St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 07, 1919, Image 2

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A. V. Marklc, Itdltor
Published Friday of Each Week
Subscription prlco $1,00 per yonr.
Outside of Multnomah County f2.00
per year hi advance.
AnvKRTisiW) II ATM: 26 cents per inch
each Insertion. Local 6 cent Jier line,
niliilmuni 2fi rents. Stte lal rates on
yearly contracts.
TitK RltviKW Is entered Nt jxist office
In Portland, Oregon, h mall initti t
ol lite nocotul claw under the Act of Con.
tern of iMnrch j, 1879.
Kobort Henry Ulunis was a
resident of Portland for 15 years.
and had many friend who will
remember him for his kindly
manners and assistance oflered
in time of need. He wus born
in Pictoii county. Nova Scotia.
and came from an old Scotch
family of Highlanders of South-
erland Shire. Scotland. Mr.
Clunis was in his '17th year. He
died Jnnttary 11, and the funeral
wna held nt the Miller At Trncey
minors January 20. I'inal ser
vices were in the Hiverview
cemetery. Mr. Clunis ia stir
vivod by u sister. Mrs. R Lilly,
of St. .Johns: two brothers and
two sisters in the oast. Tele
Accompanied by six mourners
and u number of wreaths of
(lowers, John Barleycorn, in the
role of a conmo. was rocently
shipped from a California, town
to Carlton. Or. When the fume
from the coflln. betrayed tli
actual content!) and tiie entire
ahlpmont was conliscatcd, the
partiou did not wait for Hit in
torment but left for parts un
known, no longer pretending
but actually mourninc (he lots
of their friend. This story enmc
to llirlit Friday when n casket,
lilled with uunrl ImiUIi'H of
whiskey, bottled in bond, pass
ed throuirh Albany,, uimnlod by
a wovornmonl detective. The
brouloiKO of a bottle in the ship
mcnl whicu was HccoiniMtniod ny
the mourners caused all eolliim
comlnir from wet sUtteh to lie
HUspucttHl willi the riMtilt that
tliu character of the shipment
this morn i iik' was discovered.
Oldest Form of Wind Instrument That
Has Been Retained In Use by
the World.
Dr. Cyrus Adler, writing of the
hliofnr, calls It the solitary mu
sical Instrument actually preserved In
thu Mosaic ritual. "It Is also," he
miys, "the oldest form of wind Instru
ment known to ho retained In use by
thu world. 1'rofcssor Stelntlml point
id out that this was an Instrument
no doubt used In prehistoric times,
Wutzstuln Is of the opinion that the
uio of the rum's horn may linve been
borrowed by tho Israelites and rouh
buck to n people who were engaged
solely In the cam of sheep; by them
It wns used us n signal of alarm.
There cull bo llttlo doubt that It has
been continuously used In thu Mosaic
ecrvlcc from thu tlmo It was establish
ed until now. Tho sliofnr was not the
only horn used by the Israelites lis u
musical Instrument, but no copies or
representations of other musical In
struments have comu down to us.
l'roin thu Talmud wo learn thnt thu
use of thu shofur as n uoto of nliirui,
of war, wim transferred to oilier sen
sons of danger tint! distress. Famine,
u plnguo of locusts, and drought occa
sioned tho blowing of this Instrument.
The shofar was employed at the pub
lic ceremony of excommunication. A
very curious uso of tho shofur In Inter
times was In funeral ceremonies. I
unite ngrco with Wclzstcln that this
ue of tb" Instrument Is quite apart
from tho Semitic custom mid thnt It
was probnbly borrowed. As n signal
ninl mi Instrument of wnr It tins Its
various uses; It was u signal for going
out to Imttlc, for the nnnouuclni: of n
victory and for thu rocnll of troops."
Mongol Monarch Is Also Official Head
of a Religion, Though Little
Known to the World.
The most absolute inonurrh In tho
world Is the least known, lie rule
In Until. It Is tho capital of Mn
golhi, and the potentate Is nt the nm
tltno tlip olMclal bend of n religion
He Is, In fact, the Mongol pope.
Urgn Is to Mime extent n modern
town, having imiiiy Chinese mid Itux
shin Inlnibltnnts; hut the native por
tion of It bears no ri'M-tiililntH-i- t
anything that can hp found anywhere
else on earth. I'or this Mongol part
of the city Is movnhle mid ronitimtH
rhnnges Its locution mid arraimenient
The Mongol houot-s tire lieiuli,In rl
en I biitH of felt rloth extended met
a light strtieturi' of latticework. The
are readily collapsible, mid enti be put
up or taken down nt a few tutiiui
untlee Tell eloth being mi exeellenl
Insulator, they nffonl n warm mid
weatherproof shelter during winter
of extreme cold.
There nro at Urgn, however, a nuui
her of large monnsterle. It Is the
holy clly of thu Mongols. The priests
(called "Inmns") are iiuiiibend by him
drcds of thotistiiids, mid their "In
muserles" arc scattered all over tho
Tho business of the lamas Is to drlvo
awny (bo devils which, but for their
pious activity, would soon destroy all
the people. At Intervnls they glvo
great outdoor exhibitions of a quasi
theatrical character. In which linn
dreds of lamas take pari, dancing In masks nnd fantastic cos
tunics to music furnished by drums,
hugo copper trumpets nnd Utiles made
from tho thlghbomm of virgins the
last mimed horrlhhi Instruments emit
ting blood-curdling and mournful
come: in and
Hear the New
Tliey are
Wc also sell Udison Cylinder Records
and Emerson 7 inch Double Disc
Stradavaria Machines
Edison Machines
St. Johns Phonograph Co.
ol7 IM. Jersey Street
Can be well taken care of at this store.
Everything in flic
oils and paints.
hardware line, including
"It takes quality tot
wuUa veal bargain,
says Kelly
we banker
Allium, thu wuiilthy mill
Iiiih Iioiiii found Kiiilty.
Lot Uio KODAK kuon the
Htory iiiitl record of thu children.
Curt in Say SO.
Found- Autt) crunk. Owner
may huvc muno by culling ut this
olllco nnd puyfiijr Tor nil.
.Jorooy Cilovoa Siic, roirulnr
wurm doll up all'ulm. too.- W.
W. KKir, Tim KiiinciHit AIhii.
Mark linmbard Drunel Won High
flank Among Men Noted for Their
Service to the World.
Hlr Mark IsHinhard llrunel, engineer
of the Thames tunnel, died at London,
Deeeinher Ur. 1NH. The great enter
prHe by whhh he becnine popularly
illatltimiUliwI was the tunnel connect
ing the shores of Kssex and Kent. One
dfty llrunel conceived the construction
of m cast-Iron hleld, which should born
like mi Hiiger by means of strong
hydraulic wrews, while as fast as the
iwrlh whs cut away, bricklayers
should be nt hand to replace It with mi
arch, lie pslenled tin1 plan and re
vived Uio project of u rond under the
1'lmmen. In IK! I the Thames Tunnel
eoiiimtiy was formed, nnd (lie next
year the work started and was pur
sued through many dllllciiltles from ex
pliMlons of gas mid eruptions of wa
ter until INUS. At lint beginning of
tlmt year about OK) feet had been
completed when the river broke
through mid sit men were drowned.
Work was suspended until IB.X1, when
the novel anient advanced Die company
over a million Hollars. M last III
1,300 feet was completed mid the tun
nel oH'iied on thn Will of Miirch, IN 111,
llrunel was knighted by the queen
mid Ids fame was homo to (ho ends
of the eHrth.
S100 Rcwnrd. $100
Ths riil-rs of tiu nit-r will t,
Imiihh to l-nrn llitl lie Is nt Imwtt em
OrmilMl tllfwa- tlml i.-r.- in inwh
mIiIh In cur- In nil li tuuam. ai.d lhal Is
ChIiuiIi. ilntt'ew'at urli rme I lti only
ttofeillvit sum low hni.ii in mll--iil
risli-f nlly. I'.iUllli Ih Iok N i-nie lltMtlotml
illMflt. rriinri4 i rntllilliisl trt-nt-iinl
IImII'h I'nlatrh I'urt. It InUrn In
irnmlly, s-iiiik itii.-ily niton 'h l",l
snil mnrfs smfM t-1 of ilisy' 'm, tlirti-.
Iiv ''ftriyln llw fiiiiielnllnM III U
!$. mul vlvlnir lli. dnIIviiI olicnalli I'v
l.'ilWIrnir uti Km riiinllinllun ami mmIsIIiiii
nniiiii- In ! 'itiw Us wold. Tli- imifitli-i'in
bsvfi an much faith In lla enrnllvo t"w-i-r
tlml l Itcy orT-r on- llnn liml Oullnr
"ThiiiKmal! chew of
lUtfil Gravely givcB
inoro ical tobacco
tralisfacliou tiiun a
big chewof ordinary
ping. It tastes better
nntl lnsts longer."
Good, smaller
oltev,lonrlifc is what
mnkos Genuine Crave
ly nm lets to olmw (ban
ordinary plug.
H'rlt lt
n-WVILLU. v..
r hUtt aa t!ttwit flint
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in pouck
Prices are as reasonable as good material
can be sold for.
Call in and look over our line.
Beyerte & Armstrong
420 North Jersey St.
When Pleasure Is Expressed
fnr niiy chp I In I It falls l' ur. aVnd
(ur lint nt l-iitnifiii
AilHl...: I- i IIKNRr A ' O. ToMo. O.
HM hy all lmiitli Tr
Tult llir riMlly I'llla tor tofiillimtloti.
Don't throw nwny votir Ilrokin
rniliti-tlii, litiii it to tile
Liberty Repair Shop
Wc Repair Anything
937 N. Jersey SI. ST. JOHNS, ORE.
La Planto Salicious Mineral
Put up just at it conns from the Mine.
(noil lor iiiiuiiiimtitiu, .iiiiuii mul ix-
it'iu.i, I'oImmi Oak
I'Hll sail ni,l iitrtli(tu rttii '-'
6PJ N. Hill Stut-t
I'Ihmic MrtMdwsy ItKtt Portland, (lit-,
I fit isn't Nit KASTAIAN it isn't
a KODAK. Don't 1m .Iw.iivcmI.
Now wliot ni mi ir whop just
opuuinK uii tit 1JW I'IiUmiIuIiiIiIh
ntniot. V Iwlicvu tliHt vu nro
in tho right pliu'c. will do (lie
right work ut roiuonnblo price.
u. billions, rrop.
Ituconls nro suuruo nnd IihiiI to
get but wo bnvo hs couiplote
llHHOl ttlUIIlt NS it is IHtSSiblO til
gut ut this tiiiH. (Toiiio in nnd
Hit "Snakeihlp't" ConveriaUon.
Tlmt serpents nro less mute Hum we
think Is shown by V. II. Hudson In his
rt-mlnlM-ent volumo of nnliirnllst ex
idorHtloiis In the Argfullne pmiiws.
lie siHM-llles the Phllodryas oestlvus
m iMtuilirul mid linnnhss rolubrlne
wiake. '1V in II feet long, mnrkml nil
over wllb Inky black on n vivid green
ground mid stHtes that It not only ! lOspPII
eMiiiikn u Hounii wuen lying uuiiis
lurlnsl In Us den, but several ludlvldii-
hI woiihl hold together a conversa
tion tbnl seemed eiidhws. It was a
binning couveraatlou, though not un
HHHlulNled or without coiishlerahle va
riety. "A long slhllnthm would he
followe' by distinctly lieord ticking
aoHiidi, hs of a liusky-llcklng rlm-k
The Green Slamn Grocery
Jutcrnur to .1. h'. Jdufcr
I'.ivv u a Spurt- iHal i our
hum to Pleiiii- Coliiuibi.i W
70S Duohnnnn Street
Reel Estate!
Central Location
Thirteen years in the busi
ness in St. Johns.
List your Property vith Us
We Alnkc Sales
S. C. Cook
102 N. Jersey Street
l.y otic of llic f.unil) bccHiihu
( f exccllttit chops, toasts or
ether nienU. th nnswer is,
Well , I lmti(ht it nt thu
St. Joints Cash Market"
That's a lmtiaehohl pltrssc
oinund here. If yon do
want the htm thai (he mark
et nflotd, in ioiiltry tnul
ii tuts, at a price that proves
wc ore lowcsl, why conic
t'Cht lim-.
In (Im Clicoll Contt of tlw Suite of Ore
gon far Xnltitomkh County.
Molwl I,. IksHt. Plaintiff,
Chailw It. iMnt. I)lemlant.
ToCharlen K. IMnt, ih above nauiwl
llt lI'lNtlt.
Von are hereby commanded to apjx-sr
and answer or otherwise plettd In the
alxivc entitle. I mt filed against jou In
I In- tmv rnlitlol rause and Court on or
before l'il.ruur 21, 1VUW. ur the com-
plaint therein will be taken w eonfesNl A
ami Plaintilf will take judgment hhmIu1
v m fi,r divorce whlrh aJit nravsior In
her aaiil eomolaint MaH the ground ol
cruet aim inniiinan treatment.
Thl Mimutotu U imtdUhwl in the St
Ji-lius Review (urlx aut-celve we-k
IKIMiailt til llfilpr 111 lli,ll llMirua U-
1 kuuleton, PrvaiUiitK lude of the above
eutltleil Court, nialeand eitleretl at Port-
You Can't Beat Us
on quality or price, no matter where you go. We
are determined to Icep nhenil of ll competitors, and
wo are doing it.
. IMBODEN BROS., Prop's.
Phone Cohm.l i i j i WC DELIVER H"J 'N'- JiTMy Street
laud, Ureifun. Jauuarv 7. 1W1U.
!! of flrst taiiilication January
, . ... ..- . '
10. 1
Don'! throw your Old Tires away
:... . i ...... c VULCANIZED
Office Room 5
Peninsula Hunk Building
Hours y-io a. in ; i-5 p. in. riuI
Oflice phone Col. 25.1; Re. 910
For Siile Mntiorn sovon room
Itte of laal imhlication Hebtuary
Attorney for HUintiN.
so riuucK inoca i-oriiami, uruN.
, Notice to Creditors
hi lite County Court of the Stale of
Oregon lor Hie couitiy or Multuowah. I
Nitit'e l lirrebv viven that Ilia uiular.
, iurIJa been auuoiulel AdmlnMrutor
ni ill- Katate ol Rolert I'. .MaellmwUI.
ilveaed. y the County Court of the
i Mule 01 umpu lor Jlultuootah County, I
: iiiki no iuaiincn,
I All iierkous havinu claim auaiuei aalil
Il4te are hereby uotittel to urent
and Hftwr 10 nr I'll or iM tloka. nnothor tlOUKO, full lot. lit S2" North lilli- l'l) WOI'k.
Rctrcadlni Machine Inslnllcd
ne 1
I llllMK y:i 'n H! Miui un. Kttttf urt uerrbv
. . . ld ..Jat.l .v . I... I f t -
Heafeonable prices on w'ttW&Ttoft
KorSnlo KtwHunnhlo hy Owntu'
hlx mom uottnuo; olwtric Unlit!
niui iiiii pliiiiililnir; l'(mmI Um-m
tion, closo m. I'Vom ono U)tluvo
loU, tilno k'oikI lmrn. MukI U
neon to bo tiipr'ciHtil. For pur-
tlcular., call Columhin 2H2. 'A
hlaa. Ilht h Iimik tMplrlnc MkIi. minii-
llitnvj with n Irwnlili' In It, mk of n dry
leaf vlhrnllui; In the wind. No mmiiht
wtHild inn ctwiii tliHii iiniitlii-r would
Im'kIii; and hii it wnnld ko oil, doilllllld
mul riouNi, Mroiht mid uiitl
mrodio; and nt Interval Hnvornl
voh-fN would iinlto In n kind of loin:
m)aliN-iiUK I'liuiim, diHith-watt'h or
hod, iiiki u nimioi'ii lour room
house nt DOS N. W iimutte liotil-
1 mm 1
ovarii, win do now on twsy
pnvniont pltin. Lull i27 N. Kili
son. Vd
All work guaranteed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Oregon
Monoy to$2000 o Iomu
;i to n yorii nt 7 pr cunt, Hrt
tnortiriiKtf. nppmviHl mnjurity;
or ovor nt 7 l-u par emit.
Suu S. W. Koifunt, 202 N. Juravy
Nico Homo. Will tnko your
nuto a part pnyinunt townrd my
100x100 corner, moiiorn buiiKn
hut, i:umpieiwiy inruialioil, or
not; vory rciiconnhlo. Call 181
13. Richmond t.. St. Johns. Hi
UK IN THIC W 1 101,1
for thu nskinir. Currin Suy So,
My honvy $l.(lfi work Kubhorrt
ura the talk of tho town.- W
W. UoKcrs, Tho KHiueout Mnu.
Wo do only ono kind of kodak
nnisnintf. that is tho SATISFY
unu Kifsu. iiako us pj-ovo it.
If you are looking for a lino
yard of White Leghorns, oomo
ami see me. 1 have ono tine Lo
Uarren cock I will mate with as
nuny pullets as you may want,
and McFarlan strain from Cal.
ifornia; nono hottor. Cock $6,
pullota $1.50 ouch; nUo throo
incubntora $5 onch. -L, 11. Chip,
man, 312 Trumbull strout, St.
NeU the label on your paper,
Famoui Old ScottUh Song.
"Th Hill." Ili-lh of .Swthind" In
not tmly iMipular In the laud of
lli thlntli-, of whli-li It, Miikx, hut It
Iim un lutvrnntliiniil niMn-nl. It wan
wiltttm hy MIm Anulii McVli-ur. it
youui; ScotlUh wouitin, who ttjioiit con
dderntilo of hor rly llfo In Auier
lea. Yho oiVMSIon which prouiptetl
the wortU at thin unit; wns tho di
luirliire of the ManiuU of Huntley
for lh eontlneut with his reclinent
in ITW.
The niualc to which Miss MeVlc.
urn HHm Ims inon set Is nevernl
liiindrHl ywrn old, and It was rescued
fnun oblivion by Mr. KltzKcrald. to
wlui'u tho world owes u creat debt of
uriitltudo for Ids untiring work lu this
Drave and Unyielding Freedom.
The liberty which our futhcM plant
e. mid for which they Murdlly con
tondiMl. tnul under which they grandly
comiuered. Is it rutloiml mul teiuperatu.
but bruve mid uuyloldlinr. freedom:
Who is your druggist? Hnve
you usod euro in your soloction?
Wo nro rogistorod gruduitte
pharmacists nnd know tho irug
business. CURKIN SAYS SO.
Mortgage Loans, Investment,
Insurance in nil its brunches.
Peninsula Security Company.
wi aouin .lorsey istreot.
Am leaving city by April 1st
and want to sell my home nt
112(5 S. Willamette boulevard.
Will tako liherty bonds in part
nrst payment. bee M. it.
Autoinobilo Insurance. We
write liro, Theft, Linbilitv,
Property Damage nnd Collision.
Poninsula Security Company.
10S South Jersey Street.
For Sale or Trade- Three lots
in St. Johns, also 20 acres of
land in Cillnm county. Call .MiO
East Fessonden street. 151
For Sale - Forty acres of tim
ber located in Columbia county.
the uusiut mmhor of institutions j the Oregon; or will exchange for St!
a7V,co Vnd onicV; 7 1?"' CoI'"
inat nits iter uwrui mul rebuklug fuce
etiUHlly upon the cowunls who would
noli, ami the bi-HKKHrta who would per
vert, her precious gifts of rUhts mid
ohllgatlouti.- IMwin I. Whipple.
acres of
I have for sale two new housos
on paved street, all street im
provements in and paid for.
Will sou on very attractive
terms -one live room, nnd-one
six room, on car Hue. russonden
utreot, near Jersey, Phono Col
umbia .161 mornings.
bin 15S.
Wanted About 100
itinu w in nouse ami tew acres
cleared, not far from school and
well watered. John Winer. TOO
N. Senoca street, St. Johns,
Portland, Oregon. 18
(jams ot tnauKs
loniey. at 817 Hoard Tnule Ituildinie
I'ortUml, Orettou. or to tb AduiiuUra
' l-r. William Maclionahl at bis reside lice,
-ill uaweuo wnwt, m lbna Statlou
, ISrt1auil. Oiegott. witbiu aix tuoutbs of
tue i late hereof.
lattctl. and ftrat tublictku. January
AduiinUiiator of the ItMate of Robert
f. MaclNMMltl, ileceasetl.
I). C. l.KWIS.
Attorney for AdtuiuUtralor,
lce 317 Boartl of Tmdc Huihling
riume Main SW7 lortlaud, Oregon
out tfoii want
izw furniture
Lor- ijour
Notice to Creditors
Open Evenings
Dear Mary: ,
I'm planning: a surprise party for my husband. It's to
be on S. Valentine's evening. You know Frank is froinrr
to send me as a valentine an order.for all the things for
my home 1 want. I've already nicked out the furniture
and rugs and .when he leaves home on the moraine of tho
!ou within an hour.
rlSrtSS'&SW Km ff0inff. 10 lmve wyfoln in place when he comes home
my house
n in Hie County Court of the State of
tins-oil iur the County of Multnomah,
n None U hrreby Kien that the umler-
kiuetl naa been
" -l the Krtate t
In' the Cuuutv
KOU for Mulluotuah Count v. aiul W tlmt OVOniMO. I U'llnl mn an1 'I'r., U j.
i o j v niiu aviii iu uu ill
Genuine Bargains
All peruu hauiiK etaiui a;aiust Mid promptly at six.
r.iaie are uereoy uotlHml to present
Muie, duly verified a by law requiretl,
' to the undertiigHttl, at the office of hi
.uorney. S17 Hoard o( Twde Itnildinj:.
i uriwnu, ureuon. or to me Auuiliiutra
, tr. 1'rauk H. Rouer. at hu rideue
1I1B 0.we(o itreet, St. John Station,
notices are. ,w
On amount cf my family beini:
locutetl rmuneuUy iu New York,
tliev have prevailed uihi me to pull
stakeii. s) here gus to dispoa of all
of my St. Johns projicrty, some of
which are:
5 Room house, -10x100 lot $1250.
$960 tlowu.
.1 Room house. 1)0x100 lot $1000.
$850 dowu.
5 Room house, inoderii. -10-xUO lot
$S00. $2fi0 dowM.
5 Room house, modem. 50x100
lot $22&0. $250 dowu.
f Room house, modeiu. 50x100
lot $2600. $500 down. j
Some of these have utnJaurface
streets, alley, fruit tree and ou car
lortlamt, Oregon, within mx uioutlu
iioiii l lie aate Hereof.
lated, and firvt publicatioti, January
AduiiuiMrator of the Utte of Vivian
illu, ileceael.
Attorney for AduiinUtrator.
Dffiee SIT Hoard of Trade Huildiuu.
"hone Main SW7 1'ortUud, Oregon
). i;. Chambers Mrs II. K. 1.. wry
Funeral Directors
21S 250 KilliUKworth Avenue
Telephones: Wood law u 3W0 C 11SS
So long- HELEN,
P. S. This will make Tom give you an order for furni
ture and rugs on
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
-V..?;,....i. iV:..;": j 1 HusHies property ou easy term. Mr. Cliawbais i the only Q. A. K.
have such notices
Now is tho time to tret tho them in my heavy whtto Cnrnou
children's pictures. They will tors' Overalls at $2.25 pair,
atl'ord you pleasure In after "Union Made." W. V.
years. Lurrin Says So. inouers, ine if timeout Alan.
fl (lit nru aiM tt TMraaa4 vai a o m. L. ' HtulaAalV mm la tla alft .t taW-l u.t
111 I It I 1 O 11 i - . - i w
ouuuiii o ..uio m una. , jHst RtMlg over ,he ..j,,,,.. IBd
w "TEN POCKETS" is not tho W"1'1 1 "We to be at my office,
namoof a play, but you will And I'M So Jersey Street, eallltp my
Ieraoiul attention
giveu to arrangeaitiiu.
aaui iHrHirriiisH
Home Main 1711.
Suburb calls givon prompt
ananuon osy or niKtit. uom-
'C RENT ! t
u. i . uulcui . pinto auto equipment; no yctra
" charge; refined service. Millor
tnn omii Tracey.
Rowlaocls Garage
107 Fcsscnden Street
I have bought out the COLUMBIA GARAGE
business and am here to give good and
prompt service. Am prepared to give ex
pert work on any make of cars and will
guarantee all work put out.
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and get acquainted.