St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 13, 1919, Image 1

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    "'Morfwi S(e
High School Notes
The Specialty Stores
Hundreds of viaitors are crowd
ing the streets of Portland this
week. They come from the East,
The work on the school float
for the Roso Festival is going
forward rapidly and it, promises
to be a credit to the school. The
float is to be mounted on a large
motor truck and is to be a mass
of pink and white roses. Seat
ed antl standing on the float doflnifn
rt t- I - P t . .
oi i cs progress! veness, and of its
Boyhood Dreams
When but n child 1 used to
plan what 1 would do in iuturo
years, when 1 grew to be n man
win ue a uoy or girl to reprcsen
each department of schoo
activity such ns art, music
athletics and literature. The
float will be symobolic of the
things that make schoo) spir
in James John.
On Friday last, the students
of James John and tho commun
ity of St. Johns enjoyed the pri
velege of hearing Dr. Davit
Starr Jordan, the world famed
educator, speak on the subject
ot "Kings I Have Known." Th
wit and humor a3 well as the
depth of his stories was highly
appreciated by his hearers. Dr.
Jordan told of his meetings mu
association with various kings
among whom was the ex kaiser
of Germany, whom ho met in
Germany thirty years ago
Strange to say, Dr. Jurdon tie
spised him without knowing
just why and ha3 avoided him
over since, oven tho he had op
portunities to be presented be
fore the war. Among other
kings of Dr. Jordon's acquaint
mice were King Edward, of
Groat Rrltuin, tho native King
of Samoa, tho Sultan of Turkey
King George, of Greece and the
old King of Bulgaria. Besides
being ono of tho greatest sclent
iuts in the world, Dr. Jordan
is Chancellor and President
Emeritus of I.olund Stanforc
University. His work for the
government of the United
States in studying salmon and
their habits, is universally
known nnd his book on salmon
is ono of tho great scientific
classics, for nltho' tho life of
tho salmon reads liKo romantic
fiction, it loses none of its
scientific value in Dr. Jordan'
The first regular meeting of
tho James John Civic Lcaguo
was held in tho auditorium
Tuesday ovoning, Juno 11. The
program was largely furnished
by tho sociology class ns fol
lows: live minuto talks by Mil
dred Evorhart on The Play
ground Movement: Hnzol Green,
on the Rack to Schcol Drive;
Theresa Rich, on tho Child
Labor Organization: Joo Jower
on Housing: Dorothy Jones,
Tho Anti-Clgnrettp Movement;
Ionia Cooper, on llio Modern
Menace: Charles Trumbull.
Americanization; Clarcnco Toolo
on tho High Cost of Crime, nnd
Tho Oregon Citizen, by Edward
Rood. A lively one net comedy
was put on by Alice Hrown and
Merlo Harrington and violin
solos by Melford Ve3leder, nd
vocal solos by Gladys keeney
and Glayds Coon were a pleas
ant featuro of tho evening. Tho
Civic Lcaguo is a new organiza
tion formed to meet the need of
more training in debate and pub
lie speaking. Regular monthly
meetings will he held next year
and a special eitort will be
made to inform the community
of tho nature of each program
so that a representative audience
of citizens may enjoy it.
The last final exam, is done,
and the students are gathering
up their books preparatory to
leaving. What is it that
makes the graduating class look
so much older and more digni
fied? Perhaps it is tho fact that
each one is now going forth
to face the creat problems of life
for himself. What is that half
glad, half sad feeling that wo
have, as we leave the dear old
school for tho last time or even
for the vacation? There is a
feeling of gladness for the work
thut we have accomplished and
the fact that we are fitted to
take our place among men. And
yet, there is a feeling 0? sadness
for those who are leaving, not
to return, the thot that we will
be separated, who knows to
what corners of the earth? Then
too, the knowledge that we are
losing two of the most beloved
teachers, who have been a help
and inspiration throughout our
high school days, gives rise to
another lump in the throat.
But those of us who are left
must., not become despondent,
for it is our duty to catch
the torch that has been flung to
us by those who have accom
plished so well the duties placed
upon them and carry on for
James John. Stanley O'Connor.
Who can better judge the
quality of a Talking Machine
than the world's greatest art
ists?, The Victrola is the in
strument they favor. Currin
Says So.
inoaijuniy. 11 uiey receive a
favorable impression, there are
some of them who will come
back as permanent residents.
Do you realize that tho great
number of handsome liltlo spe
cialty shops with their pretty
windows, nnd their general tiir
of prosperity, go far toward
making chnnco visitors think
that Portland is an uptodato
city where thero is n irood
chance to succeed in business?
Think what a ditlorent impres
sion would bo left in the minds
of people if instead of all these
shops thero wore just one or two
Dig department stores and al
these other buildings were vn
cant. That it bohooes Port
land people who are intorestoc
In the growth of their homo city,
to Hupport tho snecinltv atomi.
It is a matter of vital importance
to every man or woman who
makes his living here, who owns
property, or has children grow
ing up. This support is ossen
tial to tho prosperity and devel
opment of Portland. Are you
aoing your part -uontributud.
xiv ni xjmiuuu, iium mu uoosicr amusing now my dream up
state of California, from all the' pears. I thought I'd be n pirate
near Western states. These vis., bold, tho master of a rakish ship,
Itorstnko away with them a very' with all tho plunder she could
iioiu, a gun and cutlass at my
hip. My dreams were shot with
blood and fire, nnd loud with
noisy, ribald glee; and here I
sit and pnw a lyre, nnd I have
never seen the sen, I had a
friend, n soulful lad, who lived
next door to my abode; nnd he
was never quite so glad ns when
ho framed n gontlo ode. His
mind was filled with rhythmic
dope, a bard's renown lie longed
to make; some day ho hoped to
bo a Pope, to stand with Shel
ley or with Blakf;. I've mot thin
friend of yesteryear, and ho hns
penned no deathless line; kept
busy by uir auctioneer, hiT sells
all sorts of hogs and swine. And
I hail one aspiring friend, who
often said, "My dreams won't
fade! Just watch me to the
heights ascend, n ruler in the
world of Iradel Juit watch my
curves and you will set the own
er of your biggest store; some
day my Meets will anil the sen,
snd bring me goods from every
shore." The facta eotisuiro to
disappoint. That youth fell down
the worn of all: lie'a running
now n hot dog joint, and you
may hear his plaintive brawl.
As mnn pursues hi errintr wttv
lie nnus iiioKt everything askew;
wonder if there ivos a Jnv
who saw his boyhood dreams
come true. Walt Mason.
Cover Them Over
Should Exercise Care
Dealers are warned in n state
ment issued by the Buroau of
internal Kovcnuo, thut proprie
ty stamps by means of which
he tux on toilet nnd mai en
articles is collected, must be
cancelled when the article is
sold. Recently there have been
received by the Bureau nunior
oub uncancelled stamps takon
from taxable articles purchased
ut diog stores. Regulation 51.
relating to tho collection of the
tax on toilet and medical art!
cles, provide that each stamp
nfllxcd to a taxable article must
be cancelled in such u manner
as to prevont its further use.
'If possible," the regulation
states, "tho stnmn should be
nflixcd to the outside of the
package or contuiner of tho tax-
ed commodity so that upon open
ing the sumo tho stamp will he
destroyed. Tho initial or name
of the vendor, together with the
date when the stamp was nlllx
od or cancelled must appear on
tho cancelled stnmp." This
provision, the Bureau statos.
will be strictly enforced. Tho
penalty for making use of a
stump to denote the tax imposed
without cancelling the stnmp is
a lino of not more than $100.00.
Milton A. Millor, Collector.
Rememhor we carry at nil
times nl) the latest hits in VIC
TOR and PATIIE record t int
are nrorurnhlc. CURRIN SAYS
Cover tho thousands who
far away
Sleep where their friends
not find them today;
They who in mountain, and hill-
' side nnd dell
Rest where they wenried, and
lie where they fell.
i it . i
sottiy tne grass made creeps
round their repose:
Sweetly above them the wild
llow'ret blows;
Zephyrs of freedom fly gently
hi .
whispering names lor tho pa
triot doad.
Cover the faces that motionless
Shut from tho blue of the glor
ions sicy ;
Faces once lighted with smiles
of tho gay
Facts Hint beamed frlondshir
nnd lovo to your own;
Lips that sweet thoughts o
ull'oction made known
Brows you have soothed in the
day of distress:
Cheeks you have Hushed by the
tender enrass.
Faces that btowod in tho bat
tle's red flame.
Paling for naught, till the Death
Angel enme.
Lover them over yes, cover
them over
Parent, mid husband, nnd broth
er, and lover:
Kiss in your hoarts these dead
heroes of ours,
And cover them over with beau
liful flowers.
-Will Cmleton.
An Oklahoma girl advertised
for a hubsand. 'J he ad cost her
$10.75. Shu got the husband,
mid he died the other day nn
loft her $19,000 or n net profit
oi 5i8.wsw.-jr. vol it's still hard
work to convince some people
that it pnyB to advertise.
Interesting Program
The following program was
splendidly rendered by the pu
pils of Miss Georgia Rich, nt tho
Ugh School Auditorium Ihurs-
ay evening of last week, mon-
tion of which was mudo in last
ridny's Review:
Merry Boblink, Catherine
RaBsi; Peasant's Frolic, Eliza
beth Blew: Mocking Bird. Vir
ginia Hogan; Dreambont, Nancy
hompson: v lying Leaves.
Velmn Bort: Topsy Turvy, Viola
Rassi; Twilight Reverie, Echo
Maule; Rustic Dance, Inez Bred-
e3on; On tho Lake, Ruth Pal
mer; Kuiawiak and Souvenir,
Imer bneed: May Rapture.
.aWanda Fenlason; Venitinn
Serenade, Verva Shields: Valse,
Madeline Munson; Hungary
thapsody, Elizabsth Ogden:
Fifth Mazuka, Goldie Rovang;
Goldfischchem and Fluttering
Leaves, George Glawe; Whither,
Laura Lott; Arabesque, Florence
Blomgren, ; Liebesfeud and
raum der bennenn, Llmer
Sneed; Impromptu C Minor,
Virginia Dursmore; Lal'opil-"
ions, rreida liratzel; brand;
olka de Concert, esta biir.-
mons; vaise ae concert, utnei
Work Shirts, Pants, Gloves
Ladies' Coveralls Nip Hoots
t 202 N. JERSEY ST. Open Evonlnge
X Aut1i..ri.1 UflKiit iK.tlir
I The royal Tailors
Railway Director Hihes says nlmogt make up this wastage of
theU. S. Steel Corporation is 11 am in the purchnso of stool
lender of the stoel combine hold-! rails. Ihe tax is ono cent for
ing up the government by uox-;di 10 cents, or fraction thorp,
tortionnte charges on steel of on the amount paid nt soda
mils." Ho hoHovoa the neonla fountains, ice eroom parlors or
will hnve to pay in tnxos many,
millions of dollars more than
they ought to hnvo to pay. That's
how we waste dollars. But the
Inst congress inaugurated a
scheme of penny pinching, f "
which, if carried to tho limit! Ladies' Coveralls, $2.00.
(luring tho course of years, will , GERS.
similar places oi uuuinoss on
soft drinks, ice cronm or similar
places. That's how wo pinch
pennies from little childron.
Letter From France
Sergeant Paul Irvine, son of
Rev. and Mrs. J. II. Irv'ine,
writes from Franco ns follows:
Le Mans, France, May 22,
1919-My Dear Mother: Wo
have been on the move for sov
oral days. Last buturday we
moved by motor trucks from
Camp JotVrc to n concentration
camp nt Rimancourt, cast of
Chnumont. Tuesday morning
we left thereby train nnd nrrlv
cd at Le Mans nt 5 p. m. Wed
nesday was a beautiful trip; tho
weather was ideal for riding in
"side door Pullmans" and tho
country is at its most beautiful
stage of verdure at this season.
One was almost tempted to for
get tho sarcasm in tho familiar
expression, "Sunny trance."
From Tonero to Auxerre. wo ran
Southwaid thru a wide Hat val
ley, Hanked by round topped
hills nnd every whero a riot ol
folingo runn'ng irregularly along
stream and hedge nnd highway.
Running down tho hillside are
rows of fruit trees or bits of
vineyard. Tho whole scene
reminded uh of Willamette vnl
ley, toward which all our thots
aro now turned. And we nro
camped in squad tents, that
with the hot sun nnd the sand
remind us of our hnppy, stron
ous training days at Camp
Women do a lot of crazy things
but they don't stay up all night
playing pool.
BOSS of the ROAD, "Union
Mndo" OVERALLS" are good
With a VICTROLA in your
homo every musical longing is
satisfied. CURRIN SAYS SO.
If Congress doesn't mind
President Wilson nfter Julv 1.
wo will hnvo to Tollow tho No
braska custom of putting yoait
in our grape juice. Ex.
Boy's Bib
Overalls, $1.3(5.
Pcrhans no man o 'or imid u
life insurance premium with
out wondering what foolish
thing his widow
the money.--Ex.
would do with
Our record stock is iib com
plete ns it is possible to get it
under present conditions nnd
compares favorably with any in
tho city. Currin Says So.
ROGERS' Work PantM are
good for the money. $2.00. $2.05.
$2.1)5, $i.2r, $ i
siu.iio.: ?;,;V",w"rLh Avenuc
410 Owi'K" Street
Phone: Voo,IUn 2092; ColnmWi .v I
Mrs. Gabrief Puilin
Vocal Teacher
Dlaphram llreiitlifng, Forwuri! Ton
plftccinrnt .nut Clear ilictimi,
l'iitlB tmiKlitio take part in Tri.. .1: 1
WW t.omlwr.1 8t. Phune Columbli 1 '
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
Tn.u'intR of
Violin, Aliindoliit mil Piano
Stinlio: 50!J W. f- liii Stti-it
TclcpliniU' I'nltiiiibln Sftt
fuplWrnnf iK-t-onip M. itibrt , ( tmi .,
Otrhmti whtrli will ni.e .,iMc P.n.,'.
I Violin Inslniction
1 STUDIO. 215 N. Syractineftiii'
I'hone Coliiutbln .102
(I.iccntitiitc of the Royal Acak i
of Music, London.)
Tenclwr of Plane
1957 Hoclgc St. Phone Col.
So now. mother dear, don't.
you 800 what it all moaiiB? Of 1 011 can't believe everything
course, you know t. Wo are that Is told you, hut you omii
cominir home "touto-do-snilo" believe a lot of things that no-
and you may be sure wo are body snys, because everybody in
very nnppy. tiio i- ronc 1 poop 0 ninuii 10 say mom. w.i
niong 1 no way navo ueen very
cordial, showing n real interest
n tho troopB. They any "Go
you to Amorlmio very soon
Mil Then you nro very content.
a it not'"
Wo nro havinir all kinds of in
spectioiiB now of men, equip
mcnis, records, etc. Wo hope
to go straight from the train to
tho boat. But that's meru
speculation. EvcryRody is well
nnd hnppy now. France is beau
tiful witli the coming of sum
in or. But no placu is ho beauti
fill ur America. und no nnrt
of it that seems so beautiful to
mo ns tho Willamette valley and
our own Oregon. I-Jxpocting to
soo you all soon, Lovingly, Your
son, ran I Irvine.
Hmmic Mum HiUS. Coluuil.U 101
Perkins & Bailey
llortnl ul Timfc HiiMng
SI. Jhnt (HftKh IWmmi Swwftr (.
Honrs I in I', M.
Women nro different from
other fur hearing cronturen. 'I lie
otheia shod theiru in summer.
Heavy Grade. Union Made
Jumpers, $1.1)5. ROGERS.
Tho Germans Bay tho Ver-
snillos treaty is a Hong of hate.
Well, they didn't expect tho con
cert of nations to lend oil' with
a lovo ditty, did they?
Death of James Kelley
Inmofl A. Kollev died nt his
lome, 225 Oswego street, Juno
lth, nfter an illness of a mini'
ior of months from Ivor com-
daint. Ho was a contractor and
milder oy occupat on ami was
aged about (!2 yearn. 'Ho is sur
vived by his widow. Mary E.
oney. and ono dauirhter. Vir
ginia: also two brothers. Prank
and U, W.. both of In rmount.
W. V,, and ono sister, Mrs.
Annie Spanglor, of Denver. De
ceased wax u native of Penn
sylvania, being born in Pitts-
burg. I'unoral sorvices take
place this. Kridny, morning at
():;!() at tho chapel of Miller &
racy. Interiuont ut Rose City
Try Chop Suey and Noodles
at popular prices. Home Made
astry every day at "Cafe of
Merit." We serve breakfast and
inner. Open from 0 a. m. to
2 p. m. S. Jersey street.
Does your present insurance
give you sufficient protection In
lew of the increased cost of
abor and materials? We write
insurance that protects with
prompt settlement in case of
oss. .Peninsula becurity Com
Wall Pocket Free
Your choice of any of our High
Grade WALL POCKETS with a
One Dollar Subscription to the
Get yours while assortment is
New and attractive designs just
litoso who have boon attend.
ng the Sevonth Day Adventlst
Camnmoet ng at Croaton Park
tho past ton days, hnvo been en. if unM immin ,.f ti., niru.u ,.r ti.
joyiuga roai Kpiriiuni least. um or8 ned on the above duL.
A cab halted at a street corner
and u man alighted. The latter
had evidently not the meaiiM nt
hand to pay his faro by the
mannor in which he dived lint
into ono pocket and then the
other. Ho was relieved, how
over, from liiHciiiliwrrnsament by
a man tendering n treniiury note
to tho driver with the remark
Take your fare out of that: I
know thi man." Tho change
wiih given ami the chihiv whs
soon out of sight. lo whom
am 1 indohted for this kind
ness?" asked the num. "Not
me. sir. Un the contrary, t int
a bud note I'va been wmiting to
change all day.- 'Philadelphia
I'uulic Lodger.
In accordance with the nrovln.
ions of Ordimnco No. iSKMfi.
pnssod by tho Council My 7th,
lOlil. notice in hereby irivcn that
St, Johns Improvement Bonds
numbered consecutively 105 to
IU7 Inclusive, dated KobriiHry 1.
PJ12, aro hereby called for re
demption AugiiHt lt, HMD. The
face value with accrued ntc-rt'Ht
will ho paid upon presentation
OtMM.. M.l. i:.K. Seely, M.
Dr. W. J, Gilstrap
Physician nnd Surgeon
Glasses Accurately Htted
'I'llli IKH'KS
V:OUlo 12 M.
I ) l I .JUt I'. M.
7:00 l H.Oit V. it.
SumU). t. luo a.
curity bln
Next Sunday. June 15th. at
o'clock, Mrs. Mabol Rurton, of
bt. Johns, will speak, lhoso
wishing to hear her must leave
St. Johns at two o'clock, but
come and spend tho day. You
will hear many other uood thin us.
lake Mt. Scott car and got off
at treston or Annahel station.
u i i I,. i . .
"w auro unu iiuur mrs. uurion. if t.i r i.i .. rv
iier subject is: "The w.c.t.u. i.w.t.A. weeK v program
M'.-... I I. i.l J "
m. - High
At . t .
mu said dtuo heing a semi mu
nual coupon period. Prom and
after said date the interest on
said bonds shall cease.
City Treasurer.
Portland. Oroiron. Onto of drat
publication Juno (Uh, lUli).
Next Sunday will be Young
t'eonle's Uay at tho Raptlst
church. Mrs. Rurton, who spent
most of her time beloro corning
to St. Johns in young peoples'
work, will sponk ut both ser
vices. At 11 o'clock her subject
will be. "A Church Weddinir ."
At 8 o'clock a community sing Miss Henry, local secretary,
will bo conducted and afterward Friday a:15 p. m. Rainbow
nn addross, "Ihe Strength of Club. Leader, Miss Honry.
Monday 2:45 n
bchool tiirls' Club.
Monday 3:15 n. m. - Owaissa
Camp Piro Girls. Mrs. Hagon-
huch, guardian.
wednesdny .1:45 u. m. North
School Girls' Reserve.
Wednesoay 8:00 i. m. The
More the Merrier Club. Leader,
Dr. Evart P. Borden
I'Hinlm HxtrMtion o( Tcvtb tn.l
N'itiim Oxide Om
OfRet Peidiiwilt Bank bk .
OflicihiHip Cl. 83ft; rm. IioikC'I
lluur-y I2n. hi., l aon ami 7Ht
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
311 N'urdi Jersey Strcel
Day llin- Niuhl Pli"
Cttluitiliiu U7 Culiimbia i
Plume Culiilnliw 379
Ktr. CulumbU 1131
" Dr. F. I. Schtillxe
Physician nnd Surgeon
Room 10 I'tniiiMilu Bank Hutlili .
OHW liourK ! 12 A. M. I tfll M
lvtitiiiK 1 lt U
IVniiiwilii lUuk lililu.
Olb.-v I'littne C'lluiuiiiu 1 iSl
Tin- wli.n n'""l 'ivir i'i
1 (.mu mis iri .iliiu nl mil, I bill r-
li.ur iiitliiiK ri' 1 lit 1 .1 jiteiiltiiii.
Davis Barber Shop
S. K. MVU. ftttotttor
m .iniu.ici.hia st. iuh j;
len" will he given,
people are especially
All young
Central Y.
1 P.
in. Swim at
roads want GOOD telegraph
ers and the place to get your
truining is in an exclusive
Railway Telegraph School. In
quiries Solicited. Apply Railway
Telegraph Institute, 218 Rail
way Exchange, Portland, Or. 31
Nothing to put on. notliinir to
take oil', just a turn of the hand
is all that is necessary to make
the Rrunswiek Phonograph, the
all record machi no without a
I can cover
alls. Rogers.
you all
in Cover-
EVERYTHING for the nma
teur photographer at CURRINS.roni.
A lady said to us: "Whv I
have had KODAK finishing
done in a number of down town
places, but have nevor had as
nice work as you folks do for
me." Satisfied; that's tho way
with all our kodak finishing pat-
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
208 i. Jersey Street
l'lmiii : IVIiunlii 1 f :?
1 ulu'i)l,i I 'J
AutoiiioliiK' lk. 11 he.
61 Gw Pr ut blt 6ii ft hiUti
riiuuc wutxiiuMu
Liberty Repair Shop
0J7 N. JL'ltSt Y SIIT
Griodke. SkarpMiti, It fftn, LmImmHi
Hruuk (.ucrru ' A. C. KklbK . k
40 i H. Jryairt
Abdritrtkof Tillc I'ri-purcil
TitUa tixAiuiiit.l
l'houc Coluinli 2!S
Hauling and Aloviiig
()l; Ml KINDS
Done Quickly mul lJromll)
iMily Tni to ami from i'ofilauii
1. a. triss
Chen Gtl. m 7IS 6. RtchmMj Si.
Ci'ah Sctsiiul liin l Sin.inx iii.u'hiiu'-. t r