DAVIS' BARGAINS Six room plastered houae, not modem, good close in location, atroota imrjroved and nuid for. Lot 371.2x100 with fine cherry trees and other fruit. Price $1,000. Terms ns low as $100 cnah and bnhinco S10 nor month with 7 nor cent interest. This house is comfortable and it beats pnyinjr rent n city block. Five room modern bunjialow in fine location, especially for new Terminal. Lot BOxlOO with some fruit and flower; street improved and paid. This proper ty is a bargain at $2,000. Terms $500 cash and then pay nt $.'i0 per month, include interest. Four room modern house on GOxlOO foot lot in fine location and close to the hard surface street. This house is in the very best condition and it is a first class house, best of mater ial used in building mid best of workmanship, inlaid linpoleum on kitchen and best ahudea on windows: all o with house. Barm-n nt$19i0. You can have it for .r0 cash and per month, which includes interest, and can have possession on short notice. Kivo room modern bungalow with lolvuxlOO streets, improved and paid for, Si ()(). Tills is a dandy and is worth more money. It will be necessary to pay about $700 cash and lliun $10 nor month with 7 nor cotit in torcst to get this. If you sad it you will want it. A Jersey street lot 50x100. close in to tho center with nil improvements in and paid, for $2000, You can have some good reasonable terms on this if du titrable. A lino businoss lot and cheaper than anything around it. A. W. DAVIS, 202 N. .Jersey si. Multnomah Attractions SnttinUy, June Mill 8E5SUH IIAYAKAWA in "Til It CITV til' IU.M I'Ai'HS." Sunday, Jiii.c IMIi MUNROU SALISBURY l" "Tlllt I.ICIITDI' VICTOR V." Monday unit Tih'mUv. Juiii' It! Mini 17 The mil o( "TltRKoR (II' Tlllt RANCH." WmliiMduv, Juiu' I Mi It ETHEL CLAYTON i" "MAlMIH l,ltl,l'l(R"-l'Hrniitiiiiit. Tliiusdiiy Mini I'riduv, Juu III ami Uu- HARRY CARuYIn ' ' HA It It I'lHTK fl net inn.1hI. Central Location Thirteen years in the busi ness in St, Johns. List yourProperty with Us We Make Sales S. C. Cook 402 N. Joraoy Street SUA1MONS. In the Circuit Cuuit uf tk)t4.Wu OtvMHi fur tlw CouHty of MultHuMwh. JvtMv It. I'Miivll.pUilltlll, Vk. llrlUIMM llnvcnUU, CIimiIim KinI, J. V. Cuok win! Ctttfk, liik wifp, ilvfrutUtuU. In tilt uttuw ol tin- htdtv u Oitgou. ytMi hwI imcIi nf yiHt rc ItvrvUy mmt. Id nitKur awl irr. or otltrrttim pli-ail to the OowjUniut lilrii HK.tittkl yu in tlt- Mimvr cutitliiit tuuit mul chum; on ur Ih fine the exiii4imii nf u Mt-rks imUUi'it tlull Ol tlltk kUUlUIOIIk, MIUI tllUl if )OUlUll mi to uMMr Hiia .iiUMrr. lor want turn; ol, tHc tHtiiiiii will umily to tin- Court lor tlic riilial aoHi.iiulril in iu complaint ucrniH iu-wii: ror h imiiuhichi ml ! cive uf ktikt luietuMtiv iiKtiiut )imi in s-iitt inui', burilii); ami fnfirlokiiig you of Hi from Mil tiKlit. tuif. iiiuii.t. i Uiui. liuu, ami riiiily of (iltmptioii in ami to uiui ccnittu irMi ro uy mtimlt'il in tin Couutt ot Multiioiuali, SUtr ot Hik'ii, iMitlrulftily lUkvntMfil ut l.t imiutir (U) in ititHiw- it) romoim.uiiHiiiiitioii to l'oit- luinl, .Mulltiumnh louuty, (UfKon, mc isinllnn to ili olllciMl pint tlii-1 tut k ir ci ri lot I in the oflice of tli County CWik of .Multnouuili County, Onj"i'. inclml iiiK the klututory rtjflu ol ivluuilioit, nun iur inn rrtikuiiu iiikiiuiH'llients Uric in. Service of thU miiuiuoii- u iiu.L- up on you by puhlicHtiou tlurvof in tlm St Johiw Kvvirw, u uvsNtM-r of euerul circulallon pulilUlivil in rortUml. Mult iiumuli Louuty, Ureuou, iniruant to u outer muilr by tlio llouontlilv I'.rorvv W. Stuplvtou,l'itiliui' Judge of thv Cm-uit Oiurt of the Stute uf OieKon.for Jlultuo uuh County, iniulu uml uutercl ou Mth iluv of My. lyi'J. ilirrvtiUK scivice ol .fil numiiiOHi to lx rnmlr lv pulilu-Htioti thereof in thu St. JoUiu Kcmch f(r n successive works. Date of flrt (mlilicultou of tins kiuu luous is May U0, ID1U, utl last putilica tion July 11, JOiy. SII)NltY(iOKIH)N, Attoruey for l'Uiutitf. lierliiintr Utililiug, Secoutl and AMcr Street, 1'ortUiul, Orugou. Tho Portluml GurbitKO Co. ro moves rubbish from roeidoneus ut'$l per month mid business places at rousonnblo itttos. Luitvu orders at St. Johns Himhvaro or phone Woodlawn 301. Urink' in your job printing. Real Estate OW CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLEWASSAYED New Process Invented to Pre serve Surface of Monolith in Central Park. HIEROGLYPHS OBLITERATED rtlaor of Western Cllmato Caused Khedive' Gift to Disintegrate. Painting Ancient Obelisk With Special Preparation Gtay. ed Decay Ruined Por tion! Restored. Now Yorkcra nwnku ono tuornlng to Mini In llii-lr lirfiikfiiMt lienilllni'H tin- news Hint u xtMtluii.i purk viniiloyco Imil illwiivcreil nlKim of illHlntcKruiliiii on 1 Ik niirfm i. nf Hin clty'o tniMt trouHiiroil iintlijue riitipHira's N'uwllu. Photo Kinnlm rmi'MliMl Unit llio tnoiiolllli wiih IkhOIiik, lHn'i ici'(fl of xiiiiiIhIoiii; Iiiiv (rise fnlli'M frtim the lull kIiii ft, furrylng wild litem mirt of tlia tirlxeil hleto Klyplm. I.niiiloii'rt twin nIMit of Clfoiiiirif Nct'illi wiih rt'iHirloil iih hmIIiik 'iii forlnlilv ami i-tirltit lucly on t lit Intuitu of tlio TlMine. mul tliu rlvnl port won ili'inl wlicihcr a pri'imrutlon would In fiitinil to Miay tho uttiakM of their lmrlnT i lliiiiiic. Sui'li h pr-miHlliill wiih mum forth coiiiIiik. A now inliit coinlilniilloii iih h iriiMrvNtlvtt for mIoiio wiih Invented THE OBELISK. wx tirtmetitiHl to lli rily nt Nw Yoth ly ih itneoitn or i.to IJeutrnaiil r"i- mmt'lrr Hurrlnua. I C H. N , yntr rtfti. uiimin HMHtxln of I! Mini nml II In II ttnt Mllln. ut Hit " f warty tl-MMMX) ll wmm n HHtlV HWtinK llllt. HI Milli.lt Ml IHH.N, Janu ary .'. IMI 1h- lilh nf I hi" ttMMiiiiitriii 1 1 ihi Ih" in I M. M -' Irtetmi 1 h iik-hh mmnl nt l ho Iium IHIUMr throMMll Mn Im. in t fool, lt Inch Ttin nil II weight nf tilt muiHt Dili r) IIIU let" , Wnr It wit iUr rll noitr trm irilil sun. II Imi liMtfvtM-1 . tho Millro lonxlli f Kkvih. tttoot of that - nf l ho Mi-'lllffM MOHH NOM Hllll I 111 . wl.Hh nt III" Ail'iU lh) (Nojn -u till tunr nt A.IM inllo.t HttVllIK lirolf tlrnl imIo liHVotrr fur mio ti n it if iiiirty -ttv ' rzi'Ham pntmlM In Hi vb,iV1B tNiitm nt Km civ 1st- vtt'lHB fHi'o It linn orotl , l i HH I'IikimiiIi mul hut hunt . v, ' IQs, It II llN miKloulM oiisaufil In . i ' (fvfsltJv,l iuiiiU uf K'Ryptlan f' .kj' yj" i.iral on ills Mi'iurl . ii, i. ua i n il I I I o n i (nil tin. null llm laml nf i ' v.rj. ......vr ; 'm-wi it it 1 1 1 o ii frJuWrtf hm ia.i nt J7 'RISSsa I'll lirillN . 1 1 . Ir-JU M tj- i, lifii. u aim a li.lt I fllUII lc if It.iinan lottorrlKiit) ufii I'liriallan mtiiK kilo al AloiamlrM nl lis lon litis uf !- Ixin rulors alm-a t'allli (Hilar, aii'l now. Inavlnir alio a, "lnr Ha itaiivitlaiiil, It ai'tiitla ImiUliiic up on Ilia liillll.iii ilwril ora n llt lnii-'Kllk Minima a. in u is till hii'iwn In llio I. .mti r Hurlil Hi n lima win Ilia Oli.-liklt li.ul liati In iii'iii a for tw. Iltuuaaiui yraia, by Dr. WIIIIhiii ICuckro, dit'iulat of llm MeiioM(liau Muhcuui of Art. Many )iiiia prttvlous ooatliik' with iwihIIIii Iim'I lvn liifil, but MpilUitllon IihiI mil millroly nivoiuplUlit'il n vtii'M. TIiw now iiHliitlni: prtH'iNM, lumnvrr, proviHl it Ktu'OitHti. )iiniim'Htloii whs I ml I inl uml (hp iIhiiimkihI wrlM rilor. imI, Now Votk lirotttlitH.1 ttually iihuIii, PAINT PnOTECTION AND ITS ECONOMY, Tho preservation of utrui'turnl nm. torlHla. which limy ln olnuiuml ihrouuh HlH HpplU'lltlOU Of pNllll, OlltktltlltM n iiuvst vital nuHins of furlhurliiir thu roi. Mii vnllon of our natural reaourev. It Ih, iiioitu)Hr, thu intuit (vcomuulcnl iHulliotl of hiuttitnlnic tU upptiurutu'd ttui) k't'iicrul upkiMtp of any coiuuiu nliy. A structure cooled wiih u of In dia roliluir would tint hens well iirolect- ml from docuy n m atructtiro owii'd with it KiHid oil palm ThU U tlue to the fact Hint n sheet of ruhher la not an durable or iih uuioi proof us w thin ilrltnl Hint of pulnt Tht latter mato rial nheu aiiplliil ilm-a to a continuum elaatle lllm coutulinni; lluely divided tvMrtlclasi of iiielallic, wiHir re.iUtlni; pli'uitinls. A hHiiare ftwit of such a lllm upon n wooden hurface cotM lea Hunt it penny, yet It will beautify mid protect it dollur'a worth of biirfuce for inuny ym. This Is u low rate of In ku ru nee. Dwelllnus, litirus, tHi(luilUllns, sheds, pouts, fonces, stock enclosures, u iiKonj. iintileuuintH, windmills mid in her t rup tures, whether of woixl, lion or cement, kliotild hit iircsorvod. through I lie use of paint, from rapid def y I Huh untile iHlnt may ho used sucvckfull) for nil such HirnMtM. Colored paints will lie found the tuokt scxlcoMhle, the iMlorlii); mutter In tho paint nddlni; from two to threo yoais to the life uf the coatln;;. Deafness Cannot Uo Cured by liHal miulU-allom, at lti raaudl r-lt lha aiaaaiftt Mirlt-it " Ihr ar Thr only ttr way to iur, tli.iruM, mul thai ta t o lauiuiioaai iiu..n, i. i u u Kill u aa laiumii iniiiiua m ihv nm ua liulitit uf lb Euatai Iiiah Tubv W'tun- I laa lulw I InlamvU ou tvat i a tuiiiHiat auund ut liuiH-rfi-il barluaT aait nam It ! ullrvl) vtvi4. t)afaiM l Ih raault. aud uul Ilia laAatuiuallun ran Vw lakaa out 0 this miw ratlurril la In normal muull- tnK nt-amc win t- ii-xiorrd tonvar. am aa. out oT la at auttnl v t atarra. akli-li t aoitilaa but a t latUiurd rouJltloH ol lb tnuaoiis kurfacaa '9 will sit Oh lluatlrvJ Dullart (ur aay at uf Dtafuvt (autil lir calanhi tbat aanat la urd by lUII't Catarrh Cur. S'vbJ far lruUtt. fr r J CIIH.MiY PO. Tulfdo. Ohio. hoiA bv Itruvaitt. t Tab II ii Vaiutiy nut fur tondivttUn. HmnK in llfir ' I r0T070mV. Mm-Mii.ti iii in iioit A!FTfvP rVkH. MliloliHk IiiK I til- n l?$Kii?,r In Iii llio riniiiiiMl p 5. .WmS if Joiumiohi, ram- ; . IH'tw tiytHHi iIowiIhIIiik tho ' .ilawnKiJ i hiiii. iicttMiiiiiit r tsKJjv I'latHHiiil ntlior ilrrrk ilwv? PAINT ASAN ASSET. Bankers Say They Lend More Money on Property Whon Buildings Are Well Painted. . AN INDICATION . OF THRIFT, One Concern Advances 25 Per Cent More If Renalntlntj It Done Every Five Years, Dopi It pny to pnlnt carefully form InillilliiL's? Dues It mid to tho hcIHiij: value uf n farm when hulldlui; arc properly kept up nntl regularly pitlnt- od? A careful Inquiry of it number o lenillUK tiunkcr.i In (he Mlstlsnlppl vol toy, InrliidliiK Much Hlnlei nn lown, Till nnl.t, .MlrlilKiin, oliln, Indhimt mid Mis Motirl, roveulN Hid fart Hint In nearly every hi ho I Ik linnkera did not hexl tutu to Hay, thiil I bey would lend nil the wny from C to RO per runt, more on land where farm bulblliics were well painted uml kept In ttood condition They maintain that well kept-tip ntid well pnluleil Imllilli'iftt ami fence nru mi Imlleittlmi of thrift anil Hint tho thrifty fiiiinur Ih n Rood cl lout, nnd to him money can bo mifely louneil. An nvoriiiio of the returns from thexo honkcrfi Nhown Hint thn InrrciiMed loan viiluo hermiHo of pulntod hulldliiKN nrouml per cent. Koine of thuHU banker.) innke Inter eslliiK cotumoiit. A .Michigan concern wiyn (hut, whllo not ewpeelally pre- pared to iidvlxu deflnllcly In lexpnnsi to HiIh Inquiry. Ihn oltlcerM would hum moie tnuiiey on furins where hiilliliiiKH were ihiIiiIihI (Iiiiii when they wero not ho treated. Thin bank also llml (lint where biuiset, hnniN and fcnroM ant well lakeii cure of the farm Is a prolltuhlo proposition, and banker in general consider tho fanner a kooi! client. Atiolher .MIcIiIkiiii hunk nyn "faiiii hiilliliiiKH out of repnlr nut nredliiK iNilut Imllrule (hut llio owner In Mow pay." Hurh furttiH tin raltHi m about (ine tblrd of llio naaeasiil value for loiifiM. Wbere the farm bulblltiKS lire In Ktiod Hluipe Ihn rnllUK m out1 Ian I r. Tho president of it middle weal em liiifik wiyn dial wben rem ealnle Ion lis ant ciinsldereil, pnlidef! hillldliiKi tire always uiken lulo ennalileniiloii in milking an ealiinale. The Kcncrnl up penrame of ihn pioperty sinrtiiiiidliiK the bouse mul hiirii mul alwi the llebls mul fence would In carefully ohscrv eil lie further hhvh Hint lie Iiiin no hi'iliauey In miylui; that ho would ab Kiiluiely refuse u loan ou farms where Hie hulltlliiKH were not kept up uml well painted. In tils JudRiueiil, un p.tlnletl farm IiiiIIiIIiiki wouhl reluct Hit1 loan aliie al lenai 'S per cent. A MlnneHolu hanker miyx Hint ho In much more willing (n limn money where the bulldliius nru well imliitod. In bis parllcuhir ciini hi believes Hint tin wouhl lean -0 per cent, imiit ihmi If Hie hullilluKH wtro not properly luken euro of. A farmer who will keep Ids bulldliiKS imlnltsl In la n ninth ib'enT luleresl ,n Ids work t Iih ti ono who iIiks not. Auolher Mliiuo Hula bank win Hint well istlnled build Ki lime rtanlhsl In ns-urlnit fittm his hank houioHiuim hm hlxh hh 'in pur nul iiioro money than where ibe IiiiIIiIIiikm are not tlnied. An Ohio ronceru wtyN iiihI ll win Iiwh 'Jn tr rent more money on u well kepi fann where hulhlliiKK are imlnltsl Ml leu at ern e every fKn yent. A atuilhern III! in is hunk auys Hint It bus no this) r; V iihtiiil Ihla, hut It dotw nmke h tie iplctl illtTiirniico when ownein of fHrm I il, ds apply fot lorniM. If Hut ImlhlliUM uro well isiliiied hiuI I bus well pro- crvtd tho Ion n i -uie wouhl not ottly io cheaper, hut the uiihmiiiI of iimuey irii-owiil would ho luruor. A norihiHii llllnola bank tluen lint healtHltt In My lb il It would Iimiii fully fa) iter cnt. more on a fHrm where building wore well palnitsl mul In k'ium! unler than whero I bey were not. 'Hie lco pival- Ifiit, who ana we nt tint Inquiry, ntn-s on lo wy : "riiero priUuiiiiy are inany farntera paw) lliianclally ami toorully who hi rm 1 1 lltelr IiuIIiIIhkm Io rtniwlu niimlnletl, hut as u rule (he mot null htmitlHl peoplu who live In tho c.uiu- ry keep lliulr bulldliu; well iwlnied." An lown Iwnk, HiroiiKli Us vice pre iluut, males Hint It wouhl nmke h tllf Vrence of at lenai 'JH iht ,-etit. lu fa vor of tho fiirm with pulnied build ings. Auolher Iuwh coiicerti a) iltat wouhl nwke a tlllTereitce of at Unat M per cent. All (Ida belli true. It I ivet-rm-tly evident that It I u kihmI hurlo pnq oslllon to keep tho farm bulldliiHa well iwlutetl, They not only ItMik holier uml are more plettalutx to the omier. tut the fHrm wouhl M lo letter ail- HtilMKe, the loan vhIuo of tho propvrly wouhl he frtsitly lucrtstktsl and Hie iiilhliiiKH IheHist-lvo would lust nuiili oiiKer uml uecsl I em itqatlr. The American AKtlcullurist. PAINT AND ILLITERACY. Curious Fact Comes to Light That Lo calltles Least Using Books Avoid Paint Also. WutihliiKton, IX O. A curious fact has been hnuiKht to llubt by tho IWu. ctitloiml Ituiociu nnd the tlunmu of In dust rial UoMsirch hero. It u Hint lu the blates whero Illiteracy Is uumi I'li'valent imlnt la lea at iued. I'ho lntlnt roforriHl to Is tht common or burn variety, of course, for tho back woods countries have no neon for the liner plitmeuia or facial mloriiuieiiia. It U true, ihouKh, that lu the mx'Huiis of nil states where white Illiteracy U IiIkIiom imlnltsl homeci hn rare and iwliilisl uulhuildlues uml ttarits are piiuilciilly unknown. I'rotwhly the lIlli.-i-Hles do not use lut ou their bulldhiKs because thoy do not under stand lis value us n preservative. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The followinj; list of legnl blank are kept for sale nt this oflice ami others will be auMeil as the ilemnml arises: Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty anil Chattel Mort gages, batlsfactton of Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills of Sale, Leases. titi Uv UM tn your ptpw. Wynwdc Aprons They might be called House Dresses. They are new patterns; new de signs. Moderate in price. The women look well in them. Thin Undcrthings The j'uturitit garments are to Women what 13. V. D.s are to men. The most comfortable summer garment. Pink Silk Cnmmisolcs A new lino of Pink Silk Envelope Suits and Oam misoles. Thfey are pric ed cheaper than the lihjh Kent stores sell them. Men are only Boys Grown Tall We are enlarging' our stock of Boys Wear ing Apparel. Your Boy will be given service at our store; he will be given the respect that will command return courtesy; because we want his bus iness. If we get the Boys Trade trade the men come naturally. Headlight Overalls mum 1 1 ii ii Seasonable Electrical Appliances Some Useful Hints Sewing Machine Motor, Vnctyim Clentkr, Vliin MMchiiif, l'loor. Table mul Desk I. a nil, ClinfliiK-tlisli, TtMWUt. Grill. Coffee I'cr c it In tor. Milk Wurincr. Sutoot limn Iron or Travel iug lion, CutlliiK-iion ami Dryhn: Comb in Ow, Vi bratoi. Heating KaU iator, I'ortubl Stove ami Oven, K.uiKi Fan. Electric Building CHAMBERS COMPANY i. O. Cltamt. Mrs. II. U. I.juv Funeral Directors StbvttU kiltiiiijkUottU Aviiiue t)KTl.ASl). ORIJCO.N Tvkpttpms vnxUawn 880(5 0 1133 Mr. Chainl ets is tliu only O. A. H umWrtaki r in ii city uf Portluml. IVrniltil 'uutiotl ml uHrviioii Kivu to arrangement. L WHITE Biiilding Contractor Day or Job Large or Small Phnc coi. un 012 So. Syracuse St. St. Johns Fuel Co. W. C. Sl'liCK. Vrov. All KIAD Of WOOD I'll nt Coluiubi.i 01 S 101 1 ut Uicbtuoml Street Residents of St. Johns liavinp taxes nnd city lions to nay in Portland can mako their pay ments without inconvenience by availing themselves of our ser vices. We will pay same nnd secure your receipt without in- convenience to you. roe, 'do J cents. Heieroncos: Any St. Johns Bank. Peninsula Title, I Abstract and Realty Co.. by H. Henderson. Munautfi'I 402 North jersey street, ONHAIVI The Store That Cares For You EVERYTHING FOR MEN TO WEAR Dry Goods and Shoes for Everybody The James John High We are more interested in the Graduating Exercises than we are in the Rose Fes tival. We are keenly interested in every boy and girl who gets a Diploma and we ex tend our Congratulations. You will find, our store employing the High School Pupils just as much as prac ticable in our business. We like to feel that their em ployment with us is but a stepping stone to better and bigger things in Commercial B U T T E R I C K P A T T E R N S I'S. L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept. SEE Home Mercantile Co. VOU SPECIAL PRICES ON Paints, Oils and Varnishes Garden Tools Doors and Windows v Brooms and Brushes Harness Repairs Lime, Cement and Plaster Auto Supplies We are Agents for United States Tubes and Casings Extra discounts on Auto Tires 209 West Burlington Street " ST. JOHNS, OREGON mnm "Surest Thing says the Good It's a cinch to get a real quality chew and save part of your tobacco money at tne same time. small chew of this good tobacco gives real Iaiting satisfaction. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is n short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco If you are a stranger in town read The Review and get acquainted. & CURRIER B' E A U T I F U L B L 0 U S E S You Know,1' Judge The Warner Corsets The Late Models Your summer gown will be more becoming if fitted over a well made corset; a corset fitted to your Natural lines. Children's Dresses Gingham Dresses for girls from 2 to 12 years of age. Well made gar ments of the Amoskeoag Ginghams. Priced $1.00 to 52.50 Play Suits Play Shoes Koveralls for Girls and Boys; Blue Denim and Khaki. Bare foot Sandals, tan or white. Royal Shoes Knights and Ladies of Security St. Johns Council 2775 Ke:tilnr lluliics niutiiiK ll ami 3rd Mommy. 0kii ii cvtinui lo the inilillo uml iiuMiilrtm Stiil Mini -Ith Momlnv. Vli Itor anil nit mlxni conllully Inviteil to Hltcml ut lllckiitT Hull. Frank C. Oasiier, Pres. I.eMer Tteliuj, Secretary. LAUL LODCjC No. 1 SG I. O. O. r jt. iomns. onroo U wti rto Mu. d) t ctnln la Oii PtV loni liall at 8:oo, A eonlUl welwin to Ml vUltlnt; brotliiT. I H Nuii.hjI.. NoU(Iihik1 I rri ll.l.n Vkr Oi.t fu K WlU Kiv Imv. I V. Nrr. I'tH.brv. II. I CUik Tim. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. P. and A. M. , .Meet the fitut ami tlilnl VcilnwUvtf each moiitli S in Wekner'i Hall. VUL " . tors welcome. A.K. DavU, W. M. A. W. Ilnvii, .Secretary. Mfnerva Chapter No. 105,0, E,S, Meets every First and Third Tuesday of each month in Hickncr's Hnll. Visitors wel come. Dixie M. Lewis. W. M. Ruby R. Davis, Secretary. St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attendance of our member at our regular meetings every Thursday evening, A. t. Marry, Geo. Muhm, Clctk Consul. 0S Smith avenue HOLMES LODGE ISO. 101 KMCHIS or PYTHIAS Meets everv l'ridav night at 7:30 o'clock in 1UCKNKR 1 lull. Visitors always wel come, OKO. HARRIS, C. C. (Woodmen ol the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Thursday evening in I. O, O. V. Hall, Leavitt and Jersey streets. Visitors ahvajs welcome. THOS COI I'K, C, C. , V. K, COON, Clerk. For COAL and WOOD OF ALL KINDS SEG EDLEFSEN FUEL CO. Oregon Building, 5th and Oak Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321 Mill wood mostly inside, Urge percent age dry enough for immediate use $-1.60 I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Tohns Phone Woodlawn 53C0 W Call and Oallvar The Skidmore Cleaners Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations and Re pairing a specialty V. f JUSTICE f2 "fcWrf street Jlk V