Fine Stationery Ansco Cameras and Supplies Graphonolas For yotir vacation HEATERS On Easy Terms We have a very large stock of Heating Stoves, which we bought last January, and our selling price is based on the cost at that time. We have many styles of Cast Lined Heaters, the kind that retain the heat and will last a long time. Bee, cast lined, wood burners $15.00 to $20 GO Mascott, cast lined, wood burners, $20.75 to $27.25 Sunset, cast lined, wood burners, $25.00 to $31.00 Household, cast iron, wood buruers,$29.75 to $33.75 Daisy, coal or wood burner, $24.25 to $26.75 Ully, coal or wood burner $29.25 to $32.50 Firefly, coal or wood burner $39.50 to $52.50 Select your HEATERS early Your Credit is Good. ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns SPECIAL OOOCMXK50H0OO0C?00Ca We are closing out our line of Chinaware at prices way below the present wholesale cost. See the demonstration of Apex Electric Washing Ma chine in our window on Saturday. St. Johns Hardware Co. I ' ' t St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. Change of Ownership The Grabateria Cash Grocery in now being operated by E. S. Currier as buyer and Alex. S. Scales as sales manager. The Grabateria during the last four months has commanded the largest stock and largest Grocery Sales on this peninsula. With the prestige the new owners will bring, the buying capacity will be increased until almost a wholesaler's rates will be obtained. The policy will be to sell strictly for cash and to buy likewise. The expense incideut to charge accounts will be elimi nated and the new firm will give prices, in many cases, beiter than have formerly prevailed at the Grabateria. . Improvements will be made and a store will be given you that the community may be proud of. ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Our Prescription Department always at your service Prescriptions filled by Registered Pharmacists only Phone Columbia 138 .105 North Jersey St. Local News. Get Pathe Records at Currins. Christian Science subject for next Sunday's services: "Unre ality. Mrs. Soulo Iins some ijood houses and lots for sale on easy terms. Born To Mr.ntul Mrs. Lester Thorp, Saturday, Sept. 28th, a nine pound girl. t For Sale Houses and lots; easy payments. Will build to suit. Empire Investment Co. i Punlis desiring typewriting naner may m'ocure same at this office at the rate of GOO sheets for one dollar. Minnie Carter, who has been spending the past several months in Kentucky lins returned tobt. JohnB. She reports conditions quiet in her town, and is glad to return here. Klectrlc Vacuum Cleaner (or rout, II. 1'. Cltuk. tl 2 If you want a home, see Mrs. Soulo. Hear the latest patriotic popu lar records at Currins. Mrs. Geo. Hamsey of Kildecr, N. D., and Inkerman Davis, who huB been at Seaside, were called here the past week owing to the illness of their mother, Mrs. William Davis. Mrs. E. W. McLean has re turned from Jewel, Oregon, whero she had apont the sum mer very pleasantly with her nisband. who is in the forestry service. Mr. McLoan expects to return to St. .Johns in the near future. Zed Mulkoy. only son of Dr. S. A. and Mrs. Mulkoy of St. Johns, a now convalescingjn a hospital n France, whero ho has been for thu past six weeks suffering from tho effects of gas. He had eon in in the front line for about five months with tho en gineering corps. At tho Methodist church Row H. Irvine begins his third vnnr nf sorvioo in St. Johns with tho following sermon sub jects: 11:00 a. m. "Forward looking men and their Present Day Task." 8:00 p. m. "How lnti ivn u'lin renin In nt homo best servo tho nation and world?" Patriot c song service in the evening. Tho St. JoluiH Hardware store has made some noticeable im provements in tho arrangements of their store. A balcony has been erected at the renr of tho storo which is used for tho book keeping department and tho R lacing of a portion or tho stock, ew counters and display racks have been installed, which add to tho attractiveness and conven ience of this hustling establishment. Daylight saving continuos for another four weeks, tho clocks to bo turned back at 2 a. m. Sunday morning, October 27, under tho provision made last spring by congress. At that time sunset and sunrise will be an hour earlier and the somnolent will be given another hour of sleep in the morning. An im pression that tho clocks wero to be turned back October 1 is erroneous, Apples measuring 13 and 14 inches in circumforonco were displayed yesterday at the City Hall by Sergeant Fones, of the local police force. The apples were of the Pride of Oregon variety and came from one of 50 apple trees in Sergeant Fones' orchard. There are apples enough on the tree to fill eight boxes, according to the police officer. The orchard is located in tho rear of Sergeant Fone3 house at 318 Hartman street. Oregonian. The amazing possibilities of national profits from national economies are revealed in stat istics furnished by the Fuel Ad ministrator. It is shown that the money saved by American people who locked up their automobiles for a gasless Sun dayon September 1 amount ed to $1,250,000. This is enough to feed the whole American Army in Franco for two days: to buy 5,000 machine guns costing $25, 000 each: or to provide 35.781 completely equiped rifles for the American mianiry. i) NU t label m your ffr. Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Klinefelter, at Good Sa maritan hospital, on Suptember 17th, u son. who has been nam ed Walter Canright Klinefelter. Drs. Mulkoy & Pickens have made elaborate alterations to their dental parlors in tho Pen insula Security building. No finer emiinment or tnoro ideally arranged pnrlors can be found in tlio city of Portland. The St. Johns Millinery. 200 N. Jersey street, ominl to any thing in tho City. Hats made to order and remodeling a speci alty. Plumes cleaned, curled and dyed. Phone Col. 375. Mrs. M. 13. Crane, proprietress. Convertible gloves 2oc, W. W. Rogers, Tho Raincoat Man. Say, have you tried those Nan cy Hall sweet potatoes? If not you nro missing a treat. Buey has them. Phono Col. 528. The Empire Investment Co. has opened up for business at 117 Philadelphia street, in tho room formerly occupied by the Review. PnninKiiln Iron Works, with a force of 125 men has subscribed for 525,000 ofjtho fourth Liberty loan iionds, making a per capita invimtmnnt nf S200 tmeli. This plant is 100 per cent and tho manager is very proud of his patriotic employes, leiegram. () KrnnW H. Anilor.snn. San Krnni'lHon hunker. 'and vlcu chill r- nian of tho General lCxocutivo Ilmtrtl nf t ho Two f th Fed era . calls attention to tho fact that at present wo pay ?1.00 for what, after tho war and long boforo Liberty Ronds como up for re demption, wo can buy for ono dollar. o nnnrwt RrnvnitKnti. wifo 1111(1 two sons, of Philipsburg, Pa., arrived in St. Johns tho lattor part of last wook. Thoy are staying for tho present with their son, Wlllinm stevonBon.on North Ivanhon street. They ox- iinct In nnrcliiiHn n hnnio in St. Johns and become permanont residents. Mr. Walla W. Creasman and Lucy A. Ruckles woro. marriod Sunday at 2 p. m. at tho homo of Mrs. L. M. Root. MOD Powors street. Only relativos of tho newly wedded couplo woro pro sent. Eric Carlson road tho ring ceremony, it boing hi first experience of tho kind. AttendentsJJ worejfMr.'nnd Mrs. Albert Ruckles. Mr. and Mm. Creasman left Wednesday morn ing for Rurns, Oregon, whero they will reside for tho.presont. r MMi o Ornirnn Statn Convention of tho Woman's Christian Tem perance Union will bo hold in Portland this coming week. It will be held in tho First M. E. church. 12th and Taylor strootu, beginning Wednesday, October 9th, and closing Friday after noon. The meetings Wednesday evening and Thursday evening will be of especial interost to the general public. The Moth ers' meeting, which was to bo hnld nt the homo of Mrs. J. C. Scott next Monday, has boon postponed to give the womon here a chance to get ready for the State Convention, as thoro will ho manv delegates to enter tain, and we want to givo them a royal welcome.- Reporter. 1 ! Largest assortment of glovoa in town. W. W. Rogers. Tho Raincoat Man, 202 N. Jorsoy. Open evenings. If a cud of coffee for break fast is bad, don't it make you mad? Try a pound of our Eclipse ground on our Electric Mill and you will be glad. Rucy, phono Col. 528. A big free dance will be giv en by the Loyal Order of Mooao in their new hall Saturday even ing, October 12th. Everybody invited. Good Second band Sewing mah!iie for rem. II. v. Clark, U Hear Caruso any day at Currins. Get your Economy Jar Caps at the St. Johns Hardware store. When in need of small arti cles, got them at the 5-10-15c store, St. Johns; in the Penin sula National Rank Ruilding. Lauder makes records only for the VICTOR. Hear him any day at Currins. Room and Hoard, everything modern. Call 717 S. Kellogg street. m, All phonographs in ono, that is tho Rrunswick. Currin Says So. If my work pleases you; please tell your friends. If not, tell mo. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. A Vicrola is a source of pleasure overy day in the year. Currin Says So. For Salo or trade for vacant lot Eiiuity in modern (J room lioiiHo, well located in St. Johns. Will sell or trade for vacant lot, balance on terms. Inquire at this olllce. Patho Records at Currins. Room and Hoard $0.00 per week. Call '118 Central avenue. For Salu-30 cut. Winchester rifle, almost now; inquire 021) North lvanhoo after 7 p. in. o Lot Soft black hat on lvan hoo and Haltlmore. Finder please notify Harry Caplca or leave at Review office. Pants pressed 25c, W.W. Rog ers, Tho Raincoat Man. Wo guarantee all A. D. S. Romodios. Currin Says So. I f Mm. Soulo is not in her oilico on North Jomuy street she may bo found at 012 Allegheny atreot after 5 p. in.; phono Columbia 1RIH. adv. fj Wanted Modern 5 or 0 room house, walking distance to St. Johns shipyards. Willing to pay $25 per month. Phono Colum bia 317. -o Guaranteed made in America Cutlery at CurriiiB. Como in and hoar tho lato rec ords. You nro always welcome. Currin Says So. St. Johns Fair Store. E. W. Foy, prop.; household utility suppIioh and gonoral notions. 207 N. Jorsoy St. Highost quality goods at lowost prices. Noxt to Electric store. Rring back any Nyal Romedy that you don't ko: wo will ro fund your money. Currin Snya bo. The Empire Investment Co. will build housoK to sell on easy paymontu. See them at 117 Philadelphia street. A KODAK will add pleasure to any outing. Currin Says So, For Rent Ono room cottage furnishod. $15 par month. Col umbia 117; one basemont room furnishod, $10 per month. Col. 147. Don't forgot to takoa KODAK with you. Currin Says So. Lay your plans now to get a Victrola for your family at Xmas. Currin bays bo. Legal Services A. W. Laffor ty, '120 Pittock Rlock. Garnish monta defondod; all decrees. Telophono, Rroadway 210.- Adv. Wo would like you to have a Victor Record Catalogue. It will intorost you, whether you havo a talking machine or not. Currin Says So. 1,800,000,000 Dollars in Gold EIGHTEEN hundred million dollars in cold is held by the Federal Reserve Banks as the reserve of the banks which arc the members of the Federal Reserve System. This bank, as a member of the system, shares in the protection afforded by this great reserve. As our customer you also shure in this benefit. Peninsula National Bank oi'iMcims. Okant Smith, . . 1'renMcnl I'kkh C. Knai'I', , Vice I'rMldent I'uANtc I'. Dkinkiiii . Vice President John N. Hni.Ki'SUN, , , Cashier 11. lUmsKi.t,, AMUMntCniililer Stanton !,. Doiim, AMlMnut Chlcr HmVAitt) K. Mokhis, AmUtnut Gulticr MRUCrouH. THOU, AUT.ltN 1'. I'. DHINKIW A. H.JODIH I'. C KNAI'I it. it. I'ltNNiir.f, OKANT SMITH j. n. itnr.Ki'rtHN Member of Federal Reserve Bank 3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit For Salo-Lot 00x100 feet, cor ner, and '1 room house, $1250; $200 down and $15.00 per month with interest. Mrs. Soulo. LOOK OVER- We Have On Hand OUR GROCERIES nt nil times n large variety of froth, tusty delicacies. Just the kind for a lmsty luncheon when thu unex pected caller comes. Hotter have us send you up nn assortment, .so you amy not he caught unawares. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey SI. I'liono Col. 1 1H REDUCED PRICE WOOD-COAL! FOR THIRTY DAYS St. Johns Lumber Co. Heal Gravely Chewing Plug gives the pure taste of rich leaf, sweetened just enough. A condensed, satisfying chew and it lasts. Peyton Brand ftHh Bk mm '( Real Gravely 'Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it Gravity liftt to much toniivr it coif j nonott(a chtu) than ordinary plug P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company D.uvlllo, Virginia 8 FUNERAL Oaautlful gray or black adult oaikat, haane, box, 2 autoa embalming and refln od vcrvlc for ,, $75 MIM.HR TUACISY I'liiu-rula If desired for J20, 30, J-10, $00. Jibber priced funeral- in yro xrtion. We manufacture caskets. J.uily usfcUUut. Ilcnutiful funeral thuicl. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2601 Independent Funeral Directors A 7005 Washington ut Ella Street, llelween 20th und 21st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative L CM Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia 838