1 THE ST. JOHNS RFVIEW A. W. Msrlclc, Kill tor Published Friday of Each Week Oubiorlptlon prloa $1.00 pr year. Outilde of Multnomah County $2.00 per ycM In, udvap.ee. AiJfaftnsiHoRATns: 26 cents per Inch each Inacrtloti. Locals 5 cents per line, minimum 26 cents. Special rotes on yearly cou tracts. yartfcjtwrtwoiw wjwiiMljiiWi mm il 'w 1 TilR Rkvikw Is entered nt post office la Portland, Oregon, m mail matter of the second class under the Act of Con. of March 3, 1879. When hna there hecn such tumult? A hundred and fifty thousand railroad shopmen on fltriko in ArnerJcal A Los An gelos Iuwyer's house dynamited and burned because he assisted in prosecuting radicals! White and colored in near civil war in Chicago! Strikes in full swing or incubhting in many Ameri can cities, labor unrest all over the world! A night of riot in Liverpool described by a news paper "as the most distressing night erer passed in n civiliz- od city." Strikiw of policemen, street car workers, ra way onern tives nnd mine workers in var ious parts of England 1 Where aro wo headed for? -Journal. LEADER OF THE SENATE You probably know Homethlns of this notnblo man. Ho Is U. S.Sena- tor I.odKo from Massachusotts and 11 predominant figure In our politics. Theodora Itoosovolt nald of film In 191CS "Ho hua ln-cn on tho wholo tlio mcmlicr with (ho largest vision nnd tlio most IntctllKont dovotlon to Amor can nfrils that wo have find on tlio FnrclKn Affairs Committer durfnir this irenerat on." lie w It play nn Important part In tho nennto discussion or 1110 penco treaty, par ticularly ns ehnlrmnn of tho For eign Itelatlona Commit toe. It is not generally known that the world's greatest oil wells today aro located in Mexico. Ono well that wbb producing GO. 000 barrels of petroleum daily for eight years past has boen closed by flooding. This well in measured capacity turned out 120,000 barrels of crudo oil per day in a steady stream for eight years. Another Mexioan well at Ccrro Azul, brought in in February 10, 1910, has u tested capacity of 310.000 barrels daily. On account of limited pipe lino it hits boen throttled down to a flow of fifteon thousand barrels per day. While tho English capitalists havo oil interests in Moxico, America investments aro atill larger. Tho joint In forest of our country nnd Great Britain in oil supplies from Moxico make friendly relations important. Oil may bo the means of allaying all troubles on tho waters of international atrifu between tho two repub lies. According to one rcputabli authority the nation is nt lo.ist 40 per cunt underbuilt. Tin ame authority bclioves thai tho prices of nnterials will rule nt present lewis for 1010. 1 1 also estimates totrtl coubtructton for 1019 at 40 to CO per cent of normal with lumber as cheapest mniillng material. Uur country is liable to lose six million alion laborer of whom 1,500,000 have gono or are going this year. Thi kind of labor is leaving Now xork ut the rate of louo u week, and thu supply of labor for industries is scarce I.um ber yards in New York nnd many custom cltlus have loss than ono third of n normal supply, nnd domaiul s morons ing. Of a hundred brick yards in a famous enstorn clay pro ducts district, mora than 70 aro Idle for luck of labor. Indica tioriH aro that ucarciti of build ings will continuo through 1020 and that the demand lor lumber will continuo to increase. -I'nci- lie Uorut Manufacturer. btate War Savings Stamps xxeuuquaners at rortland lias Ioarnod that some few persons have been under tha impression that they havo lost tho money iney invested jaBt year in Ilirift atampi. which they had not convflrted into War Saving Stamps bofore January 11, this year. This idea Is, of course, entirely wrong. Thrift Stamps never chnngo In value a and aro always convertible Into interest nny iiir Wnr Sav nir Stamps without reference to tho time they wore purchased. It is advisable that Thrift Stumps oa exennngeu lor saving Stamps, however, just as soon as possi ble, inasmuch as Thrift Stamps ho not earn iniorest, and he cause tho price of a Wur Snv Ing stamp increases one cent each month during tho your. Five room semi-modern house, fine corner lot, closo to car nnd huslness center, St. Johns. I'rico short Mine, suoo.uu: can nay SlfiO cash, balance monthly. You'd bettor look this over, if on the buy. Threo room house, lino river view, nnrd Hiiriaced street nun i'wcr till paid? price $025 00. You can pay $50.00 cash, hnl men monthly. This lot nlnno is worth $850.00. (let busy If you want this one. Five room modern homo, well located on cnrlinc and hardsur face Btroot. Price few days SMr0. You pay SHOO cash, Dal mice monthly. Four room house, lino river view, somo fruit. My price $550; can arrange terms. I' ivo room , House modern ex cept electric lights, with lot 1)0x100 ft; has fruit and berries. ,ot alone worth , tho money, price sinnu: pay S'Jmi cash. balance $10 monthly. This wont last long. Four room bunnlow. now semi modern, lino location, today ?u00. Your terms aro mine. IN I no room nouso. modern ox cept electric lights; lot iaUUxlOO. my pr co isuu: terms it you like. Five room modern home closo in. streets improved: urico $zuuu; terms. Fivo room house, n dandy with 1 1-1 acres of land close in. well located: price $2500. You pay $uuu cash, balance to suit. Now 3 room house with 1 1-1 ucres, well located, prico $2000. About 5500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. In fact I have nnything that win suit your taste. lor sa o or exchunge. Hotter see me. MeKINNKY. 215 N. Jersey street. Phono Col. 2. Meet the f Home Merchant Half Way "Prof Pato is n very remark able man. He attended every showing "of a certain movio serial, whereas persons of less persistence usuully give it up uflcr witnessing half a dozen installments, discouraged over being unable to discover what it is about. Hut tho professor stuck to tho b tier ond." "Ah! And did ho finally learn what he wished to know?" "No. He snys ho did not cxpoct to bo able to find out what it was about, but ho is much disappointed at being unable to find out why ho couldn't find out what it was nbout. Knnsns City Star. WE WANT TO WARN YOU That it is highly improbable that wo can duplicate our present offering of top notch Hurdware at anything like our present prices. So do not delay in fill ing your wants in Hardware nt once. Delay Hurely means d son pointment. Don't be you be one I oi the disappointed Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street He knowi YOUR needs. He knows the NEEDS OF THE TOWN. You'll get BETTER TREAT MENT and BETTER Q00D9 in this town than you will any where else. I Keep the Dollars In Town McKINNEY'S BARGAINS f il In UNITY f There Is STRENGTH Real Estate! Central Location Thirteen years in the busi ness in St. Johns. List your Property with Us We Make Sales S. C. Cook 402 N. Jersey Street Office Main 73G7 WoodUwn 1 105 lloui9A. M. lull'. M. tvrnlngi by AHolnlmnt ' mi - 20G.7-8 SWETIAND IllDG. riftd and WdtMriKton Street rortland, Oregon St FLAGS We will sell a $4.00 Combi nation Flag Setf consisting of a 4x6 ft. flag, pole, cord and window bracket, for $2.75, while they last. Only -10 sets left. . ST. JOHNS REVIEW 404 N. Jersey St. ' -ir -irMsi . -ftp fa IX P. r 1 . It 4 y If everybody in this town ! : SPENDS HIS MONEY in town :: the TOWN WILL BOOM. You are free to admit that if THE TOWN BOOMS you will I GET YOUR SHARE of tho I proiperity. I Thii ii YOUR town. Your intereiU arediere. f Trade at Home FUNERALS 1 M ' JLLLy Qoaullful gray or block adult oaikat, hoanc, box, 2 aulb embalming and rafln ad itrvlc for $75 MIM.HK TKACUY I'lineruU if ilclcil for 20, $30, flO, $C0. HlKlier prlcc.l luncraU in j.ro. x)rtioit. Wo tiinmifucttirc caikett. I,iul- amUUiU. llcuullful funeral cliapcl. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2001 Independent Funeral Directors A 700S WaliInslon ul lib Street, llcltvecn 20th and 21st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative CM Control Ave. N. Phone Columbia 888 ill 0 -naue a Uavvest ol our stort Tlom. Come t)i. II J Notice to the Public we have moved 21(5 North Jersey Stteet, nre belter TO FIGHT t UOLSHEV1SM i 1 ureal Bchools of whules, UuiDKUlt salmon, nl chors uml Bardinea reliovcd thomontony of ino voyage or the sliinnintr board's new 4000 ton wooden teamahip Gray Eb1o from Aberdeen to Seattle, which made ua initial run Inat Friday. "We mot ono school of almost 40 whales off tho Washington coast." said Captain Chnrlt's A. Wilson. They were following me smaller Hsii. iho schoi Is or uuinnnlt salmon, pilchura and aardinea were eo thick that you could not miss them. Some of the schools of pilchers were so MICK tnat the waters turned ovrby our bows resembled n winurow oi nsn. i nave never seen anything like it before. We seemed to be steuminir inrougn nsn, not wator." BANK OF COMMERCE Ii rrowinc rapidly, They ren der an up'to date servico of real value to their depositors, and invlU your account. 114 North l Yeilerlck V 0 Diet I Siwaknr of tlio now J 1 011 no of ItciirvnentaUvi'S. vlio auya Conyrejj will uot vigor ounl)' to curb IloUhovltini' by BtroiiKthoiiliiK tho laws ulmed to reach orfoinlprs atnttiiHt tlio iluvorn- tnunt of tlio I'nltcd Stuioa, For Sale Cheap A plot of crotuul 100x000 feci. which contains twelve fiOxlOO foot lots, just across the river from St. Johns, bounded by Wood and Mills streets. lor muck snlcSlOOOtukes them, which is less than $100 per 'lot. Good terms clveu. Call at We wish to announce that luto our new garage at where we prepared than ever to take care of all business in our Hue. All work entrusted o us will be given prompt nnd careful attention As our. new quarters are much more commodious than our Rich mond Street garage we will be en abled to turn out work with more dispatch, and will haye plenty of room for storage of cars. We invite the public to inspect our new place of business. WooIIey Bros. 216 North Jersey St. AOMHylTS Fine line of Vogan's Candles ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS. CONFECTIONERY, BUTTER, HOME MADE PIES, BREAD AND PASTRY, LIGHT LUNCH ES. - CALL IX Opposite Contrnl School PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Wireing, Fixtures, Auto Accessories Diamond Tires Storage Batteries Recharged and Repaired rAGIWTS FOR Western Electric Sewing Machine Come in and get a demonstration of Electricity's latest Portable Sewing Machine. Phone Col. 977 418 N. Jersey Street Dear Mary: 1. Now is the time to buy Fall Furniture. Do you need ! any? m They've just got in loads of pretty new things ati ri. v, ULiAKK'b and they are giving rare bargains. 'x fl I m going to look through my house and see if I need anything. Then I'm going to look through the furniture"" store. I don't want to miss this opportunity. - " '7 Thought I'd let you know. Love HEIiEN. P, S, At ten tomorrow morninrr I'll meet von at H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jercay St. Store closes at 8 P. Al. Saturdays, other days at 6:30 P. Al. DAVIS' BARGAINS Ed. Monuhnn, Prop. Cards of thanks notices nre charged for at tho rato of fifty eonts each. Persons desirinc to have such notices published should make n note of this. Ilrlaji la your Job prUUng wltlle you Uilak oi It, Doa't wait uaUl you Columbia Garage 107 fessenden Street Repairs, Fair Prices, Guaranteed Work, Storage, Oils, Gas, Tires, Tubes FRESH FROM THIS BAKERY a layer cake is a dream to behold uuu a joy 10 rasie. ugnt as a rn beam, with fillinc that simnlv can not be described, the cake will prove a royal treat. At vour next affair order one and you'll make yourself iauiou5 roryour spienaju nospjtality. Vt hire Ibt but. Qrdtrs ukca fr VctUiij Cikt. Fenntog's Bakery and Dellcatessea 115 North Jersey Slfeet Hudson & Stockum PAT'S Barber Shop S 108 N. Jersey St. EDM0NDS0N & CO. Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware Four room house on lot 5010G, street improvements in "and paid, in direction of new Ter- minal. St. Johns. Price $800fi $150 cash, balance at $10 per month with 7 per cent interest. Four room house in central part of St. Johns, lot 50x130. fine , uarden and plenty of fruit This lot is worth close to tha total prico asked for the place. Price $925; $250 cash, balance $10 per month, 7 per cent interest. Fine riverview house with 11 rooms, with 8 or 10 fine cherry -trees; ought to be 20 bushels of fine cherries every year. ThisA" house is in good shape and could nut be built for $2500. Iiot! 50x100; can be bought today for $1600. Takes about $500 cartC" with balance on good terms. Best value. I know f. Th 6 bed rooms can be rentod in in. dustrial workers on water front. Forty acres 5 miles from a good towns, on the main line., of the S. P. Ry. in Dousrlas county, Oregon. Some of it has been in cultivation. All can be cultivated butabout2 acres. No rock. Want to trade for a house and lot snrl will nav. cash difference. A, W. DAVIS. 202 N. Jersaw street. Phone Coi. 824. . n Jersey street. adv. j this office. ant saUrelr out We arc oalpoodl PkoneCol. 92 307S.JervSt.