St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 29, 1918, Image 4

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    Don't let tho moths have Inst win
tor's ovcrcont when tho llolglans need
Wouldn't being n pollcerann como un
der the nonesscnttnl clnsslflcatton nf
tor July IT
Who remembers when n lot of pco
plo couldn't afford to wenr nnytblng
but gingham?
With nn ndrnnco of ?4 In liny, whnt
effect will It linvo on tho rest of
breakfast foods?
All would enjoy tho Tlnlkan offcnslvo
more If tho names wcro not so hard to
spell and pronounce.
Tho filnd hand Isn't for tho fellow
with n cold.
In tlmo of war prcparo for penco
md good roads.
What Is there worth saying that can't
bo said In English
In tho fall tho good man's fancies
heavily turn to thoughts of coat.
When In d6ubt about whnt to do with
those coupons buy Thrift stamps.
Mctz Is supposed to bo well sculcd,
but Uio Vnnks nro expert can openers.
Fighting with speed, skill und forco
Is tho strnlghtcst road to n Just peace.
Spnnlsh Influenza Is nlso neutral.
Both tho ontonto nntlons nnd tho ecu
Unl empires hnvo It.
Tho war Is not being fought, how
ever, to mako tho world sufo for profiteers.
In tho nnnual controversy between
the advocates of tomottoes nnd tomay
toes, It In wlso to tnko no part.
This Spanish Influenza should bo de
ported strulghtwny as an undeslrnblo
So far, Investigations of why prlcos
go up hovo served only to illscloso tho
fact that they nro still doing no.
When tho wnr needed n llttlo moro
ginger, American soldier boys provid
ed it.
Tho old grnds wonder whnt tho
colleges nro coming to when even n
freshman can play on tho varsity.
Health note 'Not ono of tho kai
ser's six sons Is suffering from shell
Admitting that, ns nn ens tern clergy
man myn, kissing Is n relic nf thu dnrk
ages, wo submit Hint rating Is nlso.
Not n few persons might conserve
sugar by dovclonlng a llttlo sweeter
Th'at half pound of food each of us
wives u week will help feed our utiles
nnd nlso will pny for n thrift stump.
At Inst accounts tho siiunnh plO'tiiV'
vnnco was being maintained on nil
Ilcmembcr the Ilelglatis linvo other
things to worry nhoiit und will not
mind If thnt suit Is lust year's style.
News that thcro Is no Bhortngo of Ico
r renin limy bo depressing to somo men
with small children.
Ono almost fears now that tho wnr
will end before economy becomes so-
curcty re-established among tho vir
.Most peoplo nro wearing their old
clothes this year, but thn moro fortti-
nnlo should remember tho llelglnns.
"Potatoes nro going up," according to
n iiows liemmno which is ns enlighten
ing us saying "water Is wet."
To do unto others ns you would bo
riono by may sound n good motto but,
bow If you feel you ought to bo
IVoplu lilting Iho Oermnn border nro
beginning to renllxo that it Inug-riiiigo
gnu hits two ends.
llomnnco so tnlies possession of tho
soldier's soul that when hn censes to
ltvo It ho tnkos his pen In hand und
writes It.
Adverting to epidemics,
Junkers nn suffering from
pains around tho heart.
Ono of thn worst (dockers Is tho
man who sits down nnd criticizes his
wlfo for tho way sho looks In farmer-
ctU to.
Ah soon ns u mini iirhluves fame,
siiiiio runner Menu digs up n boy
hood photograph.
Candy may bo taboo, hut tho young
tnnn who goes iiwootug can carry u
turnip In ono pocket nnd mi onion In
tho other.
Tho nrmy also Is teaching somo
young men that they no not imvn
to wait until Saturday night to bathe.
Tho only fellows who really com
plain about Iho nutnieNs numbly nro
(he ones who do not own curs.
Although thuro's nn ncuto slinrlngo
of whlto pnper, books that nobody will
ever read contlnuo to innko their up-
Spanish Inllneimi Is bud enough, hut
It Is better limn (lerinnu measles, at
thnt, being n neutral disease.
So ninny things nro happening along
thu front thnt apparently tho (lermaii
press has given tip trying to tell about
any of them.
Film comedy should not suffer on ac
count of war demands, no sugar being
required for comedy pies.
Do not permit to hang Idly In thn
closets iiuy slacker old clothes that
should do duty this winter In northern
Franco nnd Ilelglum,
American football players In Frnnco
nro showing all their old skill In buck
ing tho lllndenbiirg lino.
Uteranmon linn discovered nn arc
tic lilund ns big as Ireland. Ilut nru
there materials on this Inland for milk-
lnjr nn Irish stew? That's nn linpor-
tsut quvillon.
War conditions have discouraged the
ronlldeiit claims, usually duo (hi sen
sou, hh to who will tnko next year's
When thn frost Is on thn pumpkin
and thn fodder's In tho Hliock sounds
cheerful but when thu wood Is In
tho cellar nnd tho eon I Ih In tho bin
sounds much moro cheerful.
linvo you noticed that Just ns soon
as Iho gasles Sunday rolls around tho
weather reforms nnd puts out Its
brightest sun?
When a man celebrates his birth
day ho takes u day off. When n worn
nn oxpeilemvM n similar happening nhe
takes u year off her age.
Officials of Wilmington, N, a, und
Charleston, S. 0., during bombardment
of thosv cities by Prussian milium-
rlnts Implored Mr. Wilson to protect
thtm In tho Cologne, (Intuitu,
Now Iho forty-llve-year old patriot
begins to realize the deep, boundless
enthusiasm of the revlvllled cub homo
on a gustos Sunday,
Probably tho rootles, like Iho tactics,
in much tho mime In titty wur. An
esitern Yank writes homo that ho
knows now why Napoleon always had
bis plcturo taken with Ids hand limlilo
hU shirt.
Now that tho government has under
taken o W u minimum prloo for but
ter 4ho llupjack Is able to hit up nnd
tnko n lltllrt "nourishment.
It's the habit formed In youth thnt
ticks. Th Yanks, when they ntnrt
after tho Huns, go through tho lino
Juit us they used to go through n now
pair of vtocklngs nt tho knees when
they were In tho primary grades.
American koldler nro said by tho
Australian to bo "too rough," That's
what comes from permitting the boys
to play football.
Thanksgiving Proclamations That
Have Como From Occupants
of the White House.
Thanksgiving proclamation, set
for thu last Thursduy In Novem
ber, 1801, expresses his thankfulness
for tho vision of victory which is In
vlow, but still contains nn hutnblo sup
plication for pence. What u glorious
Thanksgiving bo would have sent over
thu land had ho been spared to Issue
(hut which begged u tuition's thank of
ferlngs for pence 1
This privilege denied tho great Lin
coin was granted to tho nggresslvo An
draw Johnson and the somewhat cold
and hiicknoycd messngo he Issued up
on tin occasion ho full of cuuso for
gratitude Is characteristic of the man
In that messagu ho said :
"Whereas, It has plenscd Almighty
God during thu year which Is now com
Ing to nn end to relievo our beloved
country from Iho fenrful scourge of
civil war, and, to permit us to secure
thu blessings of peace, unity und liar
mony, with u grout enlargement of
civil liberty. . . . Now, therefore1, bo It
known that I, Andrew Johnson, presl
dent of tho United States, do hereby
recommend to tho peoplo thereof that
they do set apart nnd observe thu first
Thursday In December next us u day
of national thanksgiving to tho Crea
lor of thu unlverso for these grout de
liverances and blessings."
"Tho Spanish-American war was of
such short duration that It resulted in
few proclutmilloiiH," said u librarian nt
Washington, ns ho turned tho pages of
ono of his big red volumes to tho year
1018. "Hero Is President McKlulcy'a
proclamation tinted April SO, bearing
tho simple statement that war exists."
Tho Thanksgiving proclamation for
thu sumo year recommended tho giving
of thanks In tho following words:
"Thu skies hnvo been for u tlmo
darkened by tho cloud of war, but as
wo wcro compelled to tnko up tho
sword In tho cause of humanity, wo
are permitted to rejolco that the con
11 let has been of nhort duration.
Wo may laud and magnify his holy
name that the cessation of hostilities
ciiiiio so soon, ho as to spare both sides
tho countlosK sorrows nnd disasters
that attend protracted war.
"I do, therefore, Invito nil my fellow
citizens, also those who may bo nt
sen or sojourning In foreign lauds ns
those ut home, to set apart nnd observe
Thursday, the '.Mtli day of November,
us it day of national Thanksgiving."
ThemKsgiving, 1918
r""r"iTiai iiwr
Common Cause
It may be hard, however, for the gov-
eminent to bo very Bovere with able-
bodied fellows who fall to apply for ex
emption when they are entitled to It.
To prove that there Is u rnco of
blond Eskimos, Kxplorer Htefunsson
U bringing buck some of their bloud
hair. This, to u person trained und
uccustomed to tho vagaries of fashion,
U pretty poor proof, However, the
Eskimos have not yet learned the
of peruilde of hydrogen.
Since people with colds are unwel
come ut the plcturo (heaters, many
pet sons are going to lake measures to
Improve (heir health,
Tho Medalllo Mllltulro Is utmost al
ways won by enlisted men, hut Joffro
and Koch Imve been awarded this hon
or. To b worthy of whnt n Pollu Is
vvorthy f Is the grentost umbltton of
French generals.
One slight element of expense li
(ho henvy cost of widely circulated ex
planations of why food cannot be
The laws enacted In the last few
j earn have established u line alibi for
Hit old-fiisldoiitfd common drinking cup
In tho present Inlluenzn epidemic,
Millions of men und women In Ku-
rope have given everything, oven tho
cloth m off their backs, for our cause,
and tho only fair thing for us Is to
(Mrtde our clolhes with (hem, oven the
om ohm mat we arc wearing.
"Crooking the elbow" now has a dif
ferent slgulllcnnce. Ask the army or
navy olllcer who muttt salute some one
every other minute.
Ttio Cologne Oazette prints a story
telllog how Wilmington, N. a, Charles
ton, S. C nnd other cities have been
shelled by U-bouts und ure Imploring
tho government to protect them, but
absolutely Ignores those nightly ulr
raids on Indianapolis, Denver, Wlnnl
(Mi and other nearby cities.
No. 186 I. O. 0. r
HU Meb Monday evening la Odd Fel
Iowa ball at 0:00, A cordial welcome to
all titltlug brothers.
C. O. Churchill, Noble Oi.nd
B.J. Surtoutli. VUr Ilium
O.V, Noreue. I'lii.tkc.
II. V. CUtk,Tif.
It may Just be n coincidence that
".Spaulkh" Intliienza Is so much more
prevalent In nrmy camps than elso-
where, nnd It nlso might be that some
enemy agents nave been busy.
Japan has made 11 proelnnimi '
(he people of a SibtHieti ilwtn,-
aiil"lv viei iiii-m 1
pi 1 1 X .t"' U .1 T' - ''
01 pt-m M'Ue 11 .1 .n.' 1-
Currins sell Case Manors
"Made in America" and guaran-l
ttd to the limit.
Good Skcond hand Sewing uiichlurt (or'
rent. II- Clark. U
Knights and Ladies of Security
St. Johns Council 2775
Kceulur IlusiuctJ lucctini! lit and 3rd
Mouduvs. Open niectiuut to the nubile
huh luuuKm zuu ana 4in Aionuny. vtt
itors und members cordially invited to
attend ut Skating Kink 1U1I,
Frank C. Gosscr, Pres.
Lester TeeliuR, Secretnr
Go to tho Auto Repair Comua-
ny, 207 South Jersoy street, for
your auto, motorcyclo and bicy
do repairs nnd supplies. Autos
for hire. Phone Coumbia 727,
Howdy ThanksElvIn'l Here you Is
You conies a-Interruptln' when I's
ready to complain,
l'a thankful fob a pork chop an' I's
thankful (oh a bean;
Vi thankful fob each lump o coal dis
neiQiiDornoou has seen.
Now folks Is helpln' other folks to see
tie winter through,
'Causo all de folks is kickln' Jes de
same as me an' vou.
Howdy. Thanksgivln'l As I looks
alone de line
I't thankful fob de comn'ny. 'cause de
conip ny s migmy tine I
Turkey In American History.
The turkey wns douiestlcnted by tho
dbUtllnes of tho Southwest und by
the Aztecs of Mexico, centuries before
the whlto man ever set foot In Amer
ica. The Yucatan variety was the ono
turned by the Indians, and from It most
of the varieties now under domestlcn-
tlou ure supposed to have been de
rived, although It Is possible that there
bus been u lurge admixture of (he
blood of (ho Northern wild turkeys.
Thu ruinous "feather cloth" woven by
the Aztecs In days before (he conquest.
specimens of which ure still pre
served In the royul puhico ut Mudrld,
wus woven of ocellutod turkey feath
ers. This feather cloth wns also
kuown to the prehistoric cliff dwell
ers of the Mesa Verde, Cnnou de Choi-
ly nnd other regions of Arizona nnd
New Mexico, und Is occusouully fauud
when excavations ure made.
A. T. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Wetluesduyof each mouth
Hi liickucr's Hull. Vic
tors welcome.
J. N W. M.
A. W. lUvu, Secretary.
St. Johns Gamp No. 7546
Modem Woodmen of America,
c heartily solicit the attcudancc of
our utcmbeis ut our regular mveliiigs
every iuurwiay evening.
a, i Aiurcy, I. co. Mubui, Clerk
Coiuul. Smith uvcuue
BuvYoup SUIT and
from JJS and
man wears makes an acceptable gift. A box of Socks, a box of his favor
ite Collars or a box of Shirts; they are needful and profitable and our
stock of them is as good as any in the City. It is large and varied.
Make your selection now, pay a deposit and have the Christmas shop
ping a pleasure rather than an eleventh hour need.
FOR MEN- Umbrellas, Bath Robes, Fancy Socks, Shirts, Neck Ties,
' Collars, Handkerchiefs. Suspenders, Shoes, Overcoats, Suits,
Traveling Bags, Suit Cases.
FOR WOMEN- Silk Petticoats, Silk Hosiery, Silk Neckwear, Silk Blous
es, Knit Gloves, Embroidery Pieces, Umbrellas, Wool
Middies, Sweaters, Kid Gloves, Toques Kimonas, Dresses.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Clean M Thorough
Sanitary Way
Sweeping ut its best only
shifts dirt. It ialinrd work
It ninkcs more work, lie
Mlc it slioiteiiH the life of
N our niftrt nnd carpets.
An Electric Vacuum Cleaner
Gleans Like Magic
It will help you lo keep
your home .spotlessly clean
without miy labor. It will
make your carpets look like
ikw nnd li just the thing
for miittresM'S, ortlerex,
pillows, pictures and nulls.
Come In and See Our Slock
Electric Building
First Trust 8 Savings
1302 Ktist Fossenden Street
I'hone Columbia -10G
Officers and Directors
F. A. Rid!, Pie.ident and Chier
II. HF-NDEUSON. Vice Preiid.nt
CEO. I. BROOKS. Secretary
Four per cent interest
paid on time and sav
ings deposits.
Rentals antUentais
Estate Loans
Cards of thanks notices are
charirod for at tho rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desirins to
have such notices published
should make a noto of this.
For the Big Sale at the
St. Johns Department Store
Formerly Couch & Co. Store
Wc Must Raise Money
Our Creditors served notice on us to pay up
our obligations with them immediately
And for that reason we are compelled to make an over
whelming sacrifice on our big stock of Merchandise con
sisting of Ladies', Men and Children Wear in order to
raise the necessary amount quick.
Sale will start Thursday, Dec. 5.
Store will be closed Tuesday and Wednes
day to mark down prices on goods
Wanted- 10 Experienced Sales Ladies