RANG ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Conduct Prescrioticii s at Your Service On Easy Terms Phone Columbia 138 105 North Jersey St. ES Department Alwav Here Is a choice line of rnuges priced low. We will take your old stove or range ns first payment. Ualnncc tuny be paid in easy weekly or tnontlily in stallments to suit. Duke Range size 818 inch $01.50 Ucauty Range size 818 inch GiOO Peerless Range size 810 inch GS.00 Peerless Range size 818 inch 72.00 Charter Oak Range size 818 inch 80.00 Novel Kstate Range size 810 inch 87.50 Novel Kstate Range size 818 inch 92 50 These Rouges have polished tops, so easy to keep clean. They arc handsome nickel trimmed with leg bases. Your Credit is Good. ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURES beseem: BSmaMEBaiMMiiMBMBLI BOM 81 5 oca! News living in your , o- joto priming. Casfi or Credit St. Johns nan Inventory In taking inventory we find we are overstocked in some lines. Here is your opportunity to save money. Prices are not going to be lower for some time. Reg. Sale price 52.50 Wash Boilers 51.79 8.00 Oil Heaters 0.50 ? 2.50 Carpet Sweeper 1.79 1.00 Guaranteed Butcher Knife 70 ? 1.00 White Enamel Coffee Pots 73 5 .75 Polishing Mop .' .50 5 .1.50 Flashlights 1.17 g These are only a few of tlie bargains we offer, j St. Johns Hardware Co.f Agency for Goodyear Tires St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. 2 The Consumer Pays The Bi Do you have your groceries delivered? If you do you pay for it. Or do you have a grocery charge account? If you do, you the consumer, pay the bookkeeper and you the consumer of groceries pay for the losses in curred through credit accounts. Think it over. The Grabateria Cash and Carry Gro cery has passed the city inspection as all groceries must if they coutiune in business. All the help at the Grabateria hold cards from the Health Board stating that their health qualification permit them to handle food products. We believe we are stating just plain facts when we say our buying ca pacity of Groceries is as large as any on the East side. Why? Because we have the outlet; it is known that quautity purchases obtain the best prices. Our sales are cou - centrated because we do not go out of our own zone. Who pays for the loug delivery trips from Portland? You the customer; think it over. The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNERS Thu days are Iierceplibly longer. growing L. E. Woods nitulo a visit to Camas, Wash., the past week. A. C. Gesler and wife of Cen tralis, Wash., were visitors to St. Johns this week. GLOVES IAKGK ASSORTMKNT W. W. HOG UKS Till? RAINCOAT MAN L. II. Chamber has purchased a cafntaria at E.Grand ami Burn side streets. Elrnor White Wash., is a Ktitsst L. E. Wood. of Woodland, of his cousin, Thomas Autzen is having somu substantial alterations niacin to his residence on Will timet to boulevard. j John Dredcon has disposed of 'his tobacco and confectionery ! store at Vancouver, Wash., and , returned to St. Johns. ,.x, , At. the Methodist church 11:00 A. hi. the topic will be "The Saints Shall Judge the World, When and Where?" 7:30 P.M. 1 Minute Men's Meeting. A popular forum for everybody. , Hlcctrlc Vacuum Clcnucr I'. Clnrk. or rent, tf 11 Currln Says: Put your liver to work. Our LIVER TURN EUS will turn the trick. Mrs. D. Prank Iloramnu., whn recently returned from Los Angeles, has been on the sick list for the past few days. J Richmond street is now being hardsuriaceu, from Willamette boulevard to Jersey street, by the count. The twunty-oiifhth wood vessel was launched at the local ship plant Tuesday, namod the Alcis. Mrs. W. T. Gibson acted as sponsor. The Presidential nominee of the Democratic party in 1020 will in all 'probability o one of these two men: President Wil son or William J. Hrynn, says the National Republican. H The Municipal Gymnasium Glass had its initial meeting nt thu Central school building Wed nesday evening. The class will meet there every Wednesday evening between the hours of 7:30 and 10. A large class is lesiiotl. George Robinson, bettor mown as "Uncle ueorge, a led at his homo on Willamette boul evari Thursday morning of old nge infirmities. He was aged about 88 years and had resided n bt. Johns for some years, lie is survived by his widow and sevoral children. . The Society of Silent Unity or racticnl Christianity has start ed a study class and will meet at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. I'reeman, at 708 Hudson Street, at 7:80 P. M. on every Wednesday evening until further notice. All interested are cordially invited to be present. A birthday party was given for Viola Rassi in honor of her twelfth birthday. Games wore played in which ull took a joyful ! part, after wiucn refreshment:! were served. When time for adjournment came a'l wished her many more happy birthdays. She received many betuuiful presents. Those present wore: Dorothy Kenton. Dorothy Mel ton. Mary Harney. Mary Taylor. Sela Taylor, Alfred Martenson. Ethel Mnrtensen, Edith Hill. Lois IlagenuiiBii. Grace Rose, Ruth Clnrk, Virginia Douglass, Vivian Haines. Clara Johnson. Martha Small, Catherine Rassi. sister fcmiui was caned unon lor testimony in a revival meet ing. She humbly declined in these words: "1 have buen a transgressor and a black sheep lor many years, and nave only recently seen the light. I believe that my place is in a dark corner behind thu door." Mrother Jones was next culled upon. Following Sister Smith's mock example, he said: "1 too, have biu'it a sinner for more than forty years, and I do. not think 1 ought to stand before yon as a model, i think my place is be hind the door in a dark corner, with Sister Smith."-Ex. If my work pleases you; please tell your friends. If not, tel me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. 0 Migiity aches from a little toe corns grow, uur corn remover stops both the ache and the corn CURRIN SAYS SO. o When in need of Btnall arti cles, get them nt the C-lO-lCc store. St. Johns; in the Penin stiln National Bank Building. That six year old molar is a lust permanent tooth: novcr shed. If neglected and lost that loss is a serious one. Dr. Mulkoy. Tho Dentist, 108 M South Jersey Street. The world greatest artists at your command at any time when you have a VICTKOLA. Currln Says So. Aunt Jemima's RED HANDANNER Handkerchief's 15c. two for 25c W. W. Rogers, The Raincoat Man. Nothing to put on, nothing to tal c olT, just a simple turn of th. hand and tho BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH is ready to play any mane or record, currln Says So. . o One evening when little Mary tad fractured one of the rules govorning table behavior sue was removed from the family oard and made to eat her din ner at a little table in a corner. ler prosonco was ignorod by the other mombers of th family. Aftor a period of silence the amily hoard her giving thanks. 'I thank thee, Lord, for prepar ing for me a table in the pre sence of mine enemies," A couple of boys stood watch- ng a tractions horse snort its disapproval of an approaching motor car. "What makes a lorau do that when he sees a motor car"' asked one. The other ronliacL "It's this way. lorses is used to see other horses pull carts, and they d6n't know what to think of carts going a- ong without a horse. If you saw a pair of trousers walking down the street without a man in them you'd be scared, too. G. W. Gilbroth, president of tho Groat Northern Concrete Shipbuilding of company of Van couver, Wash., is at Seatile to day to organize a union of work- ngmen who are dissatisfied with radical leadership. The new organization will be called the National Union of the World. Ho plans to have headquarters of the organization in Washing ton, D. C, with branches in all the principal cities of the coun ry. O dices have been oponed there for the organizationTelegram. Guy II. Corey met a tragic death on Pesaenden street last Saturday near the noon hour. lie was attempting to tret on the strvet car at Smith avenue while it was at, II moving, it i? aid, but he lost his hold and was thrown under the wheels. His right leg was almost severed and he wuh otherwise badly mangled. Death emtio shortly before A o'clock nt tho Good Samaritan hospital. Ho was engaged at.the ship plant, was aged SMJ yea'rs and resided at 500 Tillamook street, Portland. The funeral took place Wednes day. Arriving at Shanghai, China, 36 days out from San Francisco, the new motor ship Adrian Bad in, built by the Peninsula Ship building (X, accomplished a voyage that would be a credit to any ship in the world. One of the incidents of tho voyage was the experience of passing through a cyclone during which period the craft sailed under reefed fore and mainsail. Writ ing at sea in latitude 2H north, longitude 15G west, Robert Fergu son, master, said that the craft was averaging 170 miles a day. On reaching San Francisco on the outward trip the vessel made an excellent landing without aid ufa pilot, and in departing saved an expense of a pilot, the total saving by this means boing about $100Q.-The Ship Builder and Marine News. Our stock of photographic supplies for the amateurs is al ways complete and fresh; get your films here. CURRIN SAYS SO. For Sale. Plot of ground 100- xCOO feet, well located, at Whit wood Court. Prlco $1000, terms. Call at this ollice. Our terms on talking machine compare with any in tho city, and you know our business roputntion: now is the time to buy. CURRIN SAYS SO. t -'- Why be driven to tho donlist by pain? Procrastination is the thiof of time. More expense, mora pain repairing bad teeth; procrastinate not. Dr. Mulkoy, Tho Dentist, 108 1-2 South Jor sey street. For Sale Modern four room bungalow with bath, 50x100 foot lot, street Improved and paid for, in South St. Johns: a fine home. Call at this office for moro particulars. St. Johns Fair Store. E. W. Foy, lrrop.; household utility supplies and general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Electric store. Records are arriving In limited quantities every few days. Ask us for your, favorite, CURRIN SAYS SO. 0 Don't sacrifico your Liberty Bonds. I will allow you par on paid up or partially paid bonds. R. J. Kirkwood. 281 Oak street. Masquerade suits for rent at 2M Fessenden street. Good Secotul liaml Sewing machine (or rem. II, I', Clark, tf 2uis34(i pue JfuimiajQ Stipunii'j jo sput y 'CD AHaNinVl ClMVaNVlS SapiiDsojcloH Don't neglect the teeth. The first set, number, serve a double pose mastication of food and a VERY important part in the de velopment of the jaws. Dr. Mulkey. The Dentist, 108 1-2 South Jorsey street. W uut(x j 'oiqissod jpAauoii.w iuii oziuojibcI lsnui noA" 'jaipios pa '-8jet3sip m &t ii8u op o 04U noA" jj 'ssouisnq juoa" oajos j-ap ptie 1uba j A"-jticrus;p jupisffid jo; lli6i 'OHl uo i pa&ietpsip pun Zi6i 'uZz 3y smsjoao poping 'i6i vCnf jtii A-y sjaan;BiK ipgi (puupaoj joj v,j 03 m poistiua j ' 'osnon children's jnOA- jajjQ a.uij o) sjsu pu 28Zfl JO 0818 1SB3 llUD """""- " ........ f..,. ...... f..,. ....... ..r -mi 'ne it tccrtif tcuri PUT- l'"" u -l'Hj aviu nun ju.iou.in.ii W"1 -.. 4UOA JOJ IUIIJ ptiatlIlllO.104 AJIllllOO JUOA O SDDIAJOS Sill S30Q aE MEMBER FEDEBAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF RANK Poninsula National Bank UI'1'fCltKH. Okant Smith. I'ltltll C. K.NAI'I'. l'KANK 1. DKINKItH John N. Kdi.hi'mkm, ClIAKI.IW It. Ul HMHI.T., Stanton l imiiiu, itim'AKD H. .MUKKIS. DIUHCToRS. . President TUo ,i ttt-.y Vice President i'. p. iminki:m . Vice I'rcslilcnl A. R.m Caihicr f. e. as ait AMltUntCatlilcr il. H i-hnnkm. AlMnt Cashier (ik ANT hmith AsilsUtit Cadilcr i. N Ktit.KfKKW Member of Federal Reserve Bank 3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of DejMSlt mm It's a Topic of fifsnsl to nil our tflliilih- Hrx-i-ti,'. tHir cut" mer knoni tlml our " it-It, ! iiK)ii mill tlint our M-ivici- n lw urn form. Iltinv Ikmim-IhiMn ni'iilc iIi coindirl ami cumrtHi nri- l iIoiiik IuIii cm wild im, In iHiiii',MriM'r. mnl n (irlilc ourM.li-it iihi I In- iiritti4, cnicivni ncfvlro iu' Kivc. tlifti- i liiih- womln Unit wu leml nil rh.tW hi iIi .iiiMrtint ii IiiiiIiicm tnuiiMrliil. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. hney SI 1'lHinr Cut MM tT t3 tfi O fa Ti Tfl Green and llll 11 1 Dry Slab UU 1 11 II AND COAL Be Sure and Order From St Johns Lumber Co. tfafe: Men's heavy Sl.26.-W. W. Raincoat Man. Work Shirts Honors, The wiu ?4oddns uoa !M mm ttSim an m m FUNERALS autlful urny or black ndult casket, haarie, box. 2 autoa embalming nnd rofln ud aarvlca for 75 fP MIM.hR I'uueraU if ilenlrr.l tor f'il), J30, 4U, iW. Milier ru?.l fuiic-i.il in r xrtl'ii We manufacture culcets. Ii'ljr aisi.uit. lf autlful funeral chape). MILLER & TRACEY Main 2601 Indcpondant Tunaral Directors A 7886 WiithiiiKton ut Ilia Street, lletwaen 20th and 2Ht Stiivt, et Ska ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative L 014 Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia v"v AMi'- til FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Cor. Rictuwd ui baskst Sb. Siiinluy School, Id A. M. rritihiu Siriuc, 11 A. M 7 30 1' M. UirUtUu Kmlvavor, f' I.mlKs Aiil HuaiiiiM i 2 1' M. Sccoml Friday i mouth l'rayer Mcttiug every lay, 7 30 l. M. c 1 c u iu to alii tt Ke. J. T. ilRRKILL, Pirtlor ma M. m: