THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Marklc, Kilitor Published Friday of Euch Week Subiorlptlon price $1.00 poryonr. Outside of Multuouiah County 2.00 per year in udvaucc, ADVJ5RTISINO KA.TU3: U6 cauls per inch each Insertion. Locals C cents per line, minimum 25 cents, ajwdal rate on yenrly contracts. Tim RHVlitW is entered nt iwst office In Portland. Orcirou. ns innil mnttor of the second class under the Act of Con tetrt of March 3, 1879. Tho Graualcrin Grocery, on tlm corner of Jersey and Alta Htroets. chanced ownership thu first of the week, tho now pro. nriotors buintr Messrs. A. S. Scales and Ed. S. Currier. Hoth arc pioneer Krocoryinen of St. Johns and cacn linvo made a fine bucccsb of their business. Mr. Scales has been conducting a erocery on KeHsentlen street for the past dozen or more years whuo Mr. (Jurrier lias been it member of the well known firm of Bonham & Currier since the nurtnorshin wuh foundud more than thirteen years uko. Mr. Currier retains his interest in tho old firm, but will devotu bis entire time to thu new store tut soon as the irrocory depart ment of Honham & Currier has been discontinued, which takes tilnco October 14th. Mr. Scales, wo understand, will dispose of 1i!r Keasandon street store, and also devotu his entire timu to the Grabateria. This new firm is bound to succeed in their now vcnaire, and succeed well. They know tho grocery business from A. to Yj, both are particularly well liked for their pleasant and agreeable ways and fairness to their patrons, and both liavu hosts of friends and well wish era in St. Johns turd vicinity. Head their now ad. in tho Re view this weuk. The Grabateria has enjoyed an enormous patron ao through tho efficient and ceaseless efforts of Mr. GasMn, who retires from thu business with tho bust wishes and kind Host roKiirdH of in numerable friends. Tho following litis boon re ceived by Mrs. E. Small of 102 EtiBt l'olk street from her son, Suruoant Enuas Small, at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky: It surely is a wonder tins way a thinir like a Liberty I.oandoos wako up tho boys in Camp. They are all up in tho air to do all they can. Good old OroKon bus thu record, we all know, and her boys out hero are surely showing thu j;ot up and jto uiiiil itiuB in doim: their bit. Our Mat tery isanorKimi'.ulionof Hands men composed of men from all over thu U. S., but one enn al ways pick an Oreuonian by the way ho does blow his horn, when it comos to iloinir some thinK to boost the Fourth I. Miki ty Loan. They have played huv ural muotinus already and are Koiiur to parade in Louisville, Saturday afternoon, and play for a biir muetimr immediately after ward. There will also be noun vocal talont displayed, some of which camo from Oivnon. Not saying any thing against any olh or boys, Put there are '. hit Reants in thisorKaniwition am f of them are from the trootlolt homo statu, Orouon, so they seem to oven rovoKiiixo uk wy out hero in old Kontncky. Final disposition of the Hill aide l)ouia'ard iitlKiilion was mmlo Monday, when Presiding Judgo Tucker banded down his find in gs and conclusions, which stipulate that Mio property own ers within thisdiHtrict must pay property asseHsnientsnmountinir to $81,001). Tho litigation dates back to several years ago, when -..-?! A.. -.1 11.?.. ........ ..... reBKieiiiH in huh amp ni pro perty, botwoen Portland ami Linnton, took thu initisl steps toward constructing a scenic highway along tho hillside above tho Willamette. After pre liminary work had been started thu project was dropped. A year or two later Linnton be camo a part of tlieeityof Port land and tho City Council then levied an nwonsment of $1:U'.)H. 27 against the properly. The property owners contended they should not no compelled to pay more tiinn H,yuu, u uiey were to pay at all. A old lady with German accent camo into tho Liberty Temple Saturday to buy a bond. When tho gonial clerk had filled out hor card she began to look about in an embarrassed manner, and finally asked him if slut could find n secluded corner in which to get nt her money. Nothing duunted, tho solicitor "and." he said, "anothor lady," formod a barricado while the would-be purchaser extracted sufficient money to buy two $50 bonds from her stocking, whoro was sucure ly fastened with four safety pins. Evening News. How did thoy know tho num ber of safety pins? Did someone peep? Hear every kind of record at its best. Tho Brunswick Talk ing Machine plays all records at their best. Currin Saya So. NU tha Ubal an your pjr. Sale Five Modern 4-ROOM BUNGALOWS Yale and Macrum Streets Easy Terms On Payments Mortgage Loans, and Insurance Peninsula Security Go. I First National Dank Building CALL FOR ST. JOHNS IM PKOVEMENT BONDS. in accordance with tho provis ion of ordinance No. U454G passed hv thu Council September 25th 11)18. notice is buruby givon Hint St. Johns Improvement lionds numbered consecutively !W7 to : 1)2 inclusive, dated Do cembur 1st. 11)11. aru hereby called for redemption Documbor 1st, 11)18. Tho faco value with accrued interest will be paid upon presentation of said bonds at the office of thu undersigned on the above date, tho' said datu being a semi-annual coupon nor oi . I' rem and after sail datu thu interest on said bonds shall cease. WM. ADAMS, City Treasurer, Portland. Oregon. Dale of first publication Oct ober :ird, 11)18. Mr. and Mrs. Clovo McClollnm: Eaton returned to Vancouver Saturday morning at 8:,'i0 on the It h Liberty Loan special train from its tour of tho statu of Ore uon. and joined thu train which left Vancouver at 10:80 tho same day. Thiii trip will laku in thu state of Washington, includ iug Seattle, Tacoma and Cam Lewis, .Spokane, Hullinghnm and Northern Idaho. Tho per sonno of tho train consists o sneakerf). soldiers, sailors, Mel gian and French soldiers am two American Over Sea Hoys 1 lie train returns to huattiu on October 12. Mrs. Eaton was formerly Misb Ida Fassutt. During tho recent Amoricaii advance out of Chateau Thierry a lied Cross captain was looking about for suitable hospital sites when ho mot an American negro so Id or miuvhing along towan Chateau Thierry, following closo behind a German major. The negro had transferred his pack from his own back to tho back of the German ofliccr and had a) ho transferred the German major's monocle to his own eve, Thus equipped tho black warrior was parading triumphantly down the road. As ho passed tho Kei Cross captain he called out: Hay, look bore what this nigger done got." lo chock proiueering among retail grocers there was appoint ed a prico-fixing committee by Assistant State Food Adminis trator W. K. Nowoll. at Marsh- field. On this committee is a ropresentativo of wholesale grocers, ono representing retail grocers, a prominent local house wife, a man to represent labor tin ions and ono to represent tanners, rcnen wook a price list will be published, fixed at Washington, by which retailers must abide. FOK SALE Lots in St. Johns: 40x132 feet, Chicago street, $.V2fi. 41x101), Hnrtman street, shed on back 20x40; &riU, ?iuu down, terms; MxUH, llartman street, fine fruit trees, shed 2020; 50x100, E. Huch- anan, street, two mocks trom car, 500; torinsf $100 down. 50x115, Central avenue, in cultivation, also fruit, an ex ceptional buy; $525. Also six acres sovon miles trom Van couver, Clarko county. See J. Wobstor, G12 Salem street. For Sale Range, sowing ma chine and other articles. Phone Columbia 034. Iilankots and quilts Call Columbia homo 764. auudriud, Dancing at tho Good Time Dancing Club ovory Wednesday ovonipg, St. Johns skating rink. For Sale- Canary birds. 218 North Jersey street Call Empire Investment Co. St. Johns Office 117 Philadelphia Street We are now building sev eral 4 room houses which we will sell on easy payments. Choice unimproved resi dence property for sale. Multnomah Attractions Saturdnv, October 6th Mntince 2:15 lo b:00 WALLACE RlilU in "1'IRttl'LY OK 1' It ANCH" Paramount. Stintlny, October fith MARGUERITE CLARK In "UN CUS TOM'S CA1I1M." I'rniu the Intiiom book mill piny. Motulny nntl Tuesday, Oct. 7-8 FREE SHOW Try n wimple of our new serial PEARL WHITE in "THU IIOl'SK OK HATH." Her Intent mill lust. Also Kiilty Arlmckle In "A Country Hero." Wednesday, Oct. 0th "MY 1'OUR YEARS IN GERMA NY" in 10 reel ly AM1IASSADOR JAM US OURALD. Hpfilal women' nnd clilldmi'n inntlnrf from to )V, KivitiK two lull liw Tn lit Mile ul a M-at. i-oinr to the iimtlnrr I'rlcta Mntltiee rhrlilirii Ivc. ndulU, C KvrlilliK I'lilMtrti I Hililll 1JC HHMIt.MllllH TIIK HATH. nv. "IIAREE, THE SON OK KAZAN" The story ol n dog in the weal Ciiii iiilliin miow cuiintry Friday, October 11 lb VfVIAN MARTIN MISS OI'TIM 1ST." in "LITTLH Saturday, October 12th CLAlA KIM HALL YOUNO "THU CLAW." in Sunday, October l!Jth ENII) IIENNETT In "A DUSURT WOOING." Mon. and Thus. OetoberM-16 Utlll HplMMlf THE HOUSE OK HATE." AImi it Kittty Arlmckle M.'ll1tltl. AilmlMron, Bo, nlil mill youiiKi three youiiKKtein (or 10c. Wed. and Tluirs. October 1(1-17 IHG HILL HART in "SIIAR1C MONROU." A Mory ol AlimU mill the mil One of Hitrt'it hint. Fridny, October 18th MITCHELL LEWIS In ' SIGN INVLSIIII.H."-7 reel. 'TIIK Saturday. October lDtb TAYLOR HOLMES III' HI tiUI.ltn OK RED GAK."-7reelit. Kromllie fiiiuiMik hook of wine iiiiimc. Siindav, October 20tb J.STUART 1ILACKTON prMent Sylvlii llreniiKT unit Hum. ."MulUi'ii n".MI.SS NG." A woinlerlill ini- tun' Mory hy Mm. Iltimthrey Wuril Moo. and Tucs. October 21-22 -ilnl HpiwHlt "HOUSE OK HATE AImih r reel feHtuiv.' Wed. and Tluirs. October 2.'V2 I DOUGLAS KAIRI1ANKS in "SAY vniLNG KULLOW'-AilerMll. Friday, October 2fith Ol.GA PETROVA In MASK."-rtffl. TIIH LIKI Saturday, October 2IUh KAUI.INE KREDERICK in "DOf IILK CROSSKD." Siintlay. October 27th CECIL II. 1)1! MILI.E prmnU"OLD wivhs run Mtw." nv iMviuuru Iiiiiii KhilliM. One ol the bert ic turw of tlu yvar. Mon. and Tutw. Oetot)er 28-2t lilt UpiMhU- "HOUSE OK HATH.' Alto u (i riH'l fixture, Wednesday, October 30th SHSSUK. HAYAKAWA In "HAS IIIMl'RA TOGO." Thursday, October Jllst PERSHING'S CRUSAUERS li hoU. A HOiuli'rlul wtir picture. Friday, November ls(- DOROTHY DALTON in ' MATING OK MA RCI5LLA," THU Sutuulay, November lint) "TO HELL WITH THE KAISER." 0 reeU, Another KKtit war picture Don't throw your Old Tires away GET THEM VULCANIZED OPEN 6 A, M. TO 4 P, M, Tubes 25 cents and up. Reasonable prices on cas hi work. All work guaranteed. National Vulcanizing Works 205 S.JERSEY ST. St. Johns, Oregon For COAL and WOOD OP ALU KINDS SEG EDLEFSEN FUEL CO. Oregon Building, 5th and Oak Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321 Or Leate Orders at St, Johns Review Office Mill wood molly uutile, Urge jn.-reent- KC 'f' enough lor immediate use ?4.60. Coal $7.00 uuit up. Wo will bo the school book and supply headquarters this in tho past. Currins Says So. Compare ON RUBBER AND Special Men's tan cashmere Raincoat, plaid lining, raglau shoulders, convertible collar, Wind tab on sleeves, vertical pockets, all seams sewed and strapped, 50 inches long, a real good buy- -come and sec. Children's finest quality Rubber Cnpes $4.50 15? GLOVES r LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN 202 N. JERSEY ST. Open Evening 1 Cleaning and Pressing C S. BUCY -GROCER 202 S. Jersey. Phone Col. 528 We nrc IntyiiiK every day New Goods, consequently our stock Is fresh nt nil times with popular brands, advertised, tried and well known. Our prices arc right If you consider the quality. Our deliveries arc free on all purchases of $1.00 or more. MorniiiK delivery leaves store at 9 o'clock for Richmond and all Streets North. Afternoon delivery leaves store at 2 o'clock for all Streets South of Richmond. Please give us your orders for Morning delivery by 8:30 or earlier, and Afternoon by 1:110 or earlier. It is our desire to give good service. If you will be kind enough to assist us in this little request we will appreciate it so much. Trusting Hint your groceries will reach you in better con dition and at an earlier hour than in the past, I am, Respectfully, C. S, I1UCV i Don'l Miss the Good Times EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT At the Skating Rink These Dances are given by the K. & L. of SECURITY Uverybody is invited to come nnd spend nu enjoyable evening. Also every other Monday I; veiling wo have odl'ii meetiiiL'S and nil nre welcome to come and enjoy evening in dancing, the Real Estate! If You Wish to Sell Property at right prices list it with us. If You Waul to Buy Property at right prices call and see us. S. C. Cook 402 N. Jersey Street Tho l'ortlnnd Garbage Co. is prepared to remove rubbish of any naturo from tho resi dences and business places of St. Johns nt 75 cents per month for residences and from busi ness places at reasonable rates. Calls made every Saturday. -enve orders at tne bt. Jonns lardware, or phone Woodlawn 2693. Suburb calls given prompt attention day or night. Com plete auto equipment; no extra barge: rehned service. Miller & Tracey. Loam to dance Miss Blanche Whitman's Dancing School, G10 W. Charleston street; phone Columbia (553. Genuine Hawaiian Ukeleles. At Currins. My Prices OILED CLOTHING $12 2 pairs 25? FIRST CONGREGATIONAL GHURC Cor. Richmond and Iranhoe Sit. Sumlii)' School, 10 A. M, I'reAchiiiK Service, 11 A. SI. ami 7;!U) 1 M. ChrUti'iu Itntltsivor, 0:151'. M I.ailfrs Aid Hushies Meeting 2 I1. M. Second l'riduy of every month. l'urltan Club, 8:U0 J'. M. the l;t Wednesday ol every mouth Welcome to nil; eeclnlly Stranger. Itcv J. T. MItUKII.I., l'attor. 2 2 2 2 'Billie' Nichols RESTAURANT 2 in N. JERSEY STREET t O , u Open Evenings GIVE US A CALL 2 CCoCNCNCNCoCioCM $100 Reward. $100 Tha rwuhm of tii uiHr will bo ilmnfil to U'mi II mat Uiitm at leant one (Hruilril ilUt-Hkv tlmt nienco liaa been uuie to cure in all iu ituKen. ana tnut l I I'ntnrrh. Hull' Catarrh Cure li the only ' (K'Ullve cure now known to the mdteal i rraternity. cniurrii twini: a constitutional . uiieaie, reiuir. a conatltutlonal treat I ment, Hnll'e Catarrh Cure li taken In i ternallr, actlnir Uirectly upon the bloo4 nna inui-ou nurrai-ev or tne yitem. mere ' tv "etroi Inir the foundation of the dlf lniil.llnir up the ronitltutloii and uilstlnt; , nature in uoinc ua worK. Tiie proprietor 1 have so much faith In (Is curative pow I ern that they offer One Hundred Dollar . fur any cue that It fall to cure. Send for lint of teitlmonlali. ' Addrru: K J CIIK.NKV A CO,, O, i Hold bv all IiruiKlita. Tie. I Tak lUII'a Family I'll 1 for conillpatlao. Rosebud Restaurant OPPOSITE CENTRAL SCHOOL Regular Meals now served during noon hours. Ice Cream iu all the fancy dishes, Robt. Anderson, Prop. Helen M. Harper TEACHER of VIOLIN Pupil of Frank G. Kicheulaub Phone Sellwood 1356 J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We delivar your goods to and from all prti of Portland, Vancourar, Linn ton, Portland and Saburban Exprau Co., dty dock and all polnta aoctaalbU W MW PUm a4 trltuni Mvhi J. R. CHAUNCEY Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler Clocks. Watclies. Jewelry and Optical Goods. All work and goods guaranteed 507 North Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, ORr. In order to Insure a chanao of ad vertisement tho copy for such changs should reach tMs orfies not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please EDGE Whether it be saw, plane, chisel, hatchet or ship build ers' or carpenters' tool of any kind, you do not want it unless it has an edge that will cut. Steel quality is the first essential in all edged tools, and that is the striking characteristic of those we sell. Look at them before you buy. From our stock of builders' hardware you can select just what you want for making building. Beyerle & 420 North H 1 Now is the To get Photographs First clan work, prompt service and tho best of pictures. All work nuaranleed to give satisfaction. Hand painted picture Riven with a dozen cabinet photos. Also do enlatKiiiB in Water Colors, Oil, Crayon and Pastel. frames of oil kinds for sate Call and see our dltplay PRATT'S STUDIO, ooooooaootoQ4oooo o'Co'Ooo'04a ; Do You Know THE BEST MEAT You Can't Beat Us on quality or price, no matter where you go. We are determined to keep ahead of nil competitors, and wo are doing it. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET I M BO DEN Phone Columbia L2i VVE Dear Mary.: I thought I had all the baby arrived I just had to rearrange thincrs and make room some way for his clothes. So and bought a new chiffonier. was so reasonaDie. I'd never had a chiffonier room one saves! And how another. Baby's well. Come soon. Love HELEN. P. S. They've just dandy chiffoniers at H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. If you are a stranger in town read The Review and get acquainted. TOOLS repairs or for use in a new Armstrong Jersey St. 2 time 204 N. Jersey St. htilltls up the hotly, makes muscles nnd red blood, nnd I'.ivc htrciiKth. It is neces sary, therefore, that the meat yon hny is fresh nnd of the best quality. Our market hns only (lie very best, nnd our prices nre within reach of nil. Give ns n call. BROS., DELIVER Prop's. 109 N, Jersey Street furniture I needed, but when I went down to H. F. Clark's It is a beauty and the price before. My, what a lot of convenient I'm troimr to eet