St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 15, 1919, Image 3

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    AC' - t-9
Rugs! Rugs! Rugs!
On Easy Payments
A now stock of AXMINSTER RUGS.
Beautiful new patterns of oriental and
floral designs on our popular easy pay
ment plan. A small amount down and a
small payment each week.
Good Quality Rugs .$48.50 and $55.00
Heavy Weight Rugs 60.00
Extra Good Quality Rugs 66.50
Heavy Seamless Rugs; .'; 71.00
Your Credit is Good
Cash or Credit St. Johns
Auto Tires
Auto Accessories
We carry a very complete stock of
everything pertaining to an Auto
mobile. We are agents for Good
year, United States and Goodrich
Tires, and can fill your wants. Why
not give us your Tire business?
Prices are just the same.
II . iV 1
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Agency for Goodyear Tires
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1 101
Foot of Burlington St.
The Grabateria Cash Grocery
The sales of the Scales & Currier Grabateria
keep up because the prices are kept down. ,
It is easy to prove that'our prices are lower than
the regular charge account several-deliveries-a-day
We make the prices cousisteiit with a large vol
ume of buying, with the minimum of overhead ex
pense because we employ no bookkeeper, we make 8
but one tuorougn delivery eacn aay, we are com ac
tively engaged in the business, we eliminate the
losses on charge accounts and our rent is low.
Make up a substantial order for us, give us your
check and we will convince you .that you are saving
money. Try it. .
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
The Star Vibrator
Good as any on the market regardless of price or claims. Special price $5.00 for
the next ten days. The value of a Vibratory Massage and the multitude
of conditions and ills which it tends to relieve makes a Vibrator
essential to modern household, the toilet table and the
' medicine cabinet.
The Prescription Store
Local News
William Stovcnson and family
are spending a couplo of weeks
at S&iside.
II II -!
Lester Thorn, who Ims linnn
spending tho summer in Idaho,
has returned to St. Johns.
Mrs. Thomnson has nurchascd
the Bauchbaugh property .on
North Jersey street between AN
ta and Baltimore streets.
Mrs. T. J. Monuhan and
granddaughter, Alico Monahan,
left Tuesday for Tillamook,
where they will snond a counle
of weeks beside tho sea.
The price of looking, glasses
hasgono up in tho Camp Lowis
canteens sinco recruits arc
coming in ugain, says a Camp
Lewis correspondent.
A. V. Davis reports tho sale
of houses and lots on North
Central avenue, South Kcll6gg
and North Willametto boulevard
sinco tho first of tho month.
Dr. S. A. Mulkoy has nur-
chased what is known as the
Potter lot on North Jcrsoy
street, between Chiengo and
Baltimore, and adjoining Dr.
Jones ofllce.
Willis Vinson, who haa boon
on tho battleship Rochester for
sonio months, has returned to
St. JohnB. Ho had a very in
teresting oxporienco and is look
ing in splendid shape pllysi
Mrs. Louis Miller, after
spending threo weeks very
pleasantly with her many
friends bore, will leave tomor
row for Hood River. While- she
likes Hood River, she says oho
likes St. Johns better.
At tho Methodist Episcopal
church the Sunday morning sub
ject will bo "Religious Selfish.
ness." upworui League ami
church services will bo merged
into ono in a rousing platform
meeting at 8 p.m. Topic, "Our
Relation toward Parunts and
others in tho Home."
W. W. Roger, tho hustling
and alert Raincoat Man, has
taken a leaso on tho neat room
adjoining tho Bank of Com
merce, where no win launcn in
to business on a moro extensive
scale than the capacity of his
present business placo will
The subject of the sermon at
tho St. Johns Baptist church
Sunday morning will bo "Who
can cork the heavens" bpeciai
music at this service. There
will be no evening services dur
ing August. A most cordial in
vitation is extended to all to wor
ship with us. E. Burton, Pas
tor. ChaB. Muck, tho enterprising
North Jersey street grocer, has
purchased the lot just south of
his store, on the corner of John
and Jersey street. It is Mr.
Muck's intention to erect a store
building thereon in tho near
future. His business hna out
grown his present quarters and
he is badly in need of more
Thnmnn f!nimp. whiv fnrmerlv
rnnHiietPfl tha nld Rntnn Rnkprv
on North Jersey street, has
purchased the property occupi
ed by the Grabateria store at
thft pnrner of Alta and Jersev
streets. Mr. Coupe will probab
ly noia it ior me present ai
least as an investment. James
Denholm, of Portland, was the
former owner of the property.
A. W. Davis consummated the
Multnomah County Oregon,
is to be the site of the biggest
livestock pavilion in the Unit
ed States, writes S, B. Hall,
county agent in the Farm Bureau
News. The new Pacific Inter
national exposition building will
cover just one half the 15 acres
alloted for the livestock exposi
tion, leaving the other half for
automobile parks. It will house
1000 dairy cattle, 800 beef type.
400 horses, 4000 sheep and 4000
hogs. It will seat 8000 persons
to so as to command a view of
the arena for the horse show.
Geo. W. Ford was a Seaside
visitor during the past week.
Subject for Christian Science
serivce Sunday, August 17th,
Mr. and Mr3. Geo. Imbodcn
arc on a ten day sojourn to Til
Inmook beach.
Mrs. II. W. Bon ham and
daughter, Miss Kntherine, have
returned from a pleasant so
journ at Los Angeles.
A two story unoccupied build
ing was practically destroyed by
(iro at Charleston and Oswego
streets Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Evens
and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Dcrric
returned last week from a very
enjoyable trip by auto to tho
Yellowstone National Park.
Mrs. Geo. W. Muhm, who un
derwent an operation at the
Good Samaritan Hospital Wed
ncsday of last week, is getting
along in fine style, n fact
which her many frionds will be
pi cat J to learn.
Rev. Lyons, formerly pastor
of the St. Clemcntfi church in
St. Johns, ia spending a few
days hero. He has been In Van
couver, B. C. for some time.
His many friends here are glad
to greet him once more.
About twenty neighbors and
frionds spent a pleasant after
noon Tuesday, the 12th, nt the
homo of Mrs. George Robertsen,
it being her 83d birthday. She
received n numbor of nice and
useful presents. Cake, fruit
salad, tea and coffee were serv
ed by her daughter, Mrs. George
T. Platz. All .wished grandma
many more birthdays.
Kenneth L. Simmons left
Thursday of last wcok for Camp
Morritt, N. J., after spending
his thirty dny furlough in a
very pleasant manner among
his St. Johns relatives and
frionds. Kenneth had somo vory
Interesting war experience to
relate, as ho nerved two years
and was almost two months in
tho front lino trenches.
Tho Indies of tho W. C. T. U.
will meet nt the homo of Mrs.
J. C. Scott, 102 Central avenue,
next Monday afternoon at two
o'clock. Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden,
of Portland, will speak. Those
who have heard Mrs. Hidden
speak will, I am sure, avail
themselves of tho opportunity of
hearing her at this time, and we
hopo many others will come. Her
subject will be interesting and
very opportune at this time,
"Tho W. C. T. U a Missionary
Organization." - Reported. .
Arthur Vrooman, of 500 Al
legheny street, hud the misfor
tune to lose a thumb and threo
fingers yesterday morning while
at work at the Cooperage plant.
He was operating a saw and in
some manner his glove becamo
caught, it is said, with tho re
sult above mentioned. His little
brother, Francis, also met with
an accident last evening. He
was running in the grass when
ho run a pieco of rusty wiro in
his foot to tho depth of an inch
and a half. Tho wiro was re
moved with difllculty by tho
St. Johns is onco moro lo the
front. In a window dressing con
test, in which" forty concerns
participated, Currins for Drugs
carried off the first prize, which
was a check for ltfty do ars.
Tho contest was inaugurated
by the Blumaer I'rank Com
pany, and the display consisted
of the Purola lines of house
hold remedies. Ihere are 100
different varieties of these rem
edies and all are manufactured
in Portland, and by the way are
said to be the equal,-if not the
superior, of any drugs manu
factured in the country. Cur
rins are to be congratulated up
on their tasteful display as
well as biinging St, Johns once
more to the front.
Is growing rapidly. They ren
der an up-to-date service of real
value to their depositors and
invite your account, 114 North
Jersey street. adv.
HOES frames pictures.
Hlcclrlc Vacuum Clenticr for rent. It.
1'. Clark, tf
Hour John McCormack any
day at Currins.
Good Drossy Hats $1.00. ROG
ERS. For Sale A good parlor Btove.
Call at 70S Hudson street.
Wanted Housework to do by
the day. Mrs. Dunbar, phono
Columbia 507.
For first clnss vulcanizing
work try the National Vulcnniz
ing Co. at 205 South Jersey.
When in need of small arti
cles, get them at tho 5-10 15c
store, St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
With a VICTROLA in your
homo every musical longing is
satisfied. CURRIN SAYS SO.
St. Johns Fair Store, E. W.
Foy. prop. : household utility
supplies and general notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goods at lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
If you don't get tho best
kodak finishing it is your own
fault, because wo do the BEST
WORK every day. Currin Says
If your tiros need retreading
sec the National Vulcanizing
Co., nt 205 South Jersey street
about it.
10 Hoppickors wanted to begin
work August 28. "For particu
lars, inquire at II. F. Clark's
Furniture Store, 402 S. Jersey
One swallow docs not make a
Hummer, but one swallow of our.
SPRING TONIC will mako you
feel as if summer was here.
Household goods for sale; nil
in good condition. Call 517
Oawego street.
Remcmbor wo. enrry at all
times all the latest hits in VIC
TOR and PAT HE records that
are procurable. CURRIN SAYS
Tiros and accessories at tho
National Vulcanizing Co.. 205
South Jersey street. Prices
If my work pleases you; ploase
tell your friends. If not, tell
mo. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
" Who can better judgo tho
quality of u Talking Machine
than the world's greatest art
ists', ThoVictrola is tho in
strument they iavor. Currin
Says So.
Dr. T. I. Perkins, Dentist,
Ex-City Comissioner of Finance,
hna again rosumod tho practico
of his profession in the Medical
Building, corner Park and Al
der streets. adv.
Tho National Vulcanizing Co
haa a fine line of dependable
tires priced reasonable. If you
need anything in their lino call
in nt 205 South Jorsoy street
and you will bo treated right
Private family room, lady as
sistant, complete auto equip
ment, beautiful iloial chapel, ro
fined service Reasonable charge.
Miller & Tracey, Independent
Funerni directors. See ad. in
this issue.
Nothing to put on, nothing to
tako off, just a turn of tho bund
is all that is necessary to make
tho Brunswick Phonograph, the
all record machine without a
hie disc records, 12 selections,
needles, record brush and all ac
cessories, $30.10. Pay $4 down
and$1.00 per week. Currin's.
Automobile insurance. Direct
adjustment and prompt settle
ment in caso of o3S. --Peninsula
Security Company.
For Sale First class blue steel
top range in Al condition. Will
be sold cheap, a party is leaving
city. Call 710 E. -Buchanan
street; phone Columbia 919.
For Sale Furniture and fix
tures of a rooming house in St.
Johns doing a fine business. For
particulars, call at this oiilce.
For RentThree partly fur
nished . housekeeping rooms.
Also small stool range and
heater for sale. Call 503 W.
Burr street, at Willamette boule
vard. Lost Pair of dark blue lady's
gloves, at the Multnomah Thea
tre Sunday, evening, Finder
kindly leave at this office; reward.
Give Youf Child a Chance, f
Ever stop to think what it would
mean to your Boy if ONE DOLLAR
each week were deposited to hih I
credit from the day he !
Was born until he was f
ready for college or to
go into business?
Start an account for
him now and after a-J
wliile you can teach himrf
to add to it regularly :
Age Amount
1 $ 52.77
2 106 99
3 1G2 80
4 220 38
t 6 310.80
l '1UU0
8 48G78
9 535 G2
11 675.35
12 .-748.40
14 90133
15 981.27
16 1063 61
17 1148 44
18 1235.81
4 IV
20 1418 65
21 1514.20
This table shows how;
the account would grow I
at 3.
Peninsula National Bank
Is to feed him good. The grfe
eery that can offer you the same
high oIhsh good, great variety
and attract) u price that we
do ia not on every street. We.
keep nil kinds of provision! and
table luxuries that makt a
strong appeal to the careful and
thrifty housekeeper. v
JOI S. Jmey St. I'lionn Col. 1 1 H
Rock Spring Co
Green Slabwo
WWWT-A-Ja- - n ii ii At
Be Sure and Order From
St Johns Lumber Co.
In the home provided with one
of our model talking machines.
For there ia nlwaya at rommtfnq
ontertainmont f any kinder
ferred. Tho most classic eon
positions or tho latest dinpe
muaic. The moat thrilling Jwlrta
or tho rollicking songs of 'tilde
day. Come and learn what a pcr
feet companion a talking Mi
chine can bo, '
St. Johns Phonograph Company
The St. Johns Shoe S
201 South Jersey Street
Does all kinds Shoe Repairing, Rubber lietls put on in 5 uiiuute.
All work Kiiaruutml Uniau Slbop
Is growing rapidly. They ren
dor an up-to-dato aervico of real
valuo to their depositors, and
invito your account. 1M Nortli
Jersey street. adv.
Who ia your druggist? Care
fill choice in selection of him
may mean a lot to you when you
are sick and need medicines
compounded. CURRIN SAYS
Fnr Snlfi Ahnnr nn ncr und
ono half of good soil at Whitwood
Court, would lo splendid for
raising cherries or walnuts.
I'rico for a short time $1000.
Could be cut up in lots. Ad.
dress this ofiice.
promptly done. Tho HOES
STUDIO, opposite Central
Want to rent clean four rtooiii
house. Columbia 460.
. .. t
Kor Sala Wood range- 911
920 Williamotto boulevard SuutH.
Heavy 1Mb Overalls ll.lifi. s.
ROGERS. Try to bout my prtai.
Dressmaking. All work goijr
anteed. Wo solicit your patrol'
age. fJl South Jorsey street.
Roys Bib Overalls $1,25. ROGERS.
Tho cheapest burglary insur
ance is a safe deposit box.
Peninsula Security Company.
A Bargain For Sale by owuaj,
Inrirn (5 rnnm linnnn hum. 51 lf5
close in, good location tertnl.
uaii uoiumuia TSd. ;u
For Sale- Ono Black r4egltrn
Cockerel. Call after 5:30 at 021
N. Willametto blvd,