St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 07, 1919, Image 4

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Homo of Writer of the Rubalyat On
tf the Moet Forbidding Spots
on Earth.
Tho Isolated city of Nlslinpur, I
l'erala waa the homa of the l'rln
boat known of nil his nation to th
wtsforii worldOmar, iminm;il
Klmjyom. or the Teiitmnker. iiuthor
of the Itulailvat. Tho tmet In Mill on
of the mottt hlnioilo flRurt-n In hli mi
olont city, hilt he Is reineinbi'ivd there
not mm H IK)t or h tuntmaker hut u
mat, philosopher, HAtromimor ant)
NlaJmjrtir Urn In n barren iiplitnil
plain, iHMiiy 0y" ovnrlnnil Journey
from tho nearest rHllrond point. It l
ndreled by nwuntntti. moat in whlc
are low and barren. The nnrlhern
rungs, lumever, rites to h enimlder-
Hhle holrhl. miiU through many month
of the yt-Mr 11 im-hKk are while with
Know. The lower shipi-a have h cii
rtmn mhllnh tint, iIm tn Iron In th
eiirlh, so llmt rare and delicate color
combinations are fornwl Ml dawn nnil
Looking aoulhwnnl from hi city,
OnNr mw H level, fenttireleaa plnll
ileproaaltiKly treele", wive fr here
and there H clmnp of wemier poplin.
Tho wlnler liirneil It to n llfel.-n amy
In the mitnmer. nltllem ftiitiMuht and
clHiklntc dtiat tormented the eyen. Only
for a hrlef aprlmt eniMin ilhl the frewl
oreen of itrmvlitK rrH, tie cool ml!
tliMl rote nfler tho early rain and
the ralnlmw Kh-ama of iale color from
the iiioiuitNlim lend Hie vIkIh
niolHiichoIy charm. Iteyiiml the plain
roso mm! her row of low hllK hih! hi
yonil that, ho luiew. utretchwl the end
Iimm diwit. ICeih ywr a ' week
of Jny and lieaitty; lwlwren tmnintnl
Hint ileoetl m few mlleii of luitf kindly
mini-tilled earth bit of reunite Unit
hardly broke the Iwtatlle romul of nn
turn It Ih caaler t itnderatnml the de-
llelit Iwwulmlam of the llnbalyat nfle
HceliiK Nlnlmimr. Chicago Dally
John Mllten, Wanderfully Gifted Intel
lectuiilly, Wat Yet a Man of
Many lerrews.
The1 Jtreul Kugllah mI, Milton. Ii
tleaerihvri Ml the age of llcen nn
"a-bolarly, aiiiliiillln-d litel mm hand
mm m yotith um Ml. I'mmI'm had Kent
forth." That wa hI the ne whin
baring AuMivd pn-onralor) w'ImmiI, Ii
wn ready for the ntilverxlty.
lie waa iMtrn on Itttmd at reel. I .on
ilM. Ill father waa a limn of ednen
Ihw, wllh r dwbh-d tNlent for inn-lr
Mlllntt liitirliiH nil Ida emhetle luntl
tlM- ll"ll'"l, tin riMlt'tier elellielll II
cslleiti' cnI 1 him "the leil." HikiiiiI
Mil retiHiilei til Inlellei'lilMlll). Uven
fit llinl iHrlml, Iihir Mfore ln wm
tWMil). he rMiliHMlMl'd writing tin
ret "I'ttrmllae Uwl," whleh mun not
llHlalMPtl, H hMWHWeU, for forty eMra
lurlni tiiMt limit lie of time Mil
(en wed murled hU riiitMitiiii liy the
IwlH norniN. ll 1'iiimHitwi" noil "l.'AI
lecro,' hull merrtiil n mere child m
Mveiie ii un iiiilinpii) nmrrlntfe, mm I
(HCtted out hud written nfmie Nilrrlnn
iniiilel; hnd mIiihkI Imimi kllhil fur
otfMiNlni the liHilliiK pollil' -: Imd re
leeitieil nikI Ihvii left 11 wldoner
MMlIu: hMll liMt bl MlKllli hud fmiml
In lliiw iienlecltNl elilldren of Id firm
Hwtrrlaitf wM umm1'I tlMimnleni; hud
lived lit lerrltde lmielliu In eille of
tm KreMl feme, mihI Imd Iteen iH-rMwd
ed i niarry n ililnt time, fur th Mke
IK Mnjl hulked after.
lie w nii eld men when the xrent
"fWrwiUM1 I.iwf iH'iiriil. nhleh I
eelled Nme f the few miMiuiiiiiilnl
wmHir f tlie Mitrld." Mild hi denih
follwel Mwe leu yeMra Inter.
.MH' fttmil limerx Here pliplU of
IM41, IJurtiu one i.f the liuierf uf
Mm MWfMiMi. when he Imd m Unix IUi
uf tlHglnc lMMtu iu get ihrtmiih. m
kHek mine Ml the dm.r uf hIm flat
I lUr VMlet lietnu' III. Timii went to ilu
immk- blniMdr. A Iml), Niniiitfe u him
Mlttmt on the lhreholri. "HUimr TunilT"
sIhi Inquired. T.wil htiuiil. "oh." Mid
the hidy. "I miu xIiiuIiii mr mmiu, M
MiMMtrleM,' Mt Mnneheitier tuuli:ht, mid
I wnnt you kludly to run Hirmiiih H
with Ho." '.MmiImiu," MUkueretl 'IVmii,
(Mllteiy but Kruily, "I feur It U tiu
poaalMe. I hnte two pupil m Ith uw
mw, ud n third U Mulllim hi Die enle
riHw, while wiher will unive lin
ly.H "ltut jou tuuat." the ludy Mrlt
ed. "I Mtu aorry " bettiin Tuatl mkmIii,
lw hi WHlilMtly nneUetl m Meui
Wh bttfkwantM, end Hie ludy WHlked
iHte he Mtudlu. TomiI fullowwl, iro
tuitlHg. Alter m Ion Mrguiueut. whleh
tbmiiened every monient in heeoiin
Imiled. ih ledy nuamHsl out ' "Ver
well, then. 1 alutn't hIiik your Ming."
"MmJmik." mhIU TimII. iHklHg her by
the band. "I miu Intlnliely obliged to
yuu." The Udy imve him oue look aud
St. HrUe ami Paatkall,
Ih Xovemlier la the IVmIymI of St.
II lice, who uuty be cmIUhI the patrou
MtlHt at foolball 4ayer. not alone lie
eUM bla taut dey ihuum during tb
eMiMa f the midlron guuie, but for
iiulte another reahou. Ml. HrUVa da)
waa Wmg -nemlij uhmTved in Kug
hil. aud Iu I' v lr HXW the celebra
thm took the form uf a Keueral luaaaa
ore nf Hie Dauea. It wa on that day.
inttordlu to tradition, that the Kug
Ihrit gain of fotMball waa luwuted.
with tha head Of a lau aa the Pull
St. UrUe. ft our, waa ui reMiui
Ma for flthi r th nuaaarr or the foul
ball gaiue. ItMtag dlil auue ru
turlea before 11 ui n hUhou uf
1' ur uiivl l.vcd In the rlfili century.
Tliu fullo-. iuk likt of legal blanks
arc kojR im bale at thU office ami
others will be added as the ilcmaiul
Wmuuty deeds, Quit Claim
DcmU, Realty and Chattel Mort
V,tic, Satiafactioii of Murtxaget,
ContracU for Sale of Realty, Hill
of Sale, I,uam.
NoU lha UKal on your papar.
Origin of Atmosphere Goes Back to
Events Oecurrlno Tena or Mil
llont of Yeara Ago.
If wn recall tho tcachlnjr of geoloRy
nnd astronomy, telling us how the
enrth win once too hot to sustain life,
wo shall see that the mixture of gases
that covers the solid surface of tho
earth, nnd that we familiarly call nlr,
must have had n very Interesting ins
torv. According to one widely ncccpt
mi thenrv nf the earth's origin, nil
that we know now ns the solid enrth
nnd nil tho lfnitld matter that now
nils tho ocean beds was once gas
eous. The gases of the atmosphere
nro simply coinposd of these partlcu
lar elements which lire gaseous nt
Hie nrespnt temperature of tho
earth's surface, which have not en
tercil Into complete combination with
the solid matter of tho earth's crust
nnd whleh Imve not been whisked
nwiiv Into stmco by contrlfugal force,
lids being the fate Mint Is supposed
to Imve befallen the former ntmosphcre
of (ho moon, nnd somu of the llghte
routtltiienls of nnr own ntmosphcre.
In the imst tthen the earth's temper
Htni-i! was much higher, and when
many other conditions were different
It Is mure than probable, for Instance,
Hint, long before man npprnrcd, tho
proportion of carbon dioxide In tho nl
whs much higher than nt present. Thl
would ncrniint for tho extreme lux
tirlniice of vegetation, to which
every lump of coal henrs witness, tho
carbonic ncld of tho nlr being ono o
the most Important constituents of tho
food of plants. Again, It Is quite ccr
lulu Hint, nt ii very much more rcmoto
peilod. whleh must ccrtnlnly dnto
I mrk tens of millions of years, tho
temperature of the earth's surface
was so hot that water could not oc
cur In Us Ihiuhl form. At that time
one of the most Important nnd nbun
ilsnt t'liustltui'iits of the earth's nt
moapheru wiin gaseous water, or wntcr
Charles Dickens Haa Been Called Vain
but This Story Ssems to Prove
The reproduction of a very rnro car
irature (MirlrNlt of Dickens appeared
In n nii'iil number of Dlckcusliiu
William Miller huh tho author of the
mi trail, Mhlch whs advertised fur In
vnIii hy l (I. Klllnn, nioro than
twenty Mrx ngo. for Insertion In his
tMHik, "Clinile Dickens hy I'eu mid
IVncll. aeys Chrlsllnn Hclence Monl
tor. Ulckeiis llrst saw the portrait In
ipieMtliiu when wulklug iiloug I'lccii
dllly "lib lUxrHfll one day. lie wn
vmkIIv mnii'ted, and, entering the hhop,
hnuahl seienil copies, oue of which
sent to the lion, Mrs. Itlchiin
WhIimiii nt llocMugliitm. In a lette
Hilili ii friiiii tlad's Mill place he says
"I hope j ou may huve hecu u lnrge
headed photngriiph with little legs
repreM'iitlug the undcrslKiied. It has
Jiiat aprung up an nbiinihiutly Iu nil
tin lmH that I inn nNhamed to go
itlmiit town looking Iu at the picture
u Union a, which Is my delight.
Hi-ems in he ettraotdlmirlly ludicrous
and h Iwller IlkcncM I tin n the portrnll
dime In chi iiifl. It iiiuile me latigl
"lien I iirt came iimiu It, until
kleadc mkhIm, III open, auullglited I'lc-
People Cat Too Much.
Ufe would not he iictir the htriiMKle
It U If He did not cut mi much, oh
eru h wilier In Ohio .Suite .loiiruiil
It ibMNi nut reipilre very much toll to
enin iiioiihIi food to keep soul and
IhmI loaeiher. Aud then, what Is the
heller pHii uf It, Is that the miiiI and
ImmI) kept together ou Jimt as little
food m ueviMiry make for euch other
th very lut cuinpany. Jut once give
i he Imm) iitdie foiNl than It needs nnd
! hint the miiiI protests. Jiint enough
nnd no mure Ih the doctrine of life
mid hi'ulih. Wo read tliu other day of
u araat llnglUh nutlior dOMTlhlng his
Mrlaifni diet, which wax bread mid
biiiier and fruit. On that he lived,
thrhed and did Ids great work nnd
Is happy. The Idea that stinting the
atoiimi'h cnudiices to hisilth nnd
Klieiigih Ih nut to be truMod, nnd espe-
l illy where mulmii mothers crniii the
little iMMllea of their children with nil
kliida of ireMcheroiu finxl to luuke
them uruw fat.
SeawbAll Fight at Elmwood,
There la a charming picture of n
auoHhall HrIiI ut lmwpiHl, with the
three ouur nei)iewa. In Lowell's cs
n). "A Hood Word fur Winter," writ
leu Iu 1H70.
"Alreaili,1 as I write, It Is twenty
dd years nKn, The build tly thick
and find. The uncle defends tho
hhUi blah ramiwrts agidust n storm
of uepliews, his breast plastered with
diHvniHona like another Iludetsky's.
How well I recall the Indomitable
kikmI humor under lire of him who
fell lu the front at Hall's lllulT; the
allent Hrtluiu'lty of the gentle
sebolttr who got his hut hurt at Fair
Oaks; the urdor lu the charge of tho
Kiillaut gentleman who, with the
death wound lu his aide, headed his
brigade at Cedar Creek I How It all
come back nnd they never caiuel"
A Truthful Qrocer.
"1 preaume these eggs are strictly
frcMliJ" hUgaented the housewife as idio
tatted around lu her Mickelbouk for u
l .llar bill.
'Well, they were strict lu their
youth." rescinded the truthful griH'cr,
but egg Is like u great many people,
yuu know. .Some of 'em kinder relaxes
us they cuts elder, ma'am."
Transfer and Storage
W dalivar your rood t and from
all parts of Portland, Vancouver. Liinv
tou, Portland and Suburban Express
Co., city dock and all point aocasalble
V tftffOA. riw ami IraUiwa
Autos ovorhauled. frnmes
atrniKhtonml at your home
iraruKo. Ciuaranteo to aavo you
onc-tiiird coat. Phono Columbia.
15, ,w 11,
Was Popular Among the Old Romans
and Also Found Some Favor
With the Florentines.
Can you Imagine Julius Caesar play
ing quarterback on the Itotnu univer
sity eleven, or Hrutus skirting the ends
In those days when tho forum was ns
busy ns n three-ring circus? No? Nev
ertheless It was a probability, for It
appears now that football originated
with the Itomaus.
A few uneducated persons used to
think that football was of Orcek In
vention j but Trench nnd Camps
trnlned news hounds, aided by Italian
propagandists, Imvo fastened It on
Home. The Homnns, not rcnlly know
log Hint It was football, csllcd It "cnl
clum." It appears to huvo been n
goodly, rocgh-golng game, full of
spirit, feet and broken elbows, played
more on the soccer order than the
Itugby stylo In common fnvor.
With the fall of the Homan empire
"cnlclum" nlso fell out of the spot
light, not to appear lu favor until the
tltnu of tho I'lorcntlnes nnd their
Mcdlcls. There. Is no record of Mil
chlnvelll hnvlng participated In the
games, but wu Imaglno Hint If he did
ho played n foxy, clever game. (Ho
vnnnl do llardl, n well-known I'loren
Hno newspaper man, wrote ns follows
In lr.SO:
"The cnlcln (Inter name) Is a public
game played between two groups of
young men on foot, not tinned, who
playfully compete In making n hall, hy
means of their feet, pass outside of u
certain lino hack of tho opposite
group. The hall Is mediocre lu size.
Illlcd with wind, nnd the game Is
played purely for the honor of winning."
8panlth Province Centuries Ago Held
Undisputed Naval Oway People
Still Proud of Achievements.
The Moors were expelled from Mar
celona In the ninth century, f ntnlnnln
had more than four centuries' start
over .Seville and six over M' taga. It
Is little wonder, therefore, that Span
I mIi enterprise, If such a tcim Is up
ptlcnhle, Is seen nt Its best In Cain
Innlii, because It has had n real oppor
tunity to express Itself. Catalonia has
always looked beyond Its geographical
limits. It tins, In fact, looked sen
ward, It was on the waves that the
men of Hnrcelonn found rlrhia nnd
glory. They were the rivals of the
I'lsatis, (leiioesn nnd Venetians, nnd
Hnrcelonn can beast of a iinvnl his
tory as grent perhaps us theirs Cata
lonia for n time held snny of H e sen,
and It was only upon the coniolldntloii
of .Spain nt (ho beginning of the six
teenth century nnd the ric of the
great modern states that the city was
eclipsed ns n sen Miwer. The Cain
lonlans, proud of their achievements,
looked with little fnvor upon Colum
bus' discovery of America, nn enter
prise, which had been promoted hy
neighboring Castile.
The n.iior In History.
In tracing tho history of shaving It
should be sutllclent to go hack to the
Creeks nnd Itomuiis, upon whoao clvlll
ration our own Is hnsml. Heard were
highly esteemed mining the former up
to tho 1 1 mo of Alexander the Ureal,
who was smooth shaven. Due reason
for the abolition of the beard among
soldiers was the fact that It afforded
tho enemy something to lay hold of.
At tin earlier period the wearing of
certain typo of helmet and gurnet hud
protected the beard. Tho Itomaus wore
beards down to the time of the (lalllc
wars, while (he Cauls, albeit barba
rians, were smooth shaven Hive for the
tuiistuche, The uuth)iilty of barber
shops nnd razors In Home Is variously
given by historians. Koine have
claimed that the tlrst burlier shop, at
least In that wrt of the world, was
opened In .Sicily In KOO 11. C, while
other iiuthorltles make this date far
earlier or later. The Sicilian ccms to
have been the tlrst barber.
Lucky Kiss.
A man named Winch, a butcher of
Sydney, N. S. W.. recently took the
liberty of klsniug u handsome girl who
wits oue of his customers. She re
sented the affront, and Winch whs
proMH-uted. lie whs lined heavily by
the hoard of magistrate, and lengthy
notices of the case npponrcd In- the
press. The publicity given to the pro
ceedings happened to attract the no
tice of n firm of solicitors In Sydney.
who had been appointed trustees of
certain property which had been left
to Winch by n distant relative some
years before, the solicitors up to then
having been unable to tlml any trace
of the missing heir. Winch was coin
iiiuulciited with by the linn, nnd, hav
ing duly established his Identity, be
came the Hisessor of a Ming little
Wonderful View From Stirling.
It Is from tho top of a theer crag,
more than -100 feet above the sea, that
the famous "links" uf the forth may
be seen to best advantage. It Is al
ways u wonderful view from Stirling
castle, wonderful for Its sheer beauty,
aud wonderful, too, for the wealth of
history which surrounds every town
aud village which dots the plain,
through which tlie river winds ou,
picking up the light here und there,
vanishing Into the haze of the distance,
nnil then emerging again as the mist,
maybe, suddenly rises; whilst far
uwny on the eastern horlzeu, Just a
gray or lue against the sky, Is Hie
forth budge, where tlie river hus
given way to the Firth.
We are adding new
and attractive lines
o our large stock of
Calendars, Wall Pock
ets and Pictures.
raV iT 71 iWir - Tnf -Wi 1
1m ipBit i yp
w- i.. .it! w ! ! - .'.-.j. 5 i
ard. During the few weeks before
the shipping we believe is the time
hold needs. There has been a temporary drop in the prices of Dry Goods;
our stock now arriving takes a lower price than prevailed a month ago and
we pass along to the customer the advantage attained by the wholesaler's
co-operation. Visit our store and you will find much of the yardage goods
reduced from eight to twelve cents per yard. Many items in the Men's
Department are taking lower prices; reductions of from twenty-five to
fifty cents on garments. Take our tip and buy now; if not from us, from
some other firm but keep your money circulating in your own community.
Some Useful Hints
ScwiitH Machine .Motor,
Vacuum Cleaner, WaahiiiK
.Machine IMuorrTaule and
I)ek I.ntut, CliaflttR-tiiali,
Toaster. Grill, Coflwt l'r
dilator. .Milk VaiMr.
Smoothing Iron or Travel
ing Iron. CnilitiK-irou and
I Hying Comb in One. Vi
brator, limning l'ati, Rad
iator. Portable Stove and
Oven, Range, Van.
First Trust S Savings
1302 Knt Fossoiulou St wet
Phono CoUunbiu 100
Officers and Directors
V A- ItlCF, Piesident mid Cliio
1 1. HILNDUUSON. Vice Piidit
CEO. I. UltOQKS. Secr.try
Four per cent interest
paid on time and sav
ings deposits.
Rentals and Rentais
Estate Loans
Urluji u your Job printing while
you think of It. Don't watt uutil you
ire outirely out. Wa aro equipped
to turn out neat and tasty priaunr
pramptlr at I'wUiai prices or teae,
Electric Building
I i I j i if r v :
L. E:. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Lang List af Those Who Attained the
Trent Rank ns Writers, Poets
and Statesmen.
Tliwx hav Ihmh iwit faiiwiii Wil
liam than mh-ii nf nny mlitr immc,
and tin- mnji.rlir f ilu- Wllllmm
Irnw Ihhi MTllcnt, kmi ami kInik
iwwi. hut wri'lr miKlrlnn. fur U'tlllain
l HvliUntl' nut a mulml nam.
11m- lint of mhu Im a Imik ihw: Wil
liam XliNk-Mar. Iht irmtt line
llli writer: William Ciiw-r, tlw IShk
Halt HMt hImi wmlH "(Mi ltvlit nf
Uy Minlicr' J'li-tinv;" William WnnN
worth, tliu Kiiullli mh, wlin
wrt "Uwy flr.y:M William Ul.
who wrot "IIih .Marrlaae of I It-It anil
IN'avwt:" William Collins tlw Kits
lt4i wrlfw: William Mm-rl. IIh tro
Haphai lite, who began II ff ax H lit
altnier. Inventeil the imirrix rlialr ami
Iraimlateil anveral volumen fnmi the
IivImimIIc; William .MIInaHam. the
lrtli met. who wrote Ml.ovtly Mary
i.mnell) :" William Yeatt. the IrWi
lilaywriaiit. ami the Aim-rleaH (Miet.
William Cullen Itrvant. who wrute
"Mbm la a Water I'owl."
lleMea thee Mtetx we have the
nrHh- wrlieis: William Makepeaw
Tliai-kt-ra)', Hiiglanil'i hhshh) greatest
uivi-llt. ami who wrote "Vanity
Pair;" William ltoeiil. hntlher nf
liiui.' Oahrlel Itiuwettl, ami the Kreal
art rritlc; William Pean IIiiwpIIk, tho
Ameriran nuvelUt: William Hall
('nine, the novelM knowh ax Hall
Calne, ami William Sbarn, the Irish
writer, who wrote under the name nf
Mima Mai'leod.
Bernhardt and Rostand,
lime, iternbardt' admiration for IM
mond ltwtand wa due lu jmrt nt
least to ualural human pratltmU'.
Wheu once a sruet nf the great aetruss
at I telle Ule. her lonely Maml home
near Quikeron, the dUtlHKUlaheil
dramatist had reM-urd her from
drowuluK. Hut apart from this slu
alMay swore hy him. I Imve lieard
her rhauMMllae lu terms that soonied
extruvaauut alHiut hU ueiilus. lie
a t her the beKlunlnic uml ul
of that form of the drama In which
he had excelled as au Interpreter.
She loved hliu as u reaction visible
aslnst realUui. as a (iroteiit apalnst
iImm-u ami a renewer of the tlamboy
aul, in art. Yet who can doubt that
vi hen ItMlaud Is forgotten mm will
know lleuT The romantic entaode nt
llelle Ule merely slrenKthenwl Mmn.
llernhardt'si itrofouud and tnuehlng
faith lu thla tidlowor of Hugti. Kx
chaafe. Getting Down to Business.
If there's any oue thiuc that marks
the big man It I his ability to get
down to busiues. While the average
fellow Ms druiumlnjc at his desk the
man of skill starts ihluss. There muy
be a thouaaud Ihiujts to do. but thoy
wlll be done sooner If they are dune
una at a time. It's a Hue thine to he
able at a glance to spot the eeseutlnl
and go at It. The next beat thins Is to
Set wny at the Job that seem to tie
moat urgent and put that on the shelf
a tiuikhed product. You are then ready
for the next thine. But It's Jiut the
lack of this Htnlliy that nuts the
sprues lu inot men's progress. They
urv ivufused by the uiauy thiugs to
be doue. Instead of gettius busy at
outv they waste time lu wouderiuz
where to bofcln. It's no wonder they
iM to accomplish thluj.
Tlie Market Is
With the shipping facilities clevel
ODed the demand abroad for Amer-
? J i
Ul""5 WllJL VlVli OVl f lillVLl lO liVJ
question in the minds of men of au
thority as to workingman's wages
remaining at the Dresent hisrh stand-
Fpring activities and arrangement of
for the consumer to supply his house
j j .
Velocipede Wnc Considered a Swift
Moving Vehlclo When First Intro
duced Into This Country.
't he velnelieile made Ilu aiirtearanee
lu WahlnKttni fx) yeai naro, uiueh huv
In been heard of I hi new ilevlce.
whleh had ileveloiel a veriiahle fever
In l-'ranee. In nn nrtlele Ih the Wnh
luatiHi Jiiar of .Novemtwr SO, I MM, It
wan noted that tint u thin rehlcla
bad been ''brought to aueh iierfwtlow
that It l Halloed at) tulle an hour
ha been made a lib It." The iar
"lately ibe veiociHd haa lieett In
trmluiisl In thla count r'. and our
.oiuik Amerteam, wlm at one time
had i ! iHixIme mania, fidlowe.1 by the
ImmwII mania, are now goit$ ftrwiujt
nn the vrl.KiHnli. and It will doubt
UieM have Its mil all over the country.
(Iraham, the earrlaae dealer on D
ttriHt between Sth ami Nth, haa Jual
linMHied a tln-t-claM velocltede. and
it Is an object of xreol attraction at
lit eatnbiuhment. It Is a aniurt. etyl-
Uh b..Ml( but very .lm,ile la
hi worn ok. it can ue run wi rauiu
ly a Ith i wheel, hut It l convert
ible to u threw-wbeeler. The Morklng
of It briugs In (day moat of the unla
des ft( ibe iMkly. and It U audi to lie
very lunliliful. 1'nmi the facility with
winch It U (.teens I or turned. It euii
be umhI ou any Mdewalk or Ki
walk. The Hravol walka of the JSiulth
Minliin would be Jut the ihlin: fr v
liK'ltiedeni. The ityle of velocipede to
be keen at Oraham'a U the laleat
I'reuih ntyle, Inlroiluteil iu thU coun
try hy the lluulon brother, wm-na-ts.M
Great A tlst Who Was to Paint Per
trait of Laureate Got Seme,
what Dubious Reception,
Here Is a tale nf Tentiysou. told by
Slr Hubert von Uerkowter, It. A who
once went to I'roslivvHier for the pur
pose of itettlng slttliiffs for a portrait
of the laureate;
"Cetiliiic to the station rather late.
I left no thlutfs th we, not knowlna
what sort of receptlou 1 mlht i:et.
After I had boen received by Mr. nul
lum Tenuyson, tliu present I.ord Tcu-
tiyson, old Tennyson cuiue aliumlni;
lu he had a shuMtlng way of walking
because he was nur-lshtel ami
shook I muds with me,
"'1 Imte your cotulni;,' he said; 'I
cannot abide sitting.'
"Tliat did not seem very promising
However, after ho hud conversed for
some time he said:
'"Where are your thlBBsf
"I explained, und thereupon he pot
up. rang the boll, und told n servant
to fetch my Iurkiikc
"'You Imd better put up hare,' he
"I felt I was sotting alosis. At
eleven o'clock I went to my room, still
wondoring whether I would succeed la
my mission or not. Shortly afterward
there came a rap nt the door and I
said. 'Come In.' turned around and saw
Teunyson standing In the door. He
"'I believe you are honest. Good
night ." and thereupon departed.
"It was hi way of making nwasnjs
for the rather dubious way la which
he had first met me." - 1
1 ii
Bound ioH
v. i
a, j -
i . . ,
Knights and Lafe of Security
St. Julius Council 2775
Kt-KiiUr llu.incMi im-vliiiK M anil ,1nl
MoihIm). ()k-ii tucitluK in tliu iiihllc
and miuiltvik 2ml nikI Iih Monihu n. Vis-
ifira anil mrmurr ronhally invltcil to
attend at llickner Hall.
I'ronk C. Onsner, Pres.
I.eater Teelitig. Sccretnr
o. ihd i o. o. P
f IWIMI, osiroori
XtaU each Hot evr-iintf ta Odd PaV
kia ball at two, A eotdlal welcome to
all vialtlng brother.
C ii ChurvhUI N.ll)rd
a J airMih. Vk (lrmt
O. W. NorM. HIm .
It. Clark. Tin.
A. r. ond A. M.
Meet the first ami third
Wediiedayof imcli iiiunth
iu Hiikiicr' Hull. Vic
tor welcouie.
A.K. Davis, V. M.
. W. Dvis, Secretary.
m..,,,,.- nuniv li inc nro
' W.W NO, 105, 0. E. S.
iltatftwry Vtr anl Third Tues
day nt each uiunth iu Hickners Hall.
'iitor welcome.
Dixie M. I.twis. W. M.
Rnliy R. lUvi. Secretary,
i St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
1 We heartily liat tlie- uttcmUiH'e of
i our member mi our riKular iiit-ctins
' every ThinU vvtuinu.
A. 1.. Murcy, Cvu. Mubui, Clerk
Consul. 108 Smith avenue
Hrioiii5 or I'viniAS
Meets vwry I'rldav night at
7:jo o'clock in HICKNHK
Hall. Vuiiors always wcl
conic. W R. hVIiNS. C. C.
Woodmen Ol the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evening in
I. O. O. V. Hall. Lcavitt and Jersey
street. Visitor always welcome.
Titos, coi n:, c. c.
W. K. COON. Clerk,
Oregon Building, 5th and Oak
Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321
Mill wood tuoktly iu.uic, large percent
a;e dry enough tor immedi4te use 5d 50-
JSL t lS JSL nil ill
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fife IwaraRte aad Kelary Public
List your properly with the if you
desire to sell miicklv
202 X. Jersey St. St. Johns
PtXMtt WoodUwu 5360
We Call and Ocllvar
Tlie Skidmore Gleaners
Cleaning. I'rcsiiig, Alterations and Re
pairing a specialty
W. C JUJT1CB ; SUdaurt Street