HEATERS on Easy Terms Fine Stationery Ansco Cameras and Supplies Graphonolas For your vacation We have a very large stock of Heating Stoves, which we bought last January, and our selling price'is based on the cost at that time. We have many styles of Cast Lined Heaters, the kind that retain the heat and will last a long time. Dec, cast llucd, wood burners $15.00 to $20.50 Mnscott, cast lined, wood burners, $20.75 to $27.25 Suusct, cast lined, wood burners, $25.00 to $31.00 Household, cast iron, wood burners, $29 75 tc 33.75 Daisy, coal or wood burner, $24 25 to 26.75 Lilly, coal or wood burner $29.25 to $32.50 Firefly, coal or wood burners, . . . $39.50 to $48 50 Select your HEATERS early Your Credit is Good. ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit St. Johns I ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Our Prescription Department always at your service Prescriptions filled by Registered Pharmacists only Phone Columbia 138 105 North Jersey St. Local News. Pnthe Records nt Currins. I L RealBaai"s In Tents Now is your opportunity to buy tents at a price act ually below wholesale cost. Seize the opportunity while it may be had. Note the following prices: 8 x 10 Tent 16.00 10 x 12 Tent -20.00 .12 x 14 Tent 26.75 14x16 Tent 34.00 14x20 Tent ,7 42.00 St. Johns Hardware Co. Agency for Goodyear Tires St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. ? Still Eating? Good! We are still selling Groceries GOOD groceries -the BEST groceries in town for the money and are selling a lot of them If you are a customer we can hold your trade without advertising. Our gro ceries and the service we give will do that But if you are not a costomer you ought to be, and we WANT you to be one, for it is as much to YOUR benefit as to ours Just ask any of our customers they will tell you then come yourself, and you will be happy, and so will we GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. Lavrack's Cash Grocery 416 NORTH JERSEY ST. Christian Science subject for next Sunday's services: "Man." Shipbuilders' Minstrels nt the St. Johns Kink next Thursday evening. Miss Altn Nolan loft Tuesday for Pnnakanic, Wash., where she will tench school. St. Johns Millinery Opening September 13th and Mtli, 1918; Mrs. M. E. Crane, proprietress. Hlcctric Vnctiuui I'. Clntk. CIcnncr for rent. II. tf Hear the latest pntriotic popu lar rucoids at Currins. Willis Vinson, now in Uncle Snm's service, spent sovcrn unys at his home here the past week. CI Punlis desirinir typewriting paper may procure same at this office at the rate of COO sheets for one dollar. David Dickson will leave to morrow, Saturday, lor unmp Lewis, where lie will enter Unc Sam'a service. The Grant Smith-Porter Ship Co. will build an oufittingdock to cost 25,000, which will havo three sheds, all one story hi(h There is nothing a soldier en joys ho much as pictures of home and the home folks, bend them few home snap shots. Curnn Says So. (i The Moose Lodge has remov cd its quarters from the Mc Chesney building to the Huglo Hall, where they will moot hero after. Miss Georgin Rich has return ed from her vacation and will resume her music classes. Sho reports a most enjoyable vaca tion. Mrs. II. S. Hewitt, who re cently underwent sorious oper ation nt tho Tillamook hospital, gradually refraining her health. hich is cheering nows to her many friends hero. is Mrs. Jennie H. McKoon is spending tho summer with her daughter, Mrs. Frank A. Rico. Mrs Mchcon is a tnlontcd mu sician of wide reputation and her lomo is in Mason City, Iowa. She sjient somo time here last summer and was so enamored with St. Johns that she has a- gain returned. There is n pro- lability that she will decide to make St. Johns her permanent tome. Dinnio Dudinick, tho daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Budinick, died at her home, 015 North Leonnrd street. Inst Saturday aged 8 yonrs, 0 months and zl days. I ho cause of her death was from eating suirnc berries, according to tho death certificate. The funeral services took place nt the Catholic church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, thebt. Johns Undertaking Co. n charge. o Mr. C. C, Ringel and Mrs. ennie Reddaway wore united in marriage Yeunesuav morning n Portland. Mr. Ringel is a prominent business man of St. ohns, and the bribe is well known ana possesses many riends here, having conducted tho rooming house over Ormandy tiros, furniture store for some time. The best wishes of the many friends are extended to the newly wedded pair. t o Prof. S. T. Adams, an old ime resident of St. Johns, but now located at Sacramento, Cal., was here this week trying to get his hearings and locate old riends. Prof. Adams t.tught school in St. Johns thirty years ago, and laid out the Adams Addition in bouth St. Johns. he changes here are marvelous to him, as the old landmarks are practically all gone. Among those he knew here thirty years ago was Mrs. J. (J. bcott, T. J. Monahan, L. B. Chipman, Mrs. A. Learned, P. T. Hanson, A. Miner and several others. Elmer Sneed, n member of the band at Camp Lewis, was iiere for a few days the past week. Don't miss the Shipbuilders Minstrels at the Skating Rink next ihttrsday evening, Sept Mrs. H. Cunnintrham of 202 Philadelphia street is improving at the good Samnritnn hospitn niter an operation. Edward Galloway has arrived safely across tho sea. according to word received by his parents here. Joseph Galloway has gone to benttlc in the service. Hear Caruso any rins. dny at Cur Get your Economy Jar Caps a the bt. Johns Hardware store. Household furniture for snle at 220 Jarrct street, Piedmont district, second street north of Killingsworth. Dining table, chairs, rugs. There wns quite it demand for copies of last week's Review, many desiring to scud them to friends in the East so that they might know what a fine place St. Johns really is. We still have a few copies which may bo pro cured for five cents each. Mr. and Mrs. William John son motorod from Grand Rapids, Alien., tobt. .Johns, making tho trip in three and one-half weeks, which they thoroughly enjoyed. I hey are tho guests of Mrs. Johnson's brother, J. E. Pang- bom, and family. They will probably decide to remain here. Victor Choiiuette of ilOi) Phila- dolphin street died August 21, aged '18 years. He is survived by his widow and one daughter, Mrs. Ann Colley. Funeral ser vices were held ut the residential funeral chapel of Miller &Tracoy August 23. Interment in Roso City cemetery. The business meeting and so cinl of th'.'Eloninl andMen's Bible class of tho Evangolical church will bo held at the homo of Mr and Mrs. T. J. Monahan, !J03 Smith Ave., on Tuosdity evening, September 10. A cordial in vitation is extended to tho i'lulo Christo and Sans Diou Reins classes to join thorn in a social evening. Tho last of tho material re quired for u fi'l at the St. Johns municipal terminal on which a rnilroad track will be built from tho main lino of tho O-W. R. & N. compnny to tliopior, wns de posited this week by tho Port of Portland dredge Ttiulatin, and sho wus ordorod to lower Post oflico Bar by Superintendent, Doyle, of tho Port of Portland. For Sale A good small horse. gentle for women or children to ride or drive. Also a rubber tired motorcycle wheel road wagon. N. I. White. 702 Seneca street. St. Johns, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C J. Anderson tave removed to 779 Savior stroot, whore Mr. Anderson las purchased a fine new home, They havo long boen residents of St. Johns, having resided at ho corner of Richmond and Ivan toe streets for more than a doz en of yoara. Their many friends tero rogret their departure, but Mr. Anderson dosiresto reside nearer his work. Subscribers should boar in mind that under the new rulings t is our duty to cut oif all sub scribers over three months in nr- renrs. Therefore, if those in arrears to that extent fail to re ceive their Review hereafter it is bocauso we are obliged to omit sending same until arrearages lave been paid up. btaternents will be sent out later. Subscri bers, please make a note of tho foregoing and nay up so that no copies will be missed. The Port of Po tland will re ceive bids at its general office in the Court Hou-ie unt 1 3 p m. Thursday. September 12, for the construction of a coaling dock with trestle for railroad to be constructed near the municipal elevator at St. Johns. It will have a storage capacity of 10,000 tcs of coal. Coal can be un loaded from the cars or boats directly into the bins. The new dock will supplement coaling facilities now afforded by the Pacific Coast Coal Company, which is enlarging its bunkers in anticipation of Portland's in creasing shipping. Get Pathe Records at Currins. When in need of small arti cles, get them nt tho 5-10-16c store, St. Johns; in tho Penin sula National Bank Building. -0 Lauder makes records only for tne viuiUK. Hear him any day at uurrins. Learn to dnnco Miss Blanche Whitman's DancittR School, 010 W. Charleston street; phone uoiumuin u&3. Genuine Hawaiian Ukolelcs. At Currins. bubtirb cal Is a von nromnt attention dtty or night. Com plete nuto equipment; no extra charge; refined service. Millor ls Tracoy. We will bo tho school book nnd supply headquarters this yoar.as in the past. Utirr ins bava So. a I A good time isnBaurcd at tho bhipbuilders' Minstrel entertain ment in tho St. Johns skating ruiK next ihursdny evening. All nhonotrranhs in otio-thntis tho Brunswick. Currin SnyaSo. If my work nlcaseByou: nlcnse toll your friendB. If not, tell me. Rogers, 202 N. Jcrsoy strnet. A Victrola is n source of pleasure every day in tho year. Cjirrin Says So. Will tradomvcmiitv infi room house in St. Johns, four blocks from bnnk, for a Ford. Call 31G Princeton street. America Guaranteed mndo in Cutlery at Currina. O . Lost Purso containing Lib erty Bond No. 8,035,931 and n. jout$35 in money. Under kind y leavo at offico of St. JohnB .umber Co. ; reward. I For practical naintinir nnd kalsomining. good work, rlirht price, phone Columbia 899. ForSalo Houso and lot chick ens, geese, good No. 7 cook stove, gnBolino flat irons, some lousokeeping goods. Cnll 919 Mohawk street. Aro you investing In W. S. Currin Snys So. S.? Wanted to Exchange. C nnna touring car in first class con dition for lot nnd amall dwelling n bt. Johns. Co after 0 p.m. at 300 W. Mohawk street. Come in and hear the lute rec ords. Youure always welcome. Currin SnyB So. St. Johns Fair Store, E. W. oy, prop.: househo d ut tv supplies and general notions, 207 N. Jersey St. Highest quality goods at lowest prices. Next to Electric store. For Sale Franklin 5 passenger car; just been overhauled. 'rice $250. Call 708 W. Rich mond; Columbia 1112. Lay your nlans now to get a Victrola for your family at Xmas. Currin Says So. Legal Services A. W. Laffer- ty, 420 Pittock Block. Garnish ments defended: all decrees. .'elephone, Broadway 240. Adv. We would like you to havo a Victor Record Catalogue. It will interest you, whether you tave a talking machine or not. Currin Says So. Good Second hand Sewing machines (or rent. II. 1'. Clark. tf The Bank You Choose should be able in case of need to draw upon the massed reserves of the nation. Wc arc enabled to do so by rcdiscounttng with the Federal Reserve Bank and are thus in a position thoroughly to safeguard the interests of our customers. Peninsula National Bank oi'i'icims. Grant Smith, . . I'Rltl) C. Knait, l'RANK 1. IlRINKHK John N. 1ii.ki'.iun, ClIARI.KM II, KU.HSKM,, Stanton i Down, Howard It, Mokuih, I'rcildeul Vice l'rcsldcnt Vice President , . Cashier Assistant Cnshlcr Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier WI11ICT011S. Titos, autzkm I'. 1. IMINKKK A. K. JOHK4 I'. C. KNAIT II. It. PIl.NNIit.l. OKANT HMITH J. N Httf.ltl'HttM Reserve Bank Member of Federal 3 per cent on Savings 4 per cent on Time Certificates of Deposit Surely Our Windows have ntt fueled you. IVilinp- mhi'm thought that our spick ami mh nur tmccs were n hint of liili i ! -tt' tlu other way nnnitid. We count on unmet Ini; n larger liiilnrn Ihcmiim- ( Ion juices, hut wc maintain u lithulltyaiid n jierfecl condition ol Mock jul the Mine. Help ns solve the Inxh tt ol liviiitf problem (or ou. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey St. Phone Col. t IH REDUCED PRICE WOOD COAL ! POR THIRTY DAYS St. Johns Lumber Co. i It's the lasting quality and rick tobacco taste that makes Real Gravely Chewing Plug cost you no more to chew than ordinary plug. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch -and worth it P. B. Grmyely Tobacco Company DanvllL, Virgin!. FURNITURE For Sale. Kitchen cabinet, two dish cabinets, two kitchen treasures, two four-burner gas Btoves, two sets of dishes, cooking utensils, wash tubs, wash board, ironing board and irons, and other small articles. Inquire Room 12, over postoffice, St, Johns. FUNERAL autlful gray or black adult oaaket, haarse, box, 2 autoa mbalmlng and rafln d service for,. . $75 S3 1 t MIM.HR TK U l'.Y I'unerals II desired for 20, ?30, f 10, 160. Higher xUv fi t r .T- mi pro ortioii, e manufacture ciikkcts. I.udy ns-t t int. Ileautlful funeral chupcl. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2601 Indapandant Funaral Dlractors A 7806 Wtfihlngtan at Ella Street, Uetween 20th und 21st Street, WuM Sid ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative 614 Centra! Ave. N. Phone Columbia 888 ii J