BEDS On Easy Terms 1 We have just received a lot of new light steel beds. They are strong and durable, easy to move about, sanitary and easily cleaned. These beds ore constructed of light steel tubing, electrically welded. All beautifully enameled. One Design Is a round one and -two Inch contin uous posts with Inch to 2 Inch filler rods, head and foot. Another Design is of square tubing with square fill er rods. Beds arc finished In Ivory, Vernls Martin, and Im niltatlon Quartered Oak. PRICES REASONABLE Terms a small payment down and a small amount each week makes you the owner of one of these beautiful beds. Store closes at 8 P. Al. Saturdays, other days at 6:00 P..A1. Your Credit is Good ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns Auto Tires Auto Accessories We carry a very complete stock of everything pertaining to an Auto mobile. We are agents for Good year, United States and Goodrich .Tires, and can fill your wants. Why not give us your Tire business? Prices are just the same. St. Johns Hardware Co. Agency for Goodyear Tires St Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. The Grabateria Cash Grocery The sales of the Scales & Currier Grabateria keep up because the prices are kept down. It is easy to prove that our prices are lower than the regular charge account several-del ivcries-a-day Grocery, We make the prices consistent with a large vol ume of buying, with the minimum o overhead ex pense because we employ no bookkeeper, we make but one thorough delivery each day, we are both ac tively engaged in the business, we eliminate the losses on charge accounts and -our rent is low. Make up a substantial order for us, give us your check and we will convince you that ypxx are saving money. Try it. The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery 0 SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWWCBS Lownoy'a Candy Ansco Films ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Prescriptions a specialty "Water Glass" the Egg Preserver New Columbia Records Briruj in your Films, all work done promptly Phone Columbia 138 105 North Jersey St. Local News Still n few flags left at this office. Better secure one now. A little rain would do n lot of good. u Amos Benson was a Seaside vUitor tho first of tho week. The Peninsula Bank is boinjr treated to a now dress of paint. o C. Bauehmnn and family have been spending a few days at Seaside. W. H. Denrinc has embellish ed his nlaco of business on South Jersey street with a handsome coat or two of paint. John Dickson has returned from the Good Samaritan hospi tal, whero he had undergone two ouerations. He is now getting along nicely. W. C. Ashby has the thanks of tho editor for one of the finest heads of lettuce that we hnve yet scon. It was n flattering demonstration of what bt. Johns soil will produce. On July 28th Mr. Edward Mnrdis nnd Miss Blanche L. Wright were united In marriage at tho homo of Dr. II. V Jones, who performed the ceremony that made tho happy couple man and wife. Somo rnscnl stole tho clock off Dr. Jones' auto whil; It was parked near tho Chautauqua and the Dr. suggests that the inUiv- dual come hack una get the unl nnco of the setting, bo ho may iavo a complete outfit. Rev. W. W. Youncrson. D. D.. District Superintendent Metho dist Episcopal church, will hold the Fourth Quarterly Confer ence ot tne bt. Jonns ciiurcu Tuesday evening. August nth. Tho Annual Conference will be held in Salem October 1-6. At tho Methodist Episcopal church tho Sunday morning sub cct will lie, "The I'rinco of .'arables." During tho month of August tho Epworth League and church services will be merged into one fine service at 8 p. m. The topic next Sundav evening will be, "followers or i Joyful Christ." M-s. Mell ngor of tho Portland settlement center will address this meet ing. As a result of several com plaints from various quarters, Chief Johnson issued a mem orandum Friday to the captains of police calling attention to tho city ordinance which prohibits the calling of papers by news boys earlier than a o'clock bun- day morning and for tho early night editions later than 11 'clock every night. Annoyed by the cries, people have com plained, it is said, that they can not sleep for tho noise created by newsies. Hereafter in addition to ap- apportioning the Thanksgiving turkey and the pennies given in change by conductors, father wi II have to keen a roster for passengers on the family motor cycle, according to Captain Harms of the police force. lie- cinning with the arrest at 7:30 Saturday morning of H. Laison, 351 East Third street, at Schuy- er Btreet and Union avenue, charged with carrying more than two persons on his motor cycle, the ordinance prohibiting such practices will be strictly en forced. Captain Harms de3ires to issue this warning, says the Telegram. Miss Hazel M. Peterson, one of St. Johns' most estimable young ladies, was united in marriage bunday afternoon, Jply 27th, to Mr. Clyde 0. Lewis, or acotts Alius, Marion County, where Miss Peterson las taught school for two years since her graduation from James John High. The ceremony was performed by Hev. J. rl, Irvine, n the presence of a few immed iate friends, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bowe. old time friends of the bride, and at whose wedding two years ago Miss Peterson acted as brides maid. Light refreshments and an auto trip to the new hearth stone closed the happy dav. Subject for Christian Science ' serrices Sunday, August 3, , "Love." ! We understand that a meeting of the citizens of St. Johns will soon be called to nid in the selection of a park site. GLOVES LAUGH ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGURS THE RAINCOAT MAN Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Campbell will leave this week for a six 1 weeks' sojourn at the seashore . resorts. A bouncing eight pound baby boy arrived at the home of ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fussett Tuesday morning. Mrs. Chns Muck returned last Saturday evening from an en joyable six weeks' visit witli relatives and friends in Wiscon sin nnd other Eastern states. Mr. Paul Luther Wise and Miss Alico Elizabeth Doty were mnrried at the home of the bride 1G52 Van Houtcn street, July 2Gth, Dr. H. F. Jones perform ing tho ceremony. Do not over look tho fact that wo still have a few flags for sale. If you do not possess one better sec about it now. Call at the Review office nnd look them over. Mrs. Myra C. Eaton, Past Grund Matron and Present Grand Secretary of tho Eastern Star of tho stato of Mississippi, who has been attending the General Grand Chapter at Seat tle, stopped ovor for u short visit with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lewis, friends of her girlhood. The Chniitntinun which closed Sunday evening' was well at tended throughout nnd nnnarcnt ly nil who attended were well pleased with the entertainment provided. Enough signers were secured to assure the coming of tho Chautauqua again next year. Nicholas Krym died nt his home, 110 Hurtman street. July 20th, nged 28 years. He wus tho son of Nicholas Krym. The funeral services were held Tuos dny, July 22, nt 10 a. in., nt the chnpel of Miller &Trncey. Inter ment in Columbia cemetery. Georgo Sears, aged 44 years. died nt his home, 0121 Oswego street, July 29th. Ho was the husband of Ethel Sears una the father of Anna Mny Sean, a so brother of Mrs.Lonora Cunning hum and Mrs. Anna King, both of St. Johna. The funeral ser vices were held ThurHduy. July 3l8t, at 2 p. in., at the chapel of Miller & iracey. Mr. fa ears was a painter n. tho local ship plant. Interment at Multnomah Park cometerv. Forty-seven yenrs without closing hia eyes, then a period of total blindness and final re storation of full vision is tho re cord of a Bangor, Maine, photo grapher. An explosion of chemi cal burned away ihe lids on both eyes. Forty-seven years later, both eyes went blind from cat aract. In a Philadelphia hospi tal the cataracts were removed. sight restored, and with a grnfl from his leg. a new sot of eye lids was made. Surgery has many a triumph. In a public sale on tho steps of the Multnomah county court house yesterday afternoon, William W. Crawford purchased the Monarch lumber mill, Iccat ed in the industrial center oj. the Peninsula. His bid for the mill and site was $530,000 and for the lumber yard. $12,000 making a total of $542,000. Crawford, who was tho only bidder, is the mortgagee of the property, the amount of the mortgage being $600. 000. There is over $5000 in taxes delinquent against the property and this sum will be paid when the mort gage is finally satisfied in the court records. Deputy District Attorney Arthur Murphy re presented the county at the sale. The Monarch mill, which is one of the largeit in tho Northwest, has been tied up in litigation for tho past six years. During this time it has remained idle most of the time, but wan put into use during tho emergency period of the war last year. It is said that the sale yesterday cleared up the final bit of litigation and be put into opera- it will soon t'nn, Hlcctttc Vncuuui Clcnncr (or rent. It. 1'. Clark. U Hear John McCormack any day nt Currins. Sotting hens wanted. Colum bia 114. Wear ROGERS' WORK PANT.S. When in need of small arti cles, get them at the 5-1015c store. St. Johns; in tho Penin sula National Bank Building. EVERYTHING for the nmn teur photogrnphor at CURRINS. For Rent-Five room house. Call 712 Smith avenue N. JAZZY NECKTJESG'Jc. ROG ERS. KODAK FINISHING. Good work quickly done. Tho HOES STUDIO. With a VICTROLA in your home every musical longing is satisfied. CURRIN SAYS SO. St. Johns Fair Store, E. W. Foy, prop.; household utility supplies nnd general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Electric store. If you don't got the host kodak finishing it is your own fault, because wo do the BEST WORK every day. Currln Says So. Enlargements free with each dozen portraits. Tho Hoes Studio. Men's Rubbers $1.10.-ROG-ERS. One swallow does not make a Hummer, but one swallow of our SPRING TONIC will make you feel as if summer was here. CURRIN SAYS SO. Wanted Sowing. Mrs. Anna King, G02 Allegheny street. 2t Snfc Deposit Boxes: Protect your papeiHNind valuables from fire ami burglary. Peninsula Se curity Company. Panama Hats $2.00 and $2.50. -ROGERS. Remember wo carry at all times all the Intest hits in VIC TOR and PATHE records thnt are procurable. CURRIN SAYS SO. Wanted A laborer and chip per. Apply American Marine iron Works. St. Johns. Have your photo mndu by HOES. If my work pleases you; ploaso tell your frionds. If not, tell me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. Who can bettor judgo the quality of a Talking Machine than the world's greatest art ists?, TheVictrola is tho in strument they favor. Currin Says So. For Salo by Ownor Throe room house, lot 25x100 fcot; cheap, on terms. 710 Calhoun street. Dr. T. L. Perkins. Dentist, Ex-City Comii3ioner of Finance, has again resumod tho practice of hia profession in the Medical Building, corner Park and Al der streets. adv. Private family room, lady as sistant, complete auto equip ment, beautiful floral chapel, re fined service. Reasonable charge. Miller & Tracey, Independent Funerid directors. See ad. in this issuo. Nothing to put on, nothing to take ou, just a turn ot the ha is all that is nnrnHHnrv tn mn the Brunswick Phonograph, the all record machine without a rival. CURRIN SAYS SO. See J. F. Gillmore, 113 1 2 N. Jersey street, for somo special prices on vacant lots for a few days. One on North Syracuse at half its value, $375; $100 cash. Also some extra good buys in houses and lots on easy terms. As a special inducement for thirty days, beginning August 1st, wo will give an extra en larged portrait with every $5.00 order for work at our studio. -Tho Huff Studio, 204 Jeraey street, St Johns. VICTROLA NO IV A. G dou bio disc recordH, 12 selections, needles, record brush and all ac cessories, $30.10. Pay $4 down iUnd $1.00 per week. Currin's. BANK OF COMMERCE Renders an all round banking service of real merit. We invite your account, whether commer cial or savings; No. 114 North , ' V.. ... : $1500 STOLENJN STREET CARL DERG ROBDBD IN PLAZA BLOCK WHILE PRUOQED Shipyard Worktr Draw Saving for Trip to Curopt), Wakct Up to Find Sttf Paupar. Hard earned savings, accumulated during tunny months of toll in a thlnvard at St. Helens nnd amounting to f 1500, we J by Carl IJerR of the lower rlv roncc who arc mves Inclined to b drugged a Her Orcgoiiiiin This man's money would have been PERFECTLY SAFE if he had provided himself with Travelers' Cheques or drafts instead of carry- mg it about with him in cash. : i-Vm. Ask at Window No. 8 for infor mation on the best way to send money to all parts of this country or abroad. Peninsula National Bank Portland, Oregon Member of Federal Reserve Bank DEPOSITARY FOR UNITED STATES. STATE OP OREGON. COUNTY OI' MULTNOMAH AND CITY OF PORTLAND 7 t t YOU ARE ON PATH THE RIGHT If you como hero to buy yoiir groceries. Wu stock only tlm best that tho market nll'orda--not only urn some of our linet of cxcllenct quality, but our entire stock is hold up to a uniform average of highest quality, so anything and everything you buy here is of the best. MUCK GROCERY Phone Col. 1 18 i i rtir 301 S. Jersey Si. USE Rock Spring Coa i AND Green Slabwoo Be Sure and Order From St. Johns Lumber Co. NO WEARY HOURS In the homo provided with ont of our model talking machines. For there is always at command entertainment tf any kind pit ferred, The most clastic eot positions or the latent danee music. Thu moHt thrilling mIm or the rollicking sonjes of tlt dny. Come nnd learn what a pur feet companion a talking in chine can be. St. Johns Phonograph Company 317 N. JERSEY STREET i nil The St. Johns Shoe Shop 201 South Jersey Street Does all kinds Shoe tt pairing. Rubber heel put on in f minute. All work guaranteed Union Shop BE A LEADEr ' A Uttt W '( 'II 111 t,iUt Ma'r i'J mtj I l t f.l , 4" " -I l An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present genei .. Arc you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? Oregon Agricultural College Train, f'X lffejfftup in the Induttrtct n4 pfvfMti m f it t HOME ECONOMICS, AGRICULTURE COMME.KCE KOUKSTKY I'HAKMACY MUSIC. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIL BNi.UKERINii H-LCT8U AL ENUINEEKINO. MECHANICAL ENOINEBHINO, CIIEMICAI ENUINEKKINU IM USTRIAL ARTS, MINING ENOINEERINU, LOCIjINO bNOINKKRINu. MIUTAKY SCIENCE Th Cell, it litiniri Include. nui In KnjKh, E r. nut, Aj M jlhrui jl , MoJ-rn LaniiMitt, Phyuctl tduc.uon, Induiintl Juuintlitm, M.tulil iicn cl ui til t.ii ali c( m 4utioo. Three regular terms -Fall term begins September 22, 1919 MlillmMil.nlliil! t" .1.1. Jill i tJ" t U iM.ruUllurf Fu Collctt ClIo, lllmtuttd UAII nj uhtf mfixnulion JJfell THE REOISTKAR, Ortion Amtullultl Colic. t. Cw villi,