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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1919)
i,'!9rcSl,Soceer- ST. Johns review ' "-"fry it Mr VOLUME 16 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1919. NUMBER 89 Canned Salmon Rejected Details of rejections by the army of the entiro canned sal mon pack of 1918 and its resale to packers at cost, less certain refunds, were learned Saturday. The situation disclosed is that 1,T78,000 cases, approximately 5, 000, GOD cans, wora rejected as having failed to attain govern mont standard and. are now being marketed by packers. On July 26, thoro had been re turned to packers or shippod upon tl oir orders 540,003 cases. Befoco resale by packers to wholesalers, it is stated that . the goods aro cxaminod bv food inspectors at points of delivery, but what proportion is being passed as tit for consumption cannot bo ascertained. Thogov1 ernment standard is that from ' selected sum of staples not over 5 per cent of canB may bo bad. Officials of army purchase divi sion explain that probably large porportion of pack is good, but they could not afford to take chances on it. In February and March; it is Btutcdjicomplaints began coming from army camps that the sal mon was bad. Thereupon sam ples were ordered sont to Wash ington. Brands of over Bovonty different packers wore examin ed and a large majority wcro found to contain over 5 per cent of bad salmon. Somo brands vran under this proportion, but ' it was Impossible to detect bad cans without opening, because when salmon is packed after spoiling, go6d and bad havo the same outward appearances. Confcronco of packers was then called. In May representa tives of Pacific Coast Packers Association and of smaller pack ers mot army purchasing oDicials and were asked for an explana tion. The theory advanced by largo Alaskan packers was that tho oxtromo hot weather caused fish to spoil when on tho way to tho canneries. Smaller packers aro represented to havo said sinco arrangements were being mndo to roturn tho goods back thoy should como into it, too. Ex. Contract Awarded Bids for the construction of a municipally owned office build ing at tho St. Johns municipal terminal were opened at a meet ing of the commission of public docks Tuesday morning and n contract for the construction awarded to A. C. Meyer, whoso bid of $10,835 was lowest. Tho noxt lowest bid was $11,GG9. At $13,600 a contract was awarded to tho Variety Manufacturing company for the installation of steel doors at the terminal. As ' signment of the leane of W. R. Bagot, one and one half acres of land adjoining tho terminal to be uaed aa a (lour mill site, was asked by Bagot in a communi cation to the commission. He would transfer his holdings to tho Eagle Flour Mill company, in which he js interested. The matter was referred to tho city attorney. Frank Anderson, a brakeman on tho Western Cooperage com pany's logging train, was in stantly killed while at work Monday at Astoria. A train load of logs was being hauled from California Barrel company's camp when one log dropped down and displaced the load on the two cars behind. Anderson ffUi caught between two logs and the top of his head was pinched off. Anderson was 23 years old. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Anderson, reside at Bandon, his sister, Mrs.. Edith Hollenbeck, lives at the Western Cooperage company camp. It is expected tho remains will be shipped to Bandon for inter ment. FIRE INSURANCE With the best of companies; lowest rates; a thorough know ledge of local conditions and heavy interests in the commun ity, is jt not reasonable to sup peee that we can give you better insurance service-than the wan dering solicitors, who may or may not be in the business when a loss pecurs? Let us figure on your fire insurance, or insurance of any kind. We write all lines in. the best of companies and give you insurance service sec ond to none in the city. Penin sula Security Co. QUONG TONG CAFE Try Chop Saey and Noodles at popular prices. Home Made Pastry very day at "Cafe of ' Merit" We serve breakfastand dinner. Open from 6 a. si. to 12 p. ru S. Jersey street. Worry Didn't Help I had a little field of wheat, fivo acres and a third; through winter storms and springtime heat my vigils wero absurd. I thought tho climate should be run with my small field in view, with jusl enough of wind and sun, and timely rain and dew. In other fields of great extent the wheat of neighbors waved: I didn't worry worth n cent if they wero lost or Bnvcd. Tho only wheat in all the land for which I cared a whoop was that. by idle zephyrs fanned, beforo my humble coop. I trembled when tho sky was bright, for fear a drouth would come: and clouds would fill mo with off right, lest wild tornadoes hum. I kicked if there was too much rain, and jawed tho brood inir sky; and I would grumble and complain if days were hot and dry. I ragged tho wind in heat cd terms when it enmo from tho west; I creamed of bugs and army worms, and overy other pest. My wheat is harvested nt last, it lived thru rust and blight, survived the torrent and the blast, and filled my bin all right. And I'd havo had as big n crop if I had let things slide, if I had raised no yelping ynmp nnd had not wept or sighed. I worried o'er thnt field so much I aged a hundred jsnrs, nnd now I hobblo on n crutch, nnd sec how vain woro fears. Walt Mason. Pretty Home Wedding Tho homo of Mrs. Edith D. Vin son, 582 S. Ivanhoo street, was tho scene of a wedding of quiet beauty Wednesday noon, Aug ust Gth, when Dr. Harry S. lrvino and Miss Delia A. Vinson wcro united in marriage. Pro. Paul lrvino and Miss Marie Herring did tho honors as best man and maid, Rev. J. H. Ir vine, officiatimr. Tho bridal presents wcro beautiful and valuable. Dr. lrvino is IIoubo Doctor at St. Vincent'a Hospital, and ono of Portland's rising young professional men. Miss Vinson is ono of our James John High young ladies and has been engaged in tho oflico of Dr. E. R. Seeley, during vacation, Whilo tho guests wero regaling themselves on dainty refresh mcnts, a touring car spirited away tho happy couplo on n bridal trip to parts unknown. Oil Regions Lively W. S. Gillmore. who had been spending some months in tho oil regions at uanger and other points in lexas, is in bt. Johns on a two wcok's business trip, after which ho will return to the new oil regions, ile brings glowing reports of tho fortunes being made almost over night in and around Ranger, which he said two years apo was a village of 150 people and now has a population of fifteen thousand. So enthusiastic is Mr. Gillmoro over prospects thero that he has made soverai investments in oil land, which he expects to rapidly increase in value. In fact, he stated that he was offer ed double what ho had paid for one tract. Mr. Gillmoro has several interesting samples of oil taken from his brother-in- law's field, which shows tho oil SB it comes from the ground. This well ig expected to produce from 5U0U to wuu barrels per day. Any one interested in hearing about the new oil fields should consult Mr. Gillmore. A lady said to us; "Why I have had KODAK finishing done in a number of down town places, but have never had as nice work as you folks do for me." Satisfied; that's the way with all our kodak finishing pat rons, CURRIN SAYS SO. One Enlargement FREE with each dozen portraits. HOES STUDIO, opposite Central School. Boy's Heavy Bib overalls $1.25. ROGERS. Our record stock is as com plete as it is possible to get it under present conditions and, compares favorably with any in the city. Currin Says So. Men's Rubbers $1.10. Roger. Have your photo made by' HOES, opposite Central School. Bring in ypur-job printing. An Island of Gold An island of gold, in compari son which tho treasure islands of pirate romunce fado into in significance, is what R. II, Wil oon, of Tacoma, Wash., says he haB discovered in Great Slavo Lake. Back from the far north, Wilson has told his Monte Oris to tale for the first time. He is an old miner and knows val ues. He says no sucli store of gold has ever boon discovered sinco Klondike days. lie has be gun tho work of sinking a mine, which ho estimates will pay $240,000,000' beforo it is ox haustcd. Talcs of rich copper deposits in the Great Slavo country hired Wi son in 191G. He had heard the Indian tradi tion of a wonderful lost gold mine on Copper mine river, fur ther north. Ho left his homo in Tacoma and went up thero and spent several months pros pecting the regon alone. While out ini his canoe in tho Great Slavo Lake in pursuit of u wounded swan, ho landed on the beach of n little islund. He hud often seen tho island from shore, a little misshapen mound of black rock, treeless and desolate. It was .known among the Indians and trappers as Littlfl Caribou island. As far as he could learn, he was tho first white man who ovor had set foot on it. Hc'fouml the rock of tho island roso quartz. Ills trained oyo knew it at once for gold rock. In a brief ramble ho nicked un u handful of gold nuggots. Ono was as big as a hen's eirir. E orvwhero he folind traces of free uold. When ho went back to Tacomn ho took a nuantity of ore. It assayed, ho says, from $11 to $20 a ton. Convinced thnt his treasure island ho d uo den wealth beyond tho dreams of i s. o You ore stircof service on any of ROGERS'' Alcrclianclise HEAVY MATERIAL, BLUE AMD WHITE STRIPE BIB OVERALLS $1.98 PANAMA HATS $2.00 Good Work Pants $1.95 Tennis Shoes 85c GLOVES SHIRTS SOCKS ltOGlSHS novrfn .von- , on nvvtl ROGERS 'im RAINCOAT MAM Jlotwoon Utulvrtolilint i 202 N. JERSEY ST. avarice, he kept his secret and laid his plans. He hurried hick to Canada and took a govern ment grnnt to the island. Then he organized a company in Washington to exploit this discovery. This took time. He had no chance to return to his island till this summer. Ex. AUTHORITY t)N RAILROAD PROBLEMS ' ntBEnif ''sMMTTTrnwrrBffr BE MWf Tin Albert U. Cummins. Senator Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, will be especially prominent at this session of Congress because of pending legislation before that committee. Senator Cummins has long been recognized as one of the foremost authorities on railroad regulation. His yiews"oiT the railroad question yrttl receive wide attention, : ' ' r The Perversity of Man "Why folks don't leave the city and move out intothe country," seems to be a ques tion that is engaging the minds of mnny political and economic philosophers. The answer is easy. Wages are too high Where, in the city? No, in the country. When tho government takes its ortmcuu price away from wheat and it drops to six bits a bushel,' then wheat fields will be full of men working 16 hours a day for a dollar. When form hands get $30 a month on tho farm they will leave the city for the farm job. Man is naturally a perverse cuss nnd he is iroing to do' just what he shouldn't do. He won't herd rheep at $75 a month, but he will for $30. He won't sotn hen when eggs aro worth four bits a dozen, hut ho will Bit up all night nursing a sick hon when eggs aro selling for eight cents and ho will milk cows from morning till night when butter is worth 35c a pound. Do you think he will split wood for $3 a cord. is too much money; ho would ruthemvult and next your work at it for a dolhr a cord.and so there is no use to talk about coming back to the farm now for the wages on a farm aro too high. Man is sure ly a pcrvcrso cuss and far too obstinate and contrary to even want to follow a trail. Canyon City Eagle. - When Juntos' A. Garfield wus president or Hirum College, a man brought up his son to be entered aa n student. He wanted tho boy to take a course shorter than tho. regular one. "My son can never take all those studies," said the father. "Il wants to not through moro quickly. Can't you arrnngo it I'orlut ami t'lvturo Show t Open Evenings j for him?" "Oh, yes," said Mr. Garfield. Ho can tako a short er courso; it all depends on what you want to mnko of him. When God wanta to make an oak He takes'a hundred years, hut Ho takes only two months to mako a squash' Not tha labal on your oapar. s w safe j-j from Iowa, as new rhnJrman nt the Will Sell Tomatoes Tho first step taken by the city of Portland to combat the high cost of living was tho placing of an order for two car load of cured bacon and one car load of 2 1 2s solid pack toma toes, which will be offered for sole at coat plus freight charges. The bacon will no shipped from PnniD Lewis nnd it is probable thntrnt least one carload of the popular breakfast meat will reach the city by the end of the week. The shipment of tomatoes will como from l'ort fllnson, Cttl., and will not reach Portland until about August 15. Author ization of the purchase of the food Btull'B was given by the city council Tuesduy to City Commissioner Pier at a spe cial meeting called by Mayor linker. Not only has Cnmmls sioner Peir been "investod with power to make the purchases mentioned, but ho also may continuo to purchase food stulf from the government' as long as. the supply and demnnd exist. The bacon which tho city will purchase is of good grade, which City Purchasing Agent Mcintosh says sells at whole sale for 12 cunts a pound and rotnils to tho consumer at prices between GO cents nnd 55 cents a pound. Tho city will procure this -bacon for III cents per pound plus freight charges, which will bring tho coHt of the bacon to tho buyers at about Hi 1 2 cents per pound. The cnrload of tomatoes will contain Hti.OOO cans, for which the clt will pay llii cents per can phis freight charges, bringing the approximate cost to the consum or to Mi cents per can. Tho same grade of tomatoes retail at prices between 20 and 2G cents tier can, according to Mr. Mc lntosh. Final arrangements for tho handling of tho foodstulfs has not yet been determined by Commissioner Pier. Simon Mro titers, operating a storo nt First, Second and Alder streets, havo offered to handle tho foodstulfs for tho city without cost. Wrap ping paper, string, cost of wages for employes and other incidental costs will not bo as sessed either against tho city proper or added to tho cost of tho foodstulfs. Julius L. Meier, general manugor of Molnr Ironk company, hns offered to to sell tho city-bouirht goods on co8t-nlus scale. "This purchase of fooditull's," said Commission er Pier, will give tho pooplo of Portland an opportunity to lay In supplies for tho winter at prices below wholesale costs. It presents a wonderful opportun ity to break down tho high cost of living and 1 feel sure that tho people will welcome tho op portunity avnilod thum through action of tho city council." Or- egonian. Since tho nhovo was type, it is learned that tho in con supply is gonuiQd up fore Portland can get any, will havo to bo content tomntoos. so it with Advises Not to Pay New After an oxhoustivo study of tho telephone situation, 'Chief Deputy City Attorney Tomlinson Wednesday issuod-an opinion advioing teluphono users to refuse to pay tho now rates tho company is attempting to collect. "Tlwso rates are not lawful," says Tomlinson, ami tho com puny is certainly tnking a high handed stand whou it tries to foist them on the public. Com nany officials claim thnt tho new rates wero ordered by Postmaster General Burleson, but thoy have not been uble to produce uny such order." Tomlinson says subscribers muy, if they so do. sire, tender puyrncnt of bills to the company on the old pro wnr schedule, but oven this is not necessary. Meantime the tele, phono company ia swamped with orders from all purta of the city to have phones taken out. CityTrallic Expert E. M. Cousin ended his term of service wi n tho city Wednesday morning. He strongly advises tho 'public not to pay any bills until the lawful rate is definitely es tablished; Cousin goes back to his private business as traflic at torney in tho Railway Exchange building. News. HANK OF COMMERCE Is growing rapidly. Thoy ren der an up to date service of roal value to their depositors and in vite your account. 114 North Jersey' street. udv. Ladies PANT-A -DRESS $2.00. ROGERS. Fine for gardening. NOTICE The Union Savings arid Loan Company of Portland, Ore., or ganized under tho laws of tho State of Oregon and safo guard ed by the Blue Sky law, Of this State, have established airagency in St. Johns for tho subscrip tion of fetock and collections. They nlready havo a nico stock subscription from tho very best and most conservative citizens of St. Johns who have investigated the Company and subscribed for tho stock. It is a well known fact that Building and Loan Companies aro tho greatest cooperative money mak ers for their investors for tho reason that they deal in nothing hut cash. It is a proposition of compounding interest 12 times a year. All mortgages and notes nnd other securities aro to be de posited with the Sffltc. To mature $1000 will cost tho in vestor $5.00 per month for 100 months, paying in $5.00 and at maturity tho stock accumulates to bo worth $1000 face. Past experience indicates the stock to go to maturity in from 108 to 120 months. This accumulates you a nice Btako on a small monthly saving. You also havo thu privilege of a loan with this stock also to bo paid in monthly payment. In case of sickness this company will grant u cessation of payments for one year, if it is necessary, on tho slock. It Is a good in vestment and a fine saving proposition. Any young man who wants to bo thrifty nnd get into a proposition thnt is safeguarded by tho State of Ore gon, can call on our nirenl at St. Johns for further particulars. Soo A. W. Davis, 202 N. Jersey street, Resident Agent. Notice to Creditors In llic Circuit Court the Ktnlc ot Or- t-((oii for the County of Multnomah, icxtttmcni oi j'roliiilc. In the ; Mutter of the lUtntcol Niincy C. Ilurloii, Dcccntcd. Notice i (given of the death of Nnucy C. Ilurloii, nnd Unit the uuderidKned hs oven duly apmlntcil executrix of Iter l.iut Will Mini Tcstnuicul mill of her ct lute, nml Item (iiinllfied, All iwrtoiift liny Ini; claims nunliul mIi! tlcccilent, or her otte, nrc notified to prctuut nunc to uiu ui me oiiicc oi my AKoriicyn. rcr kin & llflilcy. 1117 Hoard of Trade lliiildlni!, l'ortlnud, Orruou. with proper vouciiiTN. muy vcriiini ns ieiiiireii uy law, within six mouths from the diilu of (lie firt piibllcutloii of thin notice, to wit: inly lbili. lull. ItllA' N. KOK, gxecutrix. Notice of Hearing Final Account In the Circuit Court of the .State of Or- i'Koii for the County of Multiioiinih. iJcptiriiiimit oi rrolmlr. In thu Mutter of the lUtute of Uric 1' Peterson, Deceased. .Notice is ulven tlint William I. Wei Ion, fxecutorof the l.iut Will nnd Tes tament of l(ric I'. l'uturMiu, dccHuvd, lias tiled witli (lie County Clerk ot .Mult iiniiinh County, Orcuoii.hU final account un such executor, nnd Hint .Monday, All Kiikt IHtu.nt J MO A. M., nt the Court ,.IMI-V! WI .lIMIIIIUIIini, VMMMI. wiiTKi"l, DeiMrtiucul of I'robnte, mid before Hon- iii.ii.ii vT iniit...IHi. f-.....!.. r......... oralile lirorc liuwcll, Juile, lias lit-eu ilxtMi n l lie time nml place lor liixirlnK iiliiJCtltiuii to said account slid thetet- Moment of the same, and to the distrlliu lion uf the property hvlaiiuiiiu to iid late. Any tiersnu haviui! oliicctlons to wild account may lie nruril at tlie time and place nforesald. WII,I.IAiW J. WUI.DUN, Perkins & lluifcy, Itxvcutor. Attorneys for gxecutor. Notice to Creditors In the Circuit Court of tlwSUteof Uncoil for thu County ( Multnomah. Department of Probate, In the Mutter of the Jitteo( Stanley Itorusiewski Drcpasrd. Notice Is given of the death of Stanley llomsicwkki. and Hint the uudersik'iied hits been duly appointed executrix of hit l.itkt Will nnd 'Icktttinent nnd of his en title, and hns miuliued. All urwlis hav Hi),' claims against said decedent, or his cktute, nre notified to present tame to me ut the office of my Attorneys, Per kins & lUlley. 1117 Hoard of Trade JluihliiiK, Portland, Oregon, with proper voucners, uuiy veriiimi u rpnrcti ny law, within six months from the date of thu firtt publication of this notice, to wit: July 18th, 1919. CAMIM.H PIMP. IWecutru, EXPRESS We haul any thing, any lime, any place. Prices reasonable Daily Trips to Portland Enquire, 317 N. Jersey St. coiuS." 377 Wnnted Men or women to sellguurunteed hosiery to friends nnd neighbors. Handsome pro fits made in either full or spare time. Full lino of men's, worn en'B nnd children's up to-date styles. Largo commission. Ex perienco not necessary,--Phoenix Hosiery Co. Darley, Pa. KODAK DEVELOPING iromptly done, The HOES TUDIO. opposite Centru School, ItOGBHS has tho largest as. sortment of GLOVES in 'town a.Jv '.H. IT- Pianist Teacher Studios: ?,1L'V!",wort'1 Av.em,e Phones: Woodlawn 2002; Oolumbttt 664 Mrs. Gabriel Puliin" Vocal Teacher Dinphrain llrenthliijr, l'nrwnrd Tone plncenicnt nnd Clear diction, Pupils tmtgluto take part In Trios and Quartettes. 906 Lombard St. Phone ColnrobU ltt Mrs. Frank A. Rice TKACIIKW. Of , Violin, Alnndolin nnd Piano I'upll ot Notre Ddinc Studio: 60'J W. Jt In stwt Telephone ColuitiblH 389 l'uilUtnny IxetHnc JUmlwrii ot the JitmiHt: Orchrrtrt whlcli will mnkc ytilk ipMtriNI monthly. ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street Phone Columbia H02 Mrs.BerthaC.Burdick (I.icetititnte of lite Royal Academ of Music, London.) , , Teacher of Piano . 1957 "oddest. lMiono Col. 873 Dr. W. J. GilslraM"' Physician anil Surgeon Glasses Accurately Filled oiM'ieit mums 0:00 to 111 M. Ol'l'IClte 1:.10 (o -I::t0 P. M. lWusuUt , 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. rtirttv Mill, Sundays, 0.00 to 10.0 A. M. Dr. Evart P. Borden DUNTIST 1'nitilcs.H Hxtrnctioti of Toctlt under.' Nitrous Oxide Ciih Oiiicc Peninsula Dunk bld. - . (Illlce phone Col. 026; re phone Col. .177 Hour 0-12 n. 111. ', l ;'M 6 and J-8 p. in. Dr. Herbert F. Jones!.' CHIROPRACTOR ' 311 North Jersey StreeL "L" Day Phone Night (pWi Coluinlilu 1)7 CoIiiiiiImm 01)0 Phone Columbia 379 Res. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Stirj;cn Room 10 i'eniiiNiilit lUnk lluildiug DR. L P. PlCKIsNS, DENTIST Onicc IIoumH to 12 A. M. I to ti K AI ,ft Hveiilii): 7 to 0 Peninsula Hank llhl. ,! Ollice Phone Columbia S3 LEWIS CALDWEIX LEADING 11AHHEU . v The place where k,mI rrvk hm4 courteous tretmeiit pu-mil. IhlMfWt' lulr cutting revelvt- pi ml MtUiilloit. 100 BURLINGTON STREET ' Davis Barber Shop ml RATI! ROOMS S. tf. DAW, I'ropntur ', ., J 108 Philadelphia bt, 11a 1 1 1 25c, St. Johns Undertaking-Qo..' 208 N. Jersey Street ' I'hoim: Colmiihl fit-1 Columbia M Automobile lleri. 8j Our Pr'ecj Befwe Wng to Psdkiiul - PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT & REALTY 00 H. HENDERSON, Mana0or 402 N. Jurtoy Slrot Abtrui U of Title l'irmrd Titles hxaitiiiied Phone Columbia 26S Hauling and Moving,, OP ALL KINDS , Done Quickly and Prtmipilw. Daily Trip to and hum Portbutd. . S. I LI XX , . Phone Col. ioso 718 fc Richmond . Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE - Sand and Gravel Hauled ' , Daily Trips to Portland Phone Col. 309 206 K. JERSEY SI Wood of all kinds Auto Express Prices Iteusoruible Prompt UrirYic a. I St, QwhI Si'wuiiihiiii'i Si n; .. GEORGIA RICH Nt. fa ui! b rour p"0 it,