St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 08, 1919, Image 3

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    Combination Ranges
On Easy Terms
Burn Wood, Coal and Gas
Ovens can be changed to either kind of
fuel by shifting one small lever. Ranges
are of cast iron, very durable, economical
and certainly mighty handy.
No. 1. Combination Range. Blnck finish, swing
ovetvdoor, four holes on top, three gas Burners,
polished top Price $9G.OO
Terms $10 cash, $2.00 week
No. 2. Combination Range has drop oven door, full
nickel trim, polished top and thermometer
Price $107VG0
Terms $11 cash, 2.75 week
No. 3. Combination .Range. White euamcled and
nickel trimmed, automatic gas lighter. Its a
beautiful range Price $134.00
Terms $13.50, cash $3 week
Slore closes at 8 P. Al. Saturdays, other
days at 6:00 P. Al. ,
Your Credit is Good
Cash or Credit St. Johns
Auto Tires
Auto Accessories
We carry a very complete stock of
1 everything pertaining to an Auto
1 mobile. We are agents for Good
year, United States and Goodrich
iucO) auu a,ii 1111 juui vva.nio. rr xi(y
not give us your Tire business?
Prices are just the same.
iiiUM.I I
St; Johns Hardware Co.
Agency for Goodyear Tires
04000O000a0OO OOQ00OO0K0 I
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
iC 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
The Grabateria Cash Grocery
The sales of the Scales & Currier Grabateria
keep up because the prices are kept down.
Itfi easy to prove that our prices are lower than
the regular charge account several-deliveries-a-day
We make the prices consistent with a large vol
ume of buying, with the minimum of overhead ex
pense Jbecause we employ no bookkeeper, we make
but one thorough delivery each day, we are both ac
tively engaged in the business, we eliminate the
losses on charge accounts and our rent is low.
Make up a substantial order for us, give us your
check and we will convince you that you are saving
money, Try it.
The Grabiteria Cash and Carry Grocery
We can help you to reduce the cost of living
Hortlcks Malted Milk 45c, 00c, $3.00
Meltons I'ood 50c, 75c
Itorcteti'A Milk 45c, 00c, J3.00
Lydla Flnkhaiu's Vegetable
compound fl.UY
Vnsellnc 7c
Multlnc with Cod Liver Oil.... 1.35
Oriental Cream f 1.35
Aruiand'a Powder COc
Cbolorlte Hat Dyer... 25c
Cocoanut Shampoo.......,,..., , 49c Colgate's Talc Powder ISc
Pearl Shampoo ., 23c Kaly nor Tooth Paste , 28c
Woodbury Soap 23c Rcbccco , 45c
Packard's Dar 23c Kcpsodcnt 50c
Orchard White 35c
Slllltnan's l'rccklc Crcniit 50c
Scmprc Govtucy . . . , 40c
Wyeth Sage and Sulphur
Hair Tonic , 69c, 90c
Snnlscptlc Lotion... 45c
Moth Italls, per pound 25c
Llsterlnc 23c, -15c,, 85c
War Tax to be added
The Prescription Store
Local News
Still a few flags loft at this
office. Better secure ono now.
Dr. Sclniltzo was n Seaside
visitor over Sunday.
James Catto has purchased n
handsomo new Maxwell car.
Peter Thompson and family
have returned from a ploasnnt
sojourn at Seaside.
W. G. Roc and son. Merle.
were spending a few days at
ahepnrd Springs.
M 83 hclltn Hrickson wnB
operated upon at the Good Sam
aritnn hospital yesterday for
- -
N. T. Bosch, nftor sdrving his
country for for olirhtoon months.
ten of which were spent in
Franco, has returned home.
Mrs. 0. II. Thompson loft
this week in company with Mr.
and Airs. W. A. Hcnnott on an
auto trip al tho Yellowstone
National Park.
Christian Science service for
Sunday Aupust 10th, "Soul."
Mrs. L. B. Wilson is spending
n couple of weeks at Newport,
where her mother is also sojourning.
Tho grocers' annual picnic
held at Bonneville was said to
be a most enjoyable affair. It
was well attended.
Mrs. Gertrude Cnrmnn. of Col
urn bus, Ohio, mado n short visit
with her aunt. Mr. Henrietta
Magone. of this city, and also
other relatives near Oswego last
Misses llaymn und Jean Mit
chol, of Corning, Cnl have
returned to their homo after a
pleasant visit with Mrs. Sarah
Cox nnd Mrs. B. S. Hontzo at
their home at 018 S. Ivanhou
Mrs. L. W. Gromachey ro
turned Tuesday owning from"
Seattle, whero shu had been
visiting for the past six weeks
with her niece, Mrs. Roy Bruce.
While there she nttonded the
Mutes' Nationnl Convention.
Tho services of tho Freo
Mothodiat church will be held in
the camp grounds known as the
Copies trnct next Sunday, with
Sunday school beginning at 10 a.
m. followed by preaching ser
vices at 11 n. in. and 7:30 p. in.
This old story is again croinir
tho rounds: "Rastus," said tho
sheriff, "have you anything to
say bofore tho sentence of death
Is carried into execution" ' No,
boss, Ah ain't no speechifiuh,
but Ah suttenly believes dia am
gwino to be a lesson to me."
At tho Methodist Episcopal
ckurch tho morning topic will
be, "Does God Change His
Mind?" Union of Epworth
Leaguo and church eervices at 8
p. m. The Fourth Quarterly
Conference Tuesday evening was
a very happy occasion. All billls
paid in lull and monoy in the
treasury. J. II, Irvine, pastor.
II . P. Bogert. of Fall City.
Oregon, while attending Buyers'
Week in Portland. dropped in up
on his old time friend, Randall
Ellicott, the first of the week.
Mr. Bogert had the misfortune
to recently lose the ends of his
fingers on his right hand by
being caught in a planer. He
was in the act of picking up a
stick beside the planer and in
some manner his hand struck
the planer knife with the re
sult that he now has no Oncers
on his right hand.
Work on the channel to cnn.
nect Columbia river slough with
the Columbia river began Mon
day. Tho channel is being dug
by the city to furnish flow in the
slough to make possible use of
this waterway for sewer nur-
no3ei. Deputy City Eneineer
John R. Hanson, who has been
connected with the city en
gineer's office for 21 years, has
been placed in charere of the
project, according to City Com
missioner Barbur. It will take
about one year to complete the
job and the cost will exceed
Reports that pay of enlisted
men will revert utter the peace
proclamation to the pre-war
scale are incorrect. A telegram
from the Adjutant General of
the Army announces that the
increuse awarded by the net of
May 18, 1917,continues in elicct
from and after the approvol of
tno appropriation act of 1020.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones,,
stepfather nnd mother of Rev.
A. P. Lnyton, and C. S. Lay-
ton ami who, brother of Rev.
Lnyton, all of Hastings, Neb.
are spending nfow days at th
parsonage. They like it hero
immensely, nnd there Is n m-n
bubility of them becoming pr-
mnnont residents.
Tho I). O. K. K. Band of tho
Knights of Pythias proved ilself
to ue one or mo lincst musical
organizations in tho Northwest
upon its recent appearance in
St. Johns, when n concert was
given at tho public square at
I'liiiadoipnia ana ivanhou streets.
A largo number of St. Johns
folks turned out for the treat.
and enjoyed it immensely. The
i). U. K. K. will find a hearty
wolcomo to St. Johns any time.
Lelhn Burrell, 1G, whilo herd
ing cattlo on tho outskirts of
iinley, Idaho, was mauled by a
mountain lion, ami after a
struggle in which shu tried to
choke it, pho was found uncon
scions, her arms, back and chest
bndly loceratcd. , Tho lion,
which jumped upon her back
whilo Bho was in n sitting pos
turo, toro her clothing into
shreds. Citizens nt onco orcrnn
ized to hunt the lion, which has
been seen near tho town for n
month. Tho girl will recover.
A pearl, probably worth $7fi0.
wns found grown to tho interior
of ono of the lids of a largo Uuo
clam, picked up by J. G. Craw
ford, bundny, in Bryant's park,
near Albany. Mr. Crawford
found tho clam in the willow
bushes about 200 yards from the
point of junction between the
Ualapooin and Willamette r vers.
Tho Uno clam measures 12 milli
meters in length, 4 1-2 milli
meters in width nnd tho pearl
wan 3 millimeters long. 2 milli
meters wido and 1-2 millimeters
Jacob Newton Kerns died nt
his home. 708 Allegheny street.
July 81st, aged 50 years and 2
days, lie was born at St. Jos
eph, Mo., July 29, 1800. Death
was caused from tuberculosis,
which developed from n case of
influenza when tho epidemic
was proralent hero. Ho leaves
to mourn his loss his widow.
Josie Kerns, also four children,
viz: Glenn, Lester, and Mabel
Kerns, Ruby Wolfrnim: ono sis
ter in St. Johns, besides two
sisters livinrr in Idaho, and one
brother of Bend, Oregon. The
funeral services were held Satur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev.
E. D. Blackman of tho Freo
Methodist church officiating.
His text was from I Pet. 1 :21 25.
Interment In Mt. Scott cemetery.
Who is your druggist? Care
ll choice in selection nf him
may mean a lot to von when vnu
are sick and need merilotnoo
compounded. CURRIN SAYS
There will be a Union service
at the Evangel cnl church Sun
day evening, hold in the inter
est of tho Summer Vacation
Bible School, and the address
of the evening will be made by
Mr. numoert ot tno State Sun
day School Association. This
Vacation Bible school, which
will be the first to convene in
this state, will open a 9 o'clock
Monday morninir at the Euan.
gelical church and will continue
for two weeks, being held in
the mornings only. The school
will be undenominational and
held under the auspices of the
County Sunday School Union.
Send your children.
Is growing rapidly. They ren
der an up-to-date service of real
value to their depositors and
invite your account. 114 North
Jersey street. adv.
-HOES frames pictures.
Ulcctrlc Vncumti Clcnticr for rent. II.
1'. Clark. If
Hear John McCormuck any
day nt Currins.
Setting hens wanted. Colum
bin 1191.
You're bound to get value
from ROGERS.
When in need of smnll arti
cles, get them nt the 5-KMBc
store. St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
With a VICTROLA in your
home every musical longing is
sntislled. CURRIN SAYS SO.
. Work shirts 89c they're worth
St. Johns Fair Store, E. W.
Foy, prop.; household utility
supplied and general notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goods at lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
If you don't get tho best
kodak finishing it is your own
fault, because wo do the BEST
WORK every day. -Currin Says
Children cry for ROGERS' 85c
40 Hoppickers wanted to begin
work AtigiiRt 28. For partial
lurs inquire at 11. F. Clark's
Furniture Store, 402 S. Jersey
One swallow docs not make a
Hummer, but one swallow of our
SPRING TONIC will make yoil
feel as if summer was here.
Safe Deposit Boxes; Protect
your pnpeis and valuables from
lire and burglary. Peninsula Se
curity Company.
$2.00. ROGERS.
Remcmbor wo enrry at all
timet all the latest hits in VIC
TOR and PATHE records that
aro procurable. CURRIN SAYS
Lost Dog chains und license
tug No. 2037, which was fasten
ed to tho collar. Under kindly
leave nt this ollico.
If my work pleasosyou; ploaso
toll your friends. If not, toll
mo. -Rogers, 202 N.- Jersey
Get that "Million Dollar Royal
Tailored Look." KOUEKS.
Who can better judge the
quality of a Talking Machine
than the world's grontest art
istaV, The Victrolu is tho in
strument they invor. Currin
Says So.
Dr. T. L. Perkins, Dentist,
Ex-City Comissioner of Finance
has again resumed tho nractico
of his profession in the Medical
Building, corner Park ant Al
der streets, ndv.
Private family room, lady iih
sistnnt, complete auto equip
ment, beautiful floral chapel, re
lined service, ueasonnbio charge.
Miller & Tracey, Independent
Funeral directors. See nd, in
this issue.
iNoming to put on, not i nir o
take off, just a turn of the hand
is nil that is necosHary to mnke
the Brunswick Phonograph, tho
all record machine without a
Want to Rent Modern five
room bungalow, within walkimr
distance of the mills. Call Col.
10 at the noon hour, ask for Mr,
bio disc records, 12 selections,
needles, record brush and all ac
cessories, $30.10. Pay $4 down
and $1.00 per week. Currin's.
Found Lady's small irold
watch. Owner may have same
by calling at 109 E. Burlington
street, proving property and
paying for adv.
Wanted Girl or woman to doi
light housework. No washing.
Girl attending High School or
Business College preferred. Ap
ply at 1592 Fowler avenue.or call
Columbia 718.
How much is your time worth an
hour? How many hours do yoit
spend standing in line awaiting your!
turn to pay your bills to the electric f
light company, the water bureau, 1
the gas company, the butcher, the
grocer and the telephone company? I
Figure the difference between what
all this time is worth to you and the 5
cost of a postage stamp for mailing I
a check. Paying by check is the
safer and easier way. Try it and
you'll never go back to the old way.
Open an account next pay day at
Peninsula National Bank
Dinfli and lank Money Older limed, Paynblo in All Port of dm World
Interest Paid on Savings and Timo Doposlts
Member of Federal Reserve Bank
A very tempting meal from the
specialties in our stock. Timtw .
have changed. The house keep
or of foresight keep un emer
gency outlay for tho unexpected
guest. I lave you sampled soma
of tho newer del leaden in puck?
ages and bottle? Well, you
should. It's u pleasure to handle
the best so it ought to bo worth
while to buy tho best.
301 S. Jersey SI. I'lione Col. IIH
Rock Spring Coal
Green Slabwod
Be Sure and. Order From
St Johns Lumber Co,
In tho homo provided with on
of our model talking machine. '
For there is nlwuyH tit commtnd
entertainment ( any kind pre-'
ferred. The most clmislu com
positions or tho latest danet
music. The most thrilling nolo
or the rollicking song of tho
day. Come and loam what n iwtv
feet companion a talking ma
chine can be,
St. Johns Phonograph Company
The St. Johns Shoe Shop
201 South Jersev Street
Hoes all kind Shoe Repairing. Rubber heels put on in 5 miuuten.
All work guaranteed rjuiou Skau
Is growing rapidly. They ren
der an up-to-date service of real
value to their depositors, and
Invite your account. 114 North
Jersey street. adv.
For Sale About an' aero and
one-half of good soil nt Whitwood
Court, would le splendid for
raising cherries or wulnuts.
Price for a short time $1000.
Could be cut up in lots, Ad
dress this ofiice.
j National Vulcanizing Co. t
205 S. Jersey Street
With years of experience in the large sIiopb ami wall fitted
I up with the latest equipment, we are prepared to turn out work
I - I J
in u uubiiiehs nice namier ami with neatiiMS and dispatch.
We also handle an uptodate Hue of Tires and Accossoricw.
and have new and hecond hand Tires for Sale.
If you need of anv work in our lint cii' itc ti noil
i 'I P ' M,l H VjM 1 1 "tilt
T we will guarantee entire satisfaction.
Our prices are as low as good work can be done for.
Job Printing this office