"ttOthn So.y ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 15 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1919. NUMBER 28 Memorial Day Thoughts Wo hnvo been requested to publish the following article. It offers much food, for thought: Every newspaper you pick up those dayB advertises some kind of Bport that "will start May 30." Why May 30? What on earth makes' all the ball players, fist fighters, tennis champions and golf fiends want to start on May 30. Some fool women in Now York have a new fad. They want to have a parade of broken down work horses on May 30. A lot of these sporty, gnat brains come right out and suy "on Memorial Day." Wo will bo glad and don glad rags and root for our favorite fad in snorts. Ah this is dcplornblc. Not tho sports themselves, but the tendency to fasten in the minds of tho American people the idea that Memorial Day, May 30, which is a legal holiday in 10 States in tho Union, 1b estab lished for a joyous holiday, much play and more eating. We have about 20 joy days; 1 guess more when you sum them nil up, ho why Boizo upon tho most sue red of all our holidays to start tho sporting season, May 30 has come to bo recog nized in ovcry Statu but the eight really Southorn States us the National Sabbath of Patriot ism. A day when men, women and children should pause and gather in social centers to tell tho tales of heroism of the men who worq tho blue, and to re flect on what that heroism means to us who are living to day. Tho day was established by the Grand Army of the Re public, May 30, 1808, for the purposu of commemorating the ideals of tho dcud of tho 'Union Army, n day that has been held in such tender respect thut 40 of tho greatest States of the Union have gravely incorporat ed it into their laws, not for "sports," but that tho people of tho State might pausu for a day and think of their mighty dead. A veteran soldier said of Kan bus: "States are not great, ex cept as men may make them, Men arc not great, except they do and dare." Rut for tho men who fought the battles for tho Union, and their sturdy conten tion for right nnil Justice for many years after tho battle flags were furled, tho United States would be only u third rate na tion todav. But for the four years of awful fighting, when tho Nation's life was in tho balance, thcro would bo no nation today. We would be in tho condition of tho was pish littlo nutions controlled by banditti overseas. Tho right won nt a cost in lives ami money that staggered tho Nation. Tho United States Government did mighty littlo for tho returning veterans compared with what is being dono todav. There- were no triumphal arches in endur ing marblo, no pensions commen surate with the perils endured, no waiting jobs, no soft berths for returning soldiers. Tho re turning armies passed in review in Vragged regimentals" an army of tramps, in appearunce, and went homo in that plight. Tho fires wero dead in the forge, the farms had grown to weeds, the carpenters tools wero rusty, and the boys were too old to tako ip the dog-eared school books they had left in the knife-scarred desks. There were no "voca tional" schools, no schools for blinded soldiers. The shell shock ed went on in that condition or died in insane asylums. Yet out of all this riot of ruin. the men who made the Union rose supreme, and for more than 40 years after the war were the cuildins element in the Nation. They opened the great West and followed the sun to its set ting out over the Pacific. They penetrated the forests of the North into the gold fields of the Yukon. They builded great factories in the East, and made the Middle West the granary of the world and gridironeu it with railroads, with telegraph and telephone wires. There were two .and a half million men in the Union Army. and only a little over half of these come back. The rest of them "Rest where they wearied and lie where they fell" under Southern skies, thousands of them in unknown, unmarked craves. Their comrades have followed them till a scant 300,- 000 are left. These walk wear iedly and alone toward the West. Soon they, too, must go to rest "In the little green tents." For tlnese men, dead and living, Memorial Day was established. Isn't it the very least that any of us can do to let the world slip out of sight for a little while just a day and remember for that one day of all the honors, all the" material wealth, if you The Methodist Centenary A $50 Liberty bond will bo awardnd by the Joint Centenary committee of the Methodist Episcopal church to the best essay written by any Sunday school, grodo or high school pupil in tho northwest on "Tho Methodist Centenary What It is and What it Will Do." Ago will be taken into considera tion. Names, address and ages of contestants should bo written on their essay; also the name of their school. Ono side only of tho paper should bo used. Tho contest ends May 25, and all es says should bo mailed prior to that dnto to tho Joint Centenary Committee, 409 Piatt building, Portland, Ore. Tho Methodist ! Ccntenury is tho manner in which Methodism is celebrating tho 100th anniversary of tho es tablishment of Christian mis sions in America. As part of the Centenary plans, there is being raised a campaign fund of $105.- 000,000 which will bo spent on a gigantic programme of rebuild- nt! tho world. Uf this Bum. $10,000,000 will be spent on edu- eating anu Christianizing for eign lands, $10,000,000 in the ho.no mission field, consisting of a common bciiso programmo of city and country community churches, and $25,000,000 on di rect war reconstruction work. Of this latter sum, $3,000,000 has already been expended by the dispatch of a missionary ship to Europe, loaded with plows and tractors, seeds and tools for cul tivation, portable houses and motion picture machines and lots of other things not usually thought part of missionary para phernalia. Information concern ing the Methodist centenary and the essay campaign may bis ob tained from tho superintendent of the nearest Methodist Sunday school, to whom would-be essay ists are urged to apply for in formation. will, that theso two million and a half have brought to us and ours? Ah. hut that isn't all! The Spanish American War laid tri bute at tho rcet ol u reunited ccuntry. Over in Arlington I saw one day 200 flag draped coffins beside 200 open graves. They were the dead of the Maine, and 1 had the honor to bo one of the five who held the first commemoration exercises over tho Mnino dead. Wo honor nil the Spanish War Veterans wherever wo find the little mounds. And the dead of this war: They arc as blades ol grass for number, over 9,000,000 sleeping hero nnd overseas anu neath tho ocean's waves. iui- ly 100,000 of them sleep becuuse America bade them do or die. And in finite of all these mil lions of dead, whoso names the people of the country will honor in their hearts on Memorial Day. the miserable, short-sight ed, unpatriotic, sport drunk men and women will "open the pport season" on Memorial Day. 1 remember one President of the United States who declined to visit Arlington on Memorial Day and who went fishing instead. His name was held up to scorn and obliquy. The country never forgot or forgave. Yet it is openly advertised that golf and tennis and uaseoaii anu a worn horso parade will open on May 30. And two million and a half of Union veterans, many thous and Spanish War Veterans, and 900,000 men of all countries, hardly rold in their graves "Lie dead for me and you" this May 30 Isn't there enough honest to goodness patriotism in this country to call oft these dogs of sport and permit the country to get back to the spirit of the elder days? Isabel Worrel Ball in Na tional Tribune. "L-l-look here," said the stut terer.at the horse sale, 'that's a n-nice horse my-my-m-m man! How much ddo you want for it?" The owner looked his animal over lovingly. "And a beauty he is, sir," ho urged "a horse I can thoroughly recom mend. But you must make the offer." "Well" said the stutter er. 'I'll g-g-give you f-f-f-f-f" "Forty pounds? Done!" said the dealer. "G good!" closed the stutterer "I was tr-trying to say f-f-f-fifty!" London Answers. Judge, (to witness) "Why didn't you go to the help of the defendant in the fight?" Witness"! didn't know which was going to be the de fendant." Boston Transcript, 1 1 The big ones don't get away when you have the right kind of fishing tackle. We sell the RIGHT kind. Currin Says So. Revenue Requirements That on nnd after May 1st, 1919, there shall be levied, as sessed, collected and paid a tax of 1 cent for each 10 cents or fraction thereof of the amount paid to any person conducting a soda fountain, ice cream par lor, or other similar place of business, for drinks commonly known as soft drinks, compound ed or mixed nt such place of business, or for ico cream, ice cream sodas, sundaes, or other similar articles of food or drink, when any of the above are sold on or after such date for con sumption in or in proximity to such a place of business. The tax is measured by the price for which the food or drink is sold. It is on the actual sales price at the rate of 1 cent for each 10 cents or fraction thereof of tho amount paid for any of tho articles mentioned in section G30. Each sule for 10 cents or less ia taxed 1 cenfnnd every sale for over 10c istaxed lc lor each 10c or fraction thereof of tho price. The tax is upon the whole of the amount of the price paid by the purchaser. "When tho price is paid at one time tho in payment for several articles which are the subject of u single transaction of pur chase or sale, the total price paid is the unit for computing tho tax." Thus, if the pur chaser orders two sodas nt the same time, each sold for 15c, the tax is 3c and not 4c. If, however, ho buys one soda for 15c the tax is 2 cents and if he then immediately purchases another lGc drink the tux is 2c on the second sale, which can not be treated as part of the first sale. Any means by which separate purchasers pool their order for uefeiiting or escaping tho lax imposed by section 030 LOWEST PRICES IN PORTLAND BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERAL TENNIS SOCKS SUITS CORRECTLY PRESSED 75c t W. W. ROGERS f THE RAINCOAT MAN 202 N. JERSEY ST. Open Evonlnge t Authorized KvkMiiit KtaUr The royal Tailors ? shall he carefully guarded against by tho vendor, for its employment subject the pur chaser and tho vendor, if ho connivos in it, to tho penaltios provided in section 1303 of tho Act. Pier Contract Awarded Tho contract for construction of pier No. 2 of the St. Johns municipal terminal and nn ox tension of 300 feot to pier No. 1 was awarded to Ellicott & Scog gins, Portland contractors, on Monday for $329,297, following an investigation, by tho public dock commission, into the abil ity of the contractors to finance the job and carry it through to completion. The bank of Calif ornia and the Bank of Kenton filed letters that they would ad vance the necessary funds for the Work. In the construction of the new pier advantage will be taken of the high water in the river to drive the piling. Robert Wakefield, to whom the contract formerly was awarded but who failed to properly quuli fv throuch failure to provide a bond, is seeking to have the dock commission return to him the amount of his certified check of $17,000 which was recently declared forfeited. The com mission is inclined to refuse to return the money on the ground that the failure of Wakefield to qualify for the contract damag ed the city in the amount of the check. The modern drug store is a complicated and intricate busi ness, but we have mastered it. CURRIN SAYS SO. A Public Scandal Further investigation reveals the Morquam gulch transactions as a public scandal. Ten years ago. Gnltano Dlstcfnno paid $375 for a small fraction of a Jot in Mantuam gulch. Average nrnnnrtv in Portland is worth iiftlo If nnv mnrn limn it wna 10 f years ago. Many a holding will not bring today what it brought in thoso days of realty boom. But a iur.v awarded Distofnno $3000 for hia fractional lot on tho Marouam gulch hillside. There is not a man or woman in Portland but know that the price is preposterous and the transaction a public scandal. The same is true in the case of Nicoleta DimnrcO. He bought half n lot in Marquam gulch some years ago at ?225. He built on it a small house which tho assessor values at $2G0. A jury voted to give $3572 for the property. Yet. that jury was under oath, and was acting as tho purchasing agent for the' people of Portland in acquiring Innu for a public park. The price paid is nt tho rate of $0000 a lot, or more than lots will bring in many of Portland's best residential districts. But there is tho lot for which C. P. Smith some years ago paid $725 for and for which thu jury bound the city to pay $0250. Lots by tho score in Irvington or Lnurelhurst can he bought for much Iosb. Lots with seven room modern houses on them have, in instnncc.. been selling for Kiss in those dixtricts. One such with a splendid house and garage Hold for $5000 In Irving ton. The prices paid in the Marquam gulch Hints are pre posterous and grotosmie, and ought to be investigated. -Journal. Not U lihl on vour pnr. item SHOES GLOVES Death of John D. Keliher Tho funeral sorvice of John D. Kolihor was held at the local Baptist church on Tuesday after noon, conductod by Rev, E, Bur ton, the pastor, and assisted by Dr. E. P. Borden. Mr. Kolihor was born in Calumet County. Wisconsin, April 1, 1852, being tho fifth child of a family of eight. Tho greater portion of his life was spent near his birth place where he engaged in farm ing. In February, 190(3, he mov od with his family to Portland, whore he spent the remainder of hia life. In April, 1877, ho was married to Miss Anna John son, who died in July. 1878. In August. 1889, ho was -married to Miss Jennio McAllister. To this union four children were born. He is survived by his wife, Lewis, Earl nnd Mattie, the three children, and n sister, Mrs. Victoria Sprague, of Green Bay. Wis. Mr. Keliher was a member of the St. JohnB Baptist church and also a momber of tho Odd Fellows Fraternity. He was one time a councilman of the city of St. Johns. He died May 3, 1919, aged 07 years. 1 month and 12 days. It may be truly said: A good man has gone from us. The St. Johns Undertaking Co. had charge of the remains. One swallow does not make a Bummor, but one swallow of our SPRING TONIC will make you feel as if summer was here. CURRIN SAYS SO. Coveralls $3.75, Bib Overalls, $2.35. This is heavy stuff. Save moneypatronize ROGERS. Makes Rapid Progress When in 1904 the Portlnnd Woolen mills was started at St. Johns, now a part of Portland, it had three small buildings, I0 looms and four sets of cards. To day its buildings cover prac tically all of five acres, are 10 in number, its quota of looms and "cards have been four times multiplied, nnd its workers in creased from GO to '150 men and women, the latter predominating about three to two. It is build ing a club house 7'lxll2 feet, into which tho present large din inir room, fine library, piano and grnphophonc will be moved, nnd iilllitifl ntnl nnnl tnlilim mid mnv- imr picture ciiuipment added. Shower bathing will also be pro vided for. At noon coll'ee and sugnr is provided free for all employee, und there are long dining tables upon which they may partake of their luncheons. A woman is paid by tho com pany for looking after tills do mirtmcnt. Durimr the first year of tho operation of the factory at St. Johns, to which place it was moved from tho Sellwood district, the business of the company aggregated about $200, 000, says E. L. Thompson, mana ger of tho corporation, in l'Jia klllO HUM I 1 1 k Utlubll ki UIIIIUOV 000,000 and today the concern is swamped with orders and adver tising for help liotli in Port land and San Francisco. Its men and women workers earn from a minimum of $11 per week for heir nnors to $18, $20 and up to $35 and $50 for active nnd skill ed piece hands. The . hours of lubor are ! per week. "We chose this neighborhood for the seat of our operations for the conveniences it olfered' in the matter of shipping facili ties and cheap fuel," Mr. Thomn- soil explains. "We have both water and rail at our very do-.rs, and the cost of fuel is nl mr t negligible. We burn what is termed 'hog feed' from an ad joining sawmill. It consists of sawdust, bits of wood and bark which would constitute a nuis ance to tho sawmill people. This stuff is automatically carried to our furnaces, and fed to them at exceedingly small cost. Our machinery is operated by elec tricity. One of the aims of this concern is to always main tain tho heartiest friendship be tween tho workers and tho management. Wo never have a strike nor bickering over wages." Journal. Death of An Old Pioneer PhiueasT. Hanson, ono of St. Johns' pioneers, was laid at rest April 30 at Columbia Cemetery, his comrades of the Grand Army of tho Republic and Women's Relief Corps performing the last sad, solemn, patriotic rites, following Christian Science services. Born of Revolutionary stock in Palmyra, Maine, a few days moro than Hoventy-soven yenrs ago, his life has been a full ono. In 1801. at President Lincoln's call, ho volunteered and served with distinction in the 9th Maine Volunteers. His enlistment period up, ho re-enlist-od on tho bnttlo field and helpod finish the job. Returning to tho native state, ho marriod Miss Adelo Johonot and made a home, but Oregon culled and thirty seven years ago he moved witli his family to St. Johns and helped build up this important adjunct to Portland's prosperity. His was a woll known figure here. He was active in all civic airnirs. His unfailing courtesy and kindness made him a host of frionds, here and in Maine. These mourn his departure and tender respectful regretB to his widow, daughter, grandchildren and relatives. Dressmaking. Mrs. Carrie P. Rogers, GIG W. Charleston street, cornor Decatur. Colum biulOGl. FOR The new modern cottage of four rooms known as GOG Hudson St. This cottage was built just about one year ago. It stands on a lot 40x100 feet, has several cherry and apple trees on the place. It is close in to the business section and near enough to any of the Industries. It is just the place for two people and can be bought like pay ing rent. The two new cottages on the same one hundred feet square that this was built on have been sold to re sponsible citizens who will take an interest in caring for their homes. Bonham 6c Currier. Will Be a Gala Day Juno the 12th has been de cided upon by the directors of the Victory Rose Festival ns a half holiday. The association is going to give to the citizens nnd visitors the biggest surprise thnt has ever been accorded them. It wili be something to talk about for years to come. The directors have made out their plans to have on that day the biggest, best and most spec tacular monster militnry parade in the history of the city. All the returning soldiers and sail ors will participate in the par ade nnd 11,000 medals will be presented to soldiers and sailors who have seen fcervico acrftss the water. These medals will be given to them by George L. Funk, as ollicial representative of ih "ih at tho Festival Cen ter M 1 1 other militnry organ izations of litis city and sur rounding towns will also march in the parade. In fact, it 1b in tended, if everything runs smoothly, to be the most gala day thut the association has ever contemplated for the amusement and enjoyment of the public. There will be warships in the harbor for the inspection of tho people and to be free to all. There will bo airships, hovering over the city during tho parade, doing all kinds of wicked stunts to the delight and bewilderment of th old and young. Thdre will be new march songB composed specially for 1 ho occasion by local songsters, and music and words will bo original and right up to the minute. Mayor Baker has been requested to ipsue a pro clamation very shortly declar ing June 12th a half holiday, and no doubt Governor Olcott may do the same for (lie state. It will be a glorious cele bration nnd the Victory Rose Festival will long bo remembjr ed by thoso who wero fortunate to be the city's guests. Mr. Smith, dissatisfied with his houve, put the sale of it in the hands of an agent. A fow days later he saw an advertise ment of a house exactly answer ing his needs, The moro ho read of Rh beauty and comfort tho moro anxious he was to secure it for himself. So he called up tho agent with: "There is a house advertised by 'A B. C See 'A. B. C and buy it from him." "Sorry" was tho la conic reply, "but I'nf . B. C and the house i m your own. Thu Passing Show. For Snlo-liUfi Ovorhmd; olectrie lightH, Htarter, power tire pump, uhock nhHorhorH. good tiron and in good mechanical condition. Will domonutrntc. Prlco$75. Call evenings Col umbia 0(52. Would you ho able to moot your (lnanclal obligat on and at tho Kamo timo ro-i-KtnbliHh your home tihouhl your property he destroyed by lire? We write all lines of insurance, Let uh quote you ratou. Poniinula Security Company. VICTKOLA NO. X A. (I double disc roconlB (12 selection), re cord In null, neudlon and all ac cessories for $95.10. Pay $9.G0 down and $!).fiu pur month. CUJUUN SAYS SO. Tho Bnrkloy Custom Corset is now being demonstrated at the I St. Johns Millinery Store. Any i lady who wislios a high grade i corset, made of the strongest and best fabrics, honed with the host aluminum wireboning, measured and fitted to order at u very reasonable price, call at St. Johns Millinery. 200 N. Jersey stroet. 28 ! Hoar John McCormack when ' ho comes to POHTLANl). You can hear him any day if you have a VICTHOLA. CUKKIN SAYS SO. SALE GEORGIA RICH Pianist Teacher KtmllcM: ?1,'V"!'wor,J: Av.cm"1 tit) Oftwigo Street Photic: WooI!hhii m, CclumbU SKI Mrs. Gabriel FuliuT Vocal Teacher lialirnin litem hitiu, l'lrwinl Tout )1iictttli'iit .mil Clear lu:lwit, N Pupil Uuulit to tnkr put in Trio n& (Jumtetteo. Otto LomlMrd St. Plume lUiml.M 189 Mrs. Frank A. Rice Tkai llltR Of Violin, Mandolin and PiniiD Pupil nl Notre Ortmf Slmlio: V. Mm Sfi . t Telephone Columbia !t I'lipiM may Iwcuim MiimUh m i!h j.ivritfla Otehf.ltrt which will mnVr .ulin ijip-illMM monthly. ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N'. Syrcii? Slrttt rimtiL' Columbia Mi Mrs.BerthaC.BurdicIc (Liccntitnte of the Royal Academy of Music, London.) Teacher of Piano 1957 Hotlfic .St. Phone Col. 87a Photic Muin HH1.S. Columbia ll Perkins & Bailcv LAWYERS llounlol initio IIuIIiUhk St. John Ollliettllli I'rofct.ul.i StW Co. lloiim I t(! I'. M. w.j. (.iini. M.i). i:.k sivi). M.n. Drs, Gilstrap & Seely Physicians and Surgeons Glasses Accurately Pilled oi'i'icit norits 11.00 lo 12 M. O I' IMC KM 1 :!IU to .;!t(l P. M. I't-nitiMila Mt 7:00 to 8:0(1 1', M. rail It-bid Sunday, y.00 to I0:0 A. M. Dr. Evarl P. Borden MSNTIST Painless KxtrncUon nf Tevtli uttdtf Nitrous Oxitle tin Office PeiiiiiMilu Hunk WWg. . Ollh'c rilionc Col. itU; u-. linCul. 177 I lour-IMXu. m .j l6unl 7 H . m. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIkOI'KAC'lOR 311 North Jersey SlretM Dny Plume Columbia 07 Night Pbont Colurabte 800 l'lionc Colombia 379 Ku. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. Schultssc Physician anil Sorgoou Room 10 I'oiiIiimiIh Hank. HuiUiinft DR. 1. P. PICKUNS, DENTIST Ollke Minim K l IK A. M 1 ( tt I. If. Hvciunk 7 to I'enliHmln lUnk lllili;. " Ollicc l'lioiiu Coluiiibu 1 11 LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING HARBKU Th iUwe wlnii- mtmiv and t'Olilttmiu treatment rc4il. t'liildri-u' lutir futlliiK receive - i.il hii ulion. 109 BURLINGTON STREIST Davis Barber Stoop ami HATH K(HJMS S. W. DAVIS, lrp'itlf 108 Pliiladclpliiit St. Baths gfc St. Johns Undertaking Co. 208 N. Jersey Street I'llt'llf". I'ulllllbl4 ."!,' V oil! ll4 iitJ Automobile IK.um?. Gel Our Pr'ces Before (Mat k Miami I'hone WtMMlluwH Liberty Repair Shop 937 N. jr.KSLY Slid LI Grinding, Sharpening, Sax rjljsc I'runlc liiierrii A. C. KiWI I'1 PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT & REALTY 01 H. HENDERSON, Manag.r 402 N. Jor.oy Struct Abstracts of Title l'repttrt-d Title l(xuuit4 I'liout Columbia 260 ELEORICAL CONTRACTING Wiring, Fixtures anil Repairing C. L. Dearlove fhone Columbia 374 1673 llflVCtt Good Second lmml Sewing mvklw lur teut. H,F, Clark. tf