St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 16, 1919, Image 1

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A: Bee Hive of Activity
From Evening Nevva Special
Edition: An ideal industrial
community would bo one in
which there waa work for all tho
inhabitants and inhabitants
enoutrh to do all the work. An
ideal location for such a com
munity would be a site having
amnio snaco for manufacturing
plants on the low lands along the
water front and broad hillsides
for homes for the workers. An
ideal development for such a dis
trict would be one that offered
tho greatest degree of comfort
and enjoyment in the living
quurtcrs of tho town and the
highest degree of elliciency in
the munufuoturiiiL' section. Such
an. ideal arrangement as far as
natural conditions go, is found in
Portland's great industrial and
shipping center tho Willamette
Columbia peninsula. Along the
waterfront there are lowlands
providing splendid sites for in
dustrlal plants and back from
tho river are wooded hillsides
afToraing ideal housing sites.
Its citizens ure now realizing
that as Portland comes into her
own as a great port, .shipping
and manufacturing will neces
4 sarily center in tho lower har
bor, below tho bridges. They
nre, therefore, planning for n
general development of the
whole lower peninsula which
will look to tho beauty and con
vonionce of the thousands of
homes which eventually will
be built there, as well as to the
orderly and cfllcicnt laying out
of tho industrial section. In
an issuo of the St. Johns Ro
viow published M years to n day
before tho armistice (Nov. 11,
1918,) this statement was made:
"From a population of 250
people in January, 1902, at pre
sent St. Johns has more than
2,000 inhabitants. It is com
posed of homo owners, whoso
coming has been steady and
gradual. St. Johns has had no
boom, just n nntural, healthy
growth. Its industries support
its residents."
In Nov., 1918, this district,
co'oring what was practically
tho town . of St. Johns be
fore it was taken into tho city
of Portland, had inoro than ten
thousands, persons on its pay
rolls. Figuring Hvo dependents
to each vago earner, this moans
that tho peninsula industries
were supporting last year n
population of fifty thousand.
Tho building up of tho residence
section of tho district has not
kept paco with tho delovopment
of tho manufacturing sections
so n very large proportion of
those who could not convenient
ly livo near their work huvn hud
to go long distances each day
to their homes in other parts of
Portland. Architects have es
timated that there is room, by
careful planning, for housing
one hundred thousand peoplo on
the peninsula. Doubtless it will
nover bo desirable nor necessary
for as many as 100,000 people to
live on the peninsulu, but it is
evident that the district will be
densely populated, for the trend
of industry is down tho river.
Already the river front is a bee
hi e of activity as far down as
the grain elevator.
Decorated for Service
Among the 22 American wom
en doctors, nurses and motor
drivers, composing the stall of
the Amercan women's hospital
No. 1, at Luzancy, France, who
have been decorated by the
French government for their ser
vice in war and in combating
an epidemic following the armis
tice, is Dr. Mary MacLachlan,
a Portland woman,' sister of
Margaret MacLachlan, head of
the circulation department of
the Central library. Dr. Mac
Lachlan is a graduate of the
University of Oregon medical
department, and resided wllh
her sister at 810 Cleveland ave
nue at the time of her enlist
ment, December, 1917. Her work
with the committee lor devasted
France began in 1918, and she
will remain thereuntil next Sep
tember. Not only did members
of the hospital unit receive cita
tion with palms from the French
army and the medaille de re
connoiBsance from the French
government, but were honored
with citizenship in the town of
Luzancy, France, by the officials
of that city. Dr. MacLachlan
was some years ago a well
known physcian of St. Johns.
Card of Thanks We desire to
express our thanks to the neigh
bors and friends also to Laurel
Lodce No. 186 I. O. O: F. and
the Fraternal Brotherhood for
their aid and sympathy during
our late bereavement, Mrs
Jennie Keliher and family.
To Vote on Measures
Ten mill tax levy.
BoiuLjssue totaling $1,507,000.
Annexation of strip of pro
perty on the peninsula.
Change in plan of extending
city streets.
These are tho measures for
which the people of Portland
will bo asked to give authority
at uie municipal election on
June 0 as decided at a special
meeting of the city council Mon
day afternoon. The ten mill tax
levy is necessary, commissioners
declare, because of increased
expenses in conducting the
city's business und to meet the
cost of additions to departments
now operating under-manned.
That the city is now poying
mucii smaller salaries than pri
vate corporations was the con
tention of commissioners who
believe that added remuneration
is essential to assure loyalty
and efficiency among employes.
Additional employes ure neces
sary in soverul city departments,
commissioners declare, such as
the street cleaning, police ami
fire bureaus. Tho street clean
ing department is operating
with n shortage of approximate
ly J0 men at present, according
to Commissioner Bigelow, and
Mayor Baker asks for larger
police force to combat crime.
The tax levy in police time is
limited to eight mill?, although
the city has been allowed an ex
tra mill during the war period
and will have it during the com
ing year.
Bond issue for SI. 057.000 are
asked, divided as follows: Five
hundred thousand dollars for
playgrounds and parks in the
central east side. Albiim. Lents.
St. Johns, Albertu. In'ington
and Rose City Park districts;
$527,000 for community houses,
eemfort stations, and improve
ments to parks: SSO.OOU for a
new police telephone system:
$100,000 for n sub police station
on the oust side; $200,000 for
oight new fire stations, two fire-
boat Piers und two bonnes for
fireboat crows, and $250,000 for
remodeling of the city hall, in
cluding two additional wings
nnd installation of vault. Of
tho total issuo, Mayor Baker re
quires $1,207,000, Commissioner
Pcrkins S250.000. nnd Commis
sioner Bigelow $200,000.
Two measures nre presented
by Commissioner Barhur, al
though no bond issue it requir
ed. One is to authorize the city
to nnnox property belonging to
the Peninsula Lumber company,
which Is within tho corporate
limits, but has never been in
cluded as city property. Tho
other is to allow the city to
change its presont plan. of ex
tending streets, which is de
clared to be too complicated.
Will Share Equally
Distribution of tho $581,000
rocontly voted by tha tax payers
to increase the pay of Portland's
teacbors during; 1920 has finally
been nrrangod in n report of the
school banrd's finance and judi
ciary committee, composed of
D roctors Urton and rlummer.
and concurred in by Director
Thomas. It has been placed in
the hands of the school admin
istration. Every teacher on full
time in the public schools, both
grade and high school, will re
ceive $400. Night school teach
ers will receive proportionate
increase, on tho basis thut three
night sessions equal one duy
session. Subslitutos will re
ceive In proportion to tho days
they actually tench, This distri
bution has been made on the
basis that the high cost of living
has struck all classes of teachers
with equal force and the money
should be divided pro rata. -The
$400 given equally to all the full
time teachers will make an in
creased wage of 50 per cent for
the owest paid teachers, do-
creasing with the rising wage
scale. Payment of the bonus
will not begin until January, j
1920, and will continue through
the calendar year, separate and
distinct from the regular salary.
It will be paid on the Berkeley i
nlan. that is. one-twelfth, ori
$33.33, will be paid for the first i
six months of the year, and in
addition to the June check, onej
tenth of the total or $40 will hoi
given for the summer vacation. '
In the fall. $33.33 will be paid ,
and just before Christmas a
check for $26.GG will be given
for shopping uses. !
Would you be able to meet;
your financial obligation and at'
the same time reestablish your j
home should your property no
destroyed by fire? We write all
lines of insurance. Let us quote
you rates. Peninsula Security
May Build at Linnton
Early development of the
great timber tract in Washing
ton county held by tho Eccles
interests is heralded in an"' an
nouncement made Saturday that
D. C. Eccles. of Salt Lake, is
negotiating for tho purchase of
tlie United Km I ways, the clcc
trie railroad owned by the Great
Northern and Northern Pacific
and running from Linnton 19
miles west of Wilucsboro. lhe
negotiations arc in progress at
St. Paul, with indications that
they will be concluded soon.
Tho first Intimation that such
a transaction was under way was
recpivctl in Portland in an As
sociated Press (Hstmtch from St.
Paul, where D. C. Eccles is deal
ing directly with tho head
officers of the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific. Mr. Eccles
went, there purposely to buy the
United Railways at a figure said
to be in the neighborhood of
"We hnve some timber inter
est," said Mr. Eccles, "and wo
think our holdings could be
improved if the lino can be
bought. Negotiations have not
progressed far enough to say
when the deal will be closed."
The timber interests referred
to-by Mr. Eccles are the acre
aire formerly known ay the Du
Bois tract and Tiought by Mr.
-Eccles and his associates a year
ago. They are operating under
the name of the Oregon Timber!
company, of which Mr. Ecclos
is president, and Charles T.
Early, of Portland, vice-president,
treasurer und general
The timber tract is about
ten miles northwest of Wilkes
bonvthe present terminus of the
United Ruilvvnys. If the pur
chase of this line, which is elec
trically operated, i concluded,
c S
I ov
202 N. JERSEY ST. Open Evonlnge t
4 - AulH" tjCfl Hi'sMciii Dealer
it will be necessary for this ton'
mile gup to ho spanned by ni
new construction. Further than1
the construction of tho railroad
into the tract the detailed plans
of development are not decided ,
ujKn. Mr. Early said last night
that a large mill might bo built,
uiwn the property, or that tho
timber might be logged oil and
hauled to Linnton. If tho latter
course is followed, it is likoly
that a large mill will ho con-'
structed convenient to tho Linn
ton terminus.
. Wo wish to announce that Dr.
Gilstrap has roturnod from his
Post Graduate Course in fc'ew
York City nnd has now resum
ed his practice as usual. We also
desire to' state the partnership
now existing betwoen Drs.
Gilstrap & Seely, of this place,
will be mutually dissolved on
June 1st, 1919. Dr. Gilstrap
will continue the practice of
medicine and surgery in our pre
sent offices in St. Johns and Dr.
Seejy will open offices for the
practice of medicine and surgery
in Rooms 330-387 in tho Morgan
Building. All accounts due the
above named firm are payable
at our prosent office in St. Johns.
Dr. W, J. Gilstrap,
Dr. E. R. Seely.
The Barkley Custom Corset is
now being demonstrated at the
St. Johns Millinery Store. Any
lady who wishes a high grade
corset, made of the strongest
and boat fabrics, boned with
the host aluminum wireboning,
measured and fitted to order at
a very roasonable price, call at
St. Johns Millinery?' 200 N.
Jersey street. 28
Mill to be Built at Once
Work on the first unit of the
mammouth flour and cereul mill
to be erected nt the St. Johns
municipal terminal north of the
1,000,000 bushel grain elevator
for the Eatrle flour mills, con
trolled by W. R. Bagot & Co., is
to be started immediately. The
first unit of tho mill will have
a capacity of 750 barrels of flour
a day. As soon as the tirst unit
is completed the second, of the
same capacity as t lie first, will
be built. Ultimately tho mill
will have four units with a total
capacity of approximately 3000
barrel of (lour daily, in con
ncction with the mill tho com
pnny will build an immense
warehouse and tie totnl cost of
tho mill and wnrehouso when
completed will approximate
$250,000. The buildings will be
of fireproof construction. Plans
for the first unit already have
been prepared. Tho Eagle Flour
nfills is the first industry to
locate on tho industrial sites
owned by the public dock com
mission in connection with the
St. Johns municipal terminal.
There arc approximately 90
acres of land at the terminal
which may be utilized for n-
dustriul sites, and tho prospects
are that when the elevators and
niers are completed, many other
enterprises will be attracted to
this district because of the
splendid rail nnd water trans-
pornlion facilities, lhe terminals
aro directly connected with all
the big transcontinental lines
and freight can directly be load
ed upon the largest ocean steam
ers at tho docks.
Ono swallow does not make a
summer, but ono swallow of our
SPIUNG TONIC will make you
feel as if summer was hero.
Room for Many Plants
Tho proposed Columbia slough
project, whereby Portland
would dovelopo and make avail
able 3000 acres of factory sites
to bo leased at low rental to
manufacturers, was explained
to members of tho Portland
Realty Board by W. H. Ward at
their weekly luncheon Saturday
at the Benson. Mr. Ward out
lined the plnn which has been
presented to tho city council by
Commissioner Mann. He showed
the location of the project by
maps and explained that the
land required could bo obtained
now for $200 an acre. To dike
this land where required, deepen
Columbia slough, build trackage
and supply water and other
accessories, Mr. Ward said, at
an outside estimate would cost
only $3,000,000. He cited the
remarkable results attained in
New Orleans, where develop
ment of a factory site quarter
by the city and harbor improve
ments in a few months have
brought in $45,000,000 worth
of new industries. "Five per
cent of the property owners of
Portland own all the terminal
sites of the city, eatd Mr. Ward.
"If Portland is to hold its own
with Seattle. San Francisco
and Los Angeles, it is time for
tho municipality to acquire land
and make facttfrv sites available
at low cost."
O. and C. Homestead relin
quishment for sale; 120 acres,
80 good level soil; creek, near
school, neighbors, good road. 25
miles east of Portland, near
Columbia highway; $800. E.
Houser, 331 N. 14th St., Salem,
A Model Institution
An industry that converts
Oregon raw materials into pro
ducts that command n national
sale and that cannot keep pace
with its rapidly mounting orders
owing to the shortage of labor,
is at tho Portland Woolen Mills.
"At present," snid E. L. Thomp
son, general manager, yester
day, "wo aro employing a force
of 325, while n full stair should
not be less than 450. In other
words, we are short just 125
employes. And that makes a
dill'eronce in the payroll a diff
erence that we would gladly sur
mount by increasing our staff.
While our present payroll is
about $30,000 monthly, it should
bo $10,000, if wo are to deliver
our orders as fast as they ar
rive. Ours is an industry
using ruw material that origin
ates in this territory and that
is converted Into goods by local
labor. Last year's output total
ed $3,000,000 -absolutely new
money coming into tho statu and
tho city, in addition there are
two of Portland's largest fac
tories, those of Ncustudkr Bros,
and tho Fleischnor-Mayor com
pany, which utilize a largo part
of our output.
"It is in no Sense n n lack of
orders that retards our progross.
It is a lack of labor. What
ever may be said of tho unem
ployment problem, tho fact re
ninins that we have difficulty in
procuring sufficient help. Inex
perience is no bar to service
with us. It has long been our
policy to train our- workers to
the standard ol tnu DtisfnesH so
that their proficiency may soon
command the highest skilled
"Tho Portland Woolen Mills
has its attractive features for
th employe. Wo havo a froe
circulating library, an attend
ant trained nurse and emer-gc.u-y
hospital, a largo dining
roi-iii to accommodate all help.
n iioon day ontoittiinmont with
music and speaking und a piano
und grnphone.
"I' or some years it has been
our custom to provido without
cost hot coflee, tea, milk and
.sugar for the dining sorviuo, so
that these may not bo lacking
from tho luncheons that the
employes bring from home. Wo
have now under construction, to
bo completed within (JO days.
a large modern club liotis- for
our workers. It will contain u
dining hall, a complete kitchen,
a women's rat room, uowlintr
alleys, gymansium and other
conveniences and features.
The plant has a labor record
that may be pardoned for taking
pride in. Tho national labor
turnover Inst year, in all tho
factor es of America, nverairod
250 per cent. That is to say, the
avorago laclory stall was com
pletely altered two and ono
half times within the year. By
contrast with this, our labor
turnovor during the past three
years tins averaged nut por
cent per annum. Wo hold thut
this moans contented employes
and that is ono of the chief
aims of our industry." Jotirnul.
Next Sunday St. Johns Metho
dist church, in concert with
every Methodist church in home
and foreign lands, will launch
tho great campaign for $105.
000.000 for rebuilding the
world nnd earthwide uvungolism.
May 18-25, is the date sot for
securing the entire amount. St.
Johns expocta to furnish its full
quota tho first (lav. Tho morn
ing service will no inspirational
and devotional, and the evening
hour will bo in churgo of tho
Director of tho Campaign and
his captains, who will report the
result of the day's canvass, end
ing in u shout of victory.
" o
Chop Suoy und Noodles ut pop
ular prices. Home Mado Pastry
every day at "Cafe of Morit."
Wo servo breakfast and dinntr.
Open from G u. m. to 12 p. in.
109 S. Jersey street.
Own Your Home
Is your famllv small er. ih o
four room strictly modern c t ,g.?
If it is why do you continue to pay rent mouth
when the years go by you have nothing.
When you can buy a liom like paying rent, live in it and get your
motley's worth all the time you ure in it and then own the place after a
certain period, why do you keep on paying rent?
We have one four room modern and new cottage known as GOO
Hudson that can be bought with a small payment down atid the deferred
payments carrying interest at six per cent. If you have your own home
you arc happier and a better citi.ii. Think it over.
This cottage in on a ground 40x100 and has some fruit trees on it.
Two similar cottages on the sarnie 100 ft. square have beeu sold recently
to good poopl who will take pride in their property.
High School Notes
- Tuesday, tho Senior Class was
served a tieugnttui luncneon .oy
Miss Chollnr and the domestic
science classes.
Codrie Vnnderpool. assistant
mnnnurer. has reaiiriipri hia'noa!-
ton on the Tumnlum Staff. Miss
Leonn Ehret was elected to fill
this vacancy.
The baseball team is in full
strength again, and is practic
ing hard for the remaining five
games with Lincoln, Washing
ton, Franklin, Jelferson and Col
umbia, 'file team is determined
to give everyone of these teams
a good run for their money.
All material for tho Tumalum
has been received: before long
the students will bo seeing
themselves in cartoons ns others
sec th- ti. This yeur's Tuma
lui.i ib .oiiig to bo ono ol the
best ever put out by James
John, und the students are look
ing for its publication with
great anticipation.
The Sodnlitas Latinn Club held
a picnic Friday, May 9, at Pen
insula Park. Gnmes and the
park amusements engaged tho
picnicers, about twelve in num
ber, who spent u very enjoyable
afternoon. Tho girls of the
II ink Klntuwa club held a woin-
io roast ut Linnton Beach, lliurs
day, April 25th. Several girls
took their initial plungo and
wore noticeable by their absence
next day.
The James John track team
entered tho Annual Meet, held
at Eugene lust Saturday. Tho
men tried'hard but were unable
to mako us good a uhowing as
the week before, when they won
the Stale Championship, Evi
dently, their celebration of tho
lust victory must havo uircctcd
their ability. However, un
daunted they ure working hard
in preparation for tho Inter
scholastic meet to bo held on
May 23rd, ut which time tho
boys arc confident of taking n
number of events.
Death of Mrs. Fassett
Mrs. Colin Fassett, wifo of
George I). Fassett, died at hor
home. 1)10 South Decatur street,
Monday evening, May 12th,
aged nbout (II years. Tho de
ceased was born in the stato of
Illinois und came to St. Johns
with hor family n'.-out ton years
ago. for some years shu had
not been in tho best of health.
and a complication of diseases
was the cause of her death.
Mrs. Fassett was a kind and
loving mother, a faithful nnd
nirectlonuto wife and a kindly
neighbor. Sho gave much of
her time in helping others and
her kindly acts and chearing
prosencu will long bo remember
ed by those who knew her well
and liked hor immensely. A
silent testimony of tho high es
teom in which sho was held in
this community waa evidencod
by tho largo concourse of
friends who attended the Inst
sad rites and tho great profusion
of llowora that waa so lovingly
placed upon and around hor cas
ket. A most beautiful floral tri
bute was presonted by the fel
low workers of Mr. Fassett.
HosiuoH tho husband, two sons
and three daughters survive,
as follows: Harry M. and G.
Lincoln; Mrs. Viola Johnson,
Mrs. Ida Eaton, all of this city;
and Mrs. L. S. Wolfkillof Seat
tie, Wash, Sho is also survived
by two brothers in Illinois.
Tho funeral services were held
at the Portland Crematorium on
Wednesday aftornoon, Hov. J,
T. Merrill, of the Congregation
al church, officiating. Miller &
Tracy had charge.
Hauling and Aloving
Done Quickly and Promptly
. s. II,YXX
I'hon. coi. loso 718 1:. Richmond St.
that you can
he comfortable in a
after mouth and
Bonham & Currier.
Studio: BfSAC'otth Avenue
410 Oswego Street
l'lioues: Woodlawn 2002; Columbia 554
Mrs. Gabriel PuIIin
Vocal Teacher
Dlnphrum Hrcnttiing, t'orwnnl Tone
placement nnd Clear diction,
Pupil taught to take part in Trio nnd
!WG I,oinburd St. l'lioue Columbia 182
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
Timciikk ut'
Violin, Alandolin and Piano
..I'upll ol Notrr Dam
Sluillo! 501) W.Joltn Stmt
Tolcphonu Columbia 3iW
IMiplI, iti.y l.tootiir Mtmlif r ( Hie JHrtiile ulilcli will nuke public pxtii unlet
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street
l'hone Columbia 302
(Mccntltatc of the Royal Academy
of Music, London.)
I Teacher of Piano
1 1957 Hodge St. Photic Col. 872
Phone Main HUH. Columbia 101
Perkins & Bailey
Doard of Trade Uuildfnir
SI. Jhn Offka llh rnlniuU Sacutltr Co.
Hour 4 too 1'. M.
W.J. Gilitrap, M.I). It.K. Seely, M.I).
Drs. Gilstrap & Seely
Physicians and Surgeons
Glasses Accurately Fitted
tt;00 to 12 M. OIMMCI5S
1:30 to 4:30 1'. M. I'euliuuU .So
7:00 to B:O0 I. M. airily bldir
SumUy., U;O0 to 10:30 A. M.
Dr. Evart P. Borden
I'altiless Itxtractioti of Teeth under
Nitrous Oxide Gas
Office Peninsula Dunk bldg.
Otlice phono Col. 625; rc. phone Col. 477
Hour U-12 . in.; 1:3U G ml 7-8 p. m.
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
311 North Jersey Strcel
Uav l'hone
Night Phone
Columbia 000
Columbia 97
l'hone Columbia 379
Kcs, Columbia 1131
Dr. F. P. Schnlize
Physician and Surgeon
Room 10 Peninsula Hank HuiUlitig
Office IlounS to 12 A. M. 1 to i V. M.
Itvculnits 7 to
I'ciiIiuuIr Ilmik;.
Otlice Phone Coluiu
bin II Si
The pUcc where kimmI n-'vk'e und
courteous treatment prcvMil. ChlUlrtui'.
hair cuttliiK receive kpeclal iitU-iitkw.
Davis Barber Shop
i. tf. DAVIS, KtopMttgr
108 Philadelphia St. Ilaths 25c
St. Johns Undertaking Go.
208 N. Jersey Street
l'hone: Columbia t&l
Columbia 293
Automobile Hearse.
Sil Our Pr'cet Before Going lo Portland
l'houe WooilUvrii 1182
Liberty Repair Shop
Grinding, Shtrptniag, Sim Fjljng, Locksmith
l'rauk Guerra A. C. Kielbloek
402 N. J.r.y 8tral
Abstracts of Title I'rcjured
Titles Itxauiinal
Phone Columbia 2(6
Wiring, Fixtures and Repairing
C. L. Dearlove
Phone Columbia 374 1673 HaVCR St.
ood Seoond band Snlng ttiackiuea.for
r. M.!Cvk, t