Do your bit, though It bo only a lit tle bit. Boycott tho fodd profiteer when otit you cnn. Kcouomy Is nlso the road to tho ownership of I.lburty bonds. Among other things that bavo he como extinct Is the cheaper cut. Tho ships keep Hlldlng down tho ways with neutnoss nnd dispatch. U-honts nro still taking their toll, but It Is not much of u toll nt that. Many n husbnnd's list of nonessun tints Includes tho fashion pagos of tho newspapers. There Is a lime for everything. To day Is the best posslblo time to buy war stamps. Aro tho workers who nro making good money saving any of It or spend ing It wisely? It must be discouraging to Germutis to hnVo to fight pcoplo who can ent nil thoilicef they want. America him afforded several ex amples of hovr rapidly u pcoplo once aroused can prepuro for war. In theso times n fashion expert Is any woman who can get two or inoro seasons' wcur out of one gown. With 80 per cent of war prolltM go ing to tho government, prollteers will oon becomu compulsory patriots. A lot of commanders mentioned In the dispatches from tho western front; but wo nco nothing of (leiicral Isslmo. A million watches huvo been or dered for tho American army abroad no tho boys wilt bu on time at llurllu. Kuop your kodaks working to plenso and comfort tho boys "over thero" with pictures from "over here." "Who drow tho United .Stale Into tho wnrt" asks one furl Inn In tier- ninny. ".Search me," replies the other. Tho thousands of (leriimn prisoners captured on tho latest drive aro no doubt tho envy of millions of their countrymen. Another person who does not help much Is tho cynic who Insinuates (hat this will be merely thu name old world after tho war. If thu U-boats could get Inland they probably could do more business with ranoes and rowhoats oven than with fishing nchnoiuin. It Is said every family In the Her man empire, except one, has been lilt by, the rniuiilty list, and nobody needs more than one guess. Ono good way to help everything Kood, Including one's own bank ac count, Is to buy Thrift slumps nnd unvliigs formicates. Tho seashore shark has not been as sertive this summer. He probably re fused to tnkit any risk of being asso ciated 'With u U-boat. If, its optimists assert, the war will end within the year, the drafted base ball ittars may return In lime to keep the game itolng nuxt summer. Thero Is little In tho war news to encourage the great American hipilr- rel, Lots of crack shots will como buck from Kumpo presently. In addition to other waste created by the Oermutis In this war, there Is thu tlinu that thousands of American have spent In studying the language. Hut thu man who makes Inferior goods for tho army probably Is sure that his hou will not have lo use Ilium, becnuito his son Is not In the srjny. The dissatisfaction about golf play ing for u president must be that ho can never tell whether he Is Melting better or whether the other fellow Is letting himself bu beaten. It would surprise nobody If Christ mas presents In 1018 consisted In tho I main of hams, Hides of bacon, half- tons of coal, cauned fruit, spnro rib and other coarse and uncouth gifts. All profiteers are bad, but those who seek profit by defrauding our soldiers are of the worst grade, and nothing Is too Movent for their puiiUhiiieut something, for Instance, like boiling oil. Whta- wo read of the ouso with nblch, aliens huve been permitted to1 move about In this country uud oven tadeuvd It, we do not wonder that tho Umunus huvo been kept well Informed of i nil Unit Is going on over here. Our HullOruieit object to the immo "Jacky," It Is u term of love and re spect and glorious ussoelatlons, but If ourMtlormen wuut something new they an entitled to It. Youth must If aerved uud youth deserves Morv- leu now. Hand grenades nro being produced at the rate of 2.000,000 a month, with the output to bo doubled in four months. And baseball practice bus made tho Americans expert In throw In them, which Is bad news for the Ifctus. Tho Brunswick Phonograph playB all makes of records ut tbjeir bo8t, and without any eaangeoi atttaenment whutovor. A?"fl,.."0r. "tsl )art 01 ,u menta without inconvenience bv UUrrirt OUja DO. llVllilinir thnnmnlvns of nnr ir. I fin tn thl Alltn Hnnn'r f!nnm ny, 207 South Jersey street, for socuro your recoipt without in. your auto, motorcycle and biey- tonyenienco to you. Fee, 25 cie repairs and miwuies. Autos fir- )ifr Plmnn 707 Joans Bank. I'diitisula Title, p . Abstract and Realty Co., by H, Arp;jou invi'stinirinW.S. S.? Henderson. Manager; 402 -North Currin Says So. Defeatists nro pcoplo who nro beat en beforo thoy begin. Think of ono more eacrlflco you can mako and tnako It cheerfully. There can be no worse crime than profiteering on war supplies. A steel shortago looms ahead. "Don't throw nway your safety razor' blade." Ico In summer nnd coal In winter nro necessities that must bo provided. Anything that Is advertised as "free" wilt cost uhout three times what It Is worth. One of the beautiful things about n dollar Is that It buys four Thrift stamps. Ilahlheadcd men, It Is snld, seldom suffer from consumption. Hut there's always something. A barber always can make soma dis paraging remark uhout u fellow's hair and get by with It. Tho names of several of those places (hey nro lighting around In Franco ut most spell Komethlng. Ho far ns the war returns go, Wag- norlnn music and pessimism do not get ono anywhere. Women conductors In Loudon have gone on strike, thus proving their abil ity fully to replace the men, With everybody wearing old clothes mid not worried uhout Injury to them "a good lime should bu hud by nil." The "war doesn't make our weather funny," it HClentlst explains. No, but It mukcH tho funny peoplu who think HO. Not only nro thu boys "over there" making it lot lf history, but they are making considerable geography as woll. Tho war gardener also makes tho iiciiiiiliitunco of numerous Insects that his college professors never told him about. The tax on tobacco Is going to be trebled. Is It possible, wo wonder, that bad cigars will also becomu three times as bud? Thiiuks lo glucose, tho candy mak ers continue In business anil ,tbe milli ners and customs of wooing aro not seriously Impaired. You never hear u word uhout work ing conditions or wages from thu fol lows iibrond who might have Justifica tion for complaint. Koine war profits have been esti mated us high us :i,(00 per cent. Many consumers have Imagined they soared miicii iiiguer tnaii mat. The railroad employee who In not courteous because ho Is working for Uncle Ham Is Just tho kind of em ployed thu kaiser likes. liaising (ho draft ngu lo forty will let in n lot who have been telling what they would do to the llun If only they had not been more Hum thirty-one. A iiiiiii who resists tho draft anil de clares he will not light Ucrumiiy should be permitted to work for his board largo part of thu rest of his life. To thu average restaurant patron It appears that the house does Its sav ing creditably enough but charges him for regular pcitcu portions ut wur prices. In the case of thu able-bodied man who knows Hint he will either hnvo to tight or go to work, but U waiting for HHiiMtblng to happen, uomothlug will iiuppeii. An Kugllsh writer locutions tho proverb. "A good Injun Is u doud lie Jun." Hut that was u long Hum ago. A good Injun today Is lighting for the United .States. "Cheese has tuken u remarkable Jump In price," u market page note announces, home wort of a campaign for lis use us u substitute must bavo been In progress. (lenersl Crowdfr keeps calllug them mill they keep right on unsweriug. The kaiser will begin tu think thoro'M no end to Ynukees thu wuy they're pouring into France. Hecent editions of masculine shirts huvo the terminal facilities greatly uh- bret luted, but whether this Is duo to the boll weevil or tho wur the huber- dasher siilth net. .Suggestions are iniido to thu effect that the discontinuance of Herman In the schools should leud to un Increased study of Hie Kngllsh language. This Is u Urut-cluss Ideu. Aow comes the Iceless drink, The tinkle of cracked Ico will no longer lie lieord, and tho pntrlotle cltlien will drink to his country every tliuo he drains ids noiseless glass. In the comprehensive luxury tuxes proposed iu (Ireut Hrltuln Is one on cosmetics. Thus the pntrlotle Hrlt- tan uiuiroiis nun nutiiiens will pay tribute to their- country every time iney powtior their noses. Hosidonts of St. Johns having taxes and city liens to nay in i"f Mlkti stil Itlilba a u I f vices. Wo will pay same and uuiuruucx-a; miy ot, den bah Tyl uertJt'y street. Profiteering nnd patriotism ennnot go together. Preserve that you mny conserve, but do not waste tho sugur. Paper underwear, one trusts, does not demand the services of a paper hanger. Tho less unnecessary food served at tho table the greater the service to the country. In summer heat every horse Is pro foundly sad that ho was not born an autotruck. Just because you make a noise like n big gun It doesn't signify you're do ing your bit. After the war nobody In the United States will bo handicapped by being n mere Amerlcun. If the commission that Is to fix food prices only could fir un easy way to get the price I Homo pcoplo nro pacifists because of conscience, but most of them because of the lack of one. "Hold fust" means that wo haven't licked tho Huns yet, but that wo can If wo fight harder and don't quit. Due praise should be accorded the embattled chiropodists who help to keep nur armies on u sound footing. It tnkes some folks longer to pick nut flvo cents' worth of candy than It does others to buy an automobile. Women's styles may have something to do with tho fact that fewer per sons nro shocked to dcuth than for merly. Many a patrloteer Is trying to con- vlncu himself that ho Is engaged In war work when ho shoots off his I mouth. Men of forty-five nro beginning to lighten their belts, strut cuddly through tho streets nnd talk about "us boys." Wonder If tho soldiers remember the days when they used to knock off work In minutes early, no they'd bo sure to I hear thu whistle? Tho high cost of living wouldn't he ho bad for the average citizen If he could petition for u wugo Increase to un Impartial board. Nobody expects to see college foot ball abolished, but It would occasion no surprise If yell masters wero do-1 dared non-essential. Thanks to the war garden, another good old Joke has to be taken serious ly: "You eat what you can and what you can't you can." The most dangerous enemies nro either In Internment camps or nro be ing arrested for attempts to defraud the government on war contracts. Extending the ago limitations for draft may give the man who figured on retiring from business at forty tin Idea of what to do with his leisure. Not nil the bachelors within the new draft uges who are rushing to wed tire slackers. Many are, perhaps, desir ous of taking their punishment early. Thanks to the Liberty llouils nnd Thrift KtuuiM one of the lessons taught the great American public by the wnr will be thu value of n dollar. Considering tho disagreements of "war experts," It Is u mutter for re joicing Hint they are not In charge of thu battles they so freely comment upon, With tho wur department buying $1,10,000 worth of baseball and foot ball supplies for the use of our sol diers overseas tho sports will know where to go. An Ohio county Is to abandon thrashing dinners us u measure of food conservation. Koine of these days city fellows will launch u movement without it banquet. If the Americans really take up souvenir collecting seriously, there will soon be more Herman helmets tit the United Slates than thero are In the Herman army, The government Is taking a hand In current fashions. And Uncle Sam us I a style dictator will attend to the economic phase nnd let the esthetic take cure of Itself. The college graduate had it particu larly hard time this summer In put ting enthusiasm Into Ids commence ment essay when ho really wunted to bo out In the trendies. I'ork exports from America to the allies were nliuot 170.X0.000 pounds during June. Hut that's all right; the more pork we send to Kurope the soon. er we can bring home the bacon. Some of the Herman ottlcers lied so quickly ut the approach of the French and Americans that they left wine glusses on the table In their head quarters. Hut not, paobubly, uny wlue. A Spanish war veteran bus sent word to the boys In France thut uuts will destroy tho cooties. An Inane Jlate mobllliutton of French ants will probubly be put Into uctlvo oper ation. For Sale-Five room modern house and plot of ground 137x150 .lilt M i t- M.Mtifl tw I until I for. an abundance of berries iitul frmr trnna. lots liiodilv nnlr.l ivated and crop in splendid con- dition: a most delinhtful home, with the tjreater portion of the uvihkuuihiuuuiw uum mg Kr Net the lib! en your paper, Our good fitting, good looking clothes are a good recom mendation to a young man. You must appear well to suc ceed socially or in business. Then learn to dress well. Buy your outfit from us this fall and you will know where to buy your clothes for the rest of your life. i We give quality, style, fit and value. Boys: come and see the dandy school suit we have for you. WOMEN AND THE WAR Wlthlu six months utter tho United Htntes entered tho war, the Y. W. C A. Wur Work Council had established girls clubs near more titan forty of thu cunton meats, barracks nnd nnvy yards A trained recrea Hon leader was placed In charge o f ench r I ii b . T h e s o workers supplement tho efforts of the lo cal Associations, it those already exist, Where the Idea Is new tho iiv workers form club center, or ganise thu Kirls, Mrs. Davison and arouse them to a sense of their responsibility In this lime of great excitement uud con fusion. No Molding of girls for unwUe ae Hons and no solemn finger-shaking oc- ours In the clubs, instead of dwelling on what not to do, theso wise leaders urge real patriotism. All sorts of pro Jocts are suggested thut aro more In' foresting than thu dubious and danger ous pleasure which appeal to the Ig norant nnd tho thoughtless. At parties, for Instance, theso wily diaper ones, whom no ono over thinks of as supervisors, arrange that there shall always bo twice as muny soldiers us girls, " Twos'lng" Is utterly Impossible where there aro not enough girls to go around' Club lenders do not attempt to ban ish the gallant soldier entirely from tho girls' world,; they wish only to bring him down from glorified heights of glamour to take his place as un every day hero, subject to tho same scrutiny us other men. Instruction uml relief work aro not neglected. Among the activities of fered nro dressmaking, cooking, knit ting, French, athletics, dancing, slne lng, lted Cross work, Helglan relief, nnd work for the fatherless children of France, The world contains a num ber of things besides soldiers for n girl's Imagination to dwell upon. Hundreds of clubs for school and business girls nil over the country are offering plensantor recreation than tho gaily lighted streets and the sha dowy parks. "I have a place now to spend my evenings." said a telephone girl in Waukegan, Illinois, to the club leader. "I was so lonely before you came." Kmergency housing lor employed girls Is closely connected with tho more general welfare work. Centers, selected on the basis of Immediate need, have been chosen as demonstra tion grounds to show employers how tlrl employee should be homed. Read the Review Advertisements for Latest Bargains J5SX mwmm, 24 mm BONHAM & CURRIER L. E. ROSE, Mgr. By MRS. HENRY P. DAVISON Treasurer War Work Council National Hoard Y. W. C. A. Thoso centers nro near tho canton menta. Tho Hureau of Social Morality Is an important feature of tho War Work Council's program under tho present abnormal conditions, Thnt Ignornnco Ii no shield to a girl Is well known to Its members. Instead, It Is her graves peril. Any situation shrouded In mya tery la dangerous. Women can deal only with what they undorstnnd. true toclal mqrallty must bo built on a foundation of knowledge, and be lusplrod by high alms. rourieou women pnyslclans uro talking to groups of parents, school Ulrls, and Industrial womou. ' These lecturers bend tholr best efforts to sprendlng Information on social Ideals Colored women nt this Unto must meet ull tho problems confronting white women. Their sltuntton Is fur- tnor complicated by industrial and social conditions, Speclul clubs are being formed among colored girls In tno neighborhood of cantonments Workers nro being placed In Industrial centers like Louisville, Kentucky, aud nopeweii, Virginia, Immigrant men who formerly In bored lu mines, on farms, and In fuc torles, and now serve In our army are. tuemseives, In need of assistance Foreign men marry young and many. even of tho young onos, bavo large families dependent upon them. lie causo of theso helpless families, the war Work Couucll has translators who go into the camps. The activities of the War Work Council could not bo confined to our own country, Our American uurses In France ueed tho Y. W. C. A. social workers. Even the most self-reliant women must have holp nt the front where women's welfare Is a matter of minor importance. A central club iu Paris gives hard-worked, courageous nursss a homo In a strange land. Hranch clubs at nil of tbo baso hoinl tala provide relaxation and recreation for hours off. . When the French women cabled to the War Work CouncM, pleading for experts to advise them In establish ing foyer-canteens for women workers in munitions and other war industries, mparts were sent over to have over sight of the building and equipping of some ot tho canteens and act as ad viser to French committees. A professionally solemn-faced but ler In one ot the beautiful homes where a drawing-room meeting was being held stood where he heard the stories of the War Work Council's plans and accomplishments. After the guests had gone he approached ths speaker with two one-dollar bills, "I give them for my daughter," he said. i am subject to the next draft. When I am gone someone must look after my little etrl. I feel the War Work Coua cil will do If." . , Young Men: Come to Us for your.Hevf FMJL SUIT OVERCOAT SW- Act rnur V JV fcM JfWW fv"vv other for 3W CLOTHES Men's Dopt. STOP SWEEPING Clean the Thorough Sanitary Way Sweeping nt its best only shifts dirt. It is html work it makes more work. He sides it shortens the life of your rugs and carpets. An Electric Vacuum Cleaner Cleans Like Magic It will help you to keep your home spotlessly clean without any labor. It will make your carpets look like new and is just the thing for mattresses, portieres, pillows, pictures aud walls. Come In and See Our Slock E Electric Building First Trust S Savings BANK OF ST. JOHNS 1302 East Fessenden Street Phono Columbia 40G Officers and Directors F. A. RICE. President and Cashier H. HENDERSON, Vice Pre.idtnt CEO. I. BROOKS, Secretary F. S. DOERNBECHER Four per cent interest paid on time and sav ings deposits. GENERAL INSURANCE Rentals and Rentais Estate Loans Portsmouth Gospel Hall Meeting 3 p. M. for Christiaus. Gospel meeting in evening 7:30. One door west of drug store. e yvtr- tQr LAURCL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. r ST. JOHNS, OHCOON MmU each Monday evening la Odd FeV lows hull nt 8:oo, A cordial welcome tu all visiting brothers. C, O, Churchill. Nottt Orsnil H. J. Uurrutii, Vict Otsnit 11. W Norcne.l'ln,Mc. II. I' CUik Tirt. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS or.I'VTIIIAS Meets every l'rlilav nlKht at 7:jo o'clock In IIICKNKK Hall. Visitors always wel come. V. U. I'.VHNS, C. C. DORIC LODGC NO. 132 A, f. end A. M. Meets the first ami third Wednesday of each 111611th in iiicKticrs nan, visi tors welcome. J. N.Rdlefsen W. M. A. W. Dsvls, Secretary. St, Johns Camp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attend nnco of our members at our reg ular meetings, every Thursday Evening. G. W. Muhm, Consul, Woodmen Of the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet 2d nud4th Thursday evening in I. O. O. F, Hall, Leavilt ntid Jersey streets. Visitors always welcome. L.I,. T1UU.ING, C. C, V, I. COON, Clerk. Knights and Ladies of Security bt. Johns Council 2775 RcKular Business meeting 1st and 3rd Mondays. Open meetings to the nubile and members 2nd and 4th Mondays. Vis itors and members cordially invited to attend at Skating Kink Hall. Frank C. Gasser, Pres. Lester Teelitig, Secretary, The Central TltOS. GtOVIiR, Ptop. Philadelphia Street, St. Johns. Soft Drinks as usual Coldest 'and Coolest Drinks in town. Sandwiches, etc. All lead ing Summer Drinks. TRY OUR MILK PUNCH I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns Ghambers-Kenworthy Go. Funeral Directors and tmbalmers 2-1S KilliuRSworth avenue A FEW PACTS 1. The oldest established undertaking business north of Knott street. 2. Mr. Chambers is the only G. A. R. undertaker in the city of Portland. 3, Mr. Kenworthy is an acknowledged expert in embalming, Demi surgery and funeral direction. 4. Why have your beloved deceased taken through the congested business districts when perfect service and right price suay be obtained in your own Ik ooBUBHasty.