St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 14, 1919, Image 2

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A. V. Marklc, Ittlltor
Publishtid Friday of Each Week
Subcerlptlgn prleo $1.00 per your.
OuHido of Multnomah County 12.00
par year in udvancc.
Advbrtisino Katm: 26 cents r inch
cnoh insertion.- Locals 5 cent lr line,
nilnimuni 26 cent. Sc.ll rutin on
yearly contract.
Tim Ukvihw l entered nt ixwt office
in Portland, Oregon, nn mull mutter
of llii: second claw under the Act of Con
res of Miircli 3, 1879.
VVhilo striking ahip workcrH
and others jammed two halls nt
Tncoma and oponly udvocatcd
and cheered Russian IJolshcvism
and suntf I. W. W. hours, the
employes of the Grant Smith
Porter shipyard with their band
paid tribute to Eric Hausur, vice
president and Kcnural manager
of the Grant Smith.Porter ship
vnrd. in Port and Sunday even
inir. It is u contrast in relations
of extraordinary character. Hi
Portland workers prosenle
rosolut ons and in Hpet'clies ex
tirussud their appreciation of th
cooperation and pleasant rcla
tiotia .between the company am.
employes. In turn, Mr. llauaer
entertained the workers ant
their wives at dinner at the.
Multnomah hotel. The story of
Mi n rnnlinlitv and coonornUon
is told in the hiirh oflicieney of
the yard. Probably no yard in
America has surpassed, if it has
utpialod, the Grant Smith-Porter
yard in piloctivunosa. such i(
Hults can only come from
pnrtnorship of ood nuniHKcmont
and iroot workmen, it is muiuu
symiiathy that produces the best
results. Tlio nest results moa
more output per man whic
moans more money with whic
to pay bettor wanes. --Journal.
One job that wu don't want i
'.hat of umpiriiiK in thleucue
of nations.
II the irtiin were Known, ns
many inon marry to ust home
cookinjr as for Iovb.- I3x. .
Thin is the year for the seven
toun year locusts. Well, como on
we've had ovorythiiiffulse.-Ex
Tlio oilier man s troimio arc
never xs serious to us as h
nocnn to think they ought to i.
As I am preparing to take an
extended Post Graduate Course
in New York, I would bo pleased
if those owing ua would come in
nnd settle their accounts. Dr.
Seely will remain in charge of
our office. 1 thank you for past
natronace and i hope to bo bet
ter able to servo you in the
future. Dr. W. J. Gilstrap.
Card of Thanks.- We desire
to express our sincere thanks to
the neighbors and friends for
their kindness and sympathy
during the illness and death of
our beloved husband and father,
also for tho beautiful floral
tributes, and assure them that
their kindness will over be
gratefully remembered. Mrs.
George Robertson und Family.
$100 Reward, $100
Thn rudders of l!'la mer wilt bo
ricanetl to loHrn that tliPte I nt lenst ono
flrpntlctl illm-nup Hint sHorco lins been
ublo to cur In nil it stnt'S. nnd that li
t'ntnrrli. Ilnll'M c'alurrh cuie l tho onlv
pusltlvo cun- now Itnmvii to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh bfiiiK n i-oiumtutlonni
(llnensc, renuln n ti ronntltuttonnl treat
tnent. Hall s Catarrh euro Is taken In
ternally, artlrnr directly tijmn the blood
nnd mucotn uurfacea of thunyatem, there
by eestroyliiff the foundation of the dm--np,
nnd kMiik Urn imtlent stietictli by
liiillillnw up tho ronatltutlon nnd u1Jt Ituf
rmturcm iIoImk lt work. Tho proprietor!)
have o much faith In It curative pow
er llml they nUcr One Hundred Dollar
for nny crntp that It fnll to cure. Hend
for list of ttmllmonlnl.
Addrem K J 'llt;NKV A CO.. Toledo, O.
Hold by all iJrtiKKlntu, lie.
Take flall'i Family I'llli for conittDntlon.
Don't throw uwny your Hrokcn
Umbrella, bring it to the
Liberty Repair Shop
We Repair Anything
937 N. Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, 0HE.
If the Huns are roally hungry
thuv might go anil hunt up u
that footl thoy st'iit'to'thu Itottom
of tho sea.--Ex.
It wns nrobahly tho next day
or two after ChriulniMS that
SlialawpeaiM remarked, "Wht
stouls my purse steals tnish."
Clothes do not nmke the man.
of course, and someliiiieti tin
lauk of them, indeed, ems tt
innko the woman. Ex.
If you do not take advantage
of your oi)ortunities it is pretti
curtain somebody will twko ml-
Ynntago of Ilium for you.
If you art) hum bio to think
clearly oarly in the morning it
means taut you imve ttwvor ein
ublo to think clearly any time.
No man is stronger than hie
atomnch but some stomachs see
strongur than men or they
wouldn't lit able to stwnd tin
abuso thuv recoivo.
Some of our statesmen are
sadly lscking ia originality.
Tho only remedy thoy can think
of for any civil ill is to
appropriate a fow more million
dollars about it.- lix.
When n man wishes to buy an
automobile and knows ho enn't
afford it, ho generally says tho
doctor has told him that hu or
mmehody in his family mutit bo
out of doors more.
Everybody knows that pro
fiteering is tho one thing that
now threatens the country's
social and political stability, hut
everybody seems to bo waiting
on ovoryliouy else to stop it.
nil m t
uio man who urns upon an
icy siuowniK and nuither orally
nor mentally uses tho strongest
rrordB ho evor heard to uxpress
me reeling, newl not worry
about his chaucos of a bright
STORE. -The landscape artist,
E. F. Gosh, is again in St. Johns,
and will give daily demonstra
tions in rapid painting. Mr.
Gobs invites tho public to visit
Ormandy's store and inspect his
work.;. lie- will bo in St. Johns
for a few days only, and it will
be tho last opportunity for some
time for St. Johns peoplo.lto
purchnsc genuine oil paintings
nt an exceedingly reasonable
price. adv.
Gen. C. C. Williams, Chief of
Ordnance, said at u Washington
dinner party: "Tho pluck of our
hoys is tremendous. If you ever
hear anything suggestive of funk
on tho dough noy b part, you can
rout assured that investigation
will clear it up. "I'd liki
volunteer for tho Infantry.
mother won't let me.' " 'What!
said u listener, n big sixfooter
liko you. and your mother won't
lot you!' 'No,' said tho young
man calmly: 'sorvo volunteered
for mine sweeping.' ' "Mine
swooping? Good gracious: that
is more dangerous than infantry
lighting by n tlarn sight " 'I
know it is,' saiil the young fcl
low, 'hut mother don't.' "
La Planie Salicious Mineral
Put up just n it conic from tlio Mint .
Good for Rheumatism, Asthma nnd l.c
rctiiB, 1'olson Oak.
full audi miilcte dlietlluin on every box
6'JJ N. (itll htttct
Phone Ilrondwiiy 10l!2 Portlntid, Ore.
cso The Green Stamp Grocery o
Succcnor lo A. W. Scluftr
Oivctis n trial. A Square DchI I ou
motto, Photic Columbia f0!j
735 Buchanan Stroot
j. ('.. Clmmheis Mrs. II. H. Ijwry
funeral Directors
'ilH-ltnU KlllliiKwnrlli Avetitm
Tuleiihoues: Woodlawu C I1SS
Mr. ClminlicrH it the only (, A. It
undertaker in tin? city of Portland.
Pt'iftoiml attention and MijwrvUloti
Kivun to arrangement.
Tho Knights and Ladies of
Socurily extend to the public a
very cordial invitation to attend
their open meeting. Monday
evening pop. 17. Tho manage'
nituit of this entertainment has
been given into tho hands of the
M.ndioH,' who aru very dosirious
of making it n success, I oth so
cially and financially. If you
want to hear some good old music
ami danco those old tlmo reels
which will remind you of those
denr tlnys "way down on the
farm." anil once again partake
or pumpkin pies and good old
codec "II Ico mother used to
make" como along Monday
evening, I-ob. 17, at a o'clock.
Everything included in tho ad
mission fee of 2b cunts. Adv.
umriie Minor, nno until ro
ceutly has been forcmnn on tho
South Ways bruexed into the
editorial sanctum last week all
decorated with buttonhole
chrysanthemum nru! n blush on
hiw clieeku that only tho
inntrlmoninl fovor can give
Right away wo know that Char
lie's foot had slipped and we
tried toollor him such sympathy
ms would ho appropriate to out'
who had taken his first false
step. After ho had shifted tin
essily from ono foot to anothor
for ten minutes and hitched up
ms trousers until tlioy Had work
ed themselvoa into knickerbock
ers, he bashfully admitted that
tho "deed was did." Some of
us friends say that ho was so
turned excited when tho hitch
ng ceremony was in tirocress
that ha slipped tho ring on tho
girl's inumb, Anyhow wo told
tlmrlie, who is a lino fellow.
that we'd buy something nice
a lion t him so we won't mention
that thumb business at all. To
lim and his fair bride, who woa
formerly Miss '1 iieresa Houschor.
we all unite in wlstimir him tho
ery heat of good luck unit
iappines3."Uoing Some,"
Real Estate!
Central Location
Thirteen years in the busi
ness in St. Johns.
ListyourProperty with Us
We AlaKe Sales
S. C. Cook
402 N. Jersey Street
In lh CI t. ult Court of the SUU- of Ort
uoii fur MulliioiufchCouHlv.
MhIm! I,. Ituiil. PLiliilllT.
Chat If I'.. iMiit. DWriidMUl.
lo Climli H. hunt. thUi hmhmni
Von n' hml cottmudl to ammir
and uiinwfr or otherwiMi &m Ih tlw
nlxivi' rulllltrtl null nll rtlwt ymi IH
the hIuvv viitillttl nun ami Com t am Of
iH'furc I't'hnMuy iil. 1U10. or Imw n
plaint theiein will l tnkwu m eoulaami
and PUIuliif will tak jmiinent Mlnt
ytMt lor uivort'v illicit mi limy ir in
her will ronipUlut niton the uronml of
eriu-i huh innuiimii irrMtmiti.
Thin kUinuKMu ihiMUnmI in tn St.
John Kwiew forain mwfivt hIu
imwtwiU tu ordrr l I Ion. neurit V.
fitat'Uton. PimiditiK Inline of lb nbovt
fiiliticti court, tuftUvantl vhumwI m rwt-
land, OrvgoH, jHiiiMry 7, IS IB,
IMlt of niat iHblivatio Janunrr 10.
lOISi. iMtc of Ut latblicftttuM PvlHHHry
i i. uuy.
A. W.
Attorney fur innlntlS.
Hit) Piltock lllttck lVttlnud, Orvnoa.
Notice To Creditors
Representative Holm, of Ken
tucky, a .nng u wsr tsx aigu
mcnt, iuij utis story oi u laxr
nun: "1 nskod this man how
he managed to paw away tho
time, since he hnd ueen too lnsy
to learn either to rosd or write.
Wal,' ho answered, taking a
fresh chow of tobacco, 'some
times I set an' think, an' same
times, if it's too hot, I just set, ' "
Cards of thanks notices sre
charged for at tho rata of fifty
conts ouch, 1'orsons dosiriug to
have such noticos published
should make a note of this.
Do Away With Mental Laoies.
ThmVa little dlfforoneo htvim tlio
uidl llml ult cHiltii; bluiikly out of
tlio window nnd the mini who Mts ut
tho dtk conscious of mnch to do hut
uimldo to ktnrt thlim. A trimtit inlnd
l ituro to omlwrrniw wny ono w ho nor
uilt iiumUhI IniMM. Wlmt rlKht Imvo
you to ho droMuiliiK of tho ulrl you
lulicht huvo umrrliHl whou you Imvo
tied u to imotliorl Wlmt's tho uso
of tunning Hhoiit tho ordor you lust
yesterday? .NothhiK you cun do todiiy
ottu reileom It. The only thing pos-
llile U to take your medicine like n
mau nnd fortify yoursolf with every
ililiiK u)ilod to IhiuI the next oue. for
got tho iw.t nnd miiko the prosont
eount. After Mil you nre living today
Hint have lwi only for tomorrow".
Think In term of making tho most of
uhut you Iwvo ami the rosult will he
t'litentl u the erotllt tide of the ludgor
Merely Wanted the Materials.
)oit uwrrled my daughter think
hits ld iwv the way for you In husi-
newt U llml Itr
"Wl eruot nxHCtly, I'd do the
imvlng, hut 1 thought you might fur-
uiti tlw riK'ks." Uoston Hvenliig
In the County Court of thcSttof Oi.
Kou for the County f Multnomah.
in lir umllir 01 the KUle oi Waltr
Philipii. docviuwl.
KutUe i hrieby uivt-u uf the iloatk of
Walter Plnlinin. and that lite uinleriifn
ol lms hecu duly aiiuduled admhiiktra-
ttiv of his Mtale hy tW Couuty Judi
Multnomah County, Orvism. ami ha
ou.Uilleil. All ihtmii liaviuu i-Uiins
Kitinst the citlate oi nit dtHi-dvnt uiv d
tected to prmMit the kaiue tu the uudrr-
idguod, duly vrrifiisl, ua by law required,
nt the ortlc of her attorney, Perkins
OaiUy, 1117 Uoatd oi Trade HuildiuK.
Portland. Orritoii. within iv iiioiitha
fiom the date oi the first iMilillcatiou of
this notice, to-wit: I'riday, Pobruary
11th. lUlfJ.
AMANDA Pllll.IPPl. AdminUtratri.
Attorney for AduiiuUtia.tiix.
Mortgage Loans. Investments.
Insurance in all its hianchos.
Peninsula Security Company.
10S South Jersey Street.
Automobile Insurance. Wei
write I'ire, Theft, Liability!
Property Damage and Collision.
Peninsula Socuritv Company,
108 South Jersey Street. '
For SaleForty ncros of tint
ber 1
bin IBs. HJ
Wanted- -About 1(50 acres of
t 1 A 1 t l
lanti witn uouso anu lew acres
cleared, not far from school and
well watorod, John Winer. 7815
N. Sonoca street, St. Johns.
Portland, Oregon. 18
ill i H ii "Hi n ilium niiaimiir mimi iiihiiimihi imwniii iiiinniiiniiiiliini
Hear the New
F I, They are
RECORDS1 1 Wonderful
We also sell Edison Cylinder Records
and Emerson 7 inch Double Disc
Stradavaria Machines
Edison Machines
St. Johns Phooogs aph Co.
31 f N. Jersey
Can be well taken care of at this store,
"verything in fhe hardware
oils and paints.
line, including
1 1 ii mi w 1 1 inn niwinmii iganaiBiaiiw)iiiTOiinin em
2000 PAIRS
Men's, Women's and Children's
Shoes placed on sale at our Fac
tory Shoe Store. Here is a chance
lor you to save money on high
quality Shoes. Niehoff Shoes from
Factory to loot. Portland made,
Union made.
Prices arc as reasonable
can be sold for.
as good material
Call in and look over our line.
Beyerle & Armstrong
420 North Jersey St.
When Pleasure Is Expressed
418 N. Jersey Street
Postoffice Buildine St. Johns
by one of the family because
of excellent chop;), roasts nr
other meals, the answer is,
Well , I bought it nt the
St. Johns Cash .Market"
'flint's n household phrnse
mound here. If you do
want the best tlmt the mark
et offords, in poultry nnd
meats, nt n price tlmt proves
we nre lowest, why come
right here.
You Can't Beat Us
on quality or price, no matter where you go. We
are determined to keep ahead of all competitors, and
wo are doing it.
l!iL0.lLcI,,,ll,,it'2' WE DELIVER 109 N. Jersey Street
Aint it the limit,
saps Mike.
the Contractor
"You'd think nny
bodybiitttlcidwould know that genuine
Gravely is bound
to give more real
tobucco satisfaction
than ordinary
Good taste, smaller
chew.lonfjcr life is what
makes Genuine Grave
ly cost less to chew than
ordinary plug.
Write to;
r Mitt on thttclHS fln&
Peyton Brand
Plug pacccd in poucfu
i amis Men
uoa ao
to Gecl fiaue a,
0 .
me 'bed room
to go -to;
We've not tfit
Don't throw your Old Tires away ; Genuine Bargains
GET THEM (jmhij
Retreading Machine Installed
Tubes 25 cents and up.
Reasonable prices on cas
ing work.
All work guaranteed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Oregon
Dear Mary:
I owe you an apology. I had so manv miests tit mv rk
Valentine's party that thatevenimr I could not sh
all through my house and let you see the new furnishings
Frank gave me. This is to ask you to come over real soon
and let me show you my new thincrs one bv one nnd r'pll
you what they cost. Then you wont ouit coax-inn- Tnm
I 1 "o
On .ecouui cf my familv beine M ?. wimi yuu wanc' 1N0WS tne t,mG to go
ium uiui wnuu rrauK urn xor me ana how happy
e. , With love-HELEN.
P. S.
(S i
C II! 'U
N'ico Homo. Will tako your
auto ns part paymont toward my
100x100 cornor. modern humra.
low, complotoly furnishod. or
c.. c w ono 1." noi: very roasonaoie. La lai
Monoy to Loan?2000 to loan
to 6 yours at 7 por cent, first
inortuairo. annrovod socuritv:
iuuu or ovor at 7 l-U per cont.
Open Eveninsjs
oj cm cm 0-9 00 co cro
located imutautiitlv m New York.
they Imv prevailed upon tue to pull jit made me.
&o itere goes 10 tlispose ot all
of my St. Johus property, some of
which nre:
5 Room house, 40x100 lot $1250,
SoU down.
5 Room house. 90x100 lotSlGOO,
$850 down.
5 Room house, modern, .10x90 lot
$1S0Q. $250 down.
5 Room house, modern, 50x100
lot $2250. $250dowu.
5 Room house, modem. 50x100
lot $2500, $500dovu
boiue of these have hardsurface
streets, alley, fruit trees and on car
misiiiess projwrty on easy terms acrtage in different parts of the
Mate at $10 per acre on eay terms
Just uetttng over the "Flu" and
until 1 am able to be at my office,
wi 00. jersey aireet, can up my
nome .Main 1Y11-
I'm always delighted with what I get from
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
Rowland's Garage
107 Fessenden, Street
I have bought out the COLUMBIA GARAGE
business and am here to give good and
prompt service. Am prepared-to give ex
pert work on any make of cars and will
guarantee all work put out.
Suburb calls given prompt
attention day or night. Com
plote auto oquipmont; no oxtrni
charge; refiutxl service. Millar
& Tracey.
Office Room 5
Peninsula Bank Building
Hours Q-to a. m.; 1-5 p. m. and
OfUce phorw Col. 25.1; Res. 910
Loot! bccoiul liaml Semtii; uiacbities furl
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and get acquainted.
ytoj si,, 01, omnia. iy for RENT ar l
thl cffljt
' rem. II. V. Clark. tf