THE ST. JOHNS RIlVIEW A. V. Mnrklo, iMIlor Published Friday of Each Week Subscription prlca $1.00 par your. - OuHlde of MuliiiomHh County J2.00 jor ywtr in lvuce. AnvKRTismr Katm: 26crnt per inch wicll illMil hi. Local 6 cciiU per line, liilllltililtn IIS CeliU. S Inl rule on yearly contract. Tim Kxvirtw 1 entered m twtt office m rortltnil, Oregon, m timii mniui of Ittu teeottil clnw under the Act of Con itm of March j, 1879. Th nliortflKe of clothing in Riikh'r liccumu nmmrent from tli (Uneei'8 thoy stint ovur here even btfore the world wr. o Pricw were IhkH a year ao btcttuio of the war and liiKher now Imciuwe of pence. Very mml when you umleiviituiu it is it not? J I'd iiiiH ern woman lias one lilir ttdvMittaire over her ulster of a few yoiit'B o ahe tlneati have to worry about whether her liatticonl is show ink. The Slater. AH).. Hustler tie lino the onu time above, a othuit ttiMt n woman shotild be left alone ns the lime when a lino of clothes coiiioh down in the mud. The trouble is that every limp thoy sprout a now Kovonimonl in luuropu we liuvo to niiiKo a new loan. Ilulwoon feedinir our unemios and luiwlinn monev to our frienls wo lie-in to feel like a tfootl tiling. Hx. Womun soeretarits will never be wholly a auccuss until 'hey loarn that a man docs not waul his olllue dusk slrniKht(ned ii anil ins 10 tiers tiirowu nwsy uvorv few m nules Just bueausi' it makes the olllue look niussy to have papem lyiiiK uround. ( OrKiinixntions and individuals ueiuirnlly nro advised by (.olicet or of hilernal .Kovenue, MIUom A. Milldr, to underscore on theii calondars .lime Ilh, the last day for the filing of returns or informntion. uivtiiK the nami's and adilressi's of all iiullviiluuU to whom puyments of salaries, wntres, rents, inteivst. coinmis ion and oilier tiins, piolltw and incomo of $1,0(1(1 or more woni paid during the year of una. Dur'mr the Imllle of the Somme in 1 1)1(5 the Mrltiah army usd 1.000,000 rounds of urtill- ory nuuuutiition, aceordiuir to a HlatisticMl Hnnouncoineut pub lishod by tb War Department J Ilia is the larueHl number' of shells UMfd in jiy xingle t-niuitt cut iar at iwrn-tls show. He ootid ' amount of artillery am munition tirtwl wui thi' luittlc of Mens iocs Rhine in IU17. when 2,75:1,000 rounds were lined by the llrillsh. For a single hour, however, (he American forces in the buttle of the St. Mi hid salient in 11)18 far a irpnssed this record, using 1.0U8.217 shells In four hours. Chairman Hurley of the nliip liiiig board, has announced that he had taken up with President W.ilson the ijuestion of permit ting American shipyards to build shiw for foreign account so as to broaden the opportuni ties for obtaining business ami furnish continuous employment for thoir labor. A number of American yards, jtarticularl) tuosi! on the ran he const, Imvt Mitred that tlte ban against ar it S i 1 I t . cepung foreign orders lie nrte: so they might enter competition with foreign yards for tonnage to be built by Norway and other foreign countries. One of the net products of the war was the uomonal ration that hanks aro the strongest factor in community service. In most cases the hanks became the headquarters in the Liberty loan drives and mot the increased dumand generously. In nearly ovory city when chum upon thuy put in additional desks and hired increased force to do the work necessary' The bank is the Keystone in the arch of com munity service and isthestioug est asset for community spirit. Hanks are extending the com munity service idea to the coun try and are lending and special izing to produce tarm prosper ity. Many differences between capital and labor nro smoothed away by a better understanding of all factors of the problem. So tho old idea of a bank being in any way hostile to the in torests of tho producora is bo- ing changed into mutual help fulness. Thoro is no reason why there should not bo tho fullost cooperation botwoon any honoat well moaning citisen and the local bank, Ux. An Enjoyable Occasion Snns Dicu Hein Glasa of the Evangelical Sunday School held their business meeting and so cial at the home of Mrs. VV. L. Montgomery Tuesday evening, May 6th. at 8:lo. Miss Ruth Edmondson, president of the class, called tho young people to order and proceeded with the business of the evening. After sinuing that beautiful hymn, tho Battle Hymn of tho liepub- c. Mr. Monnhan, teacher, read the Scripture lesson and then Haw A. P. Layton, pastor, offer od tho invocation. Tho class then, under the direction of the nrosident. proceeded with tho business, th'1 reports of commit lees, old and new business. Un dor the head of new business, the class discussed the neces sity of having some definite ob ject ahead to work fon Tho pia no which the clusa bought huv inir almost been paid for. they felt us though they hud done so well that they could not sit down on their laurels now. A committee appointed by the president will work that out. riic dueslion of tho annual outing of Hie class was discussed and a committee appointed to find a suitable place and appoint the time, the class also present ed two oC their number with small tokens of tho class fellow ship and appreciation in the now class which they have lal ly joined, nameljMho the matri monial class, rue two who were the recipients of tho class esteem were, Mrs. Lawrence Svaboda (nee Product)) and Mrs. Klhel Anderson, (nee Kimmel). We assure them they have (he iH-st wishes of the young people for their future. Also it was a farewell parly for Miss Haxel Oameron, who leaves in the near fuluro to make her home in St at Up. While we shall miss her in the class room we wish her a pleasant journey and n happy and bright future, and may she be faithful to Him who guides and destinatov. Mrs Svaboda left Wednesday morn ing for her future homo at Aher deen. wash. Alter presenta lion of (he presents by the Rev. Lnvton. the hoHteas. assisted by her daughter, Miss Kldorn. ami Airs. i(. I.. i.tivrnek, servei n dainty lunch of ice cream and cake. 1 am sure It will he an occasion long to he remembered lor fellowship and good will which prevailed. There was present forty, thirty-livo being members of thu class. Tho secretary slated there was a membership of fS at (ho present time. Now. young folks ol St. lohns, why not come and swell ho number to 100? m will llnd u roynl welcome. Reporter. PKHSH b'UOM THIS HAKKKY fi lraver enke is a drcntn to behold mid n joy to taste. Wght ns a still lienm. with fillinir Hint simply etui not b described, tliecnke will prov a rovnl Irent. At your next nffn order one mul you'll make yourself fntnous for your splendid liospilniity We hsu the but. Orders taken for Wedding Cake Pennine's Bakery andellcatesscn .. ,115 North Jersey iireet TIRE WE THE RETURN To you will bo far different than the cut or torn andluseless thing it was when brought here. Uui vulcanizing will remove a traces of trouble and put th tire buck on the . active service list for an indefinite term. Don be in a hurry to buy new tires. Let's see what wo can do to salvage the old ones Hint. National Vulcanizing Works 205 S.JERSEY ST. St. Johns, Oregon ids fi i gfcjMir NATCH IMC If oii are looking lor Winter Layers, ci your ei;is fioin Till: NT. JOHNS POULTRY FARM We have a liw muii- sctluius K -H of Willie LcAllOMS nl $1 fiO m 15 The St. Johns Poultry Farm 101 Alli'KlH'iiy Slrtfl St. Johns Car. Portland, Orccon Hauling and Moving OP ALL KINDS Done Quickly niul Promptly . s. m.vss m ti in I t a rhn oi. imo i i:. Kicnmonu .m. A was EDAIONDSON & CO. I Plumbing, Heating S: Tinning W'v Ucpun . 1 ti in i i tn tn Wuic l'hH-1-.-1 W aOT S. v meeting of public interest it iii ii was nuiuiii i lie uign scnooi nudiloriuin Ihursday evening, ut which .1. iN. K(lltrten piesid eu. I'rol. I". II. Koyil spoke on me iiesiranillty ol having a puuiic may grouiiu in bt. ,iohns and stnv u brief review of ef forts mado in the past to secure Wood of nil kind's a Mirk or play ground. He ml- " wwu 1,1 d" KIIIU isnd and making a Anfn Pvnrncc tormiiied ell'ort to secure nl mnu ijAMia5 Piny ground. Airs, ihomitsou, ot rrm Ri-aimaii- riomi st-rvicv loon mver. who git ueu wi hiipv.h.i imu.- fame as a member of tho last uu'"' CuiuwitM si .egislaturc. mado an earnest appeal for supMrtof tlie .IOSI:PII iMcCIIKSNUV, Al.l). ieacners auiary measure at naturunys uleciion. and gave Tho Portland Uarbago t'o. re moves rubbish from residency at $1 per mouth and husinoss places at rcasonublu rntos. Leave orders at St. Johns Hurdwaro or phone Woodlawn 301. a number of reasons why. the increase should be irrnnted. She is a forceful, interostimr jienker with splendid delivery. Iho muoting was well nttend- ed. and preceding tho speaking delightful iiHiuii uik i-nmlnriwi by the orchestra ami interest' ing tlnllh executed by pupils. For Sale Cheap A tiol of ground 100x000 feet, which coutnlus twelve 50x100 foot lots, just Kcroai the river from St Julius, UoundtNl by Wood siul Mills strevU. Kor quick mIc $1000 takes them, which is le. thuu lot. OooU terms k'vcii this oRict. Office Room 5 Peninsula Hank HtiiUlinj; UouiJi y io . in i-.s p. in, and ' cvrniiiuti. Olliee phone Col 3.; Hw. qio PAT'S 2 Barber Shop & 108 N. Jersey St. J. R. WCIMCI? Transfer and Storane V daliver vour kixhU te mul fiuu All pTt of 1'ertlMml, VncouTr, l.ixu ton. I'ortUiki ami SuUirLun BxurM Co., tfty ilook mul l points eciiiblc $lS.r; Poff & Oreen $100 Row Th Ivdt la of I! d to tarn lliat U" IhwiIUd 'ur now kiitiuu i tU lMmll'l frNlt-rmlv I'olmrli Im iiiii .1 .(iiutlltUlluMal a I'uuaiuuiHMiai tvi- S100 imr H1 N at Inul uiw divatlnl Uv lliat ' Iia hovn Hl l,- in iiirr in ult li i . . and lliat la raiurih lian a t'ttiarrli no I thv uul oiwlltuiluual dlavaa. ir.iiiu. uivui. nana I'aiurrn 1 uiv la ukm in WrnKlly, aiiln Jir'il iiHin lit bUxM fiiul niut'oua auiiai.-a r II ayataiu. tbi v r.lruvltui 1I10 fuumljiKUi of tlta ilia- aiul aaaUllna lio iroitrilvni ait niucii imiin rii 11a i'uraiiva ihiw in Hut llivr onvr tNta lliuulrl PolMra li any i-aa tt (alia 10 ..Mr. ShJ for Hat of tt-alliuonlala. fiiul niut'oua auifai.-a 01 11 . ay v r.lroylnM iho (uwiuIjikui 'itH. aud Klvliiic Ilia 0'iit I'ull.lliiii uu llu t'onalliullon a liainu In AoIiih Ha Work. Tin lni o mu.'lt flllt hi lla 'U Twlatla. O. ak lUll'i l anilli I'lll. for wIIiIIm. M..I.I 1.) all liiuiihi. ! Ti RHVIUWS U1K1AL BLANKS The folknvinir lUt of Iwal blanks me kept for wlc t this oiace mul others; will bo lulded us the demand. a fines; Warranty deeds, Quit Claim peed. Keidty inni Clinttol. Mort- imti.liictlon of .MortKUKu, vunimcui an one ui kuuiiv. tnu.s of Snlu, Leomis. FOR KENT rSi M thl afflt. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Suiul mul Oi ii l 1 1 . u Inl U.ilv Trips to r.trtluntl Phone Cal. 308 206 N. JERSEY SI P.lIATIAG-PylPERIAG Tniln k an. I lu.iilt' Work a SikiuiUv SIGN WRITING All yitW ifimi.iiiU'ii 1:.Iiiii.iU iii.nlv without cliar;r L. CYUUS. m $. 1'ilnctlM Slrtcl l'Uoni' Columbia ttttS CXPRCI)) We haul any thing, any time, any place. Prices reasonable Daily Trip to l'oitliuul . Enquire. 317 N. Jersey St. coimntXi an Suburb calls given prompt attention day or night. Com- pinto auto omtiimiont: no extra charge; refined sorvico. Miller & Traeoy. with a vitT uu in vour homo ovory musical longing is satisfied. CUIIRIN SAYS SO. Not th laoal on your ptpr. ONE THING TO REMEMBER Is that chenpni. -i is impossible where quality is cheapened, too. Cheap Pnnit may, bo the very dearest sort if low prices aro alone considered. Wo do not sell chenp Puint, but good Paint at as low a price as possible. When you buy here you got real values. Byerle & Armstrong 120 North Jersey Street Exclusive Advantages of BAOJSCM giLOMB W'l'V hmkIc of ii. h'v'')K tinob KttlK'tlil view In eir iliticlloti. Punktali limy lie m t Iok-V to tin.' uycb ill without tmulilifj,' tin- 1liet. No hkUkmiIi or i') c nit I ti irn!uciil liy looking tliumgli iiIki of tlif Imiiw. 1'iiiiktHlanri kiouihI coIlly for thu eyes tliry mti to fit. MtlHg liettir ruiitt niul coiiilurln, Tlie livitt in mine too '"r your cyti. lU'iMi'inlK'n If I mi forYcurC)tl they will t'ufi' for you. "TnMFTDKT. firJTiriAr 2()t.7-8 SWttlANf) moo. flllli mul W.ihhKlon Streets I', Oregon M.ilo 7;i7 A PLAIN TALK Let's get doin to brass tacks.good people.and discuss a few things with regard to the Greater Portland Association. Seems as though you have heard that name before, doesn't it? Well, you ore going to continue hearing it, until it sinks down into your subconscious mind just like "Ivory Soap; it floats;" dr "I3ou Ami; hasn't scratched yet." ' - We aren't doing tdl this advertising exactly for fun, you know, tt would be too much of a luxury. We arc doing it because we have one deflpite end in view there may be some minor ones, but the principal one is that you will come as n matter of course to ' 'patronize the specialty man." , Patronize Stores Displaying This Sign The Cieatcr Portland Association is not working for any particular specialty' stores, nor for uuy particular section of the city. It is working to incicntc the .business of every specialty store that has a legitimate right to exist; it is working tp increase the prosperity of the city at large, and that must embrace all sections alike. This can be done only ns cvry person in Portland who buys nnyf merchandise will do his or her fair share. It is the one method of accomplishing a fair dis tribution of trade here. What about it? Are you, as an iudtvidtial, doing your share towards helping the members of the Greater Portland Association? If not, have you any lually good reason? Is it merely fotcc of habiti or indifference? Wc ask you to shop where you sec the sign of this Association. 501-502 Selling BIdg. Main 3603 Guaranteed Fund Life Association Protects you in total Disability, Old Age, and Death. $lG.G(i pays for $1000 at ago of 35. Why pay more? Phono Columbia ISO, and wo will call and show you this policy. Othor ages in same proportion. Double lUemnity S2. W. N. JAMES, Agent, 17G0 Portsmouth Avenue WE AVERS A fowgood weavers can find steady work. Wages average from $&0 to $30 per week. . New price list, three mills )er pick plus bonus. Also have opportunity tp teach a lew young women to weave. 9 Portland Woolen Mills FUNERALS an I Beautiful gray or blnck adult caiket, henrse, box 2 autog embalming and rofln od service for MU.U-.R TRACBY ft -tK'&ffi Ml 'lOfuj, not come hi and ca aueu? 0U :oiiei o a If J Daw Mary: When you bought your new furniture did you over look buying a nice new bed-couch? Well, I did and when company came all four of us tried to pile into one bed. We put James and Ruth in the middle to keep them in and what do you think? I fell out. It was so funny, but I might have broken my arm. 1 just must have a new couch which, when needed, can be converted into a bed. Don't you too, need one. Hastily- -HELEN. P. S. Let's go down today and look at new couches at H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. Store closes at S P, Al, Snturdnys, other days at 6:30 P. Al. Columbia Garage 1 07 Fessenden Street Repairs, Fair Prices, Guaranteed Work, Storage, Oils, Gas, Tires, Tubes f VuHtrnU n . mh1 for f2t JfttO, 10. $00. Hilier ncc4 in pro-i- t',u.ii. i' manufacture caskets. Lady a<ant. IU.iuui'iiI funeral cli.ipcl. MILLER & TRACEY Mnln 2691 Independent Funeral Directors A 78BS Wdliiuiilan ut LIU Strrt-I. Beluecn 20th and 21st Street. West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative CM Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia SSS J Hudson & Stockum "" ffa MMM HMM MM MM HfffffffffffffManeMrMMMMBMMaeMMMffffaWMfMffMrffM TheSt. Johns Skating Rink Now Open Every Afternoon and Evenings No charge for lessons for ladies in the afternoon, only price of skates 30 HOURS: 2 to 5 in the Afternoon 7 to 10 in the .Evening . Good Skates, Good Floor, Good Ausic, Good Alanageraent V M4