St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 04, 1919, Image 1

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Forecasts Bright Future
Presaging increased activity in
the domestic and export lumber
trade is a decision of the direct
orate of the Peninsula Lumber
company located at the foot Mc
Kenna avenue and adjacent to
the plant of the Peninsula Ship
building company, to increase
the capital stock of the corpora
tion from $1,000,000 to $1,500,
uuu, wnicn is to ue carried
through tho filing ot amended
articles of incorporation.
Tho move, following as it does
the culmination of plans for
making the company's big lum
ber dock, which has a lenuth o
1000 feet, accessible for all types
of ships in the Pacific trade by
dredging both front and rear, so
tno berthing space may be in
creased, is the initial action to
ward making a stronger bid for
marketing tho famed fir of Ore
Just what is expected at first
the olliciala have not disclosed.
other Mian there is a possibility
of a strong movement of lumber
to tho Alnntic coast through the
canal. Much of tho dock space
was given up during the war to
the outfitting of shinB. tho Pen
insula plant turned out its own
design in tho way of a -iOOO-ton
turbine-driven steamer. Tho
dock is equipped with trackage
facilities, as well au gear for
handling lumber in units, and
speedy work is possible in dis
patching cargoes.
F. C. ltnapp, president of the
company, said tho conviction
that by adding to reconstruction
features as u means of taking
care of unemployed in the full
the northwest would bo swinging
along under a faster commercial
atrido than ever, wus responsible
for the company making prepar
ations, first to pave tho way for
reducing the number of idle
workers and then bo ready to
meet some of tho demands tho
trade would make on Orecon
manufacturers for material. His
forecast was expressed as
It is my absolute belief that
it will take tho United States as
a whole possibly two years after
tho signing of tho peace treaty
to adjust itself to peace-time
conditions and to get tho bus!
ness of the country running fair
)y smooth, At tho end of this
period, and 1 believe two years
will be the extremo limit, there
will undoubtedly be manufac
tured, sold and dclivorcd moro
American-made goods than any
figures which would bo compiled
by the average citizen today.
While this period will apply to
tho United States in general, I
do not think it will apply to tho
Pacific northwest. On tho other
hand, I believo you will see the
business of this northwest terri
tory reaching a very high lino of
prosperity inside of six months
after tho signing of tho treaty
of peace, and I believe it is up
to tho citizens of this territory
who are capable of so perfecting
their organization that they can
tako care of this prosperity to
tako such steps, thereby helping
to solve the present question of
unemployment, the future ques
tion of land settlement, world
demands for our products and
placing of this territory on the
man of the world in a way that
will mean permanency.- Ore-gonian.
Letter From France
Robert Anderson is in receipt
of tho following interesting
letter from his son, Lowell, who
has had quite an extensive and
varied naval experience:
Many Articles Taxed
Not Taking a Chance
"Poor Jim has been sent too
lunatic asylum," said the barbor,
flourishing a shiny razor over
his customer. "Who's Jim?"
said the man in the chair. "Jim
is my twin brother, sir, Jim
kept brooding over the hard
times, an I suppose he finally
got crazy." "Is that so?"
"Yes, he and me worked side by
side for years, and we are fio
alike we couldn't tell each other
apart. We both brooded a great
deal, too. No money in this
business now." "What's the
reason?" "Prices too low. Un
less a customer takes a shampoo,
it doesn't pay to shave or hair
cut. Poor Jim, I caught him
trying to cut a customer's throat
because he refused a shampoo,
so 1 had to have the poor fellow
locked up. Makes me sad.
Sometimes I feel sorry I didn't
let him slash all he wanted to.
It might have saved his reason.
Shampoo. Sir?" "Yes!"
Globe and Anchor.
The Revenue Act of 1918 pro
vides taxes on many urticles of
general use. On and after Feb
ruary 25, 1919, manufacturers of
Mm fnllnwimr nrtiVlpanrn twin it.
u. &. &. uuuaio, i'onta Delgata, ed to pay a tax upon their pro-
Azores, Alar, o, 1919. Mrs. and ducts when sold: Automobiles,
Mr. Robt. Anderson Dear motorcyles, automobile trucks,
Mother and Dad: Two months tires, inner tubes, parts or
and five days have passed and 1 1 accessories for automobiles and
The Price She Paid
haven't read one letter from
you or any one. 1 can't imagine
where our mail is. Well we
have a new port now and expect
to be hero nil summer. We left
Gibraltar, Spain, on a liberty
cruise for Villcfrancho Feb. 7th,
we stayed until the 19th,and be
lieve me we had some time, li-
berty every day. Ville is only J
No matter what doctor writes
your prescription we can fill it
and do it RIGHT. We are
PHARMACISTS of 12 and Ihir
teen years experience. CURRIN
NU tha lafel an your papar.
a small place but its on v
twenty min. ride on the tramway
to Niece, France, and we made
nearly all our liberties n Niece.
except when wo visited Monty
Carlo. Niece is a rest billet for
the soldiers and nurses, and I
went to dances evorv niirht.
Our slim wus the onlv shin in
thot port and believo mo wo wore
treated lino by nil the nurses and
soldiers. I had over n hundred
dollars saved and I snent nil and
I don't believe I will ever roirret
spending it thero because I saw
things thnt 1 will never get to see
UK'"", inuy mivu u mrgu i, j,
C. A. in Nfcco for Hold i era mid
sailors and a swell theater and
dance hall. I looked my eyes out
thinking I would run into Uncle
Ray but did not run across him.
I made a trip to Monty Carlo, it
suro was interesting to go there.
Monty Carlo is a little country
ofull its own: it belongs to u
Count who bought it from Franco
somo years ngo; he has the larg
est gambling Casino there in
the world and every building is
just me nncst there la: one
couldn't began to explain unless
you could sco for yourself.
The citizens of Montico do not
mvo to pay any tax, the ganib
ing house keeps upallexncnses.
but tho citizens nro not allowed
to gamble Wo went thru with
the Y. M. C.A.. party and every
body was given a book tellinir all
about Monty Carlo. This
gambling houso was only broke
once nnd the man that broke
Monty Carlo was Harry K. Thaw
and he only had them broke two
days and afterwards he went
back and lost nearly everything
le had won. Ihere is n arge
cilli just n ways from tho Casino
and it is said that French people
como there and loso their foi tJiio
and then go jump oil this cliff to
end their troubles.
This count wanted to make
Monty Carlo n rest place for tho
American soldiers and the U. S.
said no, your country is neutral,
so this Count raised a standing
army of ono hundred and twenty
six men and declared war against
Germany and sent these men
with the Fronch to tho front. So
now wo huvoalargo Y, M. C. A.
there, also several thousand
soldiers at rest there and every
man cost U. S. government
twenty-six francs each day for
sleep and eat. Twenty-six
rancs is almost live dollars, not
quite. I met lots of boys from
Washington but none from Port-
and; we had about a hundred
nurses and soldiers aboad ship
everyday for dinner and they
sure did enjoy our navy chow.
Ono little nurse told mo she did
n't see why tomatoes grew be
cause all she got to eat was
tomatoes every meal. The day
before we left wo gave a turkey
dinner and the nurses all said
they wished they had of joined
the navy and tho soldiers liked
to of went wild over the dinner
and I'll say myself it wa3 good
because I jumped in and helned
put it out although I never had
to because I am doing the butchering.
Ray sends his best records to
all and says to say he weighs
almost 150 lbs. and I weight
over 175, so you see we are al
most getting fat on our jobs. I
have lots of pictures of France
and other places where I have
been. I hope you take very cood
care of the ones that I have sent
home because I want a larire
collection when I get back to the
U. S. A. Well, I most close for
this time, hoping to hear from
you soon, i remain, your son,
trucks, pianos, organs phono
graphs and records, tennis
rackets, skates, base-ball goods
and other snorting goods, chew
ing gum, cameras, photogrophic
films and plates, candy, firearms
and cartridges, hunting Knives,
electric fans, thermos bottles.
cigar and cigarette holders and
pipes, hunting and shooting
garments and riding habits.
articles made of fur, toilet soaps
and toilet powder. Tho manu
facturers of any of these articles
should communicate atonce with
Collector Milton A. Miller to
ascertain their liability. Tho
tox on these articles docs not
apply to stocks in the hands of
dealers, but only to articles sold
on and after February 25, 1919,
by tho manufacturer.
Another section of the Act
provides a tax of 10 per cent up
on sculpture, paintings, statuary
and other objects of art, when
sold by any other person than
the artist. Therefore, any dealer
handling this class of goods
should apply for information as
to his liability.
On and after April 1st, there
will be a tax of 5 per cent upon
sales of all articles commonly or
commercially known as jewelry,
including precious metals or
imitations thereof, and
When he comes home again,
the boy I gave,
1 do not ask that neighbors' flags
shall wave.
A crowded depot need not honor
Nor bands break forth with pat
riotic vim.
Someway, when ho comes back,
I'd shrink from pomp
For 'twas but yesterday we used
to romp.
When he steals in to bring a glad
I hope i do not lind Mini grown
too wise:
1 will not look for medals on his
Nor beg for hero-tales he never
Indeed, a mother is not honor
'Twill mean far more to kiss my
little ladl
When he stnndslhcro beside my
knitting chair.
The living answer to a long, long
I'll tell him what I could not
whisper then,
'PI tt It iiM.iiiiifl t 1 iitf itM An
to pen:
And he, my soldier son, at last
shall know
The prico 1 paid the day I watch
ed him go I
Roscoo Gllmoro Stott.
If you think you know what
you nro doing you can generally
mnku other people think the same
way, even if you don't. Order
any group of idle workmen to
start tearing up a turcct and
they'll do it without questioning
your authority, because they
what streets are
watches. clocltH and nuoru irluns
cs. lis tax s to bo co ected khow uiai ih
by tho dealer upon such goods iorv- hx.
when sold to tho user, and every I
Btore in Oregon handling any of I ' ir miincrintinn.
The Best Place In Town to Buy OVERALLS
! Hip Rubber Boots
X llctv)' Ciiulc I'nioii Mu le
Jumpers $1 .95
I Blue Bib Overalls $2,35
Men's Coveralls
! Ladles' Pant-a-Dress
I Carpenters white Qveralls$2.Q0
i Waist Overalls $2,00
Tennis Shoes Gloves
Get Hiat Royal
l&iloxed Look?
10c o cr
Kovaf Matw-tO'Mcasun:
Suits amtOwmcits
$25, $28.50, $31, $35,
.$'10, $'15 and $50
202 N. JERSEY ST. Open Eveninrje
AuUiri ii lUM'Uiit Dt.di r
The royal tailors
these lines must collect this tax
upon all sales made commencing
April 1st. 1919. In order that a
complete list of dealers in thoso
goods may be compiled, all such
dealers should send their namos
to the Collector at Portland,
stating tho business engagod in,
On and after May l. iuiy.
there will he a tax collected from
the gooda by tho seller. Other
now taxeB are on shooting
gulleries which will pay $20.00
a year, riding academies which
will nay $100.00 a year, "for
hire' cars to pay $10.00 a year
for each car having a seating
capacity of more than two and
not moro than seven, and $20.00
for each automobile having a
the purchaser of ice cream, soda Boating capacity of moro than
water, and such other refresh
ments of this kind as are served
at soda fountains and similar
nlaces of businoss. Owners of
soda fountains and ico cream
parlors should be sure to have
their names listed with tho
Collector at once.
On and after May 1st. 1919,
the luxury tax will be effective,
This provides that a tax of 10 per
cent shall be collected bv the
seven, it is tho intention of the
Internal Uevenue uureau to give
wide publicity to the vurioun
provisions of the new Act, but
it should not bo forgotten that
the taxpayer is supposed to
aicertain his liability, and that
ignorance of the law i'b not held
by the courts to be a valid reason
for not complying with tho law.
Collector Miller will bo pleased
to furnish all information upon
Wanted to Rent A furnished
house or Bungalow 4, 5 or G
room modern, in or near the
center of St. Johns. Address P.
O. Box 1106, Portland.
Room and board. Man and
wife or young ladies preferred.
Mrs. C. R. Chadwick, 219
Swenson street.
dealer from the purchaser on j request, nut onviousiy has no
carpets and rugs selling at over means of reaching everyone
$5.00 a square yard; picture 'atfocted by tho Act and notify
frames, trunks, valises, purses, I ing them individually of their
portable lighting fixtures, urn-! liability.
brellas, fans, smoking jackets,
men's waist coats, men's and
There is one business that we
know and that is the drug busi
or hose, and women's silk stock
ings or hose, men's shirts and
men's and women's pajamas,
nightgowns and underwear,
kimonas. petticoats and waists.
Practically every store in Oregon
will be affected by this tax,
which will apply to all that part
of the price for which the goods
are sold in excess of the price
stipulated in the Act.
On and after May 1st, 1919,
perfumes, essences and extracts,
dentifrices and similar articles,
as well as pills, tablets, powders
and other medicinal prepara
tions, will be subj'ect to a tax of
one cent on each twenty-five
centi or fiaction. This tax
will be paid by stamps affixed to
Here is a new one told as hon-
women's hats, caps, boots, shoes,! truth: One of
pumps and slippers, men h neck--tho unitsat Camp Lewis, Wash.,
ilea miu nccitvt uur, aiir DiwMiiKa
had in its ranks a chronic whist
lor. In barracks, at drill, every
where and all the time this
soldier whistled, and sugges
tions, threats, sarcasm about his
musical effort all rolled off him
like water olF a duck's back.
There was no stopping his
whistling. Finally an officer
took the man in hand. "You
stand out thereatattention,' the
officer commanded, "and whistle
for an hour." The soldier
grinned and obeyed. For one
hour he stood in the company
street, whistling "The Star
Spanglod Banner." And for an
hour officers and soldiers stood
at attention with him.
City Hall Doings
Commissioner Munn wants n
geological survey made of Bull
Run lake, but ho has not yet made
up his mind to ask for an appro
priation from the council to pay
the expenses of a noted govern
ment ireolotrist. Mr. John Diller.
The purpose of the survey is to
insure a lasting water storage.
Mayor Baker has returned to
the City from his sojourn in the
oast, having been absent for
nearly a month. He has been
attending several conventions
and at the same time making
himself acquainted with civic
affairs in the large cities of the
east. He is now again at his
post and from now on will give
his entire attention to the duties
of the office.
The city council will act upon
tho recommendation of Com
missioner Perkins resolution in
creasing the appropriation of the
Rose Festival from $2,500 to $5,
000 this week. This is on account
of the nature of the celebration,
it being held at a time when the
city should give the returned
soldiers and sailors a hearty and
cheerful welcome, and at the
same time to show tho apprecia
lion of Portland's citizens.
Smelt Running Big
Teacher of Piano
Technic nnd hand tlevelopnuui,
Pupils developed from lwglutiiuje 10
public appearance.
Studios 507.8 Columbia bldg.
Sir North Kellog street.
Phones--Main 3319; Col. 5ol.
Mrs. Gabriel PiiIlitT
Vocal Teacher
Commissioner Perkins has
drafted an ordinance compelling
every police ollicer to act ub a
deputy license inspector. Under
this plan tho police officers on
their respective beats will ascer
tain if licenses have been secured
and report to the officials at the
license bureau. Commissioner
Perkins states that in this
manner the whole city will bo
covered at hardly any exponso to
tho city and will increase the
revenue by thousands of dollars
which has heretofore been lout.
Commissioner Perkins is now in
stalling new furniture in the
licetse bureau and by the lime
ev ry thing is in shape it will be
of Immense benefit not only
to the employees but also in the
accomodation of tho public.
It has como to knowledge of
the Cr.y Commissioners that
there is a certain prejudice
among landlords or this city
against renting to discharged
soldiers and sailors rooms in a
partmcnt hotisos were tho family
consists of more than man and
wife, Mrs. A. li. Richards of
the housing bureau, has made
the complaint and intends to go
before the local clubs and ntnrt
a movemnt to secure homes for
tho service men. Commissioner
Bigelow says
and mothers
homes in Portland because they
uippen to have children there
would bo little incentive for
young people to get married."
It 's vory probable that tho city
council will be compelled to take
some definito action in regard to
this matter and assist the land
ords in dovising ways and
means of housing families with
aro hurred ironi
Smelt! Smelt! Smelt! Tons of
glistening smelt dipped wriggl
ing from tho Sandy river! Smelt
for the market, smelt for supper,
smelt to salt away for tho house
hold larder, jolting with knock
out blows tho hich cost of living.
Saturday tho smelt begun to
run in the Sandy. Funny how
rapidly tho news spread. By 1
o'clock Sunday morning, whole
families with dipnets, buckets, ,
any old thing to dip'em up with,
were arriving at the Sandy river j
bridge, just tho other side of 1
Troutdulo 1 which ought hence
forth to be cahed Smeltdale.)
These early comers were just
the vangunrd of a multitude who
came to tho Sandy Sunday for,
smelt. From every point and
rock on both sides of the river a-
u iiw11inlnu flm 1itflrrn Him
dii poG .1 their nets and hauled' hlJYlhK SmiMl
out the smelt.
Thoy oiuno in nutomobiles, on Violin Instruct 011
motorcycles, in trucks mid be- STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Stuutt
hind Old Dobbin in tho family ' . . ,
buggy. Tho interurbun from I,,nHC -"""'"
Montavilla to Troutdulo had to t "
run extra cars to accommodnlo YlrS.DertliaC. Dlll'dlCK
tho rush. Some oven walked out. (
Dlflplitmu MrentliitiK. l'nrwunt Tone
plnceliifiit ami Cli-nr
Pupil taught i takr pnit 111 Trlo and
1 0(5 !.oiul):itl St. l'houo Columbia 19i
' Mrs. Frank A. Rice"
Tl Ml M HI'
Violin, Mandolin and Piano
I'lillll ill Nnltc ll.linr
StlHllo; V .1 lid Si ti t
1 Telephone Columliiit ;tXl
1 l'Uiltt limy titcomt' Member, nl Ihr JurfHtt
' Oiclir.ltn which HI mnke t'ulillc HMmMHHt
, monthly.
Fine Program Rendered
An Union Missionary meeting
of the St. Johns churches was
conducted under the leadership
of the W. C. T. U. at the Advent-
ist church laul Friday with the
allowing program: Opened by
Mrs. Scott with words of wel
come. All sang the Missionary
lymn. Mrs. Burton then took
charge of the devotions, reading
tho twenty-seventh Psalm, fol-
owed by prayer: Homo Missions
iy Mrs. Cook; Mexico and the
.iquor Problem by Mrs. II. U.
Adams: Tho Call of Central
America by Mrs. J. M. Shaw:
South America Problems, Mrs.
Smhoff; Solo, Mrs. Overstreet;
teconstruction work In Europe,
Mrs. Benjamine; reading by Mrs.
Geo. Hall; Africa. Mrs. Blair;
a solo by Miss Alsbergo; Tho
Cull of tho Orient, Mrs. J. C.
Scott. Closed by singing Work
for the Night is Coming, and
Aronic Benediction. -Reporter.
Six deputy shorms and traffic
officers were kept in a sweat ull
day handling the swarm of auto
mobiles. From Troutdulo down
to the bridge and beyond it, a
full half link', oars were parked
on "both sides of tho highway,
and in every open parking space
they were three, four, even half
a dozen (Uep. And every moment
more cars arriving to add to the
The 15 miles of highway be
tween Portland and Troutdulo
duriui! tho whole of Sunday was
coveted with two streams of
automobile ti utile ono going to
the Sandy, the other returning.
From the fronts or backs 'of
most of the cars on going "tit
projected the handles or basin ss
ends of dipnets. Packed on tho
hoods and running boards of tho
cars returning wore gunnybagii,
Hour Hacks boxes, buckets,
barrels and baskets full of smelt.
It made no difference what
kind of a dipnet was used. It
was all the name to tho smelt.
Somo fishermen had nice "store"
dipnolH. But those with flour
sacks hold open by a wire
grummet and fastened to any old
kind of a stick dipped them out
just as fast.
I hero we cu about as many
arietioH of dipping them out as
there woro dipnolx, too. Aloui
of tho liHhorH stood on tho Khoru
and reached out into tho current
where tho looming schools wore
swimming. Bolder spirit wad
ed right into tiie stream and
scooped them up. And some,
ko tho fishermen of ualilee. did
their fishing from boats. Tho
boats, however, were moored to
tho shore for the current was too
swift for paddling.
But they all got Hiuelt. Buck-
otfulH, bagfuls, wagon loads of
them. And for every umult wiio
yielded up his life in a dipnet,
hundreds of others pressed up
stream in mass formation for tho
spawning grounds,
Tho annual smelt run in tho
Sandy usually continuus from
0110 to two weeks. It ends al
most us abruptly as it begins,
(Ueetititnte of the KovaI AcntUmy
of Music, London.)
Teacher of Piano
1957 llodgr St. Phone Col. 873
I'lione M11I11 8!MK. Colitinlim 101
Perkins & Bailey
Hoard of Truilo lluilillnn
St. Jotm Olllirxllli I'rnln.ul.i Smurlty Co,
Hours I toll I'. M.
W.J. Ollrtmp. M.I). U.K. Stly, M.I),
Drs. Gilstrap & Seely
Physicians and Surgeons
Glasses Accurately Fitted
y.lNMolUM. OI'l'ICIW
l;:t0lo i :Ml P. M. IVnln.uli
7:00 to 8:00 l. M. unity ,U
Sumhiyit, !I.(V) to 10 :K) . M.
Dr. Evarl P. Borden
Painless Kxtmction of Tcvtli uiidor
Nitroiis Oxide Gun
Ollice I'eiiliiMilu Hunk bldg.
Ollii-r phono Col. IU.'i. h pliniip Cul. ITT ,
mi' i , h p. m.
Mourn- U 12 u. in
l :to r.
"A police court isn't all grim
and sordid," remarked Judge
White the other day. Sometimes
something really funny happens,
Not so very long tgoa chauireur
was brought in alter having run
down a man, " 'Did you know
that if you struck this pedostrian
ho would bo seriously injured''
I asked. M 'Yes, iir,' replied
tho chauffeur. " 'Then why
didn't you zigzag you cur and
miss himV "'lie wus zigzaging
himself and out guessed me,
your honor," he answered."
Pittsburg Sun.
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
311 North Jersey Street
I)ny Phone
Coin inliia 1)7
Klglll PhWM
Colli inbid (JOQ
I'lione Columbia 371;
Ku. Columbia 1131
Dr. F. P. SchuKze
Physician and Surgeon
Kooin 10 l'cniiiMilu Hank Itutldiitfc
OMkc llmirtiH tu 12 A. M I to I. ,VI.
Kvcuiiik 7 t U
I'tmliiMita lUuik lllilu.
OH'ue I'Iiohw CoImmiuu 1 iM
Tin- vlmv wlun- kihmI m iiiii' iH
Mill I U'l Jilt trt'Htllll'llt I'll Mill. OlllllU'U'n
iMir rutting rt-ti-ivi- -pti 1 il .itu-iiluw,
Davis Barber Shop
S. W. DAVIS, I'rep'irler
108 Philadelphia St. Hath 25c
Wo have sold a large numbor
of talking machinoH in this dis
trict and all our patrons are
Not th I ik I en if our pager,
Two Modern Cottr ,is of four rooms each. These are
ine little homes for two people. Thev are close to the In
dustries beinic numbered 503 Osweiro and (500 Hudson St.
The Oswego street property is on a lot 50xG0and the Hud
son street 40x100.
Either of these can be bought just like paying rent.
While you are paying rent waiting for Heal Estate to como
down you will pay enough to offset the difference (and it
may not come down) and get nothing. These houses are
priced at the cost a year ago and all building material
and labor have increased in price since then.
Bonham & Currier.
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
208 N. Jersey Street
I'lwm v I'n.iiiiiliu &2?
cilu:uliiu 2119
Autoiutjliik- Ik arse
Gel Our Pr'ces Before Going It Pwllaid
Mother's New Home Restaurant
109 S. Jersey St.
Meals .10c. Shipbuilder' Lunch 2oe
(Juick Service
Ili-kt ItatltiK I'l.u v ui at. John
MRS. S.J. Hl.l.Hh, l'ruprirtrt-
402 N. Jursey Street
AbttrucW of Title I'lt'iml
Talc KxuuiiiMul
Thone Culituiliiu 255
Wiring, Fixtures and Repairing
C. L. Dearlove
Phone Columbia 374 1673 HaVCIl St.