J, ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 15 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OKEGON, FRIDAY, JULY 25. 1919. NUMBER '6', As the Oregonian Sees It (One nscda only to attempt to picturo what sort of trcuty would hate been made If victory had been won nnd peace made without the co-operation of tho United States in order to real ize what a deep impress tho fourteen points havo left on the terms actually made. In all pro bability tho Rhine provinces and tho Saar basin would have been annexed to France; Flume and Dalmatia would havo been ' given to Italy, shutting in the Jugo-Slavs with only a narrow sea front; Danzig and its Ger man population might have boen given outright to Poland; tho infamous Hapsburg empire mlffht in somo way havo beenj natchod un and held together Turkev would have been divided amoncr tho victors with limited regard to tho wishes of its paoples, and tho German colonies would havo been parcelod out without recognition of the prin clple that their rulers are trus tees for their people. An in demnity mldit have been exact cd from Germany that woulc: havo been an huge as literally to roduco that country to Borvi- tudo for several generations. Such, a scttUmcnt would have been tho inevitable consequence of tho secret bargains made among tho allies and would have contained tho germs of many war. At ovcry noint wher tho treaty of Vraailles differs from such n settlement, St makes a close appoach to the fourteen points an I contains security RgainBt war. Whore the treaty de arts from tho fourteen noints. or appears to do so, tho fact is capable of an explanation that will satisfy a reasonable mind, though there may bo reirrot that a closor an proach to justice could not be mado. Tho most striking cnHe is that of Shantung. As to that it should not be forgotten that China evidently declared war in order to gain the status of a bolipercnt, and, consequently, to have a seat at tho peace table, where it could get help against Japan's claim to Shantung. China wns almost a cipher as an actual belligorent. and for all it could have dono Germany might havo held Kino Chow to this day. China did not hold it when war begun, and did not take it from Germany, Japan took it, and when Japan is al lowed to hold it, China losos nothing which it already had. China fails to recover that which it was powerless to re take. Tho conference had reject ed Janan'a claim to sovereignty instead of mandato over the Caroline and Marshall islands and the claim of equity of races. If it had given Japan a third rebuff, that country might have bolted tho conference.hcld Shan tuner and said to the allies. "What are you going to do about it?" There would have been one of two things to do let Jaoan keen it or make war on Japan. That or tho milder exoedient of an economic boy cott would have been fraught with danger that Japan might ioin forces with the Russian lolshevists and the Germans. Then the wearied allies would have had to fight in a field ex tending from the North sea to the Pacific, and in all proba bility Japan would have con quwed all of China, instead of only Shantung, Knowing much more than the average man about risks, the conference chcxe the lets evil, trusting to "right the wrongs of China in the future, when that country be 'olme better able to help itself. The refusal of the peace con ference to consider the cases of Ireland and Egypt is quite natural to any person who con sidergjor what purpose it met. lit met to agree on terms to bo made with the central powers, not to readjust the affairs of the allies. Therefore, it had nothing to do with the relations of Ireland and Egypt to Eng land. Those matters may be taken up by the league as con cerning the peace of thet world, and probably the intention has already been formed to take them up as soon as the league has been fully organized. 'But failure to consider them does no violence to the fourteen points, which were put forward aa the basis of neace with the central powers, not as the basis of an immediate general re organization of the universe. To restore peaee and form the league is a fair sized job for 1919. The veto on union of German Austria with the German re public is a reetrietion oh the trigfct ef self determination, but it is justified by the facta. The -Germans ef Austria were the 'sriMipal toels aad eon federates I Chatauqua Fine Success Tho St. Johns Chautauqua started in good shape Monday evening. Tho Committee wns successful in selling its quotn of season tickets nnd tno atten dance has been good. The enter tainments arc better this year than formerly on the whole, al though they haze always been good and of nigh order. Kalph V. Nelson is director this yenr I r n I t unu u. vuruena uunurn junior Supervisor. Following is the proirram complete' for the week Monday pveaing-Opcning ex erciscs, announcements: Musi cai iun urogram; McJJonougn Eagleston Co.; Ipc urc, "The Riddlo of tho Russian Revolu tion," Dr. Joseph Clare. Tuesday morning Lecture, Chuutauqua Director; Junior Chautauqua. Afternoon Prr ludc, Fillion Concert Party; lec tuw, "Worlds in the Making," JJr. A. u. unrpentor. ISv.ning Prdlude, Fillion Concert Party Lecture-" And Now What V Edward F. Trefz. Wcdnesdny Morning -Lecture "The Amoricun Girls' Amor iennism," Mrs. Robert C. Mc Crcdie; Junior Chautauqua. Afternoon Prelude, Lewis Mill tary Quartet; Inspirational Lec Mirer-' "Tho Advnntngo of n Handicap," Dr. Elliott A. Boyl. livening Concert Prelude, Low IB Military Quartet; Drama tic Rending-- "Turn to the Right," Edwin M. Whitney. lhursdny morning Lccturt' "Madame France," Mis R. Louiso Fitch: Junior Clmutau qua; Afternoon Prelude, Recit- nl Artists; Entertainment, Elsie Muo Gordon, Impcrsonutdr. Lecture. "Fore jm and Domes ticProblcms." Win. J. Bryun. Evening Musicalo, Mary Adel Hays. Coloratura bonrnno as sistcd by Recital Artists: Luc turo "Tho United States at the Peace Conference." Ida M. Tur bell, America's Noted Publicist and Journalist. Friday morninir Junior Chautauqua "Music Day." Ai tot noon Concert. Ulmera'i Czechoslovak Band: Evenliw Grand Concert. Cimura's Czeclio blovnk Band, Bohemian l-olk Songs, Mmo. Cafarellir assisted by Czecho Slovak Band. baturday morning Junior Chautauqua: Afternoon Preiudc. Tho Regniers; Lecture "Mis understood Mexico" W. L. Mel- linger. Evening Prelude. Tho Regniers; Lecture "Two Yenrs in Hell nnd Buck With a Smile," Private Peat. Sunday morning Usual Ser vices All Churches. Afternoon J a. red Concert. Apollo Concert to.; Pageant- undo bum's Experiment." junior unnuiauquans: evening Sacred Concert, Apollo Con cert Co.; Illustrated Patriotic Lecture -"Closing Days nf the War." Henry Wurren Poor. Daily Schedule - Children's Hour 9:00. Morning Lecture 10:00. Afternoon Concort 2:30, Afternoon Lecture 8:00. Even ing Concert 7:30. E ening Lec ture 8:00. of Germany In the crime of 1914. If they were united to Germany, they would compen sate for tho loss of population due to the treaty, Germany would then bo a compact state of nearly 70,000.000 surround ed by much smaller states, and German Austria would bo a wedgo inserted between the Czechs and Jugo Slavs. There a Hancor to npnrp in that situation. The allies have the right to guard against it by depriving theso people of the right to unite, as a guaranty against aggression. After a period of probation, Germany and Austria have given proof of laving abandoned desire for conquest. Mean while they must be punished by being kept apart, their right being sus pended as are those of a convict. Much is made of the inclusion of a large German population in Bohemia, but how it came it there? Bohemia was a Czech country when "the Hansburcs annexed it, aid they set to work to Germanize it by enciuraging German settlement, while they drove out the Czechs by every oppressive device. To cut otf this German occupied territory and give it to Germany or Aus tria would be to put the stamn of approval on a crime. When we consider the reasons for the compromises which the treaty contains and the probable consequence of refusal to make tnem, and wnen we compare the treaty as it is with what it probably would have been with out Mr. Wilson a participation. we are confirmed in the opinion that be did hold his own and that it does bear his Impress. Another than Mr. Wilson might have done better,' but it was If They Were Fixtures The rosebush blooms a little whilo 'beside my cottage door: a week or two it puts on style, and then it blooms no more. With lovely things 'tis always thus, they're doomed to Bwift decay; n little while they stay with us, and then they fade away. And while 1 toll the passing Dell, a bird sings in my ear, 'xou would not love them half so much if they were tlx tures here." If ros s spangled every lawn, as dandelions do. wo soon would wish the blamed things gone, and countless rags we'd cnew. louay lias been a perfect day, oft breezes zipping uy, and not a sullen cloud or gray obscured tho nzurc sky. The birds put up a sweet refrain, their voices sweetly blent; and everything was safe and sane. so far as climate went. But if wo knew that ovcry day would be the same as this, would such a weather program pay, would it Insure our bliss? Tho order of the universe is chnnire let thnt sulllce; we always know thero'H something worso in bIoim for us, on ice. Tho rose thnt blushes by your door must short- ly meet its doom; but in n day or week or more bu th Bt oa thoro will bloom. Walt Mason. A lady said to us: "Whv I havo had KODAK iinishinir dono in n number of down town places, but have never hud ns nico work ns you folks do for me." Satisllt'J; that's tho way with nil our kodak finishing pat rons. CURR1N SAYS SO. Exit the biu burlv nolicomon. City commissioners havo ro duccd tho weight minimum to M0 pounds and tho height to 5 feet 0 inches at Chicago. Champion "KEDS" U S Rubber Co.'h best rnde - TENNIS SHOES 85f , 90. 95P. $1 00 $1 10. $1 25. $1 35 -Basket Ball Shoes Work Pants wood Muff, only $1.95 Cheapest Place In Town to liny OVERALLS Quality Always Couriered - Ladies' Coveralls Children's Play Stills Rain Proof Hunting Coats $6. of p. cicts. rnu nnd iut to mutch Carpenter's Overalls $2. Painter's Jacket and Overalls $1.75, free Cap f Heavy Wool One 60c nnd 7fic Ct inure lutcr rfj I. Y "" 0l ' Winter' Kupplv riht NOW. Prices me bound-to iiilvitnce. PANAMA HATS $2.00 KOGItKS IS ON Tlllt JOU -You will el vi.tir in mcy's worth from ROGERS Jtolwoun Umlortnktnif I'lirlttr Htnl I'iutuvu Shaw 202 N. JERSEY ST. Open Evenings Misplaced Justice In looking over tho daily papers we found me loiiowinR dispatch: Looking for Heaven. New Castle.Pa.. July 14 Car rying a large Bible Steve Mawy- oskf told the police that ho was ooking for Heaven. Ho wns rent to the county jail for 5 days. To some people this may )j humorous, but it shares a cer- ain deficiency of judgment on tho part of the judge who sen tenced him. There are institu tions established in th's free and enlightened country for ust such esses. It's not the church, the school or the Univer tief or jails that act as a anlidotea against a disease of this kind, but a good course of the fundamental knowledge of starting off the brain cell in their infancy and plenty of nour- shmnt to the human bo.iy, is what is required. The human mind feeds on what it consumes. When it fe?ds on trash and gar bage, the result is the incinera tor and the grave. his task and, though there are blemishes on his work, on the whole, he has done well. Ore- gonian. Who is your druggist? Care ful choice in selection of him may mean a lot to you when you are sick and need medicines! compounded. CURRIN SAYS SO. ' Bring in your job printing. Offers Tract of Land S. BenBon. capitalist, Tues day announced thnt he will oiler an 80 acre tract oi land in Um vurslty park to tho city of Port land for use as an aviation lund lmr field. The oltor was mud through Milton R. Kleppcr, president of the Aero club o Oregon. Mr. Benson contem plates thnt aviation experts from tho United states army tirst make n careful examination o the ground to determine if it 13 suitnulo lor use ns a land ng fled. If the government cxpett reports favorably the forma! oiler then win be made to the city. Local nvintion enthusiasts who have seen the site nre united in the belief that it will make an ideal landing plnco for planes. It is unusually level. This land is tho same which Mr. Benson offered to the city lust wintor as u site for a nronosed reconstruction nospl tal. if ono should he built. It is worth about $100,000. "The plans are all in a very unsettled stage" said Mr. Benson. We must first lei r i if the field can bo used for the purpose intend ed, nnd must then bu certain that thuro is no other objection to it. I havo wanted to donate this land to Borne public purpose nnd if it is found to be suitable as n municipal landing field will bo glad to donate it to the city ns a means of encouraging aviation." QUONG TONG CAFE Try Chop Suey unci Noodles at popular priced. Home Made Pastry every day at "Cafo of Merit." Wo serve breukfast and dinner. Open from (! a. m. to H2 p. m. S .Jersey street. You Can Never Tell You maybe a failure because you are unaware Of your own ability. Doubtless a mulo knows noth ing about how hard he can kick Until somebody fusses him up bit. Once knew a woman suddenly , loft a widow By the sudden departure of 'her husband For unknown parts. He became fatigued of life with her I Because of her bad cooking, i Thrown helpless upon the world She turned for assistnnct to the only thing She knew nothing about Which was cooking And mailesio great u success of it She was fo'ced to give herself a trench na.ne And was referred to as chef. Circumstances brougnt out her ability If she had known she possess ed it She might now possess her 1 husband I And have a regular weekly allowance Of seven dollars Instead of being a poor weak woman Making only $150 a week And courted by every man who ever tasted The product of her skill. Which teaches that Providence Moves in a mysterious way. His wonders to perform. Or words to that effect. Ex. Has Taken Up Cudgel In Inst week's issue wo made mention of certain "combines" und "Gentlemen's Round Kob ins" existing within the con fines of city of Portland. Now Professor A. A. Knowlton, of Heed College, has taken up tho cudgel and in a letter addressed to Mayor Bakor, urges the im mediate attention of the au thorities in stopping this illegu pructice. Professor Knowlton, in his ctter, particularly mentions the proposed increase in price ol tno necessities oi mo such ns bread, milk, ice, coal, wood and shoes -and claims that if this perpendicular boost of prices continues through the organ ization oi tho producers and distributors for their own sell protection it will naturally react on tho consumers who urc not organized. Aluyor linker says he will make an independent investigation himself and ahou d sucli "combines" exist will tnko legal action to huvt them dissolved nnd p t out of busi ness. Mayor Baker will uub mil Professor Knowlton'a letter to tho City Council this week nnd it is poss bio that the Coun oil will make some definite plans to chock this nelarious business. lhero is no doubt that should this du ly fluctuation of prices continue to sour upward, it will he tho cause of c nstant social wars among tho people and the .-ojner it is placed in leash the oetler for all concerned. There is u limit. 1 rst it was ston drinking, now it will bo to slop eating and wearing clothes What next? Drowned Last Sunday Charles Shensly. 10. of 200 Almn street. St. .Johns, drowned Sunday nfterneon as he wiib at tempting to swim tho branch f tne Columbia river slouuh it t the foot of Oswego Hreet. lit was swimming with some-com panions and started to cross the narrow neck of wntor separating the island from tho mainland. When about half the d atanet Uctohb he was s-en to throw hi- hands suddenly in tho air nnd nk. At first it was believed that ho wnB attempting to dive, inn wnen he did not reappeor his mends hecamo anxious and it wns discovotod ho hud drown- id. hverything possible wax ono in an attemnt to locate the body, but without avail until tho arrival of City Grappler lirady, when it was found a short distance from wher( le was seun to sink. It is be loved that he was seized with cramps, ihu hoy is survive t y a father and mother. Mr. and Mis. J. C. Slioash. of St. Johns, and six sisters. His lather is employed by th Grant-Smith Portur company. City Commissioner Bigelow wns very lavish lan Saturday witi smiles and cignrs for his friends and callers, owinir to an addition of a seven pound girl to tho family. Wo do not know whether Bigelow will cull for an increaso in salary on that ac count, but when the excitement which now prevails in tho house laid has fomewhat subsided, he may possibly make other invest ments besides politics to in crease the larder and incidently keep time with tho constant and perpetual rise of commodi ties and baby clothes, much k-sn uibies, which arc considered a uxury these times, and some families havo a hard time to practice economy. This does not allude to office holders or em ployees who have passed tin- civil service examination. FIItK INSUUANCE With the best of companie: owest rates: a thorough know ndge of local conditions und heavy interests in the commun ty. is it not reasonable to sun- pose thut we can give you better nsurance service than the wan nering solicitors, who may or may not tie in the nutmegs when loss occurs.' Let us figure on your fire insurance, or insurance of any kind We write all lines n the best of companies an 1 give you 'nsurance service sec ond to none in the city, Our record stock is us com plete as it is possible to pet it under present conditions and compares favorably with any in the city. Currin Says So. If my work pleases you; please tell your friends. If not, tell me, Rogers, 202 N, Jersey strfiet. Multnomah Attractions Saturday, July 2Gt!i- BT1 MEL CLAYTON In "VICKHY VAN" I'nriiiiiouiit. Sumlnv, July 27th DOROTHY GI3H In I'OLLV-PnMinouut. "I'Kl'l'Y Monday ntiit Tuesday, July 28 ami 29 U 123910 DARRI3CALE hi "HOSH 01' TI1H RANCHO." Also seventh episode "Tlie Tiger's Trail." Wednesday, Jul v SOtti CONdTAN"CB TALMADGO In "MRS. I.Itl'l'INWHLT'S UOOTS" Select. Thursday nnd 1'tlday, Julv 31. Auk. 1 MAUGUHR1TU CLARK In "COMIC OUT 01' Tlllt K1TCH UN" Paramount. Saturday. Auimt 2d ETlIBL CLAYTON In "I'ltTTI CRitW'S GIRL" Paramount. Sunday, August .'ltd llIO BtLL HART in "MONHY CORRAL," or "Tlllt N101IT WATCHMAN" Artcrnlt. Mommy, lticsday Wednesday, to be announced later. Thursday and l'rlday, August 7 and 8 HARRY CARliY In "RIDltRS OP VHNGHANCH." A Rrcat slx-ncl Western picture. Notice to Creditors In the Circuit Court or the State of Or K"ti for the County of Multnomah. I)cuitmcnt of Probate. In the Matter of the Ustale of Nancy C. Ilarion, Deceased. Notice Is Klveu of the death of Nancy C. Ilartou, and that the uiidmlKiicd hss oven duly nmxnutcd executrix of her Last Will ami TcMamcut nnd of her es tate, nnd has iiimlificd. All pcrnous Imv iiH claims nj-iiluol said dcccdenl, or her osliitc, are notified to present same to 'lie nt the ollire of my Attorntys, Per kins & llaitcv, 1117 Hoard n Trade HulldliiK, Portland, Oregon, with proper vouchers, duly verified ns required by taw, within six mouths from the date of the fltst publication of this notice, to wn: juiy mm, imv. KILY N. ROH, Itxecutrix. Notice of Hearing Final Account In the Circuit Court of the Stole of Or egoii for the Comity of Multnomah. Detainment of Probate. In the Matter of the Itststeol Uric I'. ''cicrsou, Pcccim-d. Notice is Klven thnt William . We. ion, executor ol tliu Uut will ami Tes lament of Hile 1'. Peterson, deceased, u.is men witn tlie umuty Clerk ol Mult mimuh County, Oregon, hi final account us Mich executor, mid thut Monday, All iiot IMtli.nt 0:30 M., nt the Court Home of Multnomah County, Oregon, Drpurlincnt of Probate, and before lion. iraiiic (eoruc Tuswell. Itnluc. lias been lixed a the lime ami place (or hearing bji-ctlons to said neeount anil the set tlement nf the same, ami to the distribu tion ol the property Moneliig to ild state. Any iiersou haunt; obleetinmt io Mild account may be heard nt the time un I place uloresalil, WILLIAM J. Wltl.DON, reikiusfc llnlley, Uxtcutor. Attorneys for Hxccutur. Notice to Creditors In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon lor the County of Multnomah, Dcpiirlmcnl ol Probate, In the Matter of the Hslateof Stanley I'onislewkUl Deceaud. Notice is given of the ilelli of Stanley llorukicwklci, unil tli it the uiideroik'iml has been duly apixjinted executrix of his uut Will ami 'lestauifiit ami of hlses titc, and hits miulliUd. All torsous Imv i tig claims against said decedent, or his t-kiutc, arc uollued to p-c.eiit same to meat the oflicc of my Attorney., I'er Mu ft Hailey 1117 Hoard of Truile unfiling, Portland, Oregon, with itroiH-r vttueiiera, miiv vtriliru as reipilien iy aw, within six mouths from the du e ol the IhM publication of this notice. wit; July ISth, 1010. CAM 11,1. IC PILIP, lixeeutrix. ST. JOHNS Watermelon Garden On Ice 10c u slice Half Cuutaloiiiiefc on lets 10c At the tables lltst service Wlralrsalt nml Rstall' 107 N.Jersey Street ST. JOHNS EXPREc)e We Until nny tiling, any time, any place Prices reasonable Daily Trips to Portland nquire, 317 N. Jersey St. coiumC 377 Don't Miss the HOME COOKED DINNER Which will he iven at ST. CLEMENT'S CIIUHCII GROUNDS SUNDAY, JULY 27 From 12 to 3 p m. U will be worth your while to nttetid. BANK OF COMMENCE Renders an all round banking service of real merit. We ir. vite your account, whether commercial or savings. No. 114 North Jersey streot. adv. No night too dark onhour tno late for HOES to take a clear ptrait. GEORGIA RICH Pianist Teacher filfi Aluswortli Avenue 410 Oweeo Stfeel Studios: I'hoiios: Woodliiun 2002; Columbia C54 Mrs. Gabriel Pullin Vocal Teacher Dlnnliraiii Drcatliitttr. l'nru-nr.1 T.m placement nmt Clear diction, Pupils tattelitto take twit In Trio um! Quartettes.- 965 Lombard St. Phone Columbia lfc2 Mrs. Frank A. Rice TltACIItlU OI' Violin, Alaiulolin and Piano I'upH ol Nnltr D.imc Studio: 601) W. John Stmt Telephone Columbia 80 t'Mttlll thUv lirnitnp Mrmlf . if I k lu.rnJI Orclirtt willed will mfkt putilti agtgiMrmiHi monthly. ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. SyraciiM,' Street Phone Columbia .'(02 Mrs.BerthaCBurdick (Uccutltnte of llic Uoy. I Acntluuiv of Music, London.) Teacher of Piano 1957 Hodge St. Phone Col, H7J Dr. W, J. Gilslrap Physician and Sip genu Glasses Accurately Pitted oi'i'ien nouns 0:00 to 12 M. OIMUCH.S 1 :.T0 to 4:80 P. M. PcnluMiliJe. 7:00 to S.00 P. M. curlly bldu Sundays, U.00 to 10:,'I0 A, M. Dr. Evart P. Borden DENTIST Painless Hxtractloii of Teeth under Nitrous Oxitle Gas Oflicc Peninsula Hunk hltlg. Office phone Col. G25; res phone Col. 477 Hours 9-12 u, m.; 1:30 5 ami 7-8 p. m. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Day Phone .Mglu I'liDiie Columbia J7 CoIuiiiIhh (WO Phone Columbia 379 J tel. Coin uibiii 1131 Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Surge n Kooin 10 Vtii. nl. Hrft.lc HmMIn DR. L P. PICIviiNS, DENTIST Onice IIoiirsH to 12 A. M. 1 t . SI. Itveuliij; 7 to 9 Peninsula Itank III1I1:. Ollue Phone Colttmbm 1 iflj LEWIS CALDWELL LKADINC; HAUIihit The pliue whrrv st-ivk mI "tiileoii ttrtitntviit nvvnil, I niitimi. hulr tuition rutlvi kMN-ial aiivulkm. 109 BURLINGTON STREET Davis Barber Shop uini JtTIJ KOliM' S. H. DAVIS, Irsp'ittor 108 Philmleliihiu St. IkitliK lifie St. Johns Undertaking Go. 208 N. Jersey Street pUonis: Columbia Mil Coluinliiu M) AiiKiinulijli- ileuiM-. 6tl Our frees Before Going to Poillimi PENINSULA HUE A8SIRICI & REALTY CC H. HENOERSON, Mnnagsr 402 N. Jur.ey Stracl Abktraeiii of Title PrvpHrl Titles ixuwind Phone Columbiit 'M Hauling and Moving OP ALU KINDS Done Qiilckl. and Promptly Dally Tups tu ami fiuiu Portlum! Phone Col. 1050 flo L KlClimonU M. Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand und Gr uel Hauled Duily Trips to Portluiul Phono Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST Wood of all kinds Auto Express Prices Reasouuble Piompt Servlsw MIKE GOARCKE S C10 Good Second lund 8vinir HiMhtHr (i.r ti If 1 . 1 1 , 1,