Hlstorienl Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 16 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OKEGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1919. NUMBER H8 A Handsome Structure Tho now club house for the use and benefit of the employes , of! tho local woolen mills is rapidly nearing completion. It is a magnificent structure, one of .which St. Johns, as well as the employe?, should well feel proud. Besides being an attrac tive building it is thoroughly substantial. It iB being con structed entirely for tho com fort, entortahuncnt and con venienco of ' the employe?. Everything will be free to them except tho bare cost of the food, and the insula served ill cose less than could bo obtained at homo. Moving pictures, gym nasium, dancing room, reading roomseverything will bo com-, nloto. Tho Portland Woolon Mills haB over had tho interest of tho employes at heart, and in nreaantintrthe use of this at tractive and finely appointed club house, which will cost $20,000 or more, tho manage ment id on v continuing a DOl icy adopted when tho mill was erected, and that is, nothing too crood for the employes Superintendent Carter's policy haB erer been that if you treat your omploycsright thoy wil treat you rlirht. Wnd by pur aiilnor this nolicv ho has proven to his ontire satisfaction that he is right in his viowa. A more rnlnuto description of tho niw club houtto will bo given when complotod. Made Magnificent Record 32 Educational Opportunity Headquarters, Camp LowIb American Lake, Wash. Editor St. Johns Review: Authority has been recoived from tho War Donartmant to initiate cducn tional and vocational training at thin Camp ln"nddition to tho military training received. Any young man wishing to enlist is pormittcd to choose the Arm of tho Service in which he caroa to enlist. Any soldior serving in whatever Arm is permitted, not rcauircd. to undertake education al or vocational training throe hours daily during fivo days of tho week. It is beliovcd that this educational opportunity furnished young men who have not yet entered college or ' learned a trade, will induce a largo number of young men unmarried, to enter tho Army for the nurnosoof either increas Ing their earning capacity aftor discharge or for tho purpose of entering college in a Higher grade than he would otherwise enter. This educational advan tage is in addition to the other privileges accorded soldiers of tho Army. The present pay and .all, allowances, such as clothing. subsistence, quarters, medical attention, dental treatment, life insurance, etc.. aro usually estimated at $100.00 per month. Tho improvement may be gain ed by other young men who have not yet-served in tht army. Yours sincerely, William H. Johnston, Major General U. S. A. Commanding, Two Ships Reinstated Orders have been received by tho, Portland office of the Emergency Fleet corporation to reinstate two suspended con tracts for steamers at the yard of the Peninsula Shipbuilding company, The Emergency Fleet had ordered previously that (he vessels be completed as hulls, butowing to the fact that the ships have been sold to eastern parties, it is now necessary to Install the machinery as origi nally intended. The reinstate ment gives some degree of en couragement to. other wooden shipyards of the Oregon dis trict. After the signing of the armistice the the shipping board cancelled 88 contracts for steamers in the Oregon district, The two reinstated ships are the iCartona and Corone. Both are 4000 ton vessels of the Penin sual tpye, the special design of the Peninsula Shipbuilding company. Last week witnessed tho pass ing into history of tho Grant Smith - Porter Ship company wnicn nas reverted to the Emer gency Fleet corporation ad brought to a close a record of achievements unrivaled in mari time history. From among more than 100 wooden shipbuild ing ynrus in tno united Stnte3 tho Grant Smith-Porter Shir company, netween its 1'ort an and Aberdeen, Wash., yards has captured every nntiona pennant offered by the United States shipping board for speed anu progress in wooden shi construction and won for this state a launching record of vessels in littlo more than year s timo a mark which pro oamy win never no cqunllcd. It was at tho rtnueat George Goethnls. then in charge or tno snipuuiiuing program of tho United Stutcs, that Gran tit i omitn ana uric v. Hausor un dertook tho contract of furnish ing ships to tho government mi i . . ino ontiro organization and 4 1 t it incuttio3 or tno company were placed at tho disposal of the gQvernmont to do with it as saw in uuring tno war cmcr gency. In ordor to assist with the fulfillment of the contract with the shipping hoard, Andrew D. Porter Inter was taken into the organ zat on. l ie tieraonne of tho company which began tho actual construction of wooden vckscIh was Grant Smith, nresi dent; Eric V. Hauscr, vico orcbi dent nnd general manager: An drew D. Porter, vico presi dent: Harry Hunt, secretary and treasurer; Paul N. Carlson, goncrai superintendent and Georgo Tcufel, plant supcrin tendont. On Juno 1. 1917. dredges started numning snnd into the lowlands at St. Johns at tho pre sent site or the h nynrdi. On Juno 21 the first building at the plant was started. Altogether moro than 12,000,000 feet of lumber was brought into the construction of ways and build inga. Approximately 20.000 pieces of piling wero driven for foundations. On August 22. 1917. the keel of the Wasco, first steamer, wns aid. The Wasco was nuncbud February 17. 1918. It had tho distinction of being tho first emergency built steamor to en ter tho aerv ce of Unc o Sam. Sinco that date 81 wooden vessels havo bcon launched rom tho whys at tho Grant Smith-Porter Ship company and many of tho mast prominent people of this as well as other countries have witnessed aunchings from the yard. lho moralo maintainor! at tho Grant Smith Porter yard is held responsible for the wonderful showing at tho plant. While strikea and industrial disturb ances often delayed work at other yards, tho Grant Smith Porter yard was singular y. free rom such annoyances. One of the outstanding reasons for this splendid spirit was tho club house and the numerous other pleasantries and diversions offer. ed to the men by their genial manager, Eric V. Hauser. It is safo to say that at no other yard in Oregon havo the men been relieved from duty with as many regrets as those who wero employed at the St. Johns nlant of the Grant Smith-Porter Ship company. View Park Sites QUONG TONG CAFE Try Chop Suey and Noodles at popular priced. Home Made Pastry every day. at "Cafe of Merit" We serve breakfast and dinner. Open from 6 a. m. to 12 p, xa.r-S. Jersey street. Our reeord stock is as com nlete.as it is possible to get it uader present conditions and compares favorably withny in the city, Currin Says So. FIRE INSURANCE -With tho best of companies: owest rates; a thorough know edge of local conditions nnd leavy interests in the commun- tv, is it not reasonable to sun. pose that we can give you better nsurance service than the wan dering solicitors, who may or may not be in the business when Joss occurs L?fus fitrure on your fire insurance, or insurance of any kind. We writs all lines in the best of companies and give you 'nsurance service sec ond to none in the city. Penin sula Security Co. 'I don't take anv slock in these 'ere pay tent medicines asserted Lafe Lopp, a languid citizen of Wayoverbehind. 'They're an enemy to the human e. b'pose now. i ou are cret. ting along all ripht, unable to work b'cuz you're sick; you're pretty miserable, of course, but people sympathize with you and respect you. ad then-some body persuades you to take a ew bottles of So and So. and you are cured and get your pic- ture in the almanac. And for- ever afterward everybody wants to Know why you don't go to work, dadblamed your onery hide."-Ex. Bring in your job printing. Proposed sites for future park and playgrounds in Portland were surveyed last Friday by uity uomrnissioncr Jficr in charge of the park bureau, and rark superintendent Koyser, Sites in Albinn. St. Johns. Wood lawn, Albertn, Irvington, Rose Uity Park, tho central east side and Lents were viewed. To complete tho survey, proposed sites in Alontnvilln and the (lis trlct between the Sandy boule vard and East Glisan street boyond Enst Fiftieth street, will also bo viewed. . j The city officials were accom panied by a committee composed of Dan Kellaher, Rev. John Dawson and W. H. Fowler, who represented tho general committee which enmpnipned in behalf of tho successful meas ure which authorized tho ex penditure of $500,000 for play ground nnd park sites. W. J, Hoffman and Charles II. Cheney, the latter consultant to the city planning commission, wero ulso in tho pnrty. In Albina tho block bounded by Williams and Vancouver a ve nues, Morris and Stanton streets, was viewed, itcs t entH of t i n district arc said to favor this site as a small park and play ground, and although it is lie roft of trees, itmnv rceoivu eon. sideration. Sovcral sites in lower Alhina near tho Shaver school. huvo been Blighted as nlav- ground sites, but wero not viewed yesterday. 4 in St. Johns tho committee inspected a tiart of land of 22 acres within tho car toon. which has been recommended to Commissioner Pier as n nark and playground for tho St. Johns district. Another tract. known ns tho McKenna proper ty, of moro than I0 acres, oast Not Now Coming-Came grn or And When grandma found that sir loin st alts Were up to seven cents pound, She murmured, "Goodness cinus sokes! I guess we'll have to live round." And when tho round, on whic wo fed. Went up a cent, or maybe tw She lilted up her hands and snid, Whatever aro we coming to?' When grandma bought a fowl to boil paid a quarter for the same, Willi indignation she'd recoil And swear such prices were a shame. 'Them kids won't get no chicken stew Unless theso here prices drop Whatever aro wo comintr to" She murmured ns she left the shop. Whon grandma found that bacon cost Ten cents a pound or mayb moro. With haughty rago her head alio tossed And stalked in fury from tho store. Whatever nro we coming to?' She cried with lightning in her eye. 'Tho butchers nro a thieving crew; Hut as for grocetB, myl" f dear old grandmn chancer to iro In (tucstof food supplies today And found out what they cost 1 know Sho'd just curl up and pasB away. "Whatever aro wo coming The Sunken Fleet goodness VERY SPECIAL WORK PANTS ISxtrn Gooi Vuluvt nt Sl.thl Chambray Work Shirts 98c Sateen Work Shirts $1.50 PANAMA HATS $2.00 Cool Dressy Hots for the Auto $1. Men's Cops real barotitis 45c OVERALLS $1.98 ujirriiurf ern for ro BASKET BALL SHOES COTTON GLOVES ISc two pair 25c CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS BOY'S CQVURALLS MEN'S RUBBERS $1.10 i IF IT ISN'T ALL RIGHT BRING IT BACK ss ROGERS THIS RAINCOAT MAN it Doors North llvtoro Show 202 N. JERSEY ST. vo Show Z Open Evenings of the railroad cut, has also heen suggested, but residents of St. Johns who conferred with the committee maintained that the 22 acre truct was favored by the majority of residents in that district. Journal. to?" No moro would aBk tho gentle dame. The future's black instead of blue, Wo arojiot coming now we've camel James J. Montague. Tho man who works too all fired hard, bo he a plumber or a bard, win wake morn to nnd mat Coming to this country from Chicago 12 years ago. with noth ing except his two good arms to make a living, Antone Sonvinski . .i a n?i.. i semen in uregon ouy nejgn-!nnt ln rr,im nn,i borhood. on a ; small rented farm., wj By hard work and thrifty meth-unM 5 n I ,tm 1 "11 I i WVMIiJi . Ml HUfc u ous, apnvinBK luespay.aoiu nia .,,. i R,ni shmilrf ho arm iur auouu, unu win ku uuck ,i,unt i,,,i, to Chicago. The land was sold . t5vfi fefit ' ni. Bnuni to John Gross of twin rails, daho, who will move to this county soon and operate the farm. liesiues getting $b5UU for the land, Mr. Sonvinski will realize about $4000 more from ho sale of the stock and mach inery on tne place. And yet some people say that a farmer cannot mnke a good living in some parts of this country. some rainy he's played mind. And through his patriarch in as good man on ac in intellect BANK OF COMMERCE Renders an all round banking service of real merit. We in. vite your account, whether commercial or savings. No. 14 North Jersey street, adv. "Why 1 finishing A- lady said to us: nave bad kuuak done in a number of down town places, but have never had as nice work as you folks do for me." Satisfied; that's the way with all our kodak finishing pat rone. UUKKIN SAYS SO. t . . anu urnwn, yet to tno scrap heap I ha e gone." Man iu an intricate machine, though he's not run by gasoline ho labors, burdened by his cares, nnd hateB to slow up for repairs, "Some other year," aaya he, "I'll go and climb a largo peak capped with snow, or gambol on the ocean's shore, or tread tie forest's tufted lloor, but now I can't afford to rest and let affairs go galley west. Some shining plunks havo loomed in view, and I must try to cop a few; let others picnic in the glen, while I rake in the iron men." And so he wakes some rainy day to find his pep has ebbed away, his nerve is in its winding sheet, and lie is dead upon his feet. An auto must be overhauled a locomotive oft is stalled, while skilled mechan ics test its works, to see why it has jumpy jerks; all things that move and toil need rest, and man's of all machines the best. Walt Mason. So thoroughly characteristic of German methods nnd German notions of honor was tho sink ing of the interned "high seas licet" at Scnpa Flow that the ict caused little astonishment 'ti tho Allied countries. In Ger nany tho news was received villi chuckles and with praise for thu men who did tho deed, but nlso with shivers of ap prehension at the thought that it might mnku the terms of peace more rigorous. It iB u maxim of wluit used to ho known as' international law that an armistice not only sua ponds all hostile acts, but im poses an obligation on cadi of tho belligerent powers to do nothing that will either strengthen itself or weaken the enemy. Just how that nr nc n o an plies to the destrcution of thu German fleet is not clear. .M. Uiemencenu has to'd the vstt" matiB that tho net was a viola tion of the armistice, and that is thu natural and obvious judgment. For sinco tho hIiIiih were in tho custody of tho Allies were in fact, though not technically, enntured nronertv. and wero not to be returned to Germany destroying them is held to ho a hostile act, because tho ofToct of it waa to weaken the enemy, so it violated thu armistice. On tho other hand, it might ho plausibly maintained that since tno snips wero not sur render, but only internod; since by tho terms of tho armistice thoy wore still to bo manned by Gorman officers and sailors; sinco nn interned ship has just ns much right us nn interned man to csenno if opportunity olFers; sinco opportunity did oiler through tho carelessness of tho Iiritish fleet and could have been prevented by proper vlg ilanco: nnd since sinking the fleet did not weaken th'i enemy. as thu ships wero not an actual nit only n potential possession t I I tin filliiltl lillf iiijkiilfnii Ui IliU V.IIUIII t , II HI. 111111 V1VIIUVII cd Germany by destroying pro perty that could havo been used as an asset in determining the conditions of peace thero whb no violation of tho armistice. So thu question will bo argued warm y on uotn sides: nut no matter which view hiatory may ultimately take of the strictl) egal point, tho sinking was in n moral echro umiunlillodh an act of dishonor. The olllcers who directed and those who carried it out havo brought upon thcniBslvoa tho obloquy that belongs to those who love not honor. Youth's Companion. Multnomah Attractions Saturday, August 2d BTHEL CLAYTON In "l'ETTI ORKW'S OIUI'-lMrnuiount. Sunday, Auuust 3rd DIG MLL HART In "MONHY CORRAL." or "TIIH NIGHT -WATCHMAN" Artcrnlt. Monday, Tucadny nnd be iiniioiiticcd Inter. Wednesday, to Thurndny nnd l'rlday, Auoust 7 and 8 HARRY CAR1JY In "RIDIJRS 01' VKNGuAM'ls. A Rrcnt slx nct Western picture. Notice to Creditors ELMER SNEED In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for the County of Multnomah. I)eMitnicnt of I'rolmte. in the Matter of the lUtatcof Nancy C. llnrtnu, Deceased. Notice Is given of the death of Nancy C. ll.ulon, nnd that the undersigned lina been duly ntipolulcd executrix of her Latt Will and Testament nnd of her es tate, nnd has iiuallficd, All ncrsons hav lug claims ngainsl said decedent, or her estate, are notified to present same to j I'hone Columbia rt02 inent the ofilcc of my Attorneys, I'cr-U Kins K u.iuey, uiY Hoard oi Trade llulldiug, rortlaud, Oregon, with proper vouchers, duly verified as required by law, within six months from the date of the 11 rut publication of this notice, to wit: July 18th, 11)10. HILY N. ROK, Kxccutrix. GEORGIA RICH Studios Miotics: Pianist Teacher Gift Alnsworth Avenue 110 Oswego Street Woodlawn HOOi!; Columbia BG1 Mrs. Gabriel Pullin Vocal Teacher DInphram llrentbing, forward Tone placement and Clear diction. ruilHS tatlnlitlci iaVm lull In Trliw Quartettes, 0GG Lombard St. I'hone Columbia 1E2 Mrs. Frank A. Rice TitACIIKM Of Violin, (Mandolin and Piano Pun 1 1 nf Nntri tVsm Studio: 60U V. j. lu. .Mln .t Telephone Columbia Orctiutt ulilcli uill tnske i iwaiiiH,i tnotitliljr. Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. SyiaciM -Strut Notice of Hearing Final Account In tile Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for the County of Multnomah. I)cmrtmcut of I'rohatc, t tu the Matter of the Hslate of ICrlc 1'. I'clerwin, Deceased, Notice is given that William J. Wcl. don, executor ol the I.nit Will and Tcs. lament of Itrlc 1'. Tctcrson, deceased, has filed with the County Clerk of Mult iium.ili County. Orcuuii.liis final accuimt as such executor, and that Monday, Au gust lHlh.at y.OOA.M.. at the Court House of Multnomah County, Oregon, Department of I'robatc, and before lion. wralilc Ocorgc larwcll, IiuIkc. has been fixed ns the time and triace for hcarliur objections to said account nnd the set- uvmeui oi me same, ami to llio ilistrlbu tiou of the property bclonultur to said etutc. Any person having objections to said account may be heard at the time and place aforesaid. WJI.MA.M j, WW. DON, Perkins & llallcy, Hxccutor. Attorneys for Hxccutor. Notice to Creditors Mrs. Bertha C.Burdick (I.lcctitltittc of the Hoynl Auotlutny of Music, London.) Teacher of Piano 1957 Hodge St. Phone Col. 87a 'revented Demonstration Wobblies miiy hnvo no foarof inwdcr or hull, h t they nro do cidely nvorao to wnlvr. This was domonstrntod nl hunt t o Monday night whon tho s'ght of running wntor togothor with a i ami nil of policemen dispersed crowd of 1500 symimtliizi'rs memhors of tho I. W. W.. w io gathered to niako n demonstra tion 111 protest of tho breaking ip of a recent mod ing. Mayor unison learned in iidvanco of tho proposed meeting unci in tend ot ordering tho police nut. called on tho street department to be at tho Washington street corner where tho meeting waa to ho held a half hour in advance and begin work immediately tishing tho streets by hand with hose attached to three parby plugs. This was done, ho crowd gathered but tho streams from tht hose.kept tht-m moving. Tho policemen on tho lent wero handy to tako over tno nozzus in tno event 01 an attempt to mob the street workr ers. Two women who mounted 10 rostrum wero ordered to move on by tbo police, iney obeyed. The streams from the hoses carried away tho rostrums when they stepped down. There was no demonstration by the I. VV. W. in Seattle that night. Oregon ian. Who is your druggist? Care' til choice in selection ofhim may mean a lot to you when you arc sick and need medicines compounded. CURRIN SAYS SO. Wear ROGERS' RAINCOATS, nou th. ul.i o eur paTVr. ROGERS sella ROSS ROAD Union made ALLS. of tho OVER- No night too dark or hour too late for HOES to make a clear portrait, Get that MILLION DOLLAR Royal Tailored Look.-ROGERS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor the County nf Multnomah. Department of I'roiMte. In the Matter of the Kstateof Stanley 1 . nuuiaicwiiKi isrccuicil, Nollre l given of the death of Ktaulej lloruslcwxkl, ami that the undersigned lias been duly uniwtntcd executrix of his l,att Will and Testament and of his cs tate, and has qualified. All iwrsous hav nig claims uguinsl said decedent, or his rstatc, are nouneii to present same to me at the oHlco of my Attorneys, ler kin & llailey. 1117 Hoard ol Trade llulldiug, rortlaud, Orrgoti, wllh proper voiicnvrs, 1 1 11 iv vermeil as required ny aw, within six mouths from the dateul the fiist publication of this notice, to wit: juiy ibiii, luiy. CA.MiM.it rir.ir. gxecutrlx, EXPRESS We hnttl any thing, miy time, nny place. Prlccj reasonable Dally Trlw to Portland - - ttt r..r., mi 11 1 r. i ihiiic uiquirc, oil n, jcrjey ju Columbia aT7 A Reminder It is almost criminal for par cnts to nr gUct having pictures taken of their children. How necessnry it is to keep a photo- graphic record of the children in every family, step by atop, as tnoy grow to maturity. A Photo begins to got more valu able after the first or io'oihI generation. It's when folks are gone that wo want something tangible to r'member them hy, People nro themselves to blnmo. Thoy havo permittod thorn selves to forget and gradually lose interest. I tell you people neod reminding. Nono of us are as much photographed as in tlx. good old days whon I was a boy. Tho Photograph of today will, a fow years from now, bo a most precious human document, II you bcliovo what 1 havo said is true don't delay longer. Como to our Studio as early as possible and make a date for sittings.-Tho Huff Studio. 201 N. Jersey street, St. Johns, Port land, Oregon, Dr. W, J, Gilstrai) Physician nnd Surgeon Glasses Accurately pitted oi'i'icit nouus 0:00 to 12 M. OlM'ICUtf l:0to4:U0 I'. M. l'ciilnmla g. 7:00 to 8:00 I'. M. entity bWu Sundays, U.OO to lOtfO A. M. Dr. Evart P. Borden DENTIST Pnlnlcns Kxtrnclioti of Teeth under Nitrous Oxide 0h Office Peninsula ll;mk bltlg. Office phone Col, C.25; res, phone Cttl. 477 lloura-U.I2tt. 111.; 1:30 ft and 7-8 p. iu. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 3 II 'North-Jersey Street .V- Duy Phone Columbia J7 Nilil Phone ColmnliMoUOO Phone Columbia 379 Res. Columbia 1 131 Dr. F. P. SchuHze Physician and Sure n Honm 10 PeiiiiiMilw ltuk lliuMfrix DR. L. F. PICKliiN'S, .... DENTIST Office Hour 8 to IK A. U.lbtll P. M. HviiIik 7 tu 9 I'cuiimiia ibtuk itiikj. , Office I'hone CoIuuiIhh I IK) LEWIS CALDWELL I.ISAUINC; HAHBICK The ptare whrrr ..! crlre and etHirttHtiu Wwtiuetii n vil. ctiiitifxi' ImireuttiuK ret eive t ml aiuniioit. 109 BURLINGTON STREET Davis Barber Shop nml II A 1 J I KOOM S. W. DAVIS, l'rr'f 108 I'lula.ld,,i.u St. St. Johns Undertaking Co. 208 N. Jersey Street l'honec: Coluwbta MT! Columbia Si Automobile Hear. Gil Our Pr'cet Before Going lo Portland PEKINSUU HUE ABSTRACT 4 REALTY CO H. HENDCtlSON, Manu0r 402 N. Jdrmy Street AbiWacu of Title I'rt-rei Tit lei. lUittfiiucd I'hone Columbia 2wi Ah -soon as lens went out of stylo each Mrs. and each Miss hid all sho hud (uint it too bad') in rowns that "a r o like t . h Pay your uoicrlptlor. 3- V'VQO'j B' Hauling and Moving OP ALL KINDS ' Done Quickly and Promptly Dally Trip to ami (rui I'ortlnwl r, s. iiv Phom col. loso 718 1:. Richmond St. Poff & Green TRAHSFEH AND STORAGE ' Sand and Gravel Hauled Dully Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 20S N. JEQSET Wood of all kind s Auto Express , I'roiupi SgrYjje. ftllKE OOARCKB cSm l'rice Ktasowiblu Good Second hand ScwIik' uwo)ilu If! 1 H I' C l-.