St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 11, 1919, Image 3

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i 1
Wood, Coal and Gas
Combination RANGE
The Occidental Combination Range
is very simple, durable and economi-
cal. No baffle plate to remove when
changing from wood or coal to gas.
Just light the gas the same as any
other gas range.
It's an "all cast" range, nickel
trimmings with enamel splasher and
cushion paneled oven door. Ther
mometer included. Oven heats very
Price $127.50
Terms $13 cash - $3 a week
Store closes at 8 P. Al. Saturdays, other
days at 6:00 P. Al.
Your Credit is Good
Cash or Credit St. Johns
Spring Wants
Shovels, 50 to $2.50
Hoes, 40 to $1.00 -
Rakes, G5f to $1.25
Package Garden Seeds
Bulk Garden Seeds
Land Plaster $1.00 per sack
Rose Lawn Fertilizer
Garden Fertilizer $4.00 per sack
Seed Potatoes
Onion Sets, 15' per lb. 2 for 25
Grass and Clover Seed ,
The best assortment of Garden Tools and Seeds
in the city. See window display.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Agency for Goodyear Tires
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
Let us Reason Together
The Grabateria Cash Grocery is your Defend
er. We defend you against the store that asks, you '
to pay for the losses on Bad Accounts; that asks you
to pay a bookkeeper for keeping your account; that
asks you to pay for delivering; that asks you to pay
the interest that must be paid in order to carry along
a large volume of Grocerv Accounts. We defend you
against yourself by asking Cash instead of asking
you to live beyond your means by going into debt.
We buy in large quantities; we pay spot cash; our
rent is low; we are active in the conduct of the bus
iness. Think it over.
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Columbia Records
Ansco Films
It is irettint? so that tho tired
customer does not over wnit any
more for tho tradesman to tell
dm nil tho reasons why tho goods
arc higher now than thoy woro
while tho war was on.
Prescriptions a specialty
Phone Columbia 138 I05 North Jersey St.
Local News,
Bring fn your job printing.
i o .
Grace your homo with a flag.
Order one at this olhce.
Subject for Christian Science
services Sunday: Arc Sin. Dis
ease, and Death Kenl I
Harry Mansfield, tho veteran
barber, has discontinued hiashon
on south Jersey street.
Mrs. Hallock, is a visitor at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chauncey, 710 Syracuse Street.
The Columbia Park buse ball
club will grvo a ball in tho skut-
ing rink I'riday evening, April
Lou Miller is on a recreation
trin to White Salmon Valley. He
will probably remain there for
some t'me.
J. B. Fletcher. Elwell Na
Smythe, and B. B. Powell went
for a week end llshing trip up
Gales Creek. No fish.
Mm. II. S. Mntrnnn linn return
ed from an enjoyable live months'
sojourn with her daughter. Mrs.
Glenn, at Modesto, Lai.
Ilarrv Canlcs has llnishcd
decorating and embellishing tho
titer or of the Uvnwrclicnl
church, and did a good job of it.
Tho old sand nit near Cedar
Park is now avallablo for dump
ing refuse. Persons having n
supply of such on hand and not
knowing how to get rid of it, may
now have samo taken to tho pit.
Tlin St. .lnlins Unrihvnrft atnrn
linn n wlnilnw nrrnncrnil In sti nil
manner as to delight tho cyo of
tho fisherman. All manner of
fishing tackle and apparatus aro
ingeniously uisniaycu. mxe u
Tho fence around the ball
round on Fcssendcn street has
been razed, tho ground has been
Mowed and vegetables will ho
raised. Interest in tho national
pastime was not great enough to
ustlfy retaining the ground lor
base ball.
Miss Georgia Rich, the well
nnivn ninniRt. nnd tonehor. has
moved from South Kellogg street
in rlin hnmn nf hnr nnrnntft Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Dammon. at 515
Ainsworth avenue, Portland.
She will, however, maintain a
St. Johns studio at 410 Oswego
At the Ministerial Association.
which meets,, first Monday in
every month at tho Y. M. C. A.
vuiiuintr, it was voted to observe
Passion Week, Apr. 14-20, by
simultaneous services every
evening in all the churche3of the
Frnnk Rncrera hns iuat return.
ed from North Yakima, where
he says there is a great demand
for labor in the beet sugar in
dustry. He says the sugar beet
company there wants 300
families and will pay transporta
tion, freight and give free rent
for that number, frank says
that any one interested may call
Columbia 855. and he will tell
all he knows about it.
Get your salmon tackle at the
St. Johns Hardware store.
Dan Williamson is spending a
few days at White Salmon, where
he will spend much of his time
in quest of the wily trout.
Miss Georgia Rich, who re
cently sustained severe scalds
upon her hands, ip gradually re
covering the full use of them
onco more.
Last Thursday morning was
surprise at the homeof Mrs.
Vm. Uaiioway, wnen about
twenty ladies of Home Mission
ary Society, of the MethodiBt
church, surprised her, it being
the anniversary of her birthday.
The friends presented her with
a nretty potted plant. After a
sumptuous lunch at noon, short
addresses were given by Aijss
Dans and Mrs.Mellenger of Port-
and Settlement Center. Solos
bv Mrs. Sandifur, Mrs. Isbell
and MissDaris and a reading by
Mrs. Bigler. Then after visit
ing a while each one went home
wishing Mrs. Galloway many
happy returns of the day.
People who grow tired of the
climate in Kansas make a mis
take in going away, the Smith
Center Journal believes. Await
of a few days or weeks will bring
every kind of climate there is in
the world.
The sermon subjects at tho St.
Johns Baptist church for Sunday
will bo. "Tho Perfect Church."
and "The Common Place Life
Glorified." These services will
bo held at 11 a. m. and 8 p. ni.,
and a most cordial invitation is
extended to all to worship with
us. 12. Burton, Pastor.
The Blue Bird Club of the
Union Sunday School met at the
homo of Mrs, Brand on Tuesday
afternoon for tho election of
officers, which resulted as
follow: President. Anna Erick-
son; Vice Pres., Margaret Mac-
Gregor: Secy. Viola Root:
TreaB., Graco Coy. Tho Club
has just completed a knitted
quilt, mndo of scraps of yarn
donated by friends.and is for the
uolglan relief works. The girls
will now make baby clothes for
the Parent's Educational Bureau,
Next Sunday will be a day of
special prayer tit the St. Johna
Methodist church. At 10. a. m.
Decision Day exercises in tho
Sunday school. 11. a. m., Com
munion nnd Consecration Ser
vice, 8. p. m. Hon. 12. A. Baker.
one of tho most convincing and
Impassioned speakers in Port
land, will speak on the Centenary
Pentecost. Four Cottage prayer
meetings will be held Tuos.
evening. April 15. in the 4 areas
of the Parish and prayer meet-
bur every other evening at tho
Tho local committee for the
Y. M. C. A. extension work In
St. Johns met at tho rooms on
Monday March 111. MisaJontz,
tho general secretary of exten
sion work, was present and
assisted the committee in general
plans for the future. Miss
Henry, the new local secretary.
was also present, and isnssuming
her new duties with enthusiastic
ability. Tho committee consists
of the following: Chairman
Mrs, Northrup; Recording Secy,
Mrs. J. M. Shaw, Publicity Secy,
Mrs. R. G. Brand. Other mem
bers aro Mrs. II. W. Bonham,
Miss Beatrice Rundnll, Miss
Everts and Mrs. Burton.
Miss Georgia Lvnn. well
known to many St. Johns people,
was united in marriago with
Sergeant Floyd L. French recent
ly returned from l ranee with
the C9th Artillery, tho wedding
taking place nt the bride's home
n Hood R verbunday afternoon.
Anril (ith. The weddini; was a
quiet affair, only members of the
family being prosent. Rev. J.
D. Lewellen. nastor of the Metho
dist church, performed the
ceremony. The bride's grand
mother. Mrs. U. N. Byer ee of
this citv. was nresent. The
hnppy young couple will make
their homo In Hood River for
the prosent.
Jimmy had a habit of stretch
ing his imagination to great
lenetliB when telling anything.
and after his mother had rebuked
him several times he began to
watch her for signs of anger
when he had something to tell.
One evening a visitor from the
city came, and during the even
ing's conversation inquired of
Jimmv: "And have you a dog.
my little man?" "Oh, yes, I
gotta dog," replied Jimmy. "I
gotta big dog. I guess I got
about the biggest dog in this
town." "Well, that's good."
said the visitor. "I like big
dogs." Jimmy answered:
"Well.I guess mine's big enough.
He's nine feet tall and he's
six feet wide and and (just
then Jimmy caught his mother's
eye) and and he's four inches
long." Everybody's Magazine.
Nu tha labl en your papar.
Wanted Housekeeper, middle
aged woman preferred, good
wages, family of five. Call 1753
Haven street; Columbia 699.
Klcctrlc Vacuum
1'. Clark.
Clcnticr fur rent. II
We outfit big and little shavers.
Coveralls to cover you all. W.
W. Rogers, GLOVIST.
For Sale Barred Rock eggs,
O. A. C. strain, $1.25 for 15.
Call 315 South Syracuse. 23
Soaps for every purse and pur
If my work pleases you; please
tell your friends. If not, tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
Records aro nrrivlng in fair
selection of titles. Come in and
hear them. CURRIN SAYS SO.
Rolled Edge Rubbers $1.25.
W. W. Rogers, The Raincoat
Man; open evenings.
Salmon tackle that will catch
the big fish at the St. Johns
Hardware store.
Time to dyo your hat. We
have all the popular dyes.
Notice is hereby iriven that I
will not bo responsible for any
debts contracted by any one in
my nnme. C. L. Hardin. 203 N.
Jersey, phone Columbia 971. 23
HIP. HIP, HIP to 202 N. Jer
sey. Hip rubber boots for trout
fishing, Raincoat Rogers.
Every camera is not a KODAK.
If it isn't an EASTMAN it isn't
When in need of smnll arti
cles, get them at the 5-10-15c
store, St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
Jump into ono of my JUMP
ERS $1.75. heavy grade, union
mado. W. W. Rogors. Tho Over
all King.
EGG-KEEP will prcservo your
eggs for next winter's use. Get
it ac CURKINS.
St. Johns Fair Store, E. W.
Foy. prop.: household utility
supplies and general notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highost
quality goods at lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
Suburb calls given prompt
attention day or night. Com
pinto auto equipment; no extra
chargo; refined service, Miller
& Tracey.
Spokane property to trade for
St J6hns property or auto.- W.
W. Rogers, I he Raincoat Man.
One swallow does not make a
summer, but ono swallow of our
SPRING TONIC will make you
feel as if summer was here.
The Portland Garbage Co. re
moves rubbish from residences
at $1 per month and business
n aces at reasonable rates. Leave
orders at St. Johns Hardware or
phone Woodlawn 301,
Does your present insurance
give you sufficient protection in
view of the increased cost of
labor and materials? We write
insurance that protects with
prompt settlement in case of
loss. Peninsula Security Com
pany. Q
Here is a good buy. W ) nave
a slightly used BRUNSWICK
PHONOGRAPH, the regular
$65.00 model that we will sell for
$40.00, on liberal terms, too.
For Sale Household goods
cheap. Call 710 West Charleston
For Sale Overland Country
Club automobile, in first class
condition. Inquire at this office.
Build Up Your
Bank Account
Take time by the forelock.
Don't be satisfied with a small
balance in bank.
Deposit every dollar that you
don't require for your actual
Money is safer in the bank
than in your pocket or in your
You'll be more loath to draw
a check than spend the cash.
See us about an account.
Wa do all kinds of banking.
Peninsula National Bank
Okant Smith, . . I'rcsfileitt
l'mu) C. Knaim'. . Vice "rwlilent
1'kank 1'. DitiNKXii . Vice l'reslilent
Jons X. Itm.Ki'SKN, . . Cnshlcr
ClIAItt.ltH 11. UiMltl.t,, AMlstnntOilitcr
Stanton 1,. Doiiik, AsslMnnt driller
HiiU ACD It. Momkim, Avtintimt Cnhler
f. 1'. IWtXKW
t'. C. KXAIV
It. K. 1'KNNKt.t.
I. N. Itlir.KfMKM
Member of Federal Reserve Bank
3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit
You are on the Right Path
it you eouie here to lutv your Ktoevrtat.
Wc Mock iinlv tliv (Hut tlir market
ii'Ionl not only ute mme of our Hnctof
excellent iimlltv, 1ml our rutltv Hinck i
llelil Up to il tliiifoitn tiver.iue of liighett
liitillty, mi niitliiiiK iitiil everything ytMJ
buy here l of tile Ik-iI.
301 S. Jersey St.
I'lione. Cttl, 1 li
Rock Spring Coa!
Green Slabwood
Be Sure and Order From
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Or. RitlnMMl ui Uinta Sh,
s s. In M.
i'r ii hill)- hi rim-, II A. M. ' I
, .in I' M
i lui-iun I'li'liKyr, fi'4F
I..1.I1. h A mI lUi.iitffr1
: r. m . ci ..i,. .
in .nt ii .
I'r.m r Meeting rv
V :tn I'. M.
W i I . m v tu 4ll, Mji
1 1 11 1 h
:n J. i MKKKIU,, P
Look for the Goodyear Repair Shop
201 South Jersey Street
Old Country shoe makers, 23 years
experience. It pays to have your shoes
repaired in a good shop. We can afford
to do work a little cheaper.
Come and give us a trial
The Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop