St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 09, 1919, Image 3

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    Linoleum Priced Low
A Spring Opportunity
. No Charge for Laying
Genuine Old Fashioned Priut Linoleum. The
kind with heavy burlap back. Will wear for years.,
Many patterns.
6 Feet Wide $1.15 nnd $1.25 per square
yard Laid
12 Fcct'VVide $I.15 per square yard Laid
Pro-Linoleum, very serviceable. Several patterns
90r square yard
CoiiRoIeum Art Rugs, nit si.cs specially priced for
this week only
Store closes at 8 P. Al. Saturdays, other
days at 6:00 P. Al.
Your Credit is Good
Cash or Credit St. Johns
Spring Wants
Shovels, 50 to $2.50
Hoes, 40 to $1.00 r .
Rakes, G5f to $1.25
Package Garden Seeds
Bulk Garden Seeds
Land Plaster $1.00 per sack
Rose Lawn Fertilizer
Garden Fertilizer $4.00 per sack
Seed Potatoes
Onion Sets, 15' per lb. 2 for 25
Grass and Clover Seed
. The best assortment of Garden Tools and Seeds
in the city. See window displuy.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Agency for Goodyear Tires
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
Save Those Pennies
If by buying your various Groceries you can save
a penny on your butter, a peiluy on a package of
seeds, i penny bu a can of condensed milk or a bar
of soap, a pound of lard, perhaps several pennies on
a cau of syrup or a can of cooking oil, are those pen
nies not worth saving? Do they not make the dol
lars grow when you know you must buy those arti
cles aud many more every week, almost every daye
Just Bgure it this way: If your Grocery purchases
amount to $30.00 monthly aud you save fifteen per
cent on that amount by buying at The Grabateria
Cash and Carry Grocery, at the end of the year
you would have saved the price of a $50.00 Victory
Bond and $4.00 over.
These are not simply sales-talks, just simply plain
matter-of-fact statements. Think about it. Act on
our suggestion and try dealing with us for cash, then
compare your mouth's purchase with that of your
charge account elsewhere.
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Columbia Records Ansco Films
The purest of drugs and best of service always at your command at
Prescriptions a specialty
Phone-Columbia 138 I05 North Jersey St.
Local News
Bring in your job printing.
A year's lease has been' taken
on the skating rink, and roller
skating has again been inaugurated.
NlU tha Ifbat on your opr.
Archie Smock, after under
going an operation at a Portland
hospital, has returned home and
is rapidly regaining his old
time strength and vigor.
Robt. SchilTdauor and Mrs.
Bessie Pitts were united in mar
riaire at Vancouver. Wash..
Tuesday of last week. They will
make their home in St. Johns.
Special Mothers' Day sermon
at the Congregational church
Sunday morning, with special
music. Otherwise services as
usual. Rev. J. T. Merrill, pas
The state banking hoard has
denied a charter for tho propos
ed third bunk for St. Johns, the
hoard upholding the decision of
Stale Superintendent of Banks
Will II. Bonnctt.
Mrs. W. J. Nolan Ib in ro
ccipt of a telegram from her
sister, Miss Maude L. Scott,
staling that she had arrived
safely from Trance, whero she
lad been for ten months, nnu
s now located at Fort Sheridan,
Hni'lov Mnnninir linn return
ed homo from France, bringing
an Knglish undo iiomc wun
urn. She was formerly iuihs
Lillian Habcock and is highly
mnrosaod with this country.
They will muko their homo in
St. Johns.
L. N. Bellinger paid n visltto
lis son. Gordon, who had been
overseas for some months, hut
who is now stationed at Camp
Lewis. Mr. Bellinger also visit
ed nt rtirt Williams and Port
Angeles, Wash., before return
ing home.
L. C. Johonnot and wife, who
nvn boon vialtinir with Ml'S.
Adelo J. Hanson, his sister, for
snmn firm'. loft Thursday to
catch the Vancouver steamer for
lonolulu.H. 1., to attend to bus-
nnsn nnnneeted with his Hiuror
plantation on Kauai Island.
Next Sunday Is "Mothers'
Day" and will be celebrated at
tho Methodist church witlfbeau
tiful songs in honor of "the
mnds that rock the cradle and
rulo tho world." Wear a a red
flower for tho mother living and
white for tho "angel mother."
Claude Harris mot with a dia.
tressing accident tho past
week, when his arm got caught
in the big driving belt at the
ice plant. Every bono in his
arm was broken, and it was a
narrow escape from death.
His many friends will be glad
to know that he is getting along
At the St. Johns Baptist
church Sunday forenoon service
will be in keeping with
"Mothers' Day." The pastor's
theme will he "A Mother's Love
and Grief." The music will
also be appropriate for the
praise of mother love. Let every
body who can come and worship
with and honor your mothers.
The subject for the evening ser
mon will be, A Man's Attitude
Toward His Own Sins." To all
the services of the church the
public is very cordially invited.
E. Burton, pastor.
Pnoliminnrv work has coin-
mnnnnd iinnn n lartre era mere on
North Jersey street, near the
McDonald block, it will be a
large anJ handsome structure.
It will be owned by E. F. Day,
and Edward J. Barrett, of the
Builders' Exchange has charge
of the construction. Mr. De-
aL 1 i
lOiing Being uiu urcuueui. in
size it will be 50x125 feet, of
combination brick, tile and con
crete construction. The front
will be handsomely ornamented
with white stucco work, and
a (nvprpH pnnnnv will be erected
over the front entrance. The
contract calls for completion in
.1 11. ...:n . i. .. r.
aixiy uuys. 11 win maitc i nut;
addition to North Jersey street.
The public docks commission
is planning to install a cafateria
at tho elevator site in North St.
Weather of a most delightful
nature has been reigning su
preme in St. Johns for some
W. J. Nolan is making sub
stantial alternations and im
provements to his residence he
recently purchased at Columbia
The polling place for the eight
precincts in St. Johns at the
Teachers' Salary Increase e cc
tion tomorrow, Saturday, is at
the Central school building.
Goorue H. Royor. who has
been stationed at Bremerton for
some time, has been discharged
from the service and returned
home, whero ho will be remain
for tho present. He has receiv
ed h(s commission sib Ensign,
passing high in the examina
tion. The Eagle Flouring Mills ex
pect to soon start construction
on its immense Hour mills at
the St. Johns terminal site.
Tho originators are only wait
ing until tho dock commission
decides what site 1t may have'
near the elevator, which decis
ion will probably be made at a
meeting tomorrow.
William Ocschgcr died at the
home of his parents at 1225 East
Charleston street May 5th. of
dipthoria, aged S! years, -I months
and 2!) days. The funeral, which
was private, was hold May 7th
at 2::i0 j. in. the St. Johns
Undertaking Co. in charge or
the remains. Interment in Col
umbia cemetery.
Tho Portland Woolen Mills at
St Johns, were visited by Homo
!1(J business men last week on a
trip arranged under the direc
tion of tho sorvico department
of tho Y. M. C. A. Tho in
sifoclion of the plant, the larg
est woolou mill west of Clexe
land, proved a revelation to Hie
mem bora of tho party. The
men were guests of E.L.Thomp
son, manager of tho mill, at a
luncheon following tho tour
through the plant. Other Port
land industries will bo vioitcd
during tho summer by similar
parties composed of members of
the Y. M."C. A. business men's
gymnasium c'nss.
Work on tho Pacific Internat
ional Livestock exposition build
Inga is under way. 1$. Inrgo tract
land in North Portland near
tho Union stockyards is being
cleared and prepared for tho
erection of the main exposition
building. This building will
bo of heavy mill construction
with brick facing, and will
cover 15 acros. Tho large audit
orium will be 200 by 300 foot in
dimensions and tho arena In
tho contor will bo 100 by 200
feet. This will bo tho largost
wood truss building in the
world, oxceoding in dimensions
a similar structure built by tho
same architect at bniem tor me
State Fair association.
Get your salmon tackle at the
St. Johns Hardware store.
The second Sunday in May
has been set aaido as "Mothers'
Day" throughout the entire
country, lhe day may be ob
served by wearing the carna
tion; doing some act of kind
ness: the writing of a letter to
tho mother faraway; by a small
gift or tribute to tho loved one.
How much we owe to mother.
she who loved us first! Others
may como and creep into our
heart and fill it wiMi a love
that is almojt pain, but in its
holy of holies there is kept a
chamber inviolate for mother.
Whatever of good, of gentleness,
of generous impulse that has
blossomed in our lives, to her
should be given credit. So today
if mother is still living, let us
lay our votive offerings at her
feet. If she is in the land of
dreams, let us offer up a bless
ing that we are privileged to
have such a sacred memory.
PHONOGRAPH without a
superior. Don't take our word
for it, but look them all over,
then let us show this simple
effective ULTONA, the exclu
sive BRUNSWICK all record do
Klcctrlc Vncmuii Clcnticr for rent. It.
1'. Clnrk. If
Currins sell all the well known
Children cry for ROGER'S
85c Tennis Shoes.
Cabbage plants five cents per
dozen. 311 Central . avenue
Why not get a policy before
it is too late? Guurantce Fund
Life.- A dollar's worth for a
dollar. Columbia 18G.
When in need of small arti
cles, get them at the 51015c
stored St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
Wo sell guaranteed "MADE
IN AMERICA" cutlery.
Wear Boss of tho Road Over
alls. Rogers sells them at lower
prices. Cash only.
Salmon tackle that will catch
the big fish at the St. Johns
Hardware store.
If my work pleases you; please
tell .your friends. If not, tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
Will you leave the wifo and
children an estate of $1000 or
$25,000 which? Guarantee
Fund Life has one to suit your
income. Columbia '180.
No outing is complete without
Jumpers $1.95, heavy grade,
union mndc. Rogers.
St. Johns Fair Store. E. W.
Foy, prop.; household utility
supplies and gonoral notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goods at lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
Girl want work and go home
nights. Call 2018 Exeter street.
Auto For Sale.- 1918 Maxwell.
In first class condition, and 1919
improvements. Price $750;
terms. Call at this office,
"Best 25c Sock on Earth."
Rogers always gives full measure.
For Rent Four rooms furnish
ed, with orchard; rent $13 per
month. Call 52-t lioga stroet.
The fact that wo do KODAK
FINISHING promptly, court
eously and efreclcntly has made
Oils department of our store very
popular. CURRIN SAYS SO.
Regulnr 25c Bocks, 15c, two
pairs 25c. Wear Rogers' cloth
ing. t- -
You was fifty years old a short
time back. May wo show you
how to invest $29.41, and create
an estate of $1090? Guarantee
Fund Lifo. Columbia 48G.
hie disc records, (12 selections)
VICTOR or PATHE, record
brush, needles. EDISON DIA
MOND POINT. 2 Patho jewel
points and all accessories, $105.
50. Pay $10.00 down and $2.50
per week. CURRIN SAYS SO.
Notice. My wife, Edith Mc
Intire, and self havo separated.
Under no circumstances v. ill I
pay any of her bills in th fu
ture. Edgar Mclntlre.
Card of Thanks-We wish to
express our sincere thanks to
tho neighbors and friends who
bo kindly rendered their aid and
sympathy during the illness
and death of our beloved son
and brother, and can assure
them that' their kindness will
ever be gratefully remember
ed. Mr. and Mrs. William
Oeschger and family.
Women Are
Statistics show that the ntmi
bcr of women depositors is rap
idly increasing.
Wc realise that women to
day arc a big figure in the
business world.
Wc pay special attention to
their accounts.
Courteous tellers and clerks
will gladly explain anything
women want to know in the
banking line.
Peninsula National Bank
Ouant Smith. . . l'rctiitciii tiio aitkm
1'iutp C.', Vice Tretlilciil v. r. uhinkhr
I'hank r. Dkinkkk Vice 1'rCflMcitl A M JOIIKH
Jons N. Km.iu'skn. . . CnMiicr v. o. knai-p
ClIAIU.HS II. Ut KM., Aiftntlt(.iMliur II. K. 1'KNXNI.f.
Stanton I,. Domic. Afttlfttnut Cnslilcr ukakt hmitii
KliU'AHii K. Mokkih. AmiMmit Outlier I. s.'hun
Member of Federal Reserve Bank
3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit
Is to feed him good. Thi
grocery that enn offer you thi
tmme high cImm goods, pmt
variety and attractive price
that we do is not on overjk
street. We keep nil kinds of
provision and tnMn luxurle
that make a strong appeal to
tho careful, thrifty -housewif.
301 S. Ji nsry SI.
I'Iwm OH. II
Net tho label on your ppr,
HoU tho laMI on your pir.
Rock Sprin
i loal
Be Sure and Order From
St Johns Lumber Co.
Your orchtuitrtt never tlr
never refuses enecjiva. j
tin- muiic you want in the
Pt tempo nnd in always at
service. Then, too, you
no large bills to pay for tal
just the price of the reet
That is what our machines o.
in tho way of fntfrtainroei
Would you like to own om
St. Johns PhoHugrapli Coatpat)
The St. Johns Shoe Shop
New Goodyear ----
201 South Jersey Street
Now, equipped with the New Good
year Machines to clo any and all kinds
of work while you wait.
Rubber Heels put on to stay in five
minutes, if necessary. Soles put on,
sewed or nailed in 15 minutes. All work
absolutely guaranteed.
Just back from the Service to the OKI St. Jolnu Shoe Shop, and do
ing work iutt ns good at ever, witli new umcliiuery added. Would Ha
The hoys from the Army know dm a.
Uu nut i'urnoi tliv Xtimbuv UOi South ,Ivrnoy Stxvot
to sec all the boys that are here