St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 18, 1918, Image 3

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These strenuous War Days you must
make the most of your hours of rest.
A comfortable bed will help a whole
Square Tube Enameled Steel Beds
ore manufactured of light steel tubing, clcc.
trlcally welded nt joints. They are beantl.
fully Enameled in Ivory nud Imitation
Quartered Oak by most modern process.
Prices-Ivory $23-$24.50 -$29.50 and $31
Imitation Quartered Oak $31 and $32
Your Credit is Good.
Cash or Credit St. Johns
I We are closing out our (Jhinaware
. . w
Stock. You had better buy your
needs in China at less than whole
sale cost.
Headquarters for Mazda Lamps.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Agency for Goodyear Tires
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St,
The Cash and Carry Grocery can sell for less.
The Grabateria DOES sell for less.
The Grabateria is now enjoying tbe busin
ess of what was the three leading Groceries
of this locality. Large business volume
means large purchasing power which means
favorable prices in buying. Selling for cash
eliminates the bookkeeper and loss of ac
counts. Our delivery cost is low because
the business is established on a cash and
carry basis and many of our patrous drive
up in their machine and do their own deliv
ering. You are entitled to cheaper prices
because we demand your cash. Our rent is
low, the location ideal. No one will ques
tion but that the Grabateria is complying
with the rules of the State Council of De
fense, in keeping down the cost of doing bus
iness. The selling prices are cut down in
keeping with this low cost. The crowds
that come into the store during the rush
periods will verify all that is said here.
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Fine Stationery
Ansco Cameras and Supplies
For your vacation
Our Prescription Department always at your service
Prescriptions filled by Registered Pharmacists only
. Phone Columbia 138 I05 North Jersey St.
Local News.
Get Pathe Records nt Currins.
H. Jncobsen is erecting a
small building at 1004 Mohawk.
C. E. Fungua has taken out
permit for a garage at GO Syra
cuse. There did not seem to be much
demand for hoppickers this
B J. A. Elrod has erected a
lunch stand at Fossendcn and
C. W. Murfett is erecting a
neat dwelling at 715 North Wil
lamette boulevard.
C. T. Unrringor is erecting a
modest dwelling at Richmond
and Central avenue.
Mrs. Lillio Rich has leased
her farm at Chapman, Oregon,
and has returned to St. Johns
for the winter.
Wallace II. Titttlnll received the
sad intelligence nuuouiiciug the
death of his only brother Thursday
of pneumonia. He was ctiKngeu hi
ratiching in Arizona.
Aa mi nvidnncn of what St.
Johns soil will do, R. L. Rurk
this year raised M8J2 pounds or
onions on a piece of ground
33x70 feet at his homo on West
Tyler street. Certainly some
Mrs. Thos Storr has returned
from San Francisco, where she
attended the wedding of her
daughter, Miss Hernico Brown
ley, who was married on October
5th to Mr. Harold Mason Gran
tham, of Co. F., 12th U. S. Inf.,
Camp Freemont.
The President's answer leaves
the door open to the German
Keople, if they will kick out tho
Raiser, cease their atrocities
and then accept such terms as
the allied governments will
grant. It Invites poace, but
only on thoso conditions. Haiti
mora Sun.
It is all right for tho small
boy to be ambitious to become
C resident or the owner of a
ank, but wo can tell him how
ever attractive Ufa may hecomo
during its golden years it will
never bo quite as full of joy as
it is during tho years when he
can sleep with his dog,
The total amount of Fourth
Liberty Loan subscriptions from
St. Johns district which have
cone through the Peninsula Nat
ionnl Hank up to Thursday of
this week reached the magnifi
cent sum of $1,109,000. Surely n
showing which our people may
well feel proud of.
O '
Even if the Kaiser's peace
otter was honest, ns it was not,
it would require twenty months
to bring home the American
troons now in Franco and the
entire sum of the fourth Lib
erty Loan would not accomplish
this and pay other hills already
contracted. General Publicity
Girl workers in German war
factories are paid weekly 51.20
in cash and the rest of their
wages are put into banks by
their .employers for the next
loan without the formality of
asking their consent. Ihe en
thusiastic response to the nat
ional war loans over which the
kaiser is so happy, is thus in
geniously explained.
Heat the latest patriotic popu
lar records at Currins.
E. Hawkins is erecting build
ing at Allegheny and Seneca.
F. M. Russell has taken out a
permit for a garage at 11G Mo
hawk. S. II. Foster is erecting resi
dence at Pierce and Edison
J. S. Remfro is making re
pairs to residence at 1126
F. E. Smith is making re
pairs to residence at 838 N. Jer
sey street.
Leonard Erictnn is erecting
small building at Smith avenue
and Chicago.
1). J. Miller has taken out per
mit for repairs to dwelling at
20 South Edison.
E. R. South is making exten
sive improvements to residence
nt 1225 South Jersey.
Mrs. E. U. Vinson left this
week for a visit with her daugh
ters in San Francisco, Cat.
The Empire Investment Co.
has taken out a permit for a
dwelling at Leonard and Hoi-
W. H. Smith, employe of the
local ship yards, has donated a
launch for tho benefit of the Red
Cross, which will bo gi.'cn away
to the one holding the lucky
Tho Jolly 'Stcen club enjoyed
a delightful auto excursion up
tho Columbia Highway last bun
day. The day was ideal for
autolng and tho outing was im
mensely enjoyed.
H. U. Rickford. formerly a
well known citizen of St. Johns,
and lately of Idaho, was a visit
or to St. Johns this week. The
probabilities are that ho will
remain hero permanently.
Tho Amerlcnn Indian is giving
an excellent account of himself
at the front. Incidcntly it may
be mentioned that the American
Indian had no small share in in
troducing the corn and tobacco
now regarded so highly by mili
tary authority.
Wc strongly bolievo in the
efllcacy of prayer, ,if it bo tho
right kind of prayer. For in
stance, we bolievo one mnn
praying between tho plow hand
les will get more response than
00 town loafers who do nothing
themselves but stand on the
street corner and importune the
Lord. Ex.
Tho big man in tho White
House has correctly gauged pub
lie opinion, The American pub
lic wants poaco as the world
wants peace, but wo will fight
until hell freezes over to rip the
claws and the teeth from the
beast that has ravaged Europe
for four years, President Wil
son has spoken for the American
people and tho civilized world.
St. Louis Republic.
Joseph Kirsch and family
leave this, Friday, evening for
California, where they will make
their future home. They have
sold their line home at the cor
ner of Ivanhoe and Mohawk
streets. During their five years
stay in St. ' Johns they have
made a number of warm friends,
who regret their departure, but
who wish them unbounded suc
cess and happiness in their new
We would like you to have a
Victor Record Catalogue. It
will interest you, whether you
have a talking machine or not.
Currin Says So.
Prof. William Herbert Hobbs
says one of the most amazfug
facts connected with tho war is
that it was not foreseen by any
of the historians and statesmen
of any of the allied countries.
We fall to see anything amaz
ing about that. Naturally, his
torians are not expected to know
about anything before it hap
pens and satesmen don't know
about it either before or after.
Mt. Scott Herald.
Electric Vacuum Cleaner (or reut. II,
Hear Caruso any day at Cur
rins. When in need of small arti
cles, get them at the 5-10-lGe
store. St. Johns', in the Penin
sula National Rank Ruilding.
Lauder makes records only for
tho VICTOR. Hear him any
day at Currins.
For Sale by Owner Lot and
unfinished house, beautiful loca
tion, ten minutes walk to Penin
sula Hhipyards.-1102 S. Willam
ette boulevard, St. Johns.
All phonographs in oin'.thnt is
the Brunswick. Currin Says So.
If my work pleases you; please
tell your friends. If not, tell
me. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey
A Victrola is a source of
pleasure every day In the year.
Currin Says So.
Pathu Records at Currins.
The St. Johns Millinery, 200
N. Jersey street, equal to any
thing in the City. Hats made
to order and remodeling a speci
alty. Plumes cleaned, curled
and dyed. Phone Col. 375.- Mrs.
M. E. Crane, proprietress.
We guarantee all A. I). S.
Remedies. Currin Says So.
Wanted Modern 5 or G room
house, walking distance to St.
Johns shipyards. Willing to pay
$25 per month. Phone Colum
bia 317.
Guaranteed made In America
Cutlery at Currins.
St. Johns Fair Store, E. W.
Foy, prop.; household utility
supplied and genornl notions,
207 N. Jersey St. Highest
quality goods at lowost prices.
Next to Eloctric store.
A KODAK will add pleasure
to any outing. Currin bays bo,
Will board and room little girl
or boy in nice homo with play
grounds. Kind treatment. 512
Come in and hoar tho late roc
ords. You are alwaya welcome.
Currin bays bo.
Compare my prices on rubber
shoes, lints, cnutK uml punts. v,
W. Rogers, The Raincoat Mnn,
Wanted Good automobile as
payment on an acre or less of
land in bt, Johns, one block from
car line. Call at this ollice.
Lay your plana now to got a
Victrola for your family at Ainas,
Currin Says So.
A girl wants n place to room and
board. Inquire at Woolen Mills,
St. Johns.
Buy a VICTROLA now and
pny for it within a year. That Ib
tho way Currins sells them.
The Merits of a Bank
When you choose your bank you expect:
Safety for your deposits.
Certainty of accommodation.
Courteous and efficient handling of
your banking transactions.
OUR membership in the Federal Reserve Syntcm, with the
privilege It gives of converting our commercial paper Into
cash, insures safety for your deposits, nnd certainty of
all merited accommodation. The personnel of our directors,
officers nnd staff Is your guaranty of courteous and cflicicnt
attention to your needs.
Peninsula National Bank
Ohant Smith, . , President
I'HKl C. Knapp, . Vice President
Pkank P. Diunkkk . Vice President
John ltnt.iti'.Hit.v, . . Cashier
Ciiaui.uh II. Kfssiti.t Assistant Cashier
Stanton J Doimt, Assistant Cashier
ItmvAHn H. Mounts, Assistant Cashier
I'. P.
Mcmbor of Federal Reserve Bank
3 per cent on Savings .4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit
We Show the Way
when it comes to groceries tlmt ate
right ami rightly kept. Staple ami
specialties ore exclusively stocked by
us in rich profusion. All of the sea
son's delicacies in their season,
Come in ami look over our stock,
301 S. Jersey St.
IWtonc Col. IIH
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Lhew !
f 4"
Til 1 V7 vl V
Break two or three
little squares off the
filug of Real Gravely,
t's a small chew
tastes better and stays
with you longer than
your big chew of ordin
ary plug. That's why
it costs nothing extra ,
to chew Real Gravely
the best chewing
plug in the world.
goes further that's
why you can get the good
taste of this class of (abac
co without extra cost.
Any one desiring a fine home
where he can raise the greater
portion of his living, should1
investiagte the following: Five
room modern house and 137x150
piece of ground in a fine state
of cultivation, street improved
and paid for, an abundance ot
l ! 1 tL. -.i.
Derries ana iruu iruea, in ruei u
most delightful home. rlhe price
is $3200; $2000 cash and balance
on terms. It is located in one
of the best residence districts in
St. Johns. For name of owner
and location of property, call at
this ollice.
For Sale Five tons of oat
hay; three tons clover; fine eat
ing potatooa; Lady Washington
white boans; double harness;
farm wagon stool tired and in
good shape. (519 K John street;
phone Col. 711.
For Sale or Will Trade for St.
Johns Property Small stock
ranch, located in Union county,
with stock and implements. Ad
dress Hoy h. Amsberry. Palmer
Junction, Oregon, or call at this
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
10$ a pouch-anof worth it
Don't forget to take a KODAK
NOTICE Having sold my
stock of groceries to L. K. Sim
mons and L. Ii. Johnston, I de
sire to thank my friends and
patrons for their loyal support,
and will recommend them to my
successors who will endeavor to
carry on the same principles of
first class and quality merchan
dise. All outstanding accounts
are reuuested to be paid at my
old place of business, I thank
autlfut gray or
blank adult caskat,
haarie, box, 2 autoi
embalming and rafln
d scrvloa for
I'uneruls if desired for 20, $30, (iO, $00. Higher prictUut'-r U in ro
ortlou, Wc manufacture cusltets, I,uly av.1 .Urit
Heuutlful funeral chapel,
Main 2601 Indopandant Funaral Dlraotors A 7005
Washington ut EILs Street,. Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
G14 Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia 888
F. Clark, tl
with you. Currin bays bo.
you. Alex, b. Scales.