St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 08, 1919, Image 4

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Women Have Peculiar Power Over
Reptiles Which the Ordinary
Perton Holds In Dread.
Possibly nowhere else Is tho nrt of
xnnko charming broucht to such a
pitch of perfection ns nt Mount I'opn,
Uflpor Buroiti,' lntlln, nm) utrnnsely
rnough by women. Hero two fnmous
ulsters, whoso fame Is a byword
throughout Hunnn, tnnko their home.
At upoclnl requests they will enndo
ncend to brln tholr proteges down to
tlio towns for oxhtnltlon of their akllli
bilt'ns a rule they prefer the Tlclnlty
of their mountain. This particular
family has earrlwl on their profession
for tunny years past, keeping their
recrei clwnyo within their own circle.
'flie anakes they use nro tho deadly
hamadryad or nnln liununrus (nala
ophloluiRim), the kins colirn. The
task, possibly, would not appeal to
many, as these reptiles arc the most
dreaded of their kind. Measuring up
to 12 feel In length, thoy possess
deadly poison In their fangs, and an
alarming speed, It Is said of them,, that they arc tho only unnko who
will nttack a huuinn being on sight,
dinning him for index until one or the
ollirr Is bound to give In,
Tim finnkes arc fed on fowls, and
nppt-nr amenable and tame to handle,
11m oilgln of the family and their
wrk N probably unknown, lost In
Hi it dim passages of years, hut (heir
sent Is not one whit less today thnn
It has been since the profession was
first henrd of. How long they will
continue to carry It on Is n mnlter for
conjecture, hut undoubtedly they aland
for one of Ilurmn'a chief curiosities,
nnd n mark for the enterprising tourist
who can's to scnlo tho mystic heights
of Mount I'npa.
Person of Undecisive Character Can
Hardly Be Brouoht to Oee Thlnos
In Riant LlQht.
A person of undecisive character
wonders how nil tho cmbnrrnssments
In the world happened to meet exactly
In his way, to place him Just In that
one Mlunllon for which ho Is peculiarly
tinndHpteil, but In which he Is also will
lug to I hint; mi other man rnuld hnvo
acted with facility or coulldcncc, In
capable of setting up n firm purxac
on the hiiNlK of things ns they are, ho Is
often employed In vntn speculations on
some different auppoimhto Mute of
things, which would hnvo saved him
from nil this perplexity and Irresolu
lion. Ho thinks whtit n determined
course he could hnvo pursued If his
talents, his health, his age, had been
different; If he hnd been ncuualntot
with some one person sooner; If hi
friends were, In this or tho other point,
different from what they nro; or If
fortune had showered her favors on
him. And ho gives himself us much
license to complain ns If all these nd
vantages had been among the rights of
Ms nativity, hut refused, by mallg
nnnt or capricious fate, to hit life.
Jlov, John Foster,
Holy Days In Doltch Land,
What In religion? It Is not the oh
rervnnco of forms nnd feast days. Wo
hnvo only nine national holidays In
America. Only two of our holidays,
namely, Thanksgiving and Christmas,
may ho called even quasi religious,
Tho others celubralo tho birth of some
great limn like Columbus, Washington
nnd Lincoln; or Nome great achieve
ment like tint birth of Independent'
on tho Fourth of July or tho new birth
of liberty mi Memorial day.
Onrmnuy, on the other hand, In It
nineteen holidays, has only two, name
ly, ChrlstiniiH and Now Year's which
have not a distinctly religious slgnlf
tenure. Among them lire the Kplph
any, Ash Wednesday, Annunciation,
flood I'rlduy, Ascension, (Torino t'hrU
tl, AhsuiHptlon, All Souls' day and All
HtilnU' day. Thesu formal cclchrn
Man of sacred oventa, have apparent
ly not made (leriUHiiy more wilntly,'
Hotter running,
Creative Ability.
In our olllcu we draw u very distinct
line betweou deslgna or akettihes uud
working drawings, and It Is, In my
opinion, fetal to try to mcatmru a do
signer's ability by the number of hours
It would take him to produce u ukuteli
That Is work that requires creative
Imagination, nnd our designers ure not
Judged by the amount of tlmo they put
Into the solution of no architectural
prohlrm, hut solely by tho results
which they obtain, Irrespective of cost,
ao that this part of tho work does not
romo under this category, Only after
sketches have beun uppntved, mid the
work Is turned over to gent-rul drntH
men to bo developed Into working
drawing, can we begin to upply selen
tine methods In necomplMhlug thu dlf.
fereut ends hunbeains,
The Wig In History.
Tlio ciiktoui or wearing u wig, a
a rocognlittl purl of the costume,
dutoa from tho early days of the seV'
untetiuth century. It started In Fmnce,
when Louis XIII, being greatly tdruck
with tho "long, fair locks" ot tho Abbe
La Ittvere, attained by tho simple
means of u periwig, adopted Hie st)lc
for himself, and so tot the fashion
Ily the time of Charles II tile wearing
of the periwlt" or peruke, or perruque,
had become general. Fepys record-
the fact that he paid M for one; but
It was not until the time of Queen
Anne that periwigs, or wigs for short,
really came Into their own, Then did
they appear In tho full glory of an
ever changing though fast stnbllUlug
Deafness Cannot Do Cured
by local ftppllsations, ai thay cmiut rJcli
tha illataard ponton of Hi nr. Thtra la
enljr'ou way la cut dtafn.M, and that !
br voiiitllulloDnl ramtliea UcufniH li
cauaad by an lnlUmt.1 lumllllun of Ihv niu
roil llnlus of Ihf Kualaililaii Tutit Whan
thla tub U InlUmrU yuu hate s rumbUnf
aoun.l or Imprrfrcl ic4iln nJ vrhtn It li
tullrdy clvttil, Daafnria la th rtault. and
unltu tha Innaimnallun can bo takan out
and Jlilt tub rcatorad to lla normal condi
tion, hearing will ba dtatroyad forvr. ulna
aaa.a out of tan ara caui.d br Catarrh,
which la nolnlnc but an InHamad condition
af tha inucou aurlacea.
We will alv 0a llundrad Dollars fur any
caM ot laa(na (cauaad by catarrh) that
cannot ba curad by Hairs Catarrh Cur.
Band for circular, fraa.
r. J. CliKNKT A CO.. Tolado, Ohio.
VlUa tor eatiaUas,
No Douot That the People of Today
Live Longer Than Did Their
When rending of people who lived
long yonru ngo and especially when
reading about the length of their lives,
we are told that In the old days peo
ple lived longer than they do now.
Some of the early historical records
speak of single Individuals who lived
hundreds of years. Thero 14 great
doubt ns to whether these Htatcmeuts
nro founded on fact. In thinking about
this we must first take Into consldern
tton Hint these records of long ago
wcro rccordrd nt n tlmo when man
had no accurate Idea of tho nctunl
passage of long periods of tlmo such
ns a year. They did not have our cal
endar ns a basis for figuring nt nil.
Learned men now tell us that tho net'
ual ngo of men who lived at the time
these records of grcnt ages wcro re
corded probably lived shorter lives
thnn we do now, and that what they
recorded as n period of one year was
probably a much shorter period than
one year.
It Is true beyond the question of n
doubt that the people of today live
longer on nil nvernge than people who
lived ten, twenty or more yearn ngo,
observes the Seattle I'ost-Intolllgencer.
In other words, the average period of
life has Increased steadily. This Is
due to tho fact that we have taken
greater care of our bodies; have Im
proved tho conditions In which wo live,
nnd innde them mnro sanitary; hnve
learned to fight and check and eradi
cate diseases which Tmly n few years
ngo we could not prevent peoplo dying
of when they once contracted them,
nnd we know from the records which
we keen that nclually peoplo live long
er on the nvernge today than only n
few years ago, nnd It Is safe to say
that they live longer now on tho over
age than nt any tlmo In the worm s ins
Matter of Tea Drinking a Thing of
Much Importance In the Flowery
The etiquette observed In ten drink-
liitf In China Is very curious, If n
lady asks you to drink tea with her-
nnd especially If the ten bo sweetened
you can count yourself on well re-
ccltcd and much liked. If she does
not like you, tho tea Is bitter, and
report has It that In cases of tbH sort
draining am often used. After one
of such ten the untlked visitor
makes a prompt exit I
When making a call, If the servant
should bring In a run of ten there
Is no need to take any particular no
tice of II. Allow the servant to place
It where ho likes near you, and con
tinue your conversation ns though
nothing hail happened. If your busi
ness In pleasant and agreeable to the
mistress or (ho master of tho house,
ha or alio will pass tho beverage to
you; If not, you are. expected to leave
It untouched, otherwise you nro likely
to have a quarrel on hand, nnd a Chi
nese quarrel either with a mnii or n
woman Is unpleasant.
Ancient Asbestos.
There was a winding sheet of nintnn-
Ihus In the Vatican library, soft and
pliable In tho hand, showing Indleii-
lions of Ignition upon one corner. The
cloth, however, did not suffer. This
burning Is taken us showing that aome
rnmbUNtlble fiber had been Intermin
gled. Marco I'oln, In tho thlr
teenlh century, reported n cloth which
the uallvett of territory now Included
In llusslnn Siberia claimed as having
been maile of salamander skin,
Marco Polo nut lulled himself, so It
seems, that he hail to do with n min
eral suhNtance, In fact, lie found nut
xomelhlug ua to Its manufacture.
In this biime general region of country
nahoKins Is today known to exist.
We nre not to reganl aMuwto ns n
single, detlhlto mineral. Nor are wo
to understand that there U a tlxed
iliemlcul constitution, Certain forms
of hornblende ami serpentine, If
fibrous, are regarded as asbestos.
Fully Qualified.
They were nrgulnit about qunlltlca
thms for successful careers, nnd a fa
mous playwright, who Was one of the
pi.rty, maliitalnrd that the stago of-
ft red tho easiest opportunities for
In ginning. As some doubt was thrown
on this claim, he produced a letter
ft mii a man who wished to be en-
gnved for Ids new play, which was
iibiuil to be produced, The letter ran
a follows;
"Itevorend Sir: WUhlug to go on
the stage, would like to appear In
your play, Have been a market gar
dener for some years, but, having
pme bankrupt, hnve decided to take
up acting, the same requiring no cap
ital, I am no longer young, but 0
feet 2 In my stocking feet. Have
imnlcrod a book on elocution, and am
fond of late hour." Windsor.
Scotland' River System.
If there bo one place north of the
Tweed where, at it single glance, one
may Uw and comprehend tho chief
river system of Scotland, Stirling Is
that place. From this point ono notes
the main atreiims, the ntlluents, nnd
tho gathering of the waters, which
make the Clyde, the Forth and tho
Tay. He cun then realise how great
and Important In the political nnd
economic history of Scotland has been
that greut central valley, which
stretches from tho North sea to tho
waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Wil
liam Klllot Grim, lu "llonnlo Scot-
For Sale Cheap
A plot of crouml IOOxGOO feet, Lho.
which contains twelve 50x100 foot
ois.jitsi across tie r ver trom at.
onus, bomuleu- by Wood and Mills
streets. For quick saleSlOOO takes
icm, which is less tbuu $100 per Lr
lot. Good terms Riven. Call at
this office.
Manufacturer Have to Employ Mate.
rial Which Would Seem Hardly
Suitable for Human Apparel.
Wo hnvo adopted many foreign Ideas
of comfort or utility, but no ono has
sought to Introduce the wooden shoo
from Hollnnd. The tin stocking
even less suggestive of luxury, nnd
yet many of us wear them. Of course
a person could not wear n sock of
"elghteen-corat" tin nnd bo uncon
sclous of It, but If the tin la alloyed
and disguised with silk he tnn wenr
a considerable amount of It without
suspecting It.
In cutting round tops nnd bottoms
out of tin sheets In tho manufacture
of tin cans there remains n certain
amount of scrap. Men hnve sat up
nights figuring tho maximum number
of Mich pieces of various sixes that
can bo cut from n sheet of the tin
nnd still there Is tho wnsto left over
that cannot be worked Into sheets
ngnln. Ilellef Is found In the demand
of the mnnufnctiiror of silk, who needs
some substance to weight his goods.
A silk garment hnngs and fits and
holds Its shapo bultiv If weighted,
Kveryhody knows how soft nnd light
nro tho unweighted pongee silks, R
tho manufacturers of tin cons nnd ot
silks co-opernte. Ono disposes of his
tin waste, and the other converts tho
metal Into tin chloride and works It
Into thu woven silk. Virtually nil the
wnsto of tin can factories Is put to
that use. Some silk stockings conttiln
as much ni ,10 per cent of tin. Tho
use Is entirely legitimate, since tho
trade demands n Mlk that Is firm and
heavy for certain garments for which
the purchnser desires a perfect fit
811k waste, such nn worn-out urn
cast-off garments, becomes In turn f
source of tin worth nttentlon. Itag
pickers give little heed to silk rem
mints, hut carefully collect linen nnd
wool, The rag-plckera' union, If thero
Is such a body, might well take notice
of this Information. The tin chlor
Idu-lii the silk Is enslly converted Into
tin oxldo by burning tho material, nnd
from thu oxldo tho metal can bo rc
Mdved. Youth's Companion.
Yellowstone Hae Many Marvels Which
W.ll for All Time Furnish
Attraction for Tourist.
In writing of the Yellowstone pnrk,
John Mulr has said: "In some of the
spring basins the waters though still
warm, nro perfectly calm, and shine
blandly In n noiI of ovcrlcnnlug grass
nnd Unworn, ns If they were thor
oughly cooked at last, and set aside
to settle nnd cool. Others ore wildly
boiling over as If running to waste,
lhouiiuits of tons of tho precious
liquids being thrown Into the air, to
fall In scalding floods on tho clean
coral lloor of tho establishment, keep
lug onlookers nt a distance. Instead
of holding limpid pale green or nxtire
water, other pots and craters nro
tilled with scalding mud, which Is
tossed up from three to four feot
to thirty feet, In sticky, rank-smelling
muses, with gasping, belching, thud
ding sounds, plastering the branches
of neighboring trees; every llask, re
tort, hot Miring and geyser has some
thing tpeclnl In It, no two being the
Miuitt In temperature, color, or coin
The Mangrove,
The mangrove tree, specimens of
which are In thu Arnold Arboretum,
the tree museum of Harvard univer
sity, bus a very Interesting method of
bending Ha seeds or fruits Into the
woi-ld, (Irovvlng ns It usually does In
Miiillou water, It Is necessary for the
jt'img fruits actually to begin growing they leave tho parent plant.
The fruit, which resembles a largo In-
u-rtcti berry, sends out largo leaves
in It upper end and a long root, Mime
IIiium IH Inches In length, from the
lower end, while yet attached to the
IMireul plant. Then as If by magic,
ll.o parent plant drops It Into tho mud
where the plant a ready growing begins
to develop Into n larger plant and soon
I (Irmly established. If It wero not
i rt p-ired Immediately to begin to grow
In the mud It would probably be wash
ed away. A single mnngmve U oft-
times able to start a small Island by
Its manifold roots and anus.
8ome Nomenclature.
A Ilaltlmorcan recently received a
letter from a Pennsylvania town tell
ing of the christening lu that town of
n baby lu whom patriotism trium
phantly, If vicariously yelled when the
name was announced as "Victory Un
cle Sum." In this same family wero
two other children dowered with tho
iininea of "Italy" and "Liberty." A
friend to whom this story was told
made a counter attack on wondering
euro by telling of two unfortunate chil
dren In Went Virginia, who, antedating
the war and its triumphs, wore given
the names from adjacent localities of
"McAfee's Knob" anil "Jnbel I)oqn."
Ami yet even omniscient Shakespeare
wanted to know what was In a name.
Hlitorlc Qeneva.
Any ono ut all familiar with the
great names and associations of Gene
va will constantly trace them in
the meets the Hue Calvin, the Hue
Neckar, the Hue Voltaire, the Iluo
Farel, nnd. above all, the Hue Jean
Jacqucs-Housscnu, where Housscau'a
father lived; the flrund Hue, where
Rousseau himself was born, the house
icing marked with a memorial tablet,
and tho Promkcnado de la Trelele,
where, as he relates, his father and
mother, lu their courtship days, used
to walk up uud down of au evening,
The following list of leffniiiinnb
are kent for sale at this nflic nn.i
others will be added as the demaud
Dod, Re:,tv a!u. cEattel Mort.
PllM. KaiUiac-Hon of MnrMn,.M
r.rM f, si. f oi,.,1' nnil
fOH bint urate tl thu arilc.' Jersev street
High Wages
You can earn the pay of a skill
ed operator if you make your own
clothes; anything you buy ready-to-wear
you pay the wage scale.
Make this money yourself; buy a
Butterick Pattern and do your dress
making at home. We have the
patterns and the material. You
do not have to pay car fare even.
! K
Some Goods we Carry
Ginghams, Devonshires, Per
cales, School Day Cloth, Galatea,
Crepes, Outings, French Serge,
American Serge, Empress Cloth,
Poplins, Flurettes, Taffeta, 1lcsa
alines, Holdings, Satins and Sat
ine Linings, Organdies, Voiles.
No business was ever built up in a locality like ours by depending upon the transient trade. No store can
survive hero that expects to do business with a customer but once.
Values must be true to command the return customer. If wo catered to the high priced trade this store
would have gone with the first that went. If we sold only cheap goods we would have lasted about one year.
Tho men of this locality know that what we have to sell to them is in every way dependable, not too high
and not too cheap, just the happy medium.
Headlight Overalls
1. The Oaks
2. Council Crest
i), Columbia Bench
1. Crystal Luke-Pork
5, Hock Island
G. Dodge Putk
7. Kfitacada Pnrk
8. Hull Run Park
9. Macleay Park
10. Peninsula Park
11. Washington Park
12. Oak Grove Park
III. .Ml. Tabor Puik
14. Riverside Park
Try Them by Trolley
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
0, Chnmbcts Mrs, 11, K, I.owry
Funeral Directors
2IS J60 KillnffciwortU Avenue
Telephones; WoodUwn 330C C 1133
Mr. Chambers W the only O, A, H
udertaker in the city of l'ortland,
I'eraouul intention and supervision
given to arrangements.
Building Contractor
Day or Job Urge or Smal
phont cot. im 912 So. Syracuse St
St. Johns Fuel Co.
V. C. Sl'F.CK, Pkoi
Vltone Columbia 918
101 Hast Richmond Street
Residents of St. Johns having
taxes nnd city liens to pay in
rortlnnd ciui make their pay-
ments without inconvenience by
availing themselves of our ser
vices, we will pay same and
securo your receipt without iji
convenience to you. Fee, 25
cents. Uoferences: Any St,
Johns Bank.- Peninsula Title,
Abstract and Realty Co.. by H.
Henderson. Manat;erift402 North
The Store That Cares For You
Dry Goods and Shoes for Everybody
ior every effort expanded there
is a compensation cither in a ma
terial return, added mental or
physical strength. It rests wfth
you whether the effort is well di
rected and the return helpfully
You are going to get out of
your little home in St. Johns all
that you put into it or more.
Give your home life abundance of
industrious effort and you will
get out of it the satisfaction some-
thing well done for yourself nnd
you will have influenced your
neighbor for better things.
Plant n prune tree or a cherry
tree on your lot and in n shorter
time titan you realize you will be
paid for the effort and care of
nurturings its tender years. PeO;w
pic right here in St. Johns hnvo
sold cherries this season to the n
mount of ?200.00 from just three
6r four trees that grew in the or
dlniiry yard.
What you put into your home
intelligently and conscientiously
will cause some one else 'to make
the same sort of effort.
Your wife needs occasional change
from the routine of the home nnd n
return from n vacation will ylvcodilcd
interest to her program.
The girls lu the stores and offices do
more Interesting work l( given an oc
casional hour or two of recreation dur
ing the day; that is why we like to
clone our store hnlf day In the middle
of the week during the summer.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr.
Idc Collars
Auto Supplies
Paints are advancing "Buy Now"
Enamel your floors with Kyainze
Enamels, all colors
See our Home Fruit Dryer
Contract with us for your winter
supply of Coal before the price ad
vances. Home Mercantile Co.
209 West Burlington Street
See here,"
I want to remind you
about that small chew
of this good tobacco.
It tastes better because
it's good tobacco. Its
quality saves you part of
your tobacco money.
It goes further and lasts
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco.
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and get acquainted.
f Knitting is popular.
Our stock of Knitting Vorsted
is varied and well chosen.
Patrons tell us so.
The price is the same as last
You cannot make your own
corset but you can buy right here
orfc of the very best. It is the
Warner Rust Proof and our prices
are better than the City agency.
Men's Dept.
Best Knit Socks
says the Good Judge
Regal Shoes
Knights and Ladies of Security
bt. Johns Council 2775
KeKUlnr lluilncai uieetliiK lit ami 3rd
Mouiluyt. 0eii incctiiiKi to the public"
Mini nuinUm "ml ami 4th MomJnyt, Vli
Itori ami inrinbcri cordially Invited' to
attend at lllckncr Hall,
Frank C. Gasser, Pres. t.
Lester 'feeling, Secretary.
No. 1S6 I. O. O. r.
Mmu ch Monday availing Is Odd FaV '.'
lona hall at 8:00. A cordial welcome to a
all vIiltliiL' brothers.
I'rnt lli.kttl. NoMf Oraml
C. V. Haiti, Vlca Orand
Joe Kjbolt, Hrc tkc. ,
O. w. Norane. flii.Htc.
II. I' Claik.Trraa.
St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily toliclt tlie. nttciiilunce of
our members at our regular meeting
every murmny evening.
A. I.. .Marcy, uto, aiuuiu, uert
Couiul. 103 Smith avenue
Meett every 1'ridav night at
7:30 o'clock In lflCKNUR
Visitors always wtl-
J. R. WATSON, C. C. i
Woodmen of the World I
St. Johns Cnmp 773 - t
Meet every Thursday evenine. in...
I. O. O. V. Hall, Leavitt and Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
W. li. COON, ClerC
Oregon Building, 5th and Oak
Pheur, Broadway 70 or Columbia 321
Mill wood mostly inside, Urge percent
age dry enough (or immediate use 4.60
I buy or sell St. Johns Property jf
Real Estate ' h
Fire Insurance and Notary Public .
Ust your property with- uje if you,
desire to sell quibkly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johnsfc
Office Room 5
Peninsula Bank Building -
Hours 9-io a. tn.; 1.5 p. in. and!"
Office phone Col . 254; Res. 910 '
( Transfer and Storage k
W d liver year rood to asd from ?
all pert of PortlniL Vaaeeurwr. Lfain-
ton, Portland and Suburban Expnu
Co., sky dock and all ftelnU aoouibU
W wtaram Pteaa mi4 faraaUanai aata?i
l'lioae Woodlawti 5460
Wa cftjland Ballv.r
ftcJPMre Gleaners ;
Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations and Re,.
pairing a specialty t
w, u Jtnmc MS Matewc Stmt