St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 02, 1919, Image 2

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A. W. Mnrklc, Hrtltor
Published Friday of Each Week
Subscription prloe $1.00 poryonr,
OutlJe of Multnomah County 52.00
per year in advance.
AnvitRTisiNO Katks: 25 cents per Inch
each Insertion. Local 6 cents per line,
minimum 25 cents. .Social rales on
yearly contracts.
. Tint Kmvikw Is entered at post office
In Portland, Oregon, as man mnucr
of the second class tinner uic nti ui
res of March i, 1879.
Children were the Oral bol
Whoever started the war, we
have a hunch who is coin to
lay for it.
'If you don't spare your friends
your friends will soon be ublo
to spare you.
If thuv Vcucin on klllinir Con
cral Zapata the man will soon ho
as tluad an Villa.
The uirl with a prominent
wishbone ulwaya thinks summer
styles immodutit.
K woman can be rteht in style
this year by wearing hor last
year's skirt upsiuo down.
There is no 'or any need of
huntimr trouble. .ItiHt stand
(luiet and it will hunt you.
Vitii'ft milv 11 u nltl nit I hi! nil
woman who rcmumberH when
you worn born says you aro.
Kvcrybotly known people with
no husintMH buiiitf born, but it's
too latu to help that now. i-jx.
If you do juMt unotiffli work to
"not by" with your joi. aoine
day your job wilP'et by" with
out you.
Nothing mnkoH a man mad
der in an nrinimuiit than for
IiIk opponent to tell him to be
It in of no value to 1)0 in u hu
ry tin low you do xomotliliur after
you arrive at the puieo you aro
bunyii g to.
You'd ho a lot more popular if
you were as anxious to share
your K"od timtwiwltli others i
your troublos.
It dooNii't matter how im
norUintyour auuetitorx were, but
now important an ancestor you
are koIhk to be.
Millionaire hi'u reputed (,o be
KUimrnlly U'llwppy, but the few
we'vo aeon nIwmvk hoi'Iium! able
to diiKiiitie their foelinu.
Uemember (lie d old Repub
lican days when the average
woman hml onouuli clothoM to
cover her, my a Republican exchange.
A woman will forgivo most
unytliimr in another woman
who is a noat housekeeper and
will boliuvu almost any nmv
about our who is not.
After you've convinced a man
tiiat hu'ti wrong, he away
and "knocks" you. People only
wish to be convinced of what
they already believe.
Holahevikism proceeds on
tho thoory that the whole world
ought to sutler lecnuo tho
uovernmont of Uusitia has been
bad, Washiiurton Star.
It makes a man furious to
liuvc a woman use her intuition
on him instead of her rcanon,
bucause he knows she's right
and has no business to be,
Paris sent us the moisngd two
years aco: "For God's sake,
hurry." Wo send tho swine
message back to Paris. Syr
cusoN. Y. Post Standard.
Naturally your aches are
worso tlmn anybody else's and
therefore you aro entitled to
bran about them all you wish
to, but why not do it when
noltody's around?
Opportunity often knocks
at the door when it is too late.
Here is a Now York man who. is
said to have just recoivod a pat
unt for - perfect cork screw.
Rochester Post Uxpross.
Friends of Rev, J. T, Morrill,
pastor of tho Uongregationai
church, will bo glad to know that
ho will remain with the cnurcn
here for the following year. The
church is rejoicing. We lee
that we have not only a splendid
orator, but a spiritual Christ-like
man, whose whole purpose in me
In tnlnnd men into a better way
of thinking and living; to make
them feel that, after all, lilo is
worth the living, and that thru
God men can be free and happy.
If you have never heard Uev.
Merril urcach a sermon, it is
your loss; don't fail to hear him
Hundav: if you hnvo not him
for a friend don't fail to make
his acquaintance, as you wil
nnvnr rflirrct an hour Stient lis
toning to him preach nor lime
snent n cooversat on with so
noble a character. Services at
tho church Sunday. May '1th
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Come
and bring your children. Preach
inir at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Song service at 7:15. Topic for
the evening sermon, the
Working Man's Christ." There
will bo snocial mifsic by Mr. und
Mrs. Frank Horsman ut the
ovoning service. -Reported.
in i H 1 1 , W i"
Men are commonly said to
make fools of themselves over
"wine, women and song." but
except for a few decrepit music
teachers perhaps, did you ever
know one to make fool of him
self over song? Ex.
Thank God for Rurleson, lie
has killed the government own
nrwliin movement.
Tho follow who Kota up in
future and tnlkB about how the
government could run anything
at loss cost witli better service
will druw a vegetable shower
every time. - National Republi
Most persons fail of gooti
work because of lack of inspirn
tion in their surroundings, but if
you are really big you can raise
above them long enough to get
into better ontM.
The trouble with us all is that
wo"re small and don't know it
and raise a terrible howl if any
body suggests it,
Tho minister was filling in
the marriage certificate. "Let
me see." hu murmured to the
bride, as he came to tho date,
tli Ih is the 7th. isn't it?" She
Hushed hotly. Tho impertinence
of the man She stammered.
rhen she found tongue. "No,"
.-die answered sharply; "it's not
tho seventh! This is oidy my
Suburb calls given prompt
attention day or night. Com
plnle auto uuuipmcnt: no extra
charge; rolineu service. Minor
&. Tracoy.
Tho modern drug store is a
complicated and intricate busi
ness, but we have mastered it.
Come in and take a look at tho
St. Johns Hotel rooms and our
new price list and see if they
won't interest you. Free phone
and hath.
Tho Portland Garbage Co. re
niovos rubbish from residences
st 1 per month and business
places at reasonable rates. Leave
orders at St. Johns Hardware or
ihnne Woodlawn HOI .
Now is the time to make lawns
and ilower beds. Get an exper
ienced laudscaper to do it for
you. neat or roioronces. At.
N. Ammeh, 807 South Seneca,
near Huchauan. 25
WantedWaitress at the
Kdgowator Lunch, near the
Cooperage plant.
5 Barber Shop 5
108 N. Jersey St.
Wood of all kinds
Auto Express
I'ricci) Kcutioiuthltf
I'tompt Service
A fat woman has it all over a
thin one in a crowded streot car,
for the fat one can wriggloher
way into a comfortable position
by displacing cortain parts of tho
anutomios of those on either
sido of hor.
With a VICTROLA in your
home every musical longing is
satisfied. CURRIN SAYS SO.
For Sale Cheap
A plot of Rrotrntl lOOxfiOO foot,
which contains twelve 50x100 foot
lots, jttst across the river from St.
Johns, iMHitulod by Wood and Mills
streets. Kor quick sale $1000 tukus
them, which is less than $100 per
lot. Good terms Riven. Cull ut
this office.
The following list of legal blanks
arc kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gage, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale,,
n Inver enke is n dream to behold
and a joy to taste. Light ns a Mm
iK-nm. with filling Hint simply can
not be described, the cake will prove
n rnvnl treat. At vour next affair
order one and you'll make yourself
fnmoUH for your splendid Hospitality.
Wt hart the licit. Ortleri taktnfor Kidding Cake.
Fenning's Bakery and Delicatessen
1 1 5 North Jersey Slrect
Hv having vour tires vulcanized
by us whenever possible. The
longer wear you get out of your
tires, the fewer new tiros you
need and the more money you
save. Tiros arc ndvanring in
price -war demands catue this.
Therefore vu canizinir such as
we do is a friend in need and
a friend indeed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Ororjon
Real Estate!
Central Location
Thirteen years in (hu busi
ness in St. Johns.
List your Property with Us
We Alnke Sales
S. C. Cook
102 N. Jersey Street
Notice (if Hearing Pinal Account of
In llw County Court of tlir Hint- of
OiviHiH. for Hi County f Mulliioiuuii.
In III lUHiirr M IIM i'Miv oi riier
AuUvti, tiet'ntMMl.
Notice i lwirliv lllvril Hml Ai llH C.
AutMii. mi vxn-ulru of the Hill Mini
lUutent '( frlvr tttiM, ilrfvnw'.. Iim
AM with III County Clrk of Mull no
mull Comil , (iK'"i AiimI nci-oinit m
moll ciecuttix, miu! n WuUnunl there
to, u ml llmt MumUy. My . U:SU A. il.,
Ull'J. in Ik imituieiiti'ltlK-County Court.
ut tlieCouil llouM'nf Mullnoniiili County.
Im 1mii flxtsl by Mini. (ion(r ThwII.
County Imliif ( mM fount y mihI nlHtD,
iu tlmr uml muI (ilne for hM(iUi object
Mlim, II Mil). o aMut Mrrouui, mm i inr
tvttltMiiont of the Mine. Mini tlunrioutinx
Ilio liroiHTty IwlonKliiK to Mill oUte.
Anv iktmiii llHVtni! oblccttoiu IoimIiI m-
count limy inr beMnl Mt the tint mm4 ilce
ANNA C. At Tr.N. Kxecntrix.
AitriK tor I'.xi'iutrix.
8 Eggs!
If you are looking
lor Winter Layers, net
your egns from
We have a few more .settings to
sell of White Leghorns at $l 50 per 15
The St. Johns Poultry Farm
UOI Allcsheny Strict
St. Johns Car. roriland, .Oregon
Hauling and Aloviug
Done Quickly and Promptly
1 1 i it h. .1 i
phoni Col. loso no c, Kicnmunu s.
Plnmbinir, HenthiK 5: TinniiiK
We Kejuiir Altuiuuiiin Ware
I'houe Col. U2 307 S. Jerw-y St.
Transfer and Storage
V dalivdr your sood to Mid from
ll pert of r-ortUnd, Vncouvr. l.lniv
ton. 1'ortUrkt ik3 Suburban Kxuraii
Co., city dock nd U point otlbU
Of our BUcci" - iti flue to our
rule "Monc.. l.ari; if you want
it." Wo don't want anybody to
bo dissatisfied with purchases
made at this store. So when
you come ln?r for Sporting
Goods, don't think you are com
pelled to keep what you b n
We rather Iihvp jour Kood will
than your reluctant money any
Byerle & Armstrong
420 North Jcray Street
Normal Vision
l'ew cTon hIimI Coimiltutcn
Nornml Vifon. J t s linn utie In vvory
liiinilrcil linn' imrin .! viniou. Why not
knoiv the coimIIiImi' yotireyen.
If I cuic for Your L)d tiny will cure for
20(i.7-H SWt I LAND I1LDG.
rilth uml W.nhMKlon Strccti
I'nrlldml, Orrgon
Mam 73(17
Tlntliii! Mini Inoi'W Work m peciitlty
All urk KimriiiitFi'il
ltthimlc iiinile without clmrije
I CYRUS, lOISS. I'rlnccten Sired
I'lmiitf CnliiiiililnlWi
We linnl tiny tiling, nny time, any
place. Prices reasonable
Dully Trlj- to l'oitlnmt
Enquire, 317 N. Jersey St. o.ulSan
He would have subscribed to the Victory
Liberty Loan because he was a real Amercan.
He practiced what he preached
You might have disagreed widi him at times but to
the whole world he stood for America.
Arc you doing less?
You arc unless you arc willing to sacrifice unless
you take your share of die Victory Liberty Loan
Peninsula National Bank
enutlful oray or
blnok adult cmkat,
hearer, box. 2 autoi
ombalmlng and rolln
U nervlo for
I inn-is rMii-a f.r itK i 10, JGt). HiRher rrlcfUuncrj' In pro
"ortiu. Wv nunufotnrc caikt. Iiily assistant
llv.iutiful funeral chnjcl,
Main 2881 Indenondont Funeral Director A 70QS
Wushlnuton at Ella Street, tlttwien 20lh and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
(ill Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia 888
Do your Shopping in
Reliable Stores Display
for Patronize
I Pernianert
i Prosperity W Stores
Office Room 5
Peninsula Bank Building
Hours 9-io a. m.; 15 p. m. ami
Ollicc phone Col. 25m Kes. 910
Note the libel on your pfr.
Greater Portland Association
501-502 Selling BIdg. Main 3603 J
1 1 1 5BI!lHi
s coot SBMRRrJ
i .
arc santtarij. loa
Dear Mary:
I've just got me a new ice box. You must get one
just like it. Why, the bad air is drained away and there
is not a foul odor left. It'll save enough on doctor's bills
in one summer to more than pay for it.
The very health. of your whole family depends upon
having a sanitary refrigerator. Don't wait.
In haste- -HELEN.
P. S. A good ice box doesn't cost much either when
you get it from
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
Store closes at 8 P, M. Saturdays, other days at 6:3J) P. Al.
Columbia Garage
1 07 Fessenden Street
Repairs, ' Fair Prices, Guaranteed Work,
Storage, Oils, Gas, Tires, Tubes
Hudson & Stockum
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and get acquainted.