m THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. V. Markle, Hilltor Published Friday of Euch Week Subsorlntlon price $1.00 poryenr. OtiUlilt: "f Multnomah County f2.00 per year in H'lvuncu. AtiVMKTlttNO IlTKS: 25 cents perinJi each liiMilion. I.ocaW 5 cent per linn. minimum 2T c-miH. Speilnl rale n yonrl1 miiiImcU. Tint HhVIKW I onlurctl t pint office In rurtliinl, Oregon, as mull iiiatu-r of 111 scor-l elnM uuiler the Act of Con rc(Mf Mxi'-H 3, 1870, How tleur t my heart i$ the $teif!v $uh$crilcr, Who pai$ in advance at the (trf t of the year. Who$nl$ in hi$ money and dotr$ it quite Kludly, And cu$t$ round the ofllcc a halo of cheer. He never $ay$. "Stop it, I can not nll'ord it," Nor, "I'm Kottint? more pa per? now than I read." Hut alwav$ $ay$, "Send it. the family like it In fact we all find it the tiling that we need." How welcome hi$ letter when o'or it come? to uS, How it mnke$oiir heartthrob, how it make? our oyo? (lancol We outwardly thank him, we in wnrdlv 1)1 oSS him. The Steady Subscriber who pay$ in advance." The l.inotpyo Hulletin. The comnlainlH wo hear from Jiurliu that tho urtials who have painted .somo of tlm horrors tor which the KniHer'H army and niivv are rennnnHihlo have treat' ed (iermany unfairly lirinjrB to mind the story or the very Home ly man who complained that a photograph of him. just taken, fell far Hliort of ckinK him jiiHt ice. ".lualice!" exclaimed the pliotoKrnplii'r. "What you fire moHt in need of in not justice but mercy! When W. .1. Ilrynii wan neero tnrv of Stale he nuuot luted and HUccuMHfully arranged IreatioH with a doztin or more nalioiiM for the arbitration of all UUOM t oiih of diHPUtc Ho vviih ridi culed at the time and Iiiih boon ridiculed Hince for ho doiiiK- Now it in jiiHt lii't'iiiniiiR to dawn In tho miuilM of the world that thoflo Maine IreatioH will come mighty handy im a IiiihIh or a Htuppiiuc Mtone to a perma uont world peace. Mr. Ilrymi wan only following liiu custom of bi'biv: too premature with bin idoiiu mul iiwueH. Ho travelH from flvn to fifteen vearn ahead of then oild: if ho bad kopt back with tho crowd ho would have bvi n prtfMidont.- K.x. Oloottwuiiriiiu in life wivor nirnitut outmuROUHly 1111:11 once nf Imll.T. In dtiVit 1 mi tit we all heard of oliMxmintHrino but few tried it. Condition huvo forced, a flmiiKo i ml oleomargarine in a lutimoliiild niH'i'HMitv. Iliirb cimt of IalM)r and feed havt forced killing of tlioiiminib of dairy cowm, OMiiecially Hinallur herdH, until todav the Minall onorator in out of (Fairy and butter buni- miHH and iiriceH have noiio Hky wiml. Olonmmiuirliio hi iniulo from OU'o oil which i pnwHud from Ihim fat from govern illUlulftltl llllillllllu. 11111 tral, cmiki'ti from the leaf of tho PUT, government inapucttMl, veu otablu oil. Hiich its peanut am cot IohbimmI ri'line.l to wnltitl oilld itv. wilt and milk and in tho biuhur uradett a purcentauo of buttor. Tho Hritih tlovernmont made tuxttt proving favorable to cnioriiio value oi oiuoiimrKurmc and adopted it for uu in all Kovornment inatitutiou. Am we all unt oloomnrunrino in sonio form nr ntlim iL Im well to know itH contonU and Hint it ia madu of wholtMiome product. A birtbdav Hiii'iiriue nartv was held at the homo of Mr.s. hrnnui Kood, 721 hast Tyler street, .Ittmmrv it t It. it beintr Mra. Kood'tt birthdny. A number of friunds gathort'd with well tilled bankets. The table was oim tilled with delicioua luncheon of which hII partook and a very pleasant afternoon was spout. Mrs. Hood was the recipient of a lovely table cloth from tho fol lowing donon: Moddamea J, Johnson, M. Nelson, .1. Jensen, W. Calhoun, M. Kdwurda. 1.. l'atriijuin, Carlson, Noco, Madi son, l.iwiuist. Und, Emma Hood, V. Soumie, Mission Anna Carluon, Mattie Jensen, lCsther Hood and Mr. Carlson. Young girl wishes light work in private family. IVofors go ing homo nights.- aO-lS lixutur street; phono Columbia 250. For Salo- Team, wagon and harness for $7f. Call 11 lit: S. Willamette boulevard. Uat-Kifty dollar bill Mon- day. binder kindly leave at K- vlow offlmr, rowar rd. W Mnsquerado suite for rant at 214 Fbssonrien street. Quod Second hlMl Sowint uvhue fjr wnt. U.l'.CUrk. tf Our exports ulnce lls country b cntcreil tho wnr Imvo Justified n Btntctnent mado by tho Food Ad- ministration shortly after Itn con- - coptlon, outlining the principles and policies that would govern tho solution of thla country food probloras. "Tho whole foundation of do- mocracy," declared tho Food Ad mlnlBtratlon, "lies In tho In til- vldiiul InltlatlTo of Its peoplo and their wllllncncss to serve tho InturcHts of the nation with com- A- plotonelf cffncementln tho tlmo of emergency. Democracy can yield to discipline, and wo enn solvu this food problem for our 4- own peoplo and for tho Allies In t this way. To Imve done so will ! have been n greater servlco than our Immedlnto objective, for wo hnvn demonstrated Uio rlghtfuN nesi of our faith and our ability H to defend ourselves without bo- Ing t'rus8lanlic(LH Rending to ICuropo 141,000,000 bush, ols of wheat from surplus of appar ently nothing was tho outstanding ex ploit of tho American food army In thu critical year of th war. QRHATB8T OPPORTUNITY women even had. It was given to tho women of this country to perform the greatest serv Ico In tho winning of tho war vouch safed to liny women In tho history of tho wars of tho world lo feed the warriors and tho war sufferers. Hy tho arts of pence, tho practice of slm pic, homely virtues tho womanhood of a wholo nation served humanity In Its profoiindeNt Htrugglo for puuca and freedom. -M ! FIROT CALL TO FOOD AffMY. This co-oporallon and servlco I nsk of nil In full rnnfldcnro thai Amerli'ii will render mum for ling mill fri-edom than king rlilili'ii pt'npli surrender at cum pulsion. Herbert Hoover, Au gust 10. 11)17. Multnomah Attractions IV. SlUiailY MASON Ill "COMIt ON IN " I'liriiuioiiiil. Siimliiv, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r - 12th- DblM. I'AIKIIANKS In "Hit JUti. COM liS IT .SMII.INli'-Aiteritft. Miiuiliiv inn! Tm-Mliiy, Inn. Ill nnil I I. 1'AUI.INl! l'Kl!l)l!KICK hi "A .A " I'litiimiiunt. Ami "IIoiim- of I lute" No. (I. Wi'iliioiuliiv. Iiiiiiiiiiv Ifitli OI.OA PUTKOVA In "Tlllt I.M'H MASIC." Thurvl.y nnil I'rlilny, Jim. I" ami 17 DOKOTIIY OI3II In "IIArn.INO JANH.".-l,Mtiimnuiit. Huliiriluy., Jitiitinry IHlh CIIAIU.IJS KAY In "THH LAW Ol' Till'. NORTH. IMrmiiiniiit. Hmnlay, Jiiniiiuy l'Jlh 111(3 HILL MART In "Tlllt IIORIl ItR WIRItLILSH." Arturufl. MuiHl.iy ami TiittMluy, Jim, 'Jti mul 'il - (IllltALUINH I'ARKAR In "CAR T MILS'." mul "Tlllt HOt'SIt Ol' - IIATK." No. 10, Wt-iliimluymiilTliiiiiMUy.jHii.JU.iiiilUll WALLAC1! Rlill) In "Tlllt MAN I'ROM I'UNItRAI, RANI tit." l-ri'Uv. Jmiu.irv lth CIIARLIH CHAPLIN In "SIIOIM. IMilt AUMS'-tl twU. AI- CA. VALP.RA In "WOMAN 01' IM I'UI.SIt." SmIuiiImv. Jninmry 'M t.'l-l If M I lOli- ttth- I lilt ... IDNIOHT PATROL." A KiiHit picture. !t II. Suiitlu) , Juuiiary tttilli PRIVATIt PltAT." VmiliHvi-H'nl It. ce it. I'rom the (rtiuoii biHik M.hhIhv mid Tuonluy, Jan, 2T mul US - JOHN llAKIMORH in "Tlllt MAN PROM MltXICO" I'aruiiiiMiiU.miil HOl'Slt Ol' HATH," No. 11. Wi-dm-nlay. Jmumry 'AHh- CONftTANCH TALMADOU kt.1lfl'VIU III STOCK I NILS.' PAIR Ol' SILK Select. Tliiiruluy mul 1'Hilay. Jan. 30 uml HI LI LA LK In "SUCH A LlTTl.lt PIRATR. 1 armumiut. Srttiinliiy, I'uliiuary Ut- UNIU 1H1NNP.TT iu "WllltN Wit ItAT.1' Paisiiioiint. DO TA ere was Crowd in Siore fff;J . 'n y urtc i,ying (o "i iuve a chow on me'snys ho'Brenk off just two or three squares. That's a man's size chew of Real Gravely. It holds its good taste PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug eacn piece pacnea in a poucn If you are a stranger in town read The Review and get acquainted. Charter No. 10103. JU-scrvc Dist. No. 12 Re)ort of the condition ol AT PORTLAND ill the State of Oregon, at the close of buineis Dec. 31, 1U18. Rksoukcks. Loans and dis count ... fSU9,Ul9.yi Notes and bill mdlneuuiitcil . . 75.000,00 731,070.!)! Ovenlrufts.uniwetifwl 03.00 U.S. bonds to secure circulation loo.ouo.uu t. S. llonilsaiiil cer tificate!! of illdebl ednes pleduHil til (tecute t. 8. de- .-..Im 200.000.00 300.000.00 Lilierly m lloiuls, III, ! nun j pes cent iinpletlueil . 7.W5O.00 Liberty !in Honda, t ami -1J perccm, pledefl to secure State or other cleismlm or bills iKiyablc 52.000.(K) Prtymenl actually made on Liberty U er cent bond of the l'otirtli Lib erty In owned 23,750.00 83.300.00 llonds other than U. S. Imiid tikilueil lo secure iKistal MvliiK1qolL.. 31,(!r.00 Ilonds mid Securities pledged as folliiteral lor State or other du- txisltsor liills iKiyabli: (poslal excluded) 72,811.53 Securities other than t;. s. bonds (not in- mvne!iKuudKe.l 02.111.07 lCrt.ftlO.CO Stocks, other than l'edernl Reserve llanU stock 2i,lH5.00 Stock of 1'eileral Reserve Hank (Ml per cent of subscription) . furniture mul fixtures Other real estate uwiilhI. Lawful Reserve with l'ederal Reserve llsnk.. 3,450.00 . Il.2i)3.0ri 12,760.00 1(53,273.05 Cash In vault mid nelmnoiints , , u due from natlolial lllks. . . .'il)l.W7.08 Due from Imnks and Imukers (other than Included 13,1 1,15) RichaiiKes for cleriii house Checks on other banks In same city (other limn Item 17) a.ius.oi Wl.Hl 7.00 Total of Hems 1 1, ,,,, 15. 1(1. 17. IK .WW,74H.ni RtNleiiiptloiifund wild 1'. S. Treasurer and due from V. S. Treasurer r..(MK).00 War SavltiKH CertllicaU mid Thrill SiHtni actimlly owneil 4, ISS.il Payinentf due im on 4lli f.llH-ily lwu SHlm-tllttkHl KKt.OtMI.OO Total fl.S10UOfi.02 LlAMIMTIKK. Capital stock Miil 111 I00.000.00 5,(HHI.(X) surplus iiiihi I,cs4Ciirieiit exiKUixes, interest ami taxes ClreulallnK ni.tsimltMinlliiK. Due lit Iwnks mid iMiikeis (other than liicludeil in itl or 32) Total of ileuis 32, mid !W Ji.507.t Demand ilrxit: Individual deimlu Mill- ieel to elu-CK 731.70 liHi.imo.iKi 2.WI7.21) li7S0.10 Coitillflllltilll lll1MHdl iluu in lest than 30 days . Celt 111 ed cheeks . Cashier's check out- KtmuliuK Slate. ishihIv. r otliur urn- nli'liwl ileMMits seeiliwl by pliilKe of assets of this Ihiuk Divldi'inls unpaid Total f iWiimiid di'lsMiis 7M7.I7 Time IVil; Cvrtilk'ulMN f tlepusil Stale, etmiin.or otliur iiiuuiti- ilMl U'stU swmiwI by plslne4 asM-lsuf IhtslMiik Postal ShvIhms IVMiit Other time i(esMts 1lal ol time dejsH miU- jvet to Reserve . . dUUSlMT t', S. ile titM other than postal Mving War loan deisMtm-- t'itiuit Hill iMyable, Mi Ptxleral Urn'rve Hank I7l.31 211.02 4,S7ti.lTS MI.OIK).(K) I.IKK).(H) 101. 018.70 !W.0aK).(H itt.7WC.KI II4.IVI4.IW I Ifi.lMHUH) Mt.lHHI.IM) Total t llt.5.( Liabllitim fur tetllt'outiU, llU'llllllllL.' iIum wilb I'nI- eml Rttserve Uuik . J75.0O0.0O Total i-ontiuKont Iwlmiliw J7K.OIHI.00 Of the total Uwms ami illnesmHla ntswH iIm)v. the awtwHt on w Ukh iMtrs4 ami iIUhwiiI a clwml at rate Im exec of those permittwl by law (StH 5107 Rev. Stat.) was wmu The iiiihi ber of siteli loans ikmh1. Slate of Oregon, I . County ol Multnomah, ( I, J. N. ltIUluii. Caller of tkr above iiamNl Itauk, do Hleiiliily wr that the alaive ktatemeiit is true to (lie Ihm.1 of my kuowltslKe ami belief. j. N. tt.llef.on, Ca)lier. Siller ibwl and sworn to before ww this lUb day ol Jan.. 1010. 1.. J. Wright. NoUry PhUUc. Multnomah i-niuty, Oie. Correct ttet: P. C Knapp. TtiiM. Autieii, P. P. Drinker. Directors. I MS B' A' jnsh the Tobacco Man so long it costs noil: extra to chew this class of tobac- CO. sets furl htr that's wl ' , ii can gtt the Sod tastt J this class of tobac co without extra cost. i , i inja ayi si -i Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for the Counlv of Multnomah. Notice is hereby kIvc ii that the under siiicilllins lieun npxiintnl Xdmiuislrator of the Ustate of Robert P. Mac Donald, deceased, by the County Cotm of the Stale of Oregon for Multnomah County, uifi has qualified. All persons having claims aganitt said Ustate hereby notified to present same, duly verified as by law required, to the lindersiKtied, at the office ol his At torney, at 317 llonrd Trade HuililttiK, PoilUnd, Oregon, or to the Administra tor, William MacDoimbl at hi residem-e, 414 Oswego Street, St Johns Station, Portland, Oregon, within six months nf the date hereof. Djlcd, mid first pnbliralioti, Jamiary 3rd, 1010. WILLIAM MvcDONALD, Administrator of the Kslate of Robert P. MacIoiiald, deceased. D. C, LKWIS, Attorney for Ailimnistrat'ir, Office 317 Hoard of Trade PnUillng. Plwile Main SCO" ' Portland, Oregon Notice to Creditors III the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for the Count f Multnomah. Notice Is Hereby uivi-n that llie uuiler signed has been appointed Administrator ot llie Itslale ol vtvlan Willis, deceaseii, by the County Court of the Stale of (ire gon for Multnomah e "imty. and has qualified. All persons navmg iiatins against sain Itstate are hereby riotiiied to pteseni same, iiuiy vermeil as iiy law reoiiireo to the-ljliilersigntil, at the office of In Attorney, 317 llimnt ol Trade Unlltling Portland, Oreuou. or to the Adminlstra tor, Prmik II. Rogers, al his residence 1110 Oswego Street, M. Johns Station, Portland, Oregon, within six months (mm the date hereof. Dated, ami first publication, lanuarv 3rd, 1010. PRANK II. ROOKKS. Administrator of tin- Itstate of Vivian Willis, ileeeNM.il. f). C. LltWIS. 'Attorney for Administrator. Office'317 Hoard of Trade llitll.ting Phone Main Mil!" I'oitland, Orexou SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon In mid fin .Multnomah County. Thomas Dolaitd, PlaiutliT, vs. liHenhliie llolaml. Defendant. in jiHK'pnine iioiann, in HiMjveimmiti defendant. You aie hereby ctiinniaudeil to Hpwar ami answer or otlierwiM- plesil tlieaisive elitllleil suit iiieil aijaliist von iu tlte mikivi entitled Court on ort.ilnn Prh, 7, I01U. or the romidaint then iu will b taken as coufcMWil mid the I'laliitlfT will take judgment against' you for divorce which lie prays for In his s.ul complaint iiimhi the gtoiiml of tleerii'iii for mote tlian one year next lielnre the riling of hiss.tid Coiiilalut, This sumiiHius is laihllshed in the St. Johns Ruvhtw- hiimi.iiiI lo an order of Iluu. Kolierl litCNur. i.n-sinini? imiue ol the ii1mii-elitllleil Coiiit, made mimI eu tered at Portland, Or. uoii. Deeiiiler 17. HUH. Date of first public iiion, Di-ci'IiiIkt 2l UUKi last January SI lll. A. W. I.AI I'HRTV. Attorney (or l'luiiitill Wit Pillock ItliHik. I'oitland. Oieg.in. Notice to Creditors. Iu the County Court of the State of Orfuou (or the UiHSMtv of Multnomah. In the matter of llie estate of ltlla S. Tasker. dweaMil. Nntire i hereby uiven of the death of ltlla S. Tftokei, and that the uuderiuutd lias la-en aoiMiiiiteil wlinlustralor of the estate of the det'vdvut, ami has ouulllied All pertHiiis having claim against siid deesNlent. r her t-si,(r, are diltfltil to ofi-M-ni the saiiu- to ih uiidi-riuiit-d, dulv verirtiil as by law leuHlied. at tlwotTu'eol his Altoriu s, IVil.ins Jt llmley, 1117 Hoard ol Tin-Is- Hl.hr., Purthmd, Oregon within sis iiuhiiIi Inmi the date of the first publit.itl I thla notite, Prnlay. Devemlwr i:itli. IVIH. ARTHUR 11. TASKItK, Ailuitnisliator Notice to Creditors. In the Cmtiitv Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of MultiMMuab, In the iimttei the eMale of Itrio P. PrlerwMi. deceassd. Notice l hereby nlvH of the death of Rric I', retersou, ami Ilia l tlte urnier Hglieil has Ik--ii .ippolulMl exevutor of the Iist Will and lWawHt ol said de evtUut. ami Im iiullflel. All vroiis hating claims agaiust sahl decedent, or hi et.ite. are directed to itiesrnt the saute to tku mwIiisIkmssI, duly verified as bv law irflttifetl at the urtioe of his AltoiAey., Perkiwt & Itaile) . 1117 IHaitil ol I lade linig.. rorllaml, Oregon. wltlilu su imintiu tntin die Uale oi llw first publication nl this notice, l'rbtay. DsH-entlHtr lath. iHlsi. WILLIAM J. WltLIHiN. ltvtor SUMMONS In the Circuit Cant of the Stale erf Ore. gon for MultiioiiifchCoMHty. Mabel L. Itaut. PUintilT. . Charles K. Dalit. DefeHtktHt. ToCliarle P. I Mitt . ttttabov uattted deietttlaut. Vom are hereby conmMHt)d to atMMr autlausweror otherwise pletul in tb ahoy eutttled suit rib I agit you iu IhealsJvi- entitled cause and Cuuit ou or before Pebniarv 21. 1918. or the cow (daiut therein wilt k? ukH as cvmfessetl and Plaintiff will lake jutlgmeul against vim for ilion-e whu-li sjie prays (or iu her said i-ompUiut upon the ground of cruel atttl nilinuiaii trtotmeiit. Thu summons is iaib)ihel in the St. Johns Rexivw for six neelve weeks pursuant to oider ul Hon, Omkkv W Staplelou. Preiding Jnibje of the alove ciiiuieiiiouri. UMiie.imi outeruM at rort Und. Oregon, January T, 1011). IMte of iirt tHil-Urtitlttii January 10. 1010. IMtc ol l.it implication Pebruary II. 1U1D . IM PURTY. A'toruev lor Plaiutitt, 420 PiUvvk Pl. i k. Portland. Oregmi. SATISFIED WITH YOUR LAUNDRY SERVICE? Give THE STANDARD a chance. I aw a disoluri soldier with over seas service iluu K the ureseut war aud derive ystur Ihiiiu-sh J li.nedriveu for the STANDARD LAUNDRY here in ST. JOHNS for iv in.iuths. BARTLKTT BAKER, SlMi. H. 28S2 Telephone V. La Plants Salicious Mineral l'at up jut .ti it coiiiM froui thv Miur. l'..Hi !,r Klivuiaaii.ivK Akthuiit 1111,1 1C tcuu. 1..U 1K1W l ull auj tiulu lnrkMoa (ry U OKBtiK lUKQT fKOM KREUT2 A. MCCLOUD lboi:e Broadwiu J0i lHirtUtMl, Ore. $100 Rewnrd, $100 Tho reailers of tll paper wilt b )1en-d to learn that lliere Is at least one rirm!el itlsraso Hint sclcnco has been iililo to cure In all Its staRes, ami that Is Catarrh. Hall's Calarrh Cure Is tho only positive cure now- known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh belntt a constitutional dlsens' renulrps a constitutional treat ment. H ; ! i jlarrli Cure Is taken In ternally, a. mi? directly upon the blood and mui-oii- nurfau'M ot the system, there by sstroylnir llie foundation of tho dls eas, and Kivlnc Hip patient strength by bull ting up lb.- constitution and assisting tminre In dolnif Ita work. The proprietors have so murh faith In Its curative ppw its that thi-y ofTT Ono Hundred Dollars for nny ens., that It falls to cure. Send for list or testimonials. Address! I' J t lin.Nr.V A CO.. Totsflo. O. Hold hy nil DrtiRKtits. ttc. Take llnll's Family Tills for constipation. leal Estate! Central Location Thirteen years in the busi ness in St. Johns. ListyourProperty with Us We Mnko Sales S. C. Cook '102 N. Jersey Street Don't throw your Old Tires away GET THEM VULCANIZED OPEN 6 A, M, TO 4 P, M. Tubes 25 cents and up. Reasonable prices on cas ing work. All work guaranteed. National Vulcanizing Works 205 S. JERSEY ST. St. Johns, Oregon I RESTAURANT 2 111 N. JKKSEY STUI SET Open livenings GIVE US A CALL Notice Of Hearing Final Account In tin-Cwunty Court ( tli State of OrvKon. for I Ik- County of Multiiniiinli Iu tin- Matter ot KstMttr of A. I). tlsUrii, DmvsjmmI. Notice i lierrliy uivrii tlwt 'th uuiler siitrwil. ml in In 1st tutor of llie tk of A. I). O.ltorn. ilcs'fMHnl. Iiim. tllwl iu the ullit'0 of tlte County Clerk of MultiHUtmli Count v, OirifoH, his nrul hciuiii us sui'lt mliiiiuislrHUM-. mh1 that Mouiluy, lanimrv 13. IWIV. st o'clock . in in llir llrtMrtHiriit ol tile CtHiutv Court of Multnouuli County. Orr xti. Iu ou fixnl as tin- tim ami t'lut- fur licnrinu oltirctioii. If Miiv. b aaiil MCCtHiiit. inn fur tn scitliuHt ol tlw s.nne, ami far ilistHltutinii tin )HoHrty lH?taiiinK to m Ul vtlr. K. M. RAYMOND, Ailiiiiulstrator. (iiHHge J. IVrkinii. Attotiifv for Ailinliii-tirttor. I'lrst i.ullulie.l. D.-i-cinlwr lUtli, Ut j.iililisJinl, J inuary lOtli. 1U1'.. Notice Of Hearing Final Account iu tb Cuiii Court of t lie State of Orvuou, for tin- Couuty of Multnomah. In Ike uMtter of .uw of llurtha 1. WillUIMII, lUfVrtM.il. Noti.v it lierrliv nivi-u that the umler siuueil. ituiiuistrator of the estate of llvrtua 1. Willumn, lUceasetl, hat flletl in tlit- otfwe of Ike Countv Clerk of Mult uoiunh Couuty. Oregon, iiis final account s such mliniuistrator. ami tlut Muml.iv, lauudrv IS. 101V. at V:U o'clock a. iu iu tlte IViwitwcnl of the County Court oi MnltU'iuwh County, Oregon, has l.'cn nM the lime ami nlace for hearini; oltiecllous. if any. to twitl account, anil Uh the etileuiut o( tlte same, ami for distributing the proiierty uelouuiUK to saiil (state. l J. WII.I.MAX, Ailiniiiistrator, l.eorxej. IVrkins. Aituruey for Ailmiuistcitor. 1'irst iul.li.Ucl. IKivmUr 1.1th. 1U1S; last imiilisliril. January llMh, 191'.). Notice or Hearing Final Account Iu the Couuty Court of the Statu of Oibkoh, for Multnomah Couutv. Iu the matter ot the utate ol joint . jaciui, iieceaaeu. notice t ueteuy kivcu tutu uic uuiier iKeil. executor t the Last Will ami 'I'ettdineut of the estate of John W. lnc iiue, IVceaMNt, has tJIwl in the otlicc Lit the Couuty Clerk ol Multnomah Couuty, lUocou. liu rlual account as ex utor of saiil Will ami saul $tute, ami that Momlav. lauuary lUtli. 191i, at 9:S0 lock, A. M., of Mill tly, iu the He- lurtiueiit of the County Court at the Court Houe ui Multnomah Countv.Ore ,ou, 1uu been dxetl as the time uml place lor heurtuit objectkHis, it any, to said ac- iuut. aul for the vtt lenient of said accouut. HKNRY HHNDHRSON, Uxecutor. lictrgej. IVrkuu. Attorney. 1'ir.t tmulished, IVccuiker 13th, lOISi last published. January tilth, liUt), For COAL and WOOD OF ALL KINDS SEE Nichols edleFSEN FUEL co.igladyou veboughtitwhen Oregon Building, 5th and Oak Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321 Mill wood utoatl- ioid. Urge jmroent age Jr.v enough for immediate use 14.50, Your HARDWARE Wants Can be well taken care Everything oils and in Mm hardware paints. Prices are as reasonable as good material can be sold for. Call in and look over Beyerle & 420 North Clean Up Ktllson Diamond Point with 25 Utulistructable Records. Vnhic $50.00. Nearly new, $20.00 New K'dison Hornless. $00.00 Model, with 25 new Ultie Records, next week, $50.00 Large Hornless Disc Machine, plnys all tecords, a new machine, $15.00 Victor Hornless, $20.00 Stewart, this sale, $G-00 Cabinet Machine, new, $10.00 Violin, bow and cuse, $12 50 St. Johns Phonograph Co. 317 N. Jersey Street When Pleasure Is Expressed You Can't Beat Us on quality or price, no matter where you go. We are determined to keep ahead of all competitors, and we are doing it. ST. JOHNS I M BOD EN Phone Colutia 21 WE 0.0.0OO00.OO.0.0O00O000Qi.0OOOO0 mm Gars?';.. - f7 "vr n.v - 1 i . 1 rto Dear Mary: I urge you to be particular about the furnishings for your nail, it makes the first and last impression when people visit you. A neat hall is a warm welcome and a cor dial invitation to come again. hall a short while is no reason just to save a little money. Go right now to my furniture store and buy what you need for your hall. Tom will oav for it alright rind ho P. S. There's only one it's H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. ' of at this store, line, including our line. Armstrong Jersey St. Sale by one of the family bceuu.se of excellent chops, ioabt.sor other meals, the answer is, "Well, I bought it nt the St. Johns Cash Market" That's a household plirusc uioiitid here. If you do want the best that the mark et offords, iu poultry nud meats, at a price that proves we are lowest, why come right here. CASH MARKET BROS., DELIVER Prop's, 109 N. Jersey Street !oofi: AfcriUOUr jall 3timiture A 0 Because people stay in the why you should neclect it he sees it. Ta-Ta- HELEN. store for furniture and rugs- i