St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 14, 1919, Image 3

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Ctfwdact ovjv jd
Department Always at Your Service
Quartered Oak Dressers
$1 AW
Choice selection of D rcssers. Beautiful pieces
of furniture. Manufactured of select nmterial.
Made by expert workmen.
Colonial Style
Quartered oak, case 19x38. mirror 22x28,
1 drawers $31.00
Quartered oak, case 21x12, mirror 2Jx30l 38.75
Quartered oak, Clicffonicrs to match.
0 drawers, lop 19x34, mirror 1-1x18, 31.00
Swell Front Style
Quartered oak Princess, long oval mir
ror 18x40 34.50
Quartered oak, top 22x42, mirror 24x30, 30,00
Special Terms
$3.50 Cash and $1 a Week
Your Credit is Good.
Cash or Credit St. Johns
In taking inventory we find wo arc overstocked in
some lines. Here is your opportunity to save money.
Prices arc not going to bo lower for some time.
Reg. Sale price
9.m Wnsli Rmlnrs 1 70
8.00 Oil Heaters G.50 I
2,50 Carpet Sweeper 1.79 t
1.00 Guaranteed Dutcher Knife 70 t
1.00 White Enamel Coffee Pots 73
.75 Polishing Mop 50
l.fif) Flnshlirrhrs ' 1.17
' o .
Those tire onlv n few of the bargains wo offer. x
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Agency for Goodyear Tires
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
The Consumer Pays The Bi
Do you have your groceries delivered? If
you do you pay for it. Or. do you have a
grocery charge account? If you do, you the
consumer, pay the bookkeeper and you the
consumer of groceries pay for the losses in
curred through credit accounts. Think it
over. The Grabateria Cash and Carry Gro
cery has passed the city inspection as all
groceries must if they continue in business.
All the help at the Grabateria hold cards
from the Health Board stating that their
health qualification permit them to handle
food products. We believe we are stating
just plain facts when we say our buying ca
pacity of Groceries is as large as any on the
East side. Why? Because we have the
outlet; it is known that quantity purchases
obtain the best prices. Our sales are con
centrated because we do not go out of our
own zone. Who pays for the long deliver'
trips from Portland? You the customer;
think it over.
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Phone Columbia 138
I05 North Jersey St.
f ocal News
Bring in your job printing.
Povertylfs always unfortunate,
seldom criminal and never any
thing to brag about.
E. W. McLean, in the forostry
service in Clatsop county, ia
spending several days with his
family here.
C. 11. Chadwick
tended visit to his
is on an ex
old home in
The regular meeting of the W.
C. T. U. will be hold at the home
of Mrs. Turrcll, G17. B. Chicago
Stroct, Monday afternoon.
K. O. Magoon, who holds
responsible position at a ship
yam in Astoria, spent Severn
days in St. Johns this week.
House Bill No. 410. Introduced
by D. C. Lewis, giving to the
city oxtrn tomtom jurist! ct on.
so that all the Peninsula district
can be sewctvd, pnssod tho House
Monday. When the bill becomes
a law it will mean much to this
district, it is said.
II. 13. McDnniels. 02. n car
pentcr, was severely cut about
the head ami faco when he was
struck and knuckod down by an
automobile near St. Johns. The
name of tho driver of the auto
mobile was not obtained by the
police, Buys Monday's Orogontan.
Sidney Balke, aged 7 years, of
312 Smith avenue, died 1'eb.
11th, of diphthnrin.
A child is often happy about
nothing and an adult is unhappy
about the same thing.
ltlcctrlc Vacuum
1'. CInrJe.
Cleaner (or rent. It.
Do not foil to sec the demon
strations in rapid painting by E.
F. Gos3 at Ormandy's store.
Persons desiring home made
Dr. Mulkey, Tho Dentist, 108i
South Jersey street.
Lnudor makes records exclu
sively for tho Victor. Hear him
any day at Currins.
For Sale. $240 Columbia
At t ic Mot hot list enure u u a.
m. the subject will no: "Tito
Much DiBcttHsed Sabbath Cues
tlon-What Shall Wo HoliovoV"
At 7:30 p. m. Evorybody'B ser
vice, "unlit on Living issues"
will illuminate this hour. Sio-
cial music.
J. II. Osborne is tho first
ctim of the mysterious hic
cough epidemic which linn been
swucping Lou Angolon for tho
ast threo weeks. I'ltysicinns
attributed his death to hiccough!1.
Modical authorities are as unfiled
by the peculiar epidemic as they
tave boon by influenza.
Tho young Ladlos of tho St.
Clomonts church, will give u
dance this, Friday, ovening.
Misses Graco Royttr, Ida Tooling,
.illian button, nmi Arlinu Berry
am tho eommittoo in citargo of
the dance. Mr. and Mrs; J. F.
McKenna will choperono the
Mrs. Jennio Cota hr.B boon in
St. Johns the past week nrotia-
ng an interest in our people to
ward purchasing and using Ore
gon made products. Mrs. Cota
s sent out by tho Oregon Indus
try Loague, and she can stir up
enthusiam along this linn if any
one can. Her mission is cer-
ainly a laudabio ono and her
efforts dosorvo great success.
A. D. Clark is manager of tho
S. L. Cormany and A .A.
Amroin have purchased tho lunch
room and confectionery store of
I. D. Boam on Jersey street.
taking possession of the same
uesday. Mr. Amrojn ts an ox-
nert nastry maker and home
cooking and home baking will bo
continued. Mr. and Mrs. Beam
tave made a splendid success of
the business, and there is no
reason why tho new proprietors
will not do likewise.
A birthday party was given
tor uatnerine uassi. uames
were played, after which de-
icious refreshments wero serv
ed. All had a very good time.
Those present were: Laura
Rogers, Dorothy Berry, Doris
McKenna. Marien Kernon,
Harriet kernon, Madesta Atche-
son, Helen uoot, viola uassi,
Mane Prudham. Minna Kettle
and Catherine Rassi. Sho re
ceived many beautiful presents.
Mrs. William Cannon and
Goldie Cannon, of 284 Watts
street, suffered cut3 and bruises
in an automobile collision at
Lombard and Penninsula streets
Sunday night. William'Cannon,
driver of one of the machines,
reported to tho police that ho
was driving east on Lombard
street and turned north on Pen
insula, when another machine
bearing license number 7219
crashed into his car. According
to the license records at the
police station the latter machine
was owned by Alex Ritacca of
cakes, pies, cookies, or anything; Graphanola, including records,
in me line oi iancy pasiry, may
obtain samo uy caning or
addressing Mrs. C. R. Chadwick,
210 N. Swenson.
Miss Anna Pearl Krumrcy is
a new arrival at the home of A.
A. Krumrey. Jr., 902 E. Oswe
go Street. Tho little miss tip
ped tho scales at nine pounds.
Mrs. Krumrey was formerly
Miss Inez Eatinger.
Now is tho timo to plant rose
hushes perennial plants and fruit
trees. Let mo have your order
now and I will deliver when you
are roady to plant. My stock is
tho best opbtainablo and the
prices reasonable. Beckett's
Greenhouse, 814 Nor; h Kellogg
street; phono Columbia 401 18
Ollicors of the Rcbokah
Assembly were pleasantly enter
tained last Wednesday ovening
at tho I. O. O. F. Hall by mem
bers of Ltturclwood Rcbokah
Lodgo No. 100. Tho attendance
was large, and the addresses
appropriate and instructive, just
to the point. A regular "before
tho wn' " luncheon was en
joyed by all. Assembly ollicors
present: .Jennie liurke, Presid
ent; Jospio J nr vis, vice presid
ent; hda Jacobs, treasurer;
Ethel Weldrum, Marshal; Nora
Harnett and Charlotte wordman,
past presidents. Hoe. Sec.
Tho serviced at the St. Johns
Baptist church for Sunday will
be of special intorest. The Ser
mon at ii:uu a. m. will ho upon
'Up to-dato Honesty." At 7:30
tho subject will bo, "What Lack
I Vet." Sunday will bo the be-
gining of a series of revival ser
vices to be continued for some
timo. Fach evening next vraek,
different pastors from tho city
will preach. Ihoso will bo an
nounced from ovening to ovon-
ng. Arrangements aro being
made for an evangelist to take
charge tho second week. To nil
of thoso services tho public is
very cordially invited. E,
ittrton, Pastor.
An all day session of tho Mult
nomah County W. C. T. U. In
stitute will bo held at tho Moth
odist church, corner of Lenvitt
nnd Syracuse Streets, Thursday,
"eb. 20. beginning at 10 A. M.
An interesting program has been
proparod. Devotionals will be
conducted by Mrs. Burton.' A
round table discussion of
Mother's Work will be led by
Mrs. Kerr. Noon tide prayer.
n the afternoon Moral Education
will bo the theme. Mrs. Corning.
State Superintendent, will pre
side There will bo special
music and tho White Ribbon
quartette Till sing, Lunch will
be served at the noon hour. All
visitors will bring sandwiches
and tho local union will erve
coffee, salad, beans, and cake.
All members and friends of the
W. C. T. U. are invited to spend
the day together. A special in
vitation is extended the men at
the noon hour.
for $150. Will take Liberty
bonds. Also one now 9x12 rug
S20. Hoos or Cabinet. 42-1 bast
Tyler street, East St. Johns.
If my work pleaBesyou; please
to 1 vnur fr ends. 11 not, let
mo. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
Hunt Hint Cold. Our cold bus
tors will do it. CURRIN SAYS
When in need of Btnall arti
cIob. irot them at tho G-10-lCc
store. St. JoIiiib; In tho Penln
stiln National Bank Building.
We invito tho St.JohnB people
to call at 120 Philadelphia St.,
and inspect the beautiful now
Shoo Repair Shop, and got our
very reasonablo prices. is.
Simons, Prop.
Money back for broken prom
ises. That's our system. Cur-
rir. Suys So.
Iir Sale. Plot of ground 100-
xGOO feet, well located, at Whit
wood Court. Prico $1000, terms.
Call at this oillcc.
For Sale Gontlomnn'B bicycle,
dressor, extension tablo, baby
bed, double bed springs. Call
224 Oswego street.
Dr. Mulkey, Tho Dentist, 108J
South Jersey strcot.
For Sale Mooern four room
bungalow with bath, COxlOO foot
lot, street improved and paid
for, in South St. Johns ; a One
home. Coll at this ollico for
more particulars.
Send Kodsk prints to tho boys
who aro not yet home. Currin
Says So.
St. Johns Fair Store, E. W.
Foy, prop.; household utility
supplies nnd general notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goods at lowest prices.
Next to Electric store.
Don't sacrifice your Liberty
Bonds. I will allow you par on
paid up or partially paid bonds,
H. J. Kirkwood. 284 Oak
Masquerade suits for rent at
214 Fos8enden street.
Down-Towu .... $2.00
Raincoat-Rogers. . . . 1.05
Saved 35
Car-Pore 12
Total-Saved 47
on one pair THICK SOLED WORK
RUBBERS. No charge accounts,
W. W. Rogers, The Raincoat Man,
NoU the label on your paper.
3utsso4ti put' 3utmj3Q "A'.ipunu'j jo spu; y
OD AUdNflVl dUVdNVlS SiiiniasojdoH
noA" uuiix
ojqssod aoAouotpw uu azuiojiix! smu noA" 'joipTos po
Sautpsip otp Aq jt8u op oi oau noA" jj 'ssoutsnq juoa oajos
op puu inu.u J wuiiqustp imoisAna joj 'iibi '3! no
poSjuipsip puu (Zi6i 'pjz 'Sny sudsjoao poputfj li6i '.?iuf
in 'A! saoDuiSujf ipgi (puupjoj jo) ,j '03 m poistjUD I
anoA" u vo 3 jaAjjfl oaui 01 ysv puu Z8Zfl JO 0818 IP
'puss 01 Aipunu( a"uu bauij uoa" 4daouoia 'os ) ssoiusnq
uijh qjoddns hoa !M
Peninsula National Bank
Okant Smith. . . l'reslilciit thm. autumn v
l'UHD C. Kn.M'P. . Vice l'rmiileut v. r. iininkkk
1'HANK 1. DltlNKKK , Vice l'rwillt'llt A. N.JOIIKft
John N. ICm.iti'UKN, . . Outlier v. c. knavv
Ciiaiu.iw II. UritiKM,, AMUtHiitCndlilfr M. K.
Stanton I,. DdiiiK, AmIkIuiiI Chli-r orant mmith
HmvAiu) K. Mokhia, AtMintnui Cuililrr 1. n. kih.iwk:
Member of Federal Reserve Bank
3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of '
It's a Topic of Intt
. L.5 I
lo nil our fclibt-ncriii, I
wm Vii'ini thM ur nn i !
UMn and tlml our M ilct' m alw i -
fitrtn. Hikv Ikii liolitit rmii',11 !
comfort mill roiivniii tt.-e f ilultit v
w with tin. In fiiiiMviucnrf. mif
triilr Minelvt' iimhi tliv ininti4, v in
cri, wr kIvc. iIk-h- it little ci
Hint wr Iviul nil in tlx- ninoli u
liimincM irmiMclxt.
301 S. Jirsoy SI.
I'lmne Col. 118
Green md
Dry S
Be Sure and Order From
St. Johns Lumber Co
Bunutlful yrey or
black arfult aaekal,
luirsf, Uo. St iiutea
ambalmlng und relln
d cervla (or
I'liiiurHls If de.ireil for W, f HI, 6U. Iliglicr prue.l (uiMraU !
(Mirtiou. Wf nianufacluia caakaU. Iauly aein(aiit.
Hceutiful fuural cbapel.
Main 2601 Independent funeral Dlrootora A 7800
Washington ut Ilia Stml, lletvr-n 2Ulh uml 2Ut Slrwl, Waal Ski
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
(514 Central Ave. N.
I'huue Columbia NbS
Car. Riekawd lad 1
Sun.liiv Siluiul
V ISO 1. M
v liruliiii ! n
I illll-k
1 . M Se
I' i r V
l.n . .30 I',
U' Icul
Sir in ;r.
iJ9p$ paten n m m
Not tha label on your pager.