HEATERS t m Get Your School Supplies at the ST. JOHNS PHARMACY HAND GRENADE SAVINGS BANKS Make your APPLI CATION NOW if The Prescription Store PHONE COLUMBIA 138 COLUMBIA RECORDS I I you want one of $1 A WEEK A wonderful assortment of Heaters, Wood Burn ers and Combination Wood nnd Coal Burners. Priced reasonably on Easy Terms. Wood Burners, Cast Lined t 20 Bel $17.5o 23 20.00 L?l ' 23 00 218 Mascott 20 00 220 " 24.75 222 " 2G.50 219 Sunset ' 29.50 221 " 32.00 Coal and Wood Heaters 18 Daisy $24.25 18 Lilly 29 25 20 " 33 25 219 Fire I?ly 42.25 221 " 4960 223 " " 53.50 All Cast Heaters, Wood Burners 21 Houschpld $34 50 23 " 38.50 Terms, Any Heater $1 Weekly Payments " " r Your Credit is Good ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns Solid Copper Wash Boilers Here is an opportunity to buy All Copper Wash Boilers at the price of Tin. We will only sell a limited number at this jprice. No. 8 Copper Wash Boiler $6.38 No. 9 " " " 6.85 How about your Mazda Lamps? We have a complete stock ij i. i-i-- ..' i . -i St. Johns Hardware Co. Agency for Goodyear Tires St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. The (Materia Cash Grocery 1 1 The sales of the Scales & Currier Grabateria keep up because the prices are kept down. It is easy to prove that our prices are lower than the regular charge account several-deliveries-a-day Grocery, We make the prices consistent with a large vol ume of buying, with the minimum of overhead ex pense because we employ no bookkeeper, we make but one thorough delivery each day, we are both ac tively engaged in the business, we eliminate the losses on charge accounts and our rent is low. Make up a substantial order for us, give us your check and we will convince you that you are saving money. Try it. The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNCR6 Local News Subject for Chrlstlnn Science services Sunday: "Substance." Since the recent rains nor. mits are again boing issued for rubbish fires. Dr. Mulkoy has returned from a couple of weeks' business trip in ucntrni uregon. C. S. Currin made a business trip to Klamath Falls this week. No auto is complete without n flag. Get one nt the Review of fice. Miss Margaret Mulkey has re turned from an extended visit in California. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Gammol have returned from nyerynlcns- ant sojourn at Garibaldi Beach. Wm. Sorbcr has disnosod of soft drink and tobacco store on North Jersey street to William Preston, who has taken noaiea sion of same. Miss Ethel Bowers, librarian of the St. Johns library, is back at her work after a month's vn- cation spont In Spokane and Glu- cior rark. - o 1110 jouy 'siecn ciuu was ilcnsnntly entertained at the lomo of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Chambers at Portsmouth Wed ncsday evening. C. S. Wells and Charles Fleck of J illmaook aro spending a few days in St. Johns. They report the ronus by auto in fa r v trood .... - " ' condition. o A beautiful collection of but- tcrlliea withered around St. Johns by Rex Jones, 110 N. Edi son strcot, is on exhibition at the library and will bo there for a limited time. v Sherman Cochran will open up a tobacco nnd soft drink es- iiDlisiiment in the room oppo site the Multnomah, and form erly occupied as a watermelon garden. Mrs. Ruth Simmons returned ast week from Lonir Bench. Cal.. where sho spent tho summer with ler parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Crouch, former residents of this city, hut now rosidinir in the South. Hoine, of tho local firo depart ment, landed u six pound bass u tho river last week. Cant. Stark also reports some fine catches of bass tho past few days. The one that got away, howev er, was tho biggest of them all. Mrs. E. W. McLean and son lave returned to St. Johns, nfter ponding tho summer at Jovve and other resorts in Clatsop county. Mr. McLean, who is in the I'oreatry service, expects to return this week. A new assistant at the library s Miss Elizabeth Hales of Eu gene. Miss Hales will also be in charge of -the James John High school library, A graduate of ittshurg Library chool, she comes to us full of enthusiasm for her work. Miss Bonnie Holladay of tho bookkeeping department of the of this O. eave tne latter part month to take a course in eco nomics and foreign trade in the University of Washington at Se attle. A small building occupied by B. Madison at 409 E. Rich- mond street was destroyed by ire about 7 o'clock Monday even ing. Mr. Madison, it is said, was heating some oil and rubber on the stove and went outside for a few minutes, and during his absence the place caught fire. Mr. Madison lost his per sonal effects, includirig a cou ple of checks, it is said. The oss is about $400. In the Washington Star ap. pears the story of a friendly ar gument that arose between two young chaplains of different de nominations, in which the sen ior chaplain rather cleverly got the better of his opponent. Let us bury the hatchet, my brother," he said. "After all, we are both doing the Lord's work, are we not?" "Wo cer tainly are," said the junior chap. ain, quite disarmed. "Let us, hen, do it to the best of our bility. you in your way and I in his." Mr. and Mrs. Duncan and Cole have returned from shore resorts. Mrs. A. E. David of Carlton is tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. 1). Vinson. GLOVES LARGK ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Electric Vncuum Clenncr 1'. Clttrk. for rent, II C. M. Blakcly of DcsMoines, Iowa, is hero visiting his sister, Airs. J. C. Scott, whom he hat not seen for more than eleven years. Mcrl Wilcox has enlisted in tho Motor Transport training school, U. S. Service. He left Tuesday evnning for Fort Mc Dowell, San Francisco. Mrs. C. II. Boyd and little daughter arc nt Goldendale, Wash., where they expect to re main until they are able to find a residence in Portland. Russell Meyer and Louis Duns more are home on a short visit, alter spending the summer months at Goble. Thoy expect to enter tho University of Ore gon this Fall. David A. Bycrleo and wifo were pleasant visitors at this olllcc Tuesday. Mr. Byorlce learned the printing trade at this office somo years ago. Ho is now located at Eugene. His many friends here were glad to greet him once more. o The meeting of U. will ho held at T. of tho W. C. tho homo Mrs. J. C. Scott. 102 Central a cnue, next Monday at 2 o'clock. lhls will be an important meet ing, ns it is the timo for tho an nual report and tho election of officers, We liopo to have nil our momuera prosent. Alter tho business thoro will bo either a lecture or papor on Purity and Rescuowork. The program will bo interesting. Reported. An old lady culled at a farm house ono day just ns tho family were sitting down to ten. She was invited to join in. Nay." she said, "I have no timo; but I don't mind hevin' a cup of tea and a bit of cake." She finish ed the cake before the tea. took another piece, and paid, "Just to got tho tea daan." She re peated that performance, says the Weekly Toiegraph, until she had been helped to soven cups of tea and eight pieces of cake. Then, looking round complacent ly, she soid: "Wei . Ah think. after all, Ali'll tako mo bonnet off and got mo tea roight." St. Johns Methodist church will observe next bunuay as "Federation Sunday, "as will all the leading churches of all de nominations of the city. Hand in hand with the League of Na tions, the long desired League of Denominations i'b hastening on its way. Millions of earth's best spirits in every land aro praying God speed them both. At 7:00 p, m. Epworth League Rally Sunday; topic, "Not Our Bit, But Our Best." At 8:00 p. m. several speakers will discuss a great wasto that must be stop ped. Everybody's aervice. J. I. Irvine, Pastor. t - Miss Henry, who has been act ng as Secretury for the St. Johns Y. W. C. A. branch, has resigned to accept a position in the city. The oflicers of the Central Y. W. C. A. have asked Mrs. J. M. Shaw to take general charge of tho work here, and she has consented to do bo. The club work will be carried on as formerly and in addition even ing sewing classes will be con ducted under Mrs. Shaw's able management. October 1st has been selected for registration day for this particular work. All Y. W. U. A. members can have the instruction free of charge. Membership fee in the Y. W. C. A. is $1.00 a year for adults and 50 cents for those un der 18 years. All wishing to take this work should register promptly,,a8 there seems a gen eral demand for sewing classes since the closing of the night school. Electric Light Globes at CUR RINS S SLICKERS $2.J0. RAIN Miss COAT ROGERS. SOU- I Vnf Rnli TiVuii vnrfm ninrlnrn house, 1031 N. Svracuse; terms. We carry tho UNIVERSAL LINE of electric Goods, such as toasters, percolators, grills, etc. CURRIN SAYS SO. For first class vulcanizing work try the National Vulcaniz ing Go. nt zUo South Jersey. Chldron's RubborH, 7Cc, 90c, $1.00. ROGERS. When in need of small art! clcs, get them at the G-llMoc store, St. Johns; in tho Penin suln National Bank Building. Flashlights and all accessories at Currins. St. Johns Fair Store. E. W. Foy, prop.; household utility supplies and general notions. 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods nt lowest prices. Next to Eluctrlc store. All outdoors invites you to KODAK. Currin Says So. Heavy warm SOCKS COc. ROGERS, The Overallst. Ask your neighbor about our business reputation and ability as druggists. Currins Tor Drugs. Wo carry a complete line of QUALITY FISHING TACKLE. CURRIN SAYS SO. We outfit big and little shavers complete. Currin Says So. If my work ploasosyou; please tell your friends. If not, tell mo. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. For Salo Upright piano in first class condition. Call 5111 S. Jersey street. 41 Work Pants $1.9!5; Shirts 98c. Raincoat ROGERS. Our business policy is express ed in fow words: To toll the truth and troat you RIGHT. Currin Says So. I'ho National Vulcanizing Co has a fine lino of dependable tiros priced reasonable. If you need anything in their lino call in nt 205 South Jersey streot and you will be treated right Wo PERSONALLY GUARAN- TEE EACH AND EVERY A. u. s IN I AIj, uuickin or PUROLA PREPARATION. Cur rin SnyH So, Painters' Overalls $1,75; car pouters' $2.00. Raincoat ROG ERS. Carpet weaving, ruga nnd car pets of any description. Pricos reasonable. Start Oct. 1st. J. A. Haiborg, 812 N. Willamette boulevard; phone Columbia 9119. Wanted to Exchange Two city lots for a good automobile, or a small piece of acroage, For further particulars call at this olhce. Pleasure for every momber of tho family every day in the year is what a YK'TKULA BRINGS TO YOU. Currin Says So. Party leaving stato desires to dispose of $225 equity for $lf0 in four room plastered house, lot 50x150, river view, fruit of all descriptions; balance $10 per month. Price $1000. See Jack Webster, (512 Salom streot. For Sale High grade window shades for seven room house, cheap. Mrs. J. N, Harney, Col umbia GIG. Wanted to Trade 40 acros near ueer island for house and ot in St. Johns, C. L. Cox, toso City Hotel. Why are we tho most popular Kodak FINISHERS in this part of the city f Ask anyone who has work done here; they will tell you. Ctyrin Says So. Typewriting paper for salo at this office. Smallest quantity -for sale, 25c worth. i these HAND GRE- SNADE SAVINGS! I BANKS. They are ;! Souvenirs of the ; Great War that your boys and girls I; will want to keep all their lives. ' ; Our allotment is limited. I! Ask at the SAVINGS DEPART MENT. Oii mm t x x X i mSk Peninsula Nationa Bank Open Saturday Evenings 5 to 8 i t i LITTLE THINGS THAT TELL In a housekeeper's repute aro many. One of them is, her pre paredness to Hot out u dainty lunch or tea nt a moment's no tice. Our canned goods and pro. serves will enable any woman to do this this. To have a stock of them on hand is an emphatic sign of good housekeeping. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Itney SI. I'ionc Cl, 1 18 Money Invested In Wood or Goal at this Season of the Vear Pays Better Interest than Cash in Bank Be Sure and Order From St. Johns Lumber Co. NO WEARY HOURS In the homo provided with one of our model talking machines. For them is always at coiuuumd entortainmeut of any kind pre ferred. Tho most c I tunic com positions or tho lutest dance music, Thu most thrilling aoloi or tho rollicking songs of the day. Come ami learn what per feet companion a talking ma chino can ho. St. Johns Phonograph Company 317 M. JERSEY STREET The St. Johns Shoe Shop 201 South Jersey Street Does all kinds Shoe Repairing. All work guaranteed Rubber heel put on in 5 minute. Uuion Shop Cards of thanks notices are charged for at tho rate of fifty cents each. Persons desiring to have such noticos publishod should make a note of this. F. L WHITE Building Contractor Day or Job Large or Small phtu coi. ii33 9I2 So. Syracuse St. tho i RUBBERS for men. Dollar Ten-ROGERS. Wo are graduate REGISTER ED DRUGGISTS and know tho business. CURRIN SAYS SO. Dressmaking. All work guar anteed. We solicit your patron age. D31 South Jersey street. l!i Tires and accessories at National Vulcanizing Co.. South Jersey street. Prices right. Records aro arriving in fair quantities now and we aro prepared TO FURNISH GOOD SELECTION OF TITLES. Cur rins FOR DRUGS. Rabbit for Sale -One trior. oughbred Flemish Giant buck. Address 311 S. Edison street; phono Columbia 082. TIN PANTS 8.75. RAIN COAT ROGERS. Tho cheap out burglary insur ance is a safe deposit box. Peninsula Security Company. If your tiros nood retreading see the National Vulewnhtfng Co., at 205 South Jarsey itreet about it. Purola Products are mado in Oregon and personally GUAR ANTEE each and every ong of them. Spend your money for OREGON PRODUCTS. CUR RIN SAYS SO, Lost or Stolon -From 207 W. Leavitt street, a Tiger Angora cat, on Thursday ovening, Sflpt. 9th. Party having same, please return at once; reward oU'erad. Tel. Columbia 537, or 100 N. Jer soy otrcet.