St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 18, 1918, Image 2

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A. W. Matklc, l'.dltor
Published Friday of Each Week
Subiorlptlon prlca $1.00 por year.
Outside of Multuomali County f2.00
per year In advance.
AnvnnTiSJMtt Ratks: 25ceuts tier Inch
ench insertion. Locals 6 cinu per line
minimum 25 cents. Slteilal rate on
yearly contracts.
Political advertising COc per Inch.
Tub Rrvirw Is entered nt post office
In Portland, Oregon, as mall lunttei
of tho second class under the Act of Con
jtressot March 3, 1879.
For Sale
vrr. rr
Wc Want Sales Kcpescrntu
tivea In Every Town in Urciron
Wo nrefor men who have sold
ntnek. insurance, real estate
hooks or who have had no sales
exnerience. but would like to
develop into salesmen. Wo train
overy applicant accepted an(
ulao nrovido n system that wil
enable anyone who works to
make from $75 to $150 per week
Can also use women of excep
tional ability. Position pormttn
ent. In applying state two, past
bus noss experience, number o
voaravouhuve lived in commun
ity. and references. AddreMs in
confidence. Kane Mfg. Co.
1G2G-27 L. C. Smith HIdg.
Seattle, Wash.
A candidate who seems to
meet ith fnvor in the eyes o
St. Jo; ms people is Dan Kcliher
for City Commissioner. Ilan has
been no tngon the Commission
long enough to prove his worth
He always has the courage o
his convictions, and he is look
ing after the people's interests
with a watchful eye. Dan has
made some mistakes, of course
but his heart and intentions
wore right, and it is generally
conceded that ho is strictly lion
cat. lie is getting better as he
gains experience and widens
his knowledge of public ulfuirM.
Ho is a man easy to approach
and will give any man a fair
hearing. So, wo believe,
is n good plan to keep Dan
oflice for another term.
Tho well known grocery store
of Alex. S. Scales at 501 Fohhum
den street has been purchased
by Lewis K. Simmons and I. II.
Johnston, who took possession
or Hiimo last Monday. Air. Sim
moiia, who has been assisting
Mr. Scales in the business for
tho past eight years, will have
active chari'o of the business
and will be assisted by Miss
Nettie Johnston. During his
long and faithful service with
Mr. Scales, Mr. SlmmnnH haw
made many friends who will lie
glad to lend their aid and in
lluence in making n success of
tho business venture, lint with
tho (nullifications he poHHisnea.
-combined with his Hterling
qualities and busine.uu ability.
tho new firm of I.. Simmons &
Co. cannot help but proper un
der his guidance.
Iron and steel works, machine
shops and foundries of Portland
may be given ordnance contracts
by tho war department. An in
quiry as to what could be done
by plants hero has been received
by Secretary W. 11. Crawford
of the war industries hoard, and
ho has scut ajist of factorieH
qualified and their qualifications.
About firms hero can turn
their plants into manufacture of
ordnuueu. In liia letter to tin
wur industries board, Itielmrd
Tuflli, head of the increased
plant facilities division of the
ordnunce department of tlir
army at St. Louis, uuyu the de
partment wishes to spread the
work out so that it will not be
centered too strongly in the con
gested district of the East. Pro I
iiobhIs forbids will be sent firms;
here whenever contractu are to
bo nw. "led. Ho bolievon that
in this way the burden of inuitu-'
facturioK will be distributed
and prompt output assured,
inve Modern
t Yale and Macrum Streets
Easy Terms
On Payments
Mortgage Loans,
and Insurance
Peninsula Security Co,
First National Bank Building
Empire InvestmentCo.
St. Johns Office
117 Philadelphia Street
We are now building sev
eral 4 room houses which we
will sell on easy payments.
Choice unimproved resi
dence property for sale.
Consumers Aro Counselled Not
To Decrease Use of Milk Nor
Complain of Prices.
These coats arc on exceptionally good buy and were secured before
the recent 15 advance in all rubber goods. They have gray cloth sur
face, plaid lining with layer of rubber in between. Regular shoulders,
patch pockets, aud arc 48 inches long. One should sec this garment to
appreciate its value for the money.
Authorized Resident Dealer
How About Your Hardware?
Do you need any, or do you need paints and
oils? If you do, now is a good time to buy.
Do not wait until the prices advance. Take
stock of what you need and buy it now. Look
our line over and you will readily convince
yourself that the quality and prices cannot be
be beaten anywhere. Do not delay, as time
is money in buying these days.
Wo wisli to announce to
people of St. Johns and vicinity
that we have purchased and as-
sumed possession of tho Alex.
b. beiiles store at 501 Iwssen
don street, and it shall no our
aim to cater to tho wants of tho
people in a courteous, careful
and satisfactory manner. Wo
nope to merit the continued nut
ronagu of thoite who have been
dealing at the store in the past.
and take care of new patrons ns
well, anil can assure ouu and all
'Unless m on tin nra quickly found to
remedy condltloim uxIhUiik In tho dairy
Induxtry im well iin In othur clasBes
of livestock, HorlouH mcnaco to tioth
Industrial which uro ulllud may bo
TIiIh Ik tho Htiitemiint of Assistant
Federal Food Administrator, W. K.
"With tho dairymen ncllInK thnlr
liiiBlnimnoH us fa nt us they aru ahlo to
find purchasers," mild Mr. Nowull,
"with an InoreiislnB vnlumu or sains or
honvy (.'dive, both inalu nml female,
and with already ti world's shortatjo
or beef, tho outlook for futuro supplies
In not UK rosy as ono mlKht wish.
"It haw linen charged In soma
quartern that tho price of in Ilk and
other product! or tho dairy havu born
the t'dovaled to such an extent at nil
Pacific northwest points tnni tho dairy
Interests Mliould ho making n profit ntid
well satisfied with their lot.
"TakliiK only the retail price ns a
bnMln that which most vitally affects
the coiiHiinier- -the price of milk today
In Cortland In Ifio per quart.
"liven with normnl prices milk Is
Retiornlly Hold rulnll at 10 cents a
quart here, therefore tho advance Is
not nearly ns marked ns In many
other lines or foodstuffs
"Tho dairyman today Is paying moru
tlniii double tho wanes or normal years
Open Evenings
Walter M. Pierce
Democratic Candidate For
Beyerle & Armstrong
420 North Jersey St.
GOVERNOR I Now is the time
Stands squarely for Labor i To get Photograph
A laboring man all his life
hat we w do a in our power ,r ,,u. Hl ,",, 'm "
to muke all dualinirs Hittisfnetorv ,,m" ,lo",llu ,nr hi "ii,M
I w u. 'U"""KH ""''""IClory h n) n v consldMrnlihf advance
in every wuv.
Lewis K. Simmons,
1.. H. lohnston.
I'hone Columbia 1210.
aver (he normal for his liran ami
"The cost or milk rnm and other
dairy ulontlls Is practically double tho
normal Tho cost or bottles has soared
to such helKhts as to make one dlzxy
to think or It. The cost or prnducliiK
milk today Is therefore more than
double that or normal pirlods oven
without consldorlni; the fact that this
has been a very abnormal season uud
the production or milk and cream per
cow Is far below the normal,
"l.uws enacted diirltiK the last row
years rorco the dairyman to add to his
publlo Is no IniiKor wllllnt; to tolerate
tho quality or milk ccuerally marketed
a few years iiko, All or this costs
money mid the dairyman has been
payliiK It whllu tho full charges have
not btmu paused back tn the consumer.
It has oftlines been said that a man
vwy seldom quits a business where
1. 1. 1.... ....... ..!..!.. r. ..i iurni proms aro Hvaiianie -inn raci
I1I1IKV 1 Ml' VtflllllHllllk ilKIIIIIBLI .1.... I...-
lu !... ..,. A..a.i.,.i r. " y imiryini'ii ere .juium
jwi. ,n iM.iv Jim iivnuiiuii J mil . .. . ,nv ,ir mil nuikliiu uileiinnle
wife, rrlsonor I ain't a do-lti.,,1 n,Hv r not imuwiml. miummiH
1 ho Portland Garbage Co.
s prepared to remove rubbish
of any nature from the rest-
lences and litis noss unices of
bt. Johns at 7K cents per month
f i . i
km- resiliences ami irom nusi
ness places at reasonable rates,
'alls made every Saturday.
.eave orders at the St. Johns
iardware. or nlione Woodlawn cosih ns u matter of cleanlluuss
Real Estate!
II You Wist li Sell
Property at right prices
list it with us.
If You Want to Buy
Property tit right prices
call and sec us.
S. C. Cook
402 N. Jersey Street
l'ald nilvcrlliciiicnt
First cUt work, prompt etvice snd tho belt of pictures,
' All work guaranteed to glva MtUfnctlon.
I Innd painted plctura ulven with a dozen cabinet pholoi.
Alio do enlarging Ip Water Colon, Oil, Crayon and I'aitel.
frames of all kinds for tale Call and ice our display
?Billifi' Nichols 3 1 PRATT'S STUDI0' 204 N-Jersey st I
n nto I AUEiAN I m a rN,. -
Open Evenings a
I. earn to dance Miss Hlancho
Whitman's Dancing School, ('.10
W. Charleston street; phono
uoiumiiia lifts.
Don't throw your Old Tires away;
OPEN 6 A. M. TO 4 P, M,
setter judge: I'm a refuireo.
.ook at those welts on mv bend
uud this black yye. Benton
and quilts home
Call Columbia 7(M.
ey ure not mukliiK admiuate
profits If any at all.
Tho klllliiK ot dairy calves during
1 1 1 it liritun nl uMiiuiiii tints liritt nt all
records simply because the country I lUf WOl'K.
producer could nolulfonl to fetnt them
to maturity. HuKKeMtlou has been
made In some quurters that tho kill
Ins of female rulves be prohibited by
aw. This would Indeed solve tho prob
Tubes 25 cents and up.
Reasonable prices on ens-
Wo Will bo the school bnnk nml '" provldlnK some moans woru found
sunnly hoai (itiartors this 10 u'ml '"" " .
f. .1. . At r- w s-m I lLllp aiv flu Flu 1 1 11 vik fif Vain Pal
n uia past. Liirrins aays ao. .:. '
f ttri Mlnr luuiritur thu tnw Ihnt iIiima
I'aneillg III tlltl liOOll 1 line I nut uav her exnense. That la the
htneing Club every Wednesday situation just now. row arc paying
veiling, bt. Joints Skating rink, ""ir board and there Is no Improve
ineut or tn situation in prospect.
"Uiuilln n,..t.ll,ln..d i.i..i I... ...aIiai.
or halo-Kamre. sew nir inn. At In rjittiinl lit lint fiilnpit ttt t timif
nine ami oiner nrucies. t'lione
All work Kunranteed.
National Vulcanizing Works
St. Johns, Oregon
olumbia IKM.
upply. OwIiik to the shorta);u uud ex
treiuo price of feed morn lluht weight
iiul iiufliilshoil cattle have been
Oregon Building, 5th and Oak
Phone Bro.iJw.iy 70 or Columbia 321
i- i. .1... r ipivp 1 1 rriP re at vt innnc hpm pw mm r&
limiRI'tVM III III" PtUVRJMHIB .l a 1 " a-ilW VIUVIW Ml Ull Willis ' ' W ' ' W ' V ' ' ' W W I IIU Ctf f UU U ( P fO Jti f t 1 1 US t V4( 1 tl
pountry UurlUK the lust two sousoiin M( XUM((, 1(M, ui, jarKeiH.rCtfllt. County of Multnomah, State of
(iiuu over ueiore Known, i ne country , ...,., , ' , - 41 M iMnicu riy iecrio a lots number
cannot afford to fM Its cattle even nt 7" "li ' I U 31 "IwU I, I'Uber's SuMlvii
uwi.uo4iinui. of I.ot 2. (Jlcn l'ark. accordlnir to
In viow of the upparont slow
ing down of the Fourth Libert)
Loan Camj aign in some centers
on account of the peace talk. 1
S. Franklin. Director of War
Loan Organization for theTiviiK.
ury Department has telegraph'
ed all tho Liberty Loan Com
mitteoa as follows: "It is net
at all likoly that this war will
bo over in the near future
Furthermore, the American pe
plo must realize that. irresjiiC'
tivo of expenses incidental to
actual warfare, we have near'
two million boys in Franco who
must be transported home uftir
the war is over ami, mettntiim,
paid, fed ami clothed. We hu i
an enormous emergency Ilea
now under construction whkf
must be completed. Aside from
these necessary expendittiii'.-,
any faltering now by the Amer
ican people in this Loan Cam
paign would plnco a weapon of
great potency in tho hands of
the autocrats of Germany. Now
is tho time to show that the
American people aro backing up
our President in his doterinina
tion to exact from our enemies
terms which will insure against
a repetition of tho crimos of
Hear every kind of record nt
its best. Tho Brunswick Talk
ing Machine plays all records at
their best. Currin Suys So.
journey to market Is therefore a usees-
wlty In fact the "ovorument hus re
ceutly ri'Hiit'xtml that tho public pur
chase beef from Unlit weight unlmnls
because tho stock must bo marketed.
This means that many thousand of
animals that ure today
market weiKhliiK around COO to 1.000
pounds, would have showed a weight
of at least a third more if allowed to
fatten properly This menus mi
Miormous loss In the meat supply for
the future .1 loss that the couutry
can III afford to contemplate."
$100 Reward. S100
Tho iru.l. 1 tls iMimr will
Dan Kellaher
City Commissioner
Your kindofa man
Election Nov. 5, 1918
I'sid advertisement
luiMi! to 1.- mi ii'At tin r u at WMt 0110
(Irmtiltftl ilia..!' Unit !'' hu lii
uklr to cur.' Ill ..11 Its siuk-. mul Hint In
I'rtturrti 1UU iMturrh Ouru U Him only
pohlllV I'UIr ll.'W KlU'WII til tlltl IIXHll.'Hl
fl4UTIllt I'.u.uili IwtiiC u lUiMtltUlieiul
aiuav. re.uiir. roimltutUmal troal
nwnt. I lull I'uturrh Curw la tukvii In
trrnallv. ai'iiiiir Jlroellv unon the hliKul
siul muoeiia uif.i. of the nyitmt tlwre-
!' vnirokinK' Hi.- (emulation or tit ui
rHM. Ullil KlkillK the lHHllll SttOOKth t up tli' . .'lutltiitlon ami aiMltllim ui. In na work Tlx- preprhtters
linve no niu.-li faith In Its curative now.
w tli4t lln-y I'lT. r One lluixlrwt IVIlura
tor any OKU., tn it it tuns to euro, cvna
for lUt ef t tim.mlaU.
.1(1.11(11 r ' ' HHNKV CO . TOIWO, O.
bald .y all t'ri.knUli. TSc
Tk lUila Fmi.ily t'lll for contllpatloo.
Rosebud Restaurant
Regular Meals now crveil duntiK tuHin
liours Ice Cream lit all the faucv dikho.
Robt. Anderson, Prop.
' Why not have miikmaias now a
days'' someone akks. There Is a cry
thut the labor conditions are lit a bad
w ay " a the dairies ure concern-
tvl The tuiJii have boiio to war or
Into other work and the cows are being
khled off because there Is no one to
mlTk them What la koIhk to become
ot the children of this country If that
Koes on? ' is the question uskd. Some
ot tho Klrls who are not exactly
fascinated by the thought ot washing
window, running elevators and carry
UK mail ure looklug toward the dairies.
and they'll save the
the milkmaid of modern
pollnnr wnenn fm forii'inor
Tho lli fon.l r,i,mil U th nnlv I .v....,
j,..,iln. 1 nn..
1 m nua iuumiiu iui
Helen M-Harper
Pupil of Frank O. I-ichculnub
Phone Scllwood K15(J
Transfer and Storaoo
V' dsllver your cooda to and from
' ton, Portland and Suburban Ezprtia
00., city a ocx ana an point aocatsims
Expert Wntciimnkcrind Jeweler
Clock, Watches, Jewelry ami Optical
Good. All work ami xoods tiamutcctl
307 North Jency St.
1 In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oretjon for the County of Multnomah.
J. V. Cookiimu, plaintiff, vs Henry N.
linear iinu nKr, ins wue tieieniiunts.
III the iMiue of the State of Orck'ou,
you ami eaclt of you ure Hereby required
tn appear and utuwer, or otherwle oleud
to the complaint II led nlnt you in the
uoovc eiitiiioi court anil cauc on or be.
fore the expiration of six weeks imbllca.
tion of this summons, ami that 11 you fail
so to appear and answer, for want thcre
of.the pluiiililT will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in its complaint
Herein, to-w 11: ror a luugiiiciil aiuttle
cree of strict foreclosure aeainst voti in
Mid cause,harriii); and foreclou you of
unit irom an riKiii, line, liilcrem, claim,
lieu, ami equity ot retiemptlou in ami to
oitieisl plat thereof as recorded in the
office of the Cohnty Clerk of Multuomali
County, Oiecoti. ttclud nt: the statutory
riKht of redemption, uud for his cotsuud
iiitiiurkemcuts herein.
Service of this timmoits is made up.
on you by publication thereof In the St.
Jehns Review, a newspaper of funeral
circulation puoiuiieti in I'ortluml, Mult,
iiom.ih County, OrcKon, pursuant to an
order uwde by the llotioruble Robert
Tucker. Judge of the Circuit Court of the
Mate 01 uregnu, tor .Multnomah County, I
mane anit euiertxi on me otli ilay of
October, 191S, dlroctiiit; service of said
summons to lie maile by publication
thereof in the St. John Review for sis
kticcestive weeks.
imic 01 nrt puuitcutiou 01 tins sum
is nitich npprcciatcd by nil
the family. We hnve .sonic
fine cuts in loins mul roasts
that you will pronounce tin
nppronchnblc. I.ct us in
vite you into buying from
the best stocked market in
You Can't Beat Us
on quality or price, no matter where you go. We
are determined to keep nhcml of nil competitors, and
wo are doing it.
CiiPi'poli"!'' 2I WE DELIVER 109 N. Jersey Street
sstI 1 mm
ui nisi iuuiiiaiiuii ui mis sum I r- r
mon is October ltth. 1918. and last pub . Uear Mary
licutiou November '"nil. 1'llK I
smxKY gordon. How I enjoy the evenings now!
.Auorney tor riatniiii, m n,
400 Oerliimer BUIk.. rortUnd. Orecon. ,nuu
B I DS WANTED. in radiates thro"gh our whole living room. While waiting
sen, bid will be received bv the 1U1 r"1,llv lo tonie nome 1 511 m a D1S easy chair, read the
a v saw a b. a lli &.ft&AV& --.... '-v v a a .vuaa. a a uul. t
m.,11 nciiiMiokn,! K.ioJmoco ! ! I'ortlaml. Oreiion. until 10.80 A. M.. I mUSt insist On VOUr CrettinfT a heater lUSt lik'P mino
hwii ,iJiiiuiiiHvii uiiciiiv-JO ill MA, .... f1...,,i,.., of loia i.i..' I ... . " w i ......w.
St. Johns that is in a flour-! i f.ui for the me of 'tiie st7johsJ 1 om will give you one if you'll only bring him over and let
y won t wear tho costumes sou ishillg Condition,' ill fact doing ' 1 7;o xZl win be consi.lere.1 uni
'uVru a a n l e n d i d business witK
..:".n ". '. .:":.r:"V: m-on t ov iiu.iwisr in ni-nsnnnr I ',oan' 01 tommusioner- ot .Multnomah
uu). ncrua m o- ... county, ccrtttieit by a responsible bauk
rn days. 1 he proprietor has an ex-1 for uu amount equal to ten per cent of
sato insurance for 1919 food supplies.
tiling in a
Conservation is the All American job SJ10U ,1 not njiSS this bv. For
army of four mllloii soldiers ic...,i .... .. ... " ...... .
ait army of four million
must bo fed from this year's crop.
"Thoro Is no substitute for milk as
a food for growth. Portland mothers
should make, a drive on father's purse
to the tutent of oue quart of milk per
day for every child." Oregou League
the acureiiute proposal.
The right is expressly reserved to re-
ject any anil all bins.
Dated at Portland, Oregon, October 7.
Boanl of County Commissioners,
By Rufus C. Holman, Chairman,
rnno ttoioroot,
A. A. Muck.
him enjoy ours for one evening. Bring him.
Your friend -HELEN.
P. S. You can get one just like mine at
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 'S. Jersey St.
further information, apply at
this office.
Cards of thanks notices are
charged for at the rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desirinc to
have such notices published' charge; refined service. Miller!
snouw make a note of this. & Tracey.
buuurb calls given prompt
attention tiay or night. Com
plete auto equipment; no extra
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and get acquainted.