St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 27, 1918, Image 1

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Subscribers, Please Note
Subscribers to the Review
will please note that under the
new ruling inaugurated by the
government in order to conserve
tne supply of newspaper as
much as possible, all subscript
tions three months in arrears
must be discontinued. While
the Review management would
prefer to await the convenience
of the subscriber, yet it cannot
refuse to do the bidding of the
new ruling. Therefore, all sub
scribers knowing themselves to
bo arrears for subscription to
this paper for a period of three
months or longer are earnestly
requested to call in and have
their date advanced. The label
on the paper gives the month
and tho year, tho latter figure
being the year. Hence if the
label reuds "January 18," it
means that the paper is paid to
January, lUia. it the label is in
distinct in any case, kindly nd
viso us. We do not want to lose
a single name from our sub
scription list, but after the
fifteenth day of next month all
subscriptions which do not show
a ante closer than July 15. 1918,
will of necessity be discontinu
ed. In order that all thoso in ar
rears may remember this fact,
notices to this effect will be
mailed to each individual the
first of noxt week. The great
mnjority of those now three
months in arrears are good pay
ing subscribers and have, us a
rule, paid up when tho year had
expired, and to theso especially
we dislike to notify that they
must either settle up or have
their names removed from the
list. But there is no other way,
and such being the case we
earnestly trust that none will
take nlfonse at receiving such
peremptory notice. Newspaper
publishers are also prohibited
from sending or giving out any
free papors. Such i the gov
crnmont ruling, and to such wc
must abide. Noto tho label on
your paper, and save us the dis
agreeable task of sending you a
Controversy Terminates
Following months of contro
versy between those concerned
in the Multnomah County drain
ago district No. 1, having for
its object tho building of two
dams in Columbia Slough and
tho reclamation of close to 8000
acres of overilow land, and
property owners of tho Penin
sula district, who objected to the
slough being closed, claiming
it was required as a water route
for vessels serving tho indus
trial district, the Port of Port
land Commission has decided to
enter into a contract with the
district, through which the
dams aro to bo removed when
the Port elects, In addition to
closing tho contract, which is
to bo signed by tho president
and secretary of the Commis
sion, there was adopted a re
solution sotting forth that, as
the Port is authorized by law
to maintain a channel in the
slough, the members, are in
favor of keeping that portion
of the Slough open between the
Willamette River ' and Union
avenue, so plants there may be
reached by river vessels and by
towboats with barges. The
controversy regarding the clos
ing of the Slough has been be
fore the Council, United States
Engineers and the Port of Port
land for months. A public hear
ing was conducted recently by
Colonel Zinn, Corps of Engin
eers, U. S. A., the War Depart
ment having ordered a report
made of the matter. Oregon
ian. Old Johnson had boon dining
out on Christmas Eve with
some friends. When he left to
go home he found that there
was a very thick fog. He per
severed, however, until at last
he found that he was lost.
Stumbling along a narrow path
way.says the Weekly Telegraph,
he presently found himself de
scending a flight of steps. That,
he felt sure was not right; and
so, as he could hear footsteps
ascending, he paused. "Pardon
me," he said to the dim figure
that presently loomed through
the fog, "but can you tell me
where these steps will lead meV"
"Certainly, sir," replied the
stranger politely. "Directly into
the riven 1 have just come
There is nothing a soldier en
joys so much as pictures of home
and the home ioiks. bena them
a few home. snap shots. Cumn
Says So,
Will Open Up Here
The Union Building & Loan
Association, with head offices at
284 Oak street, Portland, recent
ly completed arrangements for
the opening of a branch office in
St. Johns. The business in this
locatily will bo in charge of Mr.
A. W. Davis, well known local
real estate man. Among tho
local business men who will be
connected with tho local branch
are: A. A. Muck, Dr. S. A.
Mulkey, Dr. E. R. Seely, A. W.
Davis, J. Rebman, John Noce,
T. A. Glover; G. P. Bartlett,
and D. C. Lewis. R. J. Kirk
wood, vice-president and general
manager of the association, has
spent considerable time in St.
Johns recently, arranging forj
the opening ot the local oiiicc.
In speaking of tho work that
the association expects to take
up in this community, Mr. Kirk
wood said: "The housing situa.
tion in i'ortianu has become so
acute that it has become ncccs
sary for this association to take
special steps looking toward the
erection of now houses. Few
people in Portland fully realize
the crisis that confronts the
city at this time. Whilo in Port
land last week. Mr. A. Merritt
Taylor, representing the housing
uuroau of tho Emergency Fleet
Corporation, made tho positive
statement that, unless Portland
can erect between 1500 and
2000 homes in tho very near fu
ture, tho Emergency Fleet Cor
poration will grant no more
jhip contracts to this district.
Ho put it up smiarcly to the
city officials and tho Portland
Chamber of Commerce, ami
these officials, after deliberation.
pledged Mr. Taylor thnt tho
necessary number of homes
would bo mi t. At a mnss
meeting, held in the Lincoln
High School Monday night, for
the purpose of laying plnns for
this work, it became immediate
ly apparent that neither the
City of Portland nor tho Cham
ber of Commcrco could under
take this work singly and nlono
that t renuired tho fun co
operation of every citizon of
Portland in order to bring about
the renuired results. It aecmcd
to bo the jroneral oninion Of the
meeting thnt in order to save
time and utilize tho forces that
aro now available for this work,
the most practical method of
procedure will be to work
through building and loan as
sociations and other organiza
tions of liko nature, which al
ready have the machinery and
organization necessary to carry
on work ot this Kind."
Sneaking further on this sub
ject, Mr. Kirkwood said: "I
heartily endorso the sentiments
expressed by Mayor Baker,
when ho stated at the meet ng.
that the city would not lay down
tho oars permitting the erec
tion of a lot of shacks which
could be of but temporary ser
vice. The plan contemplates
tho erection of permanent
homes which will bo a credit
and an asset to tho community.
A building and loan associa
tion would not find in n shack
settlement such as it is under
stood is being built at Seattle,
satisfactory security for the
money advanced in a building
campaign. But tho homes that
will be erected in Portland will
constitute a safe investment,
both for the man purchasing the
home, and for the building and
loan association that advances
the money for the building."
Every citizen of Portland can
and should participate in this
work by placing in the hands of
this builiing and loan association
any funds they can spare,
whether large or small, and any
funds so deposited will form a
safe and profitable investment,
as the loans to bo made will
be in strict conformity with
state regulations, which insures
a safe margin of protection lor
the investor, and at the same
timo a reusonable return on the
money invested. Any attempt
at profiteering, by any perpon
connected with the present hous
ing campaign will be sternly
dealt with.
By dealing through this as
sociation, persons may secure
wholesale prices on building
materials of all kinds, which
will help materially in making
the erection of homes at this
time a safe investment.
The citizens of St. Johns are
urged to take a hand in this
campaign, as doubtlessly the
majority of homes to be built
will be built on the peninsula.
They should get in touch with
Mr. Davis at once, in order to
acquaint themselves with the
details of the plan, and the part
they can play in carrying it out
to a successful conclusion.
We guarantee all A. D. S.
I Remedies. Currin Says So.
Was a Fine Success
The big Ladies' Auxiliary
dance has passed into history,
but the memories of one of the
finest ocasions since the open
ing of the Community House,
at tho Grant Smith-Porter Ship
Company's Yard, will linger
long with tho many hundred
people who thronged the hall.
Financially the Auxiliary netted
over 57UU; socially, tho even-.
ing was one which gave rich
evidence of tho painstaking.
arrangements of tho competent
committee in charge, and justi
fied tho hones of the auxiliary
and their friends for an evening
filled witli pleasure.
The orchestra, under the
guidance of Leader F. E. Lewis,
dispensed music which called
forth mnny expressions of com
mendation, and the musicians
responded generously to the re
pented calls for encores. Ono of
the novel features of the even
ing wus a "moonlight dance,"
in which tho participants waltz
ed under tho softened light
thrown from tho movinir nicturo
room at the end of the hall. The
effect was enchanced by pleas-
ing vocal selections rendered by
Arthur S. Himclwright during
the dances. Great credit is due
to Mrs. Elmer Hanson, chair
man of the dance committee,
Mrs. Charles Goodman anu
the following ladies who
acted as a committee: Musdnmes
A. M. Himes, W. J. Quinn, A.
S. Himclwright, Hargraves.
Prico and R. Van Ordum and
tho Misses Edith Pitts, Lavorno
Miller. Phyllids Andortton,
Alico Doty and Maymo Barry.
- iV.'
Tho Fourth Liberty r-oan ih tho first item on the program
of national wur finance sinee the announcement of our iutun
tion to put five million men in Franco and fiuitm tho war
noxt year. On our rtuponw to U nail for our dollurn our
friends ami enemitw will judge of our sinoority and tmrnoatnuwi
in milking that pledge.
Tho nation 'h rusources aro ample. Tho huoooks of the
Fourth Liberty Loan depanda on our converting a Hharo of
thoso rosouruoH into Fourth Liberty Honda. Nothing more.
Tho loan should bo subscribed tho first day and oversub
scribed the souond day.
Buy Liberty Bonds. Don't bo h Turtle.
The committee. together with the
other ladies of the auxiliary,
have been working hard for tho
past week in their efforts to
make the occasion memorable.
and their enthusiasm met a gon
erous response. The money rais
ed will be devoted to relieving
distress among the shipworkers
and their families, and will por
mit an extension of the fine
work which has been accom
plished by tho organization. In
addition to the tickets sold,
many contributions were receiv
ed from the various lumber com
panies and a $20 contribution
by Charles Bechtod, General
Manager of the National Hos
pital Association.
The ladies of the committee
wish to thank the above con
tributors and also Manager Pitts
of the community house, who
cooperated untiringly with
the auxiliary in their efforts to
promote the success of the
Mrs. Julia M. Parker, a for
mer well known resident of St.
Johns, but who had been in
California for some time, in or
dering her Review changed to
Wichita, Kansas, where she
now is, takes occasion to say:
"I do sot want to miss a copy
of the Review. I feel a person
ai interest in all the St. Johns
boys who are in any way con
nected with the war. I know
they will give a good account of
themselves and do their part in
winning the war."
Pathe Records at Currins.
Advertising is Essential
A healthy industrial condition
is essential to win the war.
Unabated sales and continued
advertising are imperative in
maintaining good industrial
health. The successful conduct
of business, and the intensive
prosecution of the war presents
a problem of adjustment rather
than oi coninct. iiiese are
views of W.O. Rutherford, vice
president of the B. F Goodrich
Rubber Company. "Advertis
ing and advertising effort sales,
and sales of effort, are just as
much a part of our economic
fabric as tho growing of wheat
or potatoes or the manufacture
of articles of daily use." said
"What happened in England
is peculiarly instructive. Aug
ust, 1914, saw the worst trade
panic England over saw. Ad
vertising in tho London dailies
dropped to less than half
the July figures. The public
stopped buying and began to
money. I'oople wore
shoos to shreds. It was
expected thnt
there would be
on the widest
scale, and a huge fund was col
lected to feed the poor. This fund
was never needed. What did
England do? She called togeth
er her advertising men and made
it plain that the industries had
to bo kept alive. This gospel
brought advertising back to its
pre-war level.
"'That which koeps our busi
ness going today" said Se'f ridge,
London's biggest merchant, "id
the 70,500,000 a week of
national payroll. It comet!
of tho banks on Friduy, goo
over the retailer's counter on
Saturday, and back into the
banks on Monday. "If adver
tisers wouldn't advortiso, poo
pie wouldn't spend, and this
would moan that this groat sum
would bo impeded, businoas
would slacken, and national pro
sperity would suffer."
There are so mnny dialects
spoken nt tho fighting front,
says an English paper, that con
fusion sometimos results. A
sergeant major, in training
some newly arrived recruits in
judging distance, said: "You
see that sapling over thoro on
the hillside?" "No, sir." said
the man addressod, aftor look
ing long and carefully in tho
direction indicated. "I don't see
any sapling." There's only one,
and that's right in front of
you." the man twed
and reported as before.
here," said the sergeant major
"do you know what a sapling
is?" "Oh ves," replied the re
cruit, "a young pig."
In order to avoid the long
trip to Portland ovoryday, with
the rainy soason soon to ar
rive, buy a home in St. Johns.
rpu il ! ,i cj. .!... rt.. i
a number of new housos un
der construction that will be
' sold on the easy payment plan.
The prices range from 1500
upward. Make your selection
now. Call at the office, opposite
the Peninsula National Bank.
Do Your Full Share
Although tho sheer weight of
America's millions of troops
will bo sufficient to crush the
Hun back of the Rhino and
batter down upon the Kaiser's
ears the remnants of the world
crown he thought to wear, it has
not been numbers, but tpyical
American mobility, which has
saved tho day for the entente
thus far. Wilhelm and tho
German General Staff, admit
ting the gigantic resources of
the United States, made the
error of calculating In years in
stead of weeks the time neces
sary for the shaping of those
resources for war purposes. Tho
day that wo entered tho war,
scores of our fleet destroyers
?pcd east across the Atlantic,
l'o a ship, they teported upon
arrival at British naval bases,
"Ready for action." When con
tinued losses by submarines
seemed likely to make good the
German threat to starve Eng
land, Schwab turned a hundred
shipyards looso on a shiphuild
ing program such as the wildest
optimist had not dreamed possi
ble. American railroad men
built 2000 miles of track in
France; hundreds of huge ware
houses were erected; moun
tains of food, munitions and
other supplies were landed.
When the German masses, re
leased from all Eastern fronts,
began their ominous drive
through Picardy, American
troops, months in advancu even
of the hurry up American pro
gram, began to pour through
tho chanivel gateways, and the
Hun was Irohl, then driven back.
Thus American ability to con
centrate quickly its war efforts
on anv given point on the enemy
line has foiled every Hun at
tempt whether by sea or land.
A really great demonstration of
this Amercan faculty will be
given in the Fourth Liberty
Loan. Confronted with tho nec
essity of raising a war loan of
twice tho sizo of any of itj
epoch-making predecessors, wo
are called upon to finish the
task in three weeks. Only by
tho full and united ollort of
every man. woman and child in
the United States can this great
task bo completed in the time
set. It is as certain that it will
he completed successfully as
that the grim courage of Ameri
can on French battlefields will
continue to batter back the
Hun. Bo miro you do YOUR
Buy More Liberty Bonds
Bring in your Dollars, they're
just tho onos,
To help to whip tho Beastly
For o'or in France, we've sent
our sons,
Now huikI them Food and plenty
of Guns.
Wull win this war, hoforo many
Whmi our Air-Ship Boys, down
the Zeppelin balloons.
And our Doughboys march, in
Berlin by platoons,
And tho Hungry Suvon, plays
Yankee tune).
Thu Kaiser knows, that each
Liberty Loan,
Makes it harder for him to
keep his Throno.
If jou'll save each day, one
meanly Bono,
You'll find tho seed of thrift
noon sown,
And with tho money, each thus
We can fill up Europe, with Gor
man graves.
And soon we shall weclome
homo our Bravus
Who kept us from boing Ger
man slaves.
Yours for crushing tho
Kaiser, A. L. Smock, Composer.
A farmer who was much
troubled by trespassers during
thu nutting season consulted a
iiotanist. According to Harpers
Magazine, tho scientist furnish
ed him with tho technical name
of tho hazelnut, und the farmer
placed the following notice at
conspicuous points about his
promises: Trospassors, take
warning: All persons entering
this wood do so at their own
risk, for, although common
snakes arc not often found, the
Corlyus avellana abounds every
where about here, and never
givos warning of its presence."
The place was unmolosted that
year, and the farmer gathered
his crop in peace.
Hoar evory kind of record at
its best. The Brunswick Talk
ing Machine plays all records at
thoir host. Currin Says So.
Blankuts and quilts home
laundried. Call Columbia 704.
St. Johns' Honor Roll
Following is a list of thoso
from St. Johns who have enlist
ed in Uncle Sam's service. Per
sons knowing of any names
omitted will render a favor by
reporting same to this office.
Taylor M. Whitmore. Athill
W. Irvine, Dean H. Knowle3,
Earl IL Knowles, Theodore
Bugbee, II. Bryon PofT. Armatui
Olin, Claude E. Harris, Russell
Poir, R. P. Galloway, Chas. E.
Garlick.Murne Donaldson, Glenn
Haskell, Ray Clark, Bennjah T.
Swan, Hubert Martin, Leon
Sorber, Donald Strickland,
Lowell Anderson, John La-
villett, Frank L. Thompson.
Oron Lear, Hal J. Davis.
Donald N. Trowbridge, Bert
Larson, Alan Rutherford,
Homer Pinskett. Henry Brand-
enberg, J. W. Welsh. Dnvid
Bowe, Clyde Heath, Walter
Mayer, Fred Scmalling. John
Hoggs. Ernest Johnson. Hiram
Eatinger. Kenneth Simmons.
Aiiuimuii XUUIU, uuKi'iii; mini,
Dowe Walker, August Jensen,
Ray Meyer, Wulter Pearson,
Elmer Mnples, Roy Gagnon,
Lester D. and Basil B. Smith,
Bryant Kilkcnney, Paul Rude,
Emory Gillmore, Lowis Wirth,
Harold Meredith, Ray Haw
kins, Hugh Ward, Kindle C.
Satterlee, Gordon and Wilbur
Bellinger. Zelta Rice, Leslie B.
Moulton, Hnrry Truman, Frank
Green, Walter Rickson, Frank
Whitney, Thomas Roynoids,
Carlyle Cunningham, Percy
Smith, Frank Whitney, Arthur
C. Clark, Alphonso Fox, Harry
0. Hughes, Goo. Downey, Thos.
E.Willikson, Edw. G. Willlkson,
Ingolf Willlkson, F. Edward
Isbell, Graham Moxon, G. Lin
coln Fassett, Hurley Manning,
Grover Carroll, Clyde Miller,
Adolph Aucher, John Bascy,
Win. Moe, Albert Hyde, Reed
Chamberlain, Ruy Vaudcrbeck,
Richard Barley, Cecil Mngone,
Frank Bughee, Ivan Faber, Bert
Sundstrom, Gail Perrine, Nor
man NcIhoii, Grover Barron,
Harry J. Simmons, Thos. Rob
erts, Max J. Witters, A. Tall
man. G. W. Stevens. Christ
Lind, William E. Galloway.
Geo. Worthington, Jack L.
Douglas, Joy Milton Carnahnn,
Elmer Flynn, J. Elmer Thomas.
Eugene Small, Howard and Ba
sil Holcomb.Carl Smith, Spraguu
B. Marsh, William Ward, Bert
Sundstrum, Glen Wciser, Louis
St. Johns, John F. Brownley,
Ross Gatton, Thos. Cochran,
Dowoy Brown, Henry J. Amala,
Alva and Ralph Smith, Eugene
Thurmond, Harry Relchtmeyor,
George Schmidt, William Sneed,
Alec S. Cokalas, Louis Fletcher.
Roy Muck, Paul Irvine, R. L.
Smith, Frank Steichen, George
1. Letson, Merlo Andrew Teel
ing, Guy Edwin Tooling, Albort
Wrinkle, Eneas Small, Raymond
Sprouts. Robert and Roy An
il rows, Leonard II. Gagen. Frank
Carlson, John B. White, Donald
M. Flynn, Raymond Smith. Tony
'I'linxiilnH T.1 IUil
Halicki, Fred Marlett. Albert
V. Marcy, John Balko. Edward
Crosson, Anton Piokllp, F. E.
Wright, Vernon C. Scott, Emil
Bronsert, Lester E. Ellis, Fred
Do Villutto, Elmer Sneed, Harry
W, Fassett, Percy M. Johnston,
Fred Sterritt. Willis Vinson.
Claudo L. Peters. Lester E.
Barry. Cyril W. Magono, Jer
ome II. Whisler, Eugene Brown,
A. Earl Jayne, Wyeth Jayno,
lohn McGregor, Thos. J. Donlon,
Roy Thompson, J, Morton Lind
ley, Wylie R. Hessinger, Harry
A. Imbodon, George II. Royer,
William Hughes, Clyde Thayer,
Loo Sterns, Edward Hanson,
Casper Hanson, Sam Dewey Pe
torson, Theo. Fred Mullor, Vik
ing Larson, Gardner M, Whip
ple, William M. Koeter, Gilbert
M. Olson. Earl Kolihor. Ernest
Jensen, Clyde Hein. Molvin A.
Butts, Raymond F. Bucermann,
Allen F. Storritt, Wm. J. Kirk
ham, Olney Crosson, Lawrence
Layton, Alva J. ABper, Geo. S.
Payne, Frod Herwick, Robert
G. Clark, Jos. C. Galloway, Da
vid Dickson, Chas. Spackman.
Elgin L. Barton. Frank Walden.
Jos. G.Allen, Michael B. Fcrsch-
weiler. Clarence J. Cannard,
Francis W. Cannnrd. Albert G.
Cannard, Joseph J. Bowley, Al
bert Vanderbeck, A. Fred Ih-
ringer, Amandus L. Vordogan.
Harvey r. Brown. Chas.S.Dane.
N. R. Zimmerman, George Huf-
lord, hverett Smith. Carl Dab I.
George L. Urban.
No Better Butter Made
tliun I'mil-oni's IM'.ST. ami the price U
right. Kkks, Cottuge Clu-cie and Duller
milk that cannot be excelled. One trial
is all we luk.
Price Knocked Down $2,000.
Fine hotel site noar station. St.
Johns; 100x137 foot. Address
837 Willamette boulevard.
Teacher of Pinno
Technic and hand development.
Pupils developed from beginning to
public appearance.
Studios 507-8 Columbia bldg.
812 North KclloKg street.
Phones Main 3319; Col. 591.
Mrs. Gabriel Pullin
Vocnl Tcnclier
London Trniuitig
Available for Concerts and Recitals
965 Lombard Street, corner Wall
l'himc Columbia 182
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
TitAciiim ot'
Violin, Mandolin and Pinno
I'upll of Notre Dame
.Slmllo: 509 W.Juhn Street
Telephone Columbia 3fltf
W.J. Ollntrap, M.I). U.K. Seely, M.I).
Drs. Gilstrap & Seely
Physicians and Surgeons
Glasses Accurately Fitted
D:00 to 11! M. Ol'l'ICItS
1:30 to l::il) I1. M. l'lrst National
7:00 to 8:00 I'. M. lUnk IliiihliiiK
Stimlit), 0:00 to 10:30 A. M.
Dr. Evart P. Borden
Painless Extraction of Teeth under
Nitrous Oxide Gas
Oflice Peninsula Hank bldtf.
Ollico phone Col, C2T; ret. phone Col, 477
Hours 0-12 n. ni.; l:3uri niul 7-8 p. iti,
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
Dr. A. B. Cnlder, Associate
311 North Jersey Street
Office Hours: 1-5 ntid G-8 . in,
Hes. Phone Columbia GOO
Odicc Phone Columbia 07
Office Room 5
Peninsula Bank Building
Hours 9io a. m.; 15 p. in. and
Oiiicc phone Cot. 354; lies. 910
Oiiicc Hours 012 to l:UO-7
Suwluy O il
IViilntiila Hank IIIiIk.
Oiiicc riiune Columbia 140
Kcnliicnt rhonc Columbia 274
Drs. Mulkey & Pickens
The ptok-fthion practiced In its
vuriniiK branches
Office hour: H:'M to 12 M.; !:) to 5
wiiil 7:,W o y p, 111.
l'lr.l National Hunk llulhlliiK
Phone Coiuinliiit u:to.
The pluce where uood kcrviee ami
rourti'ouit treatment prevail. Chllilrn'
hitlr tnittiiiK rtH'five kprclHl uttentiuu.
Davis Barber Shop
S. W. DAVIS, Proprietor
108 Philadelphia St. Baths 25c
Plumbing, Heating & Tinning
We Repair Aluminum Ware
I'houe Col. 12 107 S. Jery St.
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
208 N. Jersey Street
l'honrs. Columbia 57
Columbia m
Automobile Hearse.
Gel Our Pr'ces Before Going ia Portland
Mother's New Home Restaurant
109 S. Jersey St.
Meals 40e. Shipbuilder's Quitch 2fit?
Quick Service
licit HutliiK 1'luce Hi St. John
MRS. S.J. W5UBIJ, I'foprktrciii
402 N. Jersey Street
Abstracts of Title ireart'il
Title Kxamiaetl
Phone Columbia 255
John I'oft J. II. Harvey
P. & H, Transfer Co.
Phone Columbia 308
206 N. Jersey St. Johns, Ore.
Firit National Dank iluilding