St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 07, 1919, Image 1

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Natives of Rlmatara Aiorlba Their Es
cape From Death to Miraculous
"Saved by tho Imnd of God," Is tho
wny the nlno nnUvcs composing Uio
crew of tho 80-ton Bchooncr Oroinntin
clinrnctorlzc their usenpo from dontli,
nftor hnvlng drifted liclpleiuly CO dnys
on onu of tho loneliest bits of ocean
In the seven sens.
When tho wreck of tho Oromnnn
wis towed Into Papeete hnrbor, Tnhltl,
one of tho most rcmnrknblo voyages
known In these waters was completed.
The vessel, n two-mnstcd schooner,
owned by natives of Hlmntnrn, an
Island about .100 mites southwest of
Tahiti, left her homo port, without
cargo, bound for tho Island of Iturtitu,
In tho same group, whom she was to
undergo repnlrs and talta cargo of
copra for Tahiti.
Two days out, sho was struck by n
storm, which carried nwny both her
inn sis and Inter her rudder, leaving
her a helpless derelict
With never n glimpse of land or snll
to glvo a ray of hope, the Oromnnn
drifted for 00 dnys. After 15 days tho
supply of food wns gone. Tho natives
innnnged to catch n shnrk with hook
and line. Tlili Instcd then) live days.
Tho rest of the tltnu they liml no food.
An occasional shower prevented dentil
from thirst.
Then tho "miracle" happened. Tho
tnotintnlns of Tahiti roso slowly over
tho horizon. The shifting sea current
brought them nearer and nearer until
they were flnnlly slclitcd rrnm slioro
nnd n powerboat sent to tow them In.
Thoy weru too weak to rise to their
feet, but, nfter it few dnys nnhoro nil
appeared to bu rapidly recovering from
their experience.
Tho nntlvcs sny tho hand of tiod
iruldcd their craft, for tho prevailing
winds In these latitudes arc from the
northwest, n direction which would
never hnvo brought them to Tahiti.
Qlrl Lacked Qlft of Narrative, but
Was Able to Tell All About
Chateau Thierry.
As wo crawled up n rnllrond track
In the vicinity of Chntcnti Thierry
(this was In October) n rnllrond
track which seemed tho only new and
complete object In sight the Y. M. 0.
A, girl, who had been sitting In tho
corner of tho compartment rcslntlng
nil ntlvunce at conversation, volun
teered a remark.
"Our division took It," sho said.
It turned out that ftho hud gouo In
with her canteen Jiut behind the divi
sion, during that tight wherein Amer
lea uindo good. Sho lacked tho narra
tive talent. Hint girl, hut sho enmu out
At Intervals with Hushes like this:
"When our hoys citmo up tho strag
glers said to them : 'You can't stay In
thcrol' And our boys said: 'We'll
not only stay there, but wo'ro going
forward.' When the striigglcni saw
that, they formed, too, and went back
with them."
Or this, as wo drew Into sight of a
road bordered by blackened ruins:
"There's where our divisions came
Into sight, singing, The Yanks Are Com
In.' " Will Irwin In the Saturday
levelling Tost.
Pretty Polly.
'Tolly, want a cracker!"
"Why, ye," answered Poll as she
plumed her plumngo nnd nently
brushed out her cuge with Iter port
side wing. "Now that the war Is won
nnd tho necessity for food conserva
tion has been reduced to a certain de
gree, I feel that I may Indulge In my
favorite dish without serious damage
to my conscience."
Mid the wealthy munitions worker
W. o overheard the emark bought tier
on the tpot for $1,000 cash, saying
thnt sho shouUI bo surrounded with
luxuries for the rest of her dnys, yea
though sho lived to bo as old us the
mother-in-law Joke.
Note Gentle readers who look for
a moral to this particular piece of
patriotic perslllage will please try to
bear up under the disappointment.
There ain't none. Indianapolis Star,
Matter of Patches,
Seven-yenr-old Jonies and his moth
er were visiting the letter's spinster
aunts. As wns their custom these
maldoa ladles showed their visitors
their vast supply of home-pieced
quilts. "This Is the first four-patch
Jane ever made, " announced one
proudly, dlfplayln a quilt whose
blocks were made up of four square
"And this Is Mary's nine-patch," ex
plained Jane. "She made It when she
wns only seven year old."
The third quilt was an embroidered
silk one, made of myriads of tiny Ir
regular pieces the gifts of friends
nnd the remnants from ancient wed
ding and reception clothes. James
stared at It a few minutes and then
be turned to his mother. "Is this one
an all-patchl" be asked.
Round Trip.
Aunt Mary Wells Is one of the few
"befo' de wan" darkles left In a tittle
Kentucky town. Itecently she was dis
cussing with her employer the merry-go-round
that was running up on the
"Nawsuh. Mr. Malcolm," she said,
"nawsub, I don' ride on none o' dem
things. Why, Mr. Malcolm, I've seen
some o' these here fool niggers git on
that thing and ride as much as a dol
lar's worth, and git off at the very
same place they gits on at; an' I sez
to 'em, 'Now you spent yo' money, nig
ger, whnh yo' bcenr Saturday Eve
ning Post.
Nate th latl an your pa par.
Influenza Abating
The inflenzn epidemic that has
in Portland, as Well as practical
ly all sections of the country, is
subsidinR and at present the
number of new cases and result
! intf deaths are but a fraction of
I what was once the ease. What
the so-called Spanish influenza
is, or from whence it came, has
not yet been convincinnly deter
mined. Many and diverse
opinions have been rendered on
tho Bubjcct, amoiifr which ap
pears the following written by a
! contributor to the Portland
'Journal, and which theory has
been advanced by others:
Raker, Jan.26.-To tho Editor
of Tho Journal I have read
with interest tho articles by J.
II. Wilson and A. Larson, whoso
theory is that this so-called in
fluenza is caused by powder gas.
I would rather say that it wtta
caused by poison gas, great
quantius of which have been
loosed in Europe, and rather to
the gas UEed by the Americans
than tho Germans, as the Ameri
can gas was so much more deadly
than that of tho Germans; also
to tho fact that this so called in
fluenza did not appear until alter
tho Americans had been fighting
for several months. My contcn
t.on ia that tho gas arose in the
air, drifting around and coming
down llrbt in Spain, where the
epidemic first appeared, drifting
back into Franco, thence across
channel into England, and across
the Atlantic to America. The
fact that the earth Uinta from
west to east, consequently caus
ing tho atmosphero to travel
from east to west, shows why
tho epidemic has traveled west
ward rather than eastward.
This theory explains why it
seems to bo contagious in some
places, attacking whole families
at once, while in other instances
but one or two members are
all'ected; why those who are in
tho open air most aro most
susceptible; why old peoplo and
children have not Kulfcred so
much as others, because less ex
posed to tho nutsidu air; why
hospitals which hnvo had tho
windows wide open had so many
moro serious ensos than are found
in homes: why n hospital in
Portland, whore all tho patients
nnd nursos and doctors wore
masks, was immune; particular
ly, why those 100 sailors who
submitted to contagion from
patients in tho worst stages did
not got it, for tho reason thcro
wcro no germs to trnnsfor. and
any amount of the mucous would 1
not hnvo tho desired oiled; whyj
tho germ has not been isolated,
for there is no germ to isolate;
why cattle, horses and sheep on
tho rnnuo have boon dying of a I
mysterious disease; why people
in isolatod districts as reported
from Wasco county tho other
day, nnd oven up in Alaska
have been nllocteu; why farm
eis in tho fields hnvo boon sud
denly stricken, and 1 might go
on ad infinitum.
Lot our doctors and scientists
take some of tho air where the
disease is raging, as in Portland
at present, and analyze it. The
question could then, perhaps, be
easily solved.
The wonder is, thnt, consider
ing the great similarity of some
influenza cases to tho effects of
poison gas, this theory has not
been advanced long ago and test
ed out. Should this theory prove
corrret will mean that our leaguo
of nations must absolutely pro
hibit the use of poison gas in
warfare, or someone will invent
something some day that will;
utterly destroy the human race.
We know that poison gases do
travel in tho air the rogioni
around any smelter proves this, '
where the vegetation is destroy-i
ed and the peoplo aro sickly.
Why, then, when so much hasi
been thrown into tho air as in
Europe, should it not travel
farther and do more damage? j
Contrary to Mr. Larson,
though, I believe the the only!
protection is tho mask. I also
believe that in all hospitals and
other buildings where windows
are kept open tne windows
should be
masked. J. A.
Heavy reversible Cotton Glomes
25c; others 20c, 15c. two for
25c W. W. Rogers, The Rain
coat Man.
Schuman-Heink makes records
exclusively for the VICTOR.
Hear her any day at CURRINS.
We buy and sell Liberty
Bonds; also equities in Liberty
Bonds. Bring your receipts and
get the cash. Open evening3
and Sundays. 209 Abington
Pay your tubicrlptloa.
The Way of the World
Ed Buttles.
You may say a word in a
thoughtless way,
That the whole of a life on earth
may sway.
A trifle it scorned to tho one who
To the heart it pierced it was
not a joko.
A wonderful thing is tho friend
ship of earth,
Rut is it a blessing or is it a
When tho world is bright, und
your life is gay,
Like birds in the treos, thoy arc
with you each day.
But when trouble assail and
life looks black,
Our friends whom we trusted
nro hanging back.
Remember in life is sorrow and
Remember in life are clouds and
Into ench life comos griff and
Into ench life comos doubts nnd
Tho way of tho world is from
nono remote,
This fact you will learn ai your
load you tote.
In poverty hero you nitty not
To the needs of the poor you
may bo blind.
Of glittering gold you may have
full store,
With ne'er a thought to the poor
next door.
For tho tears of tho orphan you
may not care,
The beauties around you tire far
moro fair.
Yet all that you sou on earth
Is only a sham, a glittering show.
And when tho angel of death
draws nigh,
Your earthly neglects may cmiao
MEN'S RUBBERS $1.10 $1.25 $1.65
Rubber Coats and Capes Rubber- Shoes
OVERALLS, GLOVES, Work Shirts, Socks, Suspenders,
Handkerchiefs Children's Rubbers
are Hero! x
Sweet Musio For Men
Authorized RiM'Uiit I'l iUr
The Royal tailors
you to sigh.
The mistakes you have mado
will then unfold,
As your eyes turn dim and your
hands turn cold.
And tho way of tho world you
will know no more,
When you embark at last for
eternity's shore.
- o
Residents of St. Johns having
taxes and city lions to pay in
Portland can make thoir pay
ments without inconvonionce by
availing themselves of our ser
vices. Wo will pay same and
secure your receipt without in
convenience to you. Feo, 25
cents. References: Any St.
Johns Bank. Peninsula Title,
Abstract and Realty Co., by H.
Henderson, Manager; 402 North
Jersey street.
Compared with the ploasure
that it affords the entire family
there is nothing so reasonable
in price as a VICTROLAr CUR
Strictly modern four room cottage, furnished with high
grade furniture; all the little things for the comfort of a mod
ern cottage. An ideal little home for a newly married cou
ple. There is everything right for housekeeping! The gas
range in the kitchen, a gas water heater and a fine heating
stove with water coils. This will be sold on easy install
ments to the party who cau give assurance that his contract
will be carried to a finish.
Employes Pay Respects
Employes of the Grant Smith
Porter shipyards paid their ro
spocts to Eric V. Ilauser, vice
prosident and general manager
of the company, Sunday after
noon, with tho shipyard band
and with n series of resolutions
which had been postponed
presontntion because of Mr.
Ilauser's absence in the Last.
The band played a number of
selections at tho opening of the
I visit, after which Elmer
iO'Callnghan, chairman of the
vnrcl Liberty lonn committee,
presented tho resolutions and
expressed tho appreciation of
the men of tho cooperation nnd
pleaeant relations they had had
with their manager. PhilJenn-
ings, drum major of tho band,
also made a short talk.
Mr. Hausor received tho reso
lutions, dressed in the band un
iform of tho Grant Smith-Porter
comnanv. which had been pre
Hcnied to him in recognition of
his musical abilities.
A buffet luncheon given by
Mr. Hausor in the Multnomah
hotel ballroom to tho shinworkeri
and their families, numporing
about 800 in all, concluded the
In a suiitll village in Ireland
the mother of a soldier met the
villagu priest, who asked her if
she had had news. "Sure, 1
have," sho said. "Pat has boon
killed." "Qh.I am very sorry,"
Mid the prion. "Did you re
ceive word from the warolllco?"
"No," she said, "I received
u'nwl fpnin lilntuitl f. " Till! lirlfiHt
looked perplexed, and said, "But
now is thaw" "sure, - sno sain,
"hero is the letter; read it for
yourself." Tho letter said
r,J)car Mother-1 m now In the
Holy Land."
Open Evcnlnge 1
Voiced Their Approval
I Women employes of the Port
land Woolon Aliiia last wednos
day afternoon, through a com
mittoo of two. voiced their ap
proval of a nine hour day that
loaves them Saturday afernoons
oir. The committee making tho
Htntt.mnnt pniiKislcd nf Mrs.
! Etta Dfcbsnham, MO North Kel
'logg stroet, and Mrs. Alice
Ogden, 802 North Jersey street.
. They said that the nino hour day,
'with Saturday afternoons oil'
, gives them a full vrook's wage
and onables them to do their
' shopping week onds without in
terfering witli thoir work.
They also praised the manage
ment of the mills, stating that
the matter of daily hours had
boon left entirely to the employ
es and that there was no dis
position to refuse an eight-hour
day if the employes wanted it.
1 Not th labal or your paper.
Income Tax Pointers
The big income tax drivo of
1919 is now under wny and every
preparation is being mado to
handle tho largest collection in
tho history of income tax.
am not waiting for tho final
I passage of tho now rovenue bill
!by Congress," said Collector
Milton A. Miller, "nor for tho
innw rnmilnMnnn nnd hlnnk forma
to bo issued. To got this big
tax in and get it accurato and
complete, I urgo that wo all be
gin now."
Tho Income Tax obligations
imposed by tho old laws as well
as the measure now in Congress,
consist of two distinct opera
tions. One is, to file roturn or
statement of all items of income
and times of deductions allow
able by law and to do this within
tho uoriod named in tho law.
Tho other is, to pay the tax if
anv is due.
Neither of these obligations
can be met without a careful
rovlew of income nnd expendi
tures for tho tax year. That is
the big job right now, and thnt
is why 1 say ths Income Tax
Drivo is already under way.
Everywhere tho pencil is busy.
Tho old year is dona; all Ha fruits
aro gleaned; and every porson
who fared well, or earned a good
competence, must annlyzo his
osvn caso in cold figure.
Whon tho now Bill is enacted
into law, I will have tho proper
roturn forms distributed
throughout tho District nnd
everybody will bo informed of
the data whon tho sworn state
ment or return must bo filed. It
ij my plan to send my men out
to central locations, and to have
them travel through the District
nidinr taxpayers in tho prepara
tion of tho returns and to de
ciding doubtful points. Wo will
go right to tho people with the
Income Tax, and with tho coop
eration which tho public can
giro tho Government men, the
returns will bo filed by ovorybody
who comes under tho lnw's pro
visions, tho right taxes will bo
paid, nnd tho district will have
done ita full patriotic duty to.
wnrd tho Government's support.
Meanwhile, lot mo any again,
thoro is no need delaying tho
preparation of figurti. Anything
that Congress does norr will not
all'oct tho nmount of a person's
earnings for 1918.
Let us nroid tho bolated throw
ing together of figures thnt may
hit or miss. Guessos cannot be
accepted as tho basis of taxation.
It is clearly tho duty of every
person to compile correct figures
nnd ascortain whethor his in
come for 1918 was suflicient to
make necessary a sworn state
ment. All signs indicato that tho in
come tax this year will reach'
nearly evory working man and.
woman, and nearly every mor-
rhnnt, shopkeeper nnd farmer.
Not all will hnvo to pay tho tnx. '
but nearly all will be obligco to
mako a sworn statement of tho
year's incomo. I am therefore
advising every unmarriod nor-
son who earned 1000.00 or ovor
during tho year 1918, and evory
married person, who together
with wife or husband, earned
$2000.00, to sharpen hit pencil
nnd figure how he stands. He
must ascertain accurately his
gross income from all eourcos.
Thero'a his salary or wages, in
cluding oTortimo pay and any
bonus received as additionn) com
pensation. A married person
having children under eighteen
who are working, should include
tho earnings of such children.
Everybody wnnta to know
what income is exempt from tax.
Very few plums that fall to tho
average man may be legally dis
regarded in figuring up his 1918
Income, Gifts and benuosti
can be eliminated; also proceeds
of life insurance receivad by the
beneficiary of an insured porson.
A person who cashed in an
endowment policy need report us
incomo only that portion which
exceeds the total of the premiums
he paid in all years on that policy.
Annuities nro not taxable, unleaa
the person received in tho year
payments which represent, when
added to all prior payments on
the annuity, an amount greater
than the original coat of tho
annuity. Dividends on unex
pired life insurance policies are
not taxable incoma;but dividends
on paid up policies must be con
sidered income. Alimony is not
incomo to tho recipient, nor is
it an allowable deduction on the
part of tho person who pays.
I'rorn the total of all items of
income, there are certain deduc
tions allowable by law. All in
terest paid on personal indebted
ness and all taxes paid during
the year are deductible, except
Federal Income and Excess Pro
fits taxes, inheritance taxes and
assessments for local improve
ments, such as sidewalks, sew-
Many Vessels Salvaged
Anyone who imagines that all
tho vessels sunk by enemy
U-boats or mines are loft at
tho bottom of the sen would be
surprised if he could bo told the
whole story of ingenuity, re
source and unremitting toil of
tho British admiralty oalvago
Almost as soon as a ycssc! is
sunk salvngc operations aro
commenced. Divers are sent
down to take accurate measure
ments of the size of the hole
made by tho torpedo or mine.
Small holes arc plugged with
wood, but largo ones nre pntched
with "standards" patches.
These are made of 12-inch wood
en beams, and n patch sometimes
weighs ns much as 20 tono.
As may bo imagined, tho size
of t'u ' holo varies greatly. In
some t do i it lias measured -10
feet long by 20 feet wide, and in
one case it has I eon know to be
81 foot long by JMi fout wide,
Whon tho vessels have been
plugged and pntched, their cargo
removed and tho water Dumped
out of them thoy proceed to tho
nearest port, whero they can bo
permanently repaired.
Several vessels hnvo been
torpedoed after being refloated
and havo again been successfully
raised and taken into port.
ers, etc. Louses incurred in
business or trado aro allowable,
also losses arising from fires,
storms, shipwreck, or other
caaualty, or from theft, in cases
whero such losses aro nut com
pensated for by insuranco or
otherwise. Losses incurred out
side of it person's regular busi
ness aro allowable to tho extent
of gains reported from imiliar
transactions within tho year.
Debts duo to tho taxpayer
actually ascertained to bo worth
less during tho year arc deducti
ble. Depreciation on property until
in a profession, in business or in
farming is another itom that
may bo claimed as a doduclon.
The storekeeper mny claim de
preciation on his fixtures and on
bin delivery Horses anil wagoni,
but not on his stock hold for snlo.
Tho professional mnn mny claim
similar deduction on his instru
ments: and. in the caso of a
tihvaie an who maintains a team
or auto for making his calls on
patients, reasonable depreciation
may bu claimed. Tho farmer
may claim depreciation on his
farm miiltlinga, nsiiio rrom ins
personal residence, alio on his
fnrm machinery, his work horny
ami farm wagons. 'Iho theory
of depreciation, in connection
with tho incomo lax, is mat
wear and tear caused by use in
enrning income Is a real expanse
in tho earning of tho income.
Tho rato ia dotormined by tho
number of years that th pro
perty ordinarily would be useful
and tho cost of the property is
tho bnHis of tho computation. If
tho property suffering deprecia
tion was bought or acquired
prior to March 1, 19151, tho mar
Ket valuo as of thnt (Into is used,
instoad of tho cost, in figuring
After tho total of all incomo is
found, and the deduction allowed
by law has been computed as an
offset, tho amount of income in
excess of such deductions is the
net incomo, which forms the
basis of tho assosumeut of tax.
If every person in this District
will oxamiuo his own 1918 in
come and his allowablu deduc
tions, in lino with data that I
havo given, ho will know beyond
doubt whether he must file his
return whon the blnnks arriro,
And hero is how ho will deter
initio his liability to file a return.
If ho is singlo he must tile if his
net incomo was ?1000.00or more,
and this requirement is enforced
whether or not ho is the head of
a family. If ho is married, ho
must file his return if his not in
come, including that of his wife
and minor children, was $2000.00
Insurance. Place your insur
ance at home. Wo offer you tho
facilities of years of insurance
experience and a thorough know
ledge of local conditions. No
lino is too small to recoive our
personal attention. Peninsula
Security Company. 108 South
Jersey street.
Beautify your home. Call in
and see tho pretty pictures, art
calendars and wall pockets at
tho Review oflice.
I am no "SLICKER." eyon
though I sell "SLICKERS." W,
W. Rogers, Tho Raincoat Man.
Let Lauder put a laugh in
your life. Hear him any day at
Teacher of Piano
Technic nnd Imml development.
Pupils developed from beginning to
public appearance.
Studios 507 8 Columbia bldg.
81 1 North KoUokk street.
Phones Main 3319; Col. J91,
Mrs. Gabriel PuIliiT
Vocal Teacher
Dinpliram Itrvnthing, fnrwuM TtfDtt
iiliicetnciit ntid CluHr ilictlon,
Piiiil tiutKhtto tnke put In Trtw ml
DOS I.0111W1I St. I'lione Columbia ISi
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
I'Klt I'KK !
Violin, Mandolin and Piano
I'upll ol Nolrr Dome
Slllilio: M) W I ! 11 -vn t
Tclcpliour Culuiiilii.t ;ly
I'uplU my lomr Memli l Ihr JumiU
OrclirMi Milled ttlll make ubltf o.w,rHi
(Liccutitntc of the Royal Academy
of Mtihic, London.)
Teacher of Pinno
1957 Ilodie St. Phone Col. 872
I'lione MnluSaiH. Columt.U 101
Perkins & Bailey
llonril of Trrnln lluiliMfiK
SI. John OllkaMllli I'.nltuitlj 5Mwfly Cm.
Hour. I lot) 1'. M.
W.J. Cll.ttnp, M I). i: K Sty, M.I).
Drs, Gilslrap & Seely
Physicians anil Surgeons
Glasses Accurately Pitted
.00tol2M. OI'I'ICKK
lillO to -l:.1(l 1'. M. rir.t NMomi1
7:00 to S:00 P. M. Hjiik HuiMInK
SiiiuWyii, U.00 t.t III.) A. M.
Dr. Evart P. Borden
Pillules Kxtriictiim of Teeth under
NittmiK Oxide da
Oilicc 1'cutiiMilit Hunk Mdn.
Olllce plioue Col. tr plume Col. 477
Hour IMS it. in , IWifiaifl 7 8 p. M.
Dr. Jones Dr.Calder
311 North Jersey Street
I).iy Phone
Columbia 1)7
Niulu Phone
Columbia 000
I'lione Columbia 379
Uvs. Columbia 1131
Dr. F. P. Scluillzc
Physician and Surgeon
Room 10 I'tmiiiMiU H.uik lituldinc
Oll'ica Mourn H to 12 A. M I i ti l. U.
Itrriilm; 7 to 9
I'tnliitiiln lUnk
Ollire I'lione Columbia 1 to
Thr place wlitrr k""'1 iTicf nJ
routlrou trvMtmt'iit pirv.til. Ctnlilreu'.
luilr rutting rcfi-ur i.l u iiii'iu.
Davis Barber Shop
S K. DAVIS, frtp'Kt
108 Philadelphia St. HathnSfe
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
208 N. Jersey Street
I'll'iur, Coluillli: 6J7
1 ol.uubiti
AutomobiK Iltarite
6tl Our Pr'cu Before Going t fmfati
Mother's New Home Restaurant
109 S. Jersey St.
Meals 40c. Shipbuilder' Lunch 2fc
Quick Service
Beat lUtim; I'Ux "i M John.
MRS. S.J. lU.l'.IU . I'loprictret
402 N Jor.oy Stravt
Abstract of Title l'iirr.
Title, l-.xuiuiiltd
Phoat Columbia '2o
Lou Miller
Bottled "BEER" 10 cents
Call on us at
104 Philadelphia Street
Plumbing, Heating & Tinning
We Repair Aluminum War
I'houi Col. 2 2QT S. Jcmj St.