St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 13, 1919, Image 2

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A. W. Markle, Hditor
Published Friday of Each Week
Subiorlptlon prloa $1.00 par year.
Outiide of Multnomah Couuty f2.00
per year la udvaucc.
ADTBJISlNt IUTKS: 25cculspcrlnch
each Inscrtlou. Locals C cents per line,
minimum 20 cents. Special rate on
yearly contracts.
Tint HltVlKW Is cnteied lit post office
In Portland. Orcon, ns until ninttcr
o( the second class under the Act ol Con
rtfCM of Mnrch 3, 1879.
While railroada fo co havo in
croaaed and they are a burden on
the tnxnavers under Kovcrn
ment onoration. banking has
naid heavier taxes, rendered
greater acrvice and has not in
iireased feon. Banking rates o
interest have been lowered dur
ing the war period, and the vo
um of community worK lias
doubled and trebled, for nearly
every bank became headquarters
for war drives. Of course, no
one thinka of n bank as being
conducted oxceut on Htriet busi
noun linen, iiiid no one atotir
give a bank any particular
ci edit for anything it does for
the nd.v dun or tho com mil n
ity. But assured of healthy
bankimr.conditions, and an abun
dance of money Hnd credit
meet all natural and legitimate
rcuuiromuntM, industrial enter
prises throughout our country
can proceed with confidence and
s Mr. y.
Prohibition hut) encouraged the
manufacture of nil kinds o
Hwoet foods and drinks to lake
place of the huge sums formerly
hpent for alcohol. Ilio coriKiimp
t on of candy and mignr in var
oils forms is increasing and the
simple fact is that chocolates
and bonbons contain more "on
nrics to the pound" than booze
Young and old crave sweets Him
ply for the stored vitality tint;
concentrated food value, because
the cheapest forms of candy con
tain MOO "calories to tlx
pound." What are "calories to
the pound?" Simply ho many
units of lift! giving beat or en
orgy. mignr being exceeded only
Ity rico and com, and oven milk
is tuft far behind. While then
has boon a nation wide propa
uantln to create greater con
sumption of milk and prices of
dniry products have gono sky
ward. mignr has not climbed
The special fi pur cent excise tax
on candy should bo repeaiud as
adding to the cost of living.
There is not a tax on milk.
Lieut. Col. It. 1). (inrrolt Mays:
"In my experience overseas
observed that thu unlet imaHMUin
ing men were the best and
bravest lighter. Not many
noblo deed were credited to the
bully typo of men. but tin men
who had little tossy were always
ready to volunteer for tho most
dangerous work. We should
bo thankful (hut most of the
American soldiers were not of
tho bully typo, or olso tho end
ing of the war might have been
diilVrent. I saw many of these
quiet, uiiasmiming American
boys rush machine guns nosts,
curry wounded to safety under
extreme shell tiro, and do other
norU of noble deed that only
men with Imivo hourU would do.
They went into action with
mailt on thoir factw. Many of
thum died in the struggle, but
they vor gaiuo to the last."
If thu government oporatiou
waa to be made tho lever to
iruW government ownership of
railroads possible, it has result
cd in u farce. That is a mild
term for it, iu it is more than
likely to prove a tragedy, or at
boat 1 agio coinody. with the
pub. cut last. Co i) gross, jg asked
to provide 1200 millions to carry
on tho farce tho current year,
the deficit the lirst four months
being greater than the tlelicit
for tho past year, A tots! of
$1,700,000,000 bus been necos
sary from the taxpayers under
government control a sum be
yond tho grasp of tho ordinary
citizen, and he can only gasp
for wind, and faco tho taxes.
It is now expected that the rail
roads will be returned to private
management by thu lint of
October, and so there are no
extensions planned for this year
by the big systems. Railroad
development has practically boon
ut n standstill for two years,
and thu only big direct effect of
government operation has been
nrtiticial stimulation of payrolls.
The railroad properties faco
the two prongs of a dilemma -to
reduce operating expense
to their incomes, or to ask re
ceivership and raise rates nil
around. Hither proposition will
meet with resistanco reducing
wanes will bo resisted by organ
ised labor and political iuiluenco
The free trade spellbindora
used to tell us how loworing the
tariff would lower tho .coat of
living. Well, wo lowered the
tariff and nowyou'ro lucky to be
alive at all. National Republi
can. O"" "
A man likes to seo u woman
well dressed, but he never mar
ries one whose mind is occupied
with dress unlesa she slips up
on him when he's not looking
and marries him before he
knows much about her. Ex.
The old faahioned woman who
thot ahe was doing well when
she copped a husband who could
liuy nor u Htiwing niiiumiie, nua
daughter who wouldn't be satiafi
ed with anything lesa than a le
low who snorted a counlo o
twin sixes that could unwind the
road at eighty miles an hour.
Query.- The Korernrnnt Ins launched
an riliiratlonsl nmpn!n to omolimjf
building In ot.lrr to put mor men to
work. Would not n ulinllar movement t
how how (hi- nlil Miructuri-i run lit hml
anil monl nonoinlially repaired and mad
good a new a loo helpT
AiiHwer. -It Is li'iirnr-tl Hint niicIi 11
pliin 1.1 In oITln'I iiiiiI !n linked tllrwlly
with Hi). WiihliliiKlon propiiRntidii
lndiixtry muM tin turned luirk from
worUn of wur In llio wnyit of pen en
Kiiiployiiicnl iiiUNt Imi found, In thn
iikmiiiwIiIIc, for IIiihio wlin.ii! occiipn
lion Iiiin IiiiiI liiicrnipttnl, 'I'liurc Im no
real .surplus of labor In tin- United
Klnles ItiitliiT I hero In 11 HtiortilKO,
willed would lie neiile If niiriinil eonill
illlloim wpii Hlreiidy leston.'il, Mini olio
nlep lotvunN letlurlliK tlielll will comb
with roMUinpiloii of repair work.
(ioveiiiini'lil leNlrli'lliiim, Inipn.ied hy
Ilia (HHeHHliles of tin. wur prnKnuu
liuve for ninny monilm punt relnriled
or iilloKellier prevented coliMriirilon
inipniviMueiii iimi iemirs. tihw
Hirleihiim 111 now off, mid there Is
wureely 11 low 11, n city, 11 fnetory,
ilwellliii; or it fH nil II111I iIiicm not reveal
11 erylnic need for pniliipt iitlenilon
NollllllK llelll.VH NUlll lllHlHIlt lll'tloll ei
eept the fttOlliK I hut pi lien me hluh
fur Hie Hun lielnx mid iniiy ho lower.
Tlint In not IokHiiI. No liliitler wlott
II eietis in rewlr. die eosl In I cm limn
lliu 11 ml of iickIin'I No iniiller wluil
I lie cos I of 1 hi 1 11 1 . ihii wind Mini Hie
wen I her will collect n lilulu'r hill In
deterioration and decay.
Qurry. Whut do you think of paint
an lnvmiluint, aahla friini (lit appNiranu
It IihUT Dora It rosily 1'AV to pulnt h
twit rri ularly, y, vtry thr or four
.1ihw0r. tJooii pit Hit properly nH
plied when needed Is the 11111I11 (hint; In
iniiklni; a house Inst lung and well. A
Iioiinii worth can ho imlnlisl ut a
iMtt of ahout JIU.V In 00 jenrs llnit
Iioiiku will need ahout IA imltilliiKt.
Ihi tolHl coal of which Hill he I.M).
l.efl without H4liit, aueh u houae would
full Into coinpleie ruin in . ymrn. Ha
tiiklnt: ttO ymira tin a Iwala for our II i;
ureri wu llud Hint with iwliil a hoiuu
will last thut time In good coudllhm
and will cowl, plus jhiIiiI, $I,S7.V Willi.
out imlnt the hoiisu would have to ha
rebuilt ut thu end of HO years uud
would hu ready for unoihor complete
renovation when the hlvtleih yisir ar
iIvimI. Owl, without pMlnl, Ji.VlHHI for
homo nsiily to fall to plts-eM. Keen
reicular pulnlhiK puyT As die old
Dutch adHk'e Miya:
Query. I hnv u iiwnllly of tri.1 italiit
wu tiHH.I. Can I o4 It fur Ih Drat t In
rrpamtlHK my burn?
Auauur. -On no nccouut should old
imlnt which has hiH'onte fat hu itatHl
for priming ullhor old or new work.
Old PKlnt In that condition U hint uumI
on a fence, hrlckwork or tluwurk. If
011 value your ham uillclently to
pulnt It, do It tho Justice of a Koed Job.
v -
Join the
i "Home Sweet Home"
t 3I0ME.
that want tho labor vote- rais-' I Tll"e ltould be maBio in the 4;
. . mi 1 ...a 1 1... T ......1. ttatut- nm A TlV T
)ng rates will be resisted by
Bhippersand producors. l'.C.M.
Two things than all
aro more pitiful. One
is the
dtaoeration with which u bald
man clings to tho last fow rem
nants of his hair, and tho other
the determination with which a
woman goes about to erase her
finit wrinkle. Ex.
i 1
a layer enke is n dream to behold
and n joy to taste. Light ns a sun
beam, with filling Hint simply can
not be described, theenke will prove
a royal treat. At your next uffair
order one mid you'll make yourself
famous for yottrspltndid hospitality.
We hate the best. Orders taken (or Wedding Cake.
Fennlng's Bakeryand Delicatessen
1 1 5 North Jersey Street
Office Main 7567 Ken. Woodlann 1 1 03
Hours! 9 A. M. to S I'. M.
Evenings by Appointment
J.Kfc M."-iN A I TV7TT2
206-7-8 MVtlLAND BLDG.
rifth and Washington Streets
Portland, Oregon
Against tho too cheaply oircred
Hardware. There is a certain
level below which prices cannot
go unless tho (piality descend
with it. Your safest course is
to come to a store like this
where values are real and quail
ties assured.
Byerle & Armstrong
.120 North Jersey Street
11 fiTk !
TOW THE' '( !1
!, LIFE ,1 ra, yJJi
l. or mc i ! ssjtfc
Our vulcanizing will Inst. Our
work becomes an Integra nart
of tho tire fabric, as much so as
the original wrappings at the
factory. Vtilcaniz ng that's
built into the tire, us ours is,
cannot blow out; it can only
wear out wnen tno siioo wears
out. Tiro cost is going up.
Double your tiro milage with our
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Oregon
Muiubinji, Heating & Tinning
We Rcpiiir Aluminum Ware
hone Col. U2 207 S. Jcrey St.
Wood of all kinds
Auto Express
rice Kcnsouublc l'roiiit Service
Coliiuihia Sli
mnio in tho word
The home iuerchaats are part f
A of this town.
I THEIR prosperity meaus YOUR I
:: prosperity.
Trade with the home mer
Office Room 5
Peninsula Hank ttuililinK
lours 9-to n. in.; t-5 p. in. and
Office phone Col. 354; Res. 910
Barber Shop
108 N. Jersey St.
Transfer and Storage
W deliver your Roodi to iul frou
til yizit ot Portland, Vancouror, l.Jn:
ton. 1'ortUiul and Saburbmi bxprvji
Ce., city dock nd all polnU aocanlhU
Poff & Green
Sand uud Gravel Hauled
Daily Trips to Portland
Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST
W)hatil any thing, any time, any
place, Prices reasonable
Daily Tiiiw to l'ottlaiul
iVlumlmi 877
Notice of Guardian's Sale of
Real Property.
Notice Is hereby given, that the under
sijjncil, will, from nii'l niter Satunlny,
June 28th, 1U1U, procit il to and 'sell ut
private wile, to the highest bidder for nil
cash, or for xirt cash hiiiI part on time,
the whole of:
Lot Nine (9), ami West one-half (J) of
Lot Ten (10), in Mock Ten (10), John Ir
ving' 1'irht Addition to liHst rortland,
now within the corjiotAte limits of the
City of rortland, Multnomah County,
Oregon, with the Improvement mid ap
purtenances thereon or helungiiiK there
to. There isn ten tom dut'lliiif' house
on said laud, known as 712 Schuyler
Street, and uaraue.
Alice A. Morris, a minor, and daughter
hiiii warn oi 1','luiini K. .Morris, is an
owner ol an undivided two-thirds Inter
est In Mid tironertv and Hduiird R. Mor
ris, Individually, own an undivided one
third interest iu caul property. The
whole of said prop My will he sold.
Sale of raid minor's interest lm beun
authorized hy nn order of the County
Court of Mulloiuali County, Oregon, da
ten ami entered on tiic 2ist tiny oi amy,
It) IU. If sold for Dart cash mill txut on
time, balance owing on the purchnse
price must lie fecund ity it iirst morl
gnge lien on the wlioieol said proiierty.
Austrnci oi tine will i luruisiiuii pur
chaser. Mils will be received mid all In
(piirics answered by lidward R. Morris
at l'eiiliistila National Hunk, Rhone Col.
bUO. or ut the office or Perkins ll.iilcy,
his attorneys, 1117 V ,t ut Trade llldg.,
rnone .Main mmh, i-ortiaiui, uregou.
Sale tnnde subject to confirmation bv
Judge of thu Circuit lourlof .Multnomaii
County, DeiMttiueut if l'robnte.
(iiardiaii of Alice Morris, a minor.
For Sale Cheap
A plot of ground lOOxCOO feel,
which contains twelve 50x100 foot
lots, jtiht across the river from St.
Johns, bounded hy Wood and Mills
streets. For quid: Mile $1000 takes
them, which is Icks than $100 iwr
lot. Good terms given. Cull at
this oflicv.
To the Tunc of a Perfect Day
To know the thrill of a Perfect Day, you must
have a Girl and a Chevrolet,
(The wonder car of this day and age) the leading
light on the Motor Stage.
With fishing rod and the latest book, you stop and
fish by the sparkling brook,
And then proceed to the countless falls, whose
Beauty lures as Nature calls,
And never once does she seem afraid (I mean the
Car and not the Maid),
As up the mountainside it steps, full of speed and
Power and Pep;
Never a stop, never repair; with a car like that
you haven't a care.
When you hear the Call of The Great Highway,
come in and purchase a Chevrolet.
Peninsula Motor Sales Co.
107 Fessenden Street
Phone Columbia 1125 St. Johns, Oregon
Chevrolet Agents for St. Johns and Linnton
Dr. Lewis J. Keliher
DENTIST ii Sjtcolnlty
Room 10
Peninsula Bank Building
The Electric Store
Everything Electrical
Wiring, Fixtures, Electrical Auto
mobile Accessories, Storage Bat
teries Recharged, Electric Appli
ances of all kinds.
Columbia 977 418 N. Jersey
Enquire, 317 N.Jersey SI.
Luj INI Ess Ft Lsa
onutlful gray or
black adult casket,
hoarse, box, 2 autos)
embalming and rolln
ed service for -. ,
Mill 1 K
Funerals if -Uol for $20, J30, f 10, ?60, Higher prtcet! funeral iu pro.
1 mioii. Wo manufacture caskets. Lady asUtant.
Iteautiful funeral chapel,
Independent Funoral Directors
Main 2691
Washington at Ella Street,
Between 20lh and 21st
A 7e05
Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
61 -1 Central Ave. N.
Phoue Columbia 8S8
Deai Mary:
I think that many people who entertain make the
mistake of not having their-extra furniture LIGHT. It is
so much easier to move around. And then willow chairs
areso"cumfy." Then they can be used all tho year around.
Mrs. Y was so mortified yesterday. While visit
ing her I snagged my pretty blue silk dress irrepairably on
an old chair. My dress was worth half a dozen new chairs.
It was hard for me to smile and impossible for her.
Amiably notwithstanding- -HELEN.
P. S. I'll bet Mrs. W has already gone and got
some new summer furniture from
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
Store closes at S P, M. Saturdays, other days at 6:30 P. Al.
Curtis of thanks notices are
charged for at tho rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desiring to
have such notices published
should make a note of this.
Urlus In jour Job printing while
you think of IU Don't wait until you
are entirely out. We are equlppoo
to turn out neat and tasty prlntlnr
romptly at Portlaaa yrloM or tasa. j
Flags for Sale at the
Review Office. Decor
ate your home.
Columbia Garage
1 07 Fessenden Street
Repairs, Fair Prices, Guaranteed Work,
Storage, Oils, Gas, Tires, Tubes
Hudson & Stockum
Guarantee Fund Life Association
Protects you in total Disability, Old Age, and Death.
$16.66 pays for $1000 at age of 35. Why pay more?
Phone Columbia 4S6, and we will call and show you this
policy. Other ages in same proportion.
Double Idemnity $2.
W. N. JAMES. Agent,
1760 Portsmouth Avenue
If you are a stranger in town read
Tho Review and get acquainted.