.'.- v ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 15 . ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919. NUMBEi: No Better in United States For the purposes It will serve there is no better dock property in the United States than the St. Johns terminal. It is the rtrof htrr nnrh unit rn Mi Pnhim. bib River. Contemplating the puysicai union ui inmisiry atnu commerce under the most favor able conditions of co-operation it is a splendid beginning. ' The St. Johns terminnl sug gests commerce in a big way. It is preparation essential for com mercial activities of a now order. As Chairman Moores stated in his address at the dedication, thn village era and the provincial spirit have passed away. The St. Johns terminal is substantial evidence of the truth of that statement. For the transfer of an immonsc volumo of traffic, and for the storage of an equal volume that may not bo ready for immediate transfer, this property, when complotod will be ideal in space, arrangemont and equipment. It is thoroughly modern in every appointment. It is n property to which the port authorities of any other maritime community would point with pride. This community does no less. It is only logical and perfectly safo to prophesy that the present port unit at St. Johns is but one of many that wo will build in future. Experience in tho pur chase of the site for this1 terminal and the price paid ns compared with that which has been paid for other port properties lcsslui vantagcously Bituatcd, suggests the wisdom of the early acquire ment of other sites in tho same locality, that the capitalization of future and necessary port construction shall be economized, and that tho industrial back ground may bo increased under conditions which will, make it available for industrial enter prise on terniB 61 permanent en couragement. That is tho policy of the most larseeing port authorities on this continent, anifit ia tho p.vlicy that iiureiy will help to win both commercial unJ industrial ""iiggrandizcmont for the com munity. . With tho big grain elevator completed and tho additional 'pier built, thcro will bo tho best of facilities at St. Johns for handling every variety of deop sea and coastwise trailic. Rut that is not all. Thcro is an in dustrial nrea adjacent nnd plenty of room for truckago and lor building warehouses aa tho need for that shall arise. In other words tho location of the St. Johns torminul is ideal for ex pansion to tho combined encour agement of shipping and manu facturing: and these combined aro tho fundamentals of port growth and prosperity. lelc gram. New Books at Library Mills, Enos. .Your National Parks. Describes the wonders of our national parks. Interest ing to read nnd -useful for tourists. Dyke's automobile and gaso line engine encyclopedia 1919. Treating on the construction, operation and repair of automo biles and gasoline engines. Doutkit. M. 0, -Souvenir of Western Women. A picturo of the works and pioneer exper iences of the vomen in the Pacific Northwest the "Old Oregon" country from the time of woman's first appearance in these unexplored wilds to the present day. Miller, E. E. Dramatization of Bible stories. A very popular method of presenting Bible stories to children for the pro gress of their religious educa tion. , Blasco Ibanez. Four horse men of the Apocajypse; translate ed from the Spanish. A superb drama of modern life leading up to and describing the first stage of the present war, culminating in the Battlof the Marne, and showing the splendor of the spirit of France under the trial. Ferber, Edna. Cheerful,- by request. A collection of short stories, cheerful as the title im- Tarkington, Booth. The Mag nificent "Ambersons. A story of American family .life, told in Tarkington's inimitable style. Lincoln, Joseph C Shavings. A good plot, two romances and a bushel of hearty laughs. One swallow does not make a summer, but one swallow of our SPRING TONIC will make you feel as it summer was neiv. CURRIN SAYSSO. Tennis Shoes 85 cents. W.W. Rogers, The Overalist. Letter From Turkey Mrs. II. S. Magone is in re ceipt of the following interest ing letter from her eon, Cecil: Constantinople, March 4, 1919 Dear Mother: Received two letters from you a couple of days ago that were written in December. Was glad to get them. Our Inst mail hud gone to Salonika, Greece. Oh, they have a hard time keeping' up with us. Wo "expect to go up on tho Black Sea in a couple of days; will probably put in t Odessa, Russia, We can't got much fnrthor this way, as there is no passage up into the Caspian Sea. and our ship draws too much water to get very far up, the Danube.. Hnvcn't seen the Danube yet, but wnsn't far from it when we were at Conitantn, Roumnnin. Yes, they are giving us a" change to see n bit of the world. Nevertheless there Is a lniuHhat bpatB this, and tin hmd'is tho good old U. S. A. Tho States arc so far ahead of all these countries in industry, farming, decency, cleanliness nnd in real living that thcro is no comparison. Tho more 1 see of these countries the plainer 1 see it. The city of Constantinople is getting somu better and they ex pect "to have the street cars running soon. Ikforo the war it was the life of tho so called near East. 1 wiib just down and drew my monthly payslip. We are paid in Turkish gold; each coin is $'l.10 American money, but wb can take them ashore and buy about SG nf American prtpor money. Some of the boys mnku quite n bit that way. Several W-vst Coast ships navo been In hero lately but 1 havn't seen any one that 1 knew. Don't worry any nbout me: ex pect to get back to the states somo time this mi miner. Willi clo30 for now. With love from J your son. Cecil L. Magone, UVS. N., U. S.S. Nnhrrta care V. AI.( N. Y. City. There is another naval vessel by tho name of No mah. Adopts Its Platform Tlin Inlinr nnrtv nf Illtnnta n& ingiinri tho follnwinir Rtntement of its convention held recently in Springfield, ill.: Labor is tno primary and jusi Inula nf nnlltienl ro9iiona ll.llltv and power. It Is not merely tho right, but the duty of the work ers by hand or brain to become a political party. The labor party is destined to usher in the now dny of freedom in tho United btates freedom from tho grind of poverty; free- dom from, tho ownership -of government by big business; freedom of tho men and women who buy fond and clothing and pay rent, from exploitation at tho hands of tho monoy kings of kingleaa America." ftrirnnizod workers aro mem bers of it. Unorganized workers arc members of it. Clerks, housewives. newspapermen, farmers, school teachers, store keepers belong to it. Such heads of organizations and busi nofta rnnrerns as are not exnloit- ers or profiteers belong to it. There is no place in the party fm- thnrfft who are not workers. There is room within It for all who perform service to society. TIig nnrtv enunciates the fol lowing program to which it pledges itself. Democratic control of industry nnrl pnmmercc for tho trenernl good of those who work. The unquaimed riant ot worK ers to organize. Freedom from economic hazard which comes with a minimum' wage based upon the cost of Hv- A mnYimiim workincr dav ol elgut hours and abolition of un employment by reducing the hours of work iurtner, as neces sary to permit all who are able tn wnrk nnd to find occupation and full pay for those who, for a time are unemployed oecause or illness, accident, or temporary loss of work. Complete enfranchisement of women and equal pay for men and women doing similar work. Reduction of the cost of living to a just level by the elimination of wasteful method1 and pro fiteering. Complete revision of the state constitution. Taxation of inheritances and incomes and land values, but not of improvements. Publicnvnerohip and opera tion of all public utilities, in cluding grain elevators, ware houses, stock yards, abattois, insurance and banks. Development under public ownership, of the water power Boss is Keeping Tab The boss is keeping tab, my on, lie marks your every curve; and if you do not earn your mon, you'll get what you deserve; if you are only sprightly when your .weekly wage you grab, you'll shortly join the jobless men the boss is keeping tab. Perhaps you fool around at night, and paint the village red, when you'd be wiser sleeping tight in your nice trundle bed; then you are dead upon your tcet wnon you to duty go; you mnkoasnnll look pretty fleet.your movements uro so slow; your eyes look like a total loss, you have n taste that's drab; you cannot put such things across the boss is keep ing tab. Perhaps your thoughts have' roamed afar from work you ought to do; you're thiiiRing of some movU star who made a hit with you; oit)f n joy rido you will take when this snd.day is dono; or uf a shady way to make u little bunch of mon; or of a large planked tenderloin that you at night will stab; 'tworo better for to earn your coin- the boss is keeping tab. And then, porhnps, on t'other hand, you're working like a jo; you're hustling round to bent the band, to tunko the business grow. And there is vigor in your walk, your move ments are not dead; you do not pause to watch tho clock mul count the hourtuihontl. Success for you is looming plain; hp me bigprlzoyou will nab; the worker does not work in vain -the boss is keeping tab. Walt Mason. homes for Illinois residents. ; Abolition of .employment of ull under 1(3. A democratic system of public education from kindergarten to. university with free toxbooka. Old age un1 health insurance, nn adequate workmen's coinpen- MEN'S : 15c 2 pairs 25c J TENNIS-SHOES SSc SUSPENDERS 35c t II envy Covi-rull. $; 7,r 5 Mil) Overalls $2 !W VnUt QvcialU $L 01) - Ladies Coveralls $2 00 f Junipers . .., $1.1)8 t TROUT PISHING HIP HOOTS , d.75 f Heavy Blue Work Shirts , 98 t I Good Leather Gloves .65 J Suits Nenlly'Prcssed 75 t THE RAINCOAT MAN 1 202 N. JERSEY ST. Open Evenlnge X AuthuritM IU-ilkiit Ik-iU-r The Royal tailors sitos. Public ownership, pre ferably federal, ot tno mines. State aid to provido lands and sation law qnd n mother's pen sion. linn hv thn Rtnto nf nnlv such supplies and matorials as boar tho union lauoi. AtinliMnn of nrivnto omnlov- mont dotoctivo and strikor em ployment sorvices. Abolition ot tno state sonnto. Abolition of the nower of judges to issue and enforce in junctions in industrial disputes. Complete restoration oi an fimrlnninnhil nnliticiil riehts free speech, freo press and freo assemblage; the remova) of all war time restraints upon me interchange of ideas. Mrs, Frank Glaub Dead Mrs. Frank A. Glaub diod April 23rd at the home of her brother, 208 Catlin street. She was born July 23.J883, at Ste vens Point. Wis., and was there fnro ntrpfl 35 vears and 9 months at the time of her death. The deceased had been ill for about four weeks' and underwent an operation for tuberculosis of the bowels. She is survived by three childrenAbie, Mildred and James; also leaves her fath er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Geo, one brother, J. H. Gee, and three sisters -Mrs. Carl Hayner, Mrs. R. A. Jayne, Mrs. Elbe Cowels. Mrs. Glaub had been a resident of St. Johns for the past thirteen years. The fu neral takes place Saturday after noon at 2:30 from the St. Johns Undertaking-parlors. o No outing is complete without a KODAK. CURRIN SAYS SO. Shot Near Columbia Park R.J. Darbey, a transient, shot by a pseudo renl estate dealer named Cox, in tho St. Johns district, Saturday afternoon, while resisting Coy's attempt to rob him, died Sundny afternoon at tho Good Samaritan hospital. Coy has vanished, though the entire detective and uniformed branches of the city's police de partment have been looking for him. Darbey, suifering from a bullet wound in tho back of the head, retained consciousness to the Inst, but refused to give the name of his parents, his home, or any information that would assist the authorities. Consid erable mystery Ib attached to tho case, but the police, after thoroughly investigating his talc of robbery.are inclined to believe Hint it was true and that the man was murdered by the man who lured him to the deserted spot on tho pretext of hiring him ns a realty salesman. Darbey, however, told several disconnected nnd conflicting sto ries after he had been wounded, and his absolute refusal to give any information concerning him self when ho knew that death was near lends credence to the theory of the police that there was more tluui the simple rob bery behind the shooting. Tak ing a $100 Liborty bond with him, he met Coy, went with him to a tract of land near Columbia Park which Coy represented he was selling. According to the story he told the police, Coy at tacked him, lie grappled with the would-be-robbor, turned and ran, and was shot. One bullet penetrated hi shoulder, the oth er ontored his head near the base of the skull. lie also told the authorities that Coy attack ed him with u hammer, which Coy was carrying for tVt an- SOCKS nouncoil purpose of tncking up real estate signs. Journal. Oregon Grape Meets Orogon Grape Club mot at tho home of Mrs. J. Marchnnd, 1107 South Ivnnhoo.Wednosdny uftor noon, April 10th. The afternoon was spent with a program and a lunch which followed. Those who took part -in tho program wore: MisaUeulah Ream recit od, Tho Champion Sorrower, fol lowed by n solo by Mrs. H. S, Harrington; Mrs. Lulu Dny No. Ian gavo "Miss Kdith entertains her brother Jack," and Mrs. Ruth Riglor recited "Jonkins goes to a picnic." Thoso pres ent were Mrs. Frank Henudoin, Mrs. J. W. Pond, Mrs. Josoph ine Boll, Mrs. Fred Iluskell, Mrs. M. E. Downs, Mrs. Oscar Bellamy, Mrs. L. Miller, Mrs. Ruth Bigler, Mrs. Edelman.Mrs. F. D. Ilenderahott. Mrs. Marie Marchand Mrs.I.elia Marchand, Beulah Beam, Catherine Miller, Vivian Muhm, Willis and Grace Bigler, Margaret and Mildred Henderajiott, Mrs. Lauth, Nolan, Eflie Beam, Keough. Br ice, Mrs. Will Parmer, MacGrogor, Har rington, Muhm, Emma Beam, Armstrong, Smith, Teeling. Does your present insurance give you sulllcient protection in view of the increased cost of labor and materials? Wo write insurance that protects with prompt settlement in case of loss. Poninsula Security Com pany. With apology to Grape Nuts, "There's a Reason" why Hogers 1 sells so many Overalls. - High School Notes The repniring of the west wall of the building is virtunlly com pleted and we are once moro liv ing in quietness and peace. Miss Rundall spent tho Enstcfr week end in Eastern Oregon vis iting Miss Edna Hollenbeck, a former James John graduate. Let the public keep open the date Friday, May secondfor the "Hi-Jinx." Its mysteries grow moro and moro dark and exciting ns tho time draws near for this animal gala day. Tuesday afternoon, April 22, at three o'clock the James John base ball team played Hill Acad emy, on the Multnomah ileld. Tho game ended witli a score Of 7 to 0, in favor of James. John. This was their first interschol nstic game of the season. Tho Latin club, the Sodalitas Latinn, took advantage of the Easier vacation with a picnic Friday afternoon and evening, at Linnton bench. Only nine members of the club braved the rain. Miss Clinton was chaper onc. About six o'clock Old Jupc tried to discourage them, but they stayed until they had time to roast weinics and mnrshmal lows. The English classes have just completed their composition!) for tho Btatewide Victory contest. The subject of the paper which was to contain at least six hun dred words, was, "Victory What Price?" The four best papers from this school uro to be sent to the county superin tendent. Here the best ten from the county are sent to the state superintendent.. The au thor of the best composition from the entire state receives a Prussian helmet. m The James John Civic League gam a dance Thursday night. April 17, in the St. Johns rink, for the purpoBoof raising money to help pay the expenses of the members, on tho annual trip to Salem, whero they visited the state institutions for tho pur pose of study. Tho committee in charge of the danco consisted of Dorothy Jonos, chairman; Ed mund Kugel, John Ohm, Joyce MiiBon and Genevlovo Brown. The not nroceedH were about fif teen dollars. Music was furn ished by members of the school orchestra. The "Girls' Glee Club" of the James John High School, Im ono nf tho mimv intonmtintr funturoa of high school life. Glndya Keonoy is President, and Helen Story, Secretary of this orguniza- finn.u'linm nnrnnso istnirivo the girls of tho school, who wish to take up singing, training in whichever part their voices aro Iwml fHtfld for. Ilrat or second soprano or alto. The club ia under tho able leadership oi Misa Bushnell, of the faculty, vf innmwif Mm tnimlinrtt ill till! John Claire Montietli Studio, in Portlan i. The club has an en rollment of about thirty girls, who meet witli Miss Bushnell every Wednesday after Bchool to sing songs, which just at present, are boing prepared for a public concort, to higivon in the public auditorium, during tho lattor part of May or tho first of Juno. The girls interested in athlet ics hold n preliminary track moot Tuosday, April lf. In tho '-aso ball throw Angolino Hens lor, fourth term, was first, throwing tho hall ono hundred fifty feet; Eloanor Thomas, eighth term, second, with one hundred thirty-throe foot; Ora Wagner, also an eighth termer, third, with ono hundred thirty feet. Others who promise to do well in tho finals aro: Sylti Lar son, second term; Theresa Reich, eighth term; Sophronia Lo Ree, third term, and Viola Kreyor. fourth term. In the basket ball throw Angcline Hensler, fourth term, was first, throwing the ball fifty-nine feet, and six in ches; Ora Wagner, eighth term, socond, with fifty-nine feet. So phronia Lo Ree, third term, was FOR 'Plm now mnrlnrn nnt.huro i. il w W I WMWa www - Hudson St. This cottage was . . 1 t t r aero. It stands on a tot 'luxiuu ieei, nas several enurry - . 1 W . 1 and apple trees on the place, it is close in to ine uusiness Hoolion and near enouirh to anv of the Industries. It is just the place for two people and can bo bought like pay ing rent. The two new cottages on the same ono hundred feet square that this was built on have been sold to re sponsible citizens who will take an interest in caring for their homes. Bonham & Currier. CURRINS SELL electric light globes. See tho war relics direct from Germany in The Raincoat Man's window. u , Switches made from comb-Ings.-Mrs. Hill, Olfi East Tyler street; phono Columbia 783. 2i Witli a VICTROLA in your home every musical longing is; satisfied. CURRIN .SAYS SO. Tho Portland Garbngo Co. re-1 moves rubbish from residences ' at $1 per month and business I places at reasonable rates. Leave ! orders at St. Johns Hardware or phone Woodlawn 301. Tho big ones don't get away wlmn you have the right kind of HbI tr -Jkle. Wo sell the RIliH'i .;md. Currin Says So. For Sale 11)15 Overland;! "ttifc till.' Hiiiii, oiiuvit uunui uui a. n""11 tiroH and in good mechanical condition. Will demonstrate. Price OT. Call 'evenings Col umbia 002. Wo sell guaranteed "MADH IN AMERICA" cutlery, i CURRIN SAYS SO. 1 For Sale or Trade for City Pro- perty-'I5i aero, 10 acres in cultivation, 2flshiihcd and burn-i ed, five room modern bungalow, L'ood barn, runninir water, uood orchard; clone to R. R. station audHixmilontogood town. (Jail S00 South Jersey Htreet, or Mar .shall 2;i()7. Would you lie ablu to mc.it your financial obligation and at the sumo time re establish yt.ur home should your property bo dustroyed by fire? We write all lilies of insdrance. Let us quote you rates. Peninsula Security Company. For solid comfort to weary feet wear Rogers' 85 cent Tennis Shoes on wash day. This simple remedy UBiially brings quick re lief. Residents of St. Johns having taxes and city liens to pay in Portland can make their pay ments without inconveiiionce by availing themselves of our sor vices. Wo will pay same ami secure your receipt without in convenience to you. Fee, 25 cents. References: Any St. Johns Hank. Peninsula Title, Abstract and Really Co., by H. Henderson, Manager; 102 North Jersey street. third, with llfty-bix feet, and Amanda Steele, fourth. In the fltfy yard flush contest, if wo can judge from the prelimina ries, By 1 11 Larson, bccoikI term, will probably taku first placo, but just at her heels will ho Amanda Steele, Carrie Skellu and Idea 11 or Thomas. Thursday, Murch 7th, at the Y, M. C. A. Huilding. a Civic League was nrganizod, Those who are oligiblo to join this League uro the members of the sixth, seventh, and eighth term hhiglish classes, of the sovouth and eighth term History classos and of the Civics and Sociology clauses. At the organization nif'ting of tho James John Civic League, tho following olllcors 'were elected: Iidmund Kugel, President, Paul Chattorton, vice Prenident, Alverdu MeNivou and Kstlier Piolc.tho two Secretaries, Rudy Anderson, HiiHinchH Mana ge r, and Lawrence Johnson, Sor geant at Arms. Tho plan of the League for next semester, ia to have a program every iirst or socond Friday in oacii month, but owing to tho lateness of its organization this term, it will only give Hie urograms as the members can preimre for them. The programs will consist of dc bats, other pubic(HiJoaking, and music. SALE of four rooms known as bOG " " T - . -. - built just about one year J i. 1 ' 1 .A ...... GEORGIA RICH i Pianist Teacher su.,iio: ;V",H'or,J! Av,cnnP 110 k .StfTft 1'lioiien: Wotxllnwn 2092; Columbia 664 Mrs. Gabriel PulIiiT Vocal Tencltcr biaphrum HriMiliiii),', linv.ml Tuttt ptiu'cmrtit mill Clc.it illotii'ti, l'till tmiKhtiu tnki- .iii in l'Ho and yttrtrtelt;ii. IMS Lombard M. riiom- Columbia 182 Airs. Frank A. Rice Ti-:u-iiKH oi' Violin, Mandolin and Piano I'l'pll l Nslrc (Umr ' Slinlto: M W. (. tin Stf t Tv1l'iIuiiu Cnhitnln.i tV-! l'niil tiny Iwroiiii' Muttiti. i . i lu.cntla llllhr.ll.l HhlCh will iti.iKr ltll1i Min-flfft ranmniy. ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syrnciinc Strwt l'hoiiu Columbia ,t02 Mrs. Bertha C. Burdick (I.icentltnte of the Koyiil Academy of Music, London.) Toacliet of Piano '957 Hodge St. l'lione Col. 87a l'lione MultiHtllH. Columbia 101 Perkins & Bailey . LAWYHRS llunril of Trillin ItuldHni SI. John Orilrewllh l'ttte4j Strlr C. Mourn -1 tH 1'. M. W.J. KiUtrap. M.I). U.K. Sn l, M.U. Drs. Gilstrap & Seely Physicians and Surgeons Glasses Accurately Pitted OlMMCIt MOl'KH U;00lolt!M. Hl'IMCt'.H 1:!!0 lo li.'IO 1'. M. l'mimrtiU He- 7;00toH;00 I'. M. nitity 1I1M SumliiyH, 0.00 to HI IK) A. M. Dr. Evarl P. Borden DENTIST rumicss r.Nirticuou 01 iccui uuuer Nitrous Oxide Ohm O 111 cc i'cuinmiln Hank bblg. Ollire phono Col. itUft; rr itioiivC-l. 477 Hour 'J-litH. m.; 1:30 6 in I 7Hi. m. Dr. Herbert Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Junoy S I reel Dny l'lione Columbia t)7 Niht l'hono Columbia 600 l'lione Columbia 379 Kvs. Columblu 1 131 . Dr. R P. Sell nl (see Physician nnd Surgeon ' Room K) 1'uiiiiiMiln Hunk Uuthliug DR. I.. P.SPICKI:NS, DENTIST Oflke MiHtraS to IS A. M. 1 tu I. M. KveuliiK 7 tu V IVoIiimiIh I Ik 11k Hliiu, Oflke I'liunu CoIhuiU ii.h LEWIS CALDWELL LKADlNd BAKHKIt The irf ulit-ri- tiiMul mimic ami loiiiUoiii. lit'Hlmtiil .ii..iil. Clii!ilnu' Imir l ulliiiK mcivi ri..l uiu-iituiii. 109 BURLINGTON STREET Davis Barber Shop inid HATH ROOMS S. W. DAVIS, I'rvp'HtK 108 l'lilludtdpliin St. iiuths 25c St. Johns Undertaking Co. 208 N. Jersey Street I'liMfux. C'lliniil.i.i b'M l.. Urn!. .a Jliy Automobile lK.iix.-. Gel Our Pr'cce Before Mac It Mud Mother's New Home Restaurant 109 S. Jersey St. Meals .10c. Shipbuilder' launch iioo (Juick Service llCdt UAtillK I'Uutr ill St. Julltlt MRS. S.J. It 1.1-: UK. rroprittrek PENINSULA HUE ABSTR1CT I REJU.il M H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jorscy Strum Abbtructt of Till l'rejwfcil Titles KMUiiuvd l'liuite ColumltU 'M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Wiring, Fixtures nnd Repairing ' C. L. Dearlove Phone Columbia 374 1673 HlVCft $L Good SeoQiul IuhU tvimt k$ ttu, H.l'.einrlc. tf