THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Mtkle, Editor, Published Friday of .Each Woek Subaorlptlon prlea $1.00 por yetir. Outside of Multnomah County f2.00 per year In advance. AdvRh?isino HA'ra:"5J5 cents per tncli each Inscrfl&u, Icnlf 6 cenU cr minimum 25 cents. Special rale on yearly contract. Til K HKVIHW is entered nt xMt nftue In l'ortl atnl , Oregon, as mail iimtU-r of the second class under the Act ol Con gress of Stnrchij, 1879. ilium ill 1 Him A proposition that in now bo intf );'dcred to some cxtont is l!'B projqct ' of fxtoiidiny; Columbia boulevard to the extreme point of the lower peninsula, whan it is pronosed that a ferry bo operated be tweeh that point nnd Sauvie's Iain; d. Thorn is a vast amount of what is said to be the most fertilo land in the , world at Sauvios Island. But on account of difficulty of access to market the k renter portion of the island lies in an undeveloped stale. Hut ' with a Kood road to the lower end of tho peninsula and ferry service from there on to the island established, the farmors would naturally brinj their produce to tho bt. Johns markets, and other, farmer.6 would bo induced to develope and cultivato more land. II would bo u Rood thintr for St. Johns and I ho peninsula in KAiiural, as well as for tho farm ors of the island." A movement is being inaugurated 10 imprest upon the county commissioner the importance of including Uiik roadway and ferry 6ervlc ii next year's budget. Why not' A community park of from five to ten acres, maybe more, will be one of the direct bene fits to St. Johns if .the voters approve the measure to be voted nn ut the city election Tuesday authorizing the City Council to Issue $500,000 in bonds for the purchase of park sites.v This measure ourfht to carry anwyay, for Portland has nothing like as much park ucreago for the num ber of inhabitants as other cities ol the came class. Imt the Council has promised that if this measure passes the St. Johns district will be one of the seven sections of Portland in which sites will Go purchas ed. Land values are rising every year and the city will save money-and property owners will save taxes in the long run b.v nrovitling for parks now. The committee of St. Johns citi zens who are working on this matter report that $50,000 will l)o spent for park lund in .this district if the bond issue passes. A development something like that of Peninsula and Sellwood parks is anticipated w'th com munity house, gymnasium. swiinm ntr pool and nluv apparut us. wadinu pools and sand piles for the ctildrcn. Every voter in St. Johns should vote for this nark silo measure, Charter Amendment No. 512 on the city. ballot lucHday. Di Lewis J. Keliher DENTIST l'rohylnxln it Sjiuolnlly Room 10 " Peninsula Bank Building The Electric Store. Everything Electrical Wiring, Fixtures, Electrical Auto mobile Accessories, Storage Bat teries Recharged, Electric Appli ances of all kinds. Columbia 977 418 N. Jersey t Tho entire west Is interested in building up n grout merchant murine on tho Pacific ocean. Propor rail rates to western sen- ports, ami a snipping to carry our commerce nnu crops moans millions annually to every wont orn state, nut wnai goon are roduccd oxport and import rail rntoa if there aro no ships to carry those produclH to mm from our ports? Ah England is suuking to gobble the ship ping oi the world, mo the Atlantic coast is grabbing tin wooiuunu siooi ships mini on tlif Pacific coast. The Pacific coast has shown the world that it can build ships f tutor and hotter than they can bo built on tho Atlantic. luc when itliipx built at Pacific coast harbor aro sold they aro advurlisiMl for Halo in Now York weeks bo lore thuy are offered on this coast. Pugot Sound, Portland. San Krancisco and Los Ange'oH arc not given a fair chance to build up as groat ports of entry and distributing content. Pacific coast operating companion have now organised for mutual pro tuction and advamemunt of Pacific shipping iulereatM on rhiuh our wostorn coiiiiiioitIhI life dopomls. -- Parille Count Munuiovturor. Eleven babies are dead, 21 have been nflllctod with a mys terious malady, and Tuesday niuht. according to the state ment of Mrs. 1). Cliurns. presi- J!'5M' dent of the Wavorly Uuby Home. 12 ImhicH were in a most criti cal condition at that institution. All tho children ure less than .'I year old. Mrs. Hums said that the little uult'ercrs are in terrible agony, screaming with pujn, ami will) blood coming Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real Property. Notice Is herein' ulvcit. that tin muter hIkic(1, will, from and "tier Saturday, June 1U1U, proceed to Mini sen ai private sale, to the highest hlddcr for all Charlos Piez, who recently re tirod as general ninmigor of dm orgoncy tloet corpoiHlion, in a recant address declared himvelf "permanently cured" of any oin bryonic leanings toward govern' inont . ownorship he might have entertained. Political managomcnt of shipbuilding and ahip operating imlimtry came as near wrecking both broiii'lien of our maritime operations a it was possible to do. I aucella lion or threatened cancellation of shipbuilding contract pro miuod to close all Pacific coast yards. When tho ollicials lliially realized the mess they had made thoy said they didn't mean to oimcftl enntrncts. nnlv I'lumure them. Now western Hhipbuildcni liavo been asked to Washington to he n roimir tho daiiiHk'c. Hit vacillation policy of the shipping board should bo fiuled and Congress definitely decido win- ther or not the U. S. is to build u fleot as planned and if not, say so, men it snouid adopt a national policy oncoiirnging to tho development of an Amuriean merchant marine. Foroign traJe means more to iu now tlinn ovor before. from tiieir motiihs and ears: Tliu cases Jiave been diagnosed by spccialiHlH as dysentery of a nigniy inieciiotiH typo, mo horn In under strict (iiiarantine. and the eases have been isolated an soon as they wore discovered. The members of tho Oregon (irapo Cluo were pleasantly en tortaiiied. AIay2P. by Mrs. Cath urine Tooling, at her home, 21!) W. lyier strew, in tne cofi- iindrum conteHt, Mrs. Winters won first prize and Mrs. Kmma lloyd the consolation. Wafer.'), ho lad. cake and collce woreserv en by the hostcsy. assisted by iMesdameH Armstrong, Kosclta Smith and Kinnm Mourn. Those present were Mesdauies Heck- nan, lloyd, Price, Hiigbee, Clark, Kmerick, Harrington. Haskell, Keoiigh, Marcliland, Alulim, Palmer, Potomon, Pond, Stone. and Winters, Misses Anna Hello Phillips, Ida Tooling and Vivian Mtihin. Master Hoy and Paul Meckmnn and Kenneth ..IHIflll -4 Tho lawyer was Kitting at his iirMK, Hi)ontu(i 111 mo nru mrn lion of a brief. So intent was lie on work that ho did not hoar the door as it was pushed gently open, nor hoo tne curly iioad mat was thrust into his oifice. A little sob attracted his notice. hiui, turning, no saw a lace that whs streaked with tears and told plainly that feelings had hi on hurt. "Well, my little man, did you want to huo moV " A tk tutu m hitiltlilt7" " Vau What do you wantr' "1 want mid there was a resolute run in his voico ''I want a divorce from my pupa and mamma. Hetldy's Mirror. Ont of tho big tasks before emigres will ho the taxation eah, or for ixirt cath and jwirt on time, the whole of: IM Nine (0), and Went otic-half (I) of Lot Ten (10), in lllock Ten (10), John Ir vIiik'h l'lritf Addition to KaU Portland, now within the cortiornle limit of the City of 1'ortland. Mtiltiiwiiuli Coiiuty, Oregon, with the iiiiirovciiiciiH nnd a purti'iiance thereon or belotiKliiri there to, There It it leu room dwelling liousc oil Mild land, known nit 712 Kcliuylrr Street and k'"fK''. Alice A. Morrit.n minor, and diuililer nnd ward of gilwanl U. Motrin, in Mil owner of mi undivided two.lhinU inter est In Mid protiert)' mid ltdwnrd It. Mor rm, luillvKliiany, owiih mi umiiviutii one- OculOrCalistlieiiics Mhny people wear gluspes who do not need them. If your limbs were wcuk you would not wear crutchos. You would exercise thoir muscles. Why not exer cise yotlr Eye musclos? Dr. Sauvie has installed the best in strument for treating Y.OUR EYES the Phoromotor. Call on Dr. I V. SAUVIE and let him explain throroughly his treatments to you. 20(5 7-8 Swot land Hltlg., Fifth mil Wash, streets. Main 7C07. Every Home Should Have a Flag for Memorial Day 9 m v A fihe selection of Flags are now on sale at the Review Office, opposite Ormandy's Store. They range in size from 3x5 to 5 x 8 fept. v Grade, High. Prices, Low. N Call in now and be ready to decorate your home or business place on'Memorial Day. ' v.M.n..,.. ..... ..w ..... ,...v,w,, n . ,,b(ctum tlicrcof lu tlie St. problem. If public Opinion has Juhiu Review, newsMir of ueneral thiol Intirent In Mild tiroiftty. The wholu of wild imcrty will be Mild. Kale of wild minor' intercut Ihm liecn iiuthoriyed hy nu order of the County Court of .Muftoiiiah County, k'Kmi, tin ted mill entered on the 2Ut tlay of May, ID lit. ii Mini lor ixirt cam nun txiti on time, halatico ovv lti; on the mri'linc nrlee iiiikI lie fcutiil liv i flmt iiiorl- Hae lien on thcwholutil Mtld iiroiierty. MiMniei iiiuoe win i,v iiiriiimicii tiur i'hiiMr. 111.1m will lie rereived and all in (Milt leu itiikweted hy Kdwiinl K. Morrlx at IViiiimutu Niitfomil, I'hoiieCol, hOO, orutihiMilliie of I'erkltiH.S: ll.illey, liiiuittorucy, 1117 Oo inl ol Trade lllilK I'lioiie Alain MtIS, I'tiitlaliil, Uli'Kull. Nile inuile MiMect to coiiliriutilloii li JiulKcof the Circuit Couilof .Multiioiiial County, DeiNirliiient of Pioli.ite, l(IIWAKI) K. .MtiKKIn, t.uardlaii of Alice A. Mtirrin, n minor. I(I)WAUI) A. MOItKIS. Iiidivldii.tlly, SUAIAIONS. In the Circuit Court of tlic.Slateof tlrvkim for the County of .Multiiomiih. Jet.le If. I'litrell, puitillll, v. iieriimu lliivvrdttle, Clmrlin Stout, J, W. Cook mid -Cook, hi wife, defendant. In the iiniueol t ie Slate ol Oreuon. you mid each of you are hereby .tetiilml lo iiiiK'Hr iiuil ttiitwer. or othrrwUe pleail lo the complaint tiled iik'ilnt you In the uoove euiitleil Court ami cause on or lie- fore the expiration of nix weeks publica tion of till niitiimoini, and that if you full no to iiPKNir mid answer, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor tne ri'ilri iiemamieii in im cotupiaiui lieteiti to wit: I'or it jiiilmueut amide- ciec of uttlct foiecloiiirc ttaltit you in b.ilil ciiiue, imrriHK nun lorcciosinj; youoi mid from all rlt;lit, title, iiiteie!, cUlm. lieu, ami roulty ol rcdt'iuntlou lu umi to that rertnlu teal proerty itu.tted in the Con nt v of MiillliiMiiali, hlate of OrrKoii. mrtirularly drcrlbfd a Lot number I'J) lu lllock if) Pomona, an uddltloii to Port land. Multnomah County. Drreoiii uc- cordiui! to the ollicial plat thereof n re- ioiiUhI in the ollice of the County Clerk of Multiioumli County, Ort'Kou, iiiclud iuuthe klutulory rilil of rcilemptiuti, ami for liU cokU mid diburiciueuti herein. Service of till Htiiumomi i in.tde up on on by publication thereof in the St. The nation is awakening to the necessity of good road, and mturest is being mamfostod in every city, township, county and state. Tho world wants production nnd the way to get it is to opon up the land by muking it available with good rotuU, The west hns millions of acres of fertilo land within a few miles of railroads and centers of popu lation, entirely undeveloped simply becau1 thro may be a 10 or 20 milo stretch of impas sable roads botween these lands and the markets. Good roads aro as necessary to successful farming as a telephone is in any successful business, both put tho user in touch with tho rust of the world. Congress should immediately devise ways and mans lor tho construction of a national highway. Thousands of men would be employed and the examplo set by the govern ment! would be followed by every stute and county in the nation, Huilding roads should be a national occupation for tho .next ton yaars. any weiuiit. one of the first things to go will bo the so-called luxury tax which places a spe cial tax uuruon on a designated list of articles and industries. Americans aro wining to pay (UN os to meet obligations of the nation but they dislike special taxes, thoy always havo'and al- was will, An advertisement in a Chi cago paper promises a steady tob to a bartender which is tho niotit pronounced instance of optimism discovered thus far during tho seasoii,San Fran Cisco Hullotiu. .BARNTELEUliAl'HY. Hail- roads want liOOl) telegraph era ami me place to get your training is in an exclusive Kail way Tolouroph school. In uuiries Solicited. Apply Kailway Telegraph Institute 218 Hail- way Exchange, Portland, Or. 81 Would you bo ablo to meet your financial obligation and at the same time re-establish your homo should your property bo destroyed by, firo? We write all linos of insurance. Let us quote you rates. reninsuia security company.-- QUONG TONGlAFE Try Chop Stiey and Noodles at popular prices, Homo Mado Pastry ovory day ut "Cafoof Morit. We sorvo breakfast and dinner. Open from (i a. m. to 12 p, in. S. Jersoy street. circulation published in Portland, Mult iiouiuh County, Oregon, puruniit to an order made hy the Honorable GeorKcW'. .StapU-toti, ProtdiiiK Judge of the Circuit Court of ic Stall- of Drcou.fur Multno mah Con ut v, made ami eiUercd on -fllli day of May, 11)19, dlrectiiiK service of Mild Mttuuiniik to be made by publication thereof in the St. Johns Review for six MUYeUe weeks, Utteof fir i.t publication of this Mini iiwih U May "0. 19 U, and but publica tion July 11, 11UU. SIDN It Y CORDON, Attorney for 1'IaintilT. lierliiiKer UuildiiiK, Second mid Alder Street, l'ottlaud, Oregon, For Sale Cheap A plot of ground 100x000 feci, which contains twelve 50x100 foot lots, just across the river from St. Johns, bounded by Wood tuul .Mills streets, l-'or quick sale $1000 takes them, wjdeh is less thua 100 per lot. Good terms Riven. Call at this office. FUNERAL Bonutlful arty or black n'dult oaiket, hoarse, box, ? nutoi cmbolmlno nnd rafln ad ocrvlco for 17 i J K : MI 1,1 Hit I'luiefrtls if Vetoed for i'iO, M, f 10, ftlo. IPaher piued Imi ' in pro-1-ortion. We iiianufacttir caskets, Iuly .(iktmit. Ikdiiliful fuiieral clwpel. MILLER &, TRACEY Main 2601 Indauandont Funernl Dlreotors A 7COA Woihlnutun at tll.i Street, llclceit 20lfi and 2lt Street, Went Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative Phone Columbia 8SS Oi l Ccutrnl Ave. i N. Handsome Wall Pocket Free. Every person 'subscribing for the St. Johns Review for one year at the I present price of one dollar per year paid in advance may have choice oi any WALL POCKET displayed on our walls. Old subscribers, by pay ing up any arrearages that may ex ist and one year in advance, are also entitled to a Wall Pocket, pall in and subscribe before this to vvitiiuict wit cio invi onjjity io I limited. I ST. JOHNS REVIEW, ' 404 North Jersey Street. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR GRANDMA'S COOKIES Should be in every Home Made from Oregon Products Office and Factory: 380-384 East Stark Street Phone East 1324 1 0 wmm p. y u Dear Alniy: This morning I saw a new rug in the window at 11. P. CLARK'S. My heart was instantly so set on it that I wont right in and bought it. It was an oriental (Jesign. Hugs, I think, are the yew HASISof beautifvincr vour home. Without pretty rugs a womafrcannothave a charm ing home. What a joy it is to tread upon a luxurious rug in your, own home! Your friend- -HELEN. P. S. Just scores and scores of wonderful ruts nriced so reasonably down at H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. Store closes nt 8 P. Al. Saturdays, other days nt 6:30 P. Al. Columbia Garage 1 07 Fessenden Street Repairs, Fair Prices, Guaranteed Work, Storage, Oils, Gas, Tires, Tubes UXDKK XltW MAXAGISMJ'XT Hudson & Stockum Guarantee Fund Life Association ' Protects you in total Disability, Old Age, and Death. $10.66 pays for $1000 at age of 35. Why pay more? Phone Columbia 486, and we will call and show you this jolicy. Other ages in same proportion. Double Idemnity $2. v W. N. JAMES. Agent, 1760 Portsmouth Avenue If you are a stranger in town read The Review and get acquainted. 4