St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 02, 1919, Image 1

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Letter From China
Miss Minnie I'lasket lias re
ceived the following interesting
communication from her brother,
Homer, now in China:
Marine Detatchment, Ameri
can Legation, Guard, Peking,
China. Mnrch, 3,1919.
ri Dear Sister: Received your
letter today, and shall answer
immediately as it will be over a
month before this reaches you.
Wo arc having very disagree
able weather. At this time of
writing, a groat sandstorm is
blowing from the northwest.
Theutmospherc is so full of san
that it comes in thru the cracks
and crevices of the building.
The natients complain of it.
and so does everybody else, for
as a matter of fact, it keeps one
busy with their handkerchiefs.
Wcll.ns the blow is continuing,
and am most likely to stay in, .
ohall relate my theatre exper
ienco tho-other ovening. Loft
the compound about seven p
m., took u ricksha down Chion
mon street, to Execution street.
then from there to a broad
avenue, where I found a Chirm-
man sell nir tickets. After look
ing ut tho bill board, all written
in Chinese my sympathy was
surplus for any immigrant that
ever breathed. Rut I would
see tho show after coming so
far. so paid the rcquisitu fee of
fifty cents, big money. When
I went in, tho house was crowd
cd, and the play wus in full
swing. There- was Borne clifll
culty in finding a scat. However
1 found one, and commenced to
feel real fortunate, until 1 dis
covered tho occupants of my
row had been outing garlic.
On tho back of tho seuts were
shelves for teapots. Everybody
drank tea, while watching tho
show. Even tho actors would
stop their singing while tho
stago property man, served them
ten. mho property man never
left tho scene of acting. Ha ar
ranged chnirs, blankets, or re
ceived umbrellas or other ar
ticles from tho actors und piled
them on tho (loor. The actors
were dressed in gorgeous color
ed gowns. Hud peculiar shap
ed wings fastened to their head
and had their fnces smeared
With rose colored paint. One
even came in wearing a big
black beard. Well, since tho
language wns Greek to me 1
can only tell what took place.
Tho actors sang their part in a
monologue with ft screechy
voico, while to tho loft, a Chin
eso fiddler capable of playing
fivo different notes, wns sawed
in accompaniment to a pair of
ebony bones, and a kottlo drum.
I did not stay long, for tho
actors wore long winded, and
tho scono never changed.
Going out, I found a China
man with a tub and washboard
washing hand towels. His as
sistant nenr him had an arm full
of them that ho had gathered
from tho audience. It wns plain
then that they wont with thu
hot tea and were used as a face
towel. Upon my return to the
compound, I inquired about
that towel proposition. I wns in
formed that during tho cold
weather hot towels were thrown
about tho room, and the Ma
rines frequently visited the
shows to hold up their hands for
towels, and then fail to catch
them. Of course it's not in the
laws of propriety, but the Chin
ese rather liked it. Anything
will make them laugh. I be
lieve a man of Bert Williams
caliber could mako them choke
Here is a Chinese joke.. It
was told in a show and inter
preted as follows: When Con
fucius was magistrate of the
city of Chang tu, a disciple
came to see him. Confucius
asked him what he wanted. The
disciple said he was hungry.
Confucius asked then, why he
didn't eat. The disciple re
plied that he had nothing to eat.
It is said that the audience
laughed for half an hour. Well,
ro much for theatre lite in Pe,
The dust storm has quieted
considerably, as I can see the
sentry on Tartar wall. Shall
close this time, and writo later.
As ever, your brother, Homer.
Card of Thanks We desire
to express our sincere thanks to
the neighbors and friends and
members of United Artisans for
aid and sympathy 'during the
illness and death of our beloved
daughter, Mrs. Franc A. Glaub,
and assure them their kindness
will ever be gratefully remem
bered. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Gee
and family.
The big ones don't get away
tvhen you have the right kind of
fishing tackle. We sell the
RIGHT kind. Currin Says So.
Will Enlarge Plant
.Grasping an opportunity for
himself and three sons, Charles
J. Farmer has determined to
move from Seattle to Portland
uuu no luentinea witn tho in
dustrial future of this city.
Tho Seattle business man and
one of his sons, Fred C. Farmer,
have taken a suito (at Multnom
ah hotel,' and and as soon ns a
suitable residence can be found
Mrs. Farmer and the two young
er sons with their families will
becomo located hero permanent
ly. Mr. Farmer is one of the sub
stantial business men of tho
Puget sound metropolis, and pre
vious to taking up his residence
there, was active in banking, op
erating salmon canneries, trad
ing companies and extension of
telephone systems in tho Olym
pic peninsula. Through John
F. Dnly, president of the II ib
ornin Savings bank, ho was in
duced to look over the Portland
field as a place for investment
and residence.
Initial investments of Mr.
Farmer in Portland include a
largo holding in tho American
Marino Iron works, at St.Johns,
and tho Thomas Engineering
works on East Water street.
His plans contemplate tho ex
pansion of the business of both
institutions in the manufneturo
of vnlvelcss pumps, drag saws
of various typhus for which a
largo demand exists,, non leak
piston rings and a design of a
farm tractor which will bo to
tho farmers of tin country
what the Ford automobile is in
general highway transportaton.
Edwin E. Ihomas. president
of the Thomas Engineering com
pany, will be cnaliled, through
tho now alliance with the Farm
ers, to dovoto his time to per
fecting his various devices
which will ho turned out in
quantity at the enlarged plant
of the American Marino Iron
One of tho rurnr ses Mr.
Farmer intends springing soon
is tho manufacturing here of a
meter for meusuring tho flow of
oil from tanks to. ships, trucks
and storage plants. Ho has nc
quired world rights to mako and
sell this devico which is said to
huvo stood tests successfully
over n period of several months.
While retaining my business
interests on the Olympic penin
sula and at Seattle, 1 have moved
to Portland solely in tho interost
of tho welfnroof my sons," said
Mr. l armor, ihey will stay
together and build for tho futuio
with their father as the chief ex
ecutive. The two younger hoys
nro mechanically trained, Paul
C. Farmer, having just been re
leased from wnr service in
France. The second son, II. N.
Farmer, is manager of tho Sup
erior Trading compnny, operat
ing a salmon and clam cannery.
department store and transpor
tation at the mouth of the
Queots river. Telegram.
Of Public Interest
On Thursday night, May 8th.
at 8:30 'clock, tho citizens of
St. Johns and the Peninsula
district will be given an op.
portunity of hearing two im
portant subjects discussed. Mr.
Alexander inompson. our hrst
and only woman member of the
leigslature, will speak on the
mntter of raising the tencher's
salaries, which is a measure to
bo voted on May, 10th at a spe
cial school election. It is a sub
ject worthy of serious considera
tion and will be intelligently
and forcefully presented by
Mrs. Thompson. Other sponkers
will discuss the plans for a new
High School in St. Johns. This
is a subject of local pride and
interest and all will be anxious
to hear about, the James John
High School orchestra will pro
vide music for the occasion as an
an evidence of their interest as
in community affairs. It is im
portant that every citizen at
tend this meeting and inform
themselves on these subjects
and show an interest in the local
Does your present insurance
give you sufficient protection in
view of the increased cost of
labor and materials? We write
insurance that protects with
prompt settlement in case of
loss. Peninsula Security Com
pany. o
For Sale-1915 Overland;
electric lights, starter, power
tire pump, shock absorbers, good
tires and in good mechanical
condition. Will demonstrate.
Price $375. Call ovenings Col
umbia 962.
Learned Valuable Lesson
The following wns copied from
an American Farm Journal and
makes interesting rending:
Editor Farm Journal:
Wo fnrmers need awakened to
the fact" that wo have unmis
takably reached the period whore
we must think and plan. I am
one of tho slow farmers that had
to be shown, and I nm now giv
ing my experience that others
may profit, for knowledge at the
school of experience is more ex
pensive now than ten years ago.
Twenty-nine years ago I be
gan my farm career. I had an
old team and fifty dollars. Our
furniture wns mostly homemade
chairs, cupboards und lounge
from dry goods boxes, neatly
covered by my girl wife. We
rented eighty acres. Ruing a
boy of good habits I got all
needed machinery und groceries
or our homo merchants on cred
it, until fall crops were sold.
The first year was a wet season
und 1 didn't make enough to
liny creditors. I went to each
on (Into of promise and explain
ed conditions, paying ns much
to each as possible, and they nil
curried the balance over another
year. They continued to ac
commodate me until I was able
to buy a forty aero place of my
own. As soon as 1 owned these
few acres the mail order homes
began sending mo catalogues,
and' gradually I began sending
my loose change to them, lot
ting my accounts stand in my
homo town, whore I had gotten
my accommodation when I need
ed it. Wo then had one of the
thriftiest littlo villages in the
Stale good line of business.
in nil branches, merchants who
woro willing to help an lionent
fellow over a bnd year, and n
town full of people who came
twice u wouk to trade and visit.!
I Work Hats 65 cents
: MECilAfilCS SILK JAP-CAPS (Padded) 40 MS
2 Engineers Caps, 20c. Palm Beach Cloth Hats 75c.
2 Jumpers $1.95 Coveralls $3.75 Overalls $2.00
t TUNN1S SHOES, 85c ami J5c
HIP RUBBER BOOTS (Pine for trout fishing) $7.25
1 SOCKS 15c 2 pairs 25c. 25c,'35c, l()c, 50c, 65c, 75c,
t $1.00, $1.25
202 N. JERSEY ST. Open Evenlnrje
Autll'iruiil UiH.k-nt lcul-r
Our littlo country town support-!
ed a library, high school, band,
ball team, and we had big cele-;
brntions every year. A farm
near a live town soon doubloa in 1
vnluo. 1 sold my forty acres ut (
n hie- advance and bought an,
eichty. gradually adding to it un
til I had, two hundred acres of
the best land. Then 1 felt no
need of asking favors, and found
it easy to patronize mail order
agents that came almost woekly
to our door. 1 rogrot to say that
I wns the first in tho county to
mako un a neighborhood bill and
send it to a mail ordor house.
Though wo got bit every once
in a while, we got in tho habit
of sending away for stuff.
Graduully our merchants les
sened their stock
lack of natronnge.
of goods for
Finally we
began to realize that when we
needed a bolt quick for machin
ery, or clo'.hing for sickness or
death, we had to wait and send
away for it, which wasn't so
pleasjant. One by one of our
merchants moved to places
where they were approciuted.
and men of less energy moved
in. Gradually our town has
gone down; our business houses
are "tacky" in appearance, a
number are empty, our scl ools,
churches and walks are going
down: we have no band, no lib
rary or Ifcll team. There is no
business done in the town, and
therefore no taxes to keep
things up. Hotel is closed for
lack of travel. Gg down to the
depot when freight pulls in and
you see the sequel in mail order
Nine years ago my farm was
worth one hundred and ninoty
five dollars an acre; today, I'd
have a hard matter to sell it for
one 'hundred and sixty-sevn
dollars an acre. It is "too far
from a live .Jown" so every
St. Johns Reports Quota
Methodists Sunday schools all
over the northwest are working
tooth and nail to guarantee their
quotas for the $105,000,000 Me
thodist centenary drive which
begins May 1. Sunday scitool
pupils are being asked to contri-,
bate $13,000,000, one-eighth of
the total, on the imsis of one
penny per week member. Two
hundred and Beventy-seveiv
Methodist Sunday schools in
Oregon. Washington and north
em Idaho have already forward
ed to Methodist centenary head
quarters at Portland their guar
antee and pledge of their share
of the $2,000,000 of tho north
Following nro the
schools in tho Portinnd
which have ulroady
their quotas to W. C.
Sunday school campaign leader,
as already plodgod: Mt. Tabor,
Se lwood, Woodstock. Rose City
Parle, LiniUon, Ore., Lincoln and
West .Morclnnd, Laurclwooii,
Central, Pulton. Woodlnwn. Uni
vorsity Park, Port land: St.Johns,
St. Helens, Rnnier, Clntskan
ine, Astoria, Warrenton, Sea
farmer has said that wants to
tiny, lie miyjj a place near
schools and churches, where his
children can have advantages.
I have awakened to the fact that
'n helping pull the town down
it has coat me SK,100 in nine
years. Liku the majority or
iurmers, l didn't ligure far
enough ahead.
This sort of means
the doing away with country
towns. What will it mean to
farmers to have only a few
large cities at a dittxncu of five
hundred to a thotuund miles?
What are wo going to do with
our children who are demanding
bettor udvnntagt'8 than wo hnd?
Thoie cities w hqlp to build
return no favors; they take our
money but oiler no credit in
time of need, If we want high
school, etc, ve must raise
tho money to build near our
farm homes or sond our lioys
and girls to the citioH ut great
oxpense, amidst tomptntions of
which the farm has no oquul
Neithor am I the only owakon
ing farmer. These mail ordor
agonts that come to our homes
"every woek
are ijocoming a
making it unsafe
nuisance and
to leave women and children
alone on the farm. With farm
cordiality wo tako those stran
gers into our homos, ofton ns
one. of the family, and wo are
soYnotunes paid in having tretn
entice our girl to tho city.
Tnose are some tacts tnat noeu
consideration, and I have do
cided that the safost proposi
tion all arounil, is for country
people to look aftor thoir own
interests, and build up their
own country towns that bring
value to their farms. Lot those
who want to patronize the city
mail ordor houses go thore to
live, getting their living where
they givo patronage. Tho re
mainder of my lifo will be
given to building up tho home
town that I helped to pull down.
Brother farmers, you can take
my advice or get you&knowledge
the way I got mine.
One swallow doos ifot make a
summor, but one swallow of our
SPUING TONIC will make you
fool as if summor was hore.
Mrs. W. W. Rogors. The Rain
coat Lady, does all bar own
housengrk in Rogers' 85 cent
City Hall Doings
City Auditor I'unk has a list of
properties whicli are vacant and
is now available and is desirous
tb hnve all owners of lots who
nre willing to nllow citizens to
plant gardens on their properh
to send in their names and loca
City Commissioner Mann, who
has charge of tho Municipal
Water Bureau, has announced
that freo water will be furnish
ed by the city for all victory
gardens established on vacant
property, but will not bo given
for gardens in lots on which
buildings are now erected,
The City Council is going to
take up this week the question
of a raise in salaries for city
employes. A general conference
of City Commissioners is ar
ranged to taku place some day
this week, but It will bo several
weeks before the matter is
thoroughly thrashed out. Until
Commissioner Perkins reviews
tho situation and submits a
statoment of tho financial con
ditions, that he may know how
much money thero is available
for such purposes for this year,
it will bo held in abeyance. The
most insistent complaints for a
raise in salaries comes from the
common laborers, who nre now
paid $3.75 a day. Most of these
men havo families and tliev
claim that owing to the contin
ual advance of prices in food
stuffs and wearing uppnrol,
they are having a hard time to
mako both onds meet, notwith
standing that it hinders them
from providing their children
witli comforts and a bank no
count for a rainy day. There
aru also ninny employees in var
ious departments who are un
der paid, and aro making siren
eOita efforts to liavu their salar
ies raised to a living wage.
ConmiBsoner Perkins hiivb thul
to mljiiBt city employes' salaries
properly there should be a gen
era! standardization of wages
mado by a board of disinterested
persons. With such a plan, each
employer would bo paid acord-
ing to IiIb or her worth, while
ns ut present many employers
are greatly under paid. "In my
department I found young
women who were drawing down
only $10 a month and these
women are competent book
keepers. I believe employers
should bo paid a just and fair
wago and according to their uti
lity. Tho City should consider
ts omployors in tho sumo light
as a iirivaio corporation or an
ndividunl in hiring help. Kill
ciency, honesty and tho faithful
icrformnnco or the diuloh as
signed should bo rewarded."
Mayor Baker says, "tlioro is no
luostinn in my minu thnt tho
ahorers aro entitled to moro
than they are now receiving.
The scale is too low when the
cost of living iB tukon into con
sideration. The city should
not only givo them an opportun
tv tn auminrt thulr fjimillua. but
also to savo somuthinir in caso of
omorgency-Biicli ns sicknoss,
otc." Commissioner Bigolow
is also making an investigation
whicli iiu will presont to the
council at tho timo of thu hoar-
For Sale or Trade for City Pro
lorty 451 acres, 10 acres in
cultivation, 25 slashed and burn-
od, fivo room modern bungalow,
good barn, running water, good
orchard; closo to It. U. station
nndsixinilostogood town. Call
800 South Jorsoy street, or Mar
shall 2307.
Would you be able to meat
your financial obligation und at
the sumo time re-establish your
tome should your property bo
lustroyod by fire? Wo writo all
inos of insurance. Lot us quote
you rates. i'oninsulu bocurily
We sell guaranteed
The new modern cottage of four rooms known as GOG
Hudson St. This cottage was built just about one year
ago. It stands on a lot 40x100 feet, has several cherry
and apple trees on the place. It is close in to the business
section and near enough to any of the Industries. It is
just the place for two people and can be bought like pay
ing rent. The two new cottages on the same one hundred
feet square that this was built on have been sold to re
sponsible citizens who will take an interest in caring for
their homes.
Bonham & Currier.
The Dredging Project
Again tho proposed dredging
out the Columbia slough from
its confluence with the Willam
ette to Kenton to provide a
deep channel and additional har
bor facilites and industrial sites
in the North Portinnd district
has been revived.' Tho project
has been presented to thu coun
cil and mot with approval to the
extent that the city officials will
appoint a committee of i5 busi
ness men nf Portland to study
the matter and make recommen
dations. It is estimated Hint
tho cost oi opening thu propos
ed channel to a sufficient width
and depth to handle deep sea
ships and provide room for
wharves and docks will cost
approximately $1,500,000. This
money would bo provided by
a 1 i. 'I isiie. A large delega
tio to: ii Incss men interested
in tho development of a North
Portland harbor and industrial
sites appeared iietoro the coun
oil in support of tho proposition.
Among them were II. 11. Ward,
worti, mrihV H
pluiBijcod the need for more deopof M,,si,ct: I"0"-)
water terminals und industrial
situs, particularly in the North
Portland district. They insist
ed the Columbia slough should
be dredged to a depth of 20 feet1
and to a width of 200 feet with .
a largo anchorage basin in thu,
vicinity of Kenton. This it.
whs argued, would provide,
melius for handling many ships,
and would provide means fori
hnndling many ships and would
make available between K)0 and
500 acre of laud for cheap
industrial sites, and becomo an
inducement to outside capital.
Pretty Home Wedding
Miss llnzel Hvuiib und Mr.
Gail I). Alexander were mar
ried I-'ridny evening, April 25,at
the homo of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, ,). 11. Hvans. KU
Swenson utreot, St. Johns, Ilev.
Burton of tho Uaptist church
officiating. .Thoir attendants
woro Mrs. .lack Staploton (nee
KvansJ sister of thu bride, and
Mr. Dell Alexander, brother of
tho groom. The In itio is a popu
lar young lady of St. Johns und
htiK a host of friends who ex
tend their beat wishes to the
happy couple in their new home.
Thu bride looked charming in
her dainty (Irons -f silk tall'uta.
l'liu brido was tho reciniunt oi
many iiKoiui anil iieattt m nro-
sunts which showed the high es
teem in whicli s ho was huh bv
all of her ftionds. After thu
ceremony, a lino dinner was
served to thu following; Uov.
10. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. (iail
1). Alexander, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J I. ICvans, Mrs. Anderson
and two littlo daughters, Joan
and May; Mr. Dell Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mudsoy
HI buby daughter. Hoso Mliriu,
Air. Morris Keed, Mr. Jack
Mnpleton and son, Dean llowo.
& "L (, ! IfOmoii.
Mrs. J. II. AInrletto, Mr. Ernest
Wright and Master Hubert
I.Hinon. Air. and Mrs. Aloxan
der left immodiHtey for thulr
new homo near lndepundoncu,
Ore., amid showers of ricu und
good wishes.
Residents of St. Johns having
luxes and city liens to pay in
Portland can make their pay
ments without inconvenience by
availing thttmsolves of our ser
vices. Wo will pay same and
secure your rocipt without in
convenience to you. Poo, 25
centu, References; Any St.
Johns Bank.- Peninsula Titlo,
Abstract and Realty Co.. by Ii.
Henderson, Manager: -102 North
Jorsoy street.
VICTROLA NO. X A, (i double
disc records (12 selections), re
cord biush, needles and all ac
cessories, for $1)5.10, Buy $0.50
down and $0.50 per month.
Teacher A(tiwrttt Avenue
110 Uui')(u Street
Mioiiw: WinnIUwii 2092; Columbia 8M
Mrs. Gabriel PuIlirT
Vocal Teacher
Uliliram HuiithiiiK, lerw.inl Tout
ilncMiu-nl mill C'U'iti lietin,
1'tinfU tmiulil to lnko tort in THoa anil
Uttfl I.mnlwril St. I'hniic Columbia. Iflg
Mrs. Prank A. Rice"
Tkw-iikh of
Violin, Alniulolhi and Pin no
. I'upll f Nelrc 0mr
Sluilio: fHHtW. Mm (tin . t
TiU ilHiir O'ltitnhta 3sj)
l'ilill tuny tmunip Minl t. .i iV- Jitvt)fl which will make tultlc ,
Violin Instruction v
STUDIO, 215 N HyrnciiK Strwl
l'liotie Colmtiblu 9U2
1 Mrs HpHli'i C. Rmvlirk
! mi & DU u,tl u DU1 U,LK
lonelier of Pimio
Undue St. Phone Col. 7
l'lioue Muiu miik. Coimiii.m 101
Perkins & Bailey
lloitnlol Innlfl IMttflag
SI. John ()lll(llh I'mliiwht ScurHr Cm,
lliilint I toil )'. M.
w.J.oiMrnp. m.i.
.M.Hccly. H.W.
Drs, Gilstrap & Ssely
Physicians and Surgeon
Glasses Accurately Pitted
oiM'icit norns
1:110 to -I:, . M. St-
7:(X) lo S:00 I'. M. l uiily blJ
.SiiiuliiyH, 0.00 to l():.Kl A. M.
Dr. Evarl P. Borden
Painless KxtiuctUtu of Tevtli under
Nitrous Oxide Cm
Office I'ciiiiikiilR Mm uk bldtt.
allien .lu)iio Col. (ttS; ia. pboawCot. JIV
lloiir 0-lliit. in.; I:3ur, und T-8. W.
Dr. Herbert P. Jones
311 North Joney Slrwl
Day Phone NiulU Phone
Columbia J)7
Columbia (KM
I'Imiiiu CohiHibiR ,nv
Rett. Columbia 1 1 ji
Dr. F. P. Schulfze
Physician and Surfoon '
Room 10 PiiinuU Hank Huildlof
Offic llHHS U, It A. M I to P. U.
HYtiin 7 ! tt
I'eiiliuwU HhhIc HltlK.
Otfice 1'lMiiHt Culuiubiu Hl
The wltr- k-.. m-ivico mmI
(OUltt-otu Irritlllli lit .ri nl. tlll!tmi'
Imir rutting rmivf h uttvntiuu.
Davis Barber Shop
S. W. DAVIS, l'ffMtw
108 I'hiliuU-lpliin St.
Hath 25c
St. Johns Undertaking; Co.
208 N. Jersey Street
I'houvi. Columbia 637
ColumliM Wu
Automobile Hear-.
Cel Our Pr'ces Before Mg It hrikii
Mother's New Home Rntiuml
109 S. Jarsay St.
Mculh 40c. 'dhipbuihlcr's Lunch tfc
Quick Service
llet H.itiuK l'ltuf iu St. John
MRS. S.J Hl.l'Hi:. rioprictr
402 N. Jor.oy Strt
Abtnu-U of Title 1'rcpurt.l
Title Kituuined
I'houe Columlilft 266
Wiring, Fixtures and Repair!!
C. L. Dearlove
Phont Columbia 374 I673 IllVffi &
Good Sccauil lutud SuiK MMfciMft Jtf