St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 01, 1919, Image 4

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evolution of the Butterfly From Hide
out Worm to Deauty Matter of
Only 8hort Time.
Tho butterfly poctlcnlly Ilvos on tliO'
nectar of flouern. Just ns n person
clmnces his mutes nn ho becomes'tnoro
refined so docs (lint lovely crcliturc of'
the nlr ndop( n different menu when
lio dons his wings. Tnkc, for In
tnnce the mourning clonk butterfly,
Roniotlracs cnllod the Cninhorwell
Bcnuty; In his orlglnd stntc he Is hid
eous, oven for a worm, blnck, covered
with white spots nnd stiff tufls of hutr.
Ho Is on object to mnko women
nerenm nnd to be nvoldeil by every
body who does not know wlint be Is
gulnjr to bo Inter on. In this condi
tion ho crunches leaves Kreodlly nnd
Is a rerltnble glutton until the time
coMi's for him to hnnjr lilnisclf up by
thn (nil nnd nwnlt devclopmunts. Then,
behold, ho comes out some lino moru
Ititf.a creuttiro of grrut splendor. Thrcu
Ruches does be inensuro from tip
to tip of his fteiil-hrown velvet wIiirs
which nre handsomely bordered
with yellow nnd ornnmcnted with pur
plo spots odtrcd with blnck. Nowly
bom until Innocent ns ho Is nnturc til
rendy hns given him the Instlurt to
protect' himself, not by fighting but by
atrntcgy, Ho enn feign denth with
the success of an opossum plnylng
the snmo gnmo, nnd this ho dues when
Oaring nu nttncl; from n bird, for ho
knows, somehow, Hint bis foo enres
only for living prey. Ho tho butter
fly skims nbout through tho air sip
plnrthe sweeta of thu flowers, kissing
tho roso nnd tbtj cnrnntlon, no longer
In danger of encounters with pnrls
green nnd finding tho world a pnrndlse.
arc the
Bfore Samutl Sloeum'a Invention
Then Articles Sold at $3 a
Ooxtn Wholeaalt.
Tho first mnchlnn for tho mnnufne
ture of pens wns tho Invention of nn
Amnrlcnn, Hnmtinl Hlocum, who wns
born VJ1 'yenrs ngo. As n result of
Ms Invention atovl pens, nlthoiiRli mndo
by Imtul long before, rntno Into geiicrnl
usn nntl soon dlsjilnred tho quill. lie
font Hlnnun's maclilno begnu turning
nut pens In Inrgo iiunntltles nteel pens
aold nt whobunle fur iiboul .1 n dozen,
but by 18.10, thnuks to tho Improved
process of ninnufncturi, the price was
reduced to nbout 18 cents n tliueii, nn
ozcJinnge slates. Tho nuclunl Hgyp
tlitis urd n brush or ro1 pen n writ
ing on the dcllcnte meinbrnne obtained
by unrolling Hid Mem of the papyrus,
n wnter plnnt once nbundniit nlong tho
Nile. The undent Orccks nnd ItoinniiH
nlso used n reed cut lu n point Mm
liar to (ho modern pen. In tho mid
tlltr uges n meliil stylus wns used to
write on wood coated with wnx. Quills
were first used ns pens In the fifth or
sixth century mid their uno beriimo
general. "Iron pens" wero inndn ns
twrly as 10X1, but tho quill held Its
vogue until tho Invention of machinery
foivpen making placed pens within tho
men of nil.
Sugar From tho Qarden.
(Inrduiicra who cannot rnlso sugar
cann may be Interestctl In thn follow
rtig description, which npienrs In
Chambers' Journnl, of thu proceM of
extracting kiignr from beets. Tho mini
tear munt exurcUn grcnt euro In liar
trttlng tho roots that the tender skin
bs'.not broken. Tlia first oieratloti li
to reinovo nil dirt by washing, after
which tho beets nru boiled In water
until tho skin peels off pithily They
are next cut Into thin slices, placed
In n pan, Just coverMl with wnter,
brought to n boll once more, uiul then
Irtt to simmer for ten hours. The re
suiting pulp Is put Into muslin bag
and ktjufexed until nil the J ill re Is ex
tractrd. Thu Julco Is boiled down to
a very thick sirup that uiuke u good
nuhntttiita for foinnieri'lnl hiignr As
the sirup will not keep for mom than n
few weeks, It U nilvUfthla to mako
only a small supply at a time. Tho
ruota, however, can bo stored for a
ltii period without deteriorating if
tliey are kept dry und fro from frost
YU l)i's Companion.
What tha Sun Does.
Letting the sun shine for a given
tltu upon tho blackened cover of a
box filled with wnter or noiue other
llqnld, nnd noting tho rise In temper
turn, affords us u method of upproxl
mating tha amount of heat liven off
by the sun, lly such a method it Is
Mtlumted that (ho curth rocolvtu ev
ery second from tho sun uiougli heat
to raise 000.000.000 tons of Ico v. titer
to the boiling point, or to melt 430,000,
000 tops of ce without change In tern
peratum. If this is tho amount that
the earth receives, think of (he amount
thst.wuflt be pNslug off Into Npncu und
other planets. This amount bus tiHn
compwted to be 2.V00.000.000 times iih
that which tho earth roculveit. Scien
tists have sliowu (hut tho uuiount of
heat received by us from the sun may
vary ns much ns live per cent In livu
thau a week.
Marvelous Dlrda,
"Speaking of hens," said an Aiuerl
imu traveler, "reminds me of an old
hen my dad had ou a farm In Dukotn.
Kite would batch out anything from u
tennis ball to a lemon. Why, one day
the sat on u piece of Ice and hutched
uut two quarts of hot water!' "That
doean't come up (o a club-footed tun
my old mother onco bad," mid one of
his bearers. "They bad 'been feeding
her by mistake on saw dust Instead of
oatmeal. Well, fehe laid twelve eggs
atl t on (hem, nnd when they were
hatched eleven of the twelve were
wd iwckers,"
Deofnass Cannot Do Cured
Vy tort! application, m thtjr cannot rch
taa'4ltaT iwrtlon of lh ar. Thtr I
oalr'on way m cur ilvalm, anil tint U
by enatlltiloia rtmrclr. l(nr la
fud liy an luQaiimd comllllou ut in mu
,ru ilnlujf of ttt Hualachlait TuU. Whin
Ifcl tub la lunanud you liava a rumb'lnc
4uaVor IjalKlf'Ct hratlni. and when II la
uaJior li
eiBW, l
aeurW eliatd. Dralnoa la lb leaull. and
lialaM ah InSammallun can b laawi uut
jktaTTaUti'lub rcatorid to Ita normal cooJI-
imi, hckrlnr will l dcatroytd forvri nln
( out or tfii ar cauaetl
by Catarrh.
alch I nolhlni but an lnfumtJ cundlllvn
i inucou auriacta.
will l On Hundred Pollara (or any
0( Vtklotn (cauatd by catarrh) that
rt t cur by llall'a Calarrb Cur.
Ht circular, fr.
jr. J. CHKNRT CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
U k Drufilala. Tie.
UtXV Faally I'll la for couttpaUaa.
w . i .
The rcnomlnatlon of John Skclton Williams, of Virginia, to be
Comptroller of the Currency for .mother five years after a Democratic
Senate refused to confirm his nomination at the last session fore
shadows a continuance of the fight against Williams' confirmation.
Representative Mcl'addcn, of Pennsylvania, a member of the Hanking
nnd Currrncy Committee, is leading the House opposition to continu
mice of the Comptroller's office, lie is author of a bill to vest the
function of the office in the Federal Reserve Hoard, asserting that
Williams' conduct In office has demonstrated the danger to the country
lies in the nuuse of large powers granted to
when those officers nre inclined to be autocratic, will again refine to confirm Williams.
National Vulcanizing Co.
205 S. Jersey Street
With yunrti of experience in the Inrgc shops nnd well fitted
up with the Intent equipment, vc nre prepared to turn out work
In n business like nanncr nnd with neatness and dispatch.
We nlho hniidle nn uptodute line of Tires nnd Accessories,
and have new nnd second hnnd Tires for Sale. ,
If you nre in need of ntiy work in our line, (jive us n cnll nnd ,
we will KUtirnutcc entire .snllsfnctiou.
Our prices are ns low ns i;ood work can be done for. '
JIOYU-: & CLADKK, Props.
Delicate Mechanise
Despite its scope Swift &
Company is a business of in
finite details, requiring infinito
Experienced men must know
livestock buying with a knowl
edge of weight, price, tho amount
and quality of meat the live
animals will yield.
Each manufacturing operation must
bo done with expert skill and scientific
precision. A highly perishable product
must be handled with speed and enro
to avoid loss.
Chemists, engineers, nccountants,
and other specialists are required to
take care of our intricate problems.
Alert wisdom and judgment must
bo used in getting stocks of goods into
the open channels of demand through
our four hundred branch houses.
Branch house organizations must
show activity and energy to sell nt the
market in tho face of acute competi
tion from other large packers, and
hundreds of small ones.
All these requirements of intelligence,
loyalty, devotion to the task, are met
in tho personnel of Swift & Company.
Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent
per pound with costs at minimum.
How can the workings of this deli
cate human mechanism bo improved
Do you believe that Government
direction would to our efficiency
or improve the service rendered the
producer and consumer?
Let us send you a Swift "Dollar".
It will interes( you.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, III.
Swift & Company, U. S. A
HV iSfr VavV wmaccomes or IM
1 W N9 tHE AVtRACt 001UR H
Wtm lie ia raonu ro SWIFT & COMPANY
awawaaalllf.vox eia i CIHI, i,rA10,o ihi 1 aHHai
li'J' Ta&ixkRialrl I W HHCtNtiriR uioit
W AF ' "7v ein and , mailt
Printing this office
High Wages
You can earn the pay of a skill
ed operator if you make your own
clothes; anything you buy ready-to-wear
you pay the wage scale.
Make this money yourself; buy a
Uuttcrick Pattern and do your dress
making at home. We have the
patterns and the material. You
do not have to pay car fare even.
Some Goods wc Carry
Ginghams, Devonshires, Per
cales, School Day Cloth, Galatea,
Crepes, Outings, French Serge,
American Serge, Empress Cloth,
Poplins, Flurettes, Taffeta, Mess
alines, Holdings, Satins and Sat
ino Linings, Organdies, Voiles.
No business was over built up in a locality like ours by depending upon the transient trade. No stor6 can
survive here that expects to do business with a customer but once.
Values must bo true to command tho return customer. If we catered to the high priced trade this store
would have gone with the first that went. If we sold only cheap goods we would havo lasted about one year.
The men of this locality know that what we have to sell to them is in every way dependable, not too high
and not too cheap, just the happy medium.
Headlight Overalls
1. The Oaks
2. Council Croht
II. Columbia Ikach
1. CryMul Lake Park
f). Hock Isliuul
0, Dodge Park
7. Kstaeadu Park
8. Hull Run Park
!). Mucleuy Park
10. Peninsula Purk
11. Washington Park
12. Oak Grove Park
IS. Mt. Tabor Purk
U. Riverside Park
Try Them by Trolley
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
C, CliniiiWi, Mrs. II. K. Lowry
Funeral Directors
KtHiiiK"vorMi Avenue
TilrjJtonc. Wood lawn 330C C 1133
Mr, Cliitmbeis i the only G. A, K.
umWrtuler in the citv of Portland.
l'rrsotml intention ami supervision
Kivru to arrutiBeineiiti .
Building Contractor
Day or Job Large er Small
Phone Col. 1133 912 iO. JTaCUSe il.
St. Johns Fuel Co.'
Vhone Cqlumbia 918
101 Hast Richmond Street
Residents of St. Johns having
taxes and city liens to pay in I
Portland can make their pay-
ments without, inconvenience by
nvnuinir themselves of our ser
vices. Vo will pay samo and
securo your receipt without in
convenience to you. Fee, 25
cents. References: Any St.
Johns Rank. Peninsula Title,
Abstract and Realty Co.. bv H.
Henderson, Manger;402 North
Jersey street.
The Store That Cares For
Goods and Shoes for Everybody
For every effort expanded (here
is a compensation either in a ma
terial return, ndded mental or
physical strength. It rests with
you whether the cfIor( is well di
rected nnd the return helpfully
You are RoitiK to get out of
your little home in St. Johns nil
that you put into it or more.
Give your home life abundance of
industrious effort und you will
get out of it the satisfaction some
thing well done for yourself und
you will have influenced your
neighbor for better things.
Plant a prune tree or a cherry
tree on your lot and in a shorter
time than you realize you will be
paid for the. effort and care of
nurturlngs its tender years. Peo
ple right here in St. Johns hnvc
sold cherries (his season to (he n
mount of $200. 00 from just (luce
or four (rces (hat grew in (he or
dlnary ynrd.
Wlint you put into your home
intelligently and conscientiously
will antic some one else to make
(he same sort of effort.
Your wife ncctla occasional chniiRC
fiom (lie routine of the liotnc nnd a
return from n vncatlon will give atltletl
lutrtct to her rtroxnttit.
The Kids In the atorctaml office tlo
more IntcrcitliiK work If given an oc
cnilounl hour or two of rccicatlou ilur
in (lie ilit) ; Hint I why wc like (o
close our itorc lutlf tiny In (lie itiltlillc
of (lie week during (lie lummcr.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Idc Collars Best Knit
Auto Supplies
Paints are advancing "Buy Now"
Enamel your floors with Kyainze
Enamels, all colors
See our Home Fruit Dryer
Contract with us for your winter
supply of Coal before the price ad
vances. Home Mercantile Co.
209 West Burlington Street
"Surest Thing You Know,"
says the Good Judge
It's a cinch to get a real
quality chew and save
part of your tobacco
money at tne same
A small chew of this good tobacco
gives real lasting satisfaction.
put ut in two styles
RIGHT CUT is n short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and get acquainted.
Knitting is popular.
Our stock of Knitting Worsted
is varied and well chosen.
Patrons tell us so.
The price is the same as last
You cannot make your own
corset but you can buy righthere
one of the very best. It . is" the
Warner Rust Proof and our prices
are better than the City agency.
Regal Shoes
Knights and Ladies of Security
bt. Johns Council 2775
KckuIiu- Ilutlucu nii-ctliiK lt ami 3rd
Monday. 0cii medium ' lite jititillc
and members 2ml ami -Mi Mondays. Vis
itors ami intmbcr cordially invited to
attend ut lllckncr Hall.
Prqnk C. Gnsser, Pres.,,
Lester Tceling. Secretary.
No. 18G I. O.iO.T.
iieU ach Monday veiling U Odd F
lonsliall at 8;oo. A cordlsl welcome to
all vlsUIni! brothers.
i'rttl lla.ktll. NoUOnn4
C. V llabl. Vic (Siaml
Joe Ktfila, Krc ftrc.
O. W. Notfne. I'ln.Hee.
II. V Claik Tiraa.
St, Johns Gamp No. 7546
Modern Woodmen of Amorlca.
Wc heartily solicit the attendance of
our members ot our rrgular meetings
every juurway evening.
A. I., aiarcy, ueo, iiuiiin, uicric
Contul. 1QS Smith avenue
Meets every l'llduv ulvht at
7130 o'clock in lllCKNUR
llal. VUltors always wU
GI'.O. HARRIS, C. C. ,
Woodmen of the World
St. Johns Qamp 773
Meet every Thursday evening in
I. O. O. V. Hall, Leavilt and Jersey
M reels. Visitors always welcome.
THOS. COUl'Il.t. C
W. I. COON, Clerk.
Oregon Building, 5th and Oak
Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321
Mill wood mostly liuide, large percent
age dry enough (or immediate use 14.60
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
A. W. D A V I
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary PaWjfc
Ust your properly with mo if fyou
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
rrc: r r '
Peninsula Bank Building.
Hours 9-to a. in. i5 p. m. and
Office phone Col. 354; Res. 910
j. it weimer
Transfer and Storaga
We deliver your trood la and frm
til pcU of Portland, Vancouver, Lisn-
too. PortUnd and Suburban Exmvm
C., city dock and all pelnta aceawihU
Vr warren ( ami fm llw i tia
Pbone Woodlawa -t
Wa CHand BHr
Tin SkMwwt Ckawfs.
Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations and Ats
pairing a specialty
H4 Mm W ywr ptr."
1 an Urtmrr -r