Is Rugs! Bugs! Ruqs! On Easy Payments A new stock of AXMINSTER RUGS. Beautiful new patterns of oriental-and floral designs on our popular easy pay ment plan. A small amount down and a small payment each week. (food Quality Rugs $48.50 and $55.00 Heavy Weight Rugs. . 60.00 Extra Good Quality Rugs '. . 66.50 Heavy Seamless Rugs 71.00 Your Credit is Good ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credlt . St. Johns L -1-.J.1- 1 . . St. Johns Hardware Co. Agency for Goodyear Tires 'St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. The Grabateria Cash Grocery The sales of the Scales & Currier Grabateria l;eep. up because the prices are kept down. It is easy to prove that our prices are lower than the regular charge account sevejal-deliveries-a-day Grocery. We make the prices consistent with a large vol ume of buying, with the minimum of overhead ex pense because we employ no bookkeeper, we make but one thorough delivery each day, we are both ac tively engaged in the business, we eliminate the losses on charge accounts and our rent is low. Make up a substantial order for us, give us your check and we will convince you that you are saving wooey. Try it. The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNERS Come in and get your favorite Record. September Columbia Records just in. ST. JOHNS PHARMACY The Prescription Store PHONE COLUMBIA 138 COLUMBIA RECORDS Local News Vacation over. days will soon be The weather is still nnitn rln I lignum. rm " i . . . . A no BKtUinc rink i.q nmv in full swiig once more. B. J, Camnbcll nntl wife nrn enjoying tno sea breezes at Son slue. Subject for Christian Science service Sunday, August 24 mum. Iloca. tho Photoirrnnhor. niu family aro enjoying a pleasant vacation at seaside. Preach hir services nt the Christian church hnvo been dis continued during August. Auto Tires Auto Accessories We carry a very complete stock of everything pertaining to an Auto mobile. We are agents for Good year, United States and Goodrich Tires, and can fill your wants. Why not give us your Tire business? Prices are just the same. Dr. II. F. Jones and family motored to Woodlnwn. Wash.. Sunday and spent tho nfturnoon more. Mrs. C. R. Thompson lias rc turned from n pleasant trip to (o tho Yellowstone National I'ark. G. W. Roberts has purchaser: tho Thurmond residence and storo property on Willamette boulevard. S. L. Dobie has returned from a delightful vacation spent along the Columbia in Washing ton slate. Miss Edith Erickson. who re ccntiy was operated upon for appendicitis, is getting along in lino stylo, it is reported. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gibson nnd Mrs. Nnramoro and son. Floyd. of Mason City, Iowa, hnvo been guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F, A. Rice. Miss Ruth Leonard of Yam hill, is the guest of Miss Edna Iiollenbeck this week. Tho two woro class mates at Used College. Jnmca M. Snorry. aged 79. ro contly severely stung by hornets dropped dead at the county farm at Albany lueadoy afternoon. While clearing brush ho was at- tacKcu uy tno nornets. no was taken to tho county farm where he died. At tho St. Johns Methodist Episcopal church the Sunday morning subject will bo "Man's Nearest Approach to Omnipot ence." uur bunday evening service at a in which wo merge Epworth Leaguo and church is a fine success. Topic "Capital izing our Epworth Leacu" J. H. Irvine, Pastor. The public schools will onen September 2nd. Despite any reports to the contrary, the James John High School will be conducted again this year the same as last year. The high school students who went to the James John last year will do so again this year; The building has been reinforced, and it is now said to bo in good substan tial condition. If more room is needed, a portable building will be added. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clute. of Columbiaville. Mich., are guests I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Iiollenbeck. Mrs. Clute is Mr. Hollenbeck's only sister, whom he had not seen for nine. teen years, and the visit is be- ing greatly enjoyed. They left their home in June and spent some time visiting in Kansas and Missouri. A son resides near Troutdale, whom they will visit before returning home. The Meier & Frank Co.. an nounced Tuesday that it has pur chased the block bounded by 13th, 14th, Everett and Flan ders for $180,000 and will build there a 10 story structure where will be concentrated the whole, sale business of the Arm. Two stories will be added to the pre ent store at Sixth and Alder streets. The erectlpn of, the wholesale building and tho' ad dition to the store building will provide for the employment of Fining a man $1000 for selling a glass of whiskey is pretty rough, unless you give him back tho whiskey, says an exchange. Preliminary wok on the big new flour mill nt the terminnl sito is now well under way. Progress is also being made on tho cafeteria. "Docs your husband wnsto much time at a ball gamo?" "Wnsto timol I should say not. I never saw him so busy any whore else." Ex. Messrs. Cook & Barrett havo purchased and taken possession of the blacksmith shop at tho corner of Pittsburg and Craw ford Btreets. A fino display of nroducts manufactured at the local woolen mills is on exhibition at the PenfnBUln National Hank. Con sidcrablo intmeat is being mnni fested in superb exhibit. A specinl meeting of tho W. C. T. U. is called for next Mon day afternoon at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. C. Scott. 102 Central nvonue. Wo hone to sco every member or our . . union present, m It is n very mporinnt business moot ntr. Kcporteu. A. D, Cridiro rcnorls n fur mors wuo nenr urosnnm con ducted her ovn investigation of mo li cost of livlmr. Sho'took honey to town and nnt sold it for 20 cents a pound, l ion alio wont home, called up the grocer to wnom alio had so (I and ask oil' "llni'n vmi linnnuV" V.m" ho said. "Some just enmo in." How much is It?" "Sixty eonta n pound." Nown. At the St. Johns Uantist cnurcn bunuay. nt li.a. in. tho A .. t I I 1 t i 1 pasior win uenver ins last ser mon ns pastor of .tho church. It s hoped that every res dent member nnd friends of the church will bo present. The sermon subject will be. Earth's Futuro Ruler." Thero will also bo special music. Tho public is most cordially invit ed. LJ. uurton, Pastor. Surely something ouuht to ho dono about the almost negligible supply ot water in tho evenings n bt. Joiins. At times it is al most impossible to sccuro enough water for drinking. It doosn't seom right that people lero siiouKi ua compelled to nav as much for wator for sprlnk- ing, or lor any otnor nurnoso tor tnat matter, as thoso who mny secure u nmore n entifu supply in other portions of the city. High time that tho water mains to bt. Johns bo increased n size, Congress Wednesday succeed ed in overriding President Wil son's veto of tho bill repealing the daylight saving law. The daylight saving plan, which was adopted soon after the country entered tho war, will go out of existence the last Sunday in October as a result of congressional action. The senate delivered tho final knock out of tho law Tuesday when it passed a repealer over the president's veto by a vote of 67 to 19. The house took the same action Tuesday by a vote of 223 to 101. Although this is the first measure on which the Republican congress has over ridden the president, it is not considered n party defeat, Bince the daylight saving plun had been vigorously opposed by rural congressmen -both Republicans and Democrats. Succcsb of the country forces came after they iad once lost their fight to make tho repealer a rider to tho agri cultural bill. The president al so vetoed this and city con gressmen mustered sufficient trength to sustain this veto. ho daylight saving law was passed as part of tho war time food production campaign. It was argued that under it more war gardeners would lave an hour moro of daylight to raise food. Farmers declared that it interfered with their work. Purola Products are made in Oregon and personally GUAR ANTEE each and every one of them. Spend your money for OREGON PRODUCTS. CUR R1N SAYS SO. WHO-IS-ROGERS? GLOVES LARGLi ASSORTMHNT W. W. ROGURS THIS RAINCOAT MAN Electric Vacuum Clenticr for rent. II. 1'. Clnrk. tf Wear ROGERS RAINCOATS. Electric Light Globes at CUR RINS. For llrst class vulcanizing work try the National Vulcaniz ing Co. at 205 South Jersey. When in need of amnli arti cles, get them at the G-10-lGc store. St. Johns; in the Penin sula National Bank Huilding. Rubbers for Men a -Dollar Ten. ROGERS. Flashlights and all accessories at Currins. St. Johns Fair Store, E. W. Foy, prop.; household utility supplies and general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Electric store. All outdoors invites you to KODAK. Uurrin bays bo. If your tires need retreading sco tho National Vulcanizing Co., at 205 South Jersey street about it. Hoas of tho ROAD Union made COVERALLS. $3.75. ROGERS. Wo carry a complete lino of QUALITY FISHING TACKLE. CURR1N SAYS SO. Tires ami accessories at tho National Vulcanizing Co.. 205 South Jersey street. Prices right. We outlit big and little shavers complete. Currin Says rso. If my work pleases you; please tell your friends. If not, tell mo. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey stroot. For Salo Unriuht niano in first clauH condition. Call 531 S. Jersey street. 4! Lost Pair of brown shell glasses on Huchanau fitroo Thursday morning. Finder pluuso leave at 520 E. Mohairk street; reward. ask your neighbor about our business reputation and ability as druggists. Currins I' or Drugs. Dr. T. L. Perkins. Dentut. Ex-City Comissionor of Finance, has again resumed tho practico of his profession in the Medical Huilding. corner Park nnd Al der streets. adv. We sell VICTROLAS and BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS on easy terms. CURRIN SAYS SO. Tho Nationul Vulcanizing Co ins a lino lino of dependable tires priced reasonable. If you need anything in their lino call n at 205 South Jersey street and you will bo treated right. Our business policy is express ed in few words: To toll tho truth and treat you RIGHT. Currin Soys So. A Ba rga i n Fo r Sn I o by o w n o r. nrge G room bouse, barn. 3 lots. closo in, good location terms. Call Columbia 232. '11 Wo PERSONALLY GUARAN TEE EACH AND EVERY A. D. S.. NYAL. CURRIN or UROLA PREPARATION. Cur- rin Says So. Tho choapest burglary insur ance is a sale deposit box. cninsula Security Company. Records are arriving in fair quantities now and wo are prepared TU I'UKNJSIl UOOD SELECTION OF TITLES. Cur- rins FOR DRUGS. Dressmaking. All work guar anteed. We solicit your patron age. 531 South Jersoy street. -18 Pleasure for every member of the family every day in the year is what a VICTROLA WINGS TO YOU. Curr n Says bo. We, tho undersigned, take tins means oi acKnowieging our leartfelt gratitude for the kind ness and Moral ollerings of the many friends at the bier of Mrs. Ida Jeannettc Evans, wife and mother, Tuesday tho 12th of August, who passed to her re ward. Words cannot convey our full appreciation and gratitude. Kindly accept this from the family. M. B. Evans, Mrs. G. W. Clark, Mrs. J. E. Clark, Miss Gladys EvanB, Vernon Evans, Alfred Evans, and Bart iett Evans. Protection for Old Ag i Ever stop to think what a little i: systematic saving now may mean I: to you when you get along in years? A saving account added J to at the rate of only I one dollar a week will f mount up surprisingly fast. At only 3 in-1 terest at the end of twenty years it would j amount to $1418.65. $ rrobably you coiucusaye several times that a mount some weeks and of course we pay more than 3 on time depos its. This table shows how an account would grow at 3. Peninsula National Bank Year Amount 1 . .. $ 52.77 2 10G99 3 1G2 86 4 220.38 5 279.70 0 340.80 7 409 87 8 48G78 9 535 G2 10 G04.48 11 G75.35 12 ........ 748.4G 13 823.79 14 901. 33 15 981.27 16 .... 10G3.G1 17 1148 44 18 1235 81 19 1325 88 20 1418 65 21 151420 WE PAY 3Jtt INTEREST ON SIX MONTHS TIME CERTI FICATES AND H ON TWELVE MONTHS TIME CERTIFICATES. IT'S A TOPIC OF INTEREST to all our reliable groceries. Our customers know that our goods can bo relied upon and that our service is always uniform. Busy households recognise the conven ience of doing huainnut with us, in consequence, and we prid ourselves upon the prompt, etll ciont service wo give. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey St. I'lmne Col. t IK Money Inve In Wood or Coal at this Season of the Year Pays Betier Interest than Cash in Bank Be Sure and Order From St. Johns Lumber Co NO WEARY 1IOUKS In the home provided with one of our model talking machine. For thoro ia alwayn at command entertainment uf any kind pre ferred. Thu mot flusnic com position or the latest dance muaic. Tho most thrilling solos or the rollicking nongs of the day. Come and loam wit si a per feet companion a talking res chine can be. St. Johns Phonograph Compear 317 N. JERSEY STRERT The St. Johns Shoe S 201 South Jersey Street Does all kinds Shoe Repairing. Rubber liuU put on iu & minute. All work guaranteed ITuiutl Sho hop THE UNIVERSITY eoHOOLS and oepAnrmeNTi lb l ulicnlt . :i lb, IM!. i4 MUntur. HcWa el 1 tu ArU. 10J Iht rwUI Kchool. of Ij Uulirlu. fat I'ortUaJt. ArthlUc' r . J luraittua, Ovta- zuri4, idtuiuau &J Hue OF OREGON 8PSOIAU FEATURE A b n .., r. u:t. ,f tp..m UU, niuli m f4ilui - lw c..i. villi wtui Hirtuiml4 fur . If drip. thWli fur Tor t rU1 llltutratnl l.i. k!it or nclflj tnfurauUou. iMrxm- THE REGISTKAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. If you are a stranger in town read The Review and get acquainted. '500 additional men and women. Britjg in your job printing. 1