why you take a smaller
put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacca
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and get acquainted.
Minerva Chapter No. 105, 0. E. S.
Meets every Firstand
Third Tuesday of each
mouth in Bitjkner's
Hall. Visitors wel-come.
Dixie M. Lewis. W. M.
Ruby R. Davis, Secretary.
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your ecoda to and from
all parte of Portland, Vancouver, Linn
ton, Portland and Suburban Express
Co., city dock and all points acceuible
W waffon PtajM mod fcarialtim aMvta
Phone Woodlawn 6360
Wa-call and Dtllvar
The Sk.dmore Cleaners
Cleaning, Presaing, Alterations and Re.
pairing a specialty
W. C JUSTICE M2 Sk&eurc Street
: r '
Kea Uw labal an ytur aayer.