St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 01, 1919, Image 2

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A. W. Marlclc, Jldltor
Published Friday of Bach Week
Subscription prion $1.00 por your.
Outside of Multnomah Cownty J2.00
AflYJtaauoRAai; 25 cents perinpn
loh laicrttoii, Local! 6 cent per line,
minimum 2G cents,
yearly coutiact9,
Special rate on
TnR Rnvmw li entered nt
in rUIWHUU, WlCfJUU, no moil
of the second claw under the Act of Con
,CreM of Mnrcll 3, 1879.
which will limit the business
of Portland and lorco it to go
to some other locality. I am of
the opinion that such a belt line
would have a tendency to
consolidnto Portland within its
present boundaries, and I there
fore submit my plan for the
consideration of the men who
are now planning for the fu
ture development of Portland.
This plan does not contem
til mntter I entire 22 miles of the belt line.
Peace and Quietude
Proposes Belt Line McKINNEY'S BARGAINS
Jvery once in a while some
one in the community in which
he or she resides makes o com
plaint to the authorities of chll
dren disturbing the quietude of
the neighborhood with their
wagons" and other noise making
devices. It has often been pro
pounded and discussed from
every angle that dogs and cats
wcro not- entitled to bo at
large in cities, but were wel-
come to roam around tho farm
house, and no farther. Should
said dog or cat get beyond the
confines of "his farm," he is
immediately declared to be an
Five room semi-modern house, outcast and a fuiritivo. to be
railway, completely encircling line corner lot, ciose 10 car ana eitncr nuntcu down and snot, or
the East side section of the city, nusiness center, at. jonna. assassinated with traps or pois
on, such ueing the case with
"oar best friends, that used to
be," it simmers down to a con
dition of whether the dog or cat
is an undesirable adjunct to civi
lized society in the city, or of
material benefit to the farmer
in assisting lum to protect his
home and property.
From u social standpoint we
aro of the opinion that neither
finer nr nnr in fhoan mrlinlnnf
Five room modern home, Well htmon in nf nnnclnl hnnnfU In flu.
located on carlino and hardsur human race, consequently it
laco Btreoi. rrico tow ours stands to reason that when
$1450. YOU pay $300 cash, bal- miinturin nnrl nnnnn i final rnrl In
waukoe& St. Paul railroads as "cc mommy. the pursuit of our daily social
Ircutint; engineer. Four room house, fino river anil Ilonncial avocations, it is
The proposed bolt lino would view, some fruit. My price nop unreasonable to suggest that
Construction of a belt line
nln fnc I t bj Price short time, $u&u.uu; can
ni,onn ttifitiat r ini niinn. ro. nay $150 cash, balance monthly.
i:.uin.r Mm rrnffin ponirnntinn You'd bettor look this over, if
:md making for better housing on tho buy.
conditions for work or s, is ad Three room house, fino river
vocntml by W. W. Amburn, con vjow hard surfaced street and
suiting railroad engineer. wno flewcr ,,n t,nid: prico $025 00.
hasma.inn thorough study oi y0u can pay $50.00 cash, bal-
tho industrial and raf way flliiiji- nco monthly. This lot alone is
tion in Portland. It is likely
that his plan will bo submitted
to tho city planning commission
for consideration. Amburn
formerly was connected with
the Great Northern, Northern
Pacific and the Chicago, Mil-
worth $850.00.
want this one.
Get busy if you
be Along tho routes of certain $550: can nrraniro terms.
fbl" VlEaJirS" lid Ihohorue. l''lv r00m ,10U88 modern CX
t -l tlt ,iil, awiMM '-. ''"a nmw "iiu uuiiiuo.
CUirjlIMlilVU. HID I'lWIt IUUTII1UO I i ni-,,-
for tho belt line to extend from
Oswego bridgo of the Southern
Pacific on tho Southern Pacific
lint to its junction with the
Portland Hallway, Light & Pow
or eoninnnv's broad nature line
uuvt of Sullwood. From tins $1500. Your terniB aro mine.
point the bolt lino would extend Nno ,...- mo,iorn ,
over tho P. It. L. & P. to Lents
Junction; thonco by the con
Htruction of a railway line at an
elevation uo that it will bo abovo
all ir ratio urouuings north to a
junction with the Mt. Hood lino
of tho Portland Hallway, Light $2000; terms.
& Power company just omit or kjvo room house, n dandy with
Montavllla; thenco on thu Mt. 1 1-4 acres of land clone In, well
Hood railway tracks for a short ioentiil! nrti syinn. Y(.m nv
dlstanco; thonce by tho con- sjjoo cash, balancd to suit.
children should not only .be
classed in tho same category as
the other nnimals mentioned,
but also to be restrained and
purged of their infantile sins.
Children, therefore, should be
bred and raised on tho farm,
tho same as nil politicians of
note have been, and in so doing
tho elders will not be annoyed
with wagons and other noises of
similar character, and when the
child becomes of mature age,
without tha necessity of being
muzzled or tagged, it can be
taken with safety to the city
mill mlnirln with htn "in lin
Pivn room modorn homo close funml" wUU nnrfr.Pt f.nHi nnrl
In. streets improved; price comfort: although his youthful
excesses may be saddened
when at first glance he beholds
Lot alone worth the money.
prico $1050: pay $250 cash,
bnlunco $10 monthly. This wont
Inst long.
Four room btinnlow.. new semi-
modern, fine location, today
copt electric lights; lot is 113x100.
My price $8UU; terms if you
Hotter sco me.
215 N. Jersey stroet.
Col. 2.
Htruction of new track around
tho east bans of Hooky Hulto to
a junction with the St. John?
cut-oir of tho O. W. H. H. AiN.:
thenco ovor the O. W. H. H. &
N to tho St. Johns municipal
terminal. From tho latter point
a connuction could be hud with exchange.
... . SI til II II I Kt I .1... I
mo u. w. iv. u. n. mm uie
Southern Pacific along tho east
flido of thu Willamette leading
to the present terminal yardH of
the transcontinental railroads.
From tho Oswego bridge to
the St. Johns municipal torminal
the route of tho proposed belt
linn is 22 miles in longth. of your account.
which nine miles would have cinl or savings.
to be conclmctcd in its onthoty
to muko connections with ox
isting lines. "1 submit this
plan for the consideration of
the people of Portland," said
Engineer Amburn today. "It re
quires tho building of nine
milin nf nnw rnilwiiv nnil wtlli
connecting linos would be local J''45" ' ono swallow of Cur-
ed near or Just out u do of thu rin's Spring 'Ionic don't mako a
prnisnt city bo-ndarles. bound mmpr. ono of HOGIJHS' $2.00
ine the city practically throe PANAMA HATS will mako you
sides, .nd providing 22 miles of lad summor ia here. Apologies
trackago for cheap industrial "rnns. udv.
sitos nli leh would be iiccch
ioio io in vrmviw popuiuucn host articles nt local police
' ,,'V",,M ' ""M" Mini ion: uuiys coat, checked
nlong this proposed bolt I '1'' pattern. Found on Hurlington
nuiiiu iiiiyu inn vuiiik'l-iui n in HirOOt. AlltOIllOll o ri. fniiiu
his new acquaintance. Ho may
in due time possibly through dil
igent and persistent study of
Inn liiminn mtlriMil ttt 1 to mni
Kf... t UA l fit i smiiiiiiii siiiiniiii in inn iiuiy
nw u r jum i.ouho wiui i i-i 0nv ronment ga in prcpondor-
wo I'oBated. nrlce$200p. nnco ovur his fellow kind and
About $500 cash, balance to eventually aspiro to social, poll-
suit purchaser. ileal and financial favor, which
In fact I have anything thai is very common at thu present
will nuit your tasto, for tialu tr time.
Then wo shall havo nenco and
quietude and. as for tho "class"
Phone which parforms tho meninl dut
ies of tho people in tho cities,
inoy aro restricted from nine
tinnlrifr nvpiml na lin((ttl
fiii vi wmtur.iivvjij tier 1)08 ton. In 1 l Is inn mini.
Hendera un all round banking we as a raco of beings walking
service or reai morn, wo invite on two legs will eventually be
whether commer- como millionaires and office
No. 114 North I holders raised on n fnrm. f!nn
Jersey street. ml v. tributed.
When the unusual character of
our offering of fine Paint be
comes generally known. Don't
you bo among those to come too
late, iho best choice is natur
ally tho best. Come at once
and get tho cream of the offer
Byerle & Armstrong
420 North Jersey. Street
Real Estate!
Central Location
Thirteen years in the busi
ness in St. Johns.
ListyourPrbperty withUs
We Alnkc Sales
S. C. Cook
'102 N. Jcrtvy Street
Ollkf Main 7SG7 Un. WoudlaHn 1 1 OS
IIoumiOA. M la SIMM.
Cvrnlnn ity ppnlnlmcnt
200-7.8 5WLUAND KtOG.
Will and WmhlnijIoM Streets
Portland, OrcBon
'4 J' V , ,
i. : . , i r' ' .... - "" -
I- - . ' l," ' 1 , ' " ' 1
. t.t- - , ,;.;,. fyyjt , '
. , -
,' 'w' ,
" ' -t ' . ":
i '
Touring cars, light deliveries -'
' ... : and one ton trucks. .
. 107 Pcsscnden St. V
Phone Col. 11 25 St. Johns .
. it
" ' '' v
' -i ,i
r :'
'.. V - ' i . : .!i '... ,
' -iv " ' '
i - j-,)- ". j. . . - -4'- . . i
'. ' L ' ' J: .
. -? - - r . 4
. '
r i .
i iu oiuu iv,iimy in u room m rfj jii a r
modern house, cloao in, or trade ' iUinlv cs
for lato model car, bal. payable
monthly, mono t:oi. (05.
Fine line oi Vegan's Candies
ES. 1 -CMir, a
Opponito Cvntrnl Sohool
Ed. iMonalian, Prop.
Dcnutlful amy or
blaok adult aatktl,
henrte, box, 2 autos'
ombolmlng and rofln
od nervleo for ...
07C I
l'nncwl if !. (rl for 20, f!W, fW, JC0. HikIic r priest fuiierol in pro.
"oriluu. y nuiiufncttirc uuikot. Iiily RMlttant,
lleaullful funeral chapel.
Main 2601 tndopondtnt runornl Dlractora A 7006
Waililnslon .it tll.t Sticrt, lletwccn 20th nml 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
Gil Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia 888
in I.tnnton district. Owners of I
tho above may havo samo bv
-. . i
proving property anil paylnjj
lor mis notico.
every r.Aihvay ontcrintr tho city
nnd thfl proponed industrial im
proroment in the peninsula (lis
trict nnd uvery dock in Port
land. "This proposed line eith
or rrnsseh or runs near tho cihIh
of tho present ntrt'et carlines, ror baleAbout an acre and
thus prundiiiK rnpid transit for "no halfof K'ood soil at Whitwood
wof-kt-m in ll tho industrios, t ourt, would bo splendid for
und fuc litatlnir travel in cot' niisinj? cherries or walnuts,
tine to and from their p'aces of rnco for a short timo $1000.
omployment. This plan would Could bo cut up in lots. Ad.
irreatly relievo the congestion In I -iross this oiiico.
tho downtown areas.
"If industries wero establish
od fid maintained along the
propose u uoit line, tho uvoruKO
i.. . ...
his nine, of omployment from fe" lJ$?l owler vcnue.or call
Notice to the Public
Kaat side
We wisli to announce that
have moved into our new garage at
21G North Jersey Stieet, where we
are netter prepared than ever to
Wanted Girl or wnmnn tn .In liL Pflfi rf nil KhcIiiacu iti Ahr lit'
Ml . " I vt itti inuimvPJ 111 UU( 111
iiwMMwti vi n iiu " (laillllK. I n i. .. . . . ... I
n 111 IVIir LT t 1 1 1 rllhl fi 1 111 IIU lltlll I
HllllIVM J tlil f III UV I
prompt nnd careful ntteution.
As our new quarters are much
more commodious thuu our Rich-
mond Street -juroRc we will be eu
abled to turn out work with more
dispatch, and will have plenty of
Announcement !
We wish'to.announce that The
Electric Store will hereafter be
known as the PENINSULA
are riqaqed
In jurrdsiunq.
wmz in.
Dear Mary: ' T
Well, tliere's going to be nnotlier wedding soon. You
know Judith is visiting me. Billy F has been coming
around often, but I did not dream that he was serious un
til last night when Frank and I came home we saw them
thru the window. When we went in they blushed; they
confessed. But it is a good match for Judith and it will
please her mother. I can already see myself picking out
the furniture we are going to give them for presents. It's
the most sensible gift
Excitedly HELEN.
P. S. It's another trip to
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jercy St.
Store closes at 8 P, Al. Saturdays, other days at d:30 P. Al.
H'osij uou unc, nm average P, . " ii f,:..i i T n All w
tui w vhich u workor wnnld nttondiiiK IIikIi School or
418 N. Jersey
Ray B. Walls
C. Gildner
any stction of the
would bo 2 h'd mi ha instead of
nine miles, ma, distance ho Make money in your home
would have to ko if nil tho in- town in spare time. Sell hos.
dustriea were forced to concen- iory with a Riiarantoe. The
IIHIO oil uib iuillilnlllll. 11 nOIIKl I KIIUI t lllt WOll't WOnp nnr
prsvent the inevitablo tendency ljeady market in your own room for s,oraKe cnrs
in flrlvn flirt wnrHnir iminli. I .,,.!..l.l..l I m V. I
;r ";;., , "v .","u V i ""Knurnuuu. uiKiuonvy maKer,
tion. if the industrial district is Kxperienco unnecessary: wo
established on tho peninsula, to teach you. Phoenix Hosiery
tho Washincrton a do of tho C.n. vf Mnri. Sir g!..
r-t. ...i.j.i. i i .i ,'.", r'..""r "uuiuuii,
vjuiuwuim, which in tuns man riinauoiphia, 1'a.
two inneu irom ine proposed
on the Columbia
"If the proposed line wis in
stalled it would solve tho oro-
-1- .i. . .
ot wiiuiKS noil cos nt-t)
harmed for at tho rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desiring to
blam of cheao torminnl-i nn.l nJC. . "c" nonces . .puoiished
trihuting points for all parts of a,0lU(1 mwke n noto of th'8-
We invite the public to inspect
our new place of Imsiuess,
Woolley Bros.
216 North Jersey St.
Wiring, Fixtures, Automobile Accessories
Diamond TiresTStorage Batteries Recharged
the city. All the bulk freinht
oricinatinc: in the Willamette BANK OF COMMERCE
talley could be diverted around Renders an all round bankinir
the city, thus i relieving freight servico of real merit. Wo in-
cunKeuiuii in wiu ruuroau yaras vito your account, whether com
in the downtown districts and mercial or sawitiKS. No, 1M
eiimiimiuiK miucu ireiKiii cosis worth Jersey street. adv.
jor every ion ui ireiKUi uamiiea
through the congested terminals.
If some relief is not granted
within a few years from the
crowding of terminals in the
hrt of tho city, there will
soon be lack of yardage room,
For Sale Cheap
A plot of ground 100x600 feet,
which contains twelve 50x100 foot
lots, just across the river from St.
Johns, bounded by Wood ami Mills
streets. lor quick sale S1000 takes
Urini id your Job printing wblU ,,,lem' u ,,i,cU is ,css ,,,au ?100 per
icrms given, uall at
fou tbluk of It. Don't wait until you
entlrtily out Wo are qulppd
'irr out Dt and tatty prlflUai
"nil i l'nrttft4 Brlr. or Iiu
lot. Gooil
this ofiice.
Nata tha an yAUr aasar.
Columbia Garage
107 Pessenden Street
Repairs, Fair Prices, Guaranteed Work,
Storage, Oils, Gas, Tires, Tubes
a layer cake is a dream to behold
aud a joy to taste. Light as a suu
beam, with fillinc that simolv can
uot be described, the cake will prove
a royal treat. At your next affair
order one and you'll make yourself
raraous lor your splendid hospitality
pf t aiit tke ktit. toitn Ukta ttt VtUh I Okt.
Fennln's Bakery and Delicatessc
II 5 Nrth Jtrsey Slreet
Hudson & Stockum
2 Barber Shop I
108 N. Jersey St.
I Plumbing Heating & Tinning
We Repair Alatainum Ware
Four room house on lot 50x106,
street improvements in and
paid, in direction of new Ter
minal, St. Johns. Price $800;
$150 cash, balance at $10 per
month with 7 per cent interest',
Four room house in central
part of St. Johns, lot 50x180. tine
Harden and pUnty of fruity.
This lot is worth close to the
total prico asked for the place.
Price $925; $250 cash, balance
$10 per month, 7 per cent interest.
Fine riverview house with 11
rooms, with 8 or 10 fine cherry
trees; ought to be 20 bushels of
fine cherries every year. This
house is in eood shape and could
nut be built for $2500. Lot
50x100: can be bouerht today for
$1600. Takes about $500 cah.
with balance on uood terms.
Best value I know of. The, a
bed rooms can be rented tn in.
dustrial workers on water front
Forty acres 5 mi lea from a
good towns, on the main line
of the S. P. Ry. ,n Douglas
county, Oregon. Some of it
been in cultivation. All
can be cultivated but about 2
for a house and lot and will nav
cash difference.
A W riAlMO ASU XT -.
street. Phone Col. 824. ' ?
PhoaeCol. 207 S. Jereey St.