St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 11, 1919, Image 4

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Uncle Sam Sets a Good Example
Going Back to Babyhood
Strange Sources From Which
Pigments Used by Modern
Painters Arc Derived.
The insistent call for the things a baby wears has decided us in
putting in a line of everything the small baby wears from Stork
ants to Bonnet. The Baby is going to be featured at our store
from now on. Just now we can supply him with anything he needs
to wear and later you may be able to select anything at our store
that any mother would "want her baby to have.
Crude but Effective Processes Employ.
td by the Egyptians and Qreeki of
Pliny's nay Noah Prudently
Waterproofed the Ark.
Wlielhor iwlnt wits Invented In inl
aw er lo n need for n ireervtlve or to
meet a iIhuItb for beauty I u qtieatlrot
fully hn knotty n ilio iinclctit one Hlmitt
the relative time of tirrlvul of tin
chlckwi or the ewe. It wbn Invented,
though, Mini It wrvoH holh imrpiHHtt
ritlly; so whether It In hii fftrliit
of mother tiecctmlty or mi ndopteil mm
of liPHtily nminliiri forever n dlet'tiled
The flnst men, rowrrlne, under lh
flrnvi! nihI Minting mini of Hie blhlltnl
(ouiilrlMH, ewwtrtieted mile hut of
wood to nheller Iht'in. Tin- perltdiHlile
tin t urn of thrw mriii iurcM cmuwhI rapid
deeuy, niiii It In iititbable Hint tho oc
cupunlN, HiM'klnx wiiiim urlltlrliil mcitim
of preservation, lilt upon Iho plmiieiiia
of the ritrlli In iln-lr m-areh. It Is per
luipi mi t itrtit to nttpiMHM ilml ll h
Iho ItiKtltict of preservation IIimI led
turn lo Ilia Mwreh, hIiIiourIi Iho slurb
of the Niiiixi'lN mill Iho bentiHe of the
hilnlimv nmy him crux I'll h iliwlro to
linlliilp those wonder In their own
Till1 tHtlli-il record of Ihe hihIch
tloti of n proHnrvHllve lo h hhmIii
Mt run III dale from Iho Hik, which
was, neewrdltiK lo I (if Wide, "pitched
within mill without." The pllili wn ii
Irlumph of preservation whatever ll
lucked hn 14 thing of lieMitly.
D.H'ornllon applied lo hnlhlliiKi Ural
route lo IIrIiI with Htielent Itahylon,
whine wall were invered Willi repre-
Ml'lllHllotm Of lltlllllHK whip hih! of
eiiinlmt. Them Mete thine In nil Mini
the tHelhoil followed wmmIi tlnl the
reiin on the htlcka nl the lime of
inaiiiifucliiie, MmutHii; peimaiieiice l
halting. XI r Idly fpeukliitf, thin hum
not painting mi niui'li iim ll hjhm the
milieu! itmnlfenlHlloii of our own fa
inlllur kHlwimliiliiK.
The llnd Hebrew lo iiipnlloii imiIiii
f MIC In Moee In Hie tlilrly-lliird ilmp
lor of the iHHik of NitmherN he in
struct the Israellie, "When ye have
pMwteil over Ihe Jordan Into the Inml
of 0111(1111, then -.hull ye drive out nil
Ihe IiiIiiiIiIIhiiIn of Iho hunt from lev
fore you uml destroy nil llielr pie-
tUIPH, . . ,H
At Inter perloiU Ihe .lew hiImjMihI
iiiiiuy uuNlomw of Ihe piNipli who Mie
t'otMlvely obtained power over thmti
Nllll III lllO HHHT)'tJ(Hl iHHlk Of llltt
MueeHhe-i In found lids mIIiinIom lo
the tirl of -leeiH-NtlHg, "Per Iho ihhn
ter builder tf new Imhuw imimi mre
for Ihe whole building, hut he llmt
HinlwlNkeih wt Ii mil mill 'mint H.
iHHi Mek mmi iMuga fur iIm MderHlni!
All bough llMwer give eiwlll lo
llrwe, fur Hut tllrvery of imIhI, Ihe
hIIHmIumn to ll In Hie hook of Mimmh,
the imImImI WHmwy emn of the ICny.
(Ihmi nwI tU ilertmtlMl whIIh of IImn
leu hI 1'heiMm IH lu imIkIh mi m
pttrlml Urn HHleeetteiH lo Ik tlrwlmi
en. T1m hhIIm ttf Tke4 Hum (Mini
etl yrNm Itefitie Hot fettling of
Clitlnl nwJ tlKl yer MiHtt M'(lwel
MiHtle hl hltMMHlii' lyte"
Tlte lliwkri letiHiiilXMl Ih vullle of
plnl Mk m prei.rvtlve mot HMiie iin
of MMnetlilnc Hklii t It oil Ikelr nlili
lUu wrtu of (he hmmIh of Iwdllni:
wh iiinl minilM mIiImi with It, Mfter
wlik-k. k ewullHiMtk "uilMr Ik mm.
imr II wImiI. Htir Ike aim ran iteatruy
the w Ami thin ttru4eftHl,N
'Vk Uoitutiik. U'lutt euiiilMlly h
mirlik MHile, iier lirttiwlil ibe le
urMtloN of hullitlMiCN lu the kink tlNit
It kil ivttftuit wlib lk tlik. I'm
mU tkul the rulu tf I'oimuII aliuw i
ihmh- slrwluie whine ion ml
tkMW Hrt Iti Mr liMe t.Mtn Th'
votar. umh! wt ttlnriuv A I4. i
lwulrwuMl mh the uauiil one mill tl
tHoMiMlioiiii wwrkti Hkrwuti retl, yet
lew mui Itluo.
Ill llio eriy t 'hrlaluiH era il- ue of
IMtMlleft fiW rhurthe wmifM hm ii
4hIim tuunil (mlMllHg. Milll, ilurin.
the ivlmi uf JuailnUii the (tiurei
Siil Mu(4tl w hn built Hi 4alHUlllio
pie himI ll wall went HtttMiietl wiiU
Ih wtMhWH IImmn the un of pliit
ItHTe iHMoe to bv hn iiuiiu-iouk a lis
luyrtuil NlmflHii Hud ihiu. I'uliit is
WilHHe In Ikut IU UHlue iun uo k'"
ll) Ml HI"! for It lker Mi Ho HUbklllute
ivHtirlul, IViswiU 1 the MuU of life, but
imlHt U Ike life of the taff.
Nw uHe think of the ..xierlor of h
wuoilen IiuiIiIiok nv eivpi In term ,
of phIui t'oaitNl. luteiiom, uh. fiom
pululetl whIU hiuI hihIiimI lurnuure j
tlowH to the Ioh llet klieliati uieNll,
all ravivu their iiruieetlve emerlng. ,
kltoet, m oftivn aaawlatud wlib rauHwt ,
lU-enfiMt'luc, U ;wlutel beime ll 8e
(o kIu mriltllly to ib iutuufa.iursl
uteua. The hiiK trlnleft of th k.
Ht'rupera ure iluuhetl hii urI.v but hCI
dtmt retl uiuleiueuth ilio aurfai'e cunt
of klHfk I'whHUe the 'iel eaiiile
of the mIu" of palut on nitvl U fuuml
In Ike ejerahla Hrookljn hrULj. ott
whUiti a HUIMJ of palwlerk U kepi .
lut eotittiittttll). ll U bturee nmwIIiu
to think uf a lu:le lunuufucturetl ar
tlulo whlcli iluea ihM meet paint iiih
where in tlu eouriM of lia i-onaiiue-Hon.
Hit Iiuk Mlut mown lulu the
very mnrrww of our llva&
The ilome of the United HI ill on Cepltol Ht WmmIiImkIoii In kept In excel
lent eiHHllllon by imlnlliiK It every, few yenr. Kor till work fori? pnlntein
Mr alenillly empli)ei! for three mouth' lime. Over live thotmnuil p'1'!'1" of
wlnl nrt requlrm! for one rout. The r-itwui for iwIiiIIiik Ihe Ciipltil Imne tit
ri'dulnr liitet tulN la lo proetit iIUIhickhiiIoii of metallic urfuce.
niit tlio Hfivor of HiirfacoH.
VI nm tlio worltl-old prosorvcr.
ilNoali know iiu, for ho pitchod tlio ark within ntul without,
li'l'ho I'liurnoliH MoiiKlit mo iih an ntloi nmont for tliuir tombs
t huh niiiiiwiile.i ondtiro Ijuciiuku I coiuurvu.
am Iho woatl of tlio imclont IlrltoiiH: thulr hluo hattlo hue.
VISucauMo of mo tlio trottHiiroa of Iho Sluthio Cliapol dofy olfacc
moiit. VI am the kocpur of tlio atillqtio.
VI am tlio Morvant of prourcHH.
t'ColumhiiH found mo hodocUintr the aavaROfl who watched him
plant I'onlliuiml'n haiinor on tlm mIioi'om of Now .Spain; and tlio
vory nails of hln caravoln runintoil thu olomonU of tho Woat
throiiKh my aid.
tTho pionoeiN woHtwanl wondlnjr tlioir way dan hod the prairlo
Mchooiiora with my proluclion.
am the royal roheH of civili.ation'H nionarohs, Steel and Lum
ber. liTho taut wiiiKU of Iho alrplanu Kloam tiudur my protective
V'l'ho Million drendnaiiKht and tho homhiK transport plow tho
moiim imporvioiia to corrosion hecauao of mo.
VI waterproofed your agents of (lontnictlon, tho bullet and tho
yrhun I drew the mercy of my conceallnt: CMinoullnKu ovur
your hoHpltalH.
VI kIIhIimi on the homo, and on the Imriitt, and on tho commit
VWhcro life Ih, I am alive.
VWhoro death and decay Met in my abnonce haatdim thorn.
T And my iiiIhmIoii h to proHervo,
I Savt'r of Surface, I am PAINT I
Easter Blouses
We have spread ourselves in putting; in Easter Blouses in unusual
quantity and varied selection. You will find the new shades, such
as Cherry, Sunset and Flame. We are not afraid to have our prices
compared with those at the big stores in the city.
en's Hats
W 1 W I -
Men as well as women get the
"new hat" idea about this sea
son of the year. We have the
nifty ones: the Mallory Make.
And Neckties and Collars: well,
you should see them, their col
ors have the rainbow beaten a
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Some Useful Hints
Hew Inn Mucliinu Motor,
Vacuum Cleaner, Wusliiti
Machine, Floor, Table ntul
X)eV I.atiie,, ChnfiiiK'dish.
Toaster, drill. Coffee Per
dilator. Milk Warmer,
Smoothing Iron or Travel
mi; Iron. CurliiiK-irmi atul
Pi viiik Couth in One, Vi
olator. IU-ntitiK l'nil, Kitd
i.Hor. Portable Stove atul
Oven, Uitic, Pan.
wan.'. i "PBiiiAvBasr trapmgxaamrr&tnmwm&UHt.!
Electric Building
,"' ' . s cl:ihv' txr ! lo ef u t iiiile trd hu M . i "i - i rv cl f.r over
i wo l. .i, !ic, yeara tv i. riful nml fr ipiriit p.iiitln It l..s sonvt panels,
thimney blalrciOie uixl IkiIIuk places, said to hae li-vn lued hy (nui;nlii's
l.uier the home of rcut atuteatileti uml of the fanuuu belle, IHmUhy Quluey.
Save tho surface hix! you save
ell. DUIutiicralluu nml tleeay
are coml.thms whloli usually
atari at the surface of any ma
terial. I'rotoctlou iteuliist ile
leiiuratlou or rut ut sulistancuit,
Ibarefure, houlil hot In with
care of the extetlur. Provided a
uialerlMl duea net carry within
telf the oletueut of sure (ecny,
prepor kitrface protection will
uuttauhtodly letiKtheu Its Ufa
Of nil the many liquid suit
btauco which can ho ued for
the hlndlne of ;wilnt or dry sub
btances which when illsskilvod In
water are used an vehicle for
plKiueuta iiono fultllls net-e.sary
ctuulltleiiK so well hs lluseetl oil,
tho klntc of the ttxetl oil, ami,
what l of onormeius Importance,
thus it ns chiM)ly. It U the
imliu. . m littst fHeiul heeauso It
males hU work satisfactory.
The follov
are kept for
others will he atUlwl na the ilunmiul
Warranty .lewis, Quit Claim
DKla, Realty nml Chattel Mart
gugtts, Satisfaction of Morty-agoa,
Ctutracta for Sale of Realty, Hills
of Sale, peases.
Residents of St, Johns having
tnxori ami city Hens to mty in
Portland can make their imv-
inoitts without inconvenience by
We are adding new
riiiK list of legal hlauks; itu attrflCliVG lilies availing thoinsolvos of our ser
sale at this ofltce ami i vices. We will pay same and
! ia f secure your receipt without ui
10 Olir large StOCk OI convenience to you. Feo, m
omits l(firiinev Anv
Calendars, Wall Pock- ijinsuiR ptU
Abstract and Realty Co.. by II.
ets and Pictures.
Henderson, Manager: 402 North
Jersey street.
Notice to Creditors
Paint Makes Housework Easy
Hare, uiifinislicd lloors require aluir t daily scriihlting.
Palut'mnkcs scrubbing ttmiecessary. Dirt, grime ami
grease clean perfectly from this smooth hard surface .
without the back-breaking work of scrubbing.
gives a durable, non-nb-iorbctit, sanitary finish for
floors and for any inside surface to be walked upon.
It is inexpensive and easyjto apply a quart is enough
for one coat on the average kitchen floor.
The Acme UuMitr IMliititiK Guide Hook tells all about minting,
vuruisliiiiK, ami waxing lloori what to use, how much will be
required and how the work should be done, 1'rvc at our store.
The Home. Mercantile Co.
lu the CoiuiU Court of the State o
Driven (or the i'untv of Multnomah,
)n tlu iii.iiur( Hie estate of George
Notuv u Iut I v eivutt of the death o
U'rc K"lfit..ii. and that the tiuder.
Riuiud 1' s hvciiilul) appoititxd executriv
! tui st.ttc i.v iiu county judge cp: anui
im.ili Cuiit . Oti iion. ami has qualitled
All pi'ivns li ning clnlms iieatust 'the
estaU' o( sjtid ilvirtlent are directed to
iirrMiit the' to the uudersiiiucd
dulv veritW.l, as bv law required, at the
oitu-e ol her ntviriK-ys, Perkins . ti.itley
1117 Board et Ti i-le llulldiitu. l'ortland
Drt con, witliiu sin mouths from the date
o tlu- lirt pui'lu ttion ol tins notice, to
wit 1-ridav. M.-vh7tli. 1919.
ttornc 1. r Kxecutrix.
. r. Clumlui Mrs. II. K. I.owry
Funeral Directors
is Kil'iiiKSworth Avenue
Telephones WihMIuwu 3aW C 1133
Mr. Clwuilx-is is the only tt. A. R.
uuderuker iu the citv of Vortlaud,
rvtsoiwl attention and supervision
gneu to rntagcuituu.
llrlni In your Job printing wbtlr
you thluk of It. Don't wait until you
ire entirely out. We are equipped
to turn out noat and taaty prlntlnt
Brvmptly at Portlaatl jrlcn. or tM,
Knights and Ladies of Security
St. Johns Council 2775
Regular Iluiincss meeting Ut and 3rd
Mommy. 0cii meeting to the public
uml members 2nd and -till Mondays. Vis
itors ami members conlially Invited to
attend at llickuer Hall.
Prank C. Oasser, Pres.
Lesler Tceling. Secretary.
No. Iftf I. 0. O. r
SI. ioiinj, oxroori
Umu sch Mo.nUy cvoiilri(f la Odd FV
lont ball at H:oo, A cordial welcome to
all vIsitliiK brotlieis.
CM) Chuirliltl, Nelile Ciind
H ) buiriUKlis, Vice Onud
O. W. Norrnr, VIn.Kcc.
II I' CUlk Tlr.
A. P. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
l'ilM(tilfiu-tf wants, iitttf.
In Illckuer's Hall. Vial.
V tors welcome.
A.R. Davis, W. M.
A. V. Davis, Secretary.
Minerva Chapter No, 105,0, E.S,
Meets every First and Third Tues-
day of each month in Hickuers Hall.
Visitors welcome.
Dixie M. Lewis, V. M.
Ruby R. Davis, Secretary.
St, Johns Camp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attendance of
our members at our regular meetings
every Thursday evening.
A. I.. Aiarcy, ueo. aiuiitu, citric
Consul. 108 Smith avenue
Fine Orchard for Sale
In the White Salmon Valley
ConsistniK of 10 acres, house, barn and well; 15 acres iu
beariug apples, 3 acres iu almonds,, with strawberries be
tween trees. I lus place is 111 a hue location, close to good
school and power dam, on 1 rout Lake road; good hslnug.
Will sell all or will divide 111 ten or eight acre tracts. In
quire at this oftice. .
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and get acquainted.
Meets every l'ridav nit-lit at
7:30 o'clock in inCKKBK
Hall, Visitors always wcl
Woodmen ol Ihe World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evening in
I. O, O. P. Hall, Leavitt and Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome,
THOS. COl'l'lT, C. C,
W. K. COON, Clerk.
Oregon Building, 5th and Oak
Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321
Mill wood mostly imdde, large percent
Ce dry enough for immediate use $4.50
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly .
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
l'bone Woodlawn 5360
Wa Call and Dtllvar
The Skldmore Cleaners
Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations and Re
pairing a specialty
W. C J-USTfCe M2 SkMwrc Stmt