JOHNS REVIEW A. V, , Markle, Itdltor PuMuhuu F'idny of Each Week Subscription prlc $1.00 per yor. Outilde of Multnomah County fi.W per year in advance. A&VSRTISiMORatrb: 25 cents per Inch each Insertion. Locals 5 cents per line, minimum 25 centi. Spcilnl rates on yearly contracts. TllR Rnvtitw is entered nt post office In I'ortUnd, Oregon, ns ninll nmttcr of the second class under the Act of Con grcss of March 3, 1879. Tho Rumc of ball scheduled for last Sunday ut tho local grounds was called off, as was also tho one scheduled for Labor Day. Hase bnll season is now over. On Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at tho First Congrega tional Church, Vancouver Wnsli., Miss Ida M. Fassett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. 1). Fassett, was united in marriage with Mr. Clove McClelland Eaton, tho Kev. W.LcHoyZabel officintln. The brido is a nontilar young lady of St. Johns. Mr. Eaton is a Portland Academy and Univer sity of Iduho man and is con nected with tho Northwestern Electric Co., Portland. Their honeymoon will be spent in mo toring thru Oregon tho next few weokB, then thru Washington, incidentully visiting Mr. Eat on'u properties, including the old Eaton homestead, "Clevedon." This is the fourth wedding to occur in tho Fassett family with in tho last year. High School Notes II. II. Dunlfelborger in tho now teacher of tho eoinniorclul do partmont. Mr. Dunkolhorgei is a man of Homo years exponent and comes from Dallas. Oregon In the work in Spanish thix year Mr. (!itz iiiHtitutud tho utio of tho phonograph known as tho :rhin n mikmiiuiiioiik. portion of each period is do voted to one or more Bpunkiig records. Tho II. school is much regret titiir tho ubsoneo of Mr. Strong this year. Ilelinsnucepluil work in tho Agricultural College at Corvn!"' . No ono him yet been hcciii (Mi to take his work James joIui. The boyn of the II. S. are back almost without an exception, for thoy realize that school train Ing will stnnd them in good Htend. What special adaption of the con man may Do mailo to nerve tho emergency has not yet been determined. The girlB of latil year' pedn gogy are moHt happily placet for their work ntuood wdrtrlcH. Jonniu McNi"i'U and Marion Dunnmore go to Antelope, Ore gon, where they will work in tlx same kuIiooI. Mario lloncliero and Martha I loiter will bo near Oregon City. mentioning rogiMirniion was very encouraging, over fifty now students entering the ad vanced classes in addition to the ! reshman cIiihh. Tho total mini ber on tho first day was 2Wi, and many others will bo bai'K during tho next week. To accommodate tho growth, a portable of two rooms has boon t'rccto.i on t lie north side of tho lawn, Thin, It is Hoped, will free Hie gym- unHium tor its reKular work a gain. Tho uHsembly on Tuesday. which was held to greet both old and new Htudentn, made the en tiro school feel the aorioiujnesK of the work now sot for us to do. An addroHS by Mr. Matcher im piosseu uiih more Hilly upon every one. ue uns neon re cenuy appointed to servo upon tho board of instruction to draft ed! men, and in preparation for Ills unties lie visited lamp Lewis during tho summer. Ho gave to mo nasemoiy a line apnivcia tion of the spirit with which the thousands of U, S. soldiers there uni working and of the clean, wholesome lif they are living. For Friday, Lnfayette-Mariio day, this patriotic program has been prepared : Music, the Star Spangled Manner and tho Mar selluiso; Biography of Lafayette, Melford Wasleider: Apprecia tions of 1. ifayette by Clwenyth Young, Washington by lhiael Creeno;Joffro by Cordon Avery j Focb by Joyce Mason; Pershing by id oiio Harrington: how the friendship betweon Franco and America has boon cemontod. by Ilomaino Hrand; a study of the western bnttlo fro'it by Dauby Coon: story of tho battle of tho Miui. , by Genevieve Hrown. The J. J. boys who have added n star to w school service flan since Inst spring aro many, frrom those who were in school last year nro Willis Vinson, Chus. Spackman, I'orey John ston, Earl Kelihor. Those who 7: It uttended school earlier aro Cyril Magone, Fred Marlott. Everett Smith, Frank Wright, Jerome Whisler. Lawrence Layton, Ceo. Hufford. Anions; the boys who will bo in tho Students, Army Training Corps are Russell Mey er, Louis Dunsmoro, Edward Howard and Hundolph Howard at U. of 0., Delbert Day at 0. A. C. For Sale Five Modern 4-ROOM BUNGALOWS Yale and Macrum Streets Easy Terms On Payments Mortgage Loans, and Insurance t Peninsula Security Go. first National Dank Building Multnomah Attractions Saturday, September 7th FANNIE WARD l "On the li," I'lUHttlOIIIlt, Sunday. .Scntemhcr 8th Lev- ANN PENNINGTON In "Antic ol Ann." I'liriunount. VVi'iIiimuIhv. SiMileinliiT lit I ELSIE FERGUSON I" "Itorb.iry Mliei-p, iMritiiioiiiil, Thursday mill 1'riilny, Kept. VI unil lil- MARY PICKFORD In "M'l.U. Atlcirtlt. Siiltiiilnv. Sviilciiiber 1 llh BIG BILL MART In "The l'. irlot " 8iiihI.iv. Sitdi iiilKT Mill SESSUE MAYAKARVA l "Cull nl Hie itrttl." rummmmt. TliU irit;nii subject to iiimvoldnhlu Inline. Don't Miss the Good Times EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Al the Skuting Rink Thi'se Dunces nro kIvcii ly the K. & L. of SECURITY Kvctyhody is invited to come and spvml mi enjoyable evening. Also every other .Monday livening we nave open tiieelinnH ami all are welcome to come and enjoy the evening in dancing. The Central IIIOS (,1,0X1 K I'li p I'liil.iiklpbln Street, St Johns. Soft Drinks as usual CoMcit and Coolest Drinks in town. Sandwiches, etc. All lead- uiK Summer Drinks. I KY OUR MII.K l'l'NCH Notice of Meeting of County Uonrri of Equalization Notico in bcroby uivon Hint on Monday, bcptoninor i), ID IS. tlu Ifonrd ol htiuiilizntion of Alnltnotnnb County will attond Ml tliooffico of tho County Ab oor, nt the Court Houho in rortluud. ami nublicly oxnm no tho ntwoHsniunt rollH for tho your iuir. nnu correct nil orrorH In valuation, description or quidl 1 1 on oi iimiiH, lots or otlior nro nt'ity, nuiOBSt'd by tho County AtiKOHHor. And it shall bo the duty of portions interested to appear at tho time and place appointed. II, it shall appear to such Hoard of Kqualizatiou that there arc any lauds or lots or other property assessed twice. or incorrectly assessed as to dcs eriptiou or quantity, and in the name of a person or persona not the owner thereof, or assossod under or beyond the actual cash value thereof, said Hoard may make proper correction of the same. 11 it shall appear to such Untrd that any land, lots or ther property assessable by tho issesor aro not assessed, such loard shall assess tho samo nt ho full cash value thereof. HKNKY 10. KEK1), County Assessor. Portland, Oregon. Auutist 17. 11)18. Tho Portland Garbnue Co. is pioparctl to remove rubbish of any nature from tho resN deneoii and business places of St. Johns at 75 conts per month f !.l - 1 I i ui- ifsuiuiicfti nnu irom uusi'ini noss plncos at reasonable rates. Calls niatio ovory Snturdny. i.envo orders Hani ware, or at tho St. Johns phono Woodlnwn Huy a V1CTKOLA now and pay for it within a year. That is tho way Currina soils them. CIo to tho Auto ltopair Compa ny, 201 boutn Jorsoy street. for your auto, motorcycle and nicy lo roimirs and sunnlios. Autos for hire. I'hone Coumbia 727. NoU th labal or your papar. Charter No. 10103. Reserve Dlst. No. 12 Ucport of the condition of AT PORTLAND in the .Stale of Oregon, at the close of business Aug. 31, 1918. Rksocrcks. Loans and ills- counts J073.S92.75 Acceptances of other banks discounted 50,000.00 Total loans 723,892.75 Notes and bills redlscounted . 25,000.00 C98.892.75 Overdrafts, unsecured 7.50 L. h. bonds tosecure circulation 100,000.00 1. S, llouditaud ccr tlficntesof indebt edness pledged to secure f. S. de limits 115,000.00 V. S. Ilouds ntid cer tificates of Indebt edness owned and tinpledKcd 30.000.C0 215,000.00 Liberty lonii ilouds, 3i. mid II tier cent unpledged 59,900.00 liontis other tlinu u. s. bonds pledged tosecure postnl savings deposits. . . 31,722.50 Ilouds mid .Securities tiled ucd as collateral for State or other tie (units or bills livable (iwsliil excluded) 71,110.53 Securities other than I'. 8. bonds (not In cludiiiK stocks) owned unplcilKCMl -1S.78d.21 151.577.2-1 Stocks, other than I'edcral Reserve Hank stock. . . .23,185.00 .Stock of federal Reserve I tit li Ic fid Imt rent of subscription) . .'1.300.00 I'lirnlture mid fixtures H,JWM Other real estate owned . . 10,850.00 Lawful Reserve with federal Reserve Hank 107,183.27 Cash In vault mid net amounts due from national Ipnks. . . .290,189.20 Dun frnm iKtnkn nml Imikers (other than included 13.1 1.15) 10,080.10 I'.xclmiiiiei for clearini! Iiuum; 20,413.75 Total of Items I I, 15,10,17,18 ...'1120,(183.11 Cliwkson Imnks liicaleil out side of city or town of re txirlliik! ImnU and other uhsIi limn Ul.2 Ueik'niptlnilfiiild with I', h. 'J'rtiHMitvr and duefiom U. S.TtrHun-r B.000.00 War Savluv't Ceilllkailes and Thrift StamiM HCtimlly owned 15,558.1'J I'.i ytnuiit due im on f.ilwrty Imiii SHlwtlplloiis 20,200.00 Total l.l.MIII.ITIHS f I. Olid. 151.07 CalilUl stock tid in f 100,000.00 SuriiliM fund 15,000.00 t'udlvliUM irolltrt... 1173.02 I,c4 current ixK)hhm, lntrtet ami taxes imlil H.l7!i.0fl 3.700.1M5 CireiilatiiiK inMMouUtaudiiiK'. lOO.(H)O.tH) line to iwnks anil iMiikers folhur than IncliidtHl In 31 orlW) -1.311.0: Total of items 32. and Itl I,3II.(U Dt'iuiinil doiMMitii: Individual iU'iumIih hiIi lect to cluck 752,512.31 Ccitillcutoii of ilvKlt one in ik limn ;hi iluys Cuxhler's ehvck out 12.21 1.00 1 i-tniiillnk' 1.HII.2I Slate, county, or other inn- iifciiMtl deHHit MtiurtNl by pllllUfOf ItMVtN of this iKIIlk 50,000.00 121.00 Dividends iiuiMii! Tol il of ilenwiid ll.-H.i Slllltl Time lH-Hil; Certilivatt k of di I75.54l0.81 .State, i-oiiuiy. or nOmr niiiuk- ImI dvi"!! murvl by UledKt f iet ol this Uink tt).OOO.(H) 1'oIhI Shviiiu Dt'1-nMts 22.0I7.WI Other time iIvimkIu HI2.iaU. I7l lotal of time iltKMt ul- Jcct to RvMrvt...M0t7S7 I', 8. other than tnHtal Mviuu War hwu iUimm.(1 ic. count M.RlKUHl War mvIiiuk luirtilicntu nud thrift ntumii tie- ihlt Hvciiunl . ...B.W.f.l tll.2a0.01 llilU iMyablf. Willi 1'wlcral Rwerve lUuk Ufi.OOO.OO TUI I.iubllltin. fur ledimnt. Ull'lllllllIK Htv with I'M erxl Rerv Hank . .(00.00 i.tHHl.OO Total continent llaltilithi SUW of Ou'koii, Cimnty of Miiltniiiii.ili. ill. i, C.U si I. I. N. IbiivUeu. Cuhler of tilt alHive ittstiitNl lunik, do Milemuly kwvhi that the iUve statement U true to tin Ut of my knowleilitv and U-lirf. j. .. it.iii'Uon, CMkliier. MiiMcriiK'ii anil mvorii to lieloro me. till Mb day ( 8ipt.. R)8. . J. Wright. Notary Public. .Mtiltiiouwli county. Die. Cortcct-Atlct. tlntnt Smith. Titos. AutJt'ii, 1'. P. Drinker, Directors, LAUIil L IODGE No. 18G I. O. O. r SI. JOHNS, OKrCON MmU rh Mondny e-venlnir la Odd Pal Ions hall at S:xi, A cordial welcome U all vIsitiiiK brothers, 11 I, U hi.irr (imml C II CliHHlilll VUrltmB.l K I, eormmi) Kcv Sv K llonilwtV t'in. Src. II I CUik Ttr. HOLMES lODGti NO. 101 KMl.ll lb Or I'VIIIIAS Jlccts every l'ridav niKbt at 7:30 O CIOCK III IUV.K.M! ;i!R Hall. Visitors always wi'l- H. HVltNS, C. C, DORIC LODGE NO, 132 A. f. und A. M. Meets the firxt mul thinl Wedncsiliiyof each mouth in llukiicr'n Hull, Visi tors welcome J N IMIefM ii V. M A. W. Duvis, .Secretary i i n ti .n A . IIIIIIK Nn. hah Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit tho attend ance ot our members at our reir- ular meetings, every Thursday cvenini;. u. Muiim, Consul Knights and Ladies of Security St. Johns Council 2775 Kegular liuiues meeting Ut and Hr.i Moiuluy. Dticu uievliims to the i.i.t.h. IIIH nud member Sml aud -llli Mondavi Vis uora uiui mewuers curdullv invited to attend nt Skatitig Hink Hall. Mrs. lktlu Kverett. Pres. K. C. Gasser, Secretary. 1 Ik It is Just What Uncle Sam Wants At the request of the U.S. Food Adtninstration, our Company has loaned one of our Modern Electric Ranges to be used for the Pood Con servation demonstrations now being conducted in the Liberty Temple. Do you want any .stronger approval of any cooking de vice than this? Uncle Sam asked its for an Klectric Kunge because it fills the hill better than any other Cooking Device made. We urge all housewives interested in the patriotic service of their country ns well as all who want their kitchens cn,uiped with the most modern, convenient and reliable cooking nppa rattts to visit the Liberty Temple and see for them selves just what nn Klectric Knnge will do to reduce their household burdens. Portland Railway, Light 8 Power Co. First Trust S Savings BANK OF ST. JOHNS 11102 East FosNundcn Street I'hone Columbia -100 Officers and Directors F. A. RICE, I'rctident ami Cailitcr II. HENDERSON. Vice IVeiidcnt CEO. I. UROOKS. Secretary I. S. DOEIINDECIIER Four per cent interest paid on time and sav ings deposits. GENERAL INSURANCE Rentals and Rentals Estate Loans Real Estate! If You Wish to Sell Property at right prices list it with us. If You Want to Buy Property at right prices call and see us. S. C. Cook 402 N. Jersey Street Don't throw your Old Tires away GET THEM VULCANIZED OPEN 6 A. M, TO 4 P, M. Tubes 25 cents and up. Reasonable prices on cas ing work. All work guaranteed. National Vulcanizing Works 205 S. JERSEY ST. St. Johns, Oregon J. R. CHAUNCEY Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler Clocks, Wtitehes, Jewelry ami Optical Cootls, All work ami eoods nuanuitecd 507 North Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, ORE. Summons all the forces and rctources of the Republic to the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE whivh the United States authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in military training, has responded to the call. The College it distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Distinguished also ro li lts strong industrial courses for men and for women: In Atciculuir. Cobumptt. Rnjiamuit, Komtijr lUoic KtuaswiKt, Miainf, I'huwicr, idJ S'ccitwaal KJuutLw. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, J4$3; stirs on its service dags, 1 jjS, over forty percent representing officers. Collage opens September 23, 1918 r'wouk. atvlUuiuilol t!Ut.4aJetst(UIgrastianti9URr(itirtr,CorTtUiilOrt(oa IT IS WISDOM To buy where you can get the tho fullest measure of value for your money. This store has estab lished such a reputation. Fresh goods, courteous treatment and prompt service, combined with the lowest prices goods of merit cnube sold for, arc always assured here. Grocery Grabateria 201 N. Jersey SI. For COAL and WOOD OF ALL KINDS SEE EDLEFSEN FUEL CO. Oregon Building, 5th and Oak Phone Broadway 70 or Columbia 321 Or Leave Orders al St. Johns Review Office Mill wood mostly inside, large percent age dry enough for Immediate use $1.50 Coal $7.00 and up. I 'Billie' Nichols I RESTAURANT 2 ? 7. 111 Open Evenings a GIVE US A CALL 7. $100 Reward, $100 ThB rrniKTH of II'. n iumr will bo ilcuacil to Iwirn llinl tin i U nt fonat one nrvmleil i!l Hmi Hint m It rr Imn lipn nIjio tn ciirr (nlnrrli. It In nil Hit kImki'K. nml Hint U ltull'it Cutiitrli euro li Ilia only lKklllve curn now known to tlia mHllcn) frntcrnlly. I'nliirrh belinc n contiiiuuonni uxrHic. rp'iuirrn n vuniiiiuiiuniu iirm nn. Iltilr. I'ninrrli ('lira U Inllen III icrtmllv. ncllnir ilireclly. uiMn the tilool nml iniicoun mrfaccn nt tint aynlrni, tlicro lit iAalrnvllit Him fnlltliljlllntl Of till ilia ........ ...... ..I. .1... ..,..Im... al mr. t.1 1. liV InilliiltiK up ilio eoiMtllutlon nmt tunlallmt nnliiro In tlnliiff II wnrlt. The proprietor linv no much fnlili In ll cnrntlv now rr Hint Hiry nrrr Ono lliimtrcil Dollar Mr nny rnn.i Hint It Mill to cure. Homl for llt of iMllrnniilnl. Atl.lifMI 1- J CllltNRV A CO. Tolfdo. O. Htfhl lir all liriimlaia. ISP, , Tak. Ilaira Kmiillr i'llla for oonillpallon. Notice to Creditors No. IfiCOO til the County Court of the Stnte of I Ori'uou for the County of Miilliionmh. In the mutter of the cttutu of George A. I niMiijMin, ueceateii. Notice Is hereby Klvcn that the uiiiler slKii-il Ii.ih, piirmmut to nil order of ths hove iiiiiiiciI Loiirl, iiccn ntiiy nnu rr ulnrly niKiltitcil nn I'.xccutor of the iiImivc iininiil cktate, nml letter tctUmciitary iMiieii. All person havlin; claim niralnit the 1 mute 01 Mia ilcccacil. lire Hereby noil lied to prewnt them projierly verified nt the office of Mill Itxecutor. 911 Sixilillui: lliilliliiiK. rortlaml, Oregon, on or before hx montni iroiu mile 01 iirn puuiicniion 1 01 tin notice. II. 15. COM.IftK. Itxecutor of the lUutc of GeorKe A. Tlioinpwu, Decciucil J. A. UUI.l.lllK. Attorney for I'.xccutor. Dale of fimt publication, Auk, 12, 1918 Date of Imt publication, Sept. 0, 1918 Woodmen ol the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet 2daud.lthThiirsday evening in I, O. O, V. Hall, I.eavitt and Jersey .streets, Visitors always welcome, L. I.. TmiMNG, C. C. W. J. COON, Clerk. I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property witn me it you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns Ghambers-Kenworthy Co, Funeral Directors and Embalmers IMS KtlliiiKSworth avenue A I'HW FACTS 1, Theolileat established iinilertakine biuiuesi north of Knott street. 2. Mr. Chambers ie the only G, A, K, undertaker iu the citv of Portland, 3. Mr, Kemvorthy i an acknowledged expert in empaiming, ucuit surgery nml funeral direction, 4. Why have your beloved deceased taken through the congested business I districts when perfect service aud right prices may be outaiiicii in your own community. J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage Wi dsliver your good to and from all ps?U of Tortland, Vancouver. Linn- ton, Portland and Suburban Express Co., city dock and all points aecasaibl EDGE Whether it be saw, plane, chisel, hatchet or ship, build ers' or carpenters' tool of any kind, you do not want it unless it has an edge that will cut. Steel quality is the first essential in all edged tools, and that is the striking characteristic of those we sell. Look at them before you buy. From our stock of builders' hardware you can select just what you want for making repairs or for use in a new building. Beyerle & 420 North Now is the time To get Photographs Firat cUm work, prompt service and the bed of picture. All work guaranteed to giva Mtiifactlon. I land painted plclurs given with n dozen cabinet pholoi, Alto do enlarging In Water Colon, Oil, Crayon and Pnitel. rramcs of all kinds for talc Call and sec our dhplay PRATT'S STUDIO, 204 N. Jersey St. i 3 00000000000Qi:0000.,00Q0D040Q Do You Know 'THE BEST MEAT t 4, wye . - 1 1 .1. 1 1 ' 1 1 - J You Can't Beat Us on quality or price, no matter where you go. are determined to keep nhend of nil competitors, wo are doing it. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET IMBODEN Phone Columbia 21 WE 000000004000000000000000000 Dear Unknown Friend: My name is Helen. Now we are acquainted. I have a friend named Marv. She has nsk Prt vise her where to buv her furniture. I shnli writ a li pr n letter every week. It will be you may all read it. Mary won't care. I believe in makincr home tp be happy, to hold your husband's heart and to refine the children. It is also the onlv wav tn rmi social position. Sincerely yours -HELEN. P. S. I mitrht as well tell vnn nVht nnw tVint T hnu all of my furniture from H. F. CLARK, the 400-402 S. If you are a stranger in town read The Review and get acquainted. TOOLS Armstrong Jersey St. builds tip tlic body, makes muscles and red blood, and gives strength. It is neces sary, therefore, that the meat you buy is fresh and of the best quality. Our market hits only the very best, and our prices are within reach of alt. Give us a call. Wo and BROS., Prop's. DELIVER 109 N. Jersey Street published in this paper so beautiful. Tt is t hp Furniture Man Jersey St. t