RETAIL PROFITEERS H. PERCIVAL DODGE BON HAM & CURRIER The Store That Cares For You EVERYTHING FOR MEN TO WEAR . Dry Goods and Shoes for Everybody TO REJOUTED OUT Attorney-General Asks Former Food Administrator to t Resume Duty. PRESIDENT PROPOSES LIVING COST CONTROL Congress Is Told That Present High Prices Are Not Justified. , H. Perclval Dodge, named first rep. rtianUtlve of the United States to ftarbla. TAFT SAYS RAILWAY PLAN IS SOCIALISTIC Cincinnati. "It la radically socialis ts ami: ought to bo fought," WlllTnm lil. Tn,t aald of tlio Plumb plan for Uto administration of thu rnllrnndn, In a statoruont hero. "I vury much disap prove of tha plan. I nm nlmoat cortaln the ropubllcaua will oppoNO thu l'liimh Dja,n, and I hupo the domocrata do, too. Wa. ahould not lot tho aovlut system tn oron a tooliold In Amorlcn," ho aald. "I do bplovo In closo auporvlalon of tha railroads of tho country, but auuh auporvlalon aa wo have had liaa boon too aovero. Wo ahould p.lvo tho rail roada a chanco, kIvo tlioni ntloquuto rermiuos by propor rntca no thoy can attract tho nccossnry capital for nucus' ary malnlonanco and Itnprovoinmita, Wo havn not allowed tho rut on to go up aa thoy ahould." Hofcrrluc to tho strikes of railroad ahopmcn throughout tho country mid tho demand of other rnllrond union tor lucrunioil wnKua, Mr, Tnfl anld: "Whllo I havo not koiiu Into tho suhjoct with tho llinrhiiBliiH's lo war raut a final JiiilKiurnt, I will any thut from what I do know, It sooma to inn that tho men nrn roiiuoatluK n jtrouto lucroaao than tho purcontano of In crosso In tho coat of living warrants Thus, It appears thoy urn asking moru that) thoy mo entitled to receive." BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Tho llolulnn chamber of iluptillcs on Friday ratified tho pencil treaty with (Jrnuanv by a uniiulmoua vot. A ilecrno prohlbltliiK thu oxportutluu of ajutar wan piomulKutt'd by thu Ar tfiitliio eoverniiiunl. (.'barge i with cousplruoy to vlolat section i of tho Inderal foud net Ueorjfu W. Hhnrldan, prushltint of th Central Hiikut company of Chicago, nd threo representatives of thu ion cern'n Pltlrourg branch, uro under ar mt by federal authorities. Thu IiIkIi price of shoes was declared to be duo to exreatlvo profit lukim lo ttery factor In shoe product Ion In report by tho federal trude commission to congress. General March, chief of atuff, In formed thu aenato mllltury ooiuiulllw that., tho army of 610,000 mid rompul eory tralulng proposed by tho war d prtmeut bill will coat fUOO.UQO.OoO A conference of mayor of Hpokutir, reatt, Tucomn and Portland to com b4 profiteering In food will probubly be held In Bvuttlo Tuesday, AiikusI lf accordlnc to plana outlined In Ulram scut by Mayor lluker of Port land to Mayor Hanson of Seattle. To aacefjnJn wheru tho profit U bo- laf tnade In the wdu of flour the United 8t,tea Oralu corporation la now conducting au InvcatlKatlou ua to tho wholesale and retail prlco of thla oom utodlty lu the ten principal cities of Orlu, WashluKtou and Idaho, Ho that the famous old huttleshli Oregon, onco pride of the American uavy, cnu steam from Ilremerlou to Han Francsco to participate ) tho welcome to the 1'aclflo fleot there, work costing f 160,000 must be done on the warship at the Pugot sound uavy yard. SanaU Sprues Probe Commences. Washington. Tho seuato aircraft 9P)ntlUeo will hold a hearliiK ut Chi osso with (Jharlo W, 8lleh. of Oram! Maplds, Mich., uud W, K. Morloy of Cleveland as witnesses. Several wit u.sjmcs.wIII bo heard at Ht. I'nul and Ui commllteo will so to Seattle for a lengthy hearing Into spruce pro duction, begluulug about AukusI SO American Store 8old to Belgium, Washlucton. Approximately J 10 pp.Opo worth of- urmy foodstuffs stop t,d,.4t Antwerp and the Hook of lul in nd, h,H becu sold to the ilelglan Sttvcrntneut 0jjtfqejB, Cannot Bo Cured y t, ipllctlmi, lhr csnnui rtucti Ibf. 4lriiJ4 portion ut Ilia car Thrr It aljr oat r la cur d(n,.,, snd tlil Is bjr tnttllutloti rrmtdlr. IxalniM U MUHd by an ImUtnrJ condition of Hi. mu U4l Unix of lh Kuiltchtin Tut. Vti UiU tut I InlUmtd )uu rumbllns fUMl 'f lwi'rfci hrrlu, and wbn It I fTT(ljr elf ). Drafiu'M la th mull, and lOflsmmstlon urn In ttktg out aalin ti'l rni'ttl to tt normal conJt H; htarlsa lll U fortr; nln S oat of tn ar CAUatd It Ctrrh. Vktcti u notblns tut an Inruintd condition r Iks mucoji turfacia. W will slv On llundr4 Iollr (or any . f DafntM (caud tir catarrh) that aaMM. b cur 4 by Hall's Catarrh Cur. EsTfer, circulars, ft. r. j. aimtr a ca, tU4, om (r MtlUa. Washington. I'rceldent Wilson laid several specific proposals before con Kress for cheeking tho IiIkIi cost of living, but at tho samo time declared permanent results could not be e.i pectrd until peace-time baaes worn fully restored by ratification of the peace treaty. IIIrIi prlcett, the president told con groan, wero not Justified by shortnKe of supplk'M eithor prcRont or pros pcctlvt, but were created In many enses artificially and deliberately" by "vl clous practices." lletnlters, he said, wore responsible In I arm- part for extortionate ptlcea. Mtrlkes, the president wurnt'd the labor world, would (inly maku mutters woise uud thoso who sought to employ threntM or coeiclon wuro only "prepnr- liiK their own dostructlon." I.caderM of oruautted labor, the president said, lie was suro would presently yield to sec ond sober thought. Prices Raised by Criminal Methods "Illegal" uud "crlmlnnl" woru tha woids thu president used In character Ir.InK the methods by which somu pros ent-dtiy prices have been brought about, I'reueut laws, ho aald, would be on ergetleally employed to tho limit to force out food hoards and meet tho situation iih far ns possible, but to sup plement tho oxIstliiK statutes he spec! flratly urged (ho following: Licensing of nil corporations engaged lu Intorstittn commerce with specific regulations designed to secure competl tlvu selling and "prevent uiiconsclou able profits' In tho method of market I in;. Kxteuslou of tho food control net to peace times and tho application of Its provisions ngalnst hoarding of fuel, clothing uud other neccssltlea of life ns well ns food. A pennlly lu tho food control act for profiteering. A law regulating cold storage, limit lug lint time which goods may bo held; prescribing a method of disposing of them If held beyond tho permitted pe rlod, mid requiring that when released goods bear the date of storage. Stamp Prlco on Storage Ooods. Laws requiring that goods released from storage for Interstate t-ommerco bear the selling prices at which they went Into Mtorngo mid refilling that all goods destined for Interstate com inerco bear the prlco ut willed they left tho hands of tho producer. Kimrtmeut of thu ponding bill for the control of security Issues, Additional appropriations for govern ni.'itt agencies which car supply thu nubile full Information us to pi Ires at which retailers buy. I'nrly ratification of tha peuro treaty o that tho "free processes of supply and demand can operate." Immediate steps by executive iigen cltw of thu government promised by tho president Include: Tho limiting uud controlling of wheat shipments ami credits to fnclll late the purchiiso of wheat In such it way us not to raise, but rather to lower the price of 'lour at home. Sell Government Stocks. Sale of surplus stocks of food and clothing In tho hands of tin govern msiit. Thu forced withdrawal from storage and sales of surplus stocks In private hands. In concluding too president-made a plea for deliberate, Intelligent uctlou, reminding congress that un unbalanced world was looking to tho United States, "Wo and wo almost alone," ho said, "now hold (ho world steady. Upon our teudfiistucsa uud self-possession do ponds tlio uffulra or nations every where. It Is lu this supremo crisis this crisis for all mankind that America must prove her mettle." WHOLE U. S, FIGHTS AGAINST HIGH PRICES Washington. I'rom all pa'ts of tho United States conto reports of pro gress In the people's fight itgnlust the rising cost of living. In this huttlo local and federal agencies uro co operating. Whllo this battle goes on all aver thu laud, congress Is busy digesting President Wllnyn's recommendations for reduction of Increasing prices, Prompt action 'by congress was prom Ised on those of tho president's rocom memlatlons which did not "affect pro. foundly thu policies of the govern ment," as phrusod by Itepresontatlvo Mnudell, Wyoming, republican leader lu thu house. At Pittsburg, Pn., 32 farmers wore arrested under state law on charges of hoarding and profiteering. At Cincinnati, ()., tho county grand Jury reported nvldenco of both hoard lug and profiteering. At Sacramento, C'ul., tho president of tho city commission Invited tho people to Join with him and federal ngenoles lu n profiteer hunt. Court proceedings against profiteers In milk wero promised by tho federal attorney lu Tacoinu, Wash. All special agents of thu department of Justice over tho country huvo boon ordered to assist district attorneys In uncovering evidence of profiteering In foodstuffs and other necessities, Allied Not to ftoumanla 8trong. Pari. Tho note Hio supremo coun- ell of tho peace conference sent to Houmaulu rulativo to (lie armistice terms the Houmauluus sought to Im pose on Hungary, was much stronger than at first supposed. It stated thut tho peace conference was compelled to believe tho Houmanlan government determined to defy tho conference and separata Itself from tho allied and associated governments uud requested Knumunla to deny by acts and uot words tho chueges made aptliist her. COERCION IS DENIED Union Leaders Not to 8trlke to Con trol Railroads. Washington. Leaders of the 15 or ganizations of railroad employes uni ted lu a definite nssertlun that they had no deslro and huvo nono to Im press upon the public by violence or threat" their proposal (hat tho rail roads bo nationalized under "tripar tite control." Declaring that thu requests of tho men that living costs ho reduced or their wages Incruased was aside from tho questlou of tho futuro disposition of tho railroad problem, tho labor leaders said that If President Wilson and congress could uot meet this re quest tho men would "hayo to try to find another solution," Whllo tho labor leaders did not men tion tho president's address to con gress, It was (ho general belief thit their statement resulted from his warning to the labor world that strikes would only make proseut con ditions worse, uud that those who sought to employ threats or coercion wero only "preparing their owu de struction." Washington. Attorney dcnernl Palmer has 'started out to ascertain how much of tho high cost of living Is due to oxccsslvo profits by retailors, In a telegram to alt state food admin istrators who worked with Adminis trator Hoover during tho war, tho attorney-general ruquested tho appoint- munt of a "falr-prico commltteo" lu each county to InvcstlRato what Is being charged for retail necessities, and It Jn excess uf what tho committee considers Just, to publish a list of fair prices for thu guldauco of tho public. ttetnllcrs who aro gouging tho ulti mate coustimur will havo to bo disci pi I tied by public sentiment, which of flcluls have no doubt Is mifflctcntly alert to tho situation now to act vigor ously lu cluar cut casus. AUornoyOeiiernl Palmor received "enthusiastic" nssont from virtually nil slate food administrators of whom ho mked cooperation In tho government's efforts to reduce tho high cost of liv ing. At thu samo tlmo ho aunt In structions to all district attorneys to get In touch with thu food administra tors and to uct at onco on any evidence of law notation. Thu attention of tho district attor ney nlso was called to the "unlimited avullablllty" of tlio secret service for any Investigation work necessary to tho punishment of hoarders and pro fiteers. Cinderella Feet We are displaying a table of ox fords that were made before the era of leather substitutes and ex tremely pointed toes but they are not such out-of-date shoes after all. But to have them fit, you must wear not larger than -a size four; there are many pairs of sixes three and three and a half, a good many fours and a few fives. If you have the undersized foot you may havo a pair of these perfectly good, substantial and nice looking low shoes for $1.00. And you will not delay for many pairs have been sold simply be cause they are in evidence in our store. Our Policy of Markup There Is a lot to be said about the markup of merchandize just at llis time. You may .be lured by "Special Sales'1 and that may be policy pro viding you am n good buyer and know values anil confine yourself to the 'Specials." Hut If you arc wise you will take this tip and avoid the stores thut arc making the new nrrlvals nt "replacement values'' rather than on the Purchase Values; mid most of them arc doing it. The larger butlttess or ganizations particularly. It Is worth the price to divulge a business secret occasionally and wc would have you be levc us when wc define our Policy of Markup. Most all goods, particu larly shoes, that will be on our shelves this fall and winter, have been bought for several mouths; some weeks before the icnl skyrocketing prevailed, Wc arc going to sll our noes and prac tically nil of our merchandise that wc were fortunate enough to buy early, nt a markup bated on the price paid and not on the price we would pay If buying on the present market; which lu the caic of men's shoes means from otic to four ttollaisa pair; women's shoes about the same and mUscsnmt children's almost aa bad In proportion. White Skirts The season v of. White Dress Skirts is well advanced and finds us with a number of Skirts on hand that ought to be on the per son of our patrons. In the en deavor to close these out so that funds will be available for the fall lines wc aro offering them at substantial reductions, and these were never marked at "replace ment prices." We are also show ing the nifty Stylofit Skirts in Silk Poplins of Navy Tan, and Taupe and Silk Plaids. To go with these Skirts we offer you a selection of Blouses that compare in appear ance and materials with those displayed over in the city at pri ces that exceed ours materially. Price them for yourself. - DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE FOR MEN Men appreciate quality and a reasonably large array of goods from which selection may be made. This store has increased its stock of Men's Wearing Apparel as fast as demand permitted and in many cases faster. And now wo can boast of stock of Furnishings, Suits and Shoes that appeal to the Banker, the Boss, the Foreman or the Mechanic or their Boys. L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dopt. Crossett Shoes Arrow Shirts and Collars Kenosha Underwear Rest Knit Socks Men's and Boy's Suits Mallory Hats OUR 14 POINTS 1. The Oaks 2. Council Crest 51. Columbia Bench l. Cr.vslnl Lnke Park f. Rock Island (i. Doilgt: Park 7. Hstacnda Park 8. Hull Run Park D. Mucleay Park 10- Peninsula Park 11. WashhiRtoir Purk 12 Oak Grove Park 13, Mi. Tabor Park 11. Riverbiile Park Try Them by Trolley Portland Railway Light & Power Company 8ugar Price Set at 12 Cents. Chlcuco. Henry O. Holopp. In churKu of tho federal food administra tion sugar bureau, sut 12 con is a pound as a fair prlco of tho commodity to tho consumer. Ho declared that any retull prlco lu excess of this figure was "out rageous profiteering-" for aoVorul week grocers have charged as high as 1C cents a pound. Army Strength la 549,000, Washington, Bluco the uriulstlco 3,lti5,t!42 officers ami men havo been discharged from the army, tho wsr department announced. Tho force re maining In France on August 5 was placed at 123.885. making tho toUl strength of the urmy on that dato 649,918. CHAMBERS COMPANY j. C, Chambers Mrs. II. R. Kowry Funeral Directors 24S-UfiO KilltnRswortli Avenue PORTLAND. ORI500N Telephones: Woodlawn 3800 C 1133 Mr. Clumbers it the only O, A, R undertaker lu the city of Portland. Personal attention and supervUfou given to arrangements. F. L WHITE Building Contractor Day cr Job Large or Sma) Phone cel. ii33 912 So. Syracuse St GET OUR - SPECIAL PRICES ON Auto Supplies ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON Brooms A Paints are advancing "Buy Now" Enamel your floors with Kyainze Enamels, all colors See our Home Fruit Dryer Contract with us for your winter supply of Coal before the pric ad vances. Home Mercantile Co. 209 West Burlington Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON Argentina to Save Herds. liuenos Aires, President Irlgoyen has asked congress to prohibit tor e, period of three years thu slaughter of cows and heifers for food. Andrew Carnegie Dies, Lenox. Mass. Andrew Carnegie, steel magnate and philanthropist, died at his Lenox summer home, "Shadow llrook." at 7:10 Monday morning. nf-M KIADS Of WOOD icr un nun's in man mreo oats I . . liiuilC viuiuuiu via St. Johns Fuel Co. V. C. SPIiCK, Prop. For Sale Cheap with bronchial pneumonia. REVIEW'S LEQAL BLANKS 101 Kast Richmond Street A plot of ground 100x000 feet. which contains twelve 50x100 foot ots, just across the river front St. olms, bounded by Wood and Mills streets. For quick sale $1000 takes rt.....i. . a..- n.t...h ,'. .em, which is less that $100 per ! IZ IT' 0,1,3 n,vl .... :. rir. The followlug list of legal blanks are kept for sale at this office and others will be added as the demand arises: Warrauty deeds, Quit Claim Dxls, Realty and Chattel Mort gagai, batufaction of Mortgages, ot. Good this office, terms given. Call at FOR HINT w4 at this ff). Residents of St. Johns havintr taxes nnd city hens to pay in Port and can make thoir nay ments without inconvenience by nvai intr themse vea of our ser vices. Wo will pay samo and secure your receipt without in convenience to you. Fee, 25 cents. References: Any St. Johns Bank. Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realty Co., by H, Henderson. Manager; 402 North Jersey street. 's a Friendly Tip" says the Good Judge Knights and Ladies of Security St. Johns Council 2775 Hcuulur Iluslno tnictltig 1st and 3rd Mondays. Open meetings to the public and members "ml and 4th Mondays. Vis. Itors and members cordially Invited to attend nt lllckuer Hall. Frank C. (Josser, Pres. Lester Tccllng, Secretary. jpMftft, lAbld.L LODGE ' " No. 186 I. O, O. r ST. JOHNS, OREGON UmIi each Monday evening In Odd FV lows hall at H;oo, A cordial welcome to all vliltltig brothers. I'iril lUtkttl. Noble Orsod C. V lUhl. Vice (Ifsnil Joe KjbtiU. Krc. rc. ). W. Notcnr. I'ln.lKC. II. I' CUrk.Trrst. St. Johns Gamp No. 7546 Modern Woodmen of America, Wc heartily solicit the attendarlcc of our iiicmuers at our rruuiar nieciiiiKS every Thurwlay evening. A. I.. Marcy, Geo. Muhm, Clerk Consul. 103 SmlUi avenue HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 kmciiis or P VI III AS Meets every l'rldav night at o'clock In HICKNHR llall. Visitors slwsys wl come. J. K. WATSON, C. C. Woodmen til the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Thursday evening iu I. O. O. F. Hall, Leavitt and Jersey btreets. Visitors always welcome. THOS. COUl'Ii, C. C, W. K. COON, Clerk. Men who know tobacco, chew the best without its costing them any more. They take a little chew ana! it's amazing how the good taste stays in a rich, high, grade chewing tobacco. For lasting tobacco satis faction, there's nothing like a small chew of that rich-tastiug tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up fa two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco If you are a stranger in town read The Review and get acquainted. I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public 1,1st your properly with me if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns JOSEPH AkCHESNEY, AlTi). Office Room 5 Peninsula Bank Building Hours 9-to a. tn.; 1.5 p. m. and evenings. Officephon Col. 254; Res. 910 J. R. WEIMER Transfer a'nd Storag Js7i daJiver your roods to and from ak pet of Portland, Vancouver, Llnn ton, Portland and Suburban Exprsii Co., Mj 4oek and all points aecibl W wafi. PUm fld fwmktmu mtsmg Hume Woclhtwu &K0 i&Uealland Bsllvsr The Skltora Clean rs Cleaning, Pressiufe, Alterations am Re- pairing specialty V. C. JUSTICE m SUtewc Street Cards of thank e notices are charged for at the rate of fifty cents each. Persons desiring to have such notices published should make a note of this. Brim 76r Jab priatlBg vUH you thlak ot 1C Deal wait tatll yM ar atiTAlr out. catcd ta tors et Mt aad ttMj ycUM mwttr Par yrfeaa. ar Imb.