HfltoHoal Soolti, 1 4,-. .if ST EVIEW VOLUME 15 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1919. NUMBER-41 JOHNS May Build at Linnton Reports that tho Oregon American Lumber company in tended to dispose of its exten sive holdings of timber, cover ing tho ndjaccnt corners of Col umbia, Clatsop, Tillamook and Washington counties, are brand ed as orror by official announce ment that tho company had un dertaken tho development of its 27,000 acres of llr at nn eatimat-ed-cost of more than $2,000,000. double tho amount of money invested two years ngo in the northwestern corner of this state. Construction of a stand ard common carrier railway in? to tho timber tract, formerly known as the Dubois holdings, has boon started and two saw- mills of large capacity will be crocted. ono in tho interior and tho other along the lower Wil lamette river or along tho Col umbln below its junction with tho Willamette. According to Char esT. Ear y. general mnnn ger of the variouB companies controlled by David C. Ecclcs and his Utah associates, a con tract has been let to tho Utah Construction company, ono of tho foromoat railway building corporations in tho WeBt to con struct 31 milo3 of railway start ing from Wilkcsboro.tho termin us of tho United Railways line of tho Spokane Portland & Seat tle system 26 miles northwester ly from Portland. Tho nama of tho corporation which will take over and operate tho new rail way will bo announced shortly. Tho new line will extend north erly to Vernonla and thonce up Rock creek to tho heart of the Dubois timber tract, formerly owned by Pennsylvania in terests. Ultimately branch lines will bo built to reach further into tho fir foroats which admittedly contain some of tho b'ggcst and best timber in tho Coast range. The new railway will bo of standard gaugo construc tion and will be operated with steam locomotives as a common carrier rather than as a logging railway. It will mako acces sible large areas of fertile agricultural land whan tho tim ber lias been removed. Connection with Portland will bo mado with tho United Rail ways lino throuorh a joint tralllc arrangement. Tho exact loca tion of tho tidewater sawmill to be erected may bo within tho limits of th&Jjinnton dis trict, although General Manager Early says ho is unprepared to J announce us location, com pletion of the railway will be as rapidly as possiblo he says, citing the record of tho Utah Construction company to carry through largo undertakings with dispatch. Bob Up For More Some fellows won't stay down ed when they have hit the iloor; if they have lost a round they soqn bob up for more. By For tune biffed and kicked, and swatted on the chins, they don't know when they're licked, and take it all with grins. Soon Forlune weary grows of furnish- ing the gaff, of finding that her blows are greeted with a laugh. She calls off all her bets, resorts to kindly shifts, and makes those fellows pets, and loads thorn down with gifts. Among sue cessful men you'll find a hun dred guys who, floored again, again still to their feet would rise; they'd spit out broken Jwth like Greeks in Homer's pemw, until the victor's wreath was placed upon their domes. Methinks that arery' gent who to the heights arose has had his features bent by Fortune's sbrewdish blows. For life is not so soft that any human jay can reach tko place aloft on vel vet all, the way. We all en counter blows, who takes tho road in to win; some land upon the nose and some upon tho chin. The weakling gives a yell when Fortune swats his ear, and has a tale to tell of doubt and dread and fear. The strong roan gets his biff, and lets his laugh ascend, and mutters, 'What's the diff? I'll get there . in the end." Walt Mason. For Sale ut a Sacrifice -On .aeeeunt of illness in the family, .will seTl five room house at 202 North Fox street, lot 75x100, for $1600 cash, which includes furniture garden truck, wood in basement, fruit, etc. This is a splendid buy for anyone want ing a desirable home. Also bar ber shop doing a good business ,at JOB Alta street. For further particulars see J. E. Coffey at 108 Alta stref t. Not so High in St. Johns From Evening Nows: Georgo B. Frank is a farmer of wido experience. Ho has n largo farm at Clackamas. Ho has just returned from San Diego, where ho wns tho mana ger, of tho Vast orange and lemon groves of James A. Murray, the multi-millionaire. Frank resigned his position in disgust and returned to Clack amas. The occasion of his dis gust ho has revealed to me. i want to know," he said, "who gets tho difference between the cent and a half n dozen I was offered for lemons in San Diego ono tlio 05 cents a dozen, which is tho Portland retail nrico." 1 told him I hadn't tho slightest idea. ' There are, I should say," Frank went on, "between 400 and GOO boxes of lemons still hanging on tho truea down there. Murray, having plenty or money, uocBn't euro a hoot; But I. being u self respecting farmnr, quit. I've been walk inp nbout downtown, looking at tho fruit stands. Sixty-five cents a dozen seems to bo the nrevnilng price. are about 30 dozen nun UIUIU lemons in a box, for which tho Portland ro taller pays between SG and $7. At G5 cents u dozen, a box fetch es in $19.50-nbout 200 per cent profit. Ihu fellow who actually grow those lemons got 15 cents a box. So who gets tho differ ence-S19.50? 1 know tho Port land retailer gets about $7, but who gets tho rest" ( had to tell Frank again that 1 didn't know, and 1 UBkcd him why fruit growers and farmers didn't orgnnizo cooperative societies and market their produce that way. "Wo tried it," he said. ' Unco was enough. Tho cnrn got lost. Tho fruit was rotten when it reached thn market." I asked him if Jie meant to in sinuate that tho cars wero pur posely "lout" nnd tho fruit de layed, and he said: "Figure it out for yciireoif." I asked him what he thought oi tho xamiuii street market, and he laughed. "Just enmo from thcio. That isn't a public market at nil. It's n nico little arrangement to en able many Japanese, Chinese and Italians and a few Ameri cans to masquorndo as farmers and fool the people." 1 asked him what ho knew about mar kets that ho should criticise, and ho Baid: "I'll tell you what I know. I sold farm produce in a public mnrket that was a pub lic market. That was at Buifalo. N. if., before I enmo west. I know all about tho Cleveland public market too." "Toll mo what these eastern markets aro like," I said, and ho snid: Tho Buffalo market is a big place. Something likoono of your park blocks hero. There aren't any stalls. You come to market with your wagon or your motor truck loaded with stuff from your farm. And mind, you you've got to bo a farmer or you can't do business at the market. Tho market opens at 5 in tho morning and closes at noon. If you get to tho market with your stuff early you may get the choice of positions. The market master thore doesn't say,' "This placo is place is yours, and this is mino, and this is the other fellows.' it's first come first first served. "Tho housewives come all morning and they buy right from tho wagons and trucks. When you havo sold out, you say 'uidaap,' or you step on tho gas, and you go back to the farm. Needs Attention Badly The condition of Jersey street certainly is no credit to St. Johns. It is rapidly crumbing and disintegrating and undoubt edly should bo hardeurfaced. We understand the city has offered to pay one-half of the ex pense of doing so, and expects the property owners to pay the balance. It would seem that it is up to the city to have this street placed in first class condi tion. After a street has bejn improved it seems no more than fair that it should be maintained in good condition by the city, because it is used and worn out by public traffic. The city au thorities relieved the bondhold ers irom responsibility, and in doing so it would seem that the city assumed the responsibility of caring for it in a proper man ner. Why should not the city authorities get busy and place Jersey street in the condition it deserves to be placed I We are graduate REGISTER ED DRUGGISTS and know the business. CURRIN SAYS SO. Answers Last Taps Captain Lewis Bleakney was born Jnnuarv 20, 1838, in tho town of Indiana, Pa., and died Monday. July V), at his homo in Aumsvillc, Oregon, at the ago of 81 years 5 months and 24 dnys. Ho wns the third son of Snm uel and Sarah Bleakney, and when almost to munliood emi grated to Henry county, III. In tno year jbui, when the wnr broke out, ho wns teaching school on tho morning of June 10. Ho went to i s school called it to order, then dismiss ed it and bonrded the trnin for Chicago and enlisted in tho 19th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and in 10 dnv'B was at tho front. He served continuously until April 20. I860. Having participated in some of the hardest battles of tho war, ho won the laurels until, at the time ho wns mus tered out, his rank was Captain and acting assistant nditttnnt general on General Hnzen's staff. He assisted in .tho organ izing of the colored troops after they were freed. After ho was mustered out he returned to his old homo in lllllnoJp, whero ho mot and was married to Miss Saru While. To this union two children wero born--n son and dnuehterJ. Jny Bleakney, of Portland, and Mrs. W. R. Evens, of St. Johns. Ho lived with tho Intter for a year, until two weeks before nis death, when ho mado a request to go to his old home to die. Deceased was a resi dent of Oregon in and near Sulem for about forty yours. Ho served one term in tho Ore gon Legislature and was post master at Aumsvillo for night yenrs. The funeral was held atlhoo Id homo near Aumsvillo with ser vices conducted by tho old sol- ROGERS A,v ConTUIoitw in HONEST MERCHANDISE Jnduces Me to open this Establishment for Your Benefit Hhnll onrry it voiuplotu llnu of Jtot Qnnilty Furnishings for Men BOTH YOUNG AND OLD, AT POPULAR PRICES MK POIICK IS SPOT CASH AND 100 CUNTS IM1H W ONE DCUAR nlmJl oontlmiu to sjtueltilizo or "EVERYTHING TO KEEP YOU DRY" I shall be pleased to meet old customers and many new ones in , it .i it i . . . .i . my new location, una ii nuorus cerely thank you for the liberal which makes possible this better W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN BANK OF COMMERCE diers and Rev. Bronncr, of the Friends' church. Interment in tho Twin Oak cemetery at Tur ner. Modern Homes We own and offer for sale the eight modern houses located on Willamette boulevard and Edison street, between Fessen-' den and New York streets, These houses aro thoroughly, modern and up-to date. Built by day labor, with the best of wnrkmarvshin nnil materials. ' completely finished in every de-i . f i mi , rr l iau. inese nouses are ouereu for sale at a price far less, than they could be built for today. We will give surprising-1 ly easy terms to responsible pur- J chasers. Peninsula Security Company. Phone Columbia 101. We carry the UNIVERSAL LINE-of electric Goods, such as toasters, percolators, grills, etc. CURRIN SAYS SO. ' Raise Not Satisfactory Organized employes of the Portland Railway, Light & Pow er company have rejected the award of 12 1-2 per cent increase in wages mndo by tho war in dustries board, by a vote of 921 to 291. .The referendum vote of I he union was held in the-vnr turn car Darns of tho company and u canvass of the ballots was witnessed by 700 members lues day nfcht. There will be no fni mediate strike on the street car- linos of the company, however. fhe men agreeing to work at the new scale until the pence treaty is finally signed. Further over tures will bo made to the war Inhor board looking to a read justmcne of tho wneo schedule. according to officials of the ijnion. The award nnsscd by the war lalor board last week carries an addition to tho company's payroll amounting to over $350,000 annually, and officials of the concern' have petitioned Urn public scrvico commission for permission to cover this in crease. Tho increase demnndod by the men aggregates approx imately double tho amount grunted. According to nn agree ment between tho company and tho employes decisions of the war labor board will be accepted during tho period of tho war until tho poacu treaty is sign ed," said. President Griffith of tho Portland Ruilwav. Light & Power company this morning. "Tho union will adhere to this agreement and the company will not piotcBt tho decision of the war labor board. There will be no strike troubles involved in adjusting wages and labor con ditions of the company if it can possibly be avoided," Members of the street railway employes' union havo been rc STORE Vour Apjircvlndou of mr pleasure m mis nine to sin patrotiage jou Iiae given me t new store BLDG. Open Evenings ceiving 50 cents an hour with an eight hour minimum day, all over time being pnid ut time and one half rate. The men nsk ed a raiso to GO conts nn hojir and tho war labor board granted them 56 cents nn hour effective from July 1. 1&19. Operating expenses of tho street cur com pany for the year ending Juno 80 wero $3,119,000, according to Griffith, compared with $2,400, 080 for 1918 and $1,097,000 for 191G. Labor represents approx imately 74 per cent of the total operating expense, declare the company officials, and an increase in fares in necessary if the company is to pay ex pensess. PROMPTNESS. COURTESY AND EFFICIENCY have made our KODAK FINISHING de. partment a very popular placo for KODAK ERS. Bring ua your next roll of films. CURRIN SAYS SO. Work. Shirts 98c. ROGERS, The Watermelon Just when the hottest, laziest, thirstiest month of tho year came along and labeled itself "AugiiBt" Mother Nature rose to the occasion and invented for her heat tormented cii'idren of the earth Tho Watermelon. The charms of n watermelon really should be sung in rhyme. What mere prose could do jus lice to its deep, juicy coolness, ts ir orions rope color, its com forting bulk with the suggestion of rich plenty -its delicate llav or, its perfect combination of food and drink in crisp, lovely nericct onx First by all tnennB a melon should be cold. Gathered fresh from the Held with tho night dew still upon it the watermelon enrriefl tho- delicious chill of midnight and is at its zenith of nerfeclionl But for city dwellers, for whom melons grow only on market stalls, the ico hex chill iB a ixood second. Mel ons carried to picnics should be allowed to lio nn hour or two in tho brook, or buried in tho beach Bands, on tho water's edge or wrapped in heavy very wet cloths nnd swung from a tree branch- in tho famous Indian refrigerating system. But after the melon is well chilled wash the surface well, then serve. 1Slico the melon across, in pieces un inch and u quarter thick. Remove the rind nnd cut the firm red hearts into cubes, diomondB or other desir ed shnnes n with a cookie cutter. riace in n clear glass saiad bow), dust with powdered Biigar, and Borve at once. Line tie bowl with fresh washed grant leaves. Cut across In inch slices, cut tho heart into balls or small circles, sprinkled with maras chino wine and n very little sugar and serve. If tho melon is placed on the table whole it should lie held lennthwise toward tho portion cutting it. Insert tho knife near the top nnd cut diagonally downward toward the other end, leaving four inches uh a base. rhrro incliea to the left of whero the knife wns first in sorted cut again, this time diagonally toward tho far end of the first line cut. thus making u pointed tongue. Continue to cut up and down in this manner until the melon In completely cut around, when two equal seta of points will result which can easily bo pulled apart. Watermelon Half Frozon Break tho ripe pulp of u melon nto Hue bits witli a silver fork and placo it in u froer.cr with out tho dasher. Pack in ice und salt and lot aland two hours. Sorvo on tho chilled half shell of the melon sot on a platter and garnish with vine leaves and tendrils. Watermelon Sherbet Scrnpo all tho rod pulp of a ripe melon, saving the juice and using enough of tho pulp to give flavor. Allow one pound of angnr to a gallon of liquid and freeze. If desired ilavor witli lemon iuico or sherry wine. When tulf frozen ndd the still' beaten whites of oggs, allowing ono to each quart of liquid, and 11 n is h freezing. Wutermolon Picklo Pnreolf tho green part of wat ermelon rind, cut tho white rind nto p ecets or str os of the do- aired size and cover with boiling water containing u small piece of alum. Let tho rinds stand overnight in this liquid. Next day soak four hours in cold, rosh wator, then cook in Dolling water until tender. Have ready a syrup made of equal purts of vinegar and Biigar. Boil in this syrup four or Hvo sticks of cin namon, slice three tomans, a dozen wholo cloves and u few pieces of ginger root. When the syrup Is thick und strongly spiced drain the melon' slices and cook in the syrup until clear. Take out tho melon, put n jars, boil down the syrup until thick, iou- over the pickle and seal. Watermelon ProBerves. To mako peel of tho green melon rind, cut tho white rind in cubes, stand ull night in salted water, drain tho next da and cook until tender. Cover the melon with boiling vaiter, add ono lemon, sliced, and half as much sugar as melon. Cook ten minutes It is then ready to 8errcor8eul in jars. Biddy Bye. QUONG TONG GAFE Try Chop Suey and Noodles at popular prices. Home Made Pastry every day ut "Cafe of Merit." Wo serve breakfast and dinner. Open from G a. m. to 12 p. m. S. Jersuy street. A Successful Year From the Pacific Christian Ad vocate of last week we clip tho following: Rov. JnmcB H. Irvine is clos ing n very successful year at St. Johns, Portland. A correspon dent writes: "District Superin tendent Youngson started on his round of Fourth Quurterly con ference with St. Johns church, August 5th. This church led tho churches of tho city in the centenary program, going over tho top 1G0 per cent tho first day of tho drive. All bills are paid to date and money in tho treasury. A new church in the near future is tho expecta tion here. Ihey deserve it. At a picnic hold recently at Columbia Park by tho Methodist ministers of the city nnd their wives. Rev. J. II. Irvine, of St. Johns, responded to-tho toast, "Portland Churches and the Centenary Program," as fol lows: Shades of John Wesloyl May his tribe increaao Looked down ono day from his high pedcfltal of peace, And saw in this and that necko- tho woods The nnmcB of bailiwicks to be And candidates for immortality. And Centenary church ho saw, Ami iwcirth and inyior too, i ft 1 r i It t n 1 n n (i beuwooti cnurcn ana sunny aide From mlstB just breaking through. And Wilbur in its infancy, And Epworlh nB of yore, And Montavilhion tho rim And Central at tho core. Mt. Tabor on tho tho Eastern heights. And Patton near the strand, And Clinton-Kelley caught his eye Willi its proso-poot man. 'PL.-. ..I... II-..I... I... IHU 1.11(11 LllUn Ul UIU INIHI I1U 8I1W. Woodstock and Lents ho scan ned. And Woodlnwn church and Luurelhurst Of thifl our City grand. And Bomo wero on tho Eastern side And Bonie woro on tho West. But when Doc Youngson called tho roll St. Johns led all tho rest. NOTICE Tho Union Savings and Loan Company of Portland. Ore., or ganized under tho laws of tho Siato of Oregon and safe guard ed by tho Blue Sky law. of this Stalo, havo established an agency in bt. Johns lor the subscrip tion of stock und collections. They already havo a nice stock subscription from the very best and most conservative citizens of St. Johnb wlio havo investigated tho Company and KubHcribod for tho tnck It is a well known fact that Bu Hi ng und Loan Companies aro the greatest cooperative money muk ers for their Investors for tho renHon that they deal in nothing but cash. It is n proposition of compounding-interest 12 times a year. All mortgagee and notcB nnd other securitloH are to be de posited with Ihu State. To mature $1000 will cost tho in vestor $5,00 per month for 100 months, puying in $fl.QQ and at maturity tho slock accumulates to bo worth $1000 face. Past experience indicates the stock to go to maturity in from 108 to 120 months, this accumulates you a nico stake on a small monthly saving. You also have the privilege of a loan with this stock also to bo paid in monthly payment. In case of sickness this company will grant a cessation of payments for onoyenr, if it is necessary, on tho stock. It is a good in vestment and a fine saving proposition. Any young man who wnnta to bo thrifty and get into u proposition that is safeguarded by tho State of Ore gon, can call on our agent ut St. Johns for further particulars. See A. W. Davis, 202 N. Jersey street, Resident Agent. Wanted Men or women to sell guaranteed hosiery to friends and neighbors. Handsome pro fits made in either full or spare time. Full lino of men's, wom en's nnd children's up to-dnte styles. Largo commission. tEx perienco not necessury.'-Phoenix Hosiery Co. Darley, Pa. DO YOU KNOW THAT WHEN YOU ARE SICK your druggist is iccond onK to your doctor. Have you used the same care in your choico of, a drug gist? CURRIN. SAYS SO. GEORGIA RICH Pianist Teacher Studios; ? MwworUi Avcum 110 0vi'Kt .Street rhoiios: Wooillawn -2008; CUiimlito MM Mrs. Gabriel Puilin Vocul Teacher , Dtnpliram HrentliliiK, Porwsnt Totw llnccincnt mid Clear ilictMi, Pupils t.uiKlit to take ml in Trio m Quartettes. DOS I.umWil St. 1'hotiB Columbia 111 Mrs. Frank A. Riclf TlUCIIKR Of Violin, Mandolin and Pinup . I'upll ol Nnlrc iMitM .Studio: BW W.Ji.lm Strut TvlepltuiU' Columbia 8.-B t'UtllU 1IIIIV tlMotnr Mm. 1. 1 I. r.1 iHi t,HHlla Orclmtrft wliKli will nmkr uMw appMiMMM monlliljr, ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syiacuw Street I'hoiic Columbia SOU Mrs.BertliaC.Burdick (Llcentitittc of the Royal Acndemy of Music, London.) Readier of Piano 1957 Hodge St. I'lionu CoU 8ya Dr. W. J. Gilsflrap Physician and Surgeon uiasscs Accurately rilled oi'i'icu nouns 0:00 to 12 M. OI'tMCKU 1:30 to -i ni) I. M. PenltiMil S 7:00 to 8:00 I'. M. nirlty Met .Sutiduyii, !):00 to 10:110 A. 31. Dr. Evart P. Borden DENTIST Painless Kxtrnctlou of Tetth muUr Nitrous Oxide Omk Office PeuhiMiln Hunk liltlg. Ollicc phone Col. (W; red. i.IkiiihCoI. 177 Ilutira 0-12 . in.; l:.lOBmid 7-M t. in. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Strecl I).iy Phone ' Klgiit Phbin Columbia 97 Columbia 000 Photic Columbia 370 Res. Columbia 1 131 Dr. F. P. Schulize Physician and Surge n Room 10 I'etiiitoiil limik UuildlMR DR. L. P. PICKENS, DENTIST Onice HoumH lo IX A. M. 1 to it P, L livening 7 Ui 0 1 I'cnliuula Iknik llldit. Office riioiie Columbia 1 PU LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING HARDER The place wlit-rv m icrvic mm! COIUtCMlll ttFHtlHtllt pttTWlll. I'llllllriV Imlr cuttltiK rcrtlvi- pn ml attention. 100 BURLINGTON STRIIHT Davis Barber Shop oixt MATH M(XiJ? S. W. DAVIS, I'ropKiw 10H riiili(lilihiH bt. Hutu 5c St. Johns Undertaking Co. 208 N. Jersey Street I'lionn; Columbia M7 i luuil.m W Automobile Ut-urM. Gel Our Pr'cet Before Going lo PtfNtd PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT 1 REALIT fi H. HENDERSON, MHnotr 402 N. Jur.oy Slratt Alwtnu-w of Title 1'n-pMretl Title. Kiuiuc4 I'lioue Columbia Mb Hauling and Moving OP ALL KINDS Done Quickly and Promptly Daily Trips tu ami (rum I'urtliUJ'l phont coi. lost ia c. Kiciimonu Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand ami Gravel Hauled Daily Trips to I'ortluml Phone Col. 308 206 H. JERSEY ST Wood of all kinds Auto Express I'ricua Kvasouublv 1'raiupt fervfjw MIKE QOARCKB cJ&m Good Scootul hand Smtink' uKich'ties Or reut. H.l'.eintk. " if .