St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 15, 1919, Image 2

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A. W. Marklc, Kdltor
Published Friday of Each Week
Subscription prloe $1.00 par yonr.
Outside of Multnomah Cotuity $2.00
per year In advance.
AiJnimsiNG IIatbs: 26 cents per Inch
each Insertion, Locals 5 cent per line,
wJniwura 2" cents. Speunl rates on
yearly eon: tacts.
Tint Ritvimv
In Portland, OrcRon, as niatl matter
of Uic second clnss under the Act of Con
,trcf of March 3, 1879.
Sovonty-five cents a pound is
what n Fortlandor paid for Ore
con grown cherries in New
York. Ten and a fourth is
the prico at which the Salem
Fruit union sold 24 carloads.
and it was the general high
price for Oregon cherries this
season, except a lot sold by
the Hood River Applegrowors
Association at 10. The farmers
it .
no mo growing, tno consumer
doos the paying and thrifty gen
tlomcn somewhere in the circle
got tho velvet.--Ex.
Property owners and residents
of the district between city
boundary on tho north. Killings
worth avenue on tho south, and
from East 42nd street on tho
East, and to tho west lino of
Piedmont and Congress on tho
west, will meet with represent
auvesor the Portland Chy Plan
ing Commission, in tho Wood
juwn Bcnooi on union avenue
Wednesday evening, August
zwn, at 0 o'clock, for the pur
poso 01 recommending llmlta
tlons or restrictions on the use
or, tho height and urea of build.
lugs horonfter to bo erected.
Property owners should make it
a point to attend.
Ami. Ida Jcunnotto Evans
uicu at her home, 120U Prince.
ion street, 'luemJny August 12ih.
or tuberculosis. Sho was aged
w years. u monuis and D days.
uuceaseu was uorn n w ucnn
sin and came to St. Johns about
thirteen years ago. Sho is stir
vived by her husband. M. H
Evans, and three sons, all of St.
Johns, and tlirco daughters, one
01 wnom resides at St. Helens,
onn 11 i-anchoi, Wisconsin,
a'ld tho remaining one in St.
Johns, riio funeral took place
yo3terday afternoon at 2o'elnck
from tho chapel of tho St. Johns
untiertakinj? Co., Kov. Hurton
conducting the services. Inter
meut in Columbia cemetery.
l allure to bring his store
hovvh beroro prospective custom
ars is tho reason why the local
merchant fails to stop I ho mail
order concern, says Kred P,
Mann, probidont of tho North
Dakota Kotail Dealers Assoeia
tion, DevilB Lake. N. I). Mr.
Mann nvc'St entcd trni In nnn
tices and conditions in 100 cities
ami towns, and found that in
most of them the merchant
fails to use his strongest weap
on advertising. Editors of
weeklies in Wisconsin hnvo
organized a league to obtain
foroign advertising. Their pur-
sion took over the contract for
tho building from the Grant
Smith company two months ago.
Regardless of reports to the
contrary the subsidence of the
elevator buildings has absolutely
subsided, according to Engineer
Boschke, due to the curative
measures he employed When he
took charge of tho work. To
make sure, however, that thero
will bo no further trouble with
the operating house, ho ..plana
to construct a "spread" founda
tion beneath this building. Thero
will be no necessity, it is said.
in constructing a similar founda
tion under tho storage bins. All
of the sand between tho mat
foundation and floor of the bins
practical y has boon removed.
thus relieving tho foundation of
oil this unnecessary weight of
approximately 27,000,000 pounds.
John H. Btirgard, Hen Selling,
A. II. Averill and F. C. Knapp,
of the public dock commission,
visited the St. Johns municitm
terminal Tuesday to inspect tho
clovators and piors and sheds
under construction. They ex
pressed satis) action 01 progress
of tho work with the oxcoption
of the construction of nier No.
2 and the extension of pier No.
1 for which Elliott & Scoggin
have tho contract. Engineers
complain that these contractor
arc not proceeding with the
driving or Piling as rapidly aa
thoy should and efforts will bo
made to have them facilitate
tho work.
The construction of the sheds
for pier No. 1 for which tho J.
M. Dougan company has the
contract Is progressing rapidly
as is the work of installing the
battery of storngo tanks for
vegetable oils and bulk molas
ses. Work is also progressing
on the construction of switching
tracks for pier No. 2 and on the
cafeteria building. Tho dock
commissioners were greatly
pleasud with the entire situation
and predicted that if nothing
Interferes with tho work tho
elevators will bo ready for hand
ling grain long beforothe end of
tho present year.
That a system of lightering
ho installed in connection with
tho operation of public docks in
Portland to assist in loading
and unloading froight was the
decision Thursday of tho public
dock commission. Chief En
gincer Ilegardt, who brought
tho matter hororo tho comm s
sion, was directed to proeeoJ
with plans and spucilications lor
at least two largo barges which
will ho used as lighters.
League Hlan Evolved From All.
Washlnfiton. Tho plan for a Icaguo
of nations used as a basis of discus
sion at Vcnmlllos was not any of tho
drafts submitted by tho United States,
Oroat Britain, Prance or Italy, but was
i combination of alt of them, the sen
ate foreign relations committee was
told by David Hunter Miller, legal
nlvlsor to tho Icaguo of nations com
mission at Versailles.
Oats No. 3 whlto food, J5U.G0 a ton
Parley Standard feed, $07 a 'ton.
Com Whole, $78; cracked, $80.
Hay Willamette valley timothy, $2S
per ton, alfalfa, $:!0.
IJuttcr Creamery, 63c per pound.
Ki-rs Itanch, 48c per dozen.
Poultry Hons, 20c; broilers, 24
Cattle Market steady; stfprs, best,
HOT? 11.60; good to choice. $0ff!t.r,0;
medium to good, $S.G09.
IIosh Market steady; prime mixed,
I9.60ffi20; medium mixed, $ I tiff 19.26;
pigs, $18 18.50.
Sheep Market .steady; prime
Inmbs, $11.26012; fnlr to medium, $9
rfflO; yearlltms, $0Q8,C0; wethers,
$7TJ7li0; ewos, $CJi7.C0,
Five room modern homo, well
located on carlino and hardsur
face street. Prico few days
SMRO. You pay SHOO cash, bul
ance monthly.
Four room house, fine river
view, some fruit. My price
$050; can arrange terms.
I'iveroom house modern ex
ccpt electric lights, with lot
00x100 ft; has fruit and berries.
Lot alone worth tho money,
nrico SIGGO: pay S2f0 cash.
balance $10 monthly. This wont
last' long.
Four room bunalow. new semi
modern, lino location, today
ITirWlfl VniH siM.t... ...... .t.I.trk
ho oil
then will be
either transferred to tho storage
lanus or delivered to mills and
factories within the inner bar
bor. Thu lighters also will bo
lltmjl In llfliiilllttir iTimml (Vnt.vltf
.,no. u....o "... llf'l. ' ""V MIIMIIIIJ, hVHUHl iviH1
V o7 "'u . ,ul or hotweon tho aliips and the Innor
rV t vnnnt hniiun iiiAilnun t o .
rt't i in m 9il iiiu iwuifi iiwuav iiiuiiwiii w
memo onnrca win carry ire u Mil
and tho St. .Ihnrermimd . ,,rICU ; lermS lf
u'liorn nrmrlv nil tin lilir uliltiu '
engmred in tratiB-oceanie trade Five room modern home close
r : " i.. i .1
will docK. They will bo so con in. sireuis improveu; price
structed as to accommodate pfUO; terms.
largo (MiantitlCS Of Vegetable O Klvn rnnm hniim?. n ilnnilv willi
and molasscB that theso com 1 1..J acres of land close in, well
modules may bo unloaded from located! nrico S2fi0(). Yon .nv
ii i.i ii ,i i :":. . ". . . r
iiiu aiupa ut me Hiimo time x&uu cash, halanco to suit.
flU mm ft fill (nimi m liaimr 1111 . I
tl I UVMIK Mil- I k.1 ft I Ill 114
mm, I... I mini. ft... ,lnnl,n tl U rOOIlt HOIIHO Willi 11-1
"HHVH MI'WII tllV lCIi 4 lit) UN I .... II I a .1 tiii
mwl mnlnuM.ia tlmn u.lll l. nCTOH, WOII lOCaiOU, priCO
auoui $ivu casu, uaianco to
suit purchaser.
J. btrong. hlkhorn, Wis,, is to
promoto thoir own interest. If
the volume of business is de
termined as Mr. Mann suggests
by tho advertising, who will do
tho business in those towns
...I. ii. . ... l it
wuuru uiu weoisiioH run chioiiy
Secretary Strong's imported ad-
vertisingY- O. A. C. Press Itnl
Hiram Khodes, 07, of G7
Princeton street, wns instantly
Kinuti montiay auernoon in a
12 foot fall from a beam to the
lower deck of a ship undor
construction in tho Peninsula
shipyards. Rhodes, who was a
shipyard carpenter, was at
work along the beam and, stp
ping backward, ho lost his b 1.
ance, falling to tho deck belpw,
according to a report made to
polio? headquarters, by Deputy
anerui a. k, Lunsden. An at
tempt was made to treat the in
t.. i i.. ii .
juriui iiutn in tno company's
hoip't'tl nearby, but ho was
uaai heroro tho arriva of at.
tendanti of the Ambulance Sor
vico company. Ollicials in the
coroner oflico say death was
accidental. It rosulted from a
iraciurod skull. Ho is surviveo
uy his wire.
harbor, ospocially that consign
od to local merchants, 'lho
barges will havo a capacity of
luu to buu tons.
liids were ordered received
for paving tho roadway of the
bt. Johns municipal terminal.
The engineor was directed
to specify that bids will bo
considered for bitulithie. bit-
uminous, macadam, wood block,
brick and concrete pavement.
Iho commission will accent tho
uiu lor tho pavement which
is considered best for tho needs.
A. C. Meyer, to whom tho
commission recently awarded a
contract for tho construction of
a general ollice buildiiur at
tho bt. Johns mun c nal tor
minal for $10.8J15. informed tho
commission that he had made a
mistake in his proposal in leav
ing out an item of S101U for
iminting and asked to with
.i ... i ii
tiraw ma uiu. jus reouest was
granted and Engineer Ilegardt
was dirocted to construct the
building by force account.
Progress at Elevator
Notice to the Public
Completion of the 1.000,000
bushel grain olovator at tho St.
Johns municipal terminal is fast
apuroaching. All of the con
creto work on tho storago bins
is finished, tho track shed is
completed and work is being
rushed on the operating houso.
As tho work progresses tho
machinery is being placed so
that by tho time the buildinir
4 r. . . I "
conuirucuon is nnisheu tho
machinory all will be instnllmi
and tho elevator ready for opera.
George W. Itoschke, civil
engineer, has personal charge
of tho work in connection with
Chief Enginneer Ilegardt, of
tho public dock commission. All
of the work is being done undor
force account since the commis.
We wish to announce that
nave moved into our new garage at
210 North Jersey Street, whete
nn- neuer prepared than ever to
take care ol all business itrotir line.
All work entrusted to us will be
given prompt ami careful ntleutiott
As our new quarters are much
more commodious than our Rich
moml Street Garage we will be en
l.l..liA ...
auieu to turn out work with more
dispatch, and will have plenty of
room for storage of ears.
We invite the public to inspect
our new place of business.
Woolley Bros.
216 North Jersty St.
In fact I have anything that
will suit your taste, for salo or
exchange. Hotter see me.
215 N. Jorsoy street. Phono
Col. 2.
Notice is hereby uivon that on
Monday, aeptomber 8, 1019,
tho Hoard of Equalization of
Multnomah County will attend
at tho ollice of the County As
sessor, at tho Court Houso in
Portluud, and publicly examine
tho assessment rolls for the year
iviv. and correct all errors in
valuation, description or quali
ties ot mnds, lots or othor pro
perty Obsessed by the County
Assessor. And it shall be tho
duty of persons interested to
appear at the time and place
appointed. If it shall appear
to such Hoard of Equalization
that thero are any lands or lots
or other property assessed twice,
or incorrect'y assessed as to
description or quantity, and in
tho name of a person or persons
not tho owner thereof, nssessed
under or beyond tho actual cash
value thereof, sa d Hoard mav
make proper correction of the
same, if it shall appear to such
l ii.-i. i i
jioaru tout any land, lots or
othor property assessable by tho
Assessor are not assessed aueh
Uoard snail assess tho same at
tho full cash value thoreof.
County Assessor.
Portland, Ore., August 15,15)19.
Fine line ol Vogan's Candies
- CM. IX
At the point where we believe
we have carried the merchan
dising of high class Sporting
uoods to perfection. For var
ieiy, quality, and values we
have never seen the equal of
this event. It will bo well
worth your while to come and
see tho advantnge this salo
Byerle & Armstrong
420 North Jersey Street
liny KiiBtern WiihIiImkioh timothy
pur Ion; ulfnlfa, r.1.12.
Mutter Croumory, COc per pound.
Ituncli, ICJf 17c pur dozuli.
Potutoea Yaklmn, $I0R12 pur tot.
Poultry IIoiib, heavy tlri'snui!, 37c;
IlKht, ft'lc; broiler, ilre.i8ml, .12c.
Hokh Prlmo, riidO'isi muiHuni ti
choleo, t'JiUGifJlM.fiO; iIk. IO.GOf(2i),
I'nttlit Hunt Htuorti, 10.r.0(?J 11.25:
hulfurH, rnlvua, 7.2C
Real Estate!
Central Location
Thirteen years in the busi
ness in St, Johns.
List your Property with Us
We Alnke Sales
S. C. Cook
402 N. Jersey Street
OKIt Main 7307 Kci.WomlUnn MOS
Mount 9 A. M, tnSr.M.
tvrnlnf I hy Appolntmtnl
20&.7-8 SWtlLAND IIIDG.
rifth anil WothWiKtoit Street!
Portland, Oregon
IT dS- i
We will Sell a, H00 Combi
nation Flag Set, consisting of
a 4x6 ft. flag, pole, cord and
window bracket, for $2.75,
while they last.
Only 10 sets left.
404 N. Jersey St. .
H .!
".' . lift . tf.
.if ,
Donutlful gray or
blaok adult aaiket,
honrse, box, 2 nutoij
embnlmlna nnd r(ln
td aorvlot for .
1'uiicrnl If ilwlrcd for 20, $30, 10, fCO. HlKhcr prlewl funeral in pro.
xrtloti. We manufacture caikctt. IMy anUtntit.
lleuutlftil funeral clmjiel.
Main 2C0I Indspondent Funeral Dlmetort A 700S
Wtithlnjtlon at Clla Slrrrl, llttwrin 20th and 2ht Slrttt, Wct Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
a lii.i i -ah if i ii tptx rv iii.n...k i.i. ooo
Wireing, Fixtures, Auto Accessories
Diamond Tires
Storage Batteries Recharged and Repaired
Western Electric Sewing Machine
Come in and get a demonstration of
Electricity's latest Portable Sewing
Phone Col. 977-
418 N. Jersey Street
Dear Mary:
Do you know some people don't like company? I do.
The real reason they don't is they are not fixed for it, I
think it is a shame that women who enjoy having their
friends come to see them can't ask them just because,their
houses are not properly furnished. They ought to just go
to their husbands and tell them plainly how thoy suffer be-'
cause they haven't got the furniture and rugs they need.
That's what I'd do if Frank were not so good to me always.
Your chum HELEN. "
P. S. The one store for furniture and rugs is
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St
Store closes at 8 P, M. Saturdays, other days at 6:30 P. Al.
Oppanlto Contml Solioo
Ed. Monahan, Prop,
la trrowinir rauidly. Thov ron.
dor nn date service of real
value to tnelr depositors, and
Invite your account. 114 North
Jersey street, adv. '
Columbia Garage
107 Pessenden Street
Repairs, Fair Prices, Guaranteed Work,
Storage, Oils, Gas, Tires; Tubes
a layer cake h a dream to behold
arm a joy to taste. Light as a sun
beam, with SIHur that simply can
not be described, the cake will prove
a royal treat. At your next affair
order one and you'll make yourself
lamous loryour spienum Hospitality
We hut the buu Orders Uk for VtAliisJ Cikt
Fenntag's Bakery and Delkatessea
1 1 5 Nerth Jersey Street
Hudson & Stockum
g Barber Shop &
108 N. Jersey St
Plumbing, Heating & Tinning
We Repair Alaaieum Ware '
rUoac Col. 92 807 S. Jersey S.
Fouroom house on lot 50x106,
street improvements in and
paid, in direction of new Ter
minal, St. Johns. Price $800;
$50 cash, balance at $10 per
month with 7 per cent interest.
Four room house in central
part of St. Johns, lot 60x130. tine
itarden and plenty toi fruit.
ThiB lot is worth close to the
total price asked for the place.
Price $925; $250 cash, balance
$10 per month, 7 per cent interest.
Fine riverview house with 11
rooms, with 8 or 10 fine.cherry
trees; ought to be 20 bushels of
fine cherries every year. This
house is in good shape and could
nut be built for $2500. Lot
50x100; can be bought today for
$1600. Takes about $500 cah, .
with balance on good terms.
Best value I know of. The 6
bed rooms can be . rented to in
dustrial wqrkers. on water tront
Forty acres 5 milea from a
good towns, on the main line
of the S. P. Hy. in Douglas
county, Oregon. Some of it
has been in cultivation. All
can be cultivated but about 2
acres. No rock. Want to trade
for a house and lot and will nav
cash difference.
A. W. DAVIS. 208 N. JaraeV
street Phona Col. 884. i