THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Mnriclc, lMllor Publjshed Friday of Each Week Subscription price $1.00 par yanr. Outside of Mullnomah County J2.00 per year in fdvance. ADVKRT181.1G KATrtS: 25celiU ptrinch each insertion. Local 5 cent jwr line, lulnlnnim 25 cents. Special late on yearly contracts. Tim KKViitw is entered nt tHjst office in Portland, Oregon, us mall matter of the second class under the Act of Con reus of March 3, 1B79. F2 jwmM iu. 1 u I V Multnomah Attractions Every homu in St. Johns should have a Hair. The Hevievv ofiice lias nrranirud to take the aircncy for Borne fine, well mtu. onus at very reasonable prices The price rantfo from $1.50 for n Uxfi foot flnic to S3 for a 5x8 foot llaj;. For 2 a lx(i foot Hub muy be seen rod. Now is th time to let Old Glory wave. Call in and look over the samples. Big Time Saturday Tomorrow, Saturday, will he Croat day at the now uluvaloi Bite whun thu oriental xcrvico will bo started and the dedica tion service will be held. Mor autoH will no im Mount lie hubm than up'in any one occiiHion St. John. 'lhoiisnnilK who contcmplnt uttoiuntiK dedication exereinen are nromiHcd adeiuiate tratiu pnrtutioii faeilitloH, for in addi tion io many who will travel ntilotnm.iie It ih iieinir nrrnnuat to have m jitney Morvico from th on ' of the bt. John electric lino tc the terminal properly There m n iKiiwihllity one of the river sttninwr also will he pretiri ed into jrvice, but that him not been louk-d. Momlirrx of the Rotary ulu were on the ground Wednesday with Uaplain Moore, uwmrnui by Chief of Police .IoIiiihoii to assume charge of police tlotiiils at the terminal, and kiiiico Inn been inarkwl olf on pier No. for UftO automobiluH. The Port land Ad club In to issue a iiiohI attractive Kouvonir proKramme Hhnwintr thu city's water IraiiH portation facilities and tolliiiKof the now oriental vervice to be Htartud with the steamer West Muuhaiu. I lu Multnomah uuar band Iiiih volunteered it services for thu afternoon. Thu canto the Went Muuhaiu is to carry aeroiM thu Pacilic Ik HWiumblod on pier No. 1, the brut of throw big pier planned thure. In addition to froiuht orliriuallmr Mere, there are val uablo ooimiKiunentM drawn from varioiiM sections of thu oust, bound through the Columbia rivur gateway to the laud heyom the PauilU. State, country and municipal oiiicinIk are Io tak part in tliuu.uivinon, and besides the direct particiiMition of the public dock bwly thu Port of Portland com m Union ha buen uskod to join an Client of the city. Thtru should yvery outiiu:. ' SO. Iwn KODAK on CUItUIN SAYS For Sale-Full set of bed springs in food uondition. Gall '1 If) Oawqko street. ISIuutric CUKU1NS. light (Hobos at Switch Ings. Mrs. Htrout; made from comb Hill, aifi 12st Tyler plioae Columbia 7&t, 25 Half the lUI.Ing Iwttlo is won if you have ttoral tackle. V Mlt the quMlity lino only. CUUKIN SAYS SO. For Kent- Seven room modern house, coraor Alhgheny street and Ocntrnl avenue. Call Tabor 7101. K lair ulihintr of the qimlity kiiiu. fUHKlN SAYS SO. For Kent --Furnished room ho'"M. Inquire at Central avenue. four 1018 YICTROLA NO. M Al six double disc records 1 12 selections) 8 record albums, record brush, needle and all accessories for $180.10; pay $18 down and $13 pur month. CUHKIN SAYS SO. LostWednesday about 1 p. m. two five dollar bills and containing small amount of money. Finder ploasu call Col umbiu -I I. U. 8. Invents Antl.Rutt "Dope." Incident m tin wur, thu goviiriitncnt tins faced tln problem Hint has, ho Ioiii; proved ImlTliiiK to cotntnurclal con- turns of prolix-ling Iron and Htcol from runt. In an hi tempt to koIvo thin fed- i-rnl Npi'iMiillsis liiivu perfected viirioim forms of iirotectlvu coiitlngK. In thin connection It may ho pertinent to ask whether roiiimerclal usctt will not hu found also for the so-culled "dopes" which thu governini'iit Iib.i invented to hu upplled to nlrplano wings and which nru possowieil of valuable weather-re- Muting nnil llreproot qualities. EFFECT OF COLOR UPON THE DURABILITY OF PAINT. Property owners who mny hnvo tin- dor consideration tho painting of dwellings and other structures should rememhor that moro durnbto n'Hiilts aro ohlHlnid when tinted paints nru used. I'eniitiiii'tit coloring material which havn heon ground by mnchlno Into ii high grailo white pnlnt hnso have the effect of preventing "chalk- I iir" mid "checking," two defects which lire often observed when white palntM lire used. PRETTY COLOR COMBINATION!!. (Irulind HII)iU Ulrncll l 'twit ('out Color Whit Msht Itoie MntTum, Msht (lrr Whits I.I tlit Orny Dull llhifi. Orr-(lrrn U till I.lclil Warm Unlit Colinlt Yllor lllur, Nriittnl Light Drub Unlit (lmy m flrar. druy, (ify- Hill ilurU- Or li or if Light Colmll llluo l.liiht OlMy l.lglit lltil Orny. llluo or l.lglit Ornng Vfllow UkM Orny Orftn I.IkIiI (lry. Nrutrnl Drub I very Ollvn (rn Ivory or OrnyUli Mglit Orvnn Msht rH Uclil llluo Nrutrsl rilnl Vottow (lrny, Ivory Oolil lkHtr IHifU Orftn t.lKht Wnrrn Drub. M ilium Ollv. Warm dray, 'rrnrn. AlHmlHiim nio Dflfl lllu. Ilimu I.I Klit Ivory, l.tltbt Nu I ml (lrny Ivory Tan llrown, llunit lm brr, C'rtsiin Ivory I)rU llrown I.Uhl Taii, UroMiii. Unht (lrny limb Tonight Saturday, April 12th UIG DILL HAUT in "TII15 RIt TURN 01' DRAW I'.GAN." Trl-angle. Sunday. April 13th JOHN HARRYMORE in "IIHRH COMHS THU IIRIOK," bIjo a two reel Luke comedy. Monday and Tuesday, April 11 and IT CHARLES RAY in "THIi OIRI. UOHfiUR," and Charlie Chaplin In "THU I'IRIiMAN." A great show. Don t hum it. Uedinday, April IRtli - WILLIAM I'ARNUM in "THU MAN IIU'TUR., This I hlsllet lecture. ThuriMlny and l'ridny, April I" and 18 MITCHELL LUWIa III Moll- THNTIIS OI'TIIIt LAW." A great out-door picture. Saturdnv. Anrll 19th DUSTIN PARNUM in "CAPTAIN COfRTUSY." Paramount. Sntur.Iav. Apill liOtli PRANK KEENAN In "THU MID- NIOHT STACK." Pathe. Monday and Tuesday. April 21 and 22 DOROTHY OISH in "HOOTS." I'flrninount. One of her liesl. AImi Charlie Chaplin in "THU VA(JAnONI)." Wednesday. April 23rd- IJ. w. UKI I'l'i 1 1 1 preMiius a nu- MANCU 01' HAPPY VALLUY." Artcrafl. A six reel sjiecliil. Tluirvlay ami PrMuy. April 'M and 2f- TAYI.OK I1UUMUS III A I'rtlK 01' SINUS." Saturday. April 20th CLARA KIMHALL YOUNG In "CIIUATINC; CIIUATUUS,M-fmui the poiiilar llnmdwuy Mitt. Sunday. April 2tli MAKUUliKri li ULAKIV III ".MK. WK'.C.INS OP Till'. CAIIIIAf.U PATCH." At tcralt. Prom tlie Is- IIKIIIS l)Mk. .Monday and TuewUv. April 4 slid SU MART I'ICIU'URD III "Tllll DAWN OP A TOMORROW."-Par iimiiiit.-AIi' CHARLIE CHAP LIN in "ONU A. M." WeduewlHy. April Will LIN A (JAVA 1,1 UK 1 III IIKIDUS." pMtMimniHt. Tlie Man or Woman. who lias no music in his soul is the object of fonie lilting satire by Shakespeare. Nine out of every ten people love music. Some can make it fur themselves, others can afford to go to the opera. l!ut nil can hear the metropolitan artists without leaving their own home. The STRAD AVARIA solves the problem. St. Johns Phonograph Company 317 N. JERSEY STREET SWt' 1JCLL tOCUlfc a pretty, mm $ed-(Room Set? Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! FOR HATCHING if ou arc lookup iar Winter Lay ers, get yur l'RKi from THE ST. JOHNS POULTRY FARM We littve n few more settings to sell of White Lcfjhorns at $1.50 per 15 The St. Johns Poultry Farm 901 AllcKhruy Street St. Johns Car. Portland, Oregon Deafness Cannot Be Cured Iry o. ;ii ttillRiloni. hy cannot reach ifi" dirnii"! twrilxn t' ih" Mr. Tln-rr It only i.r iy to eur u "fntm. ant Hint la I.) ,r .iui.jnl rnii' if tx..riiM It rai rt i Hi Inll.tmrtl million of llu mil f.u liinK at lh Kuii liln i Tube When Ililn li In lnHiiniMt t hne a rmnlillns wiunil r nnrfi't lie inn. ninl lin It It ihllrrly fioiMt, Iimdi i- in Dm rnnll. and tml 'he Inilnmmiillo' (nn lw taKrn out Kml U .t iiiIm rmlort-l lit normal condl ikn. Ii-nrlnit will bo d.'ro)fl fortveri nlno mil. out nt Irn sre uf.l br Catnrrh. which l nothlnx lt Inrtnmul condition nf tho iimeouii iiirfnc V will lvc Oni- llti'i.tri-il t)ollnr for sny rn if Dutriirt (cant I Iir entnrrhl that mnrnii l ciir.rl l.y Mill a Catarrh Cur. Hml lor rimilnra, trf l". J, cilKxr.v '"li. TOIWO, OHIO. y I )! for connllpatlon. Kolil I.r tlruKKlitt, 5 Take Italia family PyllATIrtC-PlPERIlG TlHtlni; and Imidc Work a Specialty SIGN WHITING All work tiUHMiitevti lliniHtes mule witlioiil Cliare L. CYRUS, I03S5. rnnccton iirtn Phone ColimibiH WH Genuine Bargains On account cf my family being located permanently in New York, they have prevailed tipon me to ptill stakes; so here goes to dispose of all of my St. Johns property, some of which arc: 5 Room house, -10x100 lot $1250. $250 down. 5 Room house. 90x100 lot $1G00, $350 down. 5 Room house, modern, 40x00 lot $1800, $250 town. 5 Room house, uii.dern, 50x100 lot $2250, $250 down. C Room house, modern. 50x100 lot $2500, $500 down. Some of these have hardstirfacc streets, alley, fruit trees and on car line. Business property on easy terms and acreage in different parts of the Stntc at $10 per acre on easy terms. Just KcltitiK over the "Flu" and until I am able to be at my office, '101 So. Jersey Street, call up my home Main 17M. O. P. WOLCOTT. We haul any tiling, any lime, any place. Prices reasonable Dully Trips to Portland in I t- i- . ai II t r. iiwiii; rwu i -"mu" iiioh'ih v.oiumiua .in Thursday and Prldav. May 1 and 5! 1110 HILL MART III IIKIlKD OP MltN'-Aftcmft. unlay. May 3rd HNII) HUNNHTT in "HAPPY TIIOL't'.ll MAKRIKD." Para- IllOllllt. F. L WHITE jjjjjjj mmwmWm Dear Mary: Did it ever occur to you that we women spend more than one-half of our lives in our bed rooms? We ought to have them pretty. What a joy to turn down beautiful covers, to repose on a comiortaoie mattress, to sinn your tired head into a downy pillowl What a delight to awaken in a prettily furnished room and to sit at a luxurious dress ing table and primp! Cheerful bod rooms will make every member of the family retire happy and awaken with en ergy and delight. As ever- -HELEN. P. S. Haven't you seen the new bedroom sets at H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. Store closes nt 8 I Al. Saturdays, other days at 6:30 P. At. Xfou re old enough to know better,' says HogzH Building Contractor Day or Job Large or Small Phone Col. 1133 TIRE EXPENSE THESE DAYS ay -II (5I!OK(lU M. Tlllt TRAIL emit. COHAN In "MIT HOLIDAY." Art- Limit ol tlimiKH noliccfl nrc uliui'truil for nt thu i nto of ilfty cunt unci). I'cfKoiiB (lo.sirinK to mve Htich notieoH niibliHliutl mIioiihI inula1 u noli of thin. Vict roln VI Al nix ilmiblu dine oconIm (12 HcluctimiH.) record iruwli. nooilloH unii nil uccoHsor- cu, ).K. l'ny $1.00 down and $51.00, nor month. CurriiiH Kor irii,'H. Mnmlay ami TuttnUy, May f and li- In he aiiuniinctHl later. Muv he a frro how. Watch fur It. UVdnpiMlny, May 7tli - A Hlx tt'Kl HIHWIHI "A DPST." is too limn to notricct nnv on-1 9 2 50. iVMCUSC St. portunlty to lesson it. You will I .... t - l 1. 1.. 1.. mm uur wur.viuu vury vuiiiiiuiu mi 111 A 9 it . I pi r?..i r inm uirccuon. vc can tnue uic Ol. OUIU1I3 ruci vu. most Imdly nmncod t re anil w c. spi'VK. Pnof. restore it to servico. Vulcnnizo I I tin Innni tillm an it will n irnnil Alik KIADe) Or WOOD as now nml tront the outer ens. inir with omially uootl results. Hnvo us I "Figure the real tobacco satisfaction you get out of n Kinnll chew of genu ine tobacco and the wuy it lastsand good old Gravely has got your or dinary plug bucked off the map." Good taitc, matter chew, longer Ufa linlut makcidcn nine Gravely cuit leu to chew man ordinary plu. n'ritt lot Gp.nuinh DANVII.I.II. VA. or bvcHtl en thtwtni plu. ('.RAIN' OP IMione Culiimbla 'J1H 101 liust nijliiuoml Street nniVinisinOM & m TliiinMUy and P.lday. May Hand 0- uiiuvi i ... . ....... ' . .... ... i IIcnlliiK & TinnlnK W e Kextir Altituiutitu Ware I'lmne Col. S07 S. Jorwy St. Don't buy new tires. repair your old ones. National Vulcanizing Works Z05 S. JERSEY ST. St. Johns, Oregon RY WALTHALL. Saturday, May I (Mil IJT 1 1 III. CLAYTON In I'KITKK." PiirMWtHiMt. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch "MAtUUK idwy, May WALLACII RUII)iH"ALIAS .Ml lilt MOHAN. IMlHIIHHIHt. For Snlo-lOin Overland: oluetriu llk'ntH, Htnrtor, power io pump, shock nliBornurs. uootl ami TiiuwUy. May Yi and IX- il hitr. MumUty In I IV HIIIHHIIH'W lil'OM 1111(1 (iinlition. 'rice $5170. iiinhin 2, in iroixi inuciiauicai Will demonstrate. Call oveninirs Col- Wwliiixlay. May Mth NA.IMOVA in "AN ICY It PUR AN It VIC." tti 7 not. A Krvat me nu v. Who is your drumiit? Have you used euro in his choice? It means n lot when you aro sick und need medicines compounded. We aro graduate registered pharmacists of considorahlo ox perience. CUKRIN SAYS SO. 'or Sale Three sinall heaters. edition cylinder phonoi.rraph und nlMMit do records, lawn mower, rown bicycle, tyclo Hatcher ni'iilmtor, 2hole cas plute, 2 canary innis. canned truit anil other mnll articl8. Call 822 S. Willainetto boulevard, phone Coiumiria brif). rilK WISE MAN'S EYES A HE IN HIS HEAD. HUT THE 'OOI. WALK. ST IN DAHK- N'lvSS. In this enlightened aue t is hard to believe the number t people who ars absolutely wnlkiiiK in darkness while the sun is Hlilnlntf. i can releryott io people wnose Auut'iA was 40 lmri that they lu-ver saw the lossomson the troos until 1 litted icin with thu tiK'ht lenses. ersons with irionia reouiro concave lenses, which should bo selected by a thorough ontomet- rist. Dr. Sauvie, 20(5J Swetland bniltlinir. 5th and Washimrton streets, will udvise vou honestly, atlv. Pre-Easter Sale OP prons, Comforts and Novelties AT TH' METHODIST CHURCH Cor. of Lcavitt and Syracuse St. Wednesday V. M., April 16th ThurMlay and I'liday. My Ifiuiid 10- A IiiiiiiiI-iicw i'litinii (if inn- ol the VtrtMti'kt iitutfii iii.nU'. WILLIAM I'ARNUM and KATII- I.YN WILLIAMS In "The Spoilers," III V U, 1V KHN HIvAL II. A nl. tkiliiltlraiiMnlthv U.kaKldMrhU, u tuinv uiiKii'o witii action aim vx- ciU'iui'iit. Kt iiiviiiU'r 1m dy. "HOHE SWEET HOME Join llie I J. R. WLIMtR Transfor and Storacjfc W dellvnr your uuodn to and (ror til part of I'ortlmvd. Vncour. Linn ton. Portland and Suburban Kxureki Co., cltT dock and all point acctulbW Notice of Hearing Final Account of Cvecutrlx In tin1 Cotintx (.'unit of the Statt of Oiuynn. for the County of Multnomah III liiv Hiaticr 01 tnc Untate 01 rtlfr utrn, ilrvtaKd. NotUf i licit-hv Kivvii that Anna C ut(rn, iu t'xrt uirix of 1 lit la.t will and It-.lNiiwitt of IS it r Autitin. dwiS4K-l. haa lilcd Willi llu- (.imiity Clerk of .Mill I no. mull County. Or'it,ii, her final account n Mich t'VK'iilrix, .out a supiili'Mu-iit there io, ami mat .May b. U::i A. M ItflU, in iK-iuittiiiriitof the Countv Court, at I he Court Mhuk of .Multnomah Countv, haa Ik-vii tiM-d Hon, OtA)rxe Taveil, County Judr . I muI county and state, u time uiiI .in.! I'l.tce forhmrliiiiohjcct' ioiu. il auv . n Mid account, and the vfttlt'iiu'iit of the kniiie, and dlntrilHilhif; ihe proivrtv U-loiiKiiit; Io Mid estate. nv iH-rMiu liani'i: oUlcotiou to Mid ac count way Ih.' In trd at the time and tUce niorvMUi ANN C .lT.ltN'. KxwiutrU. t'HRKINS HVILItV Attorney lor l.wcutrU. Real Estate! Central Location Thirteen years in (lie busi ness in St, Johns. ListyourProperty with Us We Alnkc Sales m: S. C. Cook 402 N. Jersey Street Notice to Creditors For Sale Cheap A plot of ground 100x000 feet, which contain twelve 50x100 foot lots, just iicro& the river from St. Johns, bontnlid hy Wood and Mills I streets. For nuick saleSlOOO takes them, which is ss than $100 vper lot. Oootl terms given. Call at this ofllce. For llont Unratie with cement hoot' and pit, also one stall for In the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Miiltiiomali, In the matter of the Hstate of K. V. I .McKoon. ileceoied. Notice is lierehy clveu of the dwtth of I K. v, .mckooii. ami tliat tlie uiuUmluii. el has been duly appointed adiiituiktru- iris oi ins estate ny tue county juni;e oi i .MtiituoiiiAii county, ureuon. ami lias mtalitied. All ierotis liavlni; claims a- Kaiust the cttate of said decetleut are di rected to present same to the uudersicn- ihI, verified as required by law, at the ollice of her attorneys, I'erkins & llailey, 1117 Hoard of Trade lluildinj;. Tortland, Oreuou, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, to wit: 1'riday. March 21. 1919. LOriSIt A, KICK, Ai m.iiistratnx. l'HRKINS& IIA1LHY. Attorneys for Administratrix. Notice to Creditors FUNERALS onutlful gray or black adult oot'tat, hoarse, box, 2 auto embalmlno and rofln ed aervlce for - 75 MILI.KR THACEV funerals If desired for 20, $30, 40, 60. HiKher priced funerals In pro. ortiou, We manufacture caskets. Lady asUtatit. lleautlfiil funeral chapel. MILLER &.TRACEY Main 2601 Independent Funeral Directors A 7085 Washington at Etta Street, Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative G14 Central 'Ave. N. Phone Columbia 888 "Hama Qurnot Hmn mnchino, close in. Call Columbia ui utTi-wi iwiav- 032 Saturday night or Sunday. Chorus Hu our Colored HbK'" l.unch from 1 1 :0 A. SI to 1 1'. M. olil lKshioiinl dinner Iroui 5 to 7 l. I KK coikel to order M. Watch the Posters FOR KENT tare's at thlat Thero't mapo iu the word 1 HOME. 1 There should bo magic in the 1 words HOME TRADE, The home merchants are part of this town. !j THEIR prosperity means Y0UR.2 prosperity. Trade with the home merchants, IT PAYS r-H----H- For Hent Vacant lot. KM foot front and 180 foot doen. Innuire nit I ut 409 North Jersey street. lCxehnniro $500 enuity in now live room modem bunirnlow for good vacant hit; you pay balance rected to present the same to the under III the County Court of the State of Ore- iron (or the County of .Multnomah. In the matter of the Itstate of William C, Williams deceased. Notice is hereby given of the death of William C. illiams ami that the under simied has been dulv annoiuted adndnis- tratrix of his estate Ly the County Jud;e ot Jlulliiomuli Louuty, urcRou, aim lias qualified. All persons havinc claims a- gainst tlie estate ot said deceiteul are ill- I monthly. - McKinney Columbia 2, phone lUtf. Early cabbbafie plants, head lettuce plants and kalo plants now ready for planting in your garden. These plants have been hardened outside. Heckett's Crcenhouse. North KellogR street; phone Columbia -101. 23 JOSEPH McCHESNEY. M.D. Office Room 5 signed, duly verified, as by law required, at tlie ollice oi tier attorneys, i'erkins & tuiley. 111 Hoard ol Trade tiulldiui;. 1'ortlaud, Oregou, within six mouths from the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: Friday, March 21, 1919. LAURA WILLIAMS, Administratrix. PI5RKINS& 1IAILHY. Attorneys tor Administratrix. For Sale Cheap 1(50 acre ranch in the Alberta district, Canada. For particulars see V. A. Flinn, 507 E. Tioga; phone Columbia 511. 20 Peninsula Bank Building Hours 9-to a. in.; 1-5 p. tn. aud evenings. Office phone Col. 35; Res. 910 SUCCESS HINGES ON THE BUSINESS A1ETHODS employed. And in spite of apparent ex ceptions honesty is still the best policy, We nnd tt so all the time. We find it much more satisfactory to both our pat rons aud ourselves to sell them Sporting Goods that we can honestly recommend at prices which are fair to all parties. Try dealing with us aud judge for your self. - Byerle & Armstrong j420 North Jersey Street For Sale-Six room modem house, full lot, full cement base ment. 5 min. walk from cantor of St. Johns; price $2000. part cash. Call 110 Dickens street. r u oi H Just Out ol the Oven Wholesome, crisp loaves of the finest ( bread in town. Scientifically baked in the most modern ovens. Prepared under strict sanitary methods. We wouldn't think of using any but the very best flour. Fresh daily aud delivered to you in time for breakfast, We hm the bt. Orders tikenfor Vcddiaj Cikr. Fenniruj's Bakery and Delicatessen 115 North Jersey Street Wood of all kinds Auto Express Prices Reasonable Prompt Seirice MIKE QOARCKE cSfiU,